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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1898)
f, THESIOCXCGCXTY TBTBSDAT, Jul 1698. sUeo. 9. Canoa, Editor and Prop. f.t.iK.'Li lime table. Going ffut. Going Bart. 0. S. mixed, 11 S 1 No. S. mix. 8:00 T II a North-Western LINE F. E. M. V. E. R. U tie best to and from the BLACK HILLS, DKADWOOTJ AND HOT SPRINGS. SOUTH DAKOTA. Tbe Davis Machine Co., Ghlcaoo. Baby Carriages 1!6 ttylMto ' sake tarn. Tim $3.50 UP. Tbo cheapest hoaat in tail Use oasarih. Send SUap tor Special Catalogs. pnFF.TRIAL'SH fafcs decay, nurroua WblUraa lowtmailty sent free for 11 cti. pygT- OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATE OFFICERS: 8tla A. Holcomb ,Goventor .James EL Harris Lien tenant Governoi W. r. Porter Secretary of State John V. Cornell Auditor si. R. Meiierve C. J. Smyth.., .J. V. Wolfe W. B. Jacknon Treasurer .Attorney General Land Cominlaslonei .Supt. Public Instruction CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION: John M. Thornton U. 8. Senator, Omaha Wbi. V. Alien U. 8. 9enator, Madison J. B. Strode, Uongreaanuw Jut DUU, Lincoln D. II. Mercer, W " Omaha : Samuel Maxwell, " Jrd " Fremont VT. L. (Hark. 4th " Aurora JL D. Sutherland, " 6th " NelsOn "W.L. Green, " 4U " Kearney , JTJDICIABT: JJ. 3. SIHvan ..Chief Jtaftlce, Colnmbne T. O. C. Harrison A'te Judge, Grand Island T. L. Norval - Associate Jadge, Seward f. A. CarapbelL.Clerk and Reporter, Lincoln FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTB1CT: M.P. Kinkaid , , Jndge, O'Neill W. II. Wealover " Buehvlllc ' l. J. Blewett Clerk. UaJ-riaon TERMS OF COCBT: District Court, At Harrison, eeaaiaoneea Spring term May 9th, . jTaH " Sept Hli Jsry ISfth. Ukmatv Court. At Harrison, com flrst Monday of each month. LEGISLATIVE: Hto Mutz.jScua.tof, Dist. No. M, Sprlngvtew Jk.. E. Sheldon..- DisV So. 53. Cbadroa COCXTY OFFICERS: Robert Wiion County Judge f. J. Blewett. Clerk -Cha. Blehl , Treasurer Elule Verriaui .8upt. public Instruction Thos Holly , J4ierltr J. E. Phlnney Vironet Jl. V. Thomiw.. Surveyor M. J. IJUiwctt.,., ,Clerk of litrlct Court ,rant Gathrte County AtUtrney BOARD OF COVMWSIOSERS: Jens C. Mtiug lHt Diitlrlct Atxitvw PrwunlT , id .Jackson Alttleit( Chairman) Sd VILLAGE OFFICERS: E. F. PontUis (chitlrman) , .Tmtco J Dim Ravl, U. II. Grburcxt . r W. IS. MiiMteller '. . rJ5. Kohrr L -W. H- IMv-ta Clork Lewb Gerlarh . . Ireuurer SCHOOL OfFICERS ERftrt Rohwer , Director B. L. Rmnck . Moderator lewis GeiJaqii ,..... Treasurer faitUCtHSM AMD (WCIETIKS. JIatfcMlLat Snmlay Hehool meeta every Sun day sMrniuff at M aw W.U.1MVM, XiBS B .aretL, tapostetendaat. Secretary KrWORTH LtAOCE. 'Keaitlar bualneas meetlaff flnt Taesf ay ' lavealnK In each month. MISS PaMMB, O. KMWH, Devotional suiting every Sunday eeentnc x :. Mas. Kotai.1. 1 eaear sxrmm liack- Jleato each ftuoar afternoon at l. fjat &iSDAU,tepX fnn KCC HOST, Be. Mt, Q. A. k. mm Wowser u eaea eaoata u B. B. Llismaw, Com. moovBM of na wou. iriite Ces l s eewj em 1 ; ,- CM. . ; Oam. hb. .;, - f LlgJi or AlCA. GI1ANT GUTilRIE. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all legal matters in Justice, County and IHstrict Courts, and before the United State? Land Office. Fire Insurance written is reliable Dompanies. ty Legal papers carefully drawn. Harrison. - Nrbhaska. J. E. PHLNNEY, M. D. Phjl-idan and Surgeon. All culls given prompt atteutiofi. Office In Jjjrug Store. -HARRISON NEBRASKA. A. T. CLARIS Lawyer. Offloe: Sn the Kiolittdn BeJldl.ig, HARRISON, NEB, COME TO THE JOURNAL??" JOB WORK 3 Stationary.' KOTICE TO SETTLERS. Tbe rules of the local land office have recently been amended so that settlers to make final proof shall settle with the publisher before sending in their applica tion. AH parties desiring to make final proof can have their papers made out at Tmt Iocrnal office, free of charge, and promptly transmitted to