TLTE SIOUX :jvr.Ti JOTJR1TA TucrtsriAy. A tit?. 4th, l-M. ;po. 1J. Canon, Kili tor and Prop. C.K.iM.V U it. timetable. Going rut. OuiiS t.ast. o. J, li.iifi, : 1 :20 1 No. 6, Billed 8 :flO I North-Western LINE Y. E. SL V. K. U. is the best to and from the BLACK HILLS, DEAD WOOD AND HOT grUINUS. SOUTH DAKOTA. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATE OFFICERS : STlM A. Holcoinb-. Junes E. HuiU- M. T. Porter JoBa F. Cornell J. B. IiMTV C. J. Smyth J. V. Wolfe iV. H. Jackson Governor .Lieutenant Governoi Secretary of State Auditor Treasurer Attorney General .Land Commlssionei -Supt. Public Instruction OOSGRESSIOBAL DELEGATION: John M. Thurston 17. 8. Senator. Omaha TV in. V. Allen V. 8. Senator, Madiaon J. R, Strode, Congressman 1st Diat., Lincoln I). 11. Merctr, jSemuel Maxwell, W. L. Stark, K. I). Sutherland, "W. L. tireeu. Id Omaha 3rd 4th ttu Fremont Aurora Kelson .Kearney JUDICIARY: J. J. Sllivan Chlcr Justice, Colombo T. O. C. Harrlion As'te Judge, Grand Island TT. L. Sorval .Associate Judge, Seward 13. A. CauipbellUlark and Kt porter, Linsoln TIFTKEJiTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: K. P. Elnkatd Judge, O'Neill "W. H. Weetover.. 11. J. Blewett " Knshvlllc Clerk, Harrison TEEMS OF COURT: District Court, At Harrison, commences Spring term May tth, yall " SeptJ9tu Jury mh. County Court, At Harrison, commences first Monday of each month. LEGISLATIVE: 'Otto MutzSenator, Dist. No. 14, Spring-view -A. M. Sheldon Dist. No. S3, Cnadron COUNTY OFFICERS: TBobert Wilson County Judge M. J. Blewett Clerk Caa. Bleble Treasurer JCbrie Xerriam Thos Holly J. E. Phlnney ..upt. Public Instruction Sheritr Corwner X. V. Thomas X. J. Blewett Surveyor -Clerk of District Court Jrant Guthrie County Attorney BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: -Jens C. Meng Andrew Procunler- .1st District .3d " .Jackson MeltlenrCh&iruianl Id TILLAGE OFFICE KB: . F. Pontlns (chairman) John Davis D. H. Griawod W. B. Marsteller J. Rohwsr W.H. Davis ..Trustee Clerk Treaaure- lewis Gerlaeh 9CH0OL OFFICERS: Xggert Kobwer Director B. L. Smack Moderator Xewis Gerlaeh Treasurer ,5 " CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES. ffaliinftljift Hnnria bhAnl mn awaw a..n day morning at 10 M W..H. Duvis. Mis B iTI.Lt Superintendent. Secretary 1PWORTH LEAGUE. aarStar business meeting first Tuesday evwuiag l eaeh month. Miss Palm ik, O.KMTMXL, President. Secretary. Devotional meeting every Sunday evening t Irtt. M. Kxswi.k, Leader. JCIIOR LEAGUE. Matte Saaday afUrnoon at 2 SO. MM. KfiflMLL., Supt. - ssi wajam. nn, so. au, u. a. k. , Masts second Monday In each month in Sao wenst house at Harrison. , X. E. Livertnore, Com. I WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. TXarrlaon Camp, No. W, meets on each al Senate Wednesday evening. W. . DAVIS, J. A.HaKSO, Oei. Con. Com. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Meets each alternate Saturday evening at I o'clock. J. W .Smith, V. C A. R. law Clerk. Baby Cn rrln tytvt -r-s IM ' 03,50 a,, o m at A 4LlV Usi tmp tar SrW Cilmrj ; OKA NT iJL'THHIF.. Altorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all leai matters in Justice, Couiily and District Courts, and before the United State Land Office. Fire Insurance written in reliable companies. E'Legal papers carefully drawn. Hap-usuX, - Nf.bka.-k A. J. E. PHEN'NEY. M. D. Phjiseian and Sorgeon. AH calls given prompt atteution. Office in Drug Store. -HARRISON NEBRASKA. A. T. CLARK, Lawyer. Office: In the Sichstein Bniidi.ig, HARRISON, - - NEB. COME TO THE JOURNAL ?K, JOB WORK 3 Stationary. SOTICE TO SETTLERS. The rales of the local land office have recently been amended so that settlers to make final proof shall settle with the publisher before sending in their applica tion. All parties desiring to n.ake final proof can have their papers made out at The Journal office, free of charge, and promptly transmitted to the land office so that no time will be lost. $50O for Good GtiCKsing. The Nebraska Farmer has inaugurated for its subscribers a unique guessing scheme on the possible number of paid admissions to the Trans-Missippi Exposi now running at Omaha. flOO will be paid for first nearest guess $50 each for next two nearest guesse. flO each for next 10 " " 2 each for next 50 " " 1 each for next 100 ' One guess may be made with each yearly subscription paid in advance at regular price one doll.