The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 18, 1898, Image 6

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- There waa considerable Ill-feeling tie
twee the two eanipe. It all began with
Blny Chetwynde declaring that be
could paddle from Silver Glen dam to
the railroad bridge In twenty minute.
Nobody had ever thought of doing It Id
Jess than twenty five before, and Hal
Bargees who beard Billy's boasting
from the other tent, stuck his head
through the flap and said:
"What yon crowing about, Billy? Do
tv want to make a new record for
tin Blrerr
1 Can do a better snriflt than rnn&mnn than KaIi IimImi
r -
f M. W w U fii.rtUIM 1.1 i mi
ty, shying a sauce-pan at Hal's bead.
But the bead was Immediately with
drawn and there was only Hal's mock
ing laugh in reply to the missile, and
..that was au the beginning.
But the
ending '
Hal took ft np the next morning as
soon as Billy appeared. "When you
getsg to make that wonderful record,
! JMIyr he asked, and before the day
waa over we were all squabbling over
the individual paddling of both crowds.
Nothing would satisfy ns but a chance
tournament In which every member of
the Chet wynde crowd was pitted
gainst some member of the Burgess
fraternity. Now take my advice: when
ever two parties of school friends camp
ut near each other see that there is no
racing or trials of dexterity. At Ieaat
ft yon want a quiet time.
There isn't a more peaceful spot In
all the State than the stretch of quiet
water known aa Still River. But from
the day Billy and Hal got to wrangling
ver who could make the best time be
tween the dam and the railroad bridge,
the two tents full of fellows were In a
continual squaooie. Before we were
all having a jolly good time and every
fellow behaved hlmselif. But after the
'"mild-eyed angel of peace folded Its
wlnga and fled" well, aa my young
brother Teddy remarked with great
freedom of speech, "the Kilkenny cats
weren't la Itr
The race came off. and naturally the
greatest excitement was over the trial
between Billy and Hal. Both had the
best canoes of the lot real Indian
btrchbarks made by Johnny Nose (or
Nosey Jobnny, as we called him), a
half-breed Indian who waa quite a
character about Silver Glen. All we
could think or talk about were the
races, and Hulling, ball play and swlm
' talng wen forgotten while we prac
ticed war strokes on the quiet waters
a the Still River.
Well, Billy was Inclined to "blow" on
. all eccaalona, and he had done an extra
: amount of bragging before this race,
so perhaps It served him right to be
beaten. But I hatad to ace Hal do It
Hal waa always so awfully "topping"
when be got the best of a fellow. Billy
had declared that he could make the
distance la lean than twenty minutes,
' and he waa Joat twenty-one minutes
and seven seconds In getting over the
come, according to Freddy Max weir s
step-watch, while Hal got In la a Uttle
over nineteen minutes.
. Wall, the Burgess crowd waa, of
ssust, too unbearably fresh to live
with after that, and when It waa dis
covered that Ned Chetwynde, Billy!
eoosia. bad invited Hal's brother Dart
areuad behind the tenta and thraahed
aim loyally, we older fellows, who
saouM have frowned opaa any
- proceeding, never look ettker of the
Bo those won tat strained relations
existing between the two camps on the
day the nUll hands at Silver Glen
atmek. Wo beard tbey were going to
oartka the day before, for Jim Nolan,
Bars fathers gardener, drove by on
Ms way to Lonsdale and told as about
H. Mr. Bargees was one of the chief
owners of the mill, and Nolan had been
seat to tent graph Mm to cocao op from
Now York aad settle the trouble with
the ate AO the old heads Bkod Mr.
Bargees aad tbey would Baton to him.
kaowtag that he would errs thesa fair
, ( , at tto Boa was vara stirring np all
, t C troable at the aUfl did not want
EsTs father as arbitrator, aad tbero
' fare tke swags was to be tent Ma
rroai liaodali so taot there would as
- ' Isaa beJUty of the strikers learalag of
tt 1 tfcemgftt atyseC that oil Notaa
- was ytotty Isaky sort of f efiow to fee
; t to Co secret, far tf he'd to a
rrtr sxaett kwya tke no. wtf
wrMifl U ts3 eOer Bettf
. " frrr watt 3 auad ovar
'C1 frrrrjat of I mk txj cm da Can
;r crrj -jrcrt feOsr
; cctr forj am 4
In floe
lighting humor by night
Most of us forgot the recent race and
a good many of our differences In the
strike excitement But Billy Chet
wynde was as gloomy as an owl and
spent most of the day on the river. He
couldn't get oyer bis defeat at Hal's
bands Heretofore Hal and him bad
been as "thick as thieves" the chum
mlest chums in the school and I don't
know but the fact that they were no
longer friends really troubled Billy
a u
In the canoe
Hal didn't show up at supper time,
and Fred, who came down from the
Glen earty In the afternoon, said be waa
worried. The temper of some of the
! strikers was bad and Fred said he fear
ed Hal had got Into trouble. Billy,
when be beard this, got out his canoe
agin and paddled up stream. What
happened after that we only know
from Billy's own story, and for a won
der, as It Is hard work to get Billy to
talk about It even now.
