The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 08, 1898, Image 3

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Vhen Mler wifi jm ka lilt trap B'
njr from Lome,
J'lar tl.e bird air a!)u iiiiigin', u' th
Imiiej'a in (lip ((.ml,
Vbar tbe KiiiiK'.iii.t- i tup brighter an' lbt
In-art teat alt in tune
An lire's i-f.i-t in winter aa in rosiest
tiaya o' June
Ito matter how the skies look ef they're '
jnt ns I r V I an' bine
4 tlie eye with which ymir sweetheart
1 bil led iiK'h i gi a tu you i
lou'll fimi 'em growin' misty with a
haze on field mi' plain, j
Au your t-yt li wirter twinkle, an' the
lids'll lide the rain!
Fer the distanci- it looks lonesome, an'
though ruM'fc red an' white.
Air jcrt aa avvret of yonder, with
dewa an' with the light.
Aa the omn in old-time gardens, jrit-mi-i.ty
fur to roam
An' you know inre of the rosea In
littie kjm.i railed "Home!"
fo. parkin' up fer lenvin aorter mnkea
J"'"' f'M'ii 'e n un'
Fer Lan'ker-lier.4. to dry the teara that
v, ill onie irieklin' down!
An" though jon say it's foo 'ishness, jit
world so wide to roflin!
An' the best world fi r a feller U the little
world at boine!
Atlanta Constitution.
HKN I got George's
letter, telling uie that
all was uow ready
our recent iua
were to come
at ouce, I wan de
lighted. Within a
week- we uiulher
ai.d J were on our
wj; out, ami In
about three week'
time found ourselves
belwef utile swampy
shores of the Ksse
(julbo, near lng
,' it i
feorgetown, where uu the quay the
b-ar fellow was waiting to take us up
to the home he had made for uss ou bin
George linden ami I had met ft year
before during his visit to the United
Slate, aud the Id;;, uuiet, sunburned
tii.iu aud I, who tell thin story, had fall
en lu love with oue another almost at
tlie 11 rat sight, t
We were to have Ueeu married before
lie returned to Guiuna. hirt lie was re
tailed suddenly by the death of his only
in-other at lilo, and it was arranged I
aeouM follow later wHh mother.
You can or, rather, you can't Imag
ine how delighted I waa to free in)
wpethcirt ng.iin. But I wan startled
nd a good di-!il troubled by hi appear
ance; he looked tiilu and worried. At
liriit I put it down to bin grief at llar
ry'a dealt)', but later, after out quiet
wedding, on the way to my future
borne 1 gathered by degrees there waa
aiore than that. t
Ills brother Harry had married a
fpanlnrd-a lieauttful woman who
had tiled nearly eighteen year before,
leaving hint with one daughter, Ten s.u
It waa chiefly mi this girl's account
that tjeorge had hurried back, and he
bail mentioned In writing to me that
Le had brought her up from Rio to tsuty
with him In (iulatiit until other arrange
ment could be made. Since then I had
heard Utile of her, aud almost, Indeed,
In tny own happiness and excitement
forgulteu her very existence.
Now my qucaUon elicited from
Ceorge that she waa not a pleaxant
lempered young womati. or e.iny to get
u with, but my anticipations
ilil not touch the reality.
We on me up the river In a small
teamer, which dropped us at my litis
hand'a very wharf, and we three walk
ed up a alope through a wonderful trop
ical garden to where a long, white
washed, green-Khuttered bouse dlione
clean nud bright In the evening sun.
On the veranda atood a tall figure In
pale yellow gown, her black hair
rrowtird with crimson hibiscus. A
ph-ndldly handsome woman:
She looked at me in a balf-dlsdalnful
"So you're my new aunt?" she said
asunll.r. "Aud Uow do you do, Uncle
Her calm assumption of superiority
was unbearable. (Jeorge- Wg, steady,
good-tempered man that be w as flush
ed with anger.
