The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 01, 1898, Image 8

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o '
Thckkday. Sept. 1st, 1898.
ieo. I. Canon, Editor anl Prop.
r.K.lX.TE.1 Jim table.
Going West. Going East.
Mo. 8, mixed, 11 :20 I So. 6. unxod S:00
E Jl V. E. R. is
to and from tlie
the best
sn A Holcomb Governor
James K. Harris Lieutenant Goveruol
W. F. l"orter Secretary of State
John r. Cornell Auditor
J. 11, Mewrve r..Tre8urer
:. J. Smyth Attorney General
J. V. Wolfe lUiud Uominbuiloiiei
W. It Jackson hupt. I'ublic instruction
' John M. Thurston 1-1. Senator, (miaha
Wui. V. Allen C. S. Senator, Madison
J. . Strode, Coiijrresnmsin 1st Hist., Uucola
1). 11. Mercer, "
Nuunel Maxwell,
W. L. Stiixk.
K. 1). Sutherland,
W. L. Green,
J. J. SUivnn Chief Justice, Cohrmbns
T. O. C. Harrison Ate Judge, Grand Island
T. SoTval AnHoeiate Jude, Seward
1. A. CanipticlL-Clork and lb.-porter, Lincoln
f. T. KlnkaM Jndge, O'Neill
W. H. Westover '" Uushvillc
M. J. Blewett ; Clerk, Haxrinon
District Conrt, At Harrison, commences
Spring term May 8th,
Fall ' .Sept Nth Jury ISth.
SJonnty Court,-At Harri-ion, commences
first Monday of each month.
Otto J.Intzen:itor, Dial. No. 14, Sprlnfrview
A. K. ShoWim. Dint. No. ra.Chadron
Itolwrt Wiiwn County Judge
M. J. lilewett Clrk
Chun. Bieulo Treasure
KMe Mcrriuin .Snpt. I'ublic Instruction
Tnos Horty i Sheriff
J. K. Phiriiicy Coroner
H. V. Tliotiius 1 Surveyor
M. J. Kiewett Clerk of Gitrlct Court
Grain Guthrie Comity Attorney
C. M'-a;-, 1st Olsirlet
v.ciev .':.- ;ii!it-r 2d "
Jul kiHAx iieitlentUiairinaii) 3d, "
JC. F. Porttiu (ciiiumuin ) ... Trwttcc
John I!uvH - -
D. It. Gvbtwml
W. IS. Miir.tcllcr "
K. It.ih .ver "
AV. II. IJitrln i... Clerk
Oerluch Treanri
ICgq-ert Honwer Director
B. L. Smoik Moderator
T.ewi LcrSurh ' Trrrurer
cnci:cm:s and societies.
JHethodlwt !nnilH$- School meets every Sun
tlay morning at s):K)
W. 11. Davis, Mix K btll,
(Superintendent. Secretary
lleeular biilnn meeting llrt Tuesday
veiling In euoh month.
Mis Palbkr,
. KESuAT.r., President.
Devotional meeting every Sunflscy evening
t 6:43. MBS. KeKBALf., lender.
Meetfl each .Sunday afternoon at 2:38.
Mks. Klkdall., Snpt.
Met noeond Monday in eaJi month Jn
the court bonne at Haniaon.
K. E. Livermore, Com.
Harrison Camp, Mo. M, meets on each
teraate Wednesday evening.
W. H. Davis, J. A.Uahsok,
Von. Com.
Meets each alternate Saturday evening
Bt 8 o'clock. J. W Smlth, V. U
A. U. Dbw Clerk.
Baby f
rrompt .ttentio given to all legal
matters io Justjt, County and District
Courts, atul before the United State
Land Office.
Fire Insurance written in reliable
FrJj?gzl papers carefully drawn.
Harrison, - Nebraska.
, Pbylncian and Sareon.
All calls given prompt attention.
Office in Drug Store.
Office: second door from JCDKKAt effce
For your
JOB WORK 1 Stationary.
NOTICE. Leave your
Watclica and Clocks nt Dr.
F. E. Phinneys' Drug Store
for repairs.