He paddled up to the dam to see If
he could bear or see anything of Hal.
It was getting dusky on the river, and
as he went up near the west bank he
was entirely In the shadow. Some of
the men maybe half a dosen of them
were talking together under the dam
on the west aide, having evidently met
mere ny appointment Kiuy's canoe
n't noticed at all and be beard
.. uat they said. In about two minutes
be bad got the gist of the matter, and
If ever there was a frightened boy In a
canoe, that boy was Billy Chet wynde.
and he was In that canoe on the Still
River at that Identical moment
He learned that these men were the
ringleaders of the strike; that they
were determined the strike should go
on, aad that Mr. Burgess should not
talk with the men until the trouble had
gone far enough to make so amicable
settlement Impossible. And to gain
their end they had secured the assist
ance of two rascally tramps who had
agreed to "draw" the spikes out of a
rail at tbe bridge below, so that tbe
evening tra'n, with Mr. Burgess
aboard, would be ditched!
Rome time after Billy left camp that
evening we saw something shoot by
our teats like s streak of light It waa
a boy la a canoe. We all Jumped np
aad looked after tke rapidly disappear
ing streak.
"It's that champ, Billy r said Fred,
la disgust "We shan't be able to get
Mm off tbe river aa summer. Asy
body'd think Hfe or death depended on
Ms going over that course la better
time than Hal made."
Aad It did; bat he didn't know tt Bil
ly had heard one of the conspirators
declare that It waa half-past six. As
he tamed his canoe's bead areuad la
the shallow water be heard the mill
clock strike the half hour aad the
evening train crossed tke railroad
bridge at tea minutes to seven!
He eeulda't atop to toll us aaythlag
about It Be had bat twenty m tastes
to rsaek tke brfdga, din tke bank aad
tag tke train, and It la aa ackaowledg-
sd fact tkaf be aahdo setter ttate an tke
t3 Crrer tke algst taaa was trer
before, aer has It boon eeeaOed
trata saaaa triaal Cat head at
Cat at? extract Ca or saw a
Pickle's whisky. They'd be
swing Its arms almost la front ef the
aglne at the edge of the bridge. Taw
engine-driver stopped the train In
time, the loose rail was discovered, and
after It was repaired they bore Billy
to Silver Glen In a state of mild col
lapse, bat a good deal of a hero.
The canoe record of the Still Hirer
course remains something like eighteen
minutes, and nobody bas since csred to
scale down Billy's time. But I doubt If
Billy carvs much about the record
after ill now that Hal and he are
friends again. Rocky Mountain News.
Home Long Beards.
Perhaps ttie best-known beard tn the
United States Is that of ex-tienator
rrfiVr, of Kansas, which was said to
measure three feet long, but Utere are
many wtitah exceed that in size. The
muMeums frequently contain men five
feet and over whose beards sweep the
floor when they stand up, but perhaps
the longest of all Is that of Legrand
Larow, of Lamer, Mo., wnfeb li said to
exceed any otber In the world. It Is
seven feet in length, and has measured
seven and one-half feet Mx. Larow
waa born In Tompkins Oouoty, New
York, In 18&2, and bis relatives are
noted for beavy beards, but not extra
ordinary lenjrth. He Is six feet In height
and wHgtas 175 pounds. When standing
with hie beard down H extends two
feet upon the floor. He has not shaved
for over twenty years. In the year 1877
Mr. Larow went West, and waa s
farmer and stock raleer for many
years. He wears his beard braided and
wound around bis body, or else wrap
ped and lodged Inside his vest. Boston
Primitive Lighting.
The first and most natural way of
lighting the houses of the colonists was
found tn the fat pitch-pine, which waa
plentiful everywhere; but as soon as
domestic animals increased candles
were made, and the manufacture of tbe
winter supply became the special au
tumnal duty of the thrifty housewife.
