The Sioux - Goi jijty Journal. VOL. XI. HARRISON, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, AUG. 4, 1898. -uro0" NO QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT IS SETTLED RIGHT. "--Hod. William J. Bryan. The Sioux County Journal. fURTABUKUKD 1888. Subscription Price, fl.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF 8IOUX COUNT. to. D. Canoa, ... Editor. Entered At the Harrison OMt office an ecoad else matter. The Journal stands fairly end squarely on the Chicago platform, but will not hesitate to su)port and work for the election of candidates for the various offices to be voted for this fall no nuttier, whether they are Democrats, Populist or free silver Republicans, if endorsed by all the reform par tics, conditional, however, that they advocate bi-metallkm the income tax law, opposition to national banks of issue, are opposed to Hie retirement of lie greenbacks and treasury notes, favor government control of railroads, telegraph and tele phone lines and the establish wont of postal savings bank ing system, and also are op posed to the visueing of nation al bonds in t ime of peace. FUSION' STATE TICKET. Pur Governor : HON. W. A. POYNTER. For Lieut, (internor; HON. A. E. GILBERT. rorSec. orKUle: nqjr.'w. Y. POUTER. ror SUitmuniMir : - ' HON. J. R. MESERVE. 'or State Auditor: 3. W. CORNELL, For Attorney General: HON. C. J. SMYTIL for Com. Pah. Lands Buildings: HON. J. V. WOLFE, tor fiupt. Public Instruction : ' HON. W. R. JACKSON. Democratic Senatorial Convention. A delegate convention of the demo cratic party of the 14th senatorial dis trict of Nebraska is hereby called to meet in Valentine on Saturday, August 20, 1898, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the pur pose of placing in nomination a candi date for senator from said district and the transaction of such other business as nay properly come before the conven tion. Each county is entitled to one delegate at large and one for each 150 votes or major fraction thereof cast for lion. C. J. Smyth for attorney general at the election in November, 18U6, which .gives the following representation to wit: Box Butte 5 Brown 2 Cherry 5 Dawes 7 Keya Paha 3 Rock 3 Sheridan 7 Sioux 3 It la earnestly requested that a ful! defecation be sent from each county, aa maty matters of importance will come ' up at tfaia meeting aad a permanent organisation will be effected. M. F. CLYxn, Chairman. Populist Senatorial Convention A delegate convention of the Peoples Independent party of the fourteenth Sen atorial District of Nebraska is hereby called to meet at Valentine Nebraska en Saturday August 20 1808 at 10 a. ro., for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for said district and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the convention. The representation is based upon the vote cast for lion. J. J. Sullivan for Su preme Judge at the general election of 1897 vis; One delegate at large and one for each 100 votes or majority fraction thereof which gives the following by counties: Box Butte 6 , Brown -4 Cherry 8 Dawes 9 Keya Paha -4 Sheridan -8 SiOUX -3 It if rooomaodsd that no proxies be allowed but the delegates present cast che full vote of Itaair respective coun- C, W. Potttbi. Chairman. Spain's mhi'iHtry lias for inally accccrlod to the terms of peace as proposed by the president and hia cabinet. There are pome few minor details regarding the peace propositions that are not yet fettled, but the queen regent and the Spanish ministry regard the war as, virtually over. The U. S. Senate will be called in extraordinary sension soon for the pur pose of ratifying or rejecting any treaty that the president may make between this government and Spain as a result of the war now in progress soon to seace. The election in the state of Alabama held last Monday, resulted in the Demo crats carrying the state. The legisla ture will beovorwhelmingly democratic. Hon. W. A. Poynter of Boon, this state is the fusion nominee for governor. All the present stale o dicers were re-nominate!. Senator J.imi's K. Jones, chairman of the national democratic committee ij opposed to the retention of the Philipine islands permanently. The gold republicans in Colorado last fall by underhand work and intreaguing succeeded in getting an administration gold republican elected chairman of the free cilver republican county central committee in Arapahoe county. Buton the 2f)th insfc the gold chairman was Rummarly disposed of by a meeting of the committee. I'resideut McKinley is to be commen ded for not wishing to retain the Phili pine islands. Tho Jot'BNAL has little doubt but that peace will bo declared before another three weeks rolls around and doubtless an armistice will be declared by this gov ernment inside of a week or teu days as a result of negotiations now going on between this the United States and the Spanish government through the French Amba-ssattor as intermediator. During the last two years of the repub lican state administration, they succeed ed in increasing the interest-bearing state debt $1,275,134. During 18 months demo pop administration, the latter has suc ceeded in reducing the interest bearing state debt $700. .112, which makes a difference between the two parties in favor of the demo-pop administation of $1,975,577. Can the people afford a return to a system of corruption in high places? The dear people have had to make up the above by increased taxation, Ex: A negro blacksmith at Kirksville Missouri, announces a change in his busi ness as follows: "Notis De copartner ship hereto fore resisting between me and mose Skinner is .hereby resolved. Dem what owes de II mi will settle wid me and dem what de firm ows will settle wid Mose." Hugh Angus of Ewing sold, a hog to Van And t Bros..' the other day with a record that actually made Hugh blush giving it. He purchased the hog some three years ago paying $4.00 for it and since that time it has devoured $10.50 worth of chickens, $60.00 worth of turk eys and at the present prices at least $40.00 worth of corn. It was buried in a snowdrift for Ave days and after that was knocked in the head with an ax all of which was to no avail and hence he was compelled to sell the beast, It weighed ninety-seven pounds aad brought $1.50. ! The Democrat at Cherokee, Iowa, says when the nurse got ready to wash the new baby born to a Cherokee cou pie on Friday she found a two cent revenue stamp pasted on that part of the baby's anatomy to be used to sit down on when the youngster gets old enough to whittle dry goods boxes. It at first startled the nurse but the jocular doctor soon put in an appearance and explained the matter, He said he understood that everything issued on and after July 1, was required to have a stamp affixed so he had taken a few stamps along with him to prevent any mistake being made. The Trans-Mississippi Sunday school congress in Omaha Sept. 27-30 the first of its kind will be composed of Sunday school workers from all the BtateB of the great Middle West. Blank cre dentials and copy of pro gramme, when printed will be furnished on application. JL J. Wightman Sec. i York, Neb. "Coin" Harvey, says everything looks bright for the silver forces in the fall campaign. . July wheat dropped to the magnificent price of Oflc in Chicago last Saturday, McKinleyism and a Dingley deficit of $100,000,000 in the revenues of the U. S. treasury coupled with the single gold standard during the past year make a bright outlook for the farmer this fall. Pri nee Bismark Germany's man of iron as he has often lieen called, passed to the great beyond July, 30th at his country seat Fried richsruh. after a prolonged spell of sickness. It is safe to say that Prince Bismark was the greatest states man Germany ever possessed and out side of Gladstone he surpassed probably any in Europe. Nine governors of as many states in the Union have signified by special dispatches to the new York Journal how they felt in regard tojjthe expansion Of of teritory as a result of the war against Spain by the United States, 8 out of the 9 are opposed to the permanent occupa tion of the Phillipine islands. Four of the 8 are republicans one Populist and throe Democrats; the 9th one who favors retaining them is a democrat, governor Adams of Colorado. Ben. T, Cable of Illinois who was one of the principle organizers of the Palmer Buckner campaign in '96, has returned to the regular Democrat party and heartly accepted the Chicago platform. The Bel moots of New York have also returned to the fold. They found that McKinley had no particular use for them after they bad made it possible for his election. According to a statement made by R. H. Jesse, president of the Missouri state university, more than half of the wealth of this country is controlled by less than 1,000 men. The above is a startling statement, and if true, which we 'have no reason to doubt, considering the gentleman, and position he occupies, what will a few more years of class legislation bring forth? Special privileges granted to the national bankers trust, railroad,". iron and steel trust, sugar trust, standi' ard oil trust and a hundred other corpor ations to numerous to mention, is the one thing responsible for the state of affairs referred to by president Jess. The question will be asked, who is to be blamed? The Joap.nal answers, the peo ple. They should send representative to our state legislatures and to congress who would not sell out the interests of the people for a mess of pottage. The Chicago Inter Ocean, Aug. 1st, speaking editorially says, Nebraska is naturally a republican state and pro bably it would swing back into line this fall. It goes on to say further that with bad crops and low prices for every thing the farmers raised and had to s ell for four or five years, the farmers vote Was ready to flock to the demo-pop par ties but not a word was said about high way robbery committed by the repub lican party during its administration of state affairs in this state for 20 years prior to its dislodgeraent from office. The Inter Ocean also, speaks in about the same strain regarding South Dakota. But South Dakota like Nebraska will remain in the hands of the reform forces. Corruption in high places by the state officials of the republican party is one of the causes that gave these states over into the hands of the reform forces, and the adoption of the single gold standard by that same party in '96 will help to keep those states what they are today. THE NEW STAMP TAX- QUESTIONS OF INTEREST DECIDED BY THE INTER NAL REVENUE COL- : LECTOR. Bills Against tho County Ex empt Marriage LIcciiho Must Bo Stamped Brand Cer tificate and Certificates of Location of Mining claims Also Tax able. , County Clerk Pascal 1 has bad some knotty problems brought to bis atten tion in connection with the new war revenue bill, and finally becoming dis couraged at the difference of opinion among local lawyers to whom the ques tions have been referred, wrote to Col lector Howbert at Denver for rulings on some of the more common cases. Fol lowing are the questions asked and the answers given by the collector: Q. Do bills against the county re quire a 10 cent stamp for the certificate, whether sworn to before tho ' covntv clerk or other officer authorized to take acknowledgements? ' A. No. Q. Does any paper filed with the county clerk that requires a stanyp under the law also require an additional 10-cent stamp for the certifleate of offl cer taking the ack-nnwlnriirsmont? A. Am of the opinion that certificates of acknowledgement are subject to stamp tax. Q. Do bills of sale given by one per. son or firm to another (other than bro kers) require stamps? How many? A. No. Q. Does a certificate of marriage re quire a 10-cent stamp? A. Yes. Q. Do marriage or other licenses is sued by the county clerk require stamps? A. Yes.- Q. Do certificates of brands require stamps? A. Yes. Do abstract of title and other papers issued by the county clerk require stamp? A. Yes. Q. Do certified copies of papers is sued by clerk of court require a 10-cent stamp for certificate? Either in dis trict or probate courts? A. Yes. Q. Do all bonds "except such as may be require in legal proceedings," cover administators bonds, bonds of guardian, etc.? A. Yes. . j Q. Do certificates of location of min ing claim require stamps? If so how' many? A. I believe so: 10 cents. Laramie (Wyo. ,) Republican. NOTICE FOR SEALED BIDS. To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given by order of the Board of county commissioners that sealed bids for the Cementing of the outside of the foundation wall under the courthouse will be received by the un dersigned until 12 o'clock noon of August 18th 1898. Parties bidding must figure on furnish ing coarse sand and enerlish Portland cement also that the material and labor must be to the satisfaction of the county commissioners and the board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. O. J. Blwktt, County clerk. STOCK BRANDS. Tut Joubval will publish your brand, Ike the following, for S2 :00, per year. Each ad ditional brand 73 cents. JErery larmcr or ranchmen in Sioux and adjoining counties should advertise their brands in The Jour nal as it circulates all over the state. It may be the means of saving money for you. FRANK NUTTO. On left side of cattle and on left honlderot horses. Range on Antelope creek P. O., Gbllchrlst, Sioux Co.. Neb. CHARLES B1E1ILE. On left side or hip of cattle, ( On left shoalder of homes. ) 1 Range on the head ot War bonnet creek Address Harrison, Slonx Co. Neb. S. W. CAREY. On left sboulder of cattle gnomes. and I Range on Utile Cottonwood. I'O. ., Crawford Nebr. Final Proof Notices. All persons having final proof notices In tutu paper will recolvo a marked copy of the paper and are requested to examine their notice and if any errors exist report the same to this office at once. NOTICE KOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Alliance, Nebr. I July II 1HIM. ) Notice li Hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make 11 nal proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made be fore M. J. Rlcwett Clork of district court at Harrison Neb, on August SO lste viz Cather ine Henry of Montrose Neb. who made H. E. No. 37,rO, for the 8. N EX Ki N-W, Sec. 30 Township 34 . Range B6 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion ol said land, viz: Frank Nutto, of ' Harrison Neb. John Weber, of Story " Mat Htrndal, of " Henry Waswrburger of GUchrlat J. W. Wshm Jr. Register. Sheriffs Sale. II y virtue of an order of sale Issued by the Clerk of the Ditr(ct Court of the county or Sioux, and state of Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said Court In favor of The Farmers Trust Company, a corporation, is plaintiff!, and the said David Anderson and Dora Anderson, la defendants, I will on the 3rd day of September, A. D. 188H, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day at the east front door of the eourt house In Harrison, in said county, offer and sell the following described real estate to wit: The South east quarter of Section Twenty-eight, Town ship Thirty five, aange rif ty four, In Sioux county, Nebraska, st .public auction to the highest bidder for cath, to satisfy said ord er of sale In the aum ofHl7.M, with Intercut thereon av the rate of ten per cent, per an num from the th day of May, IMS, and coats and accruing costs. (2-0) Thomas Hollt, Sheriff of said Connyt. " ?Z ipaj o - , f 3 2 5 2 S I n u i & 3 2 FRANKLIN, THE STANDARD KENTUCKY JACK, jJVdWifiiiiui7 w'lV 0 r III te! s 5 hfm dlfo III $$ Je1"aajsSa!- 2 3 JS B J c$$S H TIIIBE WILL BEHAR. kffi. If 3tuo don't believe what he says go to the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE and take a look at those 500 pairs of Boots & Shoes just arrived last Tuesday, and you will see he is warring with every store in the north-west. You can buy foot-wear of him cheaper than at any other store in Harrison. Fresh Garden Seeds for Sale. on Head-quarters for HARD-WARE, TLN-WARE, DRY-GOODS and dlbUt GROCERIES, FLOUR and FEED and everythiug needful & useful. LEWIS GERLACH, Prop. THE- COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1888,1 Harrison, Nebraska. B. K, BsawiTUi, President D. B. ORHWOLD, Oasbier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Business. CO&iXSPONDENTSt v"i Axuucan Exchange National Bank, New York, Omaha National Bank, Omaha, First National Bank, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposita. ; : t7DKArrS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF KTJKOH. k T PH I L I Sm atsT'rm'l eajaMt-mliil(rMtln. Tmlart oaHiaf,.!. Cam I .W-3 o cs ty l. .3 o e d O o "o w Si 09 2 a a v. in jj 12 e 0 S 3ct -. S a l. iiJiZ rising" r: o v z ea r.;ij f S?a - a III; -Si ! O.K-0 Will make the season of 1898, at my place in Harrison, Neb. TERMS: 18:00 to insure, duo and payable when mare is known to bo in foal, or on her changing ownership or removal from the county. Care will be taken to prevent acci dents, but I will not be responsible should any occur. THOMAS HOLLY, Owner. a F. Cana, ViisrVMMhsjt .-. rANYUDYoMsaralaaMssaure'i'l ftf k i ttt. .-3 ill ISM I I -A 1 t ! i 'j i i 5 1- SJ ( (I 1 f A s i utimimMH ialillfotlaaa. Mm. V. M. hPP. CO. JJJJPJJOgTBJTTTjOJJJ, . ' K