The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 21, 1898, Image 6

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    03 MOTHER MH f WEfc THEAH 1.
tlta mother's b
sweetheart te
est. tl l4-ir'
Re say tie white tit? he brings to ray
lee rosea that bloom ohen life's miinni-M
Bat hi. love 'j the sweetest rose oer my
, heart!
Tbe love tliHt bsth crowned me
A ne klstie sroi:nd cc.
tat loser tu (Jod aud to heaves hath
bouml me!
Bla Berber's his sweetheart !" Through
ail the sad years
Hie love is the rainbow tbst shiues
through my tear:
Hy light in God's darkness, when with my
. dim eyeo
1 ace cot the stars in the storm of his
When 1 bow 'oeath tbe rod
Ami no rose decks the sod,
His love lights the pathway that leads
ie to God!
"His mother's his sweetheart.' Shine
bright for his feet.
O hasps oa lire's high way : and roses, lean
. sweet
fa the lips of my darling! and God grant
bis ana
Asd hia stars to my dutiful, beautiful
Far his love it hath crowned me
A necklace around me,
tad closer to God aud to heaven hath
, bound me!
Ladies' Home Journal.
"""1 BB stood Id too doorway of t!:e
tNshaek and watched blra trailing
' dowa the road after the borss in
' a cloud e. dust Wben he had passed
" arer tb , rise and tbe Jingle of harness
taune no loafer to ber ears she sat down
'po tbe doorstep with a troubled algu.
Thf sbanty. almost tbe one brown spot
ha the tumbling wilderness of grass.
small and dingy and redolent of
the tar paper that covered its sides.
Prom IU one tile chimney there falt red
a- thin column of smoke that struggled
weakly for a moment and then sunk
Co tbe ground, bringing In lta midst a
obewer of aoot that touched lit re and
" Uier with grimy fingers. Over tbe
wttite-rurtaiaed window ran a vine,
' twlatag about tbe decaying sash In a
luxuriant profusion or foliage, heavy
with badded promise. One soriz. bold-
' r than Miff rrrt atnrtchtd Its lrDgtb of ;
- tender green s cross to tbe door, and
" hung tar down, swinging in tbo wind
and holding out lta curling tendrils,
' tike tlay fingers, in wistful greeting to
' the woman below. A row of lusty sun-
owrs ran from tbe bouse to tbe
ftnw-thatcbeu barn, holding up their
otfd facts for a klaa frombe sun
na4 forgetting entirely tbe timid devo
tion of the morning glories that wound
; about, their sturdy limbs and climbed
' algb up to offer to tbetr unbending mas-
ia taate of morning dew from their
i of scarlet and gold. A ben, fussy
" with tbe Teoponslbllltiea of an over-tc-go
family, basked iu tbe warm earth
and Wtn-ked unheeded warnings to ber
alowcy brood.
Xb woman took off ber bat and laid
at beildt ber. Tbe breeee, fresh with
the amell of ripening wheat, blew onto
er ifoeek and lingered to coax a stray
vlagfet Into ber eyes. A gray squirrel
thataad run from hla burrow to snatch
few crumbs paused to note ber dls
eaaaatate attitude and perked bla bead
ta laquajtive wonder. A little way
fro mt be bouse the railroad crossed tbe
farm la a long stretch of yellow clay.
Borne times Aunette bad sat on tbe ties
! looked longingly Into tbe glimmer
lagdlaunce from whence she had come ;
ana wished that she could go back, and
thea grew afraid of berself that sbe
oul4 make such a wish. She remem-
bered now, bow, from the flying train
ha' had looked out upon a cluster of :
buildings huddled close together 'for
warmth, It seemed, and easily won-!
fcered tjw a person could live In suoh f
m Dlace. and afterwards, when s
found It was to be ber home and Jack',
ahe felt with a sudden .sinking of the
"heart how dreary her iife must become.
Even then, strong wltb tbe fervor of
love, ate bad .ooiebow realized tlie
.fcopClCfoiBf the undertakius, and
bow iha-t"ne roseate flush of tbe Uon
'eymoon -had faded sbe sat up with a
oll.paj'c In ber head, and a wave of
hornetl jkuesa roiled over ber.
