The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 04, 1898, Image 5

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Hedrld ClalB A Mart rm a Troop Mot With
a BWpulao FUffM LoraUitli uf equailt-oa
a U-kla Honda Hpaln -u4 to 11
Frfoe) aa A rmUllco.
fT. Taosus, D. W. I., July 20. The
United Slates troopt were landing yes
terday ou the island of Porto Kico, near
Pone-, on the south cooeU
Madkiu, July -i). A private dispatch
from Ban Juan de Tor o R oo my a a
strong American squadron has appear
ed before Bahia II .nda, bat that the
American a'teinpt to disembark id re
poised will considerable loan. It was
announced Jet night that complete
tranquility prevail throughout Spain.
The Cuban colonial government, it it
too announced, wilt oofer with the
sepreavaUtives of Maxirnc Gimei, end
It it believed that Hie conference m ly
avsult in the insurgents espousing
pain's cause.
tr. Thomas, D. W. I., July 23 Oip
tei i 1ib ol ttie German steamer Cro
tie, which arrived here Sunday and re
ported having been Bred opon three
time off Han Join de Porto Rico,
en Saturday night by an American war
hip, understood to be the United States
evaieer New Orleans, waa quoted in an
Interview as paying that the tire of iolid
hot fell within teuty yarda of tho
hip. The steamer waa immeliately
lopped, but her captain add two more
hot were rired acro.-S the Croatia'
bows at oIosb range. Later an otBo-tr
Irom the New Orleans boar ! e l the
Croatia and ajked if lha ship was in
ored. 0tptain Ltm was highly in
dignant at b:-ing fired upon, as he con
sidered his ship i outside the block
ading tone. Kays he saw uothiug of the
Invading flee l.
rrudo-ed an Armistice.
Lohdok, July 2rt. It is announced in
epecial dispatch from Madrid, pub
liahed here yesterday afternoon, that
the Spanish government has drawn up, adlres-ed to theg ivernment
t Washington, propping an armis'lce
for the purpose oi ditcu sing ttie utrm
upon which p-ace with the United
Itates can be arranged.
. Madb n, July 24. 0 p. m. (Delayed
In Transmission) Tne correspondent
hereof the AssotiaUd press has had an
Intereeting convert ition with a perron
occupying a high p isition iu the queen
regent's household, and whose duties
bring him daily into intitu ite relations
with her majesty. He said the quarrel
between flpain and the United States Is
much easier of a I j istment, than is gen
erally believed. The qneen recent, he
continued, naturally endeavored to
void war, and also she desires an hon
orable ending of it. SIib is quite alive
to the force of public opinion and holda
Strictly to the constitution of the na
tion. It is an error to suppose the queen
regent is under the pressure ot tha
present or any government, or that aha
la regardless of public opinion when it
fa in consonance wiih the true interests
of the Spanish people. Toe ofti ial
tj'ioted then ad le i an important aute
aaeiit. saying:
"The present government wilt not
Initiate pead-, but a modified cabinet,
beaded by Henor Gamaio, minister oi
public instruction, will conclude the
egotist ions and then retire, and Gen.
Poiievej. with a combination, includ
ing Benor Hilvi la and (leu. Campos, will
reorganise the countiy. Everybody
Considers that. Spain sho old treat direct
with the Americans, whose practical
good sense will prevail over spread
Pasts, July 26 A dispatch from Mad
lid gives the lollowing account of the
aoeen re nt'a daily life during the
preaent crisis:
M 'Poor queen I This is the exo'amt
tlao eo- often heard of late, day after
day, as matters grow worse and worie,
as the Spanish disasters repeat them-
' selves, and as the throne of the little
king seems slipping from her hands,
into which it was given in trust. I see
bar majesty looking careworn and anx
ious. Evan her drives are becoming
tower and fewer. It would surely ap
peal to any mother In thi world were
. she to see the wsy this queen mother
each day teema to cling clo-er and clueer
to her boy, as though to shield him from
lb dangers closing about him with al
aaost fatal force. Very touching to wit
Bees it. Her worst enemies recognise
In the queen personal qualities worthy
of the highest admiration. The queen
osed every mesns at her disposal to
prevent war. Today and ever since the
war began, thi gr. at occupation of the
queen is toJnd the quickest way for in
termination. At many of the councils
held at the palace of late the qneen has
burst into tears, begging and urging bur
Ministers to seek a solution for the
terms of peace, which they v-em incap
able ol materialising. Peace with the
queen, with common sense, seems to be
of snob vital importance and which bar
ministers keep postponing with the
word so iaul to Bptiu maoaoa (to
morrow). "
Weed of Farther Hcernlte.