Engravintr done at rea
sonable pricea. All work
guaranteed to give s:itisf ac
Have graduated fron
an Omaha Watch-makers In
Address, Harrison, Neb.
Special Locals.
tiien. Neb, Jan. 18, lfM.
The undcrilned nfrrrcs to pay the utim
set opposite their name forjn wolf fund of IV)
for each pray wolf killed within t miles' of
White River, aliove Ulen, within the nextl
tiiiHUlw, and ap)KUit Mr. II. II Utiiwli as
their treasurer and will pay him on de
mand. David Colvllle -'i 00 Fred Blombnrg tl 'JO
II. II. Iiussoll . 10 00 Jno. H.Tucker 5(0
A.T. Hughwjn ' 2 SO F. Force 10
LC.IifwU 5 00 Emery tilllmor S 90
J.J.Martin m lroy Hall f. 00
Walter Johnson son W. J. Jobnsoa Zio
tieorge Scott 2 00
Total tM 00
Excursion Hates t Trans-MU-Hlssippl
KitpoKltioii at
OnmliaNcI). June
1st to Nov. 1st
1 8S.
From Harrison every day (Sundars
cxcepti?i1) from June 1st to Octolier Fitli
lMWat"1.20 for round (rip good for
return until Nov. lr)th.
From ILirrison evi;ry day (Sundays
excepted; from June lt to Octolr SOtli
S'mmI for return !50 days from date of mle
" For the oienin exercises on May rUltli
round trip tickets will sold g'ri for
return June (itli at our fare viz $1 !..').
E. F. Pontius .act.
iSjicclal Excursion llutcs to Hot
On dates named Itclow at one fare
for round trip, tickets good for return 30
days from date of sale.
June 11 Augusts
' June .'if) August 2(5
July 5 September 10
July 19 September 20
E. F. Pontics, Agent.
WANTED Wood oo subscription soon
as we can get it. Eliter.
Be sure you read Mrs. Shaffers Pub
lic sale notice in another column of this
Did you know it rained last night?
Well it did and it was a nice one to,
k -i's it up the frreater part the night.
-Jfrs. C'tias. Jameson anl children
came up from yesterday from Cliadron to
be presnt at Wie wedding of her brother
Will and Miss Ilattie Sherrill which took
nlace today.
JB5kV To Mr. and Mrs. Homer Pridrty
Won Wednesday morning Auc Slst a son
of regulation weight. Mother and child
are doing well and Homer is able to be
and Mrs. Julius Burke of Bodarc
were called upon to mourn the losf of
one of their twin babies on last Monday
...iiiMS...-v.w.. ... '
orMired at Ave o'clock oo Tuesday
noon we were Mined to hear that tbe
surviving child is not very well, neither.1
w i, I
Every body come to the Italian Enter
tainment given by the Junior League t
the M. E. churct Friday nijjat There
will be a choir of Italian singers furnish I
the music and the recitation aod other
Entertainment will be good because the
children give it.
You cut Mora to miss n iw jour
children are m it
Proceeds for the dmmmc.
Koy M.une is nursing a pmioeJ ftakle
tilths days.
Pa bure you read Mrs. SliafTer's
PuLTtv sale notice in another column of
this pwier.
Mrv. J. E. Wilcox is having a steel
wire fence put around the prave of ber
deceased husliaotL
The Weather, it is raid by olif
residents to be tlie hottest this summer
it has been for several years.'
U. F. Johnson of Running; water
shinned 4 car loads of rattle to the S.
Omaha markets Tuesday evening.
Eev. Father Kroupa, of Chadron,
celebrated mass at the court house this
morning, A large number attended.
'Master Ernest Iliinney is now in bis
clorv. lie received by express from
Chicatro day before yesterday a new
' H. II. Russell of Andrews, returned
from Omaha, on last Saturday. He was
perfectly charmed with all he saw at the
W. B. Wright, who was overcome
with the Intense beat last Saturday
while fighting lire along the railroad is
around at his usual work again.
