msssssm sbbsssssbbssuss - A sow wssas soeat wodatng IxmIi Ml was rfM by ft eohaoaatial wta It daigblors, the elueat was tha btiie. A neighbor, a , who im kmartil witn an vtaatioo, tonasiag, m doubt, that ho sjbAtosay sooaeth ng complimentary Mi Uw mil, addressed tbe bride mb Uu:- "wVH, jam have got lb pick of the e4tblow aomarried sties Is ra ncauDCE a sitcr ef rcs festoon) wUj W tfce originality and tsaoUcsty of tho combination, bat also f ta care aad skill with which It b) noaMfaotsvod by eulentlno processes so she Cauvousia Fio Braur Co. omlj, aod we wish to impress opon oil lb hnpartaaoB of purchasing the tro aasi original reerwsdy. Aa the famine Syrup of Firs la manufactured Vf tho Calipomia Pio Sraar Co. Buy, a knowledge of that fact will aaaiat oaa in avoiding the worthless Sat Rations mann factored by other par Has. The high standing of the Cau gttanTiA Kie 8rmn Co. with the modi nl proreaaioa, aad tha satisfaction Wbiofc tha genuaee Syrap of rigs ha ftvea to millions of families, makea 4ha naass of the Coeapony a guaranty f the eieellcoos of iu rossedy. It la tar la adranoo of all other lnxatlTee, aa It seta on the kUneye, liver and bowels without srriaasiag ar weaken bag thaaa, and H dora not grip nor anaaata. In order to get iu benefloial SaTaeta, pleane riaassasir tha mm af (be OatarianT CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. sax rnanoaeoo. cm. tr, i. nrw vane, m. T. EitaMtabe I7M. j Baker's : Chocolate, NONB Of 1 l SLICKER WHX KEEP YOU DRY. Don't toalfS wit eukmtath arnkhrcMi. If yw cmi nut win k a r" n '" " ,'ri1" tl (tor y FUn hr.inj Siwtor. W ant for Ml t ymir A. j TOWF9. ft v Mj 1 A i f Aiwa. "Ha taok hii atothar-ln-lAV mm tm plea ant row ea the laka." "Tea." Then ha triad to leare bar b raak- bag tha boat." "Bola drowned T "No. The waiar waan't bat three leet deep, and hi mother-in-law grabbed Hm by tha hair, chnckrd him under her arm, eriied tha boat rope and waded ashore." hake Into Toar fthoee Alien'a Foot-Eaae, a powder for tha feet It cure painful, swollen, await ing feet and InxUntly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's tbe great- eat comrort discorerj of tbe sge. Al len's Foot-Esse makes tlgnt-Ottlng or new shoes reel easy. It Is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, urea, nerrous, achlnir feet Try It to day. Sold by all druggists and shoe tores. By mall for 25c In stamps. Trial package FREE. Address Allan S. Olm sted. La Re, M. Y. Tos Popull is not always Vo Del. Today it ma shout, "Hosanna," to morrow y "Crucify Him." Wheat! au Cent a ItaebeL Hew ta ere wheat witk bis profit at 10 erata aad sample ef Kalier Red Cross 80 Banhete par acre Wiutvr Wkeat, Rye, Oata, Clover, etc, with farm (Deed Cata logue for f eenta pout re. JOHN A. 8AL ZKR SBBU CO.. La Croaae, Wla. 0 N C If yva would be rich in tha riches that do cat taki ta tbemaelres wings learn ta ba thankful slaa. Wlaalnw't UoeraiHe HTinr far efclW raa kHifcluK, aofvm th gumi, reiocM Inflaia- aattaa, aliara pata, eurwla4oiUa MekeUls WiJfTlD.-Ouar but hl:h thai R I P-A HSwIII tot tafll. B).nd tratM Ut airuih ClMmtpal Ov., .aw rot. aw S) aiaal'o ana I.0UU MKtmsnlala Tha ma who gives a boy a drink of whisky, pats s sponge of vinegar to Ja- tas' lips. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, fries 79 oenta. ealebraled far mere thaa a century as a A aalicieus, autrlUoas, V aad Beh forming beraraga, has aw i vallJinowa $ Tallow Label ea tbe fraat ef etary J package, aad eur trsde-mark,-U Belle $ CaecolatiwaTeauit V czc other oemmB. One af tbe rr.osl remarkable eshibi lions the world has ever seen is in pro grefiat Omaha, and will remain open daring tha summer and autumn. 'Ihe Trans-Mi'aiaippi and International Kiponition Is an extraordinary evidence I American energy and culture in tbe newest aestion ol the Union, rive years have bean spent in preparing for it, and the sum ol 13,000,00 expended to place it on the level ef great exposition lbs sronnds auver 200 asres, and in addition ta the ten immense general Htructnres are flfUen state buildings tiled with th treasures of industry ami art. Aa elaborate government display occupies a grand halt erected at a coat of $200,000. Tha immea-e giounda are bean ifled in the most and tatte- ful manner. A vistt ta tbe Omaha ex- position is a Decennary part of iba sum mer's business aud reureatioa. I never ased is quick a en re aa PUo! Cure for Connnmption J. B. fulmar, ilox 1171. aaMl vtaaa., Bev. S 1SI. With lawrring plants, cutting tbe flowers aa they mature atrengtuent the plants. WALTER BAS.CJC IU. LU Dorcbestar, Mass. X r I I O ant