The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 28, 1898, Image 8

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    u OXTENAL.
ThcmdaT. July. 28th, 139ft.
rM. D. Canon, Editor and Prop.
P. E. V. V K. A. Uble.
Gola Wtst. Going East.
Ho. I. mixed. 11 rSO 1 So. 6. mixed s :M
T. E. M. V. R. K. the tost
to and from tbe
Silae A. Holcomb
.James E. Hurl..
w. r. rrter
Lien ten ant Governor
Secretary of etato
Josju r. OoraeH
J. i. JaerTe
Attorney General
a. r. wire
Land Commiasionei
Vi. B. Jackson Supt. Public 1 Mime t Ion
John M. Tharsto. V. S. Senator, Omaha
Wm. V. Allen U. 8. Senator, Madison
J. B. Strode, Coucreaeman 1st Dist., Linouln
2d " Omaha
Samuel Maxwell,
W; L. Stark,
K. 1). Sutherland,
3rd " Freuiort
4 th " Aarora
Sth Nelson
eth " 'Kearney
J. J. Slltran.
Chief Justice, Oolambus
T. 0. C. Harrison ..As'te Judffe, Grand Island
T. L. Korval Associate Judge. Seward
XI. A. WUUueiU.Uier; ana acporwcwwui
K. P. Klnkald , Judge, O'Neill
yf. H. Weetover. " Busbvlllc
M. J. Blewatt Clerk, Harrison
District Oonrt, At Harrison, eoramenees
:flp ring term May 9th,
Jail " Sept 19th jury Mtn. ,
tCounty Court, At Harrison, commences
first Monday of each mouth.
Otto Mutx Senator, Dist. No. 14, Springvlew
JL E. Sheldon. Dist. Ho. 53. Chadron
County Judge
M. J. Blewett-.
ejbas. Blafele
. Pubue Instruction
Tboe Holly
vif . K. njinney..
W. F. noma.
-Clerk of District Court
Oraat Gaitbrle ..Comoty Attorney
JOa C. Maac 1st Blslrtct
Andrew Procunier m.
Jackson Meitlen( Chairman) 3d "
E. t. Pontius (chairman)
John Darts
D. H. GrVswod .
W. B. Maxsteller.
X. Rob war
W. H. Darts
Lewis Garlaeh-
Xgfwrt Bobwer
B. L. Smack
Lewie Oezlach
Methodist Sunday School meets, every Sun
.day mornlna; at 10:00
Tff . ML, iMfmw iw, mm m 'mb,
Superintendent. eeeretery
Rssralar business meeting flret Tuesday
jsveoiBg in each month. '
JaMM Palmeb,
Devotional D
every -Bandar evening
t :.
Urn. XsaBALk. Leader.
Hosts each Suadar afternoon at 2:31.
Maa. KUhUU, Supt
Meets eeeoad Monday In each month (n
toe eeartlteiMe at Harrison.
S. JE. Llvermore, Cm.
Harrison Cane, Bo. U, meete on each a!
Ssraate WsSasstlay erealag-
W. II. Davis, 4. XJUMon, .
Clerk- Com. Ceaa.
MeaSj eacB aMeraste Saturday evening
at S sekwk. J. W .kmltk. V. C
A. K. liw Cterk.
T33 PrJ Co, Gto.
Carricoc3 t It
Prompt attentioa given to all legal
matters in Justice, County and District
Courts, and bfafure tbe United later
Laud Office.
Fire Insurapoa writtes im reliable
a) panics.
Legal papers carefully drawn.
Harrison, - Kesraska.
J. E. PHDfNEY. M. D.
PavUdSB and Snrreoa.
Ail calls given prompt atteution.
Ofice in Drag Store.
01 ce: In the Riehstein BaUdi.ig,
For your
JOB WORK 1 Stationary.
The rules of the local land office have
recently been amended so that settlers
to snake 6nal proof shall settle with the
publkber before sending in their applica
tion. All parties desiring to nake Anal
proof can have their papers made out at
The Jockkal office, free of cliarge, and
promptly transmitted to the land office
so that no time will be lost
500 for 5ood Guettslng.
'The Nebraska Farmer has inaugurated
for its subscribers a unique guessing
scheme on the pessible number of paid
admissions to the Trans-Missippi Exposi
now running at Omaha.