tbe land office so that no tune will be lost. $500 for Good Guenslng. "Tbe Nebraaka Farmer has inaugurated for its subscribers a unique guessing scheme on the possible number of paid admissions to the Trans-Missippi Exposi- dow running at Omaha. f 100 will be paid for first nearest guess $50 each for next two nearest guesses. $10 each for next 10 " " $2 each for next 50 " $1 each for next 100 " One guess may be made with each yearly subscription paid in advance at regular price one dollaj so that every ono guessing will get the Nebraska Farmer one year and have a chance be sides to get from one dollar to one hun dred and there will be 163 persons who will get these cash premiums. For sample copies, terms to ageots and full particulars address Nebraska Farm er Co., 1511 Dodge St., Omaha Neb. Special Locals. tST Prof. C. W. Roush Oculist examined and restor ed the normal vision for many by fitting them proper ly with glasses. Prof. C. W. Roush Ocu list will be at Dr. Phinney's drug store Sat, July 23. He will examine the eye and properly fit glasses. Satis faction insured. Examina tions free at Harrison; one day only Sat. July 23. IW Parties wishing to purchase anything in the line of harness, saddles or grain and feed, can call on L. Ger lach, who will look after my business during my absence E. Ron web. ET Parties owing me on accounts and wishing to set tle same can do so by calling at the Commercial bank. E. Rohweb. The July number of The New Time is more agressive than ever in pursuing its war policy. It is unusually rich in orginal cartoons and interesting reading. Send in a dollar for an annual sub scription: We make a club ing rate of $1,60 for the New Time and tbe Sioux Couxty Joukjtal. KtH-I tan cattle bide uA all kind of ekine with hair for robes, or without or leather. 8m sample and prices In J. H. Bar toil's store. H. OiJUCR. Oloa, Nob. WAKTED Wood 00 ubacriptioa aooa as we can get It. Editor. The- Harrison boys cant play ball be the KoatroM boys eao. " ' IV Monday was a paesnorable day ia the aatkw and oapeoially la Harriaon. Followiag- Bro tboao who apont too fkrWM fomtb la Crawford from Harrl- Ml ' , t. aadUn. L J. Blow ttaad telly CbortS ElyiMd Umy Excursion Union tw Traiin-MU- ttlMMlppI ExooMltJon at Omaha Xel. J une 1st to Xoi, 1st 1898. From Harrison every day Sundays excepted) from June 1st to October 15th 1898 at $23,20 for round trip good for return until Nov. 15th. From Harrison every day (Sunday excepted) from June 1st to October 30th good for return 30 days from date of Hale 18,35. For the opening exercises on May 30th round trip tickets will be sold .good for return June 6th at our fare vU 114.50. E. F. Pontius agt. Special Excursion Hates to Hot Springs H. DuJt. On dates named below at one fare for round trip, tickets good for return 30 days from date of sale. June 1(1 June SO July 5 July 19 August ft Auguet 26 September 10 September 26 E. F. Pontius, Agent 53T Excursion for Ne braska day at Trans-Miss issippi Exposition at Omaha, will be nold on June 11th, good returning until June 18th. at one fare for round trip. E. F. Points. Agent. MARRIED At tbo Harris -n House July 5th 1898 Judge Wilson officiating, Elmer Ring Pullen and Miss Flora Leata Kemp both of Sioux County Nebraska. -Hon. M. J. Weber and J. T. Mason were HarrisoB visitors this week. Tbe county commissioners finished their labors At tbe court bouse last Sat urday. -Judjse Wilton left for Wbeatlaod Wyo., Wednesday morninlng be expects to be gone about a week. W. H. BonreU and family of Hat creek spent tbe 4th at tbe pataraal mansion on tbe Boulevard. Fred Blomberg and family of Olen went to Glen Rock, Wvo., to spend Ibe 4th with his cousin John Blomburg, the section foreman at that Place. -Mr. Pat Blattery did not forget the JocrnaL family when goose-be tries were a treat as we had been most an xious to have some and Mr. 8. baa our thanks