He whispered to me:
"Never mind, uiy dear. She knows no
xtter; and It won't be for long."
Hut It was for longer than we reck
ened. 1ip was to have been sent to
her godmother, who lived In .Madrid.
JS nt the old lady was III, and begged us
(o keep the girl a while hunger.
It was trying to a degnv, and each
Jny got worse and worse. Teresa's
temper was something unbearable, and
her general lack of manners only equal
ed by her sweetneaa when there whs
anything to Ik- gained by Jt. Kt i 11, for
xny husband' sake, I bore with her.
Toward the end of the fool weather
ur old English overseer died, and, as
stop gap, Ceorge took on a young
epnnlsh-Amerlcnn, Itamon Martinet.
Ramon was a smart looking fellow,
but there was something In his black
yes which repelled me, I always felt
a shrinking repulsion for the man, and
Ceorge didn't much care for him. Still,
It was necessary to have some one who
nderatood the suKflf. "d "l,n wl,
knew anything were no tewe you
couldn't pU-k aud choose.
Tervsn. who loved thu rheip jrsyetlca
f Rio, had Imh'Ii simply lored to death
ail the winter. Itnmon was a godsend
to her, and tho two used to chat In
ftpanlsh erery evening ovr thlr soffee
on the veranda.
Romptlrm I blame myself for letting
them he so morn together, but. to toll
the truth, the relief of jrettlnfj rid of
her va for an haw or two waa ?ary
t - .
gmat. And how ifmld I knoiv what a
n-oimdr'l the man was. or hat un
s ieakabli- wh-kedness those two were
brewing together?
And nn-.v 1 must pass over the events
of the next ten months, and tell ymi
what happened on that dreadful day
which so in-arl;' -oved fatal to all my
Old Juan, a half-caste Indian em
ploye on thp place, came tip that morn
ing wanting to see my husband. They
talked for a time, and thpn I saw
fjeorge go out with a gun on h!s shoul
der. II saw me at the window and
called out some-tiling, but I could not
hear what he said.
He was u keen collector, and I sup
posed It was some rare bird or beast he
was after.
The day passed, and the short, tropi
cal twilight was closing over the forest
when I saw George returning. He was
followed by two negroes, who slowly
dragged some long, ueflvy object up the
path to the house. This they pulled
nloni:. traillnsr in the dust, round to the
south end of the house, where George's
big so-culled study, really a sort of
mi:seum. opened by two French win
dows on the lawn.
I was fin sslng for 8 o'clock dinner,
so did not go out. Soon I hfnrd
George's long stride pass upstairs by
my door to his dressing-room, which
lay beyond my room at the extreme
north end of I he house.
To make you understand what fol
lowed I must partly explain how the
house was built. It was from north to
south, loni and narrow, with a veranda
nil the way round. A wide ball ran
through from east to west, and a long
narrow one from north to south. The
dining-room was the front room at the
north end. under my room; George's
study at the south, under the room
Teresa occupied. There were two stair
cases, one at each end of the house. A
couple of hundred yards nway. higher
up the slope at the back of the lious:?,
was the cottage where Martinez lived.
He. Martinez, generally dined with us,
and was to have done so that night.
Now, so far as I know, and judging
from what we made out afterward
from letters we discovered in the cot
tage and In Teresa's room, this is what
brought alKiut the tragedy that fol
io wed:
Ramon must have long before this
have made up lihis mind to many
Teresa. Her small fortune was nn Irre
sistible bait to the Indolent Southerner.
The only thing that troubled him was
that she was not of age for another
three years, and George was her guard
Ian and scle trustee. He knew well
enough what George would say or do
if he once heard of his pretensions.
With a man of Ramon's type almost
consclenci less the next Idea was sim
ply to get George out of the way. Once
pet rid of the uncle, njid what was
there to binder his making off with
Teresa ami her money?
Undoubtedly he Inslllled these Ideas
Into Teresa's mind, and she. her sullen
temper already aflame at the bint of
opposition, was soon ripe for any mis
chief. Whether this precious pair had
already concocted any definite plan I
don't know, but that they were only
waiting a chance what follows proves.
