The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 25, 1898, Image 1
r 1 ' The Sioux County vol. yzx. IHEI3ISOnsr, IsTEBK-SIC A, TIEITT;H,sr)A-Y-, -A.TTCK 25, 1893. Cnr WI'-.-'NO QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL !T !S SETTLED RIGHT."--". William J. iirjai,. Mr. Journal. 1 '. ". The Sioux County JcurnaL r--TAi:.lNl!Kr lsSK.1 Suhscriptioii Price, 1.0fl OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. Ilia issue of (lie criming Ciirnpiiijrn nre now clearly defined. Our only Kifely is lo stand firmly anil united hy them. (.'(. H. Cnnon, Kill In: Th rcfuiltlicuri congressional conven tion In-Ill at Council fituffs, la., on An;;. 1 ;lli si cms to have hroke the record for h Ion- il.iu .wk, having takn !-.! bal lots w ithout in- a candidate and Here forced to lake a recess of three uiys In fore concluding the convention. Knterd at llii llnrrlxoii po-l olllce as i iM-oti'i clan iiiHiicr. I Tho Jut'TiN VL confidently exports linn. I-wis (Jet Inch to lie nominated for repre sentative of this district at Crawford on Septciriher 10th, Box Jiutto Sheridan and I liiwre civo Sioux county the can didate this year. Wo expect llieit) to be inafjnnniniously f enerous. The re-nomiuntion of senator Mut?, of I Sprint: view hey a Pa- county to repre I sent this district in the legislature next winter hy l ho fusion conventions at I Valentine hist Saturday ' to an election and is a vote for the re election of senator Allen. ! i i i . i I. r ... j Acioruin-10 a special uispmeii ironi ' Uiytoti, ()., to the th'j Denver News" of tA iriwl n mmit t4 in ,-irrn !:it 11 in flll'i I 'pl(trC'llJ (ill ike t:'7'.''iih,.r() tt,;,t,Jol,i) It. Met 'lean, editor and' JiUtiforill, but -Will iiot helUtU ! proprietor f the Cincinnati' daily and to Ull IllOl't Oihl U'OI'.' for the iwcrkiv Enquirer, is likelv to hccoiiie i-retary of war in president McKiulors A. AL'er who .Ac .Ioit.xal lUnvH jiVily. Holi!ol by Tru.-.ts. i Diwt taxation is not . borne wjth eqiinniiuity by the eople of the L'nik-d States. Hut when such taxes are im posed on as means of raismg revenue to carry on war, objections are silenced. There is a form of taxation however, which is more heavy than any iinpof.ed on by the government, nnd that is the tux levie ou nil consumer by the trust-. Almost every day the announcement is made of the formation of a new trust or of the increase in the price of articles manufactured by some trust. Yesterday it was the plate lass trust. Tomorrow it w ill bo some other trust. Every one of these ti-usts is protected by the re publican administration. Every one of theso trusts helped to elect McKinley. If the people are tired paying tribute to the trusts, they sixiuld cease to vote for the candidates of the republican pirty. So lonif as Mark Ilannu. Steve Klkiusnnd McKinley are kept in power, is e.piivelant I just so long will the trust multiply and ( . I. ... .1 ..rill ,l.n tinnr. ii UUUI iSO. J'lnb SO lOIJ , III IHD ' "J'lw be taxed to make the rich richer and the ioor poorer. In tha light of every day exjierienco the people ought to sej the result of republican success, find should take measures to destroy the party which creates the trusts. Section of CumU'Iiik i for tfie niriov o.dke-i (i be void for thti fall no mailer, irlxilxr then are IKmoerat-u J'o;mH-i or 'free filrer Jleimhlhcn -, wlorsed bi all tn? rejorm pur- iie. coiniitionrJ; honi'er, that's thil) advocate lA-inttalth-in thes income ta.v lnr, ojipoAtioii io national, bank of are) cahiie-t to succeed Hon. It. may resign. V(ir!il-Il-rii5d Day, The I't'oiile's Iiidependcut Party Hep. rcseutatlvt? Couvcution. lie People's Independent I'nrty of the ii-ir'( Ilcprenentutivo platrict Is heretiy re iiiilit to Kurel delegates to a cunveutlon of saiJ parly Uj be lic:W 1 Ciaii ford, Iawea coupty, Nebraska, oa tbe loth, day of Sept. emtjer, A. I. JS!i. Sulir convention to con. veiie ut 1:011 o'clock p. jn. of said day. 1'he otij-fetof 8 ild convention ig to noiulnute a canfliijiite for representative from mailt dls- triit and to transact nucli oilier businens un lim properly eoaie heloro It. 