. - Aanu:e wa.i, in truth, a child of clv
SliaaiioD. She iovctl the uoUe and bus
ti of the city, the rattle of trucks, Hie
trnmblc- of ca!, tbu clanging of cable
r-AT kus, ttie parr of the trolley; sue
(oved the crie of the street, the hurry
f footstfDM, the Urif'k:Dnof loconio-
Urea, 1-ie aott'tding of wui'tle; aud ibis
anorhlng sbv tbiratctl v.lrb heart-sick
eageret'ss fur tile sight of horae, the
wnowued thoroughfare, tbe brlghtly
sreea patches of lawn, the smooth
stretches of boulevard, the mottled
bado'.v of thf: sun ?b!ning t arou'Ji the
leaves, the glare of tiigbt Illumination
a shiny wet paremeaia, fche loaged
f-r the shop w!adu!vsr4he tail buildings i Ajrerjy l,e had read the lines, and (taken prisoner. One of them, a Ke
and t'ae smoke-cauopicd sky of her tta- j kue,o ber unv.-ifely iuietnious. Gould poy, wd led la-fore tbe autborltlea to
ie cliy for a sisht of the familiar be ever love her-tiowV And in ber flUt(on..d. 'i then bad oceasion,"
aflU-e, tb clicking tyuevTilera. tue put-! deaolatioit the tu cd of his love, abnte W1j,j parry, "to observe In this man
cr of jtiie ticker as it liutist forth its
aans.tortsue vl dottwl payer; her cu.-ili-toncd
litat, by the window, from which
hi cpuld look o;it on sanded roofs and
hJack-lhroated cUInuieys, and where'
yolz-es of tbe pigmy tlreot miiitltudes
waaae up to br U MtCSflruiuring l;ttel
af tongues. All this 'aba bad left for
the love of blm and she did love her
auMband. v .:,
Bat her world, how empty It waa,
tear lonesome aud still, how utterly for-
aWrikaa ibe had grown to feel In spite of
. Whoa abe had Brat come tbe nor-
j'tM charmed her. The air waa rte-tr;-
ar. soft aad the gnat laTu flrat
Crt above tbe sod. Patcbea of
tr-fj w 1 VTZHti oa' tte taadow aide
CJXt ti ffct stninf giacea the
- r--jzytymzx a art BMaiai. Bat
not- ii- gr.-i4 w.ta (a!) mi, I liii wlitj
.!;! I. Iii i, -i- a ii,i h:rper
Hi.' made 'U( r ili.Lk of a country grsve
yat ' I. Aii'! etery tali l anted sttt'k bad
J ivtlii a LO.I of It Lead in:d
vi.i: .J ii look ukunve at her with
: kn Millie: tlif gru.lopl;ers pert-to
ed 'u t ie saadc fcnd ix's-UitM tu imn
j oloaous ciiili-iii'i'. tla- g .pbt r rha'ti red
iuijiu.i ntiy and the plover v. histied
fi-jm above, and with one accord tlti-y
steiu.d derisively to ay. "ll"t""v' k.
homesick-a bride aaj homesick." Aud
r aha was uiiseraly, uubaraWy so,
and every one appeared to know It save
, Poor, busy Jack: It wan all w-wk
with hlin and no sympathy. Iu tUe
morning be hurried to the fields, he hur
ried from the table, at night be hur
ried to bed that he misht be the early
riser that the next day's labors demand
ed. Thus it was, per bap, that he did
not notice the shadows that deepened
in her eye. At first, with a tittle en
couragement, she would have told him
all and cried It out on bia shoulder, aud,
perhaps, together they might have
learned the lesson of endurance. But
now her heart bad crusted over and
hid beneath its surface ber sorrow. Suf
fering, doubt, grew in noxious luxuri
ance in ber soul's garden and threat
ened to choke out timid lore. For this
she blamed him. She said, over and
over to berself. that be did not cjire.
and then, out of loyalty to him, denied
it, but at last, against her will, she bad
admitted the truth of the accusation.
Finally she bad told it to the dog and
wept into big shaggy mane, and he bad
listened gravely and with Infinite pa
tience, and licked her-; hand In foud
sympathy. But of late it seemed to ber
that he bad deserted ber cause, and, as
if to reprove ber discontent and set an
example of fidelity, left ber aide to fol
low bis master all the day long. , And it
bad come to this! She would answer
the pleadings of ber soul; she would
leave him. She would go home, back
to noise and bustle and life; back to
friends and Tolcefol companionship.
Strengthened with sudden resolution.
eb? sprang to ber feet and looked at the
ciock. mere was time to eaten the
down train. She had money of ber
own, the remains of ber spinster sav
ings. She would take the pony and
leave at the postoffice a note that would
explain the story of it all to Jack- With
ne-vons -fingers she set about tidying
the room. When this task was finished
she placed upon the table Jack's lutieb-
eoa- noting with a tender smile some
of tbe things sbe bad brought wltb ber
and which sbe was about to leave (lie
dainty tea urn. the sugar and cream
holders that Jack had laugbed at for
their amallness, tbe cap witb a brokqa
handle that was reserved for btm be
cause of its size and solidity. Wbn
tbe table waa set sbe corered It wttb a
pink net, and turned to . lay out ber
pretty traveling dreo that sbe bad
worn but once before.
The train pulled Iu with a rattle and
clang of brakes and sbe dimbed atoard
and saw tbe bouse fade out of sight lie
hind ber. Presently, with a shock of
; rerollectton, sbe sat np and powsed br
face to tbe pane. Tbe traiu was paw
ing through their farm. The low, sod
barn, the bouse with blind polled
down, ami Pritwe. tbe dos. runniinc
after the train and bnafty ceasing, sat-;
istied witb bariD? rlrased St off the I
premises. A't lat there was Jack In the J
hayfield; he waved bis bat gsyly aud
tbe horses looked backward over thWr
shoulders at their flying rival. With a
frightened gasp Annette shrank Into
the cushions. A flood of sicketiiusc an
guish engulfed her. For the tlrst time
the full realization that she wss for-
u" '-'" "i"" " "" ';'
f"r! fh" l''f
tm , of Its lsndsea, the
- of "HOide: ahe forgo ber d.ol,
on and suffering. Tbe vision of the
Pt.b.n smote er. Ibeworda of
S-d-ty winded In ber
9 h' k- "wn
"J, "I' .