The monument to mark the final
resting place of "Neighbor Ltew, arrived
here on Monday and will be put in place
soon as possible. The ceremony of un
veiling will take place later on.
o1ico I tan cattle buies aud all kind
of skins with liair for robes, or without
or leather. See sample and prices in
J. 1L Barte.11'9 store.
1L Oi-bricht. Glen, Neb.
Little Miss Bessie Marsteller was
quite indesposed a day or two the first
part of this week but Is now all right
While in town this week, A. Ring
did not forget to help tlie silver cause
along by dropping a dollar on ye edit
or's desk, thereby renewing bis allegi
ance to the JocrjCAT.
We are pleased to state that Dr.
Pbinnev, who has been bed-fast during
the pai-t few day's, is so far reooverd as
to be able to attend to his official duties,
though still rather weak.
v'Caul'. Rintr and son were in town
Tuesday evening over night Mr. Ring,
havirur bousrht a fine blooded white-
faced bull of Nels Anderson whidh he
drove home the following day.
Mr. Virgil Hester who lias been so
journing in Colorado for his health, dur
ing the past two months returned to his
home on last Tuesday evening, so as to
be present at the next term of court.
It will behoove our scholastic's to
make good use of their time, as we
have been ci'en to understand that
Prof Lindeman will have the monthly
renort of the school published.- And we
consider this a capital idea.
The Public Schools of Harrison will be
gin on ' Monday Sept. 5th. It is bojied
that all contemplating attending the Fall
term Ik- present the first day. All pupils
are requested to bring with them tbetr
promotion cards of last term.
Frakk Ijxpkm as, Prin.
Mr. ard Mrs. Perry White remem
bered tbe Jyt'lijO.L family in a most
generous manner 1'iis wt-ek. s'iiiip!k:s r.f
all the various products of their garden
were brought and by us most gratefully
appreciated, and for which we most
heartly thank those kind friends.
Ul O Conner who lias ieen tip in
Wyoming near Big Red, riding on tlie
cattle range since last March wpnt to
Omaha last week and took in tha Exposi
tion and on his way Wk came by Har
rison, making a sliort visit to bis parents
south of town. Ho returned to his work
in Wvominsr Monday eveninc.
1 -Charles Russell of Andrews, succeed-
Jed in killing the big gray wolf near that
place last week, which has been killing
cattle and col ts for some time, in that
neighborhood. Charley has fairly earn
ed the ?"iO reward offered by the White
River Wolf Association, but declines to
accept either money or bounty,
Custer City, S. Dak. Dr. M. D.
Clark: After having severe lung trou
ble for two years, I commenced taking
your treatment I now have no cough
and am getting fleshy, and tanned black,
too. After being in the house so long
I tan so easy. "From one that is very
In the September IUiiewn of Re-
vine tlie editor takes a stroag American
position in discussing the important
international questions regarding Cuba
and the Phillipines which must be set
tled by the peace commission at Paris.
Plain word are also used in regard to
the deplorable sanitary conditions that
tlie American troops have suffered.
Andrew Knori's horse took a notion
to go lome before Andrew mi ready
and while he was adjusting the saddle
both for the comfort of tlie horse
and the rider, the horse concluded no
doubt it would be more comfortabe to
make the trip home without saddle
or rider and hence, took frencb leave of j
absence, leaving Andrew to come the
heat wav ha could
after-125. ay " cou,a
MARB1EI)-Th9 nupials of Mr. Willi
an Bourett and Miss, llat tie Hberrill of
this city were celebrated
Celebrated nt the court
bouse Ibis morning immediately ln-fore
mass I!ev, Father VMi-oi o liciating
Mis. Nora Bourelie was maid df honor
and Mr. John Bo'iret t acted as list man.
The young couple have a host otl frind
who all unite In wishing God ipeed in
their new life and I lie Joi RHa. scribe
joins in the echo coming from tbl heart
of to thousands of others by Wishing-
item joy.
"Jack" Biffin of lUwhids creek
Wyo., was in town doing business Mon
day and Tuesday
Perry While will move bis family
into town in three or four weeks so his
children will have the privilege of at
tending the school this school year. 4
Mr. H. A. Priddy liad the good luck
last Friday to have one of bis cows
give birth to a pair of twin calves
white faces, Sioux county seems to be
an ideal place to raise stock.