WasHiMOTON, J.ily M. The nave has
snspended (or a time its efforts to re
mil sailors In he "etand Commander
Hawley sad Ohiel Engineer Harry Wei
tar, members of tba board, have re
tavsed to lb navy department. The
work wee euecessfut beyond fie expec
tation of tha projectors of the trip, an I
6 reenlu, it ia I elleved, will be highly
ntcial to ib navy la Infusing into
H an element of weatera blood and
brawa that will te..d to the aatioaallaa
Itaa of Usat servieai
Olrct flew Sfade to IS Prr.Hanl
Allul-lvr itl uu Ita
lian Of til UuUS.
Waaiiisoto, July 27. The Spanlch
poeronifiit I as su d lor peace, not in
Jiiectly through tiie g eit powers of
turope, but by d' e -t appeal to Presi
dent McCol-'y. The proposition waa submiited lo the president at
lo'cluck yeste'day afteinou by tiie
rrench amoas a lor. 11. Ju
ho had received instruction Irom the
loreign office at Par a to di liver to the
government the teoder oi peace lor in u
l.ited by the Span sh mi lis.ry. At ttie
conclusion o.'ihe coi.ference betwten the
president . n l t'ie French ituiOesead r,
the folloaing -fBci.-l a atenieut wasis
imd fiom the Wiiiie House:
"The French ambaHaador on behalf of
the government ot Spain, an t by Ji ec-
tion of the Spxnisli minister of foreign
affaire, presumed ta the president tins
sfteruoon at the White house a uie-rae
from the Mni-di government looking to
he termination ol the war and the set
tlement of terms of peace."
This W 'S the omy fii ial statement
made pnblic, but it sinlued to put at
rest all tonjciuie, and to make clear
and definite that at last ' pain had taken
the initiative toward peace. Although
peace rumors I ae been current aliimat
dally heretofore since the war leg n,
not one of thrin had the shadow f
foundation, and until late lant niitht no
overtoiei of anyind had be n receiv
ed. Shortly bt fo e m d.i yht lart nigi.t
a tliepatcli ti the Krench 'nitihBiy made
it known to the eml assy ilia' the am
baalor would be (barged with tie
Important micsion ot upeoing peace
ueio'i-tions In lielialf of 8 nin The
ioiii.let instiu' lions, im luding an 'ftl
cial letter from Duke Almodovar de Uii,
Hpunish ininii-ter of foreign atlairs, were
reeiv-d yesterday ntornins. The eup-m
M. 'Ibietx an, first secretary of the m
barey, called at the state department
and seked that an hour be appointed for
a call by Ambassador Cami on rn the
pri a den'. The pnrpo e i f the ra l was
rot stated. It wan arranged at the
White In nse that the ad ehonld be
made at 3 o'clock. M. Camhon first
went to the flute department, wber- he
was joined by Se rotary Day, and the
two then pr-xeeiled ligether to the
White hou Ti e call lasted si out half
an boo-, and after the first formalities
bad been exchanged by M. Cambon, the
talk became general and quite informal,
the president, tho strjia-rador nd the
secretary of stale !iscuising the outlook
(or a conclusion of hi entities.
The f rripoaition submitte-t by the
smbssssdor acting for the Spanish gov
ernment, was qoit general in term-,
and wss confined to the me estent al
point of nnearnesipleall at neto'iatinns
be opoued tor the or o e of terminat
ing the war and rrriving at term of
p ace. The ermmiinuation d the
hpansh government did not stigges';
any specific turns of peaie, nor wa any
relerence ma le to Cuba, the Philippines,
Porto Rico, Hpaoifh por.-es-ions.