. . ... . , . . t
mir pcj( n-'j ...
her seat ant nrtisfien ner tace as, n io ,
di ive away the sight of It. Then a new
look eame into ber eyea:.a holy fire suf
fused her countenance, such as iiiitlu
have shone In the ere of the Christian
maiden and blotted out fear of the
l'es, she would return! It was not
loo late. Khe could take the next train
back, aud intercept tnat cruel note. lie
should never read it t'aould m-ver
know. -
The sua was sinking low into the
western horizon when she came attain
to the town, and lis goMi a llit glori-!
j bed the tail, ml-turrcteu elevators and
softened tbe
frame IniUdlti
:s Utitil ther looked Do
longer hateful to her. Sh hastened
acrcss the sandy road to tii postollk-e
with almoi't light heart.
"You sent the letter out to my bus
band?'' Khe cried shandy.
A uumbLns fear took imscsslon of
t br. It was. ttien, int r all, too late.
- a" luiasn. grew r.p. aint. It Ld::1iI make no change
in her re'olve. Duly slill pointed out
tuu road. Meanly, regretfully itni-t
W tnka Hp I be dropped stitch of life;
! tiil4iu u.tliiuU ciliti f-i.(ll,l Irra t
down. .
The misery of tbe homeward ride sbe
can nevcrforget. fcbe shut ber teeth
lr firm resolve and 'dung des?rntcly
to tbe pony, while be How' over tbe
road; all the while the dull thuds of
bis footsteps souuded la her cars like
coffin clods. -a
Bhe seemed to 84 In ber mlnd'a eye
Jack's surprised greeting, bis calm,
eoldi cutting words, than which sbe
would rather face death, abe sobbed.
Weakly, over and over.
Tba, from tbe creat of the rise, the
(Mini' ram- la view rite pitfciivil
li irn' rsoie tnitt'iiir tns"l biT V
b-M'Clll of IU-ir ropes. ill many u!l
ituli of tlic tack and Iri'-rnlly iieiuli of
r' i.ii;i:o!i for their coiiir:nte. Ir;m-e
en me ruutilnc di n t.V rmi'l, frautic
w;ili welrome, afll Jack i-aiue to tbe
door with a r, iu hi I and.
"MtpiM-r is rc.nly," fci ried payly,
ciiUiing to lift her tnd-rly fi'oiu tbe
What what, she -ricl to berwlf, di
z'ly, cotild it lie he had m-ver received
the brter. Then sbe fainted in hi
S ben .he revived xbe cfmig to blm
aud hoiked eanitnt!y Id bis eyc; bpe
leaped In ber !.oi. There was Jio
cloud oa his hrtw; he did not know.
W lien the tfinfaes were cleared away
they toot their chairs into tb fron
yard. Tlie moon was rising In sleepy
eyed splendor.
"I have something to tell you" bo
suid, dru win:; close to ber.. "Oool
news." be added bastily, alnnned by
tbe look, on ber faci. "f sold tbe farm
to-day. The Illinois man bought it,
paid every dolls r in -ah. and I have it
here, ami, 1n'i of ;fll. the letter that
came tbis afti-moon" she caught ber
breath "was from tb JourwL Brlgtr
says I eao have my old place asaia. aud
for me to-tome at once-
He silem-ed ber with a wae of his
hand. "I knew," be continued; that
you were d watlslleil: 1 ntr it arfl alsug.
and it nearly killed me. 1 Mamtnl my
self for bringing you to Micb a plasx'.
and but wait till I get my pipe "
A moment later she heard him knock'
lug about In the honse. ITien sbe oo
ticel Prince 'tigging in tle dirt nasi
caught the flutter of something wbite.
"Bring it bete, sir"" sbe cried, sternly.
Wben be bad brought it, wltb rvlnc
taut step and donucast demeanor, she
saw It to bo a letter her uwo- lotu-r to
Jack tbe hatefid letter, cruntjjled and
eartb-talned. but unop4ncd. With a
cry of Joy she seized tbe dog in her
arms and kissed bis earthy noso. Hhe
ceas?d her denionstratiuns a- moment
to answer Jack's- Tiv from the door
way. Ob, iu that pacVse-er slie nepli-d.
"Why. cigars. 1' bouirbt tlii-m for you
to-day tbe biggest 1 could fWd."
"I'm, urn." said J,-k.. sriilting at them
suspiciously; "they are nu. I' will sure
Ibesa for Suuday."