IV. Clark, Edgemont, So. Dak.:
About six months ago I became almost
entirely deaf, caused by catarrh. I
commenced taking your remedies about
four months ago. I am now traveling
salesman for "On Time'' yeast and have
no trouble in hearing what the mer
chants say. I am satisfied that per
sistent use of your remedies will cure
me in six months more.
Asbbel Orton and family who
have been old and respected residents
of Sioux county, departed last Monday
evening for Boscobel, Erie county, Ta.,
where they expect to make their future
borne. Mr. Ortons family will doubtless
reach the end of destination at least
a day or two in advance of him as he
will be obliged to travel with a car load
of horses which of necessity will have to
be unloaded and fed at least twice be-
lore cetting ttirougn. una tiling sure
Sioux countys loss of a good citizen and
neighbor in vicinity he and family leaves
will lie a gain tc Bosiioliel, Pa. The kind
regards and best wishes of the people
of our county will follow Mr. and Mrs.
Orton to their new borne.
Wurboniiot Warbling.
Mrs. C. D. Plympton visited with her
sistor Mrs. Charles Schilts Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sherrill and family
of Harrison visited with Frank Johnson's
Miss Louisa Werderman is staying
with Mrs. James Johnson this week.
Cecil fJrant of the V, T. was a War-
bonnnet visitor Sunday.
J. G. Merriam made a trip to Harrison
Monday to get his wagon repaired.
P. N. Kirk patrick was a caller at
James Nolan's Friday. $ Echo.
How to Toll To-Morrow's
A short, clear, entertaining and
valuable lesson for amateur weather
observers is given in the September
Ludu Hijoie Journal in the form of
a series of pictures of clouds, with brief
explanatory notes. The page is well
worth examining and saving, for there
is nothing in the article which would
not be understood by anybody, even a
child and a little close study will make
one qualified to form better opinions
than ever before as to what the weather
will be.
ComlrnMcd War Calendar.
Jan. 24 The Maine ordered to llav
Feb. 15 the Maine destroyed.
April 21 War declarc-d.
M.ty 1 Dewey destroy:! the Spnnish
May IS) Cervera eutercd Santiago
June 3rd Hobson sunk the Mcrrirnac
June 23 Shafter landed ut Santiago,
July 1 and 2 (jeneral assault on San
tiago begun.
July 8 Schley and Sampson destroyed
Cervera's fleet
July 7 Hawaii annexed.
July 11 Santiago surrendered.
July 21 Spaniards in Porto Rico be
gan to surrender.
July 26 Spain sued for peace.
Aug. 12 Spain accepted our terms
and an armistice was proclaimed,
Aug. 13 Dewey bombarded Manila,
which surrendered to him and GenL
Aug. 20 Our victors and victories
celebrated in grand "triumph" in New
York harbor. -N. Y. World.
Conimissionerg Proceedings.
IIrrlon, Xet. (
Aug.itltli, PWH. (
Jloard of comity
commissioners nu t a
per call of clerk. ,
Vnv.nt comiiiiiuiloncr Jlcttleu, Meng and
Procnnlrr and clerk.
The petition of John 1 Kay nd others
leouettlug that a county road be located
commencing at the south-eant corner of the
north-cast quarter of the north went quarter
of Section twenty four, Township at, Range
thence diagonally acroaa the south half
of the noruh-eatft quarter of aald .Section W
to the south-cant corner of the uortbe&nt
quarter of said Hectlon 1M, thence south 0
rods, thiinca cast HO rodn, thence south M
rods to intercept with road running emit
betwuen Sections 19 and 80, Township 33
Range M, Alxo, that the rond now establish
ed, being road ho. 60, be vacated between
the above named points, and all Hers in
connection with said petition were taken
np and after due consideration by the lxard
it Is hereby ordered that the road petition
ed for lie establlnhed as recommended by
the commissioner appointed to view said
rout, viz: coumieaclng at the south-east
cronnr of the north-east quarter of the
north went quarter of (lection 24, Township
S3, Range G7, running thence south on old
road se rods, thence east along tJio south
line of the north east quarter of Section 24
106 rods, thence north 13 rods, thence cast
20 rod,thcuc south and eaitl 31 rods, thence
Miuth to the south cast corner of Ibe north
enit quarter of the south quarter ol
Seel ion ill, Townxhiu Ri, IUnT' 07, thence
.int so rod, tinmen nulh so rod to Uter
sect Willi road running &t between Sec
tions 19 and 30 In Towimlilp .1J, Range tA and
on motion the n.imuln hereby elalillnhed and
declared to be a puhlie road, and that part
of county road No. 00 running wwth from the
renter of Section 24, Township 83, Range S7,
one half mile to the quarter corner lietwnen
tecUons U aud t Township 31, Kange K,
rm i i
Oil YES!