Great kettles were hung over the kitch
en Are and filled with hot water and
melted tallow. At tbe cooler end of
the kitchen two long poles were placed
from chair back to chair back. Across
these poles, like the rounds of a ladder.
were placed shorter sticks, called can
die-rods. To each candle-rod were tied
about a dozen straight candle wicks.
Tbe wicks were dipped again and
again, In regular order, In tbe melted
tallow, the succession of dippings glv
Ing each candle time to cool. Each grew
siowiy in sice till all were finished.
Deer suet was used as well aa beef tal
low and mutton tallow. Wax candles
were made by pressing bits of half
melted wax around a wick. Chautao-
The Brave at Home.
The maid who binds her warrior's sash
With smile that well her paia dlssc
The while beneath her drooping lash.
One starry tear drop hangs and trem
ble. ,
Though heaven alone records the tear,
Aad fame shall never know her story,
Her heart has shed a drop aa dear
Aa s'er bedewed s field of glory!
The wife who girds her husband's sword
'MM little ones who weep aad vender,
And bravely speaks tbe eheerlag word,
What though ber heart b rent asnader.
foomes mgniiy in ner o reams to hear,
Tbe bolts of death around him rattle.
Hath shed aa sacred blood ss e'er
Wss poured open the field of battle.
The mother who conceals her grief
wails to set breast her son she
Then breathes s few brave
Kissing the patriot brow she blesses.
With so one but her secret God
To knew tbe pain that weighs uses her.
Sheas hohr blood ss e'er tbe sod
Received on Freedom's field of kenerl
-Thomas BBchaaas Read.
Mill adder!
It Is sad," murmured tbe Mooing
Theoriser, "to think that every man has
Ms price."
"Yes," admitted the Intensely Prac
tical Worker, "'nd It is a sad fact that
half tbe time he can't get If-Cloda-aad
Toothless Jellyfish.
The Jellyfish has so teeth, bat
himself as If he were a piece of paper
whoa he is hungry, gettiag Ms food
aad, taoa wrappiag hlmeeCX about M.
Toast girts complain that aft the se
stable area an married: a aw aa ska
leeaa who are good
ways to ahtfcg
Is to permit aa
It Waa Alaseet Blcbteea fee Lu
ad Very Hard to Treat
"Seems to me I told you once." said
the old circus man to tbe Boston Her
ald reporter, "about the giraffe having
a sore throat? It is a serious matter
for any giraffe to have a sore throat;
bad for the giraffe and bad for tbe own
er. Wben you come to take an eighteen
foot giraffe like ours a sore throat
meant large expense and a large
amount of trouble; aud tbe big fellow
hadn't more'n got over this before
something else happened to blm that
gave us even more trouble. He caught
cold and tbe cold settled In his throat
I suppose he was still sensitive there
sud it gave biro a stiff twx lt. that he
couldn't bend bis neck at alL
"You can't have any Idea of what a
stiff neck means until you see a giraffe
afflicted in that way; we'd bad all sorts
of trouble with animals in one way or
another, but for real bother this beat
'em all. We discovered It one day on
tbe road. Tbe giraffe always ducked
bis bead under tbe branches that hung
down, sort of like a swan or goose does,
but this day. carrying bis bead right up
straight In the air, he brought up
against a branch that was at kstst flf
teen feet above the ground. That was
such an amazing thing that we knew
something must be the matter, and
when tbe giraffe's keeper came up and
spoke to blm, and all be did waa to
bend his nose and look down, wby, we
saw he couldn't bend his neck, and
then we knew what was the matter.
"Well, of course, tbe first thing we
did waa to set a man to march along,
side of him with a tent pole with a
crotch in tbe end of it to lift the branch
es for him. Most of tbe time almost
all tbe time. In fact we could steer
him clear of overhanging branches, and
of course lota of tbe way there waa long
stretches' where there wasn't any trees
at all, and then we'd come to places
where tbe man would have to lift a
branch to let the big giraffe go under;
and a great pity It waa, too, to see him
compelled to go about in that manner.
"He went that way for about ten
days. Ordinarily we used to put bis
feed for blm on top of an animal cage,
so that he wouldn't have to bend down
more than eight or ten feet but he
couldn't do that now. So we set a ring
In the center pole eighteen feet from
the ground and we used to reeve a rope
through that and make one end fast to
the bucket with his food or drink in it
and heist It up and let him eat there.