amr vmut In, !!' Orat Srr h tttnr, SmmI tot rittr. . trul botlli-4 traaOM. ua. a. a. sum ua. tnaroa stnk rnuiuijtn, ra Oultivatioa in the garden, like plant ing, Wl I not aiUH "I any ouui onaw; lelay. , Era i , i 1 V . - It to cool I8JMNG GRAY? Whtt does your mirror ssy? Does it tell you of some little streaks of gray? Are you pleased? Do your friends of Ihe same c show this loss of power stao? Just remember thst gray hair never becomes dtrker hein. while dark hair rapidly becomes gray whea once tne cnange Dcgms In Cnloradn. TV M.i Hiffrrenne between the trimmer iemerftlure of Colorado and that of Iowa r neura--a boat tan decrees. The api arent dil- mmnrrn la atn.llt tlllrlV ier--1!. 1 I. tha ka- month to visit Oolorato. In liwust the temperature nl Inst ngtit, tna ninnniaui i" fl let with ple'isure seekers, and tha eost ol reaching them llt'le mnre than ht' as great a Is ornine'iiv t"" i i..f.m.tlni alnnt rates wm rwt air ii iihhi.. aad train eatvioe. Alto for advertia- m matter deacrlDttva "i "', Ulanwaod 8prins, E'tes Park, ee. ; . rtaaats, Oaaaral rmmmmft Assat, P. 1.-11 yea weal via waHlaava Mtf'e. yee saa MJJ ute Traaa-m ari" once the change begins. mat h ri Trrxsn.Fi nr nai sT waW will bring back to your basr the color of youth. It never fails. It l )ust ss sure ss that heat melts snow, or thsl water quenches fire. It cleanses the scalp slso nd prevents the formation of dandruff. It feeds and nour. tabes the bulbs of the hair msklng them produce s luxu riant growth. It stops tho hair from falling, out and gives line soft finish to tbs bslr swell. towyrJaas. j 1 "VTTVTV Mid tart "the foot of tbe suerji la guld to tha law." A flock of tliw, nuwvver. an not add anythlug to tha land othw than to prevent wuce of wsutImik which thf naturally consume, and an thvrefere mora valuable when they an fed at tha barn at nigbt, the additional food render lag the manura mure valuable. Bnpportlne; Frait Trees. Tbe practice Is becoming more and more prevalent of pasturing bogs and sheep In orchards. The piss is excel lent The animals thrlvs an the grass and fallen fruit and they In turn en rich tbe orchards and destroy soust less grubs and worms. With animals -tf&.tJtL'r 'iwM- . j. a no. 1 ntcrnR soppobi. Teonsr Cattle More Pleatlfal. It Is now more thsn two years since farmers began to realize that there was a marked ahortage In beef cattle, and unite efforts to restock. Throughout sad lUSil comparaUvoly few calves . were marketed. I'asturea were gener ' ally abundant beef cattla sold well. and tbers was every Inducement for farmers ta increase their production of beef. In the Ohio Valley a good many yearlings ere brought from Canada and some from' Kentucky and Tennes see. AU these Influences havs tended, within the pan two years, to replenish the beef stack ea tbs farms, but af eauraa. It has been Imposslbls In so short time ta ererceme the losses reused by years ef depression and drought Wi may reasonably expect however, that farmers will have mors settle ta market during tbe coming two years thaa during the past two. Calves re being bred and kept and it takes nly two ta two and ene-half years for ealf, ta Secerns beef. The yesrllngs are earning along, aud there are more of them new than for several years. Na tleaal Staakman. StiaaiasT e Mail VurMdaao. It baa bitnarto baen tbe custom ol the ' i dren attending the public eci-.ools in .Mtr aud liu,' garv to kits the hands of iu ir t ncuers on ar ival and departure This has now been fortdd an by a ukase just issued by the imperial board of education, which bases its lot ision aa declaration of the sanitary sounoli to ihe fet that kltsing is a dan rous prooseding, aad should not be Practised when not absolutely neees lary. Mulching with toha oo stems will Keep away tha corrant worms. To have a good garden, try to bare Mmathing growing all tha time. All priming don at this time should so covered with oil paint or wax. Use short whiffletrea in sultlrating tmoag tho trees in the orchard. Ths sleanar tbs culture the bettor the Ire p. Tim looks are on ssla at all bai ito e. Mew CotllUSe I A new cotill on Hitrs b) London. It requires bat a sosiseaol hillings, which sr tcoaad In tbo - the lady laving daeided ab4Wsln1 intends dancing with "heads or "toilaV" Oar silver Quarter answers too purpose. A second figure is i a im ... I a In a JananeaA AIVIUIS Um mam mm " f i for tho lady to look through, bar oyeV only shoainr. Tbe man bo her identity dances with bet. Warm Weather1 WEAKNESS is quickly overcome by tte toning and blood-enriching euslHtss Of Hood's SarsaiMtrilla. This great