Wben be had lighted his pie aiMi'lak'
en a few Katlsticd rB. he wutarked:
"Copley saiit he left two letters for tne
under tbe door, but I could find only
one. I suipwe tbe wind New it away."
Annette said nothing, but stroked
Prince, and he thumped bis tail ou the
ground and looked fondly, firxt at one,
then at the other. Indiana State Jour
nal. Aa acre devoted to the culture of ia
nana yields lt times as lum-h moovy
as an acre of
Japan was orfKlnally Kirilixed by. way
of C'bitia; to-Iav Japan seiuls i hiinrs
aud men of science m Uistrucl tlic Chi
nese. France iays in pensions every, j.-ar
;.0S.lSS fr;ia-s. ot which i5.(KU,liO
am sutiatrairttil frotu the salaries oC of
ficials. Java is said to lie the region of the
glolie where it thtiaderx oftetiest,. hav
ing tbiinder storms... on an average, U7
day of tbe year. .
It lakes thlrty-smen sK;eialls Con
structed and equipped steamer? to-keep
tin; submarine udecraph cables wf the
world In repair.
licafoesk Ik more ''ouurion 'j cold
countries than In warm cliiiiatcs, the
ear Is-litg very M-tthlUve to atmospheric
There are something like -bijssj pub
lic srhuois in .Ia(sin. The buildings are
well built and very comfortable, educa
tion being coriiptilHory.
it has 1hh-u statwl that ibere are in
the United Mates over fifty distinct se
cret orders, with over 70,(KHi lodges and
D.000.0"0 members.
A story Is In circulation to the effect
i that the cllv of Washington slands on
leased ground, and that the lease must
be retiev, t.d In 1'.J.
There have Ik-cu over sixty lious la
the lynelou Zoo during the last tifty
years, many being preseuts frotu the
'juven or tiM'tulM-rs of the royal fam
ily. A writ'-r iu the Arena declares that
iiOOxrO men now do the work, with the
aid of machinery, wbich needed lO.'KO,
(Hfi) persons to do a few years ago.
Hinlr Turns W bite from Fright.
Dr. Parry. In the Dublin Medical
Pre (IWili, gives tbe following in
Ktatiee of hair turning white from
f right. Ou Ktli. IU, the com-
iniitid of tii'iicrtil Frauks, operating In
the southern part of the kingdom of
(Mule, b:)d an ngngemcnt with a liy
of rebel1 Several of the enemy were
t;. ,.Tents that I propose to relate.
j Tm. j,. w.-v tor tb" (!rsl tl:i seemed
. ,0 Iw ,v,,jeeoiW of bis danger v ht n,
deprived of his utilferin and complete
ly tittde, be h:hv bimsi-lf Jilirrotitded by ,
soldiers. He then began to tremble
violently, terror nnd despair were de
pleted 011 bis face, and, though lie re
sKinded to lite ijucstlnii addressed to
bint, be seemed H'-tually stus !led by
fear. Then.
inder our very eyes and
in tbe space of scarcely half an hour,
his hair, which we bad seen was n brll-
llant black, turned gray
over tbe whole head."
There la nothing ao terrible about the
Ign ."Keep Off tbe Grass." If a man
has a alee lawn, be baa a right to oroaT
tbe Wafers off. .
'' ..IS-
tit I i3xtl-
ill w-irfesi $3P.
HIIT discourw- of llr. Talumge
(Irsss a inritrast bet ween the fn-
tigiu-w nf lb ii- sir!il and the biiwful
n--upwtiii' of tbe benvtily iradie;
text. Mlcsb il., iK "Ari ye and k-irt.
for this is no frrar rent.
This was tbe drumbeat cif a prophet
who wanted to insu bis people froui
their 0pri'!wed aod sinful romtitiofl, but
it may just a properly le urn-red now a
then. B'llr by long rxiMidnre and asm-h
ringing W their clnni of tone, tmt
this rousing befl ot the gmfrl slrikes iu
as elrar a toae aar skni it tirxt rang
(bo air.
As far act' can we. yonr gn-at want sod
mine in nutt Krmi the time we enter Hfe
a cntt ma or vexation and annoynuees
take after uk: We have our holidays and
our arasons of recn-nlioo ana qmet, oat
wherr is tbe man in this world wbo hua
foune entire itwt? Tbe fa-t is that
did DM tnak this worM to rent Id. A
ship night as well gn down Hf t'ape Hat
trrss in find xmontb wsfor ss a man in
this world to ind iflet. From the way
that (tsi has strewn tbe cborua. aud bung
the elrxadn. and xkartw-aed links; from
the colaa that dintresr n. and tbe h-ata
that smite us, and tbe plew-Uien tiiat stab
nn-P the f.-rs ttiati enawwaie oa, 1
know tlatt he did not make rbts world as
m place t biiter iw. . God does everything
vccetu-falh'. and this world would be a
vry difft-n-nt world if it were intended
fnr on to liningw in. K itoa right well for
fern- roar. Ihdccd. H Is Diamificent.
