The Sioux County Journal. VOL. X. A. THITJ-H;, CTTJXiir 21, 1898. p, uufc5TIQlM IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT IS SETTLED RIGHT.--Hoa. William J. Bryan. Subscriptien Price, fl.OO OFFICIAL PAPER OF 8IOUX COUNTY. Ceo. 1). Canon, - Editor. Kntored at the Han-twin post ofllce u -cond cl.t matter. The Joi'rnal island fairly and squarely on the Chicago platform, but will not dilate to support and work for the election of candidates for the various office to be voted for this fall no matter, whether they are Democrat, Populist or free silver Republicans, if endorsed by all the reform par ties, conditional, however, that they advocate bimetallism the income tax law, opposition to national banks of issue, are opposed to the retirement of the greenbacks and treasury votes, favor government control of railroads, telegraph and tele phone lines and the establish ment of postal savings bank ing system, and also are op 2oed to the issueing of nation al bond in tints of peace. jUTU;r;. Leave youri Watches and Clocks at Dr. I. E. Phinneys' Drutr Store for repairs. Engraving done at rea -tollable prices. All work guaranteed to give Batisfac tion. Have graduated from Ian Omaha W atch-makers In stitute, U coh C. hcmnoT. Address, Harrison, Neb. 2 jsri . 7f n Bmocratlc Senatorial Convention. A delegate convention of the demo cratic party of the 14th senatorial dis trict of Nebraska is hereby called to meet in Valentine on Saturday, August 20, at 10 o'clock a. ro., for the pur pose of placing in nomination a candi date for sucator from said district and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the conven tion. Each county is entitled to one delegate at large and one for each 150 votes or major fraction thereof cast for Bon. C. I. Smyth for attorney general at Um election in November, lblKS, which gives the following representation to wit: Box Butte 6 Brown 2 Cherry 5 Dawes 7 Keya Paha 3 Rock 8 Sheridan 7 Sioux 8 It is earnestly requested that a full delegation be sent from each county, as many matters of importance will come up at this meeting and a pormanent organization wilkbe effected. M. F. Clywm, Chairman. Populist Senatorial Convention A delegate convention of the Peoples Independent party of the fourteenth Sen atorial District of Nebraska is hereby called to meet at Valentine Nebraska en ' Saturday August 20 1803 at 10 a. m., for the parpoes of placing in nomination a candidate for said district and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the convention. The representation is based upon the ote cast for Hon. J. J. Sullivan for Su preme Judge at the general election of 1897 vis; One delegate at large and one for each 100 votes or majority fraction thereof which gives the following by counties: Bos Butte ...6 Brown -4 Cherry .i. -8 Da was... 0 Keya raha -4 Sheridan -8 Bioux -8 It is reoomsndad that ao proxies be ... allowed bat the delegates present cast tfcofu.l U of their respective coun- ; C. W. tem, Cluurrr an. The war departemeot at Washington, expects any hour to hear of the fall of Manila. Twenty-five Chambers of commerce along the sea coast of Spain have declar ed for peace. The fusionjpts win in California. Con gressman James G. Maguire was nomin ated for governor. The 3rd Nebraska volunteers, Col. Bryan's regiment left Omaha for Jacksonville Fla., last Monday evening. Porto Rico is the next point of attack by the U. S. land and naval forces which will doubtless take place within a fort night. There isevery indication of an upris ing in Spain among Don Carlists and tha Wylerites combined, so say the speci al dispatches from Madrid. By the surender of Santiago and all easter n Cuba 24,000 Spanish troops be come prisoners of war to the military authorities of Uncle Sam. O. M. Hitchcock and the Exposition managers at Omaha have displayed their good ill in behalf of the country editors in granting them free season passes. Idaho, is another state to formally announea tniough the Populists of that state that thty favor united action ly the three reform parties in the fall cam paign. Commodore Watson now has his nail ing orders for