Here We lire Again.
500 pairs of shoes
The above is an addition
omplete stock of boots and shoes now on hand.
We have the largest assortment ever shown in
North-West rebraska,
Competion and are sure
on motion is hereby declared vacated.
And that part of county road No. 00 running
east from the quarter corner between Secti
ons 24 and 23, Township 33, Range V, three
fourths of a mile is on motion ordered to
remain a public road.
James T. Manon appeared before the board
and asked fur more time In which to com
plete the White River bridge and after duo
concidcratiou the board on motion extend
ed the time ti n davs.
Ihe board proceeded to obtain Jnfor
niation necessary in order to select tlie
name of pelsons from which todrawapctit
jury to serTe at the September I.hiim term ot
the dlRtrict Court. The names of all per
sons who were drawn a Jurors for the pant
two years was first obtained, the abulruct
of votes cast at the hmt general election wrs
examined and the total ninnln-r of votes
cast was found to lie 4l which number divi
ded by Ml the numlier of persons required
by law to be HsU-d for Jury purjioses, it was
louiul that one person could be lintel as a
Juror for each 6 and 4.1 sixtieths electors
found In each precinct.
The following li-.t of names of Pomona
eligible for Jurors was then selected from
the several precincts:
Franklin Force, A.T. Hughnon and G. J.
Antelope 2,
AujfUKt L. Ulnar and Fred Steramer.
liodarc 2.
J. B. liurke and Joseph J. Klpp.
ftowen 0.
J. B. I'.lpreiow, John I. Iiavl, A. HasMd
quUt, J.C. Parsons, N. L. Tipton, Joxeph
Varley, Gotleb Knorl, t.eirKo Cant aud
frank hutto.
CXit UinwiKMlA.
Mike Buffer, James Kverion, E. Ferris.
J. W. Grove and Curl M. Lnx.
Five Points.
Jncob Fornter, lioiniilque Hans, 3M. J.
O'Connell, ChrUt Iiullllinj aud John Hcrres.
Hat Creek-1
J. B. nrudley and F. W. Knott.
Sets Knjfbrot and Curl E. A. L'atlcr.
sluntt owe u.
I'eter Iilersack, Klienezer Cowllshaw, Wil
liam Gaybarl, r. W, Meyer and John Ontran-
Running Water 2.
William 11. Uourret and John W. Chris
tian. fuar Ixiaf 4.
Jowph Itretty, T. F. Golden. Herman
Frleke and George Jacohey.
Snake (.-ri'ek 1.
W, C. I'liickluwtn,
Wlli,ft; I T'-VK - J.
Juliu Alcorn, Octave Harris, Kdward Iron,
Jowjih Olbrli ht mid 11. R. Reel,
Whiu! Wlver-7.
Charles iippert, Thomas I. Hilton, N. P.
Kelson' John spray, George Swauuon, Curs.
Voting aud W. Ii. White.
Warljfinnetl t,.
Gi-orKe Mavis, rhlllp D. Iiunn, Len bant.
Curwln lwls, John Lh y and James Nolan.
On motion Itoard adjourned Ull S a. lit
Aug. &lh, lsi'H,
Ilarrlnon, Seb. (
Aug. iti, IKm. I
Board of county commissioner met nur
suant to uiijouruuieut.
ITesi-ntcouiiiiisiiioiier Meltlen, Meii, and
Procunler and clerk.