TWhing btu iiitinite wiMiom and gotsbieiis
coald hs caixeil this bveraze ( water,
or bung nv these Imu-kets af mar, ur
treinel tkratr votn of rill mn bird anil
ocean, so rbat (iixl haH but tu lift but baud
and the wn- world break fwrtb iulo or
chetnt. Bat, after all,. It is ooly toe
sptvadors af a king's highway. aer whU-b
are to bistpb im to eteraaj eonatimts.
Carv f the Wealthy.
Two and f have seen men wb trv-d to
res here. They bnlhlcd tliwimriiea gmif
toae. I ke; gatb-ml stiiihI tbent tbe
patronage if uer'-bant prinec. Tb voicv
of their ld shook the raeney aaarkets.
Thy had sta-k in the most so'c-"if nl
ra9rMlii aid. in afi deiwmit vaults great
rla of (Jo-wrnmeiit M-enritiiK. They bad
entMazoni-ddarriari-x. high loeltlrd t-vla.
footmen, platu that eonfouailifd brds and
aeiiators wlft Ml at tbeir taidr. tnpt-kir-oa
wblrh floated the- ri'-bcM dnignii of
fiMwign tooais. splradur tti -onvu ou tbe
wU. rxqaiiii-iw-ia ( iiiuhh- risiug uiikius
pedeolais t brwiw and dmnpitkg soft s
light on sik w of w-nltitiirei- Mere let tbetn
re. I'ut luck the emhroidi-rvd rartuiu
snit shake t tbe pillow tit dowu. 'I'uru
oat tbe lights. It is 11 o'cWk at nudil.
Le slumlHTdrnp qpon the nyelidn and the
an-' float tkrougb tbe half opem-d hi it ice
drMy witb midxiirniner perfunto. Klauil
bwvk all care, anxiety and trouble! But
tiui they will not utand lutk. They rat
tle the lairic. They look under 'the can
opy. With rough touch thy slurtie bis
pol-x. Tsey rrj out at- ' o'clock at
nsrUt: "Awake, man' How ean you aleep
when tbini:s are so uncertain? What
o&utit tliw Ktocks? Hark to the tap of
that fire Ix-IU It is ymir district, lloiv If
v.iii Kboultl die KfMoiV Awake, man!
Think of itl Who will g-t your properly
when you are gone Whl will ibey do
with itt Wake up! Kiche .iiic-tnne
take ilrK. How if ymi abotild get jurV
Wake up!" on hhHiow, the nan
of formue looks out into the dnrkneso of
the riKim and wiM-s the ibimpuess from
bis forehead and wiy. "A In, for all thlM
act'iie f wealth and luuKUilieein-e,
ret !
1 pushed down a street if a city wiih a
merehanL He knew all the fluent housts
ou tbe Htre-t. He ya id- "There is some
thing tbe nmtter witb all thwe hounea. Vn
that one it In conjugal infelicity. In t.'jst
one a dinipaf"d aim. la that a dixnolute
fiithi-r. In that nil idiot child. In that
the pronjiect of bankruptcy." This world's
wealth can sive no prrmuueut satinfae
tiiai. This ik not your rcxt.
1 ou and I have seen men try in another
direction. A Hum hn.v. "If I could only
rise to u h and aitch a place nf reuotvu,
If I cioiid gain that '!ice, if I could only
g-t the Ktsiel and have my m-iitiinciits met
wiih one g.Mid roiind or hand i-lapplug iie
ilaiw, if I could mdy rite, a luxik tlmt
would five, or mukon nin-eth that would
thrill, or do en actiou that would re
iiiadr' The tide turn iu his favor. His
jinu-e in ou 10.IHH) b'ps. lie in bowed to
Si.d sought alter mid advanced. ii-n
drink his benltb at dinner. At bii
(j. ry words the niultilinie huzza. I'ri.tu
galleries of b-suty they throw- gariiibds.
From hours'" ton as bo piuwea in long pr
tfwiuii tiiry lihake out the national
ard. 1 li re let him rest. It in 1 1 o'clock
at night. On pillowa stufTed with a na
tion' praise Ut biui lie down. Ilunh nil
dint m l ii -it voi'-i-a. In li.n dieam let then
be hoisted a tlirone slid Hcroni it niurch a
coronation. HiikIi! Hush!
Changes of l'ol ticul en1 fou nt.
"Wake up!" wtj a rough voi'-c. "iv
litli nl wntiuietit in cliaiigiug. How if yon
should ne this piuce of luniorV ''nl,e up!
Tue iiiortiing i-apcrx are to le full of de
nunciation. Hearken to the exccraLou
of those who once -ari-sied you! 1!- to
Uinrrow nik'ld there will be inultitinh-H
siiwring at the words which lux! night
you exiccic(i wouiii lie uinverjiniiy aouiir
ed. How can yon sleep when everything
dcieiidH upon the next turn of the great
Irngedy? L'p. iiihii! Off of this pillow!"