the coast of Spain . and will proceed at once on bis mission to teach that haughty and arrogant nation, another costly lesson unless peace be declared sooner. Maj. Oenl. Nelson A. Milies, comman-der-in-dhief of the land and naval forces of the United States arrived on the scene of action at Santiago in time to receive the honor as one of the heroes aa Com. Sampson did at the time Com. Schley was just completing the distruction of Cervera's fleet,. The Illinois Democracy who held their state convention at Springfield July 12th have declared their allegeance to Hon. W. I. Bryan as the matchless leader of the nations democracy for the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the present legal ratio; the endorsement of the war against Spain and protest against territorial expansion. George Gould in order to evade the war tax, claims that the f 5,000,000 be quetlied to bim by his father was not a gift but a salary of $500,000, a year for a period of ten years. Thus it will be seen that the rich will find some way if possible to get out of paying their just share of the war taxes, yes, and all other taxes. The poor man mint pay it. Dr. E. Benjamin Andrews, president of Brown university of R. Island, was elected superintendent of the Chicago choolson tbe 13th inst, receiving 13 votes out of 19 which composed the board of directors. He is the same Prof. Andrews, who was requested to resign as president of t hat university by the gold monoraet allists in '98-7, because of tbe Professor's free silver proclivities. Double Drowning. The startling news of a double drown ing, reached towa yesterday at noon. It was reported to have occured on Lone Tree a dry creek four or five miles west of Chadron. At once men and team sped for the scene of tbe drowning with ropes and hooks to assist in recovering the bodies. The story of the drowning told by the grief strickeo women was about as follows: A party consisting of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Thompson, Henry and Theo dore and Miss Lena Thompson, all of Lakeside Nebraska. Mrs. F. A. Allen and Miss Lou Swoyer, of Cedar Rapids, la., Miss Ella Watson Aurelia, Iowa; Mss Carrie Thompson Winteset la.; and they had been to Sylvan Lake 8. D. on an outing trip. They were returning from the north and the team in the lead carrying Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson and, his brother Henry and sister Miss Lena. Coming to the dry creek not more than a hundred yards or so from tbe Dakota Junction depot, they discovered it containing back water from White river and the ladies asked to get out of the buggy and the gentlemen let them alight and then drove into the water little dreaming its depth or lurking dan ger. The ladies started to go around on the railroad track and . were not to ex ceed flfty feet from the men when the team buggy and men plunged into a hola that afterwards measured fourteen fent deep. Tht.y all went down together. Mrs, Thompaon last saw her husband clinsring to the bows of the vehicle and as he could swim, she believes he was held by some fastening. His brother Henry could not swim and floated off down with the tide water. He rose and sank three times and the last time Mrs. Thompson who ran along the waters edge could almost reach him. ' Mrs. Thompson was Miss Lulu Ken dall until just a month ago yesterday, and she is a sister to E. 8. Kendall late of tbe "Recorder," and was a student in the Academy In this city last year. After tbe drowning, the ladies help less is despair turned and walked to V. A. Birdsall with the awful story. Help followed he spreading of the news and at 4:20 one of ths bodies was recover ed. The second section conveying the baggage and the other five members of the party came along and in sight of the scene of the calamity about the middle of the afternoon only to find a large party in search of the drowned men. The drowned men were brothers, aged 25 and 17 years respectively. The ladies were brought to town and every care and comfort given them at the home of A. S, Mossman, where Mrs. Thompson is known and esteemed. At 5:20 o'clock the body of the young er brother was recovered. Though the drag nets were in use till long after mid night the body of the married man was not recovered till 6:30 this morning. The team was flirst taken out. The (Chadron) News. Call for State Convention. Lincoln, Noli., July 1st, 1K08 The People's Independent l'nrty electors of the state of Nebranku, lire hereby reqiitfnte..l to send del egates from their reHpectlve counting to meet In convention In the city of Lincoln, on Tumluy, Atiff. 