The following claims n(jaliiBt Sioux county
were presented and on motion allowed and
warrants ordeied drawn on the General
fund of is for same:
Lewis Gcrlacb Mde. for I'auper 6 00
M.J. Weber serving on Coroner's Jury .4 00
C A. I'uddy " " " 4 00
SI. J. Hlcwelt ConiplHug tin list post
ago Ac 247 ;3
Thouins Kli Ky gnnlng prloner... jcO
hlsie Merriam wrviees as Co. Snpt. and
Institute work, claimed i.'l 00, al
lowed J 00
Geo. It. Cauou J'rlntlug aud fubllHU-
Ing 4S04
J. jneiiieii services as Co. commlhslou-
er .
J. C. slnng same.
18 00
A. i'rocnnler same.
Tlie claim of I'erry White for bridge lura
ber and work on county bridge of W 75 and
John 8. Tucker for brldgelumbar of S 00 was
presented aud on motion allowed and war
rants ordered drawn on Ilridgo fund ot IMS7
for game,
Tlie claims of Marsteller Urn, of St SO for
bridge spikes, aud G. W. Hester of S7 40 for
court costs, and R. Uctiatr of liVOOfor rowl
scraper and W. C. llilppsof BffiOOand John
It. oray ol a'i2 00 for Institute work were
presented and on motion laid over till next
meeting. ,
The claim of Christ Ruffing of S4 00 and
Rols-rt Ferguson of H00 were presented
and on matlou rejected.
Hie lollowlug Uoad Overseers certificates
were on motion ordered cancelled and
warrants ordered drawn on special road
district fund for amount of same:
W.C. Reed ail un on Road Ul.trlct No. I
Gnstav MorelschM to ' a
JolmW.Tldd I2H0" " " ' b
The Affidavit ot Herman Frleke alWtng
that he had iald 4 DO school lux under pro
test which, was erroneous snd requesting
that the same Ira refunds! was taken op and
after due consideration the Itoard flnd that
the facts stated are true and on niotlon the
county Treasurer Is hereby ordered and In
structed to refund said am mount.
Pat Lacy having made the loweii bid fof
the cementing of the conrt hoi-se wall was
on niotlon awarded the contract.
The request of the Village, Marshall, N"'
Ing that tw con my Jail lie placed at the use
of the village of Harrison, and that the keys
or suet of peysbo given to htm was taken
up and on motion rejected.
On motion Hoard adjourned without nay. I
H. J. Bl,wrTT, firm.
i i I I I T
Oil YES!
Just received overH
of the latest styles.
to our already large and
and as to prices we Dhi
to prut all who come
Public Sale.
The undersigned
will Sell at Public
Sale Wednesday,
Sept. 21st, 1898, at
10 o'clock a. m., at
the residence of
miles north and
two miles 'east of
Harrison on Sow
belly creek the fol
lowing personal
property 70 head
of native cattle:
20 Cows and calvs
by their sides.
19 head of 1 -year-old
8 Head yearling
12 Dry Cows and
2-year-old Heif
ers. TERMS:--Cash,
Notice Of Sale Of Person
al Property.
Notice is hereby given that
in pursuance of an order of
the county Court of Sioux
county, Nebraska, the under
signed will on the 8th day of
September, 1898," between tlie
hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and
4 o'clock p. in. of said day at
the residence of George
Hawks neav school house in
District No. 1, in White Riv
er precinct, Sioux' county,
Nebraska, sell at public auc
tion the following articles,
being tlie personal estate of
S. W. Kemp, deceased:,
1 Dark Bay Mare 6 years-old
branded 4j on right shoul
der, 1 Dark Bay Horse 6 years-old
branded fame, white atrip
in face,
1 Iron Gray Mare 9 years-old
branded same,
2 Iron Gray Horses J years
old branded same,
1 White Mare 15 years-old,
not branded,
1 Piano Mower, 0 foot cut,
1 Hay Rake, 1 Cultivator,
1 Breaking Plow 1 Cook
Stove, 1 Heating Stove,
3 Pair Pinchers, 1 Raup,
I Paring Knife 1 Khoeinis
Martin J. Wkbeb,