ssoo cine cures that tired feeling slssaat OS quickly as the sun dispels the tasialnf mist. It slao cures piuiules, boue, ea4l rheum, acrofula and all other tioasesi originating in bad, impure blood. HOOd'S Manila Aatertca'i Qieatut sledleiaa. SI; six Set S HOOd'S PHIS r btliouBaaa, iasiaaaMao, In sn orchard, however, it is Impossible to prop up heavily laden boughs, for such props will very quickly be knock ed down. Figure 1 shews a plan that can be used In almost any tree. The central branches furnish a fulcrum fer the support of the poles used. One end can be placed under the branch ta be supported, or tied to It and the ether 4 rio. 2 pole aiTD wins soppoart. end brought down under a branch en tbe opposite side, or tied to a branch If It Is not possible to confine It under a limb. Another way Is to fasten a puis to tbe trunk of the tree, allowing it te extend up through tbe top, as abewn In figure 2. Wires extending from ths top of the pole to heavily ludea branch es will support these In the best possi ble manner. Orange Judd Farmer. Corn and Braaa. When aora and beans are planted at tbetr usual time, which la little ear lier for the corn than Is best for ths beans, both are In right condition to use for cooking together in their green Stage. Hence succotash seems to be tho natural result as wbers both bars to bo belled It was Inevitable that some time they should be cooked together. It Is a dish which the American Indians learned to use before the white nrn visited tbeia. Tbe ideal succotash is made from sweet corn, young snd ten der, and the large, fully grown Lima bean. Abeut one-fourth beans will bo enough. Tbs Lima bean Is much tbs richest and best bean for making succo tash, and In tbe country, where It can be grewa aa easily as any ether, It ought always to be used for this pur- I peso. Ths Lima bean requires to bo peled, but if Its first crop Is picked be fore it is fully rips, the vines will con tinue blossoming and bearing nnUl frest kills them. Vme of tbe Harrow, Much Is said about tbe use of tbe cul tivator for corn, but the barrow will do geed service In destroying small weeds, and If the small weeds are killed as fast as they appear tbe work later la tbe season will be lessened. The object In cultivating should be net te injurs tbe roots of tbe corn more than Is possl- bio, fer which resvon the cultivation , should be shallow. If the land is baked ; and hard It should then be deeply cultl-1 vated, going between tbe rows until the work is well done, giving shallow and level culture at the next workings. Portable Fence. The cut shows one of tbe most sensi ble portable fences that can be devised. Every other panel Is rigid both as re gards sldewlse and end to end motion. This makea tbs whole fence very firm a point that is not true of many of Ml canK.rci.tT packed rnuit. 1'ackltia: of I' ins Fruit. The manner in which the packing Is done often controls the price at which really choice fruit will sell. This Is par ticularly the case with so Juicy aud tender-skinned a fruit aa tbe pear. A little bruising will often cut down tho price of pears one-half. When one has really One Bartletts. Anjous and other choice pears of large size It Is worth the while to take some care to get them into the market In as fine shape as pos sible. To this end it Is often advisable to follow the fashion of thone who send choice oranges to market wrapping r-ach specimen of fruit In tissue paper. This work Is usually done by machin ery In tbe case of oranges, but after a ar st I sFI . -iff. iMOr-AS -9t- A OA RDM FENCK. little practice one can very quickly cov er a btiHhel of fruit, with tbe prospect of being well repaid for his trouble. American Agriculturist Artificial Milk. A Chicago chemist named W. J. Uook tin been experimenting In the produc tion of an arllliciul milk. This Is some thing that umtiy chemists have long be lieved to be theoretically possible, nnd It Im a rt-Hiilt that Mr. Cook claims to have accouipllHhed. At a recent trial bo passed some cow's milk In a glass to the company, and In another gluss some of his artllicial manufacture. The artlllclal uillk proved to most ttes to lx at l'nnt as good as the natural milk. When tested by the amount of cream It would yield the artificial milk i-o-diiced inoxt. No report Is given of the cost of this artificial uillk. We shall lie very much surprised If chemical In genuity devlacs means to make a sup ply of uillk at so low a cost as a khi cow on grass or ensilage feed can do It All the material In the milk, especially albumen and butter fats, are expensive. There