'J iie roiiinVs of Buhl district ate entitled to the siiiiie icpreucuUitiou n- in tlie dtate co;!)fi'iitlon recently lield. It is recommend, ed ictt no proxies bo allowed, nutl Unit the del kt.ites pr(:nt cunt the entire vute to wlij-h tlit-ir respective counties ui-e entitl ed fc). W. H. WliSTi rV'EB, j t'liairimui. ' STOCK B11AND3. 1 XRE Journal will publish your brand, Ike the following, for per year. Knell ad- dilkiiiitl brand 75 ceurti. fcvi-ry rarmer or riii'liinen lu Sioux and adjoining counties f.iniild adTurtlse their brands In The Jock , NAiins it clrculutes. all over the state. It mi.? be the means of saving money for you. I- e5a -U 5 i W w Cit-j y c c - z u ;2 W ti 'J L Z "5 - w a Z T. Oi I- joss g Silt: & 4 FRANK Xt.'TTO. On left Bide of cattle and on left shoulder ot horneu. Kunne on Antelope creek I . o., (;in)i.-linst, Sioux Co., Neb. opj)0 :til to the nilrtmcii I of the ireenbach and treasury htt. favr government control oj rail rood", telegraph and trie phone linen and the tyf illi-h-ment of postal naviogn bonk inn tojxtem, an I oho are ' .. pord to the iw.ein of nati'x.i til bond in' time of jcace. FCSION STATK TlCIiTT. For (Vivernorr HON. W, A. l'OYNI'EI- ! J-'nr I-tciit. (o Timr: HON. A. V. GILHEHT. for bve. of slate: Hon. w. f. roni r.K. Tt t Mule Trc in rer : IloN. J. It. JlESF.ItVE. Tor ;-l.iti- Auditor: J. V. COI'.NELK For Allnrncv t.i-uf ral : HON A J. M1VTH. For om. Tub. l.uils ll-ill lri: Hon. j. v. woi.n:. lor 'tipl. Vnldlr I' HtN. V. H. JA'-KSOX, T"or ,-niitor I4tii .-"-nst'ii !:tl I.Ktrict. Hon. OTTO MliT,. The Spanish builders of tim Wl d .,ra tpm-lia nra now forced to aJuutJ that it wan tiowhero Hear AmurUiau jiilj proof. Hy cute diplomacy. Spain proposes iu some way to make CuUi liable for the Spanish bonds U the amount of 5-V) million dollars. Certainly this govern ment would never jH.-rmit such an act. No Compromise. Tho St. I.niiis platform misled millions bv the nrniicse of "intcrnaticuial bintet allism." Thuidf lod that phantom has vanished. What next! Eutinlly decep tive and iinnieaiiin "cuns-irvatism."' As defined by the fc-1.1 oliarcy mean one and the some, m.d like the cry of 's.niiid nmrif-y," arc only calculated to tii.klu tin1 car. L':t tho "coiervniisiii" jointh's republican I'nrty of like proc livities or fall in at the rear of the g'-n- eral procl-viti's or full in nt the rear of the ;eiici-al procession the further in ti.e rcir the better. Hut ton idea oi t i!iii;.t that figment back into tho party thev i!-;.. i t' I in its time of need would be as impolitic .nnd unwiso as to invite Spanish .ri,v,iicr on 'heir way to Spain to return and join Cien. Shatter' army. They Would Itollre the (.'rcenbacks, Treasury ol(s and Silvei' (.'crtilh-atcs. The republican candidate for governor coutdnt nialie the race for congress because the 11- &. M. railroad would not let him run. Ho could do them j letter service down at Lincoln if elected but ho will get left. lion. John IL McLean of Cincinnati, emphatically denies that he will succeed Hon. U. A., Alger,' as secretary of war here in what ho says: Please deny in most positive terms the statoinuiit of tha Times-Star. J. It. Mclean. According to the republican theory of finance, incorpuraud in the St. Imis platform-the sm-lo (,'old staudard-as du lim!d and interpr-ted by secretary tJa)e who in that case is the accredited expo nent of tho party and no .doubt stands nearer to the adminislrat .on (except Mark Hanna) than liny other man in the party they would retire