The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 28, 1898, Image 7

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    fTTa Tel eeapei llj OMrd He t-ie w vmtim r ar
VI 1 O am tor1 or. '' w ,
rir. bnil fur I'M p. . (ml en imui.
K kVSleS.U4.. M -r 8ret. Uitnlttite. la.
ftpe Spanish rrniit-r Almiran'pi
Oa,endo, reoncnnied AI-mri-'
O-ken-do, wss named in lu iior U Au
stral lh,uend.
Hall's Catarrh Cure
f taken internally. rVlce 7ft rxniU.
The man above uuuu e. is ilaysin
Good breeding it manifested by what
we read.
ili-fur aitU After.
Before tha wed ii ig ehe's Ii on
Wt'O Iiata to l-t the peop'e se
(That she ha any lov lor turn
fihe's pr me to hold aloof, whila ha
la Ire t lit ti e f oi I known
Ttiat le 1 hers am) she Ii a nan.
But aller t' ey are man and wife
Tia she that want a the w.irl.l to know
Dial (he it hi 4 an I tin ' hers
And tha they love each other ao
While hv it all unwilling, I' en,
To alio liia luvu to other men.
Have Yon a Hon. Brother,
flustvnri or lover in the cm; or navyT
lail him to-day a 2'k package of Alien'
Pvot-Kaac, a powder for the feet. All
who inn rili, walk or stand need it It
aren aching, tircil, tore, awollon, sweat
ing feet, and make hot, tight or new
atioea easy. Feet can't bliKter, get (tore or
ealU where Alleu'a Fool-Liise I uaed.
lO.UW teatimoniala. All druggista sod
ah or store toll it, 2Tc, Sample aent
VliKR. Addreaa Alien 8. Olm.ted, Le
fcoy. Ai. Y.
m HcaiBce of si m p of nos
tatae not only to the originality and
Implicit of the combination, but also
toli.e care and skill with which it ia
anamifactored hy scientific processes
known to the Camforkia. I ia Sraur
Co. only, and we wih to imprcaa opon
all lite importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. Aa the
genuine Hyrup of Figs ia manufactured
ay tiie CauroKNiA 1'ia bvitue Co.
awry, a knowledge of that fact will
aaafa t one in avoiding the worthies
Imitation manufactured by oUier par
tJaa. The high standing of the CA.IJ
toia Via 8 raw Co. with the niedi
eJ larufetutkic, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Fig haa
gftwa to million of families, makee
Umi name of the Company a guaranty
f ttia excellence 0 Ita remedy. It ia
tar la advanoe of all other laxatives,
aa at acta on tha kidneys, liver and
towel without Irritating or weaken
'fag them, and it doea not gripe nor
1 aaaneate. In order to get U beneficial
' affaeta, pleaae remember the name of
aAN raaaciaoa. cl
vaaWTTLut. Kr- aaw vaata. a. t.
Sour Stomach
inir 1 wat MwMa try caac.
lUrraV I will mih f witaoat tbaa to ia aiaia
k Bvw ! a vary bad aoaiw. ma mj umi
aaaet esd 1 aa4 iubhI Iraakla. vm. alaa tak
tm tt ran, I faal la Mr wife aaaalM wm4
(aan wlta MM tela I rawlu far erar amnaab."
M.iauM.HCHpmM., e leal. Ma
M eufti conmATioM.
aw in rflert to Oolorado, Vellow
atoaaPark, Black Hilli, Montana,
andUtaha rnrpriaingly low only
ftt lor the roand trip Omaha to Dan
t, Colorado Hprfnira, or Poeblo; H
aPattUkeCityj90 to Helena or
Butt. Get lull Infotmatioa from
aaraat ticket arent or wriU ta
f. rraaeta, fienaral Pa a Aft
Omaha, faa.
P.m. II fsa fa wett Tta Oanaaa a the
BauHnrVtn kouta, e ean mp aa4 at
UMTrea-MMelwipi aapoaiuoji.
tn u wa coiia vow "
n mil
Stand the Heat
Miu'li more easily aud comfortably by
putting aud keeping your body In trim
condition by taking Hood' farsaparilla.
It makes good blood, (irotnotea proper
( iri-iiliition nml keepa every organic
uMrutioa free from friction.
Sarsa Is Amrloi'i Omttit Mrdlcino.