Tne evident purpose of the Mad
rid authorities waa t firet l.-arn
whether the United 8 stes would trest
on the tot j et of peace, and after that
to take up fuch terms su the two par
ties might suggest. Neither was there
any sngietion from the Kt snisb gov
ernment ti at i n armistice be e t bl i li
ed pending the peace mgi tial.on. It
seemed natutal, however, from the pro-
noaition that lormai peace negotiations
he ente.ed upon, that pending th,ir
conclusion a ceieation of hostilltiea
would occur.
Owing to the importance ol the com
munication the smUs sailor adopted the
nsoal dip!, m.tic p ocedure of resd ..g ,
the comn.un.cai.oo iron ..,....-.,.
French, the trsn.lanon being submitted
by M . T. In the conversation
which followed the prop.!. Ion neither j
tha presineni nor ...e
ed opon the question of tb termt of
tsere. Ti e tnstrocliont of the ambaa-
aadoriiaicoiiDneanim', ... una re-
aontlal rolnt of opening peace negotlai,
. .1 I ft 1 a - iV .
lions, and it was ident that the presi
dsnt desired to consider the proposi
tion at this moment before giving any
definite reply. It was finally deter
mined that the president would consult
the m-mbera of his csblnet concerning
the proposition, and after a deciaion
tad been arrived at, M. Cambon would
tnan be invited to the White hoeee for
further conference, sod for a final an
swer from the United Slates govern
ment. Before th cull was closed a
brief official memorandum wat agreed
upon in order to ret al rest misleading
conjecture, and to give to the public In
formation on a ru' J ct which had ad
vanced beyond ti e p lnt where diplo
matic reierve wss es-eutial.
When the president will submit tho
Spanish proposition to tha cabinet baa
not yet b en announced.
Vice-President llohart la attending
Ibe yacht races at Kingston, Ont., tbe
gaest of II. M. Folger, president ot the
Thousand It ands Navigation company.
Rt. Rev. Thomss McGovern, bishop of
the Ifarrlshurg, Pa. diocese, died Tues
day avnin, after a lingering lllne
from a complication of dlasaea.
Frank Wei ler beat tha tweatv-fonr
bir paced rod record at Btonghlaaa
Mass., yeaterday, covering ol) mllat
aamtnat lbs previoaa record of 84 mliaa.
Lowdow Dooa wotCredit IS Cnltod ats'as
Able lo D laU, HoweT. r Hard Ha
wiiira Tliwl l'owrs arat Bolug Moaudoct
Uoilwrosa DielaUir blp.
Madbid, July 2X-The minister of
public iin ruction, 8.0 or Gimri i, ia an-
tliorily fjrtl.e slal ment that peaee,
honorable to the Spanish army, will
shnrily lie dinehld-d.
Londow, July 2d, Inqiirlea made ia
oihcul ci' lea he e tail to tiufirni tha
statement of the 8panih minister, tele
lirap ad irom M idnd yea erday, to the
ill ct that peace will be eons
elude I.
Tne statement made by Benor Game
!, the t-panish minister of pabhc in
tiucun. to iheeffec' that peace honor
able to the Spanish army, will shortly
'e oi eluded, is ie.'riled in London
in ire ' a an indication of personal opin
en or hope than as rfl ct ng any gener
al decision tf the cabinet Nothing
owing any move in the direction oi
peace lias I Oen received here from any
quarter likely to e well informed on
t esuhjeci. The Hpiniah ambsaaador,
Count R scon, who waa queationed on
ih- socj ct, said:
"Wei ave no newi from Msdrid and
wo have no reason to believe any such
decided step Iims been taken as henor
tiainao'a statement would indicate."
Al 1 o'cliM-k vesterday afternoon a
I mminent nfftc al of the Briti-h foreign
office Said to a representative of the
Ass t'ia rd pi ess.