-u so that every one guessing will get the Nebraska Farmer one year and liave a chance be sides to get from, one dollar to one hun dred and tliere will be 163 persons who will get these cash premiums. For sample copies, terms to agents and full particulars address Nebraska Farm er Co., 1511 Dodge St, Omaha Neb. Special Locals. W Parties wishing to purchase anything in the line of harness Baddies or grain and feed, can call on L. Ger laeh, who w ill look after my business during my absence. K. KOHWKR. XW Parties owing me on accounts and wishing to set tle same can do so by calling at the Commercial bank. E. Ron we it. The July number of The New Time is more agressive than ever in pursuing its war policy. It is unusually rich in orginal cartoons and interesting reading. Send in a dollar for an annual sub scription: We make a club ing rate of SI. 65 for the New Time and the Srtux Coi'ntt Journal. WANTED Wood on subscription soon as we can get it. Editor. Or. Pbionoy want to Omaha, last Saturday on business also to put in a day or two at the Exposition while there. M". J. Dlewett left last Saturday to attend the Democratic state convention at Lincoln, which convened thereon the 2nd inst. Mrs. O. W. Hester and master Cecil went to Luk,Wyo., yesterday noon on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Bousell's. The editor of the KnighU of Labor Advocate of Edfemont, S. Dak., aays, after using Dr. Clark's Catarrh Reme dies; "I can truly aay that they will cure. J. L. Fttzsiramena and bia (rained Scotch Cooley dog were down from Hat creek Tuesday, stay ing over night Spanking of toe dog, be is one of tbe best trained dogs it baa ever been the good fortune of the writer to ate either here or elsewhere, and doubtless money could not boy it. Mr. Fitzlmmens is build ing a WW house on hie Hat rrsek ranch 16x74 ai d to ui, looks Jike wedding bells won Id be the neit tfcinf to ring in Abut 1 ic:nity ' J ; '.i r !un Itati- to Trmn-MW-Mlppi l!tpoltloit !lt Oiriuini N !. .J u lie 1 t to Nov. 1st 1S9S. From Harrison every day (Sundav.": excepted) from June 1st to Dctolw-r 1-j'h lt9S at f -J3.20 for rouu.l trip rwxl for return until Nov. 15th. From Harrison evry day (Sundays exceptlj from June 1st to October SVih good fcr rturu 30 Jays from date of utle f 19.35. For the opening exercises on May 30th round trip tickets will be sold good for return June 6th at our fare viz $11.50. E. F. Pontius agt. Sjtcclul Excursion Itutrs to Hot Hprlng S. Duk. On dates named below at one fare for round trip, tickets good for return 30 days from date of sale. June 18 August 9 June 80 Aujruat 20 July 5 September 10 July 19 September 20 E. F. Pontics, Agent. NOTICE. Leave your! VV atches and Clocks at Dr. LI. E. Phinneys Drug Storr for repairs. Engraving done at rea sonable prices. All work guaranteed to give satisfac tion. Have graduated from Lin Omaha Watch-makers In titute, Ilroii C. Schmidt. Address, Harrison, Neb. Mass will be celebrated at the court house in Harri son, on Saturday, Aug. 13th, 189S, at 10 o'clock a. m. All should attend. Michael P. Waldron, Pastor. Dr. Phinney returned from Omaha yesterday noon. The Old Soldiers State Reunion will be held at Lincoln on Sept. 12 to 17th inclusion. On account of official notice reach ing this office too late we could not give the full text of the notice but will give it next week. , Miss Georgia Shcrill has been some what indisposed during the past eek. Chas. OouVe, who went to Omaha last Saturday with 12 cars of cattle re turned home yesterday noon. M. J. Gaynart of Montrose, was in town on business and doing; some trailing in tbe bargain last Tuesday. Rev. Father Muneich, wha has had charge of this mission for the past tw years has lieen removed to Jackson Neb. , Dakota co u n ty . Sirs. E. Rohwer confidently looks for her other half home this coming Saturday evening and may possibly pull in anv night Wore that lime. V..1I..U I l l.i l.M ..,,, -.11 L 1 r ,i! ' of skins witli hair for robes, or without or leather. See Rttniple and prices in