Tlic n mn, with bead yet hot from bis laat
oration. Mart un suddenly, looks out ui-
on the night, but sees nothing except tbe
flowers that lie upon bis stand, or the
acroB from which he read his speech, or
tbe books from which he quoted bis an-
thorn-ir, and go- to his desk to Onlsb his
BeglrcUsI rorreaMndence, or to pen an In
g SSS&
mJlx of le, tUvvy mbn
got hla Drat lawyer's brief. Kiultant
whea he trlaamhed ever hla ni poUtkal
r.ial. Vet, Kittinr n tbe v ry top of all
fhat ti ifl world oiVera t.f praiw, he ex
iii iii:: "No r.-n! No n-n!"
'1'lie very world lltst now spplnuds will
soon I '.fn. That world faid f-f tbe rrwit
Webster: "What a KtatiKinan! V.iist
won t -rf-il exposition of the conrtitutkm!
A man fit ttn any posit iro!" That same
world haul after awhile: "Down with
linn! He ix an rdlict- ix-ek'-r. lie is a sot.
He m u libiertiae. Away with bim!" And
there i no peace fr the man until he
):i) down bis broken b-art in tbe grave
st Murnhflcld. While ('barb-s Matihews
wan performing in lxnwUui l-fore im
nictiHe audu-iK-e ene day a wornout and
gi-ioniy nisn -ame into a doctor's slsip.
wying, "lcUr, -hat mn you do for
0i-?" The Sector examined his cane and
., . I 1 1 j . . ...... ... . a . ..
ttt.rL M..IW.. - - xL. !.. - ..ta'l
the man, "I myaelf am Charles Mat
thenar JelTrvyfi thongbt that if be could
only be judge that would be the making
of tiioi; got to be judge and runted tbe
day in wbich lie was horn. Alexander
wanted to aubroerge tb world with his
grnlr--a; subiw-rged it and tharo drank
himself to death because be cnnld oot
stand the.. trouble.' Horns thought be
would give everything if be could win the
favor of rourta and princes: woo H and
amid tb shouts of a great entertaiament,
wn-ii pot and orators and dnrhrsacs
were adoring bia genius, wished thsrt be
could creep lck into tbe- ohMcilrity in
which be dwen ao tbe day when be wrote
of tbe
Daisy, wee, modest, crtaison tipped flower.
Napoleon wanted to-make all Europe
trr-nhle at bis pew err made it tremble,
then died, his entire military acbiese
mem dwindling down 'to a pair of mia"
lary biHits wblrh be initiated on having ou
Ma feet when, dyiaa. At Vrrsnillea I saw
a pwture of Napoleon irr his trinniph. I
went inlo another mom awl saw a huM of
Napoieon as ae an-sred at iSt. Helena,
bur.. Mi, what srv-f and anguiab in the
face of the latter! The first waa Napo
leon ia triumph; Ike hint was Napoleon
with hia heart broken. IIiw thrjr laugh
ed and crii-d when silver twngtied Kheri
dan, in the midday of prosperity, lui-
rwugtied the pf-oiiU- ef britain, ami bow
they bowled st and rwratcd him when,
outside af the mora where bin corpse lay,
bis creditor trwd to get Ma nsiserablv
Iswea avid sell tSeni !
A aWaa fMTer.
This world foe rem? "Aha," rry the-wa'ei-H,
-no nut berel We plunge to the
wen.." "Aha," ery las mountains, "no
n-st berH We crtsrofcle to the pinlo."
"Alia." iTj the tnwera. "no rrt here!
We follow Babylon a rut Tliebcn and Nine
veh. Into the dost." X rest f. the flow
ers; they fade. Jt real for the aura; tbey
die. No srot for man; ! must work, tuiL
shO'-t and slave.
Now, fer wbar bae I said all this? prepare yon for Ibe teat. "Arise
ye and itirt, for this ia not your rent."
I mui gofag to make yssi a grmn4 oCer.
S.ira of you reraembrr that we gold
wn-r-dlw-mweivd ia I'aiiforaia Urge eom
IMiu'ee w-vie miide np and aUrted off to
get their rtitne. and a year ago, for the
sata purtmae, hnadreds dared the-eold of
A !. Telay I want to make- op a
puty. for the land- of (M. I hidd m my
liumi a tlm) fro the xn-oprietar of the
mtMtK in which if offrm to all who w. i
jo to the i-i'ir.pany lO.IKM aharce of ininiie
vnl-M-, in a city whom- atrceta are gold,
whxwte bunjw are whose rruwna nr'
gold. You have r-ad nf tbe cniMilers
how that many tfcoimaada of Ibcm went
ult to oimiuer tb bwly aepalcber.-. I axk
you to join a grander rruaade, mil for tbe
purpot..' of conueriuif tbe si-pnk-her of a
ilvid Ohrint, but for the pui-poxe of reacb-
nj iui- vurone er s living Jestia, When t
an unny ia to be mndr up, the nw-ruiiir.g
iitbcer ci.inin-B the olunte.-r, he tint
their eyesight, &c miobiIs ther Inugs, he
lui-Hsureii tiieir mature. They mnat Is."
jtist right, or they are rejected. But there
stinil be- no pnrtialily iu makiig up thin
army of Chriafc. Whatever ynnr iiiorat
or physical atatiire, whatever your dissi
pationa, whatever your eriuica, whatever
yonr wenkm-sa, 1 have a cotiimltiion froia
the I.ird Aludghty to make up this regi'
nient f redeemed soitlx, nnd I cry, "Arine
ye an4 depart, for this is not your re-l."