"We have absolutely nothing con
fl m lory of r-enor Gamazo'a alleged
iat' inent. We wish we had, and we
hope it is true, but far as we are ad
vised, tne signs do not teem pr pitlous
Uf early peace.
' Helitive to tha idea that England
will be prominency connected illi ttie
luiure peace neg tiations, absolutely
o tning has occurred thus fur upon
utii h so base ttie idea. Aa a general
pnnc pie iu these hff.iiis, the interfer
en.e of a neu power is a mistske
unless inviteil by both l!ll gerents,"
It is known that the Kpaninh ambss-
viors have been sounding the oi her
iinbrfs adors it all ttie courts of Eu
rope, with the olj ct of in lucing coo
ler ted n presentations at Waanington io
stop the war, and there is reason to be
lieve t at Great lir.'ain is no longer de
murring a .his and pointing out the
us.lessness of such a course.
On the other hand, it is said that rep
re eolations to stop the war hive been
made at Madrid, bu', judging Irom the
reenlts, tl.ey have not b en sufficiently
roi g to induce t-pain to como to its
senses. It ia re ognized by all except
bpain that the United btaies will refuse
to listen to eut-geetionx upon the part of
the concerted powers.
"In thi matter," one of the am ass
jnrs saiu to a representative of t ie A
rociated press, "fi am kno the irre
iiicibleoiiiiiinum up-a which the Unit!
8 a;es will di-ciss eace. VVhat ia it
aa-t ng for? Sp.tin seems to forget that
the United States csn tti p the war tha
moment it likes. Now II at it has no
iSpsniKh fleet to reckrn w tb, it csn take
Porto filio and the Canary islands at its
leisure and finally deal with Cuba in
eool weather. Then Spain will consider
the American terms leas ridiculous th. a
Pa bis, July 23. The Matin yesterday
puhl sties a paragraph saying that while
nothing definite it knoan, it it rumored
that rlenor Leon Castillo (the Spanish
imbassador to Puris) bat been instruct
ed to approach tien. Hot ace Porter,
United Htatea auihasi to Fianee.
. ; . , , '
I a tth the view ol opening secret peace
Up to 3 o'clock yeaterday afternoon
there had been no meeting between
Benor Caiiillo and General
I oner, although it ia said post bty such
a meeting msy develop Ik m the situa
ofc Aoy Blalo.i( however, will
fc .,,,. fec?et ttntll tb,y
fc , , t wUn wjU
ume B offl(.i(, oh,riCl,rt
u,Mr,, Port ilid to rapreeenta.
Um oJ Ali0(.UlfcJ prM, ,
You can dery in tha most emphatia
manner that any peace negotiationa
aV bean opened up to thia moment
, ... ,w.
I cannot conceive what originated tha
Matin'a statement."
Declares a Dictatorship.
Wasbington, July 28. The following
rsblegrsm bss just beta received at tha
war department:
IIonq Kong, July 13. Secretary of
the Navy: Folloaing it for I he secre
tary ol war to tha adjutant general:
Agu nsldo declares d ctatorship and
martial law all over tha Hands. Tbe
people expect independence. Recom
mend China pallet. A.mdbbmom,
Colonel Andetton was tha aenloi
Biniy officer at the Philipplnn when
the dispatch waa sent, probably several
days before its Hong Kong date, the
reference to China ponies mesns that
Colonel Anderson desires that kind oi
cavalry animas.
Cleaning ap Santiago.
Put Dil Ebtb, July 22. (Delayed
In Trsn mhsion.) Gecsral Wordoltlit
Rough Riders wat appointed military
governor of Santiago de Cuba Wednes
day, succeeding General McKibbed, who
Murot lo hia old duty aad who it now
on tha tick llstJssfoiisds of natives wers
rat today to cleaam streeta and bury
tha dons and bortra whose remains hava
been lying ia tba streeu for dsn aad
weak Other itepa to Improtw the sanl
Ury aoadltioa (if tba alty ara baiai
BWIlaf Tkat Captara of PorV Bloo wUl k
Kaay Eapadltton ia HLronf.