half the circu lating medium of the country, especial ly that kind of mouev that circulates anions the people. Secretary (tagu declared uureservedly that the 31fMw,0.r, in greenbacks should i retired; the silver purchased under the Sherman net lie gradually sold and the treasury notes (silver certifi cates) redeemed nnd cancelled. What does it mean? Simply, it means the sin gle gold standard, national banks of issue, and bonds when wanted. I,et us see what secretary (Jagu's policy would result in if carried out. Tho amount in circulation at present of all kinds of cur rency is as follow: Gold coin 5'Vioo Standard silver dollars 01,491,073 Subsidiary silver (I.ri,72(),:i0s Oold certificates.: :i0,57.',(i8!) Sdvur certificates 37fl,fi0.'i,.'iti2 Treas. notes, act July 14, '00 10S,44:i,!M U. S. notes (greenbacks)... 310,4HO,027 Currency certificates, act of June H, 172 National Hank notes The ExiiosHIim JSIanutrinr nt Names August '-'Hli as AVorld-IIcrald l)aj. In honor of the thirteenth anniver sary of the establishment of the Omaha evening World which later con solidated with the Omaha Morning Herald, the exposition management has designated August 21 us World Herald d,v. On that day the railroads will sell tickets from sill parts of Nebraska at one fare for tho round trip and from some sections for even lefs. Tho ex position will make a special half rate admission in the evening arm a granu display of -tirewoiks will lake place upon the exposition grounds at 9 p. m. At noon upon World-Herald day the editors of Nebraska papers will take lunch with the World-Herald UKn tho exposition grounds and in the aftornoou and evening as guests of the World Herald will visit tho Midway and take in as many of its thirty-four attractions as time will p:;rmit. At 4 p. m., the United States life saving services will give an exhibition of saving shipwrecked and drowning Kjopla upon the lagoon near the government building. The great Mexican band from tho City of Mexico will play both afternoon and evening upon the exposition grouuds in open air concert. The Indian village, Chinese village, Streets of all Nations, Streets of Car,io, Ostrich farm, Old plantation, Haz"n back wild animal show, German village, Wild west and all other attractions will give their liest shows, and such places as the giant see-saw, shoot tho chutes and others will be in full blast. On ac count of tho low railroad rates and extra attractions as well as in honor of the World-Herald a great attendance is expected. rvr?. CHARLES I'.IKHI.K. On lei t, !dn or hip of cattle, I On left shoulder ol HovBl,s. :iii on the head ol MTaruorinot crei-k Address Harrison, Sionx Co. Neb. S. W.CAUEY. f?;S )! n left shoulder of cuttle und fVvj horse. Lrf rSfta&h'niitteoii Little Cottonwood. i). ., I lawrora iscur. 1'inal I'roof Polices. Ail persons havin llual proof notices in tUU paper ill receive a marked copy of the pnvjr and are renuested to e.ramino theii notice and If anv rrror exist report the sa."ia to this office at once. L GELACH, Says its so. If yuo don't believe what he says go to the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE and take a look at those 500 pairs of Boots & Shoes just arrived last Tuesday, and you will see he is warring with every store in the north-west. You can buy foot-wear of him cheaper than at any other store in Harrison. . Fresh Garden Seeds for Sale also, N0TICK KOIt I'CIlI.iCATION. ' Land Office at Altlanee, Nebr. ) July 11 MS. S Kotlce in ".t ;rcby slven that the following net tier hiw It toil noUvo of bis inten ti..)f to make Htm! proof in mjiport of his cd .jm and that said proof will bo made be- rv ',v'.',t-wrtUiirk of vUUtet ourt at Ii Jell, on AilgnstMls-.U viz: ItttVir- unrr of Montrose N'eti, who made 11. K. V ;'0, for tho N-EJ K'-i N-w;t, cc. .Vwrish!i