The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 14, 1898, Image 7

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. i from th IhtroU IMieh.) Journal.
1 Th prompt neoa with which tie Xatiua
gj Guard of the diRVifn1 Hint mi respond
ed to 1'rt-nklrot Mckhdey'a call fur
trooja at the beginning of the war u iih
Spam wade the whol country protij of
Id citizen aoldiera. la Detroit there art
.few fuai-dwiiMi more
popular una eno-mut
Itiwa Mai K. lvies,
'fiiit sergeant of Co.
'B. Il has heen a re
Ideut of Detroit for
jthe pat aix yrar,
'tad hw home ia at
14 1 6 Third avenue.
.For foor years he
a connected with
'the w e 1 1 k Down
wholeaaJa iniK huure
of Karraad, Williams
& Clark, in the cspa-
of bouKkeeper.
'I have charged up
!:' it
many thousand or
rV,r lir. Will.
lama' I'inlt IMIIa it Th tint Brg, ant
lala People." sid Mr. Davies, "but nev-
w knew their worth until I used them
the cure of chronic dyapcpnia. t
jlni rears I suffered and doctored for that
a.ggrava.tin8 trouble, but could only be
Belped temporary.
"I think dy) pia la om of the m'wt
atubborn of ailments, and there i scarce
ly clerk or office man but what i more
or lw a victim, 8mii days I could eat
aaythitifr, while at other times I would
be itarring. Those distressing pain
would for.-e me to quit work.
"I tried the hot-water treatment tletr
Rnghlr, but it did not aflc-t my case. I
Lave tried many advertised n-medi., but
they would help only for a time. A fri"iid
of mine recommended Dr. Williams' l'iiik
I'lllj. but I did not think much of theiu,
"1 finally wsa induced to try the pills
jid commeiu-rd iiiiiu them. After takins
t few dows I found much relief. 1 do not
remember how many boieg of the piil 1
naed, but I used them until the old trou
ble stopped- 1 know they will cure dy
pefiaia of the wontt fonn and I am jiicas
ad to reconiinend them." 1
Dr. Wiliiauia' Pink Pill are wild by nil
dealers, or will lie mi1 t paid on re
ceipt of pri'-e, Till centu a box or aix boiea
for $2.30. by addressing l)r Williams'
Medicine Comoanv. ' -nwlady, X. V.
LarRs:, lemttfulba; t i e collars in de p
rokeshapt vr 1 1 lo-g-len lers'.awl pom a
tiat reach tJ or b ow the let in fro:.
- ue, added totbitu ufnimol the
rxceedinsfiy unsrt and dainty su-v.mer
pirn ' tnneparent material or of louI
ird or India silk ! atterrw.l with small,
ixquifiie o tm 01m aud I mvtn,
a oil reiruiienl if" pnmi'ned from Wall
rtreet. If it t Havana, there will
be seine btil. tight. tig of a eon which
sill (rive the hi an.ard new ideas o
.he eport,
Wheat 4t(ditn J'.uttiel.
Ho' to prow wheat with profir at
fli cent and anmplea of S;' U- ' '1 os
lUi) Btihclspei ai re) Winter Wheat. P.j e.
Ontu. flover. etc., with Purm S'ed i!h
loRue for 1 cent potiigr, .JtHN A. h'AI
y.KR SKICO CO.. La Croe, Wt, C N" L'
A inspnu-a cih, j
Thm mut rurloiw caae erer heird of
In connection with life Inanrancp la
now before the court. A youn? uiaa
lKcame engaged to a young woman
with a Urge dowry. Hefore marriage
he was obliged to settle hla d 'bta and
had his life IrwureJ for a larije amount
arid raMed the money iic-tKiiry on thot
lnaarance. Scon after this hla hope
were bhtsted by the breaking off of the
enj;npemeut and he blew out bis os
tensible brains. Now the Insurance
compatilearefujjeto settle on the ground
that be Intended aulclde when be to-.k
out the polielea. To the lay mind the
position of the companies would not
tcpni to be tenable. The younjf man,
at the time he Insured his life, desir.jd
to pay bia debta in order that he might
marry. He therefore had no Idea that
he would not marry, for, If he were not
to do so, why should he hare desired
to pay bis debu'c-P.otstoii Traveller.