On this particular evening Teresa
had dressed earlier and gone down. For
some reason I don't know what. she
went to the study and opened the door.
A French window was open, and In the
moonlight which had already succeed
ed the ditk she caught sight of some
thing moving through It. undulating In
rustling colls up from the grass be
yond. TcrrUM, she closed the dr.or nnd
stood an Instant panting with fright.
What was It?
Suddenly It flashed across her. She
had just In-fore sii-n from her window
the men bringing In her uncle's spoil,
a great anaconda, or wnteHion, the
largest and most powerful constrictor
In the world. This was Its mat Her
chance had come. Always before din
ner her uncle would go to his room to
fetch the cigar he lit Immediately din
tier was over. ,Ite would go once more
for the last time!
How I can Imagine her stealing
quietly away from the door back with
stealthy footsteps up the stairs to her
room and silting there watching the
clock, counting every moment till the
gong should summon her uncle to bis
fate behind that closed door.
Closer and closer crept the hands to
8 o'clock, and still she sat and watched.
Suddenly In the hall below sounded
footstcjnt across the polished boards.
Unnaturally loud they seemed as they
passed slowly down the passage lie
tieath. There w as the sound of a turn
ing latch, an Instant's pause, and then
one long, horrible sound, half shriek,
half yell, which grew shriller, then
uiullled. and then abruptly ceased.
The shriek I heard with almost equal
distinctness away at the other end of
the house. To this day I can sometimes
hear It. and It couica back to me In
drpfldful dreams.
I heard my husband rush from his
room nnd his (lying feet down the
stairway. Other sounds I heard cries
of terror and alarm, hurrying footsteps
and slamming of doors. Then I sum
moned strength to follow. Aa I ran
through the hall two shots rang out In
rapid succession. A frightful pound
ing, llku u down sledge hammers going
at once, ensued; nnd next I heard a
scream of maniacal laughter, and Tere
sa rushed by nie nnd out Into the night.
The next thing I remember Is
Oeorge's voice, Id tones of strong colu
mn nd:
"Ke'p back, Marian!" be called; "It
la no Ot sight for you."
1 itood there lu the middle of the pna
aairc, while around the oi;n study door
stood a little knot of our black ser
vants. Their faces were ashen with
terror, and the whites of their eyes
goggled horribly, A thin smoke floated
out of the room and the keen smell of
gunpowder filled the air. The throb-
blag beat had almoat ceaaed,
Gcorgt passed Into the room. wMl I
stngsir.'d t ack, and. sinking Into a
chair In the hall, fainted dcaii away.
I tie-d hardly explain w hat bad hap
pened. The wretched Ramon bad conA?
In finiier thin usual to dinner; had,
contrary to his usual custom, gone to
the study, evidently to leave the pass
book for the day. and had walked
straight Into the trap s:-t for another.
Those horri! le colls had crushed him to
death long before even George could
reach tile spot, .while thp great sna-ke,
In Its terrible death agonies, had r-nl
the wretch's body In a allocking way
leaving It an unrecognizable mass.
That was what Teresa had si-en. Thf
shock no doubt had crazed h;T. When
slie ran out she went straight to 'the
river at least, we suppose so. for we
nevpr sa-w anything of her again. There
are alligators In those waters.
Since then my hesband and I have al
most forgotten the tragedy. We ar(
very happy alone together In our sunny
tropic home. Chicago Times-Herald.
This Is the s?nson of the year when
bird stories are plentiful. Near Yar
mouth, It is wild, a pair of wrens have
built tbtlr nest In a pillar-box. and thf
ben sits on calmly when the postman
clears the box. Near by a pair of b.ue
tits have built in a hat with which u
gardener had adorned a scarecrow.