J. H. Bartell's store. H. Ol.BHiniT. fllen.Neb. J. C. Ragland has purchased a lot near the court house, bought a house of Jeff Hewitt, moved it onto the lot and will fix it up and move his family into town this winter so the children can attend school. To Whom it May Concern: Crawford Neb., Jan. 15, 1897. This is to certify that I have used Dr. Clark's Catarrh Cure, and have found it in every respect as represented. It has cured my case. R. S. SMITH. Dr. 0. J. Shafer, wbo ownes a val uable piece of Sioux county soil out north-west of town returned from Hrad dyville, la. yesterday where he has been visiting for the past year. Dr. Shafer looks well and hearty as ever, which shows good living and treatment wliile away. Harrison will soon become famous as Gretna Green, Ky., on account of the scial advantages it gives to clan des tine couples to have the nuptial knot tied ioetanter after crossing the line be tween Wyoming and Nebraska and thereby outwitting the irate will of par ents or guardians, as tbe case may be. Mm. Ed Maine who sustained quite serious injures two weeks ago, was brought to town Tuesday and will stop at W. J5. Wrights place until she is com pletely well. A no girl could be got that could be relied orf to care for ber during the absence of tbe men folks while haying, it was thought the beet thing to do, where at Mr. and Mrs. Wrights she would have tlsa best of care. "Jack" Kreislet, who has been at Spring Hill, Wyo., since last spring, came down laet Thursday evening on business interests connected with a nine owned by a half douen of our most eoterprising citizens together with him self and Frank Tiokham, who is a reai- deot -of Douglas, Wyo. Jack has'nt a shadow of a doubt In recard to the future bright prosecU of their Wyom ing mine. He will take back some horses which be and Frank have down in the walley. " a....i ut,eMiifnfc w at Hal. IsmmautMi, r M mmIM, m sisss fs. TMisMtfMkMIr kanskw at aw. m. jwtts, mtxmt A t i hci a I teachers cxami-i nation will be held at the court-hour, Saturday, Aug. 13th, IfOa. Those not wish ing to wait until Aug. 'Joth,; the regular examination day can prepare to take examina tion on that day. Ei.siK Mkp.riam, Co. Supt. Miss Mary Shaffer accompanied by ber brother Pete, were Harrison visitors yesterday. r In the very near future me-thinks we can discern the peal of wedding bells, where? Well just near Harrison. Judge Hunter was duly installed in the Rodarc Postoffice on last Tuesday. Well here's to success Uncle Sam. MARRIED. At the residence of J. L. Stratton, Tuesday afternoon Aug. 2nd, l.'.iH, William James and Miss Augusta Hewmier, aged 23 and 18 years respect ively, B. L. Smuck, Justice of the Peace iwrforming the ceremony. Though we are net acquainted with tbe contracting parties, yet tbe Journal extends hearty congratulations, wishing them a long and blissful life. The Republican county convention has been called by chairman Priddy to meet at the court House in Harrison next Saturday at 1 o'clock p. m. The convention will be co mooted of 33 dele pates if every precinct is fully represent ed. MARRIED At the Harrison House August 2nd, Yi, Alonso "Wilson and Miss Daisy Elmer. B. L. Smuck Justice of the Peace officiating Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were both of Manville, Wyo., aged 42 and 1 years respectively. Last Saturday about 5 o'clock in the evening as a secial train loaded with twelve cars of cattle for Chas. Coffee, were making the run to Andrews, where 7 cars more of cattle were to be loaded about half way between the summit 2 miles oast of this place and Andrews a tie had lieen placed on the track as was supposed to ditch the train. Fortunately the tie was an old one and so badly rot ted that the train ran over it cutting and grinding it to pieees causing no damage to the cars. But had it been a solid tie it would have ditched the train. This is the second attempt to wreck a train on the F. E. & M. V., road near this same place w ithin a week. The writer in con versation with Mr, Seigart, road master on last Monday noon learned that it was thought to be a boy who was herding cattle nearby, that had placed the ob struction on the road, not with any malicious intent because ho was not old enough to comprehend the distruc tion to life and property it might do bu, out of a curiosity to see what effect it would have on a passing train. Mr. Seigart sent the lioy word that another such a foolish caper committed by him would le followed up by arrest and punishment to the full extent of the law. It is to be hoed however, that the boy whoever he is has been warned sulli ciently if he is not wholly devoid of common m is-- th? rt.l ctliriais never to be guilty ol uuolher mkii a trick. Montrose Clippings. J.J. Wasserburger is building a new house on his place he exect8 to move into it next month sometime. II. Priesthoff spent last Sunday with his family be returned to Ardmore Mon day where he is employed with Uie bridge gang. Mrs. Dan Jordon is staying with her mother-in-law for a week or two where she is busy putting up preserves 'for' winter use. II. Konrath and family were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Serres Sun day. Father Muneich held his last services at the Montrose church last Tuesday he will leave for the eastern part of Uie state some time this week we are sorry to lose him as be was well liked by every one that knew him. Had a fine rain here last week and what is still better that it came just in time to save most of the corn and garden truck. Every body is busy haying around here they seem to realize bow it is to be without feed for the stock when winter comes. Mrs. H. II. Wasserburger expects her husband and brother-in-law back from Colorado in about a week they are bring ing some cattle out for Ed. Hollings- worth. Miss Lena Bautngard returned to Casper Wyo. last Monday after spending about three weeks with ber parents. Saoe. 60UMKIIT POSITIONS. " J" wh one of ike UOM i posMioas in ike goweawat ssr ' vice, this Bureau can aaviss yea 4 buw uacccdtossnnlt,sMSt 1 yne lor psssurg the mialid Civil Servics exsatiastloa therefor. i v tducauoa are au a isu,ssrsa I needed. MTWTI. MTUTS. This Baran h the brtt facilities poasJbls for eh- Issaasc patents sad copyright! as thU sad foreign metrics. Ta chid ot this dept. sat bad a years experience as Chief Kiaminer, Cnianisl finer as Patents, and Pauat Attorney, sad is very seeesss M la sscarinr broad patrntu and ta the Brass caUse ef all pawn litigation before Uie cowts. SCHOOL OF LAW. This Baresa can tt yuu for sdralssina le the Bar and prepare yoa for active prsntce ra I we years, -sritheet autsrlatlf kit trier m errth year other ds- uss. oer in Mr actor, are uie oar ayswes mi ear ensryea rraaonsnw. rnrse luas i: Univeraily, Business sad Ipse all. sd for partirulani, lerats. eic. NATIONAL INFORMATION fetTMAU. 'few York Aft., sirnfieB, D. C OH YES! Here We Are Again. 500 pairs of shoes The above is an addition to our already large and complete stock of boots and shoes now on hand. We have the largest assortment ever sliown inJ North-West Nebraska, and as to prices we DiLr Y Competion and are sure OUR STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE! IS STILL THE LARGEST AND THE BEST IN HARRISON. CALL SND SEE US AND SAVE MONEY, Marsteller Brothers. LiiiDnmnnuLjJo THE NEW TIM U THE GREAT REFORM MAGAZINE Xew Time." Let me take those loads from THE NEW TIME, 56 EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT. The Following Circular letter pnt out by Supt. Jackson will bo of trrrst in Nebraska Schools. Lincoln Neb., July 20, 1898. To Nebraska school people: Many have experienced difficulty in lo cating the Nebraska EJucational Ex hibit at the Trans Mississippi Exposi tion: hence this circular. This exhibit is to be found in the Gallery of the manufactures building. Some visit our educational headquar ters in the Nebraska building and fail to find the exhibit, not knowing that it is put ui) in another building. The exhibit occupies some fifteen thou sand square feet of floor spaje, and comprises all grades of school work from Uie kindegarten up through the State University and is pronounced by lead ing educators of other states as one of the finest educational exhibits tbey liave ever seen. The New England Journal of EJurntinn, published at Boston nnd I'hiciigii hi its issu.j of July II, makes the following comment: "The educa tional exhibit of Nebraska at the Trans Mississippi Exposition, Omaha, is one of the best, if not literally the best, ever made in the Unites States." Great credit is due to the thousands of educators and pupils of the Nebraska schools wbo se faithfully co-operated with us in making the exhibit a success. While we are all proud that Nebraska has the lowest per cent, of illiteracy we feel that thin exhibit is right in keeping with the high standing our state lias at tained. The work is neatly arranged and tast fully decorated. Visitors can find seats where they can rest and examine the work. You can "Stand up for Nebraska perhaps in no better way than by taking your friend with you to see this. exhibit which no doubt is as fine an educational exhibit as was ever put up by any state. W. R. Jackson. Supt. Nebraska Educational Exhibit. alls MS CALL60 "THE STYLISH PATTERN. Ar tistic. FAihlorubW. Original, PerfecV Frtting. Prices lOanU 15 cents. Nom higher. None brtUf ai any price. Soma reliable merchant sells than In nearly every city or town. Ask (or them, or they can be had by mall from us tn either New York or CUcago. Stamps taken. Latest Fashion Sheet tent upon receipt of one cent to pay postage. - v-ey nsCALES MAGAZINE? BrigMssI hoW maga tbe pMUxd. InvAluADaf tor tbe noma, r unions ot lbs day. Horn Literature, Household Hints, Fancy Tork. Current Topics, Fiction, all for only 50 cents a year. In- dudmga fr9 pattern, your own selsc- Hon any ume. &cnd rwo 4-ccot sumpi for tempi copy. Addras THE McCALL COMPANY.V K2-I4 Test 14th Street, New York. 169 Fifth Avenue, Chicago. 5as saraSBS weasneas aa) deoiy. neryons oeMiilya OH YES! Just received over of the latest styles. as to swit all who come A FRANK, FEARLESS FORCEFUL UNCOKPROMiSINB OPPONENT OF 1 PLUTOCRACY 1 eutert..B.O. flower 1 f rtdtrick Uptijci JJdami j Monthly, too larrre Mgcs, lllnstrated, not a dull liuc in It. II in fiuhlinK your figlit; t it deserve, yoiir auprwrt. your backs" j cony: Mmpie number nulled e Fifth Ave.. CHICAGO I bae demonstrated ten thonsand time that It U almost lnfaiUMe FOR WOMaJ't PtCUtlAR Wf AKNEttEt. Iminlaritles aed denngemstrle. It fa as become the leading remedy lor this class of troablea. It eisrts a wonderfully heeling, strengthen. Ing and soothing influence upon the menstrasl organs. It eures "whites" and falling of the womb. It stop flooding and relieves eap Freteed and palnfnl aMastraatlon. or Change of Lite It is the best medicine mad. It I beaeflcial daring pregnancy, and helps to bring cUldatn Into home barren for years. It inrigorat, atimn late, acrsngthsas to whole eys tem. This great remedy Is oVsred to all afflicted wnman. Why will ear woman saflaT another asiaate with esrtala relief within reach t Vine of Card at only costs P.00 per beUl st yoar drag alors. draw, sMns nniatuaw, laa lev. I. W. agftTN, Caaeea, I. C.( .ICS "t WHS Wis t CsaM fer WUaa ef lb wssik sal it eared ber." Some Plain Facts. Crave errors, injustice, wrongs of greater or less degree, arise from lack of knowledge of the truth, and more frequently from deception. The most infamous case on record of deception and injustice is the at tempt to demonetize silver as a money of final redemption in the United States. There is no learned judge, skilled lawyer, or court of justice that is capable of reconciling the effort with the constitutional laws that govern the bsue of money in this country. The people have been deceived, officials in power, choten to adminis ter justice under the laws, have ignored their sworn duty, and given aid to the scheme that has paralyzed induitry, reduced property values one-half, and beggared millions. There is no authority of law, either spcci6c or by inference, by which gold alor.c is made the only money with which to discharge debts, either pul'lic or private. The effort . to .'i.ukc it co h unconstitutional and a oaiional calamity. I bin and ample inforroition, facts, ir-1 truth, concerning this atmoxt sue zcrM ttlitme to corner the wealth f the pop!??, is now being printed n tl'i Cincinnati Enquirer, a news r.ryr v.llrh the combined power cf iio'isy inn failed to muzzle or buy. '1 he V'rtUy Enquirer is only 75c. 1 yrv: a) The address is l:.v -iy, Cincinnati, O.-