Kttlt Had U.
A email boy rflirn led upon hi father'
ap.the other niaht.Biid gaawsd enruestly
it Ids face.
"Tain't trn -," h't aid.
What ion' true?" ota father asked.
"Mm. Watkini ai'i baby lot i your
vne," aid i.e, "an' he t. g Y-u've
fit ityonr el!." O Ida and K11.N,
ail IeFIII
r. w3Lt
a . - 1
Un-x i this?
ferhap sleepiest niphts
caused it, or grief, or toCk
nes,or perhaBS it was care.
No matter whit the cause,
you cannot wish to look old
at thirty. ,
Gray hair is starved hair.
The hair bulbs have been
deprived of proper food or
proper nerve force.
Iron Foundation for Tall Building.
A new way of coutructinK a a.old
foundation for a tall bullditi); ban Uecu
tried with suec&aa In Berlin. It w:ia
necessary to And a eotld bne suffiflentc
ly strong to carry a b, Iding weighing
more than 10,0rf tons. The plot of
ground upon which the building was to
Htand wsa adjoined on both lda by
h'.irh buildings, which rendered uiusafo
the digglnc to any depth for a founda
tion. The only way out of the difficulty
was the sinking of a cahwon in the cen
ter of the plot, upon the cemented top
of which a hollow form of cement wa
built. Into this form molten iron wa
poured, filling tip the space, and niHU.
this cast-Iron foundation plate the an
derstructure of thp build ng now rests,
while the side walls are supported by
.1 cantilever structure. The full weight
:f the load upon the cast-iron founda
tion Is estimated at more than 20.CKX
The AdrauUae o 00U Komli.
The movement fir oihI road is like
manv other Uiinui tn Mils world obst;
nant'ly opposed i y the very ones t
whom its acioiupiishmeiit as a- fact
'Onld iir. the most go-xl. In a (zenume
reform, tutu as this the cru-ade i loni
and arduous, and dishfarteoinif to an
tmt the ui'wt determine I of ndvoca es.
Toe wheelmen have done eood mifsi n
ry work but gpoare ntly they have no;
convinced toe 1 ural n.iud that the ad
vantage they are contciidinsf lor would
1m general and far-reiebinu. Balt
imore Amerienn.
Ijoolf out mi- ..jinaelf.
In hunters' lore there Is an Idea tfc.f
the Jackal Is the lion's provider-tint'-the
came sad takes the Hot
to It. This superstition haa no mor-fou-'jition
thnn Is found In the fnc
that after a Hon has ala.n his qnarr;
the jncknU always attend, and awni:
rbe cotielusloa of the repaat, in order tc
pli k up the leavinBS-
A Gem by Ktclter.
Iv-.k upon fame m the talk of th.
nelxhbors at the street door; a Khrnr
is a learned eouviirsation; Joy aa a aec
,.:y.l, sorrow tut a minute, life as a day
ind three tbiriRS as all In all-God
ireation. yirtne.
Miu.t. Biuu.uts.
The ratio of medical atudents to the
t,optilatioii In this country is aooui
wice as great as It is in r.uropo. im
-easiin of this curtou diffareuce 1:
iound in the tfvtter case with which
diploma can be obtained In the Uuitic
Siates- the medical s'lioflls of Europi
re u I ring more complete previous prep
arittJoti. and compelling the mitdeut t
undeiToa longer course of study before
he n eliKlble to arce.
A man who has a boll oujrht to hav
sense euoutrb to keep away frm a cii
When a n.uu loiyt ttmt no man lh
-.E,,l enough" for a woman, the re
l ark make him so solid with the wom-.-II
that he la ropinled as good enoufih
for the t Kt of them.
A self-mnde man never ceiises to
praise hi maker.
Don't 1st the war excite you. If you
are not golfK fron' lBt l'el"K
w rlt and amuse yourself as usual. The
a rr.yand nivy v.)I take care of the
Its worn-oit acres fallow lie,
Uupruued the orchard munds
for they who tended them long since
Have gone to other binds
One to the .rairies of the went,
Aud one across the Kcsr,
The rest hnve reached that blest country
Where partings may not be. ,
The elm lionghs tap the skylight dim j
As. In the days ngone, i
They tapped to waken merrily
The little folk at dawn.