Recent activities In the Philippines
have brought to light many interest
ing items. Not long ago an eag'e, three
times the fclze of any yet discovered,
was found there; and uow a German
savant has come across a gigantic flow
er of which tlie smallest buds are as bl
as the head of a child. It has live
petals, a stalk two Inches thick, aud b
over three feet high. The llowet
"plucked" by the discoverer weighed
twenty-live pounds.
The dowager empress of China fs de
voted to birds of all kinds, and Innu
merable bird pi-ts are kept about the
palace. She is reported to have wcpl
copiously about the death of a favorite
nightingale not long ago. Upon being
told of n Chinese girl who hud com
plained bitteily of the dreariness ol
life, this exalted lady remarked sagelj
that a woman ought to take so much
pride in her home that It could be a
heaven to her, adding: "There are al
ways birds and lowers." She Is a
clever artist and delights lu palming
from un tine.
There Is something very remarkable
In the almost reasoning powers mani
fested occasionally by birds In eluding
pursuit or In turning intention from
their nests and young, but lu few is
this more noticeable than In the duck
tribes. In On id. Black's narrative of
his arctic land expedition the follow
ing instance of this is given: "One
of his companions, Mr. King, hav
ing shot a female duck, tired again,
and, as he thought, disabled Its male
companion. Accordingly, leaving the
dead Mrd, which he had the mort titra
tion of seeing shoitly afterward car
ried off by one of the while-headed
eagles, he waded into the water after
the drake, which, far from being flut
ter. d or alarmed, remained motionless,
as If waiting to be taken up. Still, as
he nea red It, It g.ided easily away
through Innumerable little nooks anil
windings. Several times he reached
out bis hand to seize It, and having at
last with great patience managed to
coop it up In a i o. ner, from which there
appeared to be no escape, be was tri
umphantly bending down to 'take It,
when, to his utter astonishment. It
looked around at hlin, cried 'Quack!'
aud then flew away so strongly that
he was convinced he had never lilt it
at nil. The bird's object clearly was
to draw the gunner away from Its com
panion." 'the Hnvate and the II r l (' gc.
A gentleman who went out with
Stanley to Africa took with him a mini
ber of bird cages. In which he hoped to
bring back some specimens of the mrer
birds of the Interior. Owing to the requiring such equipments. They hare
death of one of h! carriers, he: was to send with the machinery men who
obliged to throw away taw bird cages, inow all about operating it. As a rules
with a mimlier of other articles. These the men they send out are shop hands,
were seized by the natives In gmtt 'end, beyond the rule of thumb experl
glM!, though they did not know wiiat to ence with these Identical machines,
do with them; but they eventually de- 1l,ey know but little. The builders say
Clded that the small circular cages there Is a constant demand for road-
were a kind of headgear, and, knocking
off the Ixrltom, the chiefs trutted nlxiut
In them with evident pride. One chief,
thinking himself more wise than the
others, and having seen the white men
eat at -table out of dishes, thought they
were receptacles for food, and took his
meals from one, ceremoniously oven
lng and shutting tbe door between
Brevity of Heoent Warn,
llecent wars have been remarkable
for tuelr brevity. The war between
Turkey and Greece practically lasted
only three weeks. The war between
Japan and China lasted six months.
The French declared war ngalnst Ger
ninny In July, nnd Sedan fell in the fol
lowing Hcptemhcr. Russia declared
wnr on Turkey April 24, 1S77, and on
lec. 12, the Porte requeati'd the media
tlon of the powers.
IlonttiblHi-k In tlerlln.
Ilootblncks nro seldom seen on the
slreets of Berlin, owing to the fact that
It Is one of the duties of German ser
vant girls to shine shoes In the house-
hoid, and of portcra to attend to It In
hotels. There are bootblacks at the
principal rnllway doiKds, but they find
more pntrona among women than
among men.
Wben a man geta Into a hack, and la
not uaod to It, bo abowa It lu bla ao
K (-j J' -
1 it '
Pon't fnnBt-ict ion.