100 will be paid for first nearest guess
$50 each for next two nearest guesses.
ilOeach for next 10 " "
$2 each for next 50 " "
$1 each for next 100 " "
One guess may be made with each
yearly subscription paid in advance at
regular price one dollaj so that every
one guessing will get the Nebraska
Farmer one year and have a chance be
sides to get from one dollar to one hun
dred and there will be 163 persons who
will get these cash premiums.
For sample copies, terms to agents and
foil particulars address Nebraska Farm
er Co.,
1311 Dodge St, Omaha Neb.
Special Locals.
Machine oil at Hestee's
the beet 35, .45 & 50c per gal
t3T" Parties wishing to
purchase anything in the line
of harness, saddles ot grain
and feed, can call on L. Ger
lach, who will look after my
business during my absence.
E. Rohwzr.
"Parties owing me on
accounts and wishing to set
tie same can do so by calling
at the Commercial bank.
' E. Rohweb.
-The July number of The
New Time is more agressive
than ever in pursuing its
war policy- It is unusually
rich in orginalcartoons and
interesting reading. Send
in a dollar for an annual sub
scription: We make a club-
ing rate of $1.65 for the New
Time and the Sioux Couirrr
Notion to all in the Village of Harri
son, that are interested parties:
That those requiring permits and li
censes under the Village ordinances, of
the Village of ZUrriion, Sioux county,
Nebraska, are hereby notified to pro
cure the same immediately or prosecu
tion will be commenced if any undue
time is allowed to pass after the publi
cation of this notice.
W. O. PaTTERsoh, TinaffsaUrsbaL
Call for BUs.
Notice 4s hereby given thai sssJso pro
fMaalsfor taking ctanrsjeof town wiud
nifl daring the period Intervening to
April 80, 18M, wilt bs received at the
oOee of the village clerk, Harrison,
tUbv, op to 8 o'clock f. m. Friday, July
8Mb,iaM BMldormust look after miU
in proper manner and famish his ewn
sappHss in snaps of oil ssmI frwns. A
bsttJofflOO will bs required of taspor-
MfrtsS4XBtfCt TWaaOsHof
noss Mssrrstsss rig to mjectany
.,.,.;:v.;,r.a.fClav. '
Excursion Rates in TraiiK-Mississippi
Exposition at
Omaha Keb. June
1st to Xov. 1st
From Harrison every day (Sundays
excepted) from June 1st to October 15th
1893 at 123,20 for round trip good for
return until Nov. loth. .
From Harrison every day (Sundays
excepted) from June 1st to October 80th
good for return 30 days from date of sale
For the opening exercises on May 30tb
round trip-tickets will be sold good for
return June Gth at our fare vie $14.30. '
E. F. Pontius agt
Special Excursion Kates to Hot
Springs 8. Dak.
On dates named below at one fare
for round trip, tickets good for return 80
-days from date of sale.
June 16 August 9
June 30 August 6
- July 5 September 18
July 19 September 20
E. F. Pontius, Agent
Te Olden Tjme Social.
Tbe Epworth League will give nti
"Olden Tyme" social in Andrews Hall
on Friday evening July 2ft, to which all
are most cordially invited. A bushel of
fun is assured. Fines for certain kinds
of clothing and jewelry are collected,
A short program will "be rendered and
ice cream and cake will be served. Do
not miss it
Agent Pontius will tale in the
Omaha Expositon next week.
A sister of Mrs. Jerry Wills, from
Sheridan county, came up oa a visit last
For the past mojrth the weather
seems to be uncommonly hot for this
time of the year.
Give L. Gerlach of this place the
nomination for representative and it
will be equivelaot to an election.
We hear it rumored that editor
Heath of Bushville Standard is a candi
date for state senator from this dis
Master George Scott of Chadron,
who has been at S. B. Cofee's on a vis
it with the Master Coffee's for a week
returned home yesterday via Harrison.
Sherridan county laying claim
to the candidate for state senator from
this senatorial district this fall and we
understand there are two aspirants for
the office.
J. S. Tucker of Glen, graced our
streets yesterday. Mr. Tucker is without
doubt the oldest living man in Sioux
county at this time, as be is rubbing the
80s pretty close.
Mrs. Antrim mother of Z. T. Antrim
who has been stopping at Crawford since
last May on a visit came up on Monday
morning's train and was met here by ber
son from Bodarc.
Miss Alice Slattery who has been
out at Spokane, Washington for some
time came home on s. visit last Monday
morning. How !or, she will stay we
were not able to learn.
A notice to the public from the
village marshal appears in soother col
umn of this issue of the Journal. The
public should read it carefully and
govern themselves accordingly.