The woodbine curtains tenderly
The shattered window pane.
Vet grant admittance to its friends,
The sunshine and the ram.
No step, no whiRjier, breaks the nusn
Put hist! A sweep of wings
Athwart the attic's dreaming dusk,
And tender twittering!
A tenant for the empty nest?
Ree from the window ledge
A pboebe bird calls to its mate
Upon the cradle's edge!
And in the cradle, vacant long,
Four downy fledgelings peep
And cuddle close. They'll dream of wings
And twitter in their sleep
All through the quiet summer night;
While on the dingy wall
Flit silently the thin, weird shapes
That come at moonlight's call.
0 life and love that were of yore!
O sod old house bereft!
To thee but memory's treasured store
And the little birds are left.
One of thine own in in the west,
And one across the foam;
The rest are in that fairest land
Of Home, Sweet Home.
Utica Globe.
Increase th circulation in
tht acalp, ie more power
to tbe nervta, supplies miss
ing elemenis 10 be nmr
bulbs. .
Used according 10 Bul
lions, pay hair begins to
bow color In few days.
Soon It has ll the softnss
and richness of youth and
tbe color of esrlf returns.
Would you list our book
on the Hair? We will gladly
end it to you.
If you do net obtain all th
booshta you, oxaoctod from
tba Vigor, writ in doctor
about ft. He may b ablate
auggcat something of value
to you. Address, Dr. J. C.
Ayer Co., LowH, Mass.
HMCII-W uwiilini.
1. a. ctlfV.aM.MM
MtM. 70S 70S MASONIC TKMru, VfllCftUO.
MptfMnn. Ktirl"n riismilMo. mm urn .
M. N. U NO. 409-28. YORK NCI
From Mrs. Bank to MrB. Plnltham.
The foUowSnfr letter to Mrs. Pinlt
ham from Mrs. M. Rash, No. 2,3.',4
Eat Susquehanna Ave., Philadelphia,
pa., is a remarkable statement of re
lief from utter discoui-ttgement. She
Bi': ......
" I never can And words wun wniun
to thank you fur wdiat Lydla K. Pink
bam'a VeeUble Compound has done
for me.
" Some years ajo I had womb trouble
and doctored for a long time, not see
ing any improvement. At times I
ould feel well enoun, ana oiner
times was miserable, o 11 weui on
until last October, I felt aoraethlng
terrible creeping over me, I knew not
what, but kept f?ettin(r worse. 1 can
hardlv explain my feelinn at that
time. I was so depressed la splritf.
that I did not wish to live, although 1
had everything to live for. Wad hys
tcria, was very nervous; could no'
sleep and was not safe to be left
" Indeed, I thonpbt I would lose my
mind . No one knows what I endured.
" 1 continued this way until tba lat
of February, when I sw In a paper a
testimonial of a lady whose oaae was
similar to mine, and who bad been
cured by Lydia E. Plnkhatat Vegeta
ble Compound. I deUnataei to try it.
and felt better after the ftret feeeL- I
continued taktaf It, aeri to eey urn a
well woman, aad aaa saf iVesa say
heart, 'Taaak Ooi for sua a 8BeaU
aire, rtakhasa iavtlae att aanfariag-
woaaem to write te her at Braa,
foraaMee. ail eaati letseeo at
TT wns sundown in Santa Rosalia.
The rainy season wits on In Cuba,
1 or,,i tow rnmbllm' thunder had
been heard all the afternoon. That is,
the people who lived In the little clus
ter of unliii-thatched houses called San
ta Rosalia thought it was thunder. And
so It was - the distant roar of (Spanish
arilllorv that came up from the Kout.h.
One little cottage stood by the road
side, some distance apart from the oth
ers. It was the home of the Moncfidos.
The father, .lose, was dead, tie nau
fallen a victim to the last, the "leu
years'." war. Three sons were left to
carry on the tight, and Uicy were then
with VSrigadier Ume- Keclo. uniy
mother and Kiuilia. the. sister, a little
girl of twelve years, were left t home
to watch and pray to God to aid the
Cul'iuis lu their struggle Tor liberty.
Suddenly the rviluc of claHi-rlng hoofs
came from the southwest. The siill
night air bore the unmistakable sound
with distinctness. In an Instant every
bead was at tbe open door. Nearer and
nearer came the galloping rider. ' He
was alone. His horse was covered with
foam ami panting like a tired hound.
U11 to the little gate of the Moncado cot
tage he staggered, a"l! tij('u hi9 Hder
reeled and almost fell into the arms of
bis mother.
"My God! Rafael, yon are wounded,
my boy "
"It is no matter; I can still rule, ine
battle of Saratoga is raging. I am on
my way to Colonel I'cna. He does not
know of It. We need him and his cav
alry. Help me to a fresh horse and I'll
catch I'ena at Santa Lucia to-night. I
must "
Tim, poor fellow never finished the
sentence. He had fainted. The arum
of tender women bore him into the
bouse. Poor little Ktuella followed,
the tears streaming from her eyes. She
watched them draw off the riding boots
filled with her brother's blood. She
brought water to moisu-n bis parched
lips. She saw the ugly wound In his hip
and murmured through her gritting
teeth: "Had Spaniards: I.:ad Spaniards!
They will kill us till yet!" And then
her liorthef's eyes opeued. The cold
win 1 or had revived him. He tried to
move, but only groaned in uony. Once
more he strove to rise.
"Mother, some one. help me to my
feet! I tntwt go on 1 must go on. 1
have ridden sixteen leagues since morn
ing. There are only tour more to ania
Lucia and to I'ena. We tmist have him."
Aud with n mighty effort he rose to bis
feet. Then he wavered, tears of help
lessness came into his eyes, and be sank
back on the bed with a sob of anguish.
"To think that I should go so near to
the end of my Journey and then fall!"
"How were you wounded, my boy?
"'Twas near El Desinnyo late this
afternoon. 1 had changed horses at La
Vlndu an hour before. Suddenly 1 ran
Into a body of Spanish guerrillas from
San Miguel. I could not fight them
there were too many so I took up a ra
vine toward Isldro. They fired five vol
leys after me and pave chase. Tbey
knew I bore n commission. My horse
was fleet and strong aud 1 fcot away,
but carried with me one of their rifle
balls. I tore off parts of my sleeve and
pushed them into tbe wound, but it Will
bh-d. I'm better now; I'm rested; I'll
$o on." And again he tried to get ou his
"Rafael, my boy, it is Impossible; you
are weak. You cannot ride: the motion
of the horse will cause you to bleed to
death. Culdo must fro. Emilia, tell him
to saddle a fresh horse and get ready to
ride to Hunta Lwla."
Emllln started toward the door, but
ber brother rnlsed his hand In protest
"Guldo Is only a half -wit. He might
start for Santa Lucia, but be would
never find his way In the dark. Even
If he reached the place ho would forget
whom be wanted to see,
"But there Is no other man In Rom
lla," pleaded the mother.
"True! Therefore 1 must go, wound
w no wound. KmHIa, tell Guldo to aad
die a horse and bring It to the gate
eulrkly. We are losing time."
. "Brother, we can t let you go. 1 n
ttiiM bun i .c-i ht toi 011 iter iirotu.-rs
neck. Tint), suddenly rising, she ci
claimed: ". why was 1 not a man?
Cuba so needs men! Yes. I'll tell him
to get Linda ready at once. Colonel
lYna must go to help Comez." Turn-in-,',
she kissed lo-r brother's forehead
and hurried out to the stables. Soon
the (iiiick L-allop of a horse was heard
Approaching the house. Hut it did not
stop at the gate. On it sped in the di
rection of Santa Lucia.
A moment Inter Uuldo, the half-wit-'
ted black boy, wandered aimlessly into
the room.
"Where is the horse, where Is Emil
ia?" Inquired her brother.
"Cone!" replied the boy.