2nd, WM, at 3 o'lock a. m. at the Oliver Theater, for tlm parposo of placing In nomination candidates for tbe following ntutfi offices : 1 Governor. 2 Lieutenant Governor. 5 Secretary of State. 4 Auditor of Public Accounts. 6 Treasurer. 6 Superintendent of Public Instruction 7 Attorney General. 8 OinmtHsioncr of Public rands and Buildings and fur tbe transaction of uch other biuiueiM as may properly come before tbo convention. The representation Is bas ed upon one delegate at large for each coun ty, and one delegate for each one Hundred votes or major fraction thereof, cast for Judne John J. Sullivan for supreme Judge at the election of lnt7. Each county la entitled to representation a follows! Adams 21 lianuer i Boone 13 Boyd 8 Iluffalo 3 Antelope ItlaiiKi Box Butte Hrown .13 4 -12 -24 .. 4 - 5 14 -21 - 9 4 -22 4 - 1) -15 .. ... ...17 ...12 .. 6 ... 1 -16 -12 ... I -IS -18 Burt- Hii tier f atw.. Chase . Cheyenne.. (.'oIfax-. Custer ... 1 1HWC8 , (dur Cherry " .".'s Clay ..19 ;u in Iiik -17 Dakota 7 Iiawnon .16 Ilenel Dixon 12 I xnitrlim l iHindy. flllmora mj 1 Franklin. f rontier - 9 Furnas . Gaite .. 24 Garncld tamper 7 tirant. Grecly Hamilton .... -. Haves J Holt Howard 8 16 Ilanll Ilxrlau 3 Hitchcock -.15 Hooke ...12 JefferiKm Johnnou Keith Keya Paha. Lancaster. W Kearney ft Klmbal 1 h um Lincoln -.-. Jxiu p ; Mcpherson Nance 4H J,oftan . . 2 - 2 Mnllon 1.17 ... I Merle It H Nniimln.-. ---- ... IB Otoe 23 Perkins 3 Hlerce JO Polk 18 IllchardKMn Saline 1 Hau niters - 27 Seward 19 Sherman...- 9 Stanton. 9 10 15 -12 -12 Nuckolls. Pawnee Phelps Piatt Ited Willow Hock -22 10 3 Harpy Scott ' HI un"s Hliniidan Klonx. ...II .. 3 . S -.16 ... S .-18 1 -19 Tharer . Thomas Valley 9 Wayne 10 Wheeler . 3 Tim raton . WaHhlnjjton Webster York Total 1,116 It Is secomsndad that no p roilen be allow ed, and that the delegates present cast tbe full vote of their respective delegations. 1nl It it further recommended that all personi who believe In the principles as ad vocated by the aooplca Independent Party, who have not connected themselves hereto fore with said party, are hereby Invited to to participate la tbe deliberation. o7 the same. Tbo headquarters of the committee will be at the Lincoln Hotel, Cor. 9th and P 81, where du legato ticket may bo had. J. rj. Kumintcn, Chm. M. Hows, Sec. Mil etui it (ire 3TOTICE FOR SEALED BIDS. To Whom It May Concern Notice is hereby given by order of the fcoard of county commissioners that waled bids for the Cementing of tbe outside of tbe foundation wall under the courthouse will be received bv the un dersigned until 12 o'clock noon of August Join iwn. Parties bidding must figure on furnish ing coarse sand and english nortland cement also that the material and labor musi be to the satisfaction of the countv coram issi oners and the board reserves tlie right to reject any and all bids. M. J. Blwett, County clerk. stock brands. mi ..Mi... , . ...... .r,., juururanu, ice dltional brand 75 cents. Kvery rariner or ranchmen In Wonr aud adjoining counties houJd advertise their brands In TiikJour- " 'luuiuie- an over me state. It may be the nicaus of saving money for you. FRANK KUTTO. On left side of cattle and on left sbonlder ot horses. Range on Antelope creek i. 0 Gbilchrlst, Sioux Oo., Keb. CHARLES B1EHLE. On leftside or hip of rattle, ( On left .lioul'Jer of Iniraes. Range ou the head ot War bonnet crenk Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Nob. . W. CARET. I On left shoulder of cattle and homes. Itanira on Little Cottonwood. I'O. ., Crawford Nebr. Final Proof Ketices. All persons baring final proof notices In this paper will receive a marked conv of tbe paper and are requeued to examine thel- notice ana u any errors exist report th tune lo mis omce at oace. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land Ofllce at Alliance, Nebr. ( July 11 1898. j Notice Is Hereby given that the folio wing named settler hag filed notice of his lnten tion to make final proof In support of his claim and that said proof will be made be ft re M. J. Blewett Clork of district court at I' irriHon Neb, on August 20 Wilts viz: Gather pie Henry of Montrose Neb. who made II. E. .o.7, for the H. H E Tit N-WJ4, See. ; Township 34 N. Range W W. It 5 rtiTOd U.U! tiiilowSag wi to prove he c"ijUnuous realdenee upon and oultlva- r-jn ol said land, vli: rank Nutto, of Harrison Neb. John Weber, of Story Mat Stradal.or " Henry Wasserburgsr of Gilchrist ' J. W. Wsnw Jr. Keglstor. Notice for Presentation to and Hear- ; ing Before County Judge of Claims and Demands Against the Es tate of 8. W. Kemp, Do ceased. State of NebriiBka, ( County of Sioux, j'- ' luho County Court of Sioux count, Ne braska. i In the matter of the Estate of 8. W. Kemp deceased. t Notice is hereby given to all persons hav ing claims and demand! against 8. W. Kemp Ute of Sioux county, Nebraska, deceased, that tbe time fixed for filing claims against said Estate is six months from the Sth day of July, 1S98. All such persons are required U present their claims with vouchers to the county Judge of snid county, at his office therein on or before tbe Sth day of Jannary, 1899, and all claims so Died will be heard before tbe said Judge on the 1st day of August, 1S98, or afterward on the first day it each regular term of said eoort during the time limited for filing claims as afore said. Dated the Sth day of July, 1SV8. Uobemt W tusox, County Judge. seal. A True Copy. fi MS CAUL 1 fiWTERJIS "THE STYLISH PATTERN." Ar tistic Fashionable. Original. Perfect Fhtinp. Prices 10 and 15 cents. None higher. None better at any price. Some reliable merchant sells them In nearly every cHy or town. Ask for them, or they can be had by null from as In either New York or Chicago. Stamps taken. Ltteit Fashion Sheet smt upon receipt ot one cent to pay postage. ,... MSCALL'S MAGAZINE fttfMest ladier augattne pubthhed. Invaluable for the home. Fa-bions of the day. Home Literature, Home ho Id Hints, Fancy Work, Current Topics, Fiction, all for only 50 cents a year. In- ckidingi i'ree pattern, your own sclec on any time. Send two 2-cent stamp. lor sample copy. Address THE McCALL COMPANY, 142-146 Test Ulh Street, New York, i 18 Fifth Avenue, Chicago. rSp?? &-&JO?S2 JSS: I i FRANKLIN, THE STANDARD KENTUCKY JACK. . . my i SSSX o'f.e-g tji-ofi gtw 8 ft-'j eg ev- Sir Voas-W $j j .s I g u uaaa " 2 " al friH - s-S e r r-j f- -.-.uE.iiS. S Q U J U U " 5.5 a Milk wtbJrll 3J.3ii I St 2 fc,.552 THERE WILL BE MB. iflf If yuo doii't believe what he says go to the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE and take a look at those 500 pairs of Boots & Shoes just arrived last Tuesday, and you will see he is warring with every store in the north-wet. You can buy foot-wear of him cheaper than at any other store in Harrison. Fresh Garden Seeds for Sale. also Head-quarters for I UKOCEKIES, FLiOUK and 'LEWIS THE COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1888. Harrison, Nebraska. T B. B. Bnwtrui, President D. H. OBISWOLD, Oashier, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. (50000. ' Transacts a General Banking Bgrincsa, AmcwcAii ExcMaifai Natiohal Baotc, Wew York, , 1 Omaha National Bahk, Omaha, ' Fdt National Bahk, Chadron, Interest Paid on crsEim iou on S YPH I LlSeaNYUDYaaaU.Tael Bv"sBsxaaB-mwiI,,,teTB1(Jg Will make the season of 1898, at my place in Harrison, Neb. TERMS:-t8:00 to insure, due and payable when mare is known to be in foal, or on her changing ownership or removal from the county. Care will be taken to prevent acci dents, but I will not be responsible should any occur. THOMAS HOLLY, Owner. m il. HARD-WARE, TIN-WARE, DRY-GOODS and FEED and everythiucr needful & useful. GERLACH, Prop. a r. puiijw, J i . , ..... Time Dopcr3. all pajbs cr if) 4 i V i '.i't.'C -A. " 1. - V--' v . Hi, t. . 1.