Many of yon have lately joipal this con
pnny, aud my desire in Dial you a!! may
join h. Why not? You kiuiu i yitr
own heart' Xieri-iice that whin i have
said about this world ia true; that ir in no
place to rest In. There art-v In id-i-dn
here weary oh, bow weary weary with
sin. weary ith trouble, wntry with be
reavement. Home of you hove been pierc
ed tJiroiicli and through. You cars- the
wars of a score of conHicta, iu which you
have bled at every Mire, and yon aigb,
"Ob, that I hud the wingof a dov, tbut
1 Hilgbt fly away aud 1 at rest!" Vou
have taken the tup of this world's pleas
ures and drunk it to the dregs and still
the thirst cbtwa at your tongue and the
fevi-r Ktriket. to your irain. You have
t bused pleasure through every valley, by
every stream, amid every bri-,ditiicMi and
iind'-r every shadow, but Just ut the mo
ment w hen you were nil ready to put your
hand npoo tbe rosy, lauabing sylph of the
wood she turned tiocu you with the it la re
of a fiend snd the eye of a satyr, her lock j
adders and ber breath the chill damp of a
grave. Out of Ji-sus Christ uo red. No
voice to silence the aiorni No light to
kindle the darkness. No vrydot-k to re
pair the split bulwark.
Thank Ood. I can tell you something
bi-Ui-r. If there is no rent ou eitrth, there
Is tent in heaven. ill. ye who are worn
out with work, join' bauds calloused, your
tsiks bent, yonr eyes baif put out, your
lingers v. urn with the mvdle, that in this
world you may never lay down; ye dis
roiircv' d ones, who have been waging a
biind-to -;p nd Plil for bread: ye to shorn
the nisbt brink's little ret and the morn
ing more drudgery oh, ye of the weary
band and tbe weary side snd the weary
foot, bear tin- ta'k about rest!
The Work la Hone.
1-ook at that company of enthroned
ones. It can not be that those bright ones
t-ver toiled I Yes, yes! These pinked the
Chinese lea boxes snd through missions ry
instructions 1-s'aped fbto glory. These
sweltered on- Htpithsfb plantations, and
one night, after the cotton picking, went
up as white. as if tbey bad never been
black. Those died of overtoil lp the Ixiw
eil carpet factories and these in Mam-heater
mills, fhoe helped build the pyramids
aod these broke away from work on the
day Christ waa hounded oulf Jsruaaletn.
No more towers to build; heaven la done.
No more garni eats le weave; tbe robes
are aalahcd. Ke moe harratu ta mine;
tt.e asrifra are fell. Ob. tis and dsntn
ters of to t. arie ya aud depart, for tbst
y.,ur rei.t!
Hi-ovili M . Catluta, a bf f tt my Sunday
t ' i otd, while dying, an - .o bia mother,
'Iiou't cry, but sil ij, sink.
"T bf re ia rvst for I he weary,
TLere ia reat for the weary."
Tl.'B, patting bia wanted band over hi
bt c.rt, be .tid, "i'liere is n-st for me."
Fut there are some of you w ho want to
hear shout tbe land where they never
have any heartbreaks ssd no graves aiw
dug. W here are your father and motberf
'li.e uioit of you mi' orphaua. I look
around, and where I set? one man who has
parents living I see ten wo are orpliana.
Where arr your children? Where I eee
one family circle that is unbroken I seo
three or foar that have been dmoialed.
One lamb gone out of this fold, one flowef
plucked from that garland, oe gotdeo
link broken from that chain, here a bright
light put out and there another aad jros
ter another. With such griefs how lit
you to n-st? Will there ever be pwwer
that can attune that silent voir or kindle
tbe bialer of that rinsed eye or put speioar
and dance-into that little foot? Wben we
,ltlk "P thp du', OW th' U lh
never lo be broken? Is the cemetery t
bear no sound but the tire of the bearer
wheel or the Up of the bell at the gate a
the lung processions- come In witb their
awful burdens of grief? Is tbe bottom
ef thf grave gravel and the top dust? No,
no, nof Tbe tomb is only a place wheee
we wrap our rube about ua fisr a pleea
aar napoa onr way home. The swelling
of Jordan will only wash off tbe dust of
tbe way. from the top of the grave we1
catch a gfimpoeof the toirera gliuied with
tbe suu tbat never sets.
Oh, ye whose locks are wet with the
dews of the night of grief, whow hearts
are henTy because those we known foot
steps sound1 no more nt the doorwsy, yo
der Isyour real! There is David triumph
ant, but oace be bemoaned Absalom.
There ia Abraham enthroned, but once be
wept (or Humb. There ia Paul exultant,
but be-once sat with his feet hi tbe stocks.