in return. About 500, people from tbe sur rounding country including tbe Harris onites celebrated in old fashioned style at Harrison on the 4th. We are sorrv to learn that Grand ma and tfranpa Wright have both been quite ill during the past week. They are at tbe home of W. B. Wright and are having every attention. The Harrwon boys thought they could nlav ball but thev could'nt The Montrose boys plaved our boys to a fin ih. We hope tbe valler Ivivs will onnie Uf :0'i beat tuuitt aome more, - Paul Wonder of Kirtley was Dleasant ca'ler at this office on last Wednesday and did not forget to drop a cart wheel on ye editors dek by way of renewing hiR allegince to the Jocrsal. The Junior League will give itn first annual picnic on tomorrow atPlymptons grove at East Hat creek. They will leave from the church at 8 oclock in the morning all are coraially invited to come with our little folks and eojoy them selves. Mr. Runyon. from Mitsouri Valley la., a friend of Pat Lacy arrived in Har rison last Saturday to look tbo country over with a view of locating here in tbe future. Mr. Lacy informed us that Mr, Runyon had gone home with the ex pectation of arranging bis affairs in that country and returning to Sioux county to locate at once. Lost Saturday a telegram was received by Mrs. Smoke of Andrews, from Rollins Wyo., of the drowning at that place in the Platte River of her husband on the day before. At last ac counts his body had not been recovered from tbo river. No detail of tbo sad accident had thus far boon received W. Smoke the son of the deceased wont to Rollins last Monday morning to see what could bo done toward finding the body of his father and bring it homo for burial. Mr. Smoke had boon absent from homo about 9 months and was taking care of a herd of shooD at tbo time of bis death, LATER Another telegram to Mrs Smoke from Wyo., announces that the body of her husband was found the fol lowing day afUr she received the aad newt of bis drowning. Tbo body will b burried at RoMuu. Will to expected homo to day. Sowbelly and Esvst Bodarc Do-'-. Inca Mr. J. 0. OUbort of Hot Springs ft. Dak. is rid ting with Noah Hovoy's family, aad if be can find a snitablo looaUon ho will locaU boro. Irvifl Zimmormao casno from the 710 rmaeta to hto homo to spaed Uw 4th of July. Mi key Carrol camo from Wyo. to visit witb Ms pAmnts for a few days. B. Zorba moved hto stock to tbo dirkW yostorday. CM Zimmorman cams (com Mm Toraor ranch to spsad tho 4th. Mrs. J. M. Durko is growlas? a littto stroayr svory oy so w 1017 THE EiGLE SCREAM ed in Harrison. Our little city was aroused from "her quiet slumbers at early dawn by no less than a salute of one hundred guns as a reminder of our nations birthday to freedom. About 1 oclock 260 or more repaired to the court house wbere Rev. Kendall invoked device blessing and offered prayer. The singing was no secondary affair all who participated deserve special thanks. The reading of the declaration of in dependence by Prof. Gray was second to none we have ever listened to: it was perfect, Tbe oration delivered by Prof. Phipps desplayed his familiarity with his subject, in our opinion he is an elo cutionist of no mean repute. The excercises closed by all present singing the national hymn Amen ca. when all repaired to tbe ball ground east of town. Hckrah For The Mo!trose Boys. The matched game of base ball played here between tbe home and the Montrose 0, resulted iu a sweeping victory for the visiting team by a score of 20 to 28 in favor of "Montrose. . Next came Die horse races, and among the several who entered the field young Thos. Flunkett, a mere boy from Warbonnet won the first prize. The Bicycle race was of special interest to all, the first prize was carried off by "Prof Roush of Lusk. Tbe most amusing feature of the day especially for tbe little folks, was the Sack race which was won by Leonard Christian of Pleasant Ridge. The fire works were the crowning features of the nations boliday while thos who enjoy ed tripping the light fantastic, were served to the "Queens taste while at the court house all who' so desired were giv en a chance to spend a pleasant evening. All things considered little Harrison done herself proud, of course we will not tell bow many sleepy beads we saw next morning. Montrose Clippings The Weather still keeps dry and hot. A good time was reported at U. Was- serburgers place tbe fourth. Tne dance at Jas HofTmans was well attended yesterday July 4th. Small grain is cut for feed in this vici nity. Mr. Trodick arrived from Montana yes terday be will stay a few days acd then return witb Mr. Rhein. A. Rhein will depart for Montana next Thursday where he will make his future borne. Mibs Gerty Marking was visiting with ber folks a few days returned to Craw ford to day where she is working. Sir. r. Johnson our new mail carrier has moved in the old Richardson Place. Sage. t'ommli.sloners ProfM1ings. Jlnrrl-in, Nel. 1 Ju,,e '.-Jlli, lMJt. 1 Bonnl of county commlaKioncra met pur xuant to adjournment. l'rcucnt, coiiiinixidonor Mettlcn. Meng and I'rocunler and Clerk. Tbe following claim aff.ilnat Sioux county were audited and allowed and on motion warrant ordered drawn on tbe General fund of 1898, for tame: Jack Mettlen, service a Co, Coin. I M 00 J. C. Mung ' " " 107 00 A. I'rocunler " " " " 114 00 11. J. BleweH,'aulary, court coM post- age and Kxpre 317 (jrant liutlii'ie xulnry aa Co. Attorney 1MC0 Grant Outbiia stationary and Attorn ry' J5 01 Grant Gulbrle txpense In State vn Gllmore, 10 80 Grant Guilirlc " - Gllmore, S 60 A. T. Clark, acrvlce on Insanity Hoard 1 00 Thomas Hollv, " a SlieriflT 1 02 Davlr Anderson, pauper itupplle S 00 David Auderaon " 7 Sft Aavld Anderson 8 05 Aavid Anderson - " 8 06 Aavld Anderson - 8 00 Z. F. Antrim Assessing , 2 40 J. Ii. Bartcll pauper supplies 24 11 John F. Cook Aaauaatng 88 00 Geo. D. Canon, printing and publishing, 63 M Geo. D. Canon, " 38 00 Geo. D. Canon, mm.. jeoo D. 8. Cox, Jtutlce rest In State vs Will Ham J. S. Dickinson Assessing claimed ti, allowed Vela Kngbret, AseIog David Flnlep f, K. Jandt, paurer innplle K. K. Llvermore, work on court house Alex Lowery, wood for pauper J. K. Marsteller, pauper sapplles and stationary J. E. Marsteller " H Klate Merrtam, aerrlees a Co, Sunt. Elsie Men lam, " " claimed S7I St, allowed . Anton Morarek, boarding prisoner Jamea Molan, I ssiasing Oxaaha Printrag Co. StaUosury Omaha PruiUng Co, " Oasaha PrlnUag Oo. " OtaaterrtatlagOD. " Joseph Olbrlebt witness foe In SUU vs KIcboImd elalm4 tn, allowed H. Fiakeabroek, Assrwlog 4 70 47 00 17S0 6100 188 n ss 600 91 SS S 66 108 9 6100 40 MIS 1M 16 S7S MSI 100 MOO J. C Pblany aarylee oo lasaalty Board II IB J. B. Fblnney a Coroner It SS J- B. Pkliuiey ' - - elalmed , allowed assaol Tabbet, eoal for Coart Hons mi Jnry fee, elalmed 971 ji, allowed OBfl BaSBng Amaaxng W. J. A- Rowm 4 - 776 n oo S7M 14 00 MM SIM A. I- J. B. Shipley Saaith Freanler Typewriter Co., one ' Trpewrlt' for elerk 1ISM T. W. Fraaela son toes se Interpreter OltoTVtso, Hsmlsg J.V.TMd - tajik Wright wood for ooaaty aad aaaswr, 7M USD MM nnnxiLXLxnt OH YES! Here We Are Again. 500 pairs of shoes The above is an addition to our already large and; complete stock of boots and shoes now on hand. We have the largest assortment ever buoii iu Ynrth-Wf'st. Nohraska. and as to nrices we DEFY Competion and are sure OUR STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE IS STILL THE LARGEST AM' Tllfc BEST IN HARRISON. CALL t SND SEE US AND SAVE MONEY, Marsteller Brothers. Robert Wilson, coart feu and posltiffa 5 W H. Zimmerman, Aum-wlng 20 20 D. 8. Dot, aervlewi aa Juror 50 Jatne Kourett " " 3 20 J. II. Howard " " " 5i J. F. Young " " " S 00 J. J. Ilodfters ' , A. L-Staudmlifi " " 3 001 Michael Rulllng " 0u Albert IUU " " " J Albert liippcrt " " " M A. E Gules " - 30 A, Shncvo " " ' 50 H. H. Bunnell " " JM Walter Boed 6 50 Jake Marking " " 4 00 U.C-Unnter ' " M M JoknAruer 6 00 Frank J. Meyer" " " 4 40 Harry Brown 4 Ji David Bartiett - " 2 ho II. A, CoUman 4 DO F. M, M. n " " " 3 0 W.J. Bogart 2 30 JttcJb Wawierburrnr " 4 ISobort Wlliwn, Court eoU 15 an T. M. McCoy, witness fees 6 00 GuyMeCoy ' 7 Kl W. iL Davis S00 David Bartiett Sheriff'" b) 75 Cora Beed wltueaa " 00 H. R. Beed 5 l Wm. Iron " " 5 50 Tuomaa lloll Sheriff' " S3 26 J. Stlmson witness " 4 00 Ktnery Clliuore " 4 00 M.J.Weber " " 4 00 L. W. Fry 4 00 Lonin Hrundlge ' " 4 bO Fred Tullen " 1M I. 8- Mcintosh " " 4 :.0 Abe Mclutouli ' " 4 SO A- Mclilnley " " 2 00 B- L- Barr " 4 tt) William Milor " - 4 SO O- E- KalU"Oin - - 4 60 T- J- Maxon " " 4 20 i On motion (lonrd adjourned till 7 a- iu June 3Utll, 1SLH- M- J- Bliwb T, Clerk- Jlarrlfon, Neb. Juno Mt, r'. I Board met pursuant to ad Jour jinenl. l'lonent, coiuuiiiMiuuer Mettlcn, Meng and Procunler mid Clerk. The following claims asalnst Sioux county were audited and allowed and on motion warrant ordered drnwn ou county Bond fundof 1M)7 for name: Goo. l. C-ttiou, publlnhlng noid Kotico 110 00 Thus. Hollv, vlewinij Ko.ul .-.;..nm-J 13, tlloiI 10 00 The toisuw iiirf el.Jjis aa,lia t Sioux county weru auditel und nllwel ami on motion warrants ordered drawn on ISridK fuud of 1837 for same: Joaepll J. Kipp, 1-ulliliua r.i'ii!-o S.0W trto. I. Ciuiou I'ublmlili.g !i ilif notice 5 00 Ueary riekenbrock rop .tiring Co, Brige hi W) Tlie clulm of flios. Blugny for jrn,iriliim prisoner was, on motion laid over till next nice tins. The claim of H. McNalr for Road ScrajK-rs wim, on motion luld over till next meeting. The claim of Koljt. Yurg)mn for iliunnei on connty llotid was, on motion laid over till next meeting; the claim of G. W. Heitir for Justice coit, nation motion laid over till next meeting; the claim ef K. Kohax-r as Brand co'.uniiaiioner was on motion reject ed; the ciiilni of .State Journal Co. for vouch er Rocord, was 011 motion rejected lor the reason that th pnrchatie of same was not authorized by the clerk and tho record or dered returned. The official Bonds of Frank Tiuklmm as Deputy Sheriff and Terry While ax Road Overseer in Ulst. No, 12, nad Pat Lacy an Road Ovuraarr in IMst. So. i were pruocntcd and on motion approved, approved. Boad.Overseera annual settlement of J a. McCann wae presented and approved and on motion certificate ordered drawn on Boad Dlat. M. 4, for same. Tbe Boad 1'etlllon of Waiter Pltu ct aJ asking that coanty road be located; com mencing at the half Section corner on Town ship line between Section 32 ond 6 In Town ship 31 and 82 Range 63, running thence west and south across the military wood Reser vation, thence west In (lie moat practical rout to Intersect with eounty road No. 96 al the aorth-east corner of Section If In Town ship SI Range 66, was taken np and after doe consideration the Board And that the root petitioned for Is a consent road, and on motion tbe same be and hereby I declared to be a pnbllc road. Tbe road petition of John Lacy et al ask ing that a county road be established, eota mondog at the north-east corner of Section 14, Township St, Bangs 67, thence sooth on Section Une between Section IS and 14 to the aortb-eaet corner of Seetlon 23, thence diagonally across the north half of Section M to a point on correction Une SO rods sooth of the aortb-eaet comer of Section 14, Town ship SS, Range 67, thenee doe east ono and one half mile to a point M rods north of too center of Section SO, Township K, Range M thence sooth M rods thence east to half gee, corner between Section iu and 'Jl, thenee oath SO rods, thence east to a point SO rods south ot tbe eon tar of Section 21, Township 02, Bangs Wand Intersect with what la known aathoMoaroe eteeb road. After due eon sldsratleu ths Board And tnat tho rