The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 08, 1898, Image 4

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    -j Checking a Married Patriot. t
THS studied nonchalance of the
Tillage telegraph operator as be
nuntered up the main street of
ray Willow from the depot betrayed
eense of importance with which
fee wai inwardly welling. Thin pe
asllarlty waa quickly noted by the Ut
ile croup of "prominent citizens' gath
ered about the broad doorway of the
livery stable to discuss the coming cau
ses and enjoy the coolness which dis
tilled from the freshly sprinkled floor.
He walks like a man ready to open
handsome jackpot with a royal
esh," remarked "Hokey" Crane, tbe
Justice of the peace.
ay. called to the operator.
"Too can't make us believe you've got
ews concealed about you Just by put
Ma' on airs. I've about concluded there
ain't an war outside the newspapers.
They do say Its really begun, but I've
yet to see any proofs of it.
"Well, you Just wait about an hour
an' you'll believe It easy enough," re-
filed the operator.
A half-dozen tilted chairs suddenly
sought the level of the floor, and as
saany voices inquired:
"What's up?" and "Come; can't y
give us the news?"
"All I ve got to say is that you'd
better be down to th' station about
4:38 -if you want to see a sight that
means business." And with this the
operator pursued bis way up the
irowsy street to the postofflee, there
to repeat his mission of mysticism.
On his way back to the depot he was
again waylaid and compelled to con
fess that s special train loaded with
United States "regulars" was coming
from the West Most of the men hur
ried home to carry the news to their
families. But "Hokey" Crane was
aot of this number. Instead be sought
(be musty seclusion of his "court
room, and there began the prepara
tion of the impromptu speech which
fee felt sure be would be called upon
to deliver on behalf of the patriotic
sttizeus of Gray Willow.
la forty mloutes the depot platform
was packed with girls in white, their
cheeks flushed with the excitement of
anticipation; with sober-faced women,
awkwardly expectant men and hilar
ious youngsters. The shout which
went up from this waiting throng as
'"au w'lu"wr.'
to to the station was the first intimation
of the actual presence of war that
reached the ears of the orator s wife,
who straightened up from the devo
tional attitude which she had taken be
side her pansy bed, where she was
weeding. The shouting was faint but
It had an ominous, forbidding sound.
She could not clearly Identify it as she
pushed back her pink-checked sun bon
aet and listened. Then came the In
sistent clanging of the locomotive bell,
followed by the puffing of the engine
as it pulled out Intuitively the
thought of war came to ber mind, and
she was not surprised, as the train
came Into view, to see that the plat-
. forms and windows were crowded
with young men In slouch hats, blue
uniforms and legglns. The four young
i Cranes occupied positions of perilous
waalige on the top stringer of the back
picket fence, where they were cheer
fteg se Only the American boy can
efteer at his first sight of real soldiers.
AUttwcs roe war kbw.
Bat tbetr mother did not even call to
the. Om mind waa ringing with the
em word: Wart She sat In her lit
tle, low sewing chair before the sitting
room wtaJew aad began dreamily to
tan the leaves of her Bible. The
Creak of the front gate aroosed ber and
momett aster she was nnhooklng the
ecrsea dear te admit Mrs. Fink, who
k") with aaoaual fervor and
Xt tt Jfct dretfui. Mis' Crane-
etotottttewsW. I ain't had no resile
tar see of tt tefere. But It's com In
lease f aa ef O aww. ToVd onght to
tare ttaard ttt speech yoar husband
rzU t C threes at th' train. It
K-s r r-rv ri eat riM op
f Wl Trldwui hhs umm
7 ta ay. As? he's
n t "te ta ty
rJ r f
X it -
t tlf Ke ft ewa
ir ' torete
sirs. Crane was generally referred to
by her neighbors as "such a timid little
thing." It was only under stress of
greatest conviction that she was ever
able to muster sufficient courage to
speak In revival meetings. She was
shy and gentle, and was generally
class?d in the "cllnging-vine" category
of wives. Although she was still a
young uotnan she had put on the
badge of meek feminine maturity a
small purple bonnet with broad strings
and purple flowers. It was the out
ward token that she recognized the
shortness of human life and was await
ing the Master's call In s proper spirit
of faith and resignation. The frivolity
of hats bad been put behind ber, as be
came the mother of four children.