l .V. JinngeSj W. ;t aam';s the fullowlng witnesses to prove hi: continuous resiijunce upon and cultiva tku ot said land, viz: t rank Nutto, of liaiTison Neb. John Weber, of ' Story . Mat rltrndal.of " " I t-nry WasserlmrKiir cf Gllehrls-ti " J. W. Wehn Jr. Itcglstcr. THE COMMERCIAL BANK. r., v, . -reSTABUSH ED 1883.1 .' - Harrison, Nebraska. B. E. Brxwster, I'resident. F. Cof ni Vioe-Preiitfcftf. D. H. GRISWOLD, Cashitr. The National W. C. T. U., have decided after mature reflection to abanodon all 'UirrM to their building in Chicago known as tho woman temple. In so doing they feel that a great burden is lifted from their shouldern. The appointment of 1'. O. Hedlund to lie iwcretary of the republican state central committal w ho was chief clerk under Eugene. V. Moore, who stole $28, 000, during his term of olllce, ought to lie sulllcient to defeat that party on general principals, if for no other reason. They slKiuld have made Mr. Moores Chairman of the same committee. Tho amount of fees received during Eugene Moore's term of olllce us state auditor was Sil7. 000 and out of that he covered into the state treasurer only $9,000 poekoting tho other $2H,000. That is a record breaker for the republi can narlv lo co beforo tint voters this fall is'nt it? Yet iu the face of all that his chief clerk has been rnado micretary at the republican ittutu ccutmJ coinmit- 43,3ir,000 223,827,730 Total fl,821,100,fil() Now then, the republican party's theo ry of financial "reform" voiced in behalf of tho money powers of Europe and the United Stales would take out of circula tion tho following kinds of tummy, which bears no return of interest to the bond holders and money shylocks: Standard silver dollars $ 61,720,!W Silver cerliflcntes .Vfi.fiOo.fiW Treas. notes, act July 11, '00 1011,4 U. S. notes (greenbacks).... 8I,4W),D27 Currency certificate, act of June K, 72 43,315,000 Total 1931, 00.-1,703 Thus it can ha wen very readily, that tho money they wish to rctiro from cir culation is tha kind of money mostly circulating among rhe peoplo, liesides it will reduce tho per capita amount al most ono half. In the opinion of tho Journal,, wo lie liove candidly, if the puoplo of tho coun try thoroughly understood tho republi can theory nnd plan of llnance meant, and what tho result will I si of a gold standard, thoy would fturely turn tho gold party down hard at tho polls on the 8th day of next November. Ueaullful Easier Ldllies or Fuiry Florida is tho homo of the famous Easter Lily. During the blooming sea son, in some places, the ground is almost white with their beautiful, lily white flowers, and thousand of them are picked by the colored children and carried to market. He fore coming north I had a fine lot of the lily bulbs dug, and brought them w ith mo; they make love ly house plants and are sura to bloom. Any ono who would like two or three of theso lily bulbs can have them by Bend ing a stamp to pay postage. You are indeed very welcome to send as I can ' get more w hen I return to Florida next fall. Address Mrs. F. A. Warner Saginaw, East Side, Michigan. Sheriff's Sale. Jiy virtue of on order of sale Issued by the Chirk of the IiUtric-t Court of the. county of Slims, and statu of Nebraska, upon a deem rendered bv said Court iu tavor of The Farmers Trust Company, a cororntioii, is jxirtutilTs, and the said David Anderson and nc.ra Anderson, Is defendants, 1 will on the SM day of September, A. 1). 1MW, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. in. of said day at the east li nit door ot the .-ourt house in Harrison, In maid county, otter and sell the following ftncrllicd real extute to-wit: The Smith f rt quarter of Section Twenty-eight, Town ship Thirty-live, Kantfe I-ifly four, Iu Sioux ccunly, Nebraska, at. public unction to the h Kheat bidder for cahli, to satisfy said ord e- of sale In the suiii of IIT..V!, with Interest thereon ut Hie rate of ten per cent, per all ium from tho lull day of May, lsi'S, and etwts and aocrulnit costs. (2-0) Thomas, Sheriff of said Counyt. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. S50 000. Transacts a General Banking Busi: CORRESPONDENT American Exctianof, National Bank, New York, Omaha National Bank, Omaha, First National Bank, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. t3f DRAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. U.1IU.UXMIKI iiAi titofl It 'ftniinm jnoi : -piMJP'i! UUTl'i'il.'N Aim 41J UM1"IM w i,- nuua.l, JP )H.JII'l umuj iVWM piuiail juicnuuM y -mum yimm eil "t 'oiu".i iniiM rrprm)inju Aimnj 'o- v uunn iinti'ijii uiWi tniail,! Niuiwl ltiiiJn.1,1 jnj X.iijiiw 1K iJJ tu4l mimiu,! (i'iiiMM)puw(t -pijiuiitioaiiill-i'liiiaiiMI W.lltlflllllUO.) -iUil.TltllI ifIMOJ'l "I IHMIMUAIlj UV JlllvliM miJJ milUii diiu ,iirijmn uiuu iiu utii)tljaiiuu pun u.jhi XuiuiM nuuiuy ,. Of XHOIUAdOO moibiq U4 .suvaA oa rr Notice to Xon-Ucsidciit and I'uknowii Defendant. llathew Ullcy, Jane Kiiey his wife and tho unknown heirs of Joshua Maker, deceased, uVI'cndutiU, will take notice that ou August '.tli, 1HW, The Wenlcrii Security Corn puny, a corporation of Windham, Connecticut, liiaiutifT herein, filed its petition in tho District Court of Sioux county, Nebraska, afaliist said defendants, the object and ,-praver ot which Id to torncloso a certain inoUK.igo mii'lH and executed by delond auts, Mathew Kiiey and Jano Itlley his wife U) tlie aaid The Western Hecurtty Company, the legal holder and owner thereof, upon tbe S K'i of flection Townslilp SI, limine "(, illusion x county, Neliraska, to accurc the piiymisit of one certain promlsarV nolo tor fWl.on, duo September Uth, Isim, with inter e.l theroon at 7 jier cent, per annum from HeptenilM-r 11th, lsss. Default has been iinulo In the payment of said nolo and inter dlnnd In the terms and conditions of said uiorlipiKii. riiere is and will be duo and owing to plulutiff on said promisory note with Interest thereon to Seplcinlxr llith, It boliiK the first day of the next term of said Court, MI3.S0 and taxes to tho aniount of73.Wl, which taxes philutld' is compelled to pay to protect its mortKago Kocurliy; for which mi ni plain tin" prays decreo that said defendants bo required to pay tho same, and that In delimit thereof, said premises may lie auld to satisfy the amount found due thereon and costi". Von urn required to aiinwcrsald petition on or beforo Heptiune cr loth, IMta. Tho Western Security tympany, l'lalntltr, , (3 7) By Al.viN T. CLARK, its Attorney, $3','3',A THE GftE&T REFORM KJlfiJiZiaS l in m ran r n WTZi r: 2 II IB Ifera H a K K4uwJ 1 11 2fl ptiuntlf jut mnoffk. K itarvlnf. no nKnvntnr, i (4 rult, no oAiMr tirur Trrtinnt jrl-cllr ImrmN'M an4 ftrirtl ookA dMtlftl. Qtitrtion fct nV n't fl.V lr. Oil or vrlk. im. U. I). JJlll , bit I'm fttre, m. tvuU, M. FREEW D 4 dncay, norvo packaBBoroo? (rnatmont for weaknem anil lout vitality sent free for II ofs. potait. Dli. UK1) INST. 120 1. 91! SL, IT. WDLJ, l O Monthly, 100 Inr;? pa?M, illulraied,- not a dull lino iu it. It is GrMIiir yont fitfht; O it deserves your support. t flue dollnr ft vear. niccntl ENcwTimc."Lct me lake those loads from your backs" a cony; sample uurat.-. mailed for six cents. O THE NEW TIME, 56 Fifth Ave, CKiCAQO y mM FEMLES3 FG3SFyi uvcGJ',fF.3PiU.::K: OPPOfSEMT Cr editors s Ti. 0. WW eo9 Head-quarters for HARD-WARE, TIN-WARE, DRY-GOODS and GROCERIES, FLOUR and FEED and everythiug.needful & useful. LEWIS GERLACH, Prop. MM o Jl -i 'jS. O 2 g Sri ts ' ek a t . , 3 n u2 urs K,i ! -'m s ft tit! 6 ' IN."" JS V i v 9 L ii a XI j- 5; a P. 0 - 2 5 n V '"Vj 5 C3 tBsijlSMJssaiafci f-- v I' if . . 1 1- -i ' ' ' ' '