Merchant Bartell talks that he will
likely vacate tbe Riehstein building and
move to the opposite side of the street
He gives as his reason that the rent was
about to be raised on him where he is
located at present
W. E. Pontius is expected here today
and will take charge of the office in a
day or two during the absence of bis
father who will take in the Trans-Mississippi
Exposition before tbe shipping
season on the F. E. & M. V. , road com
mences. Central City, S. Dak. Dr. M. D.
Clark; My little girl bad catarrh about
six years. It made ber nose dscharge
and gave her a bad breath but after
taking your catarrh Remedy I am thank
ful to say she is cured and I will
hereafter keep it in tbe house.
Mist. Nannie Lcett.
Jacob Marking of Montrose, who
was up last week with a view of mak
ing arrangements for starting a saloon
here, cam up again yesterday and com
menced to circulate a petition which he
expects to present to the board of trus
tees asking for license should he be suc
cessful in obtaining a majority of the
free holders is tbe village.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lang of Crawford
nevhew and niece of W. B. Wright cam
up last Monday on a few days virit Mr.
laag has been engaged in mooing the
Crawford grist mill for the past year
baring had it leased for that length of
time. Wo understand that bs is liable
to g to Long pins and tabs charge of
the mill tbe res for a while at least
Tbe JocrnAL notices with pleasure
the excellent write-up and tribute in
behalf of Hon. L. Gerlach of our quiet
little Village, in last weeks Crawford
Bulletin, relative to bis caodioy for rep
resentative. Editor LindemM has been
Mtisaatety acquainted with Lew for
mors than a score of years, and a part
of that time has been spent with bira in
this county and hence, knows whorsof
he speaks. Tbe article referred to In the
Bulletin speaks vol u mas nod corrober
ates tally the statement mads in 4Us
MOf thsfoORJUL, found oooditofM
pago trader tas caption, 'liouji Cotmtjrs
WANTED Wood on subscription soon
as we can get it Editor.
A large number attended Mass at
the court House on last Friday morning.
O. W. Patterson has been appointed
village marshall by tbe board of trus
tees. A slight shower of rain fell here last
Saturday, enongb to lay the dust at
Jack Raffs from rawhide Wyom
ing was in town last Friday and 'Satur
day doing some trading.
Ye editor accomanied his mother
as far as- Ckadroo. last Saturday even
tag, returning Monday noon.
The ladies aid society met at the
home of Mrs. R. M. Wallace aod were en
tertained most ckarmingly, by her.
Dr. Phinney has recently purchased
eight bead of cattle and will try his hick
again with stock raising. Well here's to
success Dr.
Mrs. C. P. Canon, of Alpena S. Dak.,
who has been the guest of ber eon Geo.
D. during the past Four months returned
to ber home on last Saturday.
Prof. C. W. Roush of was
down last Saturday attending to lus
professional duties (occulist) as publish
ed in tbe Journal tbe past two weeks.
'otirr I tan cattle bides and all kind
of skins with hair for robes, or without
or leather. See sample and prices in
J. IL Kartell's store.
H. OlJSRlCHT. Glen, Neb.
Grandpa Wright informed the journ
al a day or two ago that be was quite
himself again, but Grandma is slowly
on the decline which piece of news we
were both pleased and pained toliear.
M. J. Carrol Jr. who has been xt
work on the S. O. ranch near Douglas,
Wyo., the past two or three month's,
returned an List Thursday evening. He
will go to work for W. L. Uoyt soon.
The fourth quarterly conference for
the Harrison charge of the M. E church
will take place next Saturday afternoon
at 2 o'clock. Baptismal service will be
conducted immediately following by
Rev. Scamahorn presiding elder.
LeadS. Dak., Jan 23, 1897. I have
been troubled with catarrh for several
years. After using your Catarrh Reme
dies for a few months tbe sytntoms
have entirely disappeared.
Ella hocre.
Has our county superintendent been
violating the internal revenue law, by
not placing the L R. stamps on teachers
certificates? Or are teachers certificates
issued by superintendents of schools sub
ject to tbe stamp act
William Petto of Peoria, Ills., who
has been stopping at Charley Coffee's
for the past three months on account
of his health has moved into town and
will sojourn for a month or two, after
which he will return to his eastern home
settle up his affairs and return to Neb
raska to make his future home.
tt seems singular at this time of tbe
year when work is plenty that strong
able bodied men should be tramping
through the country and stealing rides
on the cars when possible and then hoof-
in? when kicked ofT the train, and at
every house nearly in t lie towns along
their route askinjj for liand-outs. Such
fellows should be given to understand
that if they expect to eat they should
work for it same as industrious people
While in Chadron Saturday and Sun
day last we tv.ard it quite freely talked
that our only Chas. Coffee living north
of Harrison about 15 miles and in this
county was at Chadron about a week a
ago working some political scheme to if
possible to get the Dawes county, dele
gation to the representative democratic
convention which, with the Sioux coun
ty delegation would give him the nom
ination as against Cap. Adams of Craw
ford who we understand is a candidate
for legislative honors also.
Attempt to Wreck the Train.
Section foreman Chris Christensen
of Andrews was in town Monday even
ing doing some trading, and while here
came in contract with the quill pusher
of the Journal and related how narrow
an escape that we came being wreck
ed with a few others while on their
way home on the west bound train
over tbe F. E. A M. V., railroad two or
three miles west of Andrews last Mon
day forenoon. Forman Cbristensen
started out as usual to work on the sec
tion, but before going far be discovered
a bolt about ten inches long and near
an inch thick which bad been sharpened
aod driven into a tie close by the rail on
the outside of the curve, and was so ar
ranged that the head of the bolt would
lis on tbe top of tbe rail which no doubt
have derailed the engine if It had not
been removed. Further on up the track
he found a tin spike driven into nss
joint between two rails; thinking there
might possibly bs more he went on a
few hundred yards mors and discovered
a piece of iron 8 inches long, half Inch
thick aod probably two inches wide laid
across tke joint of two rails, and as bs
thinks with evident intention to wrack
taw tram. He can figure out oo body
in ths locality that would '.be mean
.enough to do such a dastardly trick.
At any rate ths Journal believes any
body who is mean enough to undertake
to wreck a passenger train sven though
Ussy failed would not stop short of mur
der should a favorable opportunity
present itself; should the guilty person
or psnoas bs arebonded ptiaisbmoot
should so meted out te them to ths fuU
sxtoat of ths law. ,
Oil YES!
Here We Are Again.
500 pairs of shoes
iTh jihovR in an addition
nmnlfitfi stnr.k of boots
- --- . z
We have the largest assortment ever gnown u
North-West Nebraska, and as to prices we r
Coinpetion and are sure
Marsteller Brothers.
ttmppDULuuLi . m
e mew rm
,VvTimr." Let me take those loads from
a ' for fix ccuU.
C-Miss Elsie Merriam has been this
week out at Ed. Maine's assissting tak
ing in care of Mrs. Blaine, who was hurt
in a run-a-way a week ago. She report
ed Mrs. Maine doing nicely lat night.
H. G. Newcomb ol Crawford, broth
er-in-law of James Hosrle of the same
place has been in town for the post two
or three days to see what could be done
toward either starting a saloon if license
could be obtained if not then to start a
club-room, but concluded to give up the
job and he returned homo last evening
where he will continue to persue the
even tennor of his ways.
A large congregation were in atten
dance at mass last Friday at the court
house it being Father Muneich's last visit
as pastor to this place as be will be re
moved to some other point near" the
eastern part of the state Father Muneich
is not sure just where his lot will be cast
in the future but suffice it to say, he
has been a faithful servant to his church
and its members and thrw-s with a host
of other friends in Il tn inoii and in 'ac
throughout tlie county will regret tu hvk
Father Muneich removed from their
midst but duty in a religous life is para
mount to e very thing but Christ who
gave his life for the children of men.
Mr, F. D. Mooney of Crawford, who
was here last Friday for the purpose of
sounding the town board regarding the
taking out a license and starting a salo
on in this place in the near future should
everything prove favorable, received the
sad intelligence by wire from his wife at
Crawford that his little son 7 years old
had drowned in the flume of Uie citv
water works but a few moments before
sending the telegram, and tliat he
should come home at once. But a the
message did not reach him until 30
minutes past 4 oclock Mr.' Mooney ; con
cluded it would be usless to try to drive
home as he could not gain much time by
so doing and waited for tbe 8 o'clock
passenger. Of course moments seemed
hours aod hours days to him on account
of the waiting suspense occasions d by
having to wait three or four hours. 1
Last Thursday afternoon, while as
sisting her husband in hauling a load of
hay north-west of town, Mrs. Ed Maine
met with quite a serious, though pain
ful it was not a dangerous accident,
caused by tbe team ruoning away with
a load of hay, Mr. and Mrs. Maine being
thrown beneath tbe load as it was
overturned. mQ Maine was Ih such a
position under ths hay that her husband
experienced no little trouble in digging
Iter out from under tbe hay. As soon as
II yoa wi I) ore of is lCOMC
fMtkttiofi In bi tovcnunrsjt ter
rier, i iii Burma on mUim you
how to ixote. d u iwxurr it,sr.s St
v lor pstuac Uir required Civil
S.rvict ci.nvatioa thrrrlor.