The remainder of that afternoon she
spent in her bedroom, the door tightly
locked. When she came out there were
dark circles under ber eyes and her lips
were unnaturally white. Her husband
did not come home to supper, and the
children were allowed to eat bread and
milk from the kitchen table without
pausing to wash their faces. Shortly
after dusk tbey were marching toward
the hall with the afternoon's accumu
lation of soil still undisturbed on their
plump little faces. They were clad in
their tattered play clothes and their
mtliar YSsfcA alia mnuf 11 nuonml n. . rl-
dress she possessed. In this condition
they took a seat In the war meeting.
Just as the husband and father began
his eloquent plea for volunteers. She
heard the young men in front of her
say: "Of course we're goin" to elect
Hokey captain of the company. That
goes without sayin'."
After the orator had poured forth a
stream of martial eloquence for thirty
minutes he raised his hand Impressivc-
ly and exclaimed:
"But my friends, talk is cheap.
Deeds are the things that pcak. I
have asked but little at the hands of
my fellow citizens, but to-night I crave
one privilegp and that is that I may
be the first man In Gray Willow to put
my came on the enlistment roll of the
company which shall go forth from
this village to fight for that glorious
banner." By previous arrangement
the village band struck Into the mcas
ure of the "Star-Spangled Banner."
while the audience yelled and stamped.
It was the proudest moment in Hokpy
Crane's life.
He signed the roll during the playing
of the national hymn, and then called
upon all who were willing to lay their
lives on the altar of their country to
come forward.
The audience the largest Gray Wil
low had ever seen gasped as the mild,
timid wife of the patriot orator arose
and walked forward to the enlistment
table, ber unwashed quartet of chil
dren following. After writing her
name she turned to the audience and,
In a voice louder than she had ever
been able to command In prayer meet
Ing, defiantly exclaimed:
"I'd rather do It than stay at borne
and take In washing. I want to lead
a company of Gray Willow women
who depend upon their husbands for
support who haven't paid for their
homes and can leave behind a family
of small children for the unmarried
young men to care for."
What more she would have said had
not ber pastor hastened to her side and
led ber gently sway can only be
guessed. Not a family man In Oray
Willow has offered bis services to his
country since Hokey Crane began the
formation of a company. In the ver
nacular of the little group at the livery
stable, that prominent citizen has ever
since "been lookln' for sn able-bodied
man to take him out behind the barn
an' kick him good n' plenty!" Forrest
Crlsaey, in Chicago Post
Tblok Skins.
Congo negroes are remarkable for
their thick skins. A case Is mentioned
of a black slashed with a razor in a
raffle, The hospital surgeon broke two
needles in trying to put In the stitches,
and at last was driven to nee a brad
wL Did you erer stop to tblnk bow many
things the business mer of a town are
expected to encourage?
ow Oar Pallors Perform Win Under
the tipaniih Fire.
During the bombardment of Ban
Juan the monitor Terror lay for half
an hour within 1,000 yards of the shore,
with the shells of a dozen or more
Kwnfob guns whirring about her,
bursting overhead, and sending great
geysers spurting In the air all around
her. All Uie other vessels of tt" squad
ron had moved out to sea, and the little
Ironclad was alone banging away at
the batteries, which bad concentrated
their fire on her. A shell striking the
vessel's open superstructure deck,
where the men were at work at the
smaller guns, would have caused ha
voc, hile all this confusion of battle
raged a sailor spied a harmonica lying
on the deck close to one of the turret.
The concuAKlon of the guns bad tum
bled it from rU hiding place is the
superstructure. The sailor watched bU
chance, secured the musical Instru
ment and went dancing to the upper
deck playing a lively Jig.
"That's Ihe kind of stuff our men are
made of," said one of the Terror's of
ficers the other day, as he related the
Incident "As I stood there figuring
that the shells were coming a little
closer all the while, thinking It was
about time for one to strike us, and
wondering Just what It would do when
It did, that fellow came bowling by me
blowing his mouth-organ as coolly aa
though be were here In the harbor.
Shells didn't bother him."
But a little while In-fore this tar of
the Terror accompanied the music of
the Spanish shells with his harmonica
the Detroit lay In the mouth of the har
bor, right under Morro, defying Its
guns and pouring shot after shot
against the fort A shell struck the
water about Mo yards abaft the ship.
A few minutes later a second shot fr-m
the same gun fell a Utile closer; a third
was still nearer, and the fourth nar
rowly mlsned striking the mark.
The officer In charge of the six-inch
gun, uh he watched the shot creeping
nearor and nearer, coolly remarked: "I
tell you, Iwys. that's good shooting. Do
you see bow that fellow up there is get
ting elirter and doner to ns? If he
kei up his work he'll hit us. It's
certalniy good shooting."
But the Spaniard failed to keep up
his good work.
From ail accounts the sailors did not
minu opanisn sueils a bit. They go
Into the battle heart and soul. They
fight at their guns as though the enemy
were at arm's length, and the struggle
was a ix-rsonal one.
"Give It to the Spaniards! Thafs a
good 'un! Another In the same place'll
maie 'em sick!" That Is the way they
talk In the thick of the fray.
A Glimpae of the rx-Captatn on konel
reril' I.lun.l.
The story told is that a Duten
sluvtly inning near ex-OapUdn Drey-
fus' place of captivity was boards! by
some French marines or penitentiary
odicials, who asked for the loan of the
hip's fiKik for a few hours. The, re-
jU given was that a man who did the
cooking In the convict settlement bad
broken bis arm aud was In the hospi
tal. The iiaptain of the Dutch steamer
accordingly sent a sailor named Wein-
Iw-ber to ltevll's Island to act as cook
for a while. During his very brief so
journ on tbe Island Wlenheber Is said
to have bad an opportunity of observ
ing bow the ex-captain waa treated.
According to the Dutchman the pris
oner rose every morning betw-n fl and
7 o'clock, had a cup of chocolate, a
batb, and, If the weather permitted, a
walk. While taking the bath the pris
oner's wruits were tied around with a
cord, one end of which was bekl by a
warder. This whs to prevent any at
tempt to commit sulcldo. After tbe
Irtttb the ex-captain breakfasted on
brwad and butter, an egg and a bottle
of beer. This meal being over, he rad
books on military topics and wrM let
ters and his memoir, the epistle al
ways being sent to friends through tbe
military governor of Cayenne. Drey
fus is also allowed to play cards with
his warders, but not for money, as be
is not allowed to retain possession of
a sou. At I o ciock in the afternoon
the prisoner receive bread, roast meat
vegetabbn, dessert and beer. At 6 In
tbe evening he has supper of cold bam,
with more bread and Iteer.
Wei n he ber being allowed to draw
near the prisoner, Dreyfus shook blm
by the hand and saM, "Greet tbe out
side world for me when yon return to
It " The Dutchman further states that
the ex-capta1n Is not In an Iron cagn.
hut ban the whole range of the inland
under the eyes of the warders.
Where lialr Grows Thickest.
It is a peculiar fact that with most
men the growth of hair Is stronger on
one side of tbe face than the other. It
Is said that hair always grows more
quickly on that side on which we are
Hritlah Wars Hlnoe 187.
Since 1S37 the British nation, though
the greatest of her interests is peace.
has gone to war no fewer than forty
one umes. Many oi tne "wars" were
little more than military parades, llks
the sending of troops to Beniu.
Hhould DiagnUe His Breath.
"Jones said every time be breathed a
man died."
"Crest besvens! Why doesn't he
use cloves r Memphis Commercial
Appeal. Color In Oar Currency.
Nearly 1,200,000 pounds of colors are
used by the United Btatae Oovernmeat
annually for printing paper money,
revenue and postage stamps.
Should a poor man Inherit a mOo
to-day his wife and daughters by to
morrow night will bare acquired aa
ft af hwTtng beea rich all their hrras.
With Every Nataral Adrsataa
Make liar th Moat rroapcrona Na
tion on Earth, tba United Btateals
Barrod from Her Oloriona Heritage.
The Controllinc Condition.
There is no natural reason why the
people of the I'nited States should not
enjoy a practically unbounded pros
perity. Our natural resources are such
that If utilised, our advantages over
all other commercial nations would In
a short time give us a commanding po
sition, and make us the creditor nation
of the world.
Within our borders are fotind ex
hatistlees stores of Iron, coal and petro
leum. We produce aonuaJly more gold
and silver than any other country. Our
wheat fields are co-cxtenslve with the
nation's toundaries, and we possess the
ouly great corn belt on the globe. In
the production of cotton nature has giv
en us a monopoly, furnishing as we do
7S per cent of the world's product We
have vast areas of the best grazing
lands, and our forests will produce un
excelled timber for many years to
come. Our climate is both varied and
salubrious and our people are educated,
industrious and frugal Our political
Institutions are the freest and the
purest on earth, and, from a moral
point of view, our people will not suffer
by comparison with any other of either
aucient or tuodtrn times.
All that have been enumerated axe
necessary conditions of progress and
prosperity, and would seem to comprise
all the essentials to wealth, greatness
and power, aud to irresistibly tend to
make the Unite Slates the exemplar of
ail that good men could wish for.
But notwithstanding all that nature
has placed to our credit we are far
from the realization of our great possi
bilities and in common with less fa
vored lands, there are In our midst
hundreds of thousands who are the
victims of remorseless aud grinding
poverty and the alms house and thu
prison are still numbered among our
The centralization of wealth shown
by the hurt census staggers the Imag
ination. The homeless are muJUplying
and a few owners of fabulous fortunes
are taking the place of the multitude
with a cuiiipeteuce of moderate for
The danger of the future lies In the
changing conditions that ar working
out a new order of things fur our peo
iu a laiu wuose great natural re
sources are a constant Invitation to two
hundred millions of people to come and
abide In plenty. In an age when Inven
tion Is going forward with leaps and
unds. multiplying the means of pro-
ductlon, the change that is rendering
the people homeless is uot working out
that which in our imaginative hours we
picture as "manifest destiny." These
changes cannot fail to cause the
thoughtful to shudder at the portent
reitner can parental love view with in
difference changes that forlxxle evil to
their offspring. No attachment to a po
litical organization, If known to foster
such a change, Is sufficiently strong to
command the allegiance of freemen. If,
as a nation, we possess advantages
over au others In the bounties of na
ui7, iuu ore our territory and re
sources far exceed the needs of more
than double our present population.
uai is tne reason that poerty and
want are common lu our midst and
bankruptcy and suicide periodically
holds high carnival in our laid? What
Is the condition that militates against
us? And what Is the controlling condi
tion of prosperity or adversity?
Tho answer is that the one condition.
In the absence of which there can be no
general prosperity, 1s stable or slightly
advancing prices. Falling prices make
enterprise tbe unerring path to bank
ruptcy. Failing prices confiscate tbe
property of debtors. Falling prices
d-lve labor Into Idleness, and force It to
siarve. Falling prices make the weak
weaker and tbe strong stronger In the
competitive struggle. Falling prices
rob all other members of society to
bestow unjustly uko tbe creditor class.
With falling prices the debts of the
world can never be repaid, snd If this
condition be continued long the equities
of private debtors disappear snd they
sre reduced to tbe ranks of the non
propertied classes, while those free of
d-'bt will be Impoverished by the bur
dens of taxation. Falling prices If con
tinued a few generations would cause a
return of conditions similar to those of
the middle ages.
We use the term "falling prices" to
mean that the general price level Is
falling. The general price level cannot
fall unless money In comparison with
Its uses Is becoming comparatively
scarce, because money Is the pricing In
strument sod Its units are counted to
indicate prices.
The gold combination, composed of
the world's creditors, profit by falling
prices. All others sre losers. Restore
silver to equal mintage rights with
gold and stop falling prices by provid
ing an sdequste money supply and re
store the conditions of prosperity. Sil
ver Knigbt Watcbmsn.
Investors Know What The Ara Dnlna
It is a simple dictate of prudence to
Invest in property that Is Increasing In
value and avoid Investment in all forma
of property that are declining In value.
The fact that more than a billion and a
quarter of dollars bars recently beea
tendered for S per cewt Government
bonds Instead of seeking Investment ta
business or real estate, Is evidence that
the meaning of the gold staadard Is
understood by a large number of our
under the gold standard mon
ey wU
dear and pmperty eaf rsspoBdlogly
cheap, therefure bo ml which call for
a specific number of dollars as la teres I
and principal will grow fatter each day
while all other forms of Drapertj an
growing lean.
IFoncalins A boat tba War Tarn.
"This is highway robberyP exclaim
ed a business man when the express
company, after charging blm BO cents
for sending s package, made him pay
one cent for the stamp on the receipt
for the Government war tax. And that
Is the squeal all over the country. Now
let us see bow Justified tt Is.
Some years ago the Advance got out
a special campaign edition, and large
quantities were sold at $4 a thousand.
An order for one thousand coplee was
i rerpved from Jactgon c,,,,. Wmd.
Ington. A smart Aleck postolfice Inspec
tor bad discovered that this campaign
edition wns not Just exactly like ths
regular edition, aud so had ruled It out
of the postofflce at newspaper rates.
But the publisher of the Advance then
made the campaign edition the next
regular edition, and that beat the smart
Aleck, though the first lot printed
would cot go through the malls and had
to be sent by express. The package tor
Jackson County waa taken to the ex
press office by our mailing clerk and the
express company demanded I7.&5. As
tbe price received was only $4 It would
hardly pay to pay $7.55 freight and so
the kind of papers that would go
throngh tbe mall were packed, snd
Uncle Sam carried the package for 53
(fifty-three) cents. The minimum rate
for an express package to California Is
75 cents. About twenty-two papers of
that kind would weigh one pound. Now
to send them to twenty-two different
points from Milwaukee to California
would cost $10.50 express, while Uncle
Bam would carry them for one cent
Of course this Is an extreme case, but
no one will deny that If the Govern
ment owned the railroads snd conduct
ed the express business, a package that
now costs 50 cents by express would
be shipped for five cents. Doesn't the
Government carry packages now for
onp and two cents, though it pays exor
bitant rates to private railroad corpora
tions? Then why should business men
who pay 50 cents expresnnge on a pack
age squeal about the one-cent war tax?
Why not siapal alwnt the 45 cents over
charges on tba freight? Milwaukee
Evil of Rrprrarn tatl ve Government.
Many of the questions that are asked
In regard to the dwtaJU of government
under a system of direct legislation, can
be answered by agreeing on this ons
point: All officers should be merely
executive. Destroy the representative
Idea of government and you have
solved the problem. Give no man tbe
power to vote for a thousand or for ten
thousand other men. This Is the evil
which every free citizen should fight
It is the evil which Is undermining the
tree of liberty. Tbe people should make
their own laws. Officers, from presi
dent down to policemen, should execute
these laws and be responsible for tbe
faithful disdarge of their duties. Chi
cago Express.
A "Hunk" Government.
Applications for national bank char
ten granting privilege's in the "colon
ies" are pouring Into the Treasury De
partment The smoke of battle bad
scarcely cleared sway when a fully
equipped outfit sailed for Karwlago to
set up a national bank. One was opened
In Hawaii last week and another Is
chartered for Porto Hlco. As the Gov
ernment Is run by tbe banks tbe first
thing after the conquest of arms Is the
robber Institutions which will shortly
dictate every action of the Government
of the banks, by the banks, and for ths
banks, and the policy will certainly be
carried Into all the "colonies." Chi
cago Express.
The Bond Hill.
The bond bill signed by McKlnley
might very properly be called a bill to
authorize the Secretary of the Treas
ury to take $4(10,000,000 cash out of cir
culation and to replace It with that
many notes of private banking corpora
tions based on (400,000,000 Interest-
bearing debt for that will be the In
evitable effect of the new bond bill.
Dallas Mercury.
Would t-blrk tho Tax.
The Pullman car company Is calling
In Its loans. Not because It needs ths
money, but because. If it continues In
that business it will have to pay a war
tax. It would seem as though tbe
Pullman company would be sufficient
ly grateful to s government that fur
nished soldiers to shoot Its striking
workers to pay such a tax. But M
seems not Coming Nation.
t'naratefnl Telegraph Monopolies,
The Government has paid three mil
lion dollars for telegraph service sines
the commencement of the Spanish war.
Yet tbe telegraph companies refused to
stand their war tax of 1 cent each on
telegrams. If the people ever get their
eyes open tbey will build a few lines of
their own. Chicago Express.
Caaee af Htarvatlon.
Within tbe last three years over S
000,000 of the natives of India have
starved to death, and many more mill
ions will perish from starvation' and
pestilence, the direct result of the gov-
ernmnet to coin their silver. Clava.
land Recorder.
Tea, Verily.
At least one transcontinental ratV
road should be owned, controlled and
operated by the government, and by
foreclosure of the Central Pacific mort
gage tbe first great step In that direc
tion will have been takaev-Saa lYasv
easblleaa Uoctriao.
According to Republicans the awe
eminent can do anything and every
thing but make money that can he
done only by bankers-according e
cae epwHica uirTttaburg
Care of Olaaawara.
Glassware will last longer and leejk
better if tbe following hints aa te tie
care and preservation are regsrded.
Tepid water, tbe best castlle er othejr
pure soap snd a stiff brush sre ths flia
essentials. After washing and rinsing,
place tbe cut glass In a box-wood saw
dust This will absorb the moisture ta
tbe cuttings. Next remov tbe saw
dust from tbe plain surfaces with a
soft cloth. By following these dlree-
tions the original clearness aud sparkjs
of tbe glass will be maintained. Shot
should not be used in carafes, eraeta,
toilet articles and similar artlclea. tt
Is very apt to scratch the glass and
thus mar lu beauty. Prosaic potato
peelings are the best aids. Let them
remain in the glassware over uight and
then rinse out with a little tepid wste.
A very Important point is to avoid sad
den changes from extreme heat te ex
treme cold, and vice versa. A pitcher
or tumbler which has been filled with
Ice water, If plunged at oatc into bet
water will 1 apt to crack. Use tepli
water, ami the risk of breakage Is
avoided. The sudden change from heat
to cold Is Just as dangerous. Glass
ware should never be removed from a ,
closed cabinet where It bas becotns
heated aud brought Immediately inb
contact with a cold substance. Cool
the glaxs for a time In water before
subjecting It to the extreme tempera
ture. Cold Klre I'n'IdinuT with Aprlcnta.
Wash well two tablespoonfuls of rice,
aud cook It iu a double boiler with one
pint of milk and one inch stick of cin
namon. When the milk Is absorbed
add one cupful more, stirring occasion
ally. Take out tbe cinnamon, add two
tablespotiufuls of sugar and one-quarter
of a box of gelatine, which bus been
soaked In one-quarter of a cupful of
cold water. Take from the fire, and let
stand until lukewarm, stJr lu lightly
one-half of a cupful of thick whipped
cream. Wet a moid and put in alter
nate layers of the prepared rlcs and ap
ricots, which have soaked over night
and stewed for half an hour. Ket away
until firm and serve with whipped
cream, slightly flavored and sweetened.
Mow to Treat ISrnnrhfti.
For a mild attack of bronchitis rah
the chest with warm camphorated oil
and cover It with a piece of flannel.
Take a hot lemonade and go to bed.
The next morning take a good dose of
epsom salts before breakfast If s
troublesome cough accompanies the at
tack get a mixture cousin! lug of tws
drams of muriate of ammonia, two
drams of fluid extract of cubebs, tws
ounces of brown mixture and enough
syrup of wild cherry bark to make four
ounces, and take one teaspoonful every
three hours. For a severe attack use
the camphorated oil as directed, go te
bed aud send for the doctor at once.
Denver Field and Farm.
lirnwn Pudding.
Two eggs, one cup sugar, one cup
molasses, one cup raisins, one cup cold
coffee, one cup currants, very smal
tea spoonful of soda In one cup sour
milk, half teaspoonful nutmeg and
cloves with Hour to make soft batter.
Mix well and bake three hours. Ths
sauce Is made by mixing well four ta
blespoonf uls of flour with lump of but
ter as large as a walnut aud four table-
spoonfuls of sugar. Add hot water
slowly to prevent lumps; place over ths
fire and stir constantly till it Is like this
starch; boll five minutes snd It Is ready
to serve.
To Foften Hard Water.
To soften hard water for toilet pur
poses take of orange flower water half
s pint of best spirits of wine a pint and
of soap three-quarters of a pound.
Khtive the soup into tbe orange water,
beut overs fire until the soap dissolves.
and then, the vessel being removed
from the fire, add the spirits of wine.
A large tablespoonful of this prepara
tion added to a basin of washing water
will completely soften It and render it
delightful In tise. A simple method Is
to put borax In the water.
Kitchen Knlea.
Two cupfuls equal one pint
Four cupfuls equal one quart
One teaspoonful salt to two quarts
One teaspoonful salt to one quart
One teaspoonful soda to one pint sour
One dozen eggs should weigh 114
Two cupfuls solid butter equal one
One pint milk or water equals ons
Four cupfuls flour equal one quart or
one pound.
Two cupfuls granulated sugar equal
one pound.
One teaspoonful of soda to one cup
ful molasses.
Sixteen tableepoonfuls liquid equal
one cupful.
Three tea spoonfuls baking powder ta
one quart flour.
Four even teaspoonfula liquid equal
one even tablespoon fuL
Three eren teaspoonfala dry material
equal one oven tablespoonful.
One-half cupful yeast or one-quarter
taka compressed yeast ta one pin
row peppercorns, font cloves, one
leaapoonful mixed herbs for each quart
ex waiar tar eoup MMk.-Qo4