Hood's Pills
ar (tntlK. mild, fTKt
Ive. All rir.iLri'Utn.
The Klnrtoacopa.
It eecmt appropriate that a aonthern
hero slicni 1 have led on a ah id called
ih" Mrrimac.
I'nder the new tariff yon will pay the
aame price (or your eiar, but you won't
itet the fame ciar.
Tne heavy cannonad:ng heard in
we te'n X -braika ia only the corn
"hoo'lnn out o( the ground.
Is it at'ep toward an n;liHh allitnca
hatt'ie ge uraphh-ai b arl has drop
ord the "u" in Hering't atraitT
Life and the Idver.
"Puccea in life depends upon the liver"
la the way Chat. Lamb, the poet and pun
ater, put it. Medical a'ience baa proven
that nine-tentha of the uilmenta of living
have their origin in the liver, and in con
Mtipation rauned by ita derangement.
Keep the liver lively and all will be well.
Modern acience jHjinta out CaHrarets a
the only perfect, gentle, positive liver reg
ulator lit to be used in the delicate human
orgnniMin. All druggiata aell Cftieareta
Htr, 2Tic, rOc, aud we recommend them
'iioat heartily .
If it ia a Koi'd th tie to give thank on
to I he Lord, it ia turely a had thing not
to do it.
Try All n'a Foot-fiaae,
A powder to be ahaken Into the eboea.
At thla aeaaon your feet feel awollen, ner
voua and hot. and get tired eailly. If you
have emarting feet or tight ahoea, try
Allen' Foot-Kaae. It cool the feet and
ninkea wnlUing eaay. Curea iwollen and
awenting feet, bliatera and callou apota.
Iteliereti corn and bunions of all pain and
give rest and comfort. Over ten thouaand
teatimoniala. Try it to-day. S(y by all
druggiata and ahoe store for 'IT. Trla''
package KKEK. Addreaa. All. 11 8. Olm
tcd. I Koy, N. T.
The Spanlih ctnier Vncaya, origi
nally pi-lied hiacaya and pronounced
Veeth-kah-ee-ah, derived ita name from
the tiaue province of Biscay, border
ing on the bay of the fame name.
Mr. WiBukjw'aBooTHiMO 8ror for ehlloV
mi teeibtng. aultena the umi. rettty InBata
nailoo, allaya ptn, oumwlnaeollc. 'B boula
Cardenas, where Cusigu B tgley and
other lost their live and a hero the
Winslow sustained serious damage, is
pronounced Kar-dat-nas, accent on the
first syllable. It ni-an "of a purple
Manstrnation, tha halanoe wheel of
woman's life, la also the bane of exist
eneetomaay beoaosa itmaanaatimaol
great suffering.
While no woman is entirely free from
periodical pain, it does not seem to nara
been na
t are's plan
that women
should saffer
so several y.
Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vege-;
table Com
pound is
the most
thorough fe
male regula
tor kuown to
medical aol-
enoa. It relieves the ocmdlttoo that pro
duoessomuch diacomfort and robs men
struation of Ita tarrora. Hera la proof:
Djas Mas. Pukbajc How aa I
thank yon enough for what 70a have
done for me ? When I wrote to yon 1
was suffering untold pais at Urns of
menstruation; was oarvoaa, had head
ache all the time, no appetite, that tired
feeling, and did not care for anything.
hare taken three bottles of Lydia K.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, one
of Blood Purifier, two boxes of Liver
Pills, and to-day I aai a well person. I
would like to have those who suffer
know that I am one of the many who
hare been cured of female complaints
by your wonderful medicine, tuid advice.
Miss Jurats R, Mixes, Leon, Wis.
Hf yon are suffering in this way, write
as Mlae afllea did to Mrs. Plnkham at
Lynn, Mass., for the advice which she
offers freo of chanre to all women.
V 1 .t.a'i.Sii 17 id
celebrated for more
tban a century 1 ,3
delicious, nutritious, '?
and flesh forming
berugc, h-a our -
wi-ll-lno y
Yellow Label
on the front of every
parkage, sod our ti
trade mark."l.a Belle
aaa oea.r mt
iOs J WPrv
The Meadow Miotild Have I'ropt-r Care
-Value of a t-torm Houae-I'rofita in
Cottle Kaiaing How to Handle a
The Meadow.
The meadow provides more food la
proportion to what it receives In the
foim of manure or fertilizer than any
other portion of the farm. It is more
neglected, receives less aid and is ex
pected to product heavier than the cul
tivated fields. Hut meadows and pas
tures give out in time, as such lands are j
not Inexiiaiistible. and tu fanner uien ,
llnds that he cauuot (juicUly recover i
Ihe loss. The In. ted Mates Agi hui-
tutal Dcpuriuient has given the g,:bet
lis special atleiillon, aud Issued a Im ie-
t In that is sent free to fanners and
wh eb wil. be fu.imJ uilui hi . 1, e l.rst
reijuislle. It claims, in starting a per
manent meadow, Is lo have the land in
good condition, as the meadow should
last from four to sis years and 3 hid
an average of three to four tons of hay
per acre each year. Such, yields are
not realized, however, ou mauy mead
ows, but If the meadow is well plowed,
the weeds destroyed and the isoil put in
the best possible condition for the ai-ed,
the siand of grass will be good and thu
advantages In favor of large yields
greatly increased thereby. .
Storm Mouses for ilistant I-'leIla.
Summer storms often come lip UicK
ly. If tin; farm is a large one It is usu
ally Impossible for men at work in dis
tant fields to run to the house or burn
for shelter. A tree does not, except for
a very few minutes, afford any protec
tion, as the steady drip from Its leaves
Is nearly r quite as bad as being out
lu the storm. Years ago we knew a
fanner whose farm was long and nar
row, with the house and buildings j
tin? piiiiiu- ingiiway at one euo. .en
the other he built what he called a
storm bouse, 14x1-1, w ith a good roof
and large enough door s that tue teams
could be nin under 11 in time of sudden
shower. It was also a shelter for tools
at night. Sueh a storm house did not
cost very much, nnu was much better
than getting men und teams wet, or to
save themselves from this by taking
shelter under trees, which in thunder
storms is about the most dangerous
shelter that utiy one can seek. Ex
change. I'rofltx in Cattle HaxIrtK.
Those who receive the highest prices
for cattle get them Into market In the
shortest period of time, as the object Is
to save a ywr in feeding. It is a loss
to keep au animal four years If It can
be gotteu Into market when 3 years
old, for the year's time saved means
lulMr and food as well as Interest on
capital invested. With the use of such
bis-f producing breeds as the short
horns. Herefords, Angus aud Gallo
ways, nu average weight of 2.000
pounds per animal has been obtained
in four years, while 3 year-olds have
readied J .800 pounds, and 2-year-olds
1,400 pounds, the daily Increase bidng
over two pounds fori he yearling up to
2 years old, and from one and a half
jsiutids to one and three-fourths pounds
for older nnlmals. The live weights
only are given, but animals have divss
ed (17! per cent, when In prime condi
tion. Kxperiments showing such re
sults have been frequently made, and
should convince all farmers that llvy
can produce steers that will weigh
LWKi pounds, live weigh!. In three yea s
If they will use proper breeds. Profit.
Is made bv using the best animals for
the purposes desired.
HtiiiillltiK a Colt.
In handling a colt, Its Instincts and
tendencies should never be lost sight
or, such as kicking, striking and run
ning away from anything it conceives
to be dangerous. Us faculties of see
ing, smelling and hearing are very
acute, and are given It for self-preservation,
which Is the flm law of nature.
The experienced trainer will lie patient,
and not require too much of a colt at a
start, but gradually bring him In con
tact with all Imaginary dangers, until
It b-arns from experience thnt they are
harmless. No thoughtful or Intelligent
person will ever abuse a colt for Isdng
afraid of anything, for It simply loten
elflcH II fear aud makes mutters worse.
farmers' Itevlew.
Went. lndM.-..tiileT Soil.
Much alout the character of soil may
be told by experienced Tanners if tbey
can sis.' the kinds of weeds that grow
.upon it. t tiere are many weens inui
are never found on very poor soil, and
others that wl.l perhaps grow but will
not amount to mneii unless the soli Is
very rich. The pigweed and purslane,
which Is often called chick weed, is vevy
nbtindunt lu old gardens, and always
shows the presence of a large amount
of available nitrogen. Ho rich are thesn
weeds In nitrogenous nutrition that
they are often pulled up and fed to
pigs, which will eat (hem in preference
to grass, as they are more nutritious.