A most excellent departure has been
made In Rhode Island, where a course
of Instruction in practical roadbuilding
has been Instituted In the Agricultural
College ot Kingston, aud the papers
announce, with Justifiable exultation,
that "this Slate leads the world" In
such nn undertaking.
The course of Instruction Is to extend
over two years and has been laid out
after consultation with General Stone.
In the classroom theoretical Instruction
will be provided, and the roadmakliig
. plant of the college will furnish ample
i opportunity for the acquirement of
practical knowledge. Students who
I wish to enter the course must be well
grounded In the common branches, in
cluding tilgebra and geometry. During
. the first year the course will Include
I higher geometry, trigonometry, survey-
lng and other English studies. In tlx
second year physics, electricity, physi
ography, geology, mineralogy and
team engineering will be taken. The
practical work will run side by side
with the theoretical during the course.
It will include actual work on the
roads, bundling the shovel, driving
horses, running the stone crusher, trac
tion engine and road roller and all ma
chinery operated by the department.
The student will thus actually perform
nil the varied operations connected
with roadbuilding ns well as receive
competent Instruction In all that per
tains to the art. In this way not only
will a large number of young men re
ceive most valuable training, but a de
mand will probably quickly arise for
special Instruction for older men, who
now are superintendents of streets,
commissioners of highways and engin
eers. There Is here a field which is not yet
crowded or even full. As the Provi
dence Journal remarks: "Of late years
there has lieen a demand for compe
tent roadliullders all through the States
that have been constructing macadam
highways. In most Instances either
theoretical engineers or highway su
perintendents have risen to fill the
places. And to the sorrow and cost
of the big cities and the disappoint
ment of the counties, In many in
stances, the latter have been compell
ed to pay for the lack of practical
knowledge of the civil engineers and
the lack of theoretical knowledge of the
highway supervisors.
"lint even with this school of men
who have been educated by building
the roads there have not bpen enough
to go around In all the localities where
pood roads are needed and where there
Is money 4o build them. A man who
thoroughly understands road construc
tion to-day may easily get a position.
What Is needed Is tlie educated man,
who not only knows how to build a
costly, Ideal road, but one who can eco
nomically construct an eight-foot coun
try road a man who knows bolh the
theoretical and practical end of road
construction. This Is the style of grad
uate which the Rhode Island Institu
tion alms to turn out. At the end of
the course they will have graduated a
man who can plan the highway, draw
the contracts, and who Is able to run
the machinery to build the road; a man
who knows the business from the hoe
handle to the tripod, from shoveling
coal under the boih'r of the steam roller
to drawing the plans a road engineer.
"There are ft number of openings
which a practical rondbuilder may fill.
He niny become a road expert for tlie
United States Government. By pass
ing the civil seniceexamin ittons of the
road division, department of agricul
ture, he will be put on the list of ellgi
Meu, and as soon as a vacancy occurs
will receive an appointment from the
Government. Then the builders of road
machinery have a constnnt call for men
to set up their plants In the various
towns nnd cities which are constantly
builders with these plants and that
ihey consider that this Is a good Held
or young men.
"Un the largest lield for men edu
cated ns reiiilbullders will probably be
found ns highway superintendents
imong the various counties nnd towns.
There are few first-class men In this
line, and, with the spread of the good
roads movement, the demand for such
experts Is growing."
A f oclety Whose Member? Swore to
Kill n hpiitiliird Kvery Hx Months.
Uprisings of the people of the Philip
pines ngalnst Spanish misrules have
becii Intermittent for many years.
Five thousand Insurgents were killed
lu the revolt of 1S70. Six yenrs later
aeveral thousand more lost their lives
In an attempt to gain freeedom. and
(MIO of their lenders were cither be
headed or shot at Cavlte ns a warning
to tho natives. Malays and Chinese In
the Islands formed In 1H!K1 the order
of Katlpunan.
The ceremony of lnltla-
tlon was performed by making a gash
In the member's le-ft arm, who then
rrossed himself, daubed his mouth with
the blood and swore to kill at least one
I Spaniard every rIx months. The Spnn-
I lards soon discovered the plot, huprls-
oned mnny persons, and. after trhila
lasting from twenty to thirty minutes,
14,700 wera convicted and shot. On tha
ou:.-iins of Mifiilia KuO.were execuieel,
nnd as many as 75 were shot In out
The present rebellion, In which
Agulnnldo took a prominent part, be
gan last June. It was supposed to
have been quelled lu January, when
of the rebels were shot in ih
suburbs of Mauila. Aguinnldo was
transported to Singapore. Soon after- j
ward the rebellion broke out again.
Agulualdo remained at Singapore un
til the probability of hostilities between
this country aud Spain, when he and I
Kong to join the American fleet at that
port. Admiral Dewey, when he started
for Manila, took Aguinaldo with him
on the Olympla and landed him on the
itliiif f ti on vim ri t tAnii t fo n-Ant r f T n n i
island of Luzon, gome distance to tbe
north of the city. A large quantity of
ammunition for the Insurgents waa
put ashore at the same time.
Carpets, rugs, etc., are kept In placa
on the floor by a perforated plate which
has a number of sharp points set lu its
surface to hold the edges of the carpet
after the plate Is screwed down to the
A handy seam-ripping device Is form
ed of a wire handle with the ends of
the wire brought close together and
rounded off, a sharp blade being set a
short distance back of the points to
sever the glitches as the tool is pushed
In an Improved collar button a two
part expansible shank, Is fastened on
the flat head, with shoulders on the
shank to hold a small slotted plate,
which fastens the collar in place, a
loop on the plate retaining the uecktie
to prevent its slipping over tbe top of
the collar.
Porcelain Is to be used for monu
ments and tombstones, the Btone being
hollow and filled with concrete, after a
tablet has ben. inserted in an open
faue on one side, having a flange cut
around the edge to prevent removal
from the outside.
Kettles, saucepans, etc., are provided
with covers closed at the bottom to
prevent steam gathering Inside the
cover and se-aldiug the hands when the
cover Is lifted, the steam passing
around a flanged rim at the top of the
kettle and out through a curved spout.
Stovepipe sections are securely lock
eel by a new fastener which Is made
by cutting a V-sbuped tongue ou oue
end of the pipe aud a slit in the con
necting end of the next pipe, tlie sec
tions being turned around uutil the
tongue tits in the slit.
How Capt. Wood with a Crippleel Vet
el Got Into the Kant auo Fiicht.
The spirit that permeates the Amer
ican navy was well illustrated nt the
time of the bombardment of Santiago
by Commodore Schley. Capt. Woeid, of
the Dupont, had had the misfortune to
run on a coral reef and puncture the
bottom of his boat. Coming to the flag
ship toward night, he reported the ac
cident, and said he would be unable to
make repairs without going into dry
dock. Commodore Schley asked If it
was entirely safe for the Dupont to pro
ceed alone to Key West, and on learn
ing that it was, ordered her to go. It
was after nightfall that Capt. Wood
beaded away for that port, aud It hap
pened the Dupont was still In eye range
of the flagship when her lanterns or j
dered the move to Santiago, and Capt
Wood read the orders.
Up to that moment the Dupont was a
lame duck with a sorry crew on board,
but tlie prospect of a fight worked a
marvelous change. She was, Indeed,
punctured, but If a fight was to be
found anywhere In that region It would
never do to let the chance for taking
part slip by. A lame duck was better
than no duck at all, for the purpose of
Capt. Wood and his crew, and with the
smoke belching from all funnels, sh
came tearing along after the flagship.
"I've come to ask permission to go to I
Santiago with you," shouted Wood I
through his megaphone. j
"I thought you ran on a coral reef
and knocked a hole In her," replied the
commodore, dryly.
"Yes, sir; so we did, sir. But we've
plugged the hole, commodore, and she'i
able for this time, sir." I
To have a man so eager to fight that
he'd go Into battle with a crippled ship
rather than miss It altogether was
something that appealed to the commo
dore, and Capt. Wood had his way.
, Wives Com llleh.
There has been a rise In the market
price of wives nt Natal, South Africa.
Before the rinderpest killed so many
cattle the quotation was 11 head of
t-attlt!, valued at W; but 11 he-ad
now re-present lo2. It Is being
urged that the government should fix
three head as the price of a wife for
the present, nnd should make It a rule
that the mon vy equivalent nwiy be paid
where cattle are unprocurable.
No Spot Cnsh.
In the British settlement In the great
Chinese city of Shanghai ready money
Is practically unknown. After you
have had lunch nt a restaurant you
calmly get up and wnlk out without a
thought of paying In cash. Some time
later in the day coolte nrrlves at your
residence with a tiny slip of paper a
"chit," ns they call It simply a mem
orandum of the amount.
Every woman we ever hoard of who
kept boarders was finally able to re
tire. Still, they say there la no money
In keeping boarders.
A boy soon Ipnrns thnt It Is one se
against the other; before be la In long
pants be refuse a to admit to bla mother
that some other boy la wild.
People who talk a great deal about
having the bluea, uiuall bara a great
deal of Idle time.
IWey, the A nrlo-Pi-ion.
.Vell," said Mr. Dooley, "I see be ta
pa.a, ers that th' snow-white pigeon ir
peace have tied up th' dogs iv war. It'e
all over uow. All we've got to do ia to
arrest th pathrite-s an make th recon
centlirndios pay th' stamp tax an' b
r-ready f'r to take a punch at Garmany or
France or Roosliia or anny couuthry oa
th' face iv th" glob(
"An' I'm glad iv it. This war, Hin
nissy, has been a gr-re-at sthrain on me.
To think iv th' suffrin' I've endured! F'r
weeks I lay awake at nights fcariu' that
th Spanish ar-ruiadillo'd lave th' Cape
Verde islands, whe're it wasn't, an' take
th' thrain out here an' hur-rl death an'
desthructinn into me little store. Day be
j day th' pitiless exthries come out an' be-at
down on me. Ye hear iv Teddy Rosenfelt
plungin' into ambus-cades nn' sicrety Iv
wars, but d'ye hear iv Martin Dooley, th'
man behind th' guns, four thousnn' miles
behind thin), an' williu' to be further?
They nr're no bokays f'r me. I'm what
Hog.m calls wan iv th' mute, ingloryous
I heroes iv th' war; an' not so mute, aytlie-r.
Some day. Hognn, justice'il be done me,
an' th' likes iv me, an' whin th' story iv
a gr-reat battle is written they'll print th'
kilt, th' wounded, th' miasm', an' the sery
ously disturbed. An' thini that have bore
thimsi.ves well an' bravely an' paid th'
taxes an' faced th' deadly newspa-apers
without fline'liin' il te advanced six pints
an' given a t-lianst to tur-rn jack f'r tb'
"But me wurruk ain't over jus' because
Mack has inded th' war an' Teddy Rosen
felt is comin' home to bite th' sicrety iv
wnr. Yon an' me, Hinnissy, has got to
bring on this here Anglo-Saxon Mieance.
An Anglo-Saxon, Hinnissy, is a German
that's forgot who was his parents. They're
a lot iv thim in this connthry. They must
be as mauny as two in Boston; the'y'se
wan up in Maine, an' another liveos at
Boggs Ferry in New York State, an'
dhrives a iniik wagon. Mack is nn An-,'lo-Saxon.
His folks come fr'm th' County
Armagh, an' their naytional Anglo-Saxon
hymn is 'O'Donneii Aboo.' Teddy Kosen
felt is another Anglo-Saxon. An' I'm an
Anglo-Saxon. I'm wan iv th' hottest
Anglo-Saxons that iver come out iv Anglo
Saxony. Th' name iv Dooley has been th'
proudest Anglo-Saxon name in th' County
Roscommon f r nianny years.
"Schwartzmeister is an Anglo-Saxon,
i but he doesn't know it an' won't till some
wan tells him. Pettier Bowbeen down be
th' Frinch church is formin' th' Circle
I-'rancaize Anglo-Saxon Absinthe Club,
on' me ol' friud Dominigo thnt used to
boss th' Ar-rchey r-road wagon whin Cal
highau had th' sthreet conthract will
march at th' head iv th' Dugo Anglo-Saxons
whin th' time comes. There ar-re
twinty thousan' Kooshiun Jews at a qunr
tlier a vote in th' Sivinth ward, an' ar
rmed with rag hooks they'd be a tur-r-ble
tiling f'r anny iiiitny iv th' Anglei-Saxon
iicance to face. Th' Bohemians an' Pole
Anglo-Saxon may he a little slow in wak
iu' up to what th' pa-apcra calls our com
mon hurtage, but ye may he sure they'll
be all r-right whin they're cslied on.
We've got together an Anglo-Saxon 'lie
ance in this wa-ard, an' we're goin' to ilict
Sarsfield O'Brien' prisidint, Hugh O'Neill
Dnrsey vice-prisidint, Robert Immitt
Clancy sicrety, an' Wolfe Tone Malone
tliree-asurer. O'Brienil be a good wan to
have. He was in the Fenian r-raid an
his father carrid a pike in forty-eight. An'
he's in th' Clan. Besides, he has a sthrong
pull with th' Ancient Ordher iv Anglo
Saxon Hibcrnynns.
"I tell ye, whin th' Clan an' th' Sons ir
Sweden an' th' Banana Club an' th' Circle
Francaisse an' th' Tollaeky Benivolent So
ciety an' th' Rooshian Sons of Dinnyniite
an' th' Benny Brith an' th' Coffee Clutch
that. SchwartzmeiBter r-rutis, an' th' Tnr-rnd'ye-mind
an' th' Holland society an' th'
Afro-Americans an' th' other Anglo-Saxons
begin f'r to raise their Anglo-Saxon
battle cry it'll he all day with th' eight or
nine people in th' wurrnld that has th
misfortune iv not bein' brought up Anglo
Saxons." Chicago Journal.
A Moment of Awful Suspense.
"The nervous strain on the engineer
of a fast train is something enormous,"
said oue of them tho other day. "Not
only the lives of the passenger are at
stake, but there Is the constant fear of
running over some one on the track. An
accident, no matter how Innocent tho
engineer, is always a kind of hoodoo."
"What was my worst accident? I
shall never forget It. If It had been
traced on my mind by a streak of light
ning It couldn't have made a more last
ing Impression. It happened one bright
moonlight night In November. We were
spinning over the rails at full speed
across country where there were few
people passing nt that time of night,
when I looked out ahd saw the figure
of a man lying across the track not ten
feet In front of the engine. I stopped
as quick as possible, but too late, of i
course. We had run over him, and the v
lifeless body was under the wheels. ;
"We got out to look for him and
found bis hat, a piece of his coat sleev
and one of his shoes, but the rest seetB
ed to be further buck under the train.
I backed up the engine and got out to
look again. There lay the body. I near- -ly
fainted when 1 saw Its distorted i
form. I felt like a murderer.
"Did I know the man? No, not par.
tonally. He wns a scarecrow from L
neighboring corn Held." Detroit Fro "
P rors. :
House 'lelcphune-t in Kn gland.
h houses where there are flectrio
bells for servnuts, telephones may bo
attached to the same wires to proaioto
better communication between roota
and room or house and stnlilea, Tbkf
Idea Is being carried Into pnMtico ta
Hhonlel lenrn to Kep Out.
Painters who visit the Oomlsh cC3
ore now mobbed frequently While iy
lng sketches, because tin took a kit 3 - :
, lu trJrn' ,0 olTe U)e "Of ProMo.r
I tha town alantloue.
: T