WsuiN0T0it, D. C, July 25. Every
thing cow cenieri" on Porto Kico. The
islam will be occupied within a few
usya. T a host equipped expedition
which the United btates bas ever sent
out ia on l way from ball a doaen
ports. General Miles will be in com
mand. General Brooke, an accomplish
ed soidier, will te un ler him. The blun
ders of the exped.tion to Santiago will
not i e repeated. While there will not
be as large lorceof regulars aa Gtneial
bbalter eommandtd, there will be well
disc plined regiments of volunteers,
trained through three months experi
ence in camp, and who can be called
upon togivcagcod account of them
selves. Here ia to be no halt in tha
program. The policy of going right
she iid and pushing things to be eon
'nu. d. The cry is now "onto Poito
Rico." The plan of attack is that first
iha troope which have been on board
ships for weeks off Kautiago sre to bo
given a chance to stretch their legs on
tbore under cover of our war veesels,
and to hoid theol jeclive point hear San
Juan until reinforcements arrive. From
W.UOO to 40,hOJ troops are to be landed.
Ibe port of ean Juan, the objective
point is already blockaded. Aa it waa
at bantiaKo, our troop a will be landed
sa near the objective point as will en
able them to have time to put them
selves in readiners again t the city.
Al Santiago the navy appeared on tho
scene weeks belore tue army arrived and
bombarded the shore. Morro castle,
When Inspected by Commodore tkhley,
alter the surrender, was found to be still
tlandii g despite all the shot and shell
that had been burled against it by the
big oattlestiip-, tne orumers and the
uion tors ten or aud Punt in. At Porto
Kico the plan will be d. tie rent. The
navy will do notbii g until the army is
in the tear cf ban Juan (the city laces
on the sea.) The big guns of the shli
Will bombard the city m iron I whllo the
army will do like work fiom the rer.
Theie promises to be hot times in the
old town wlieu the t iing takes place. It
is expec ed tnat i eminence by the Span
iards will oe of thort duration, the
army will he well supplied wiih artilie
ly. It waa different at Sautiego. There
eie only a lew pieces ot artillery, and
the iniauiry bore tne b.unt of the bat
tle. At er Potto Kico there will ooms
peace or Havana.
It is not likely that Colonel Bryan's
regiment will see iminediaie service at
the lruut. The Thi. 1 Nebraska ia likely
to lemaiii iu (ami at Jacksonville for
tome time to come. Wtu-n it uiovea lo
ttie trout it will ob-thly accompany
t "tieial Lee, who ha requested that be
and the loicea under bim may be given
the privilege oi o.cup)ing Havana in
ttie di al campaign. Ibid is a mat er of
s-titiineiit wt h ueneral Lee, who having
Jet t tiie city of Havana aa consul-general
at the outbreak of the war, desires to
return to it at the head of an army of
General flmfter reported by cable to
ifay ihat the Ciiiditiou oi the troops at
Santiago was rapid y improving, and
said he hop d iu thi course of a day or
two to have ail loca ed in comfortab e
camp-, where I hey may rent and re
cnperaie, and whei the sick nny re
teivn ttie very tieat attention. He ia
leeding ll,(l(M) 8pari h prisoners of war,
and although he has not yet been nb e
io furnish them tenia, this detiou ncy is
being made uood and meanwhile their
present condition U no w. re in this ie-
pect than waa their condition before
Li e surrender. Tin- geneial makes no
mention ot t tie alhged lettei from Gar
cia to himself, nor does be speak of any
inction I etween tin m. and the depur -nient
hss c-me to doubt the authenti
city of published stories on these sub
jects, In his report to the war department
lelative to conditions at Santiago, Gen
eral rhsf er has thrown some light upon
the difficulties in which rertain of the
newspaper correspondents there have in
volved theni-elve-i. From his report it
wi uld appear that pnimted by an am
Kiiuin m lake a nrominent nart in tl.o
lmiortant events following each other in
rapid succession at Sho tin go after tha
initiation of the negotiations for the eur-1
render of the city, a lew of the corres- I
pondenta were guilty of grave breachea i
of military law, na'cssitatimr prompt
eor-eciive sction by General Bhnf er.
Thus, for instance, ne correpoi dent, in
his efforts to take part in ttie flag-raising
over the city hall, resisted the military
officers in the execution ol their doty,
and even attempted a personal aasaol
opon the commanding general. This
made him subject to summary and so-
vere punishment, even death, yet Gan-
ersl fhaftsr. probably naliling that ig-
norance of milltsfy law was the explana
tion of the ai tion, oontented himself
with expelling that correspondent from
Will Try Hob-en's Plans.
Wasiiinqto!, July 25. Lieutenant
Hobton had a long conference yeater
day with Assistant. Secretary Alien,
Captain Bradford and several oth r
officials of the navy department ttii il
ing the raising of the Spanish cruiser
Cristobal Colon. The lieutenant suc
ceed ed, while in New York, In arrang
ing with the Merritt A Chapman Wreck
ing company l r the esecution of tha
plant he had prepared for saving tha
vessels. Tha wreck.-rs hava promised
to get together the pontoons, air bsgi
and compressed sir apparatus which
will be r quired to lift and right tha
vessel and expect to start thia material
f r Ssntiatro f'om New York on a fast
vessel within three days.
Eipeilltlon Loading al Taaapa.
Tampa, F a., July 25. The first Porto
Rlcan expedition from Port Tampa will
get sway tonight. It consists of tha
traniporta Muhswk, Decatur, Mller,
Whitney, Cherokee and Florida. Tha a
I oats carry the Eleventh and Nineteenth
Infst try, the First and Tenth earalry
tnd eight naiieriea m artillery, iney
arss FUfthsrea
,.nd Fifty.vaath and TnUd
1 Pennsylvania aad tha Saaoad Ohka fW
. aattwr cavalry ara now gotag m loan
Ipalr'a Plea ror Peaeo ChhiI Save Porto
Bico GeLerwl Hreefcl rida;0 Called at
The White Honao Vratarday aad Tuld
ot aiatloar Conditlooa.
Wabhtngton, July 28. Nothing waa
fieard from the Miles expedition today
It the war department, but Captain
tiiggineon, Benior ollicer of the naval
convoy, forwarled a brief cablegram
ibatgave keen delight to the navy de
partment because of the unstinted praiee
it accorded to a popular officer, "Dick
Wainright," the commander of the little
Glouc ster. Wain.ight, being com
mended by his superior, Higginnon, for
1 it actions at Gua cia, enjoys the soli
tary distinction ol being the only officer
sttached to Sampson's fleet who has
been twice officially commended since
the war began.
The war department has reconciled it
self to the suminarr change in its plart
mad by General Miles w hen he landed
at lanica instead of on the northeast
crast of Porto Kico. as previously agreed
upon. It is surmise 1 that be was led to
mak- this change by reason of the de
tenti n of his lighters and foresaw a
week's delay in effecting a land ng un
less he went in w here he did and ran
hit troop and artillery dire tly ashore.
He i hue avoided exposing his troops to
the Hardship suffered by Shatter's men
as they lay for so many d.iya off Santia
go. It is also suggested that the general
hat scored an important dip'omati- ad
vantage in setting foot upon Potto 'Mean
roil bef re the first overtures had been
received from 8pain looking towards
The departure of General Brooke and
General Haines from Hampton Roads,
which is expected today, to reinforce
General Miles in Por o Rico, is a very
substantial evidence of the pnrpo e of
the governm- nt not to abate 'he j -ose-cution
of military opera ions at this
stag' of the ne otia ions. The two gen
eials are embarked on r.ipi l liners and
thou d reach Cent ral Miles next Mon
day, ptittii g him in possession of a suf
ficient force to begin the movement up
on San Juan at once.
The second captured Imttle flag waa
'received at the war depart ment yester
day with a brief note from General
Shutter as follows :
"Fragn ent of Spanish Aug captured by
theThirteenthUnited States Infantry at
ban loan, July 1.
Inspecb r General Hrecl inridge, who
had been a member of General Sharer's
staff, called at the White house ye-ter-day
afternoon, and personally described
to i he pres. dent the conditions existing
tin re when he left, .lu y 2d. He spoke
particularly of the remarkable enthusi
asm dis. laved hy the United States
tioop- ( p' tatirg H ere, and of their cool
brav conduct nnder fire. He also min
imiz d thi? yel o fever conditions and
Said the troops had been ful y prepaied
in advance for its appearance.
Deaths From Yellow Few.
Washington. July 28. At 10 o'chrk
yesterd'y the war department posted
the foil .wing:
Santiago De Cuba, July 27, 1808
To the Adjutant General of the Army,
Wash'ng'on: Reporsof ye-t rdayshow
lota! tick 3,770; total fever cuses, 2,824;
new cases of fever. Hfl3; cases of fever re
turned to duty, 538.
D ath list to yesterday:
F.rnt Lientennnt A. J Pabcock, Sixty
third Michigan, yellow fever.
Win. Francis Poore, First District ol
T. H. Mohony Twentieth Infantry,
typhoid fever.
Corporal C. E. Wanirle, Twenty-fourth
Infant yellow fever.
Civilian Teamster, E. G. Cot a, yellow
Moore Stuart, ye'low fever.
All these are at Hb ney.
Privates Albert Pcrgunde, Sixteenth
infantry, pernicions malarial fever, and
Charles i'inimaii numnnni 11 Ti,i.
fomth Michigan, r nlarial remittent f.
ver, both with regiments.
Dea'ha not previously reported :
Privates Br. ady. First infantry, dy
sentery ; J. Laine, Nit th infantry, dy
sentery; G. T. Mcl.enathan, Second,
cavalry, yellow fever; Andrew Johnson,
Second cavalry, ye i low fever: Walters
Wischman, Second cavalry, yellfw
fever; Harvey Atkinson, Second Jlasaa
chu ens, nistal, ia; Colored S' ldier,
name uuknown, at detention hospital.
(Signed.) SiiArraB,
Major General.
Madrid Admits IS.
Madrid, July 28. An official dispatch
from San Juan de Porto Kico con limit
tbe report of an American landing at
Porto d Gunncia. The Spaniards had
tine t flicer and three soldiers killed.
The Americans with strong artillery
forces, have established themselves on
Tha Lorda Were Cosily.
IONdon, July 28. At a result of the
Investigation into the affairs of K' I ward
W. Hoi ley, the millionaire stock broker
tnd capitalist, show that h a vast fortune
was lost through the floating of tba
J DunlapTireoompany. Mr. Hooley aseerta
lnal ,a ,,d many thottsandaof pounds
arick and lolliera and he testifies that
' eari of Wlnchelaea raoalvad $10,000
1 for a ting at chairman for ana of tba,
rwebrasha IRoteoJ
Tba total aaesad vaioalion of Dixa
coonfy is l,0J8,00I.O6. t
Norfolk is making a mova to axtaa4
its corporate iiioita.
The Battle Creek roller milla wara M
tirely ronsumed by fire. ,
The MeibodiaU of Broken Bo aaf
building a new church. '
John Shelf U giving tha peopfw aj
Grafton a rattling good paper.
An old eettlera' picnic will ha held at
Waketleld sometime after barveet.
The crop of bay this year will be was
asually laige. So ins people will has)
to burn.
H boesfare barJ in North Platte
They are made to mow weeds or go at
bed hungry.
Tha Wakefield Republican ia sixteen)
year) old. It it one of the beat country
papers in the state,
Moses Oloud and Mary Goodthondef
were married at Niobrara the otuew
day. It looks like rain.
Tba North Bend Eagle la one ef the
few newspapers in Nebraska that re
fuse 1 1) be a political organ i '
Ail the young people of Superior art
"having their pictures took." Gabiaeta)
are down to a dollar a doaen.
Editor Abbott of the Hayes Cental
Republican has the sympathy of all tot)
press in the deatn of his wifi. j
J. L. Grings, the ooly child of P. aV
ftrigjs of Albion, died recently of ty
phoid lever at Morrisville, Iltiuois,
The poor, oppressed and downtrodden
farmers of Fi lmore county have inveett
ed $37,5J0 in 300 new Self biudora this
Niobrara's new electric lighting
g p'aafj
ig r4
will be run by water frjro the big
tesian well. The pressure ia ninet'
pounds to the square inch.
Rev. J. S. Hadd n of Broken Bow has
resigned his pastorate of the Bap' let
church and will str ve to elevate humansj
ity by raising pnre-bred chickens '
The Presbyterians of W yne have is
created the e-timaled cost of their pros
posed new church building to $4,l)ii
Bids for doing tbe work have been res
Rash, who killed his family in Wayne
county and who is now in the NorielK
asylum, is reported to have recovered
his menial equilibrium and is fat and
Peter Becker of Boone county Is tt
jail, having been found go liy of t'eala
ing repairs for his cultivator trout aj
local implement dealer. It pays in IM
long run to be honest.
After a coutinu ms fight for year!
Franklin county hat deci led to build a
$1,250 jail, it having (pint several timet
thia amount in guarding and taking
prisoners to a safe place of keeping.
Com, says the Niobrara Pioneer,
Inst simply in mene. Wheat and oat
are in abundance and the fittest
years. Rye is ready for the harvest)
Potatoes are as big at your head and
plenty. Hay making his begun and if
ie an excellent quality and lots of it.
A tramo named John Nidi, whoes
only earthly possession was a 32-calibrS
revolver, suicided in the batn of Jobs
Kuble n ar Hartingtcn where he was
given lodging. The parents of tbe dead
tramp who live at Retneen, Iowa, had
tbe remaina shipped home for bur a'.
3 Every aspirant to fame, says tha
South Omaha Sun, should ttudy to be S
poet. You can write column after coM
omn of fine prose of a complimentary
character about a person who may ap
predate it, but who would go crasy with)
pride over a four-line poem about hia)
no matter whether its feet are of tod
same sine or its enmmar is lik thi
dialect of a half-breed In 'i nt Every
time a member oi the state press wants
a little notoriety or mention from hli
brethren In work he buys a book oi
"classical selections" and by studioogj
application cf the words be becomes S
world wonder.
The officials of Schuyler are hold Ing
three men suspected of robbery eoaaa
milted in Fremont, They are Chaps
man, Newman and Francis 811 vera,
The first two are men who have bee
travelling about the country photo
graphing and their companion was for
merly a waiter nt the Nw York hotel IsJ
Fremont When arrested a lot of g'mdai .
were found and it waa aaanected thai
they were stolen, but the men defy tad
police. Several Fremont era who ban
been touched lately went to Sohuyler,
but could not Identify any of tha truck;
in tha possession of the Schnyler offl
cisls. Dr, Richardson was one ot tha
Victims, but tho pris inert informed!
him that his things were still In th
New York hotel, and a thorough eearetl
brought them to light packed In grips.
The photographers arrested are not bota.
the tame men who worked Fremont.
When they left there one went w, ant
one east. A man known as Moore, whs)
wss there went east and Newman went
. anu nsimii weal
thst these men are
rid of stolen gondi
rhere ttolen. TM
ythey will hold thi
The police believe thst these
organise I and get rid
miles awsv from
Schnvler officials ssyt
men until something turns up.
The enndnctirs living la Wymote bate,
challenged the business men of t' e o tf
for a hall game to be played some dafi
In tha near future. '
The large Iron bridge over the Nemshtj
river north of Table Rock fell into, tli
river while Louie Hortoa was rrosslai
with a wagon loaded with aiity tmebeli
ofwhe-t. AH were plonged tato tiki
river, some sweaty-five feet. Tosts
HorJoa managed, to save htmtstt sai
hit teem, but waa quits Mitral gf
rued. ' ---i1
bicycle ure maaaiaetartag