The common ragweed grows In nil
kinds of noils. But If the land Is poor.
It will blossom and seed at a few Inches
from the ground, while In rich sol) It
i-vows a fool and a half to two feet
high. The mullein In pastures usually
marks Ihe running out of the grass,
and probably tiiat the laud Is poor
American Cultivator.
uccraaful Gardening.
Following are some of the things
necessary to success In the garden: 11)
careful preparation of the soli; (2) lib
eral fertilizing; (3) good aeed; (4) food
tillage; (ft) eradication of weeds. By
observing these points wc always have
a profitable garden. To bava In their
season plenty of fresh vegetables (or
the table and a surplus to aoll at a good
price makes tba gardea aa profl labia
,4.-, :my portion of the farm. 'f:i! osl- J
hUlili-8 of the garden are ,T"at, and 110
1 fanner cau afl'ord to nr ulcet it. In-
hiead of a few rowg of U'iiih. cot i. e c,
Kctitteied over the farnwi (as If laud for
1 :t garden wt re In-grudged), the veRe-
tablee are planted In a plot net apart
! for the, In orderly rows, hil 8,
i etc. The weeda o'e feept out, (he foil
; wi.dl cultivule.l; tne prollt bi glus wi h
' the first ereta neas, continues until
beets apd onlotw Hre guthered In the
full and ou through the winter whi'e
these lust. We profitably market our
aurpluti pea a, lieans, beets, sweet corn,
cui.-uuibeis, oulons, etc. And last, but
not leiiHt, ik profit from last year's
gardening we have just dug a quantity
of Hue large parsnips for market, be
tiideH bavins plenty for home une.
There in idi-nty of salaify when we
want ,,, use jt. y,y planting with I'.b-
era mimj all(1 MU)WU!r aii necissary
niri, ,lU( :1iJ(,r (mr garden is always a
guecess.-Practlcal Fanner.
lirown's Mxumple.
'Thi r," said BrowD, wilh a shake of hia
"I've painted the houje and the barn and
The f't!oe has )ieen fixed, and the lawn's
linen mowed,
But I do wish the town would fix up that
It's a gimme. I call it, inst plain and flat,
That we have to .drive over roads like
I'll wait no longer, I'll start to-day
And fix uiy part of it anyway."
Now, Brown was one of those fellows who
When they start a thing, just "rush It
And a week or two after, as Neighbor
Wna driving home with his pair of ronns,
Brown's road was dry, while his own,
next door, v
Wns mud to the depth of a foot or more.
"Hy C.eorgc," said Jones, "I'll let Brown
That 1 can build romls ns well as be!"
Now, Neighbor Smith, who livnd below,
Haw Jones re). Hiring his road, and so
lie tix'-d up his, to Ik "in the game,"
And Ni'.,J;l)or Kohinson did the same,
I And si-. 11 every householder in town
Was trying his lest to "heat out. Brown.1
Ari(i n0Wi wu(.n ,n(, tovvn committee meets
; To talk of roads, they call them "streets.
The moral this talc to the reader brings
Applies to roads aud other things.
Keforrns like snowballs, wii! keep on
If somebody only sets them going.
Fanners' Voice.
Crop flotation.
To grow the same: crop upon a field
year after year is the very worst way
of treating the soil, livery plant, has
Its own peculiar habit of life. It feeds
more heavily upon one substance than
upon another; it attacks the soil par
ticles in Ms own characteristic man
ner; Its peculiar root system will use
only a certain portion of the soil, and
only to a certain depth; iu short, It
will exhaust the land, making it weak
trad woru in one way, icsiving it fertile
Jii all other wavs. When n ex weeds
settle niKm the lands, those having hnl
its different from the crop grown will
find a rich soil for their growth and
will nourish, always with great detri
ment to the crop desired by the hus
bandman, and often with Its total de
struction. The Urst consideration,
therefore, In a system of rotation of
crops Is to exhaust the soil a uniform
ly as possible. This may be done by
following, for instance, a shallow root-
i ed with a deep rooted crop, in ordei
to exhaust the upper aud lower layers
nlike.-l'tah Experiment Station Bulle j
J Clover for Sandy Hoil.