On the road we used to throw tbe rope
over the crotch of a tree at a suitable
height For bis entry Into the great
tent at show time we had to cut a great
silt la the canvas; but we didn't regret
that, becauae It was a mighty Impres
sive thing to see blm march In that
way. It made blm look tbirty-eix feet
tall Instead of eighteen.
"Twice a day a man used to go up
en a ladder and put a strap around bis
head and we'd book on a fall with a
bosun's chair, and a man would ride
down his neck and rub In liniment He
used to like that very much, and It
helped him greatly, too, and one morn
ing, wben tbe men went out to give
blm the usual rub, they were delighted
to see tbe old chap with his bead
down pretty near to the roof of tbe
grixsly bear cage, which stood next to
blm, which showed that his neck was
coming around all right and also tndi
cated that he'd take his breakfast this
morning In the old way. If you please."
Gallant Conduct of Piper.
There have been several Instances of
bravery similar to that of tbe gallant
Gordon piper at Dargal, who continued
to play after both his legs had been
shot off. One of these, which occurred
during the Peninsular wars, waa al
most Identical with that of the capture
of the Dergai ridge. It waa at TVmlera,
when the then Seventy first Highland
ers hurled themselves against the
French as a counter -stroke to the at
tempt of Kellerman to recover six cap
tured guns, and drove back their assail
ants in headlong rout When the High
landers were advancing Piper Stewart,
of tbe grenadier company, fell his
thigh being broken by a musket shot
Yet he refused to quit the field, and.
sitting on a knapsack, continued to In
spire bis companions with a pibroch.
saying. "De'll ha 'iv, lads. If ye shall
want for music."' For this be received
handsome stand of pipes from the
Highland society of London.
Again, there Is the historical Incident
of Pips Major Mackay, who, when his
regiment bad formed square to receive
a charge of French cavalry at Water
loo, stopped outside tbe square and
strode round tbe bayonet-bristling
ranks playing Ms moot Inspiriting pi
broch la tbe presence of his comrades
ta Incident which forma the subject
of one of Mr. Bogle's finest battle pic
tures, exhibited at tbe academy a year
or two ago. London Chronicle.
IrelaCe pootaolee.
Sir neary Irving bas one peculiarity
that only those brought Into Intimate
contact with him recognise. This Is la
regard to tke number of spectacles sad
glasses of various sorts that he always
baa la band, both at too Lyceum Thea
ter aad at home. At tbe Lyceum he
bss quite two ooaoa pairs of one kind
and another, aad ao employe about the
plsce ever dreams of removing them.
for when Sir Henry Is busy with soms
production ho Is perpetually losing his
spectacles, and, as bo hi far more de
pendent on these than most people
know, be ilea to tbe aearest pent
where bo Is tart bo may tad a pair.
He Is constantly buyta aew pairs of
sees, aad whoa be la gaol aaturedly
rallied about this he pleads guilty to
having quits sixty pairs sttkar at the
Itisatar or at
Hats la flfboaa
Of tte tftooa gjeMva baMss of bs
world tke avsrtfa daatk rass teats last
let of fCasa (at wmlek afcas seUsbU
par cent, ranging from go pot osat. too
British lees at Saratoga, to 47 per rent,
tbe lose of the Swedes at Pultowa. Of
other great battles k Is difficult to III
the avers ga death rate, though It insy
be estimated at about 20 per cent The
rates range from .9 (the German loss
at Sedan la September, 1X70) to SO per
rent., the British loos st Bloody Albue
rs. As a matter of fart, things stand
very much as they used to do, save that
the slaughter, when It does occur, al
ways conies more quickly. A great
battle In which the quick-firing gnna
can be brought Into effective use will
probably Increase the death rate large
ly, but Chat remains to be proved. Gen
era statin tin prove that since the Tro
jan war, 3,000 years ago, not a single
year bas eluimed in which some war
baa not caused the killing of a large
number of men; while H la calculated
that all the world's wsrs are respoosl
ble for the death of of
human beings. Boston Traveler.
The risk of being struck by lightning
Is five times greater In the country
than in cities, and twenty times greater
at sea than on tbe railway.
It has been calculated that the whole
coal supply of our planet would barely
suffice to produce beat equal to that
which the sun dissipates In one-tenth of
s second.
Authorities differ ss to the pbyslologt
cal effects producing death from elec
inciiy. rrom wiae experience a re
cent Investigator concludes that one of
the chief causes of death Is dynamle
apoplexy, but tbat this Is one of a va
riety of effects from which tbe electro
cuted criminals die.