"Cone? Where'" came frem all pres
ent. "I dun know. She said somethln'
bout St. Lucia. Jumped on ' Linda's
back, and looks to me as how she's
And o she was; the brave little Emil
ia, although not a Holdler of Cuba, had
taken her brother's place. She had gone
to get I'ena; to tell him that the light
bet ween Come, aud the Spanisn (jener
al Cnstellanos was ou at Saratoga and
iimt m'wt rnban In Camaguey was
Ou the little heroine rode in the dark
ness of the night. She had been Dora
and raised in the country, and she knew
the way to Santa Lucia, although she
had never U'fore traveled It In the
dark. Rut she was riding to save her
brother's life and for Cuba. Darkness,
danger, nothing daunted her. Bare
headed and alone, she urged her horse
over the road at a pace which would
have niinlp most cirls tremble with
Not even when au hour later the trop
leal storm broke lu all Its fury around
her did she hesitate. Lightning strik
ing the tall "pulma reals" caused Linda
many times to shy and almost bolt the
road, but the brave little rider held on
and never loosened rein until in sight
of Pena's eampfires.
"Quien vs'." suddenly called out the
"Cuba:" answered the brave little pa She reined up her panting steed,
"Adelante una !" -ordered the guard
and Emilia, pale, wet, and arsppm
rode forward.
"Caramba! It is a child. Who
you? What do you want?"
"I am Emilia Moncado. I want to tell
Colonel Tena that there is a battle at
Saratoga. General (ioincz lias only ix-u
men against over 2.0i0 Spaniards, and
he needs help."
A few minutes later, almost fainting
with fatigue and nervous strain, she
was borne into the presence of I'ena.
"Dios mio!" he exclaimed, as he list
ened to her story and then gave the" sig
liai for his command to mount.
't.You poor little thing, you should be
alted and nsleep." Wrapping his coat
around her little., trembling, wet form,
he-Jumped into bis saddle and had an
ot!icer pass the child up to him. The
order was given to march, and In his
arms the fighting Oolouel of Camaguey
carried the little heroine back to her
home in Rosalia.
"Take her," he said, as he handed her
over to the half crazed mother. "She
brought us the news. I'll speak of ber
to General Gomez. She deserves the
rank of a Major General. She has
saved her brother's life, and her brave
deed may win the day at Saratoga."
Omaha lice.
A Beautiful
r-i,rjBri(i3Cooi(o '
. .ief w
I oki fowss or this iruras wv p
(if ml 0T-i MAIM.
. 14
FREE for a few months to all users of the
celebrated ELASTIC STARCH, (Flat Iron
; Brand). To induce you to try this brand of
53 u d, mDfinH nut for rourself
that all ckums for its superiority and econ-
omy are true, ths makers have had prepared, I
at expense, a series of tour
exact reproductions of the $10,000 originals by Muville, which will be given
you ABSOLUTELY FREE by your grocer on conditions named beiow.
These Plaques are 40 inches ia circumference, are free of any suggestion of
advertising whatever, and will ornament the most elegant apartment. NO
manufacturing concern ever be.ore gave away such valuable presents to its
customers. They are not for sale at any price, and can be obtained only W
the manner specified. The subject are:
American Wild' Ducks, AmeHcan Pheasant,
English Quail, Snipe,
The birds are handsomely embossed and stand out natural as life,
Plaque is bordered with a band of gold.
has been the standard for 35 years.
packages of this brand wece sold
last year. That's how gooa is.
to show you the plaques and tell
you about Elastic Starch. Accept
no substitute.
ms To Get Them:
All purchasers of three 10 nt at
six 5cnt packages of Elastic Starch
( Flat Iron Brand), are entitled to rs
civofrom their grocer oue of these
beautiful dime Plaques free. The
placueK will not be neiit by mail.
Tliey can be obtained only from your
Eve,ry Grocer Keeps Elastic Starcn.
Do not delay. This offer
is for a short time only.
"The More You Say the Less
People Remember." One
Word With You,
. 1
When Tliey Caiue HI-Way.
Mifsy Molly "I eupp-ife, Colonel,
r.n er( k ad t any kind of a joh
vhen you firrt went weal?" Colo .e
ii -a'abttlush "Y"?, indued. Mi'
io:V, Wn. iiu-dy, the first t.un
'"."ollars T m-Adw out tb"r I git b
pi cking up ehipH, H i'lurn Life. -
TtieSpanlHli Cant-alJ ue.
lie cried aloud : ''KaKHBta, Bay,
If I mav yet b ynn-l
Anil Schley's big nuns rep n led, nay
Cervera still -,' 01.
AVanicil the Birds Cured For.
There is a story just uo.v current In
Home to the effect that a sculptor In
that city, in an evil hour for bis reputa
tion as an artist, undertook wtme time
ago to produce "to order-' a bronze- stat
ue of I'rcsttde-irt Kramer. One of the
conditions Imposed was that no IILkt
tit vvw-e to be taken with Oow Taul.
He was to lie represented In all his
native heaviness of features with the
fidelity which Oliver Oruuiwll exact
ed; and for perwjnul docoratlou he was
to 'he depicted in his ordinary frock
coat and tall hat. The mom trying wtip
ulr.iion of all was. however, that Mad
atini ICruccr, Oom Paul's amiable lady,
insi-ted that the crown of the hat
aho'dd b" made concave so thr.t It ntlpht
catch and bold rain water for the re
frp-hmcn-t of little birds! The artist
has succeeded In (loins the bidding of
his pat wis, and the 8lafue to now a
mt-t ready for transmission to rre
torla. This concern for the welfare of
the hnrnilcss little birds Is credltAble
to Madame Kruer's maternal heart,
hut hunianltarianism of this kind Is cer
tainly not conducive to the production
of a kKn aesthetic senso. St, James
Mntoben Made from Paper.
The days of the old-fashioned wood
en match are said to be numbon-d.
Matches are to be made of paper. By
a Dew proccas the paper la cut In strips
about half an Inch wide. These are
drawn through and an titrated with a
ftanie-produclng material They are
then rolled Into ttibes and cut tbe
length of ordinary matches and dipped
In the phospohrus to form the nond.
which Is lighted by striking in the
same fashion aa the ordinary match. It
Is predicted that thc"ma.tch-rrmking in
dustry will be entirely revolutionised
by tills new method. The matc-hea are
very much llphter and are tnougni w
1 more reliable than the old sort, pa
wr of various kinds will Iks employed,
that made from wood pulp being better
adapted for this purpose.
German Juries.
In Germany, whn the rote of the
Jury atands aix agaUwt six, a prisoner
to acquitted. A vote of seven against
Ave leavea tbe decision to the court,
and on a vote of elgM agnlnMt fotir the
prisoner la convicted.
After a man has accumulated
much aa $5,000 It la perfectly proper
for hla wife to refer to the "grounda"
urroundlng ttetir home. Instead of tht
Try All n's Foot-Fase,
A powder to be shaken into the shoes.
U this pen son your feet feel swolleti. ner-,-min
and hot. and get tired easily. If you
hvc smarting feet or tight shoes, try
Mien's Kont-Kase. Tt cwils the feet and
, uikes walking easy. Cures swollen and
iventiug feet, blisters nnd callous spots,
'lelieves corns and huiiions of ail ain and
ves rest and comfort. v r ten tliousan'!
( stimoiiials. Try it to-day. Sold hy a I
'rmiKists and s'lm- stores for 20o. Triii.
nekaw Fit KM Addrc. Allen S. Olm
!.-.!. I.e lioy V-. V
Whv isn't til.- ei$ m injut ring a ijtu 6
i malile leguit.
A Sa.e Thing.
When a young mnn situ ten feet aw)
rom a nirl ami tells her that she is lib
irst und only love p!l can bank on his
veracity. Chicago Sews.
The Point or View.
"There is some dil'f :reice between a .
iok and a mean trick "
s That s so; a joke is a mean trick
that you piny on another fellow, aud
oeau trick U a joke that another fellow
,lys on you." New York Wrrid.
'A Perfect Type of the Highest Orderof
Excellence in Manufacture."
0 Breakfast'
ltiou -t 1 aumtr.
IJiuise-clenniut! is duty in ovary well
,LHilal."(l household. Peopl- don't wnU
utii thf fill I. Incomes pain fuliy apparent.
hi it HtamlH to reamni that in every .day
more or less dust or dirt uccmnulate.
t is so will, the human From the
nortuoiis variely of er.tal.les taken int.)
ie sloiimi-li, a ii'iantity of useless e.ate
iil is hoi-mi lo accumulate iti the t.lnod
i.d clou' i he free aiid wholesome tiuw in
.,. ves-eis. Kvery p'Tsoi." slu-u'd from
;ie to time have a "I .h)d-cleaiiilis" and
-. In st chaiiser ami blood puriiicr i
:s. a rets Candy Cathartic. We recoiu
h-ikI lhem to all our readers.
The lih.1T Tlirtt FHilecI.
"Leave t he house," tried little Bink-.
bluff of srencth to the
wr. "I intend to, my sma'i
rend." re;l e l the buralar courteous y.
"F am merely after t lie contenlf
K h.en I take houses I do it through tie
regular retl cttute chumels." Uar
ers Baz ir.
Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is taken internally. Price 7a cents.
tVhe e Wonl Co, .
Hih Swretbeirt When you knew
vamel to hear from you so much
Harry after the battle, why di.ln't you
end me t lest two words Uy cat'le t
Returned 8oldier(iuit from the Ph. lip
1 did try to, dear, but ejr She
money 1 1 ad was one month's io?.
Chicago Tribune.
m wi,,.1ow Sootkis(I STSUf tor child-
(u us .iblnf . irofleui ths (?uos, i4ucei lnflra
.nailoa, ftlUyi pala. aursiwlndoolio. i5c botilf
The erscelul ahepherdeea hat is find
in,, admirers this season. It f
rhape favors the present atyle of trim
mine and It ia found becoming to aim s
ever" one. Tbe tailor hat continues to
be aeleoted to wear with mult utility
vc mem
T il.
Absolute!? Pure,
Be surs tint yra i;et the Genuine Article,
made at DORCHESTER, MASS. by
Established 1780.
ail AftMK
1 Ml m h- M Ml I l
1 la tau":
'Itl inv wife and my
nIUK CArftAKKTS ana in
KcirbaTe been
they are tbe Dest
mediiaw we Imvs evnr had in the hou. Lt
woeltmy was trantio wltb bmdscbe for
two ..lavs, sne triea some 01 vnov.... .
aud tlirv r Utved the pain iu her head Hmoet
Irnmediateiy. We iwth recoiomcndCuacareta. '
Pittaburif Sale & Deposit Co., FlMsbatt, Pa..
Pletuunt. PalataM. Pment. Tat OflfS M
Good. Never Slnken. Mioakeo. or Orlp. lOo, M,Mo.
Marital ll.-.r Mm, Wmf. "Mlw Bn t. W
Mm lit Sohl anrl sniirllnu.e ttf all drtif
ll)BAV gists to iflJRKTobaoeo Mablt.
1 OK li far aaaaMfll
SlaekariM, (afaaiaayaMu
I - MmihI J
Irritatluat or nlcarWMaa
wnian. ar m ico 1. w.ainwi
"iu1 ralalria. aaa aot aataa.
AlHlEviaiCauWHCa. fal or aatMaaaa.
k.ciIi.0.r1 ! raim j
ranaacnttyCuraS KofluorMrroatiiwaftT
flm CUrf'H II HI ur. akiiin. ' '" iwt. n
.1 .... m 11 1 r n.ii.vnMwi.rwiiinBii.
bTm HUM. U4 . m roh r I'LikKUtfma, fa.
ti.a av to Ireeae ap the .nan who
bnnwa it all Is to loo him over scorn
fnllv and remark: ''You're nol so many I
There's no battleship named after you.'
Then, as the cookbook aay a, lieetthor-
PWa Our for Cenauaaptloa baa keen a
. Til" . t.k n. .ln.. IWIK I B.
Iismtiv weui win. " " "
laawea, MM Mat 4v-, Ckteage, IU.
or arnt la alala .. IMIM.
St tar. araMia. Mt
f ., ..r i h.ltlM, p.W. j
Ifcrcaiaf taai aa kwtaaaW
Hercl JSC tor os olTnnTU
Denltat. Clren la ra (
I aerar see rou aaain." And tbe ooor