The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 14, 1898, Image 4

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    ttlHDER A BAD SYblhji
Majority of People Are Not Enjoying
assailable Keturne from Their La
Wud Genuine Prosperity la Yet
lawa Way Off.
' Bold Pabllc Men Reeponnlb'e.
Tke power of this Government was
laaendetl to be vested in the people.
Taw will of the people was Intended
a be the supreme law, when expressed.
It la believed by the founders of the
SJarernment that the people would
iT sufficient Intelligence to divine
Interests anil enough courage to ,
nd their protection and advance-
te In the earlier years of the coun
ty, public men sought, by close obser
vation atul aturir t urdi- rhonHi.a tn
be made Issues, by which the interests
mt the people would be advanced; and
fee who succeeded best In bringing
-Sank these practical theories and carry-,
Bbj; fht'm to successful consummation
the ideal public servant, and was
middled la office, because of bis fidel- I
sty and loyalty to the interests of the
laeopiu. , Aii the progress made by this
Oavernment was secured during the
iwralence of that system.
It Is a remarkable fact that the In
terests of the majority of the people
aaa luuger euvoke or bring forth plans
ato their elevation and welfare. This
caauitr- has less attention paid to the
' ut -a of the people than any In the
world. It has become a reproach upon
ay man to be a champion of the in
terest of the masses. He is called an
ajtarijin, a socialist, communist or
" "b people still have the power, but
they -do not or cannot use It Two-
echo belong to a party and blindly fol
Utvr 1 leaders. Partyi-sin has become i
sore practical and business-like, as to
the party, and less so as to the people, i
Hn .first desideratum of a party as i
tea "been practiced by the - two old
aemies. Is to get a campaign fund. In
vjrder to do this It must make pledges
Mad enter into obligations which must
ac carried out iu case of sjcccss. In
this way an administration is sold In
imjr. It is pledged to interests ad
verse to the people In order to get a
trsuBjKilgn fund to pay speakers and
awwwpapers to mislead and deceive
A majority of the people bave not
enjoyed any modhjeum of prosperity
Cor five years. There is little prospect
mt tbelr enjoying much more for the
wxt five years. The agriculturists
produce large crops and the mines
jrblil Immense products, but those who
wlu'c this wealth secure only a bare
attVwistence." Why is this? It is a rec-1
aa-uizHt fact that If a man wants, to
feeeoaie Independent, ' he will seek
nthi.r fil f f,,r tils enertrv and in-
atestrtes. ' This Is not the place. Fie
produces does not get the product
mt hia labor. When It strides the mar
r tlie first man who strikes It rets
ajrtttth as much profit as the ian
who produced It: and it goes on down
the line to the last hands with each
mof securing five times as much profit,
relatively,, as the man who produced
K. These inequalities are caused by
'txcslness sense and management, which
an these other people display, through
Organization and all other assistants,
arhH-fc the producer scorns. But even
khc account of this reason la unsatis
factory. There Is something more. Sys
tem are organized to assure this re
aMtt. These systems embrace and em
bod; all the factors In the problem,
-Willi their ratio or proportion of bene
t which have become so fixed that it
is almost impossible to change them.
wrtn1nlv never to be changed w bile so
Mtte effort and so little organization
are combined for their overthrow.
If "t,he laborer Is worthy of his hire."
certain 1t is that the producer Is worthy
mt the. best, and largest proportion of
afce benefit realized in the use of his
product; but such Is not the case, and
It v".ms a very long way ahead in the
fnlare Uefore it will be vouchsafed to
But If public men were held to a
naxirier accountability for their tnan
mgnmmt'dt the public Interest, It would
e a trreat stride toward a return of
CtwraMr conditions for the producers
and liilKirers. but that la what It seems
asapnealble to impress or to secure any
-tamrlble and earnest effort to secure.
Mure of one causes failure of the
.New Road.'
The Gold Standard in India.
Tire herculean task of establishing
gold standard In India has not yet
accomplished snd the difficulties
mt It accomplishment have caused
fJstrl George Hamilton to appoint a
ajpri isl committee to devise ways snd
ssatsnn to procure gold to place India
mm m. gold basts. Tbe appointment of
tte exiimnlttee has aroused a most Im-
: discussion to England. Flnnn-
i all parties complain of the lltn-
Inqary eatrmtoi to tbe comrait
. They contend that the Inquiry
be broad enough to take Into
atlon tbe, propriety of any at-
; Wbateret to reach the fold Jtard I
, mma amo tae expaaiencr or again
the saints of India to tbe free
mt sllrer. Mr Robert Giffen,
f tbe fold sundard party
srartd, Unnedlately after the ap-
mt the committee pnbnahed
In tbt Loodoa Time on tbe
tZJtmt U? bavt, la woaiOoa to tbe
rk pn99t& M tawl Hamilton.
etrS3 mtmm Mafi to Mai hat the
'T t ,Xm foOBWtBf fJUMtlOlM
:Cs CstmH to tte wtsriM to tbe
t g toaa ftiMK aysars t
ir a p i'1 tPfl,1r! end ( ''! " "
really practicable ia the ial circum
stance of India, a point mi which there
cauuot but be the greatest doubt.
The London Economist and the Ixtn
don Statist, In elaborate edmrinls. con
curred In the view expressed by Mr.
Giffen, and protested In the strongest
possible terms against the effort at the
present t'me to attempt to put India op
a gold basis. Space will not ernilt the
reproduction of these clalHiratc argu
ments. It Is sufficient to say tlint It is
the opinion of all gold standard econo
mists that gold cannot be obtained to
put India on a gld basis without great
detriment to the finances of the mother
country and irreparable Injury and dis
aster to the business of India. If these
financial authorities had examined the
questions with as much anxiety and
care twenty-five years ago the United
States and Europe would not be suffer
ing the Intolerable evils of the gold
The war between bimetallism and the
gold standard Is the war between pros
perity and decay. Modern civilization
Is not ripe for decay. The realization of
the horrors of the gold standard for In
dia by the leading monometuHl.sts of
Great Britain is light la the East.
where darkness appeared impenetra
ble. The position of the gohl nionoun-t
alllsts that the single gold wtnndard in
all countries and In every clime Is an
unalloyed blessing is abandoned In the
case of India. The admission that It
will curse India must encourage bimet
allisms throughout the world and con
found the advocates of the Infalli
bility of the gold monopoly.
Jefferoon on "The Banking: Mania."
On Oct. 13, 1615, Just after our second
war with England, that ripe old schol
ar, philosopher and statesman, Thomas
Jefferson, wrote to Gallatin as follows:
We are undone, my dear sir, if this
banking mania be not uppressed. The
war, had it proceeded, would have upset
our government; and a new one, when-
ever tried, will do it. And so it must be
while our money, the nerve of war, is
much or littie, real or imaginary, as our
bitterest enemies choose to make it. Tut
" "". " country coiuu
not be carried through the longest war
against her nwist powerful enemy without
ever kuowiug tbe want of a dollar, with
out dciencling upon the traitorous dames
of her citizens, without bearing hard on
the resour-es of the people, loading the
public with an indefinite burden of debt,
1 know nothing of my countrymen. Not
by any novel project, but by ordinary and
well experienced means; by the total pro
hibition of all private paper at all times,
by reasonable taxes in war, aided by the
necessary emission of public paper of cir
What: Jefferson teaching populism?
Yes; and Lincoln taught, and as far ut
he was able to put In practice, this iden
tical doctrine so clearly and forcibly
promulgated by Jefferson. Lincoln at
first Issued JkiO.000,000 of full gal ten
der demand notes. These notes would
pay every debt, public and private, that
gold and silver money would pay, and
for that reason they remained on par
with gold and silver money so long as
any of them were allowed to remain in
circulation. But the bankers, who had
been accustomed to Issuing their on a
paper to supply the ever existing deli
ciency of gold and silver money, seeing
that If the Government Issued its owl
paper money their occupation would be
gone, went to Washington In force ano
"held up" old Abe, comtelled "except"
to be placed on the greenbacks In order
to depreciate then, compelled the Issue
of bonds, and that they be allowed to
Issue their corporation paper, euphoni
ously called "national" bank money.
Lincoln and Chase were forced to corn
promise with the robbers of the North.
Thus was Wall street bought off; the
union was permitted to exist ou condi
tion that U'all street be allowed to per
petually rob labor of ft reward, and
to draw to Its traitorous coffers all the
wealth of the ?nd.
Now another war Is on. Wall street
wants the nation's paer money sup
pressed, and bonds issued as a "basis"
for the increus,- of their bank paper
(their "play-like" money), and taxes
raised high enough to enable that den
of "traitorous classes," as Jefferson
calls them, to consume the balance of
the widow's bouses. Toptillsta oppose
this, saying: We need no bonds or In
crease In taxes, but an Increase instead
of the nation's full legal tender pajer
money. For tnis some tuoiigijtiess peo
ple call them "cranks, "visionaries"
and "anarchists." Oh! you little 7xU
lawyers, doctors, "professors," bankers
stool-pigeons' and other smart Alecks
who can use these phrases so glibly, go
read the teachings of Jefferson and
Lincoln and Franklin, read the eco
nomic history of nations, and see how
you have been chuckling over your own
Ignorance and stupidity. Chicago Ex
A I)efnlte'l Contract.
In the fall of 180 the money syndi
cate secured a contract. They got the
contract by an Infamous Juggle. That
contract was to restore the ImKdtrlaJ
and commercial prosperity of this na
tion. The people accepted their prom
ise and commissioned them to do It, and
tbey gleefully undertook tbe task. The
great American democracy has all the
while stood ready to join In the chorus
of triumph whenever tbe hypocritical
oligarchy shall carry out its pledges
This day we patien'Jy await the fulfill
Gentlemen of the goldlte conspiracy,
carry out yonr contract. Open the
gates of peace, come on with your pros
perity, and yon shall hare our cheers
and a long lease of power, But if yon
da not tbe day of reckoning Is at band
-John Clark Rldpath, In Arena.
Weeae thaa M larepreeentatloa.
Tbn ought to be an Injunction got
ten aa-alnirt tbe goldocrata designating
thotr Infamoos schemes of wholesale
eottfiacaUoa of the property of tbe peo
pit an "reform." Tbey hellers In re
form at the Aeril baUerea la holy
watofrjaAisii cam n-t
LAV f lH bunN vm uaT.
Westerner Admitted He Jad to Take
Vee fro-. Both ride. J
Among the early-day settlers of J
nmim uouniy was Attorney 'lxupii
Corn, who has leeu dead, for a score of
years. Corn was a splendid lawyer, but
almost a failure ia the practice. He
knew no more the value of money than
a child. He loved hla family, and so
long as they were happy and contented
he was beyond the reach of care, lie
was bubbling over with humor and
simply could not lie serious for a mo
ment. He was willing to lose a case at
any time rather than forego the pleas
ure of amusing bis friends with a wit
ticism. Mr. Corn once ran for County Attor-ti'-y
and held J!ut debates with his op
ponent. At one of their meetings this
opponent hinted brcwidly at one of Mr.
Corn's weakuesnes as follows: "If any
man here to-night can say I ever took
fees on IkhIi sides of a case, like some
one I could name, let him now staad up
and say so. If anyone can say I ever
swindled a client, or that I have ever
leen guilty of a dlshouest action, let
him now say so."
Then came Mr. Corn's turn, and he
responded a follows: "It Is perhaps
true that I have taken fees on both
sides of a case, and It is a source of
great regret that other lawyer
cloce not move luto the county, so 1
won't have to attend to both sides.
Gentlemen, it may also be trne that
you know something of me that wonl I
not sound well If told. If such is the
case, I want to say that you will do me
a kindness to keep quiet about it until
after the election Is, over."
This view of the situation so struck
the humor of the voters that Mr. Corn
carried the township by a practically
unanimous vote. "On one occasion,"
says Judge Pickler, "two men came
into Corn's office and had him make out
a chattel mortgage, and then the old
question arose as to who should pay for
it One said: 'You get the mortgage
and should pay for what you get' The
other said: "You was to gWe the mort
gage. How could jou deliver it before
it was executed? Finally one said:
Tret's settle it according to cus
tom. I will abide by It If you
will,' and, both agreeing, they left it
to Corn to say what the custom was.
'Dolph scratched his head, but finally
ruefully said: 'Well, I don't exactly
like that. So far as I am concerned I
don't like customers to abide by cus
tom, for the custom is that whenever
two fellows want a chattel mortgage
drawn they come In here, and when the
work Is done they usually get Into a
quarrel as to who should pay and go
off without anyone paying for it' "
Kansas City Journal.
tie liodo with 11. King.
A few days ago, says one of the
South German papers, a soldier was
returning to the barracks of Ludwigs
bttrg (Wurteinlierg) from an excursion
to the suburbs. It was near the time
for evening drill, and he was In fear of
being late. Suddenly a small vehicle-,
driven by a nuin In civilian's clothes,
'May I not take the vacant seat at
your side, sirH asked the soldier. "1
am late for drill."
"I'll be glad of your company," came
the reply.
The trooper took the seat. A few
minutes later, looking at his watch, be
grew pale.
"Pardon me," he went on, "but might
I ask you to drive faster? I licve great
fear of my captain, who is a strict dis
ciplinarian. If I am a minute late he
will put me in tbe guardhouse."
"To what barracks do you belong?"
"The K barracks."
"Very well; e shall arrive in time."
The driver whipped up his team and
In a short time drew up before the gate
of the barracks.
"Thank you, sir," said the soldier, in
While the son of .Mars was still bow
ing his acknowledgments the officer
ou duty at the armory had ordered tbe
guard to present arms, Tbe driver of
the vehicle was the King of Wurtem
berg. Kansas City Journal.
Sparrows Kill a Polecat.
"You have often heard of the ferocity
of bird, no doubt," said William An
derson, a hardy orid woodmnan, who
lives on the lower Ohio, "but I doulrt
If you ever beard of birds attacking
and killing an animal that one would
Imagine could whip three or four fierce
curs. While hunting down In the f ?
near the mouth of Green River several
year ago I saw a large and fierce
skunk beat an Ignominious retreat af
ter trying in vain to best several En
glish sparrows and later, when the
skunk had screwed bb courage up to
tbe sticking point again, I saw those
same Inslgiificatit-VRiklng Utile birds
tear the animal to shreds. When my
attention was first attracted tbe spar
rows were flying from one side of tbe
thicket to tfiie other, twittering like
mad. When I wen to learn the cause
the skunk, badly frigtitcned, was dodg
ing from one side to tbe other of a log,
trying to escape tbe savage attacks of
the feathered tribe. Tbe birds didn't
mind me, but kept dashing tbelr little
billa Into tbe skunk's wHI punctured
hide. When the skunk started across
an open apace to the cover of nearby
driftwood Ms tormentors pounced npon
him and riddled the poor cat's hide."
Louisville Poet
Willow altar la Kb rope.
Europeans cultivate willow alongside
of wheat. France leada, and Germany
and Holland stand high In willow cul
ture. In Germs ny there are forty thou
sand persons engaged In making willow
baskets, and fifty thousand acres of
land in used In growing the willow for
them. Tbe culture of th wIHow la tbe
simple thing In the way of cropping.
A twig stock Into the motet ground la
all that la required. Nature doea the
raat For 1m basket vork Soil aayr
uuum i8 ine q --t-eu of uiiiowa, ailbuufcu
Snllx purpurea and vlmlualls are also
extensively used. In France tbe willow
grower does not bestitate to plant good
wheat lauds ia willow. In regions
where lumber is scarce baskets replace
cases, boxes and trunks. In the region
of La Tremblade and Arcacbon there
are large plantations of willows and
factories for the manufacture of rough
baskets In which to ship their famous
oysters. It is In the Low Countries the
willow is used most. It serves for bas
kets of all kinds, fences, cattle racks,
wagon tops, trunks, boxes, and even thi
signals along the river are painted wil
low wickerwork. From Us wood they
make (heir indispensable sabots, or
wooden shoes. It serve still a nut he!
purpose; when planted alongside their
uiiity dikes. It holds tbem lu place and
It constantly catches the sedlmeut, in
creasing the d-plh and fertility of tin
soil. The beneficial effects of. willows
along the banks of streams and rivers
cannot le verestiniated. The fcrtilt
solls washed den u from the farm
lands, instead of flowing into the sen
are caught by the willows along tbt
shore. In that way stn-atus are narrow
ed and consequently deepened. Away
up Iu thu mountains In Trance, where,
owing to deforestation, the streams
rtiHh with much destructivencss down
the steep mountain sides, they wind
willow twigs iu the sli.ipe of a ham
tntx-k and Uirow it ai-russ the stream
These twigs soon sprout, take hold of
the soil and force tbt stream to move lo
a zigzag way.
M. Leon Iaudefs study of his f.ith
er's life and works has begun to appear
lu the Itcvue de Paris.
"Captains Courageous" Is rated a.c
one of the most sucessfttl of K'pllng'e
works, from the publisher's standpoint.
It is now In Its thirtieth tlioinand.
Breutano's will kmhi publish the fin'
English translations of two of the mosi
notable works lu French literature
Stendahl's "Ie Rouge et le Noir" Ucd
and Black), and Anntole France's "Li
Rouge" (The Red Lllyi.
In honor of the filth birthday of
Count Leo Tolstoi, which falls on Aug
2S (O. 8.1, the town authorities of fn-
cow intend establishing an elementary
school which is to bear his name. Own
Tolstoi will celebrate at the same tltm
the fiftieth anniversary of bbt literary
Literature understands that Ir. Co
nan Doyle Is busily envied ou n rtra
inatlc version f "Sherlock Holmes,'
which Is destined for production at tbt
Lyceum Theater, with Sir Henry Ir
ving in the part of the great detective.
The play will not adhere rigidly to tb
lines familiar to readers of the stories
The most magnificent work of
kind ever published Is the lotig-awalted
"Life of Our Lord Jesms Christ," by
James Tlssot. the great French artist
which has appeared in Purls and ln
don. It contains over 300 illtiitratiius
many of tbem In colors made by M
Tissot during a long sojourn in the hol,i
land. Tbe Lngllsh edition costs about
f35, and the French, which Is even uiort
magnificent, costs over jf'H)i.
Mr. Cladstoue bas Invented and ex
celleut thing for the library half
screen, half book-case. It Is described
as holding "the maximum of books In
the minimum of space." It Is made of
ligbt wood enameled white, has shelve
in front for holding -iX books, and tin
back Is covered with tapestry like ar
ordinary screen. It Is easily movabl.
and is exceedingly useful In limltei!
A traveler In Japau scaks of tin
poor pay of Japanese authors. The rati
paid to uauve noveluu occupy ;ug lu.
highest rank lies between the max!
mum of 1 yea (-13 cents) and the mini
mum of 4i) or 50 sen per puge. contain
lag 4tX! characters. As It takes loo seti
to make 1 yen the reader ne-d not In
told that the pay Is poor, and so are tin
authors. The foregoing prices, n-ar in
mind, are paid to the authors of the
highest class only. What those not In
the front rank rcelve it would lie hard
to determine without the aid of a mw
erful magnifying glass. At the average
rate they are paid, they would Imve to
write 100 iMiges, or 40,000 characters, to
get a monthly Income of GO yen, which
Is something less than f25. L'veu on
this, the writer says, ft would be "hard
ly possible to live In comfort"
Water in Jerusalem.
Tbe scheme to bring pure water lnl
Jerusuhan has been wlnindoncd. "A
aU visitor know," says tlie Jewish
Chronicle, "the iirimbHanta of that city,
of every creed ami nationality, and par
ticularly the poorw residents, suffer
untold hardMhlps In conei nonce of the
scarcMy of drinking water. At tlie
preaent time they depend prlncrjially
upon the supply. collected in cisterns
from the rains Which fall during the
rainy season from Dewmber to March.
Some of the water flows, In the fir
place, tbrotigb tbe streets of Jerusa
lem, berfore reaching tbe tanks, which
are above the bouae. Thence K trickles
down into uodenrrourvd rbttenw, wi en
It stagnates and breeds all aorta of In
sect and IntpurHlen. And thla ia what
the majority of tine people hare tc
drink! Even If filtered aod boiled It
would scarcely be safe to Imbibe suvt
stuff. And by the end of Juno ever
this supply la often exhausted."
A Large Re
Beth Leonard, of "hutosbury, Man,
reports a specimen of hen fruit OH
Inches the larger way and 0ft tU
mailer, that ho fooud reoafM' la
Aa Aamalaa Caatoaa Which Waa la
VogBe a Ceo lory A an.
A Bangor lawyer attending court In
tbe ancient town of Wlscasset went
rummaging recently in the colonial
court records of the place, and in the
course of bis reading ran across tbe
official registration of a "smock mar
riage," Not knowing what sort of mar
riage that was, he looked further, and
got considerable light upon a custom
that jwevalled In England a century or
two ago, and also to some extent in the
American colonies.
Smock . marriages were weddings
where tbe bride appeared dressed In a
white sheet or chemise. The reason of
such a garb was the U-llef that If a man
married a woman wht; was In debt he
could be held liable for her Indebted
ness If he received her with any of her
property; and, also, that if a woman
married a man who was in delrt his
creditors could not take her property
to satisfy their claims If he received
nothing from her. In Kniiatid, says an
antiquarian, there was at least one case
where the bride was clothed purls nat
unilibus whllp the ceremony was being
performed In rhe great church at Hlr
mingham. The minister at first refused
to perform the ceremony, but finding
nothing in tbe rubric would excuse
him from exercising his functions he
married the pair.
To carry out the law fully, as the peo
ple understand K, the ceremony should
always have been performed as it was
In the Blrmlugham church. But. mod
esty forbidding, various expedients
were used to accomplish tbe desired
mrpose and yet avoid the undesiraWe
features. Sometimes the bride stood In
a closet and put her hand through a
hole in the door; sometimes she stood
behind a cloth screen and put her hand
out at one side; again, she wound about
her a white sheet furnished for the pur
pose by the bridegroom, and sometimes
she Mood, in bc-r chemise, or smock.
Eventually, in Essex County at least,
all Immodesty was avoided by the
bridegroom's furnishing to the bride all
the clothes she wore, retaining title to
the same In himself. This he did In tbe
presence of witnesses, that he might
prove tbe fact In cite be was sued for
any debts she might have contracted.
A marriage of this kind oc.nrred at
Bradford in 17:13, and the following Is a
true copy of the record of the wtine:
"HRADFORI,' Iec. ye 24. 1":.
This may certltle whomsoever It ni.ty
concerne that James Bailey of Brad
ford w-ho waa married to the widow
Mary Bacon Nov. 22 lnt past by me ye
gubserlber then declared that he took
thp said person without anything of
estate, and that LydLa the wife of Elia-7-t
Burtatnk &. Mary the wife of
Thomas Stlckney A Margaret the wife
of Caleb Birrbunk all of Bradford were
witnesses that tlie clothes she then had
on were of bis providing & bestowing
upon her. WILLIAM BALCH,
"Minister of ye (Jot-pel-"
It Is noted by the same writer that in
all cases of smock marriages that have
come to his knowledge, the brides have
been widows.
It Is thought that during the reign of
George III. there were many smock
marriages In Maine, then a part of the
n-ovlnce of Massachusetts Bay-chiefly
in Lincoln and York counties, or in tbe
territory which Is now so known. There
Is nothing to show that the practice
outlived the revolution. In Maine, up
to 1832, a husband was liable for debts
of his wife contracted before marriage,
and no such subterfuge as the smock
marriage could relieve him. Chicago
Inter Ocean.
An Original Order.
An order came to a wholesale bard
ware house one day last week.
That is, It waa presumably an order,
for it waa written under a business
beading and bad all the general appear
ances. The employe who opened the letter
studied It and said it beat anything be
had seen up to date.
He sent it to a member of tbe firm,
who read It and threw np both hands.
Since then be bas been showing It to
his friends. It was written by a rural
dealer, and Is as follows:
"Gentlemen Please send me at once
two long-handled shovels, one dozen
slxteen-inch hinge and two kegs of
tenpenny nails. Yours truly,
"P, B. My son tells me we bave plen
ty of above, so yon need not send. J. R."
Chicago Tribune.
When Ton Write to thn Queen.
The paper on which letters to Queen
Victoria are written must not be folded.
No communication which liears evi
dence of baring been creased will ever
fall into her Majesty's own bands. The
proper method Is to write on thick,
glossy white paper and to dispatch the
missive in an envelope which flu It.
Any folded communication never reach
es the Quaes, for tbe simple reason that
she never looks at It. All such letters
s re opened by tbe Mistress of the
Robes, and as a rule tbelr contents nev
er get beyond her, or. If the letter Is of
Importance, It la returned to tbe wrltr
with the directions bow to forward It
Exchange. A Mring Cariosity.
No-wa-sbe Jack Pots, an old Indian,
who reside wtth his four squnws on
Snake Greek. In the Creek Nation, Is
one of the greataat living curiosities In
thla country. He Is said to be 100
years old, but, Judging from the differ
ent errata which ha dalins happened
within a lifetime, ha must bo even old
er. The moat remarkable feature about
No-wa-sbe la that be has already lost
two seta of teeth and now has grown a
third set compter. Hla hair la Jet black,
with no signs of tuning gray; hla step
Is Arm and bearing erect; he baa burled
twenty 4 wo wives and la now living
with four. B waa originally a Dela
ware bat was oaptnred by the Apaches
a MasBir of
run fin hum mi looted by the Mt
gees when a middle-aged man and ban
lieen regarded ss the oldest man In the
trll for the past thirty years. No-wa-ue
is treated with tbe greatest rever
ence by the memtiers of tbe tribe, who
regard him as a superior being, and the
crafty old fellow doesn't hesitate to
take advantage of their superstitions
by accepting all their favors they feel
disposed to In-stow upon him. Cuahing
(Col.) Herald.
Roentgen rays have been found to act
on vegetation like very weak light In
experiments by Signor (5. Tolemel.
Surveying by photography Is gaining
ground. Over 30.oit square miles bave
bi-en photographically plotted and sur
veyed by the surveyor general of Can
ada. Prof. Ixdbear says that wbat is called
stupidity Is simply the indication that
a certain brain area is nt properly
nourished or is without communication
with the nerve fiber.
Ir. Von Welslwch, Inventor of the In
candescent gas burner now very much
In vogue, lias recently taken out pat
ents on an electric lamp working on a
similar plan, lie is an Austrian chem
ist. Among recent inventions specially In
teresting to those who sail the sea ia a
device for launching boata from the
davits of a ship without loss 'of time,
and in such a manner that the boat U
certain to reach tbe water on an even
keel. With this device, which has been
tested at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, one
man can easily raise, or lower, a boat
weighing four tons.
W. Savllle Kent, the naturalist, who
has made snapshot photographs of the
curious little creature called tbe frilled
lizard In the act of running on two legs,
suggests that It Is only necessary to
magnify the animal to a gigantic size,
in order to Bee how tbe Immense "dino
saurs." whose remains are among the
wonders of geological museums, looked
when they lived on fbu earth. The frill
ed lizard when running on wet sand
makes three-toed Impressions resem
bling In shape the tracks of some of the
monsters of Mesozolc time.
The coldest Inhabited country ap
pears to Ihj the provliice of Wercbo- ,
Jansk, lu Oriental Kllieria, says the Na
tional iJrngglst. The mean altltnde of
the terrain Is about 107 wetres -faltout
31 feet) above the sea. A Russian sa
vant passed one entire year In this In
hospitable region, and kept a dally rec
ord of the tcmticrature. which he has
riK-ently published, and from which it
appears that tbe deally mean of the en
tire year Is 1S).3 degrees 0., or 2.71 de
grees F below aero! The daily mean
for January, 1S9A, was 33 degrees C, or
CT5.4 degrees F., below aero.'.
The toad does not take dead or mo
tionless food. Only living and moving
Insects, centipedi-s. etc., are devoured,
while worms or other larvae disturbed
by tbelr hopping are safe so long as
they remain curled up; hut as soon as
they move they are captured. The
toad's tongue, its only organ for seizing
food, Is soft, extensile, attached In
front but free behind, and Is covered
with a glutinous substance that adlieri-s
firmly to fhe food seized. So rapid Is
tbe motion of this weapon that a care
ful watch Is necessary In order to sea
the animal feed.
Trof. John Trowbridge has been mak
ing some most interesting investiga
tions in high tension electricity, using
only a very high voltage storage bat
tery and a system of condensers. Tlie
apparatus gave a four-foot spark. Noth
ing could Insulate If; not even a vacuum
tube. It proved satisfactorily the futil
ity of endeavorii-i ?n l.-ntt.vtc a llgh-nlng-rod.
The great spark represented
over a million of volts' tension. For a
llgbtnlng-flash a mile long this ratio
would give something like a thousand
million of volts. The experiments are
of special Interest, as the absence of an
Induction coll enables tbe voltage to be
more accurately estimated.
Seldcn In his "Table Talk" writes:
"In Queen Elizabeth's time gravity
and state were kept up. In King James'
time things were pretty well. But In
King Charles' time there has been noth
ing but French more and the cushion
dance, omulutii gatherum, tolly-polly,
This phrase in modern French Is haut
com me tolt.
The late Dr. Brewer, In his "Diction
ary of Phrase and Fable," says:
"The inimt probable derivation I
know is this: What we call 'hoity-toity,'
holty ln-ltig connected with bolt (to leap
n pi. our 'high, 'bight,' and tolty being
't'other holt,' I. e first one side holts,
then the other side." Notes and Quer
ies. Ostriches Hooded atplaoklng Time.
When the ostrich Is to be divested of
Its plumage a long hood is placed over
lu head, and It Is then confined In a
railed Inclosure about three feet
square. The birds rarely show fight
Alamlnlum Helmet.
Helmets made of aluminum, to be
covered with waterproof cloth of vari
ous colors, according to the branch of
tlie service wearing It, are aboat to ba
adopted In the French army.
Cartons Proreasloa la Chlaa.
In China the detsctioB of falsa eolns
I a skillful, prospsroos profsaaaea,
known aa "shroffing," aai la taofht a
special schools.
Power Is powarisas as.
conscious of your aCtsJ.
a an