In tbe cold waters me sea animals
are dwarfed In size, somewhat aa w
find them In blgb mountain regions. It
Is said that the starfish will grow as
large as a pudding plate where tbe
conditions are favorable, but not larger
than a silver dollar In the cold cur
rent of the Atlantic, which flows soutb
wsrd. In some places this cold cur
rent falls two to two and one-half de
grees below tbe freezing point of fresh
water, at the bottom of the ocean.
One of tbe methods of testing tbe
question of tbe existence of a percept
I ble atmosphere on the moon Is the
observation of a star at the Instant
when It disappears or emerges from
behind the moon. If there were a lunar
atmosphere It should produce some ef
feet on the appearance of tbe star. No
such effect ban ever certainly been ob
served. Rec ently this method bas been
rendered more delicate, perhaps, by tbe
application of photography. Photo
graphs of stars, made aa they are about
to disappear behind the lunar disk.
show no Indications f change in the
intensity of tbe Image, such as would
be expected to occur if the moon hsd a
perceptible atmosphere.
Among tbe moxt surprising discover
ies of modern astivnomy Is that ef
double stars, wulcli sre so clone to
gether tbat no telescope Is able to show
them separately, but whose "duplicity"
Is revealed by their motion around one
another. In consequence of this mo
tion, one of tbe stars may be approach
ing tbe earth at tbe same time tbat its
companion Is retreating, and In tbat
case the lines In the spectrum of tbelr
Hght will be seen "split" Such stars
are called spectroscopic binaries. Very
few are known, but a new one has Just
been discovered by Mrs. Fleming, of
the Harvard Observatory. It Is the
star Beta In the constellation Lupus.
Two of these binaries recently discov
ered are found to be revolving with
velocities of 200 miles and 380 miles
per second respectively!
A writer In Knowledge describes tbe
Interesting operations of the bee called
the "leaf-cutter." This Insect ddlls In
a sand-bank a bole ten Inches deep and
half an Inch In diameter, and divides
It Into about a dosen comport meats or
cells. Ksch cell Is composed of pieces
ot leaf, cut Into proper shapes, and
carefully fitted together. Rose lesres
and sweet pea leaves are among tbe
favorites of the bees. The cutting Is
sVne with the Jews, while tbe six legs
hold the leaf In position, and enable
the insect to turn Itself about with the
precision of a pair of compasses. Some
of the cut pieces are perfect circles;
others are oblong figures of varying
proportions. Having cut out tbe seg
ment of leaf, aa operation requiring
about twenty seconds, tbe bee carries
It to the sand-bank, and then returns
for more materials. Wbea a piece bas
been nearly cut off. the bee. In order
to prevent tearing, poises Itself la tke
air with Its wings, and completes tbe
operation with a clean cut
It Was the Lady Okoos,
Four ghosts there were was plsrtd at
Forsooth, tbey played It wstll
And all agraed to net desist
Ustil tke matte keU.
Tbey dealt the specter esras around
With quivering quail sad qeake,
For fear tbat tt tbey made a sound
Tbe sleeping world would wake!
Then something sharp tke si Usee broke
"What s tramssr a votes did eryt
It was s lady ghost who spoke
Aad knocked the saate sky-alga!
Tbe practice of kicking upon the to
csafea of srory Uttle grtevnasa, grows
until ft boeasaot sack kaktt tbat you
sag kick, wbotbor ft bars a grltr-
It hi taty tt waft tke UglrUaaa of
faa Mr a fae
Bold He Weald Jaie the Ares If I
Hefesed Hiss-Maw He May Maes To,
"Hang tbe war, anyhow!" aaid
young men to bis chum In aa uptowa
clubhouse the other night
"Why, what's the matter now Toff)
haven't eiillt-l. have your"
"No; that juet It. T barest, but I
may have to. after alL"
"How Is tbatr
"Well, you know Miss and I bar
been getting along nicely for some time,
and, although sbe bas refused to mar'
ry me on several different occasions, I
still bad hopes of winning her."
"Yes, I knew you bad; and what has
caused yon to change your mind 7" '
"It waa ail on account of that blamed
old major."
"What did he have to do with Itr
"Everything. He caught me in a con
fidential mood the otber night and I
told blm all my troubles, my aspira
tions snd my hopes, and he tn return
apparently gave me bis confidence. He
also gave me some advice."
"Did yon take KT"
"Yea, I did. I afterward met Miss
St s reception, sud wbes I got a
banee to apeak to ber alone I once
more told her of my life long affection,
but sbe only laughed at me. I then took
the last deaperste step. and. striking a
tragic attitude, I vowed that If she did
not sonsent to marry me I would eulist,
go to the war and be killed."
"What did sbe say to that 7"
"Oh, she grew solemn at etvee, aad
sbe tried to persuade me from doing
anything so dangerous. In fsct. sbe
showed more emotion than 1 bad ever
seen her show before, and 1 became
hopeful. I thought that I bad won ber
surely, and, taking out my watch, I
said that I would give ber five minutes
to make up her mind. In tbe strongest
language at my command I swore thai
if she did not accept me 1 would go to
the front and leave her forever."
"Well, did she accept you 7"
"No, she did not gbe gazed at me
for a moment or two with tears in her
beautiful eyes, and then said thai she
had not thought that It was In me. but
that it would be extremely kind of ms
to enlist ss every girl of her acquaint
ance had several friends who had en
listed, and that sbe had felt so lied be
cause she did not have one. If I would
enlist she would think a greet deal
more of uie than sbe had ever done be
fore, but she could uever marry me."
"That bas pin red you In a rather em
barrassing position, hasn't It? But
what had the poor eld major to do wttb
ii r
"Poor old major he blowed. What has
he to do with it? It was be who advised
me to try tbe eulistlng dodge en ber,
and I have since learned that be Is go
ing to marry the girl blmeeU." Now
York Tribune.
Bome or Our Naval Ha
Stephen Decatur The destruction of
tbe Barbary plraue. In Augut 1MH.
John Paul Jones Capture ef Ute See-
apis, September. 1779. He saU: We
have Just begun to fight"
Isaac Hull Railed from Boesoa with,
out ordurs In August, 1812. Captured
British frigate Guerrkere, called "too
terror of the world."
Johnston BUkeWy Who made Im
mortal fame In the cruiser Wap, lalt.
Oliver Uazaard Perry Swept Cbe
British from Lake ICrie in Septoaiber,
James Lawrence Oooquered the
British sioops Peacock am
In 1818.
Charles aeewart-DM masy
deeds as commander of Old Ironsides.
William Balsbrldge Gallaat service
la Ute French war of 17W.
Samuel C. Rcld-Maved New Orleani
In the war of UJ12 by detaJalag the
British squadron at Fayal.
Andrew II. Footo Service ef dtotl ac
tion In tbe China war (1803) sad la the
clva war.
Joefeh Tataall-lB the Obi a a war.
Author of tbe saying, "Blood is thicker
than water."
James Biddle-WKb Balabrldge la
Tripoli, 180S. ' Later com massed tbe
James A Men Commanded the gusv
boot Richmond at New Orleans, 1863.
David Porter Famous cruise ef the
Essex sod in the civil war.
David C. Porter splendid services la
Ute civil war.
William B. CuaMng Blew op tbe reb
el ram Albemarle e'th his torpedo, Oo
tobor, 1804.
David O. Farragut-The great naval
commander of the civil war.
Matthew a Perry - Expedlttoa
against tbe slavers la IMS aad in the
civil war. '
A. H. Mabaa Recognised naval aa
tbortty of tbe world.
Daniel Amman Inventor of tbe ram
KataJtdla, aad did good service la the
clvfi war.
George Dewey-Tke hero of Manila
A Marrow Beoase.
"Doctor," aald tbe substantial dq
sea, as bs rushed up to tbe youag pay
stclan, "I owe you my lifer
"Yes. I was taken suddenly 111 two)
days ago aad my wlfo seat-for ysu aal
you wore not la."
Tenable la the Parker Psaally.
WIIUs Parker's salary was lisklsd
a short tins ago, to I boar.
Wallace Yea, It watt but it get Mat
la lots of trouble.
WUlie-How's that
Walters Hit wife found It ouC
BMsMkee Tobacco.
toan Tletarla It perhaps tbe oalp
Eur spat a sorsrolga who bat a nosltlia
aroralsa tt tobacat la all Ha
Woo bs to tbe Prises who plm tkt
aparxsaoaiast waiasar wltk Hi I
Ak Aasaasa wtsrtor facet pswatt
mi Bat gaallfU sttsaf twVtsBJ bat
fjmre wCQ CLJ C
a Ms i
ca Abotst D
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