1 On U kinds of soil clover, when fully
' grown, is lieueilL Its roots bmik up
I the heavy clay soils and make them
permeable to air and moisture. But on
sandy soils a clover growth as often as
every two or three years Is a necessity.
U is only thus that what vegetable mat
ter H contains can be keip4 from lnjUig
washed or burned away and wasted It
Is often difficult to get a clover catch
on sandy soil. Clover nei"d mineral
f"rtility, both potash and phosphate of
lime. In both t!)ce sandy soil Is gen
erally deficient. Then is no bolter sin
gle man'ire for sandy soil than wood
ashes. If from hard wood these will
also furnish some lime and phosphate.
Harrowing; Spring Oraln.
There Is one caution which every
grain-growing farmer should heed. Thai
ia, to harrow the soil, where the seed
has ls'eD cast, not only when It Is sown,
but after every rain heavy enough to
compact the surface and make a crust
ed soil as it dries out. If this Is done
once or twice before the grain comes
up, the grain will grow rapidly and
will Itself prevent further packing of
the surface by rains.
Poultry Note.
Lack of grit, overfeeding and Idle
ness cjiuse liver trouble.
Purplish red edgi of comb and wat
tk Indicate lack of condition.
The poultry business Is much easier
than the dairy busluess, and quit as
It costs 110 more to take good care of
a good fowl than It does to take care of
a dunghill.
Listen In the hen-house after dark,
aud if yon lu-ar wheezing you have
roup on hand.
In clcanlpg a hen hon everything
that is movable should be taken out
doors and cleaned.
If cut very fine and cooked, clover Is
a good thing to add to the morning
meal for poultry.
Bones that have marrow In them,
when ground, make an exceedingly rel
Ishable food for fowls.
The Chinese boll eggs bard and
then wrap them In soft clay. Tbey will
keep for ever, It Is said.
There has been a great Improvement
In poultry, but there la plenty of room
for mora Improvement
U .1.
11, ii. pa li
from IU UaJi-tU .!.dini in
The wife of the Kev. A. K Ann.
tor of the lieOfurd Chnstiaii I'll
lilandimsvllle. Hi., a fur yearc 'ni
pelled io live a life it tori ore from
eaje. Her ease ballied tlo- pa.. ir,aua.
but to-day ehe la alive auu well, am! I'ha
the story of her rwuverj M l iliima;
"About six jeara a'u,M ael lia.
Adams, "1 weighed about 140 pound,
hut iuy bealtli bi(;an to fail and 1 mst
flesh. Ms fuod d.d Uot Ui,ri-e with ine
and felt tike a stone m nil sunmirli. 1
began to bioat ail over until 1 Inniitui 1
bai dropay.
"1 had pains and sureueas in iuy left
side which extended clear a rns m.v ba. k
and also into the region of my heart, inur
ing these apelia a hard ridge would appear
in the left side of my stomach ami around
the left side.
"These attack left tne sore and ex
hausted. All lust summer I was so nerv
0111 that the children laughing and play
ing nearly drove me wild. I suffered also
from female trouble aud doctored with
ten different piijciaas without receiving
auy help.
"My hus
band huv-
' Hu Hiuh md .'rod."
.! no relief tintil 1 had taken six boxes.
1 am now taking the eleventh box and
haTe been greauy benefited..
"I was also troubled with nervous pros
tration and numbness of my rikiit arm
and band so that at times 1 could hardly
endure the pain, hut that has all passed
away. I now hsve a good appetite and
am able to do mv own work, llnve done
more tbi summer than in the past four
years put together. Dr. Williams' I'ink
Bills for Tale 1 eople curiit me ann 1
think it my duty to let other sufferers
know it."
Is Health Wor n Ten O-nti?
Man suffer many mysterious ailments
from unknown causes, aud nine-tenths of
them have their origin In the digestive
canal somen here. It dors any person
pood to clean out this canal occasionally
in a rational way, provided it is not doue
in a violent manner. The proper cleans
ing and disinfecting preparation ia Oas
careta Candy Cathartic, which are very
gentle, but at the Bame time thoroughly
effective. A 10c box will purify the whole
system and in most cases remove the
cause of ill health. When "feeling bad"
take Casi arets. They will do Vxu good,
aud can do yon do harm.
Alfred Nobel. Alfred Nobel, the in
ventor of dynamite, who rec ntly died,
has bien honored by a beaut fol monu
ment to Mb memory at Hamburg, erect-
d by his f-i'nd, Max A. Phi! pp. It
represents the Bnai t iumph of the
humane, enlightening idea of peace
0er the rough and liestial impulses of
th world. It wae NoM'g prettegt sor
row that the dinamile which be invetit
ed and devoted to works of ntiliry was
to eommonlv arplied to the cruel pnr
poses of war and anarchy.
Piso't Cure for Consumption haa saved
me large doctor bills. 0. L. baker, 4.2U
Regent Sq., Philadelphia, Fa , Dec. 8, 'U6.
Cultivation in the garden, like plant
ing, will not admit of any unneoceary
A aath of blsck-spqngled tulle is very j
effective on a gown f -ome ra'e ti t.
the uew -
n ft n p r of
Dr. Will- rv'?A. f VsTT
iaai's' I'ink riv rVV V0f7 V5-.
1" i 1 1 a for AAV-YjJfY
I 'ale P e o - ST3i?
pie, indue- y . s.
try tWI ?AVV
began tak- MUtA
ing them VYr
last No- CAJy
vemoer out
e x uerienc-
exact reprodnctioos of the fio.ooe originala by Muville, which wffl ba glrna
you ABSOLUTELY FREE by your grocer on conditions tnsmsa below.
These Plaque are 40 inches in circumference, are free of any sufgaatitsi atf
advertising whatever, and will ornament the most elegant apartment. Mo
maiiutlacturing concern ever before gave away such valuable presents ta ita
customers. They are not for sale at any price, and can ba obtains, aaty ia
tha manner specified. The subjects are:
American Wild Ducks. American Pteewutt,
English Quail, English Snipe.
The birds are handsomely embossed and stand out aataral as Ola.
Plaque is bordered with a band of gold.
has bean the standard for as years.
packages of this brand were sold
last year. That's bow good it is.
to show you the plaques and tell
you about Elastic. Starch. Accept
no substitute.
"Say Aye No' and Ye'll Ne'er Be Mar-'
ried." Don't Refuse All Our
Advice to Use
We never did; but we bT
seen the clothing t'ois time
of the vcar so covered with
dandruff thct it looked aa if it
had been out in a regular snow
storm. No need of this snowstorm.
As the summer sun would
melt the falling snow so will
melt these Rakes of dandruff
the scalp. It goes further than
this: it prevents their formation.
It has still other properties:
it will restore color to gray hair
in jut ten times out 01 every
ten esses.
And it does even more: It
feeds and nourishes the root
of the hair. Thin hair becomes
thick hair; and short hair be
comes long hair.
We have a book on the Hsir
and Scalp. It is yours, for the
If jnn in not nbtala all tha bmatta
tou eriiei-ted from tha ue of tb VUror,
write llo; loctor about It. Probably
there In xirne difficulty with jour gen
era! njster.i which may be auliy re
moved, aaarent,
DR. J. AVER, LowU,
Test Poeket Items.
The ptamp cteik often weighs
people's world.
The f wer acqnain'ances a man hist
ih less he is b red. . t
C'i' g'aiaware would be more papula
if dealers would cat prices,
A man is e ldo n interested ia tia
weigiitof another rntu'i harden.
R 1 nor is gossip's strong fort and.
troth is the dynamite gua that re loos
bee Ble a in.
lecaersM, lu
Irrltelioee mw
eWMiere. of luuceae I
electee. 1'eJuleee eej -i ,
yi'"Cl CwtslCltCa. (eat or poenMaa.
r o(ciiiiuTLD.rn tils' i
A Beautiful
f I
FREE for a few months to all users of the
celebrated ELASTIC STARCH, (Flat Iron
Brand). To induce you to try this brand of that you may find out for yourself
that all claims for its superiority and econ
omy axe true, the makers have had arsparaa,
at great expanse, a series of four
How To Got Tbons
All purchasers of UQw M cent or
Ix Seent rarkaM of Elastle Btarea
(Flat Iron Brand), aramtltled to r
csivefrnm their grocer oos of these
beautiful flame Plaqaes free. . Tb
plaques will not be sent by Ball.
They can be obtaiDud only fraat yes
Every Grocer Keeps Elastic Starch.
Do not delay. This offer
Is fur a short time only.
' 1