I- ix ry, tsri rri cutuiKoe at boo)
tikiioa ureal! Itw rtquucsKDLS
l 111 U.lf CU linn 'W. . 1 lit, ,r ,P,-rtc iui
Mining pab-eit fr.i co,)y i'l'U in tlili rnd (jrTtra
. runt, ir:. I he ' turl o: (tin i..t. bit hd SO un
rrrin- Oiff I'.itmiier, Comrrs.rsoiur ot
l'atra-.i, ana I'm, m A.t.irf . unJ vrry tuoess
tut in pcrurtn twjiil pu-rit ei in lii. pronccuuocj
ol all pAlcut IrUjruien he lore Uw goua.
TMf Boreas csn St yim Inr ndoiUslne Is die liar
and. erspare yua tor sciiv oraciic nb lo scars,
without mstwially inurftrioK art's yum other So
urs. Oar NaspTMiart are il slVst, ow afotass
liioraarh,Mj VircfcafSwrrsaM. Three cents
sesrsUaMati Uatvernv. tasmsss snS Sptaial
Scad for psnlealsn, terras, tic
m Hear York Ays. M'aatuas'oa, AC
Just received werT
of the latest styles.
to our already large amdi
and shoes now on hand.
. . tr
to smt all who come
casri t H. 0. ftover
f rtfiffk': flpbwa JtCiW
Mom Mr ino la-sx Tsce,
I'lmlniltaiuledaJ! iiae in
it. II i fiifhting iar figU;
Our d'iliira trjr. tccints
vour bucks" scopv:niplt mimVrinailcU
possible, after the accident Dr. Phinney
was summoned, making a thorough
examination of her injuries, wltere up
on he found no bones broken but tliat
her left side was oadly braised and she
wai shaken up in a general way quits
had. Dr. Phinney reports however, at
this time she will get over it io a week
or so.
In Fair Manila's Bay.
A Ballads.
Oh listen shipmates to my song.
'Twas on the first of May,
When t -Dewey" and bis Yankee tars.
Beached fair Manila's bay.
Where ranged io line of batlls.
Beneath Cavite's forts,
The Spanish squadron waited him.
With gloomy open ports.
Our Flagship the "Olymphia,"
Went cruising on before.
And followed swiftly in her wake,
The good ship "Baltimore;"
While the '.Releigh and ths "Pstral,"
With the "Boston close to lee,
L.-d the "concord" and McCul lough" on
To certain victory.
At Break of dawn brake "Dewey" sailed
The harbor bar within;
When for "Cavite's" batteries.
The trouble did begin;
Then from five hundred sturdy throats.
There burst this loud refrain:
"Remember Spanish treachery,
Destroyed the good ship Maine.".
Then Dewey's guns made quick reply.
. With storm of iron hail,
Before whose well aimed deadly blasts,
The haughty Dons did quail,
As swiftly round our galant fleet.
On wings of steel did go;
While at each turn they worked their
With broadsides to the fos.
First tbe "Ruioa Christian,"
With crimson bood stained deck.
Sank slowly neath the troubled wave.
A charred aod shattered wreck:
While later on tbe "Costella."
Pierced by a twelve Inch shell.
Burned fiercely to the waters edge.
A fiery funeral. ,
Fivs times like coursers on the track
Ws pawed the Spanish fleet;
Aod then withdrew to rest a while.
And get a bits to oat.
Then with the "Baltimore' on hand.
Gave battle once again,
Till not a single vessel flew,
The yellow flag of Spaio.
At twdlve o'cldck the flag that flaw.
Above the arsenal,
Was lowered from its lofty staff.
Upon tbe catflla wall
Whils in its place of flag of trues,
Full peacefully did away,
Proclaiming "Dewey's" victory,
In fair Manila's Boy.
Than shipmates listen to my song.
And join ths chorus too;
In praiss to ysnkes "Dswey,"
Aod bis sailors triad and true:
Who neath our countrys starry flag,
In far isles of the sea,
Oain si Spaaieb prids and faa rfol edds
Won famous 1 story-
-Paol Da ViUisrs,