Is no way of getting them cheap ly except In ucb coarse feed aa the cow require, and she can work them Into milk toto drawn night and morn ing for much leas per day than any chemlat will charge. Hlato A beat hee. When a ftoefc of aboep Is kept on a old tbo land will bo made fertile In a abort Unto, aa tbo sbeep not only dls trtboto tbo sBanoro, bat press It Into tbo gsoaad kf tnssptlig, tbs loss being bvt Mtttc, For ttklt Maoea It has been the styles of portable, fences. It has the advantnge ulso of being put togeth er and taken apart In a moment's time. The construction is plaluly shown In the drawing. American Gardening. Cave Morale for Applc-H. Petw Youngers, of Geneva, Neb., treasurer of the Slate Horticultural So ciety, gives bis experience In keeping apples in a cave. Hp duj; down ten feet and then tuuncled back fifteen feet, the width of tuiiiiel at bottom being six feet This was arched to a height of six nnd a half feet. Mr. Youngers made no support to prevent the dirt from cav ing In, the clay subsoil making a dura ble wall. In this cave llr. Voungers stored the following articles: Hen Davis, wlnesnp, gcuelon, white wlntex. I'earmalu and Home beauty. On the 20th of July thee apples were In per fect condition. The entrance to the tun nel was tightly dosed by a door, and there was also a duor to the opening. This exiierlnietit proves that every fruit grower can have apples the year round. In portions of tho country It will be ueeeKWiry, of course, to have the tunnel supported to prevent caving In. Tbe Southwest. Care of l'onllry. The domestic fowl Is very prolific, and a flock can lie made to Increase rapidly If care Is given. To liegln with, MHi or l.tMK) hens require large capital nl the start, as the fowls must be pur chased itnr suitable buildings prepared, but II Is not dltllcult to secure large J flocks on limited capital If the begln ' tilng is mnd wllh a few and the nutn ! bi-r gradually Increased, ns the Increase of the flock Is also nu Increase or capi tal. A "ock of hens returns an Income dully, thus assisting to provide capital t the start Tomatoes. The tomato produces fruit through out tbe season until frost destroys tho vine. It will have blossoms, green fruit and ripe fruit at the same time, and is consequently a continuous bear er. To do this profusely, however, It should have a liberal application of fer tiliser applied broadcast over consider able ground around tbe plant, and tbo sell sbonld bo kept clean, whllo tho vinos wlU to caelted by having, anp-peita. r" aSsu aoeowisiP r A Beautiful Present FREE for a few months to all users of Mm celebrated ELASTIC STARCH, (Flat Iron Brand). To induce you to try this brand of a torch, so that you may find out fer yourself that all claims for ito superiority and econ omy are true, tbe makers have had prepared, at peat expense, a aeries of four GAME PLAQUES exact reproductions of the $ 10,000 originals by Muville, which will be Citron yon ABSOLUTELY FREE by your grocer on conditions named below. Thsss Plaques are 40 inches in circumference, are free of any suggestion of advertising whatever, and will ornament the most elegant apartment. Ho manufacturing concern ever before gave away such valuable presents to its customers. They are not for sale at any price, and can bo obtained only ta tbo manner specified. The subjects are: American Wild Ducks, American Pheasant, Englh Quail, English Snipe. The birds are handsomely embossed and stand out natural as Hfe. Eacb Plaque is bordered with a band of gold. ELASTIC STARCH has boon the standard for a$ years. TWENTY-TWO MILLION packages ef thio brand were sold lost year. That's bow good it is. ASK YOUR DEALER to show yon the plaques and tell yon about Elastic Starch. Accept no substitute. How To Got Thorn: All purchasers of three K cent or six Scent packages of Elastic Stares (Flat Iron Brand), are entitled to re ceive from their arocer one of these beautiful Oame Plaqeea free. The plaques will not be aent br nail. They can be obtained onlr from your arocer. Every Grocer Keeps Elastic Starck, Do not delay. This offer ia for a abort time only. j . n m rcememDer 1 if you arc dissatisfied with the size of piece or with the quality of the chewing tobacco you are now using () () O ( 0 and you H get your money's worth. The JO-cent piece of Battle Ax is larger than the JO-cent piece of any other brand of the same high quality, and is the largest piece of really good chewing tobacco that is sold for JO cents Remember the name when you buy aoain. o 1 Do You Know that There Is Sci ence in Neatness? Wise and Use Be APOUO