There ia Pnyaou' radiant with immortal
health,, but oa earth he was always aick.
No toll,, no ti-ara, no partings, ho strife,
do agonizing cough, no night, no storm ts
mllli- tbe crystal , no alara to striks
from tliecatbedral towers, no dirge throb
bing from seraphic burps, do tremor in
tbe everlasting snag, but reat, perfect
rest, unending reat!
A Glortnaa Heaaioiar
Into that rest bow many leved ones
have gonet 8oid put down the work ot
midlife, feeling they could hardly be spar
ed from the store- or shop for a day, tat
are to be spar-d from It forever. Horns
went in old age. One came tottering oa
his stan and used to ait at the fsvt of ths
pulpit, hia-wrinkled face radiant witb the
light that falls foam the throne of (lod.
Another having lived a life of 1'
consistency here; ever busy with kiad
aenMea for her children, her heart full ot
that meek and aunt spirit that is in the
(.sight of (led of greet price; suddenly bet
eoantenanee waa transfigured, and the
gate waa opened, and she took her ptee
ainyl that great cloud of witnesses thai
hover a boat the throne!
Glorious- consoled iaa! They ar sol
dead. Yow cannot snake me believe they
are dead. Tbey have only tuevrd oa
With more love than that witb whirh thrv
f greeted u oo earth they watch, us from
Ibeir high place and tmdr vob-es eiseer ns
in our stmicgle for the sky. Hail, spirits
blessed, now that ytr hare passed the flood
and won the erowa. With wemry feet we
fpreaa up the sbinina way, until hi ever
lasting reunion we shall meet again. I lb.
woo t it be grand, when our conflicts eVsns
and our partings over, we shaN cLasa
hnnda and try out. "This is benven?"
By the thrones af your deported kin
drcd. by Jheir g'-utle hearts itod the teo-ib-rni-ss
and hive with which tby now call
yon from the skleu, I b-g you Mart on th
!high rtst'U to hen van. in tbe etiastiot
rent may we all meet.
One ofi tbe old writers wished be conld
have a three things: Itonurin iu prnw
js?rity, rol preawbing, Christ -hi tbe body.
I have three wishes: First, t.i see Christ
in glory," summit Jml by his rcleemed; aw
ond, to see Christ in glory, surrounded by
his redeem-d ; third, to s-c Christ Uj glory,
surrounded by hia redeemciL.
When oo my new Hedged wings I rise
To tretd those shores tieyoai! the skiea,
I'll run through, every gohWu street
And sak each biissful soul 1 meet,
Wuer is the llwl whose p-aiseye sing?
Uh, load me, stranger, l, your king!
Cupsrlglit. ISait
s mrt herinoiet
T'Uue tt u- banl to got
AJtusrU-nus to take time to study rej.g
luiw of any other surluus prolibriua.
Tlicy feel the need of more days in
tbe week and mora weeks in Hie
mouth. Leisure la aui unknown term,
to most Americans. Uc-v. .1. E. Cu-ttu-il. Dea Mollies, la.
Hotter ideals. Cod moves nmld tho
hosts of tiMTi. While not a (lod of
blood, he walks upon fii-bht of bio,d.
lie rules for ultimate progress. Ilo
pel uiiti the di struc.loa of ItiliutUiui na
tlotiM, and from their ru na thero
spring?! a ixmijiI.- of 1,1-1, t Id -al.!!ev.
Cotitud Uluhm, Lutbjrait. lt!ojii(eld
Tbe Cruellixloti. The cne lH.xion sf
Jesus Christ was the tmgeily
of all ages, ami the tp-euleft event of
all histoi y. No o: In r even Iuih so itcdd
ed the (li stiny of mankind. No other
dmth has so uttra.-ted tho attention of
the world as tbe death of 1 mu C. rlijt
upon Hie tro.a. lUv. V. v. Cu.nlck.
Slethodlst, Cincinnati, O.
Jcmis Is Ixjucly.-in the world Jcabm
Is lonely, l ew In the church lo-day
c-ntt r fully Into bis acheme of world
wide cotuiuest, carry with ihem the
world's sorrow, share wltb hint Ihn
world's shame, bear away with blm
t!;e world's sin, and live bis lofly and
unselfish lifo. Kev. J. K. Moa.gimery,
Frcsbyi.cilan, Cincinnati, O.
Human Brotherhood. Human broth
erhood Is becoming a Very Inleuse and
very real seritlinent It la pervading
national aud Itiiernatloniil nlatlona.
We have lss u compelled already to ea
pouse causes aud enter luto conlrover
sies from which eve have hitherto ea
caped. Nor ought Chrlatlan mm aaa
women to wish to resist tt. for It la
the oncoming, uprising current of the
kingdom of beavoti Her. J. 0. Adatna.
Universalis!, Williamsburg, N. Y.
errant-Mr. Jones la beiowTnir. Maa
tar Well, show him op. Kerr as t Bat
I don't knew anything against the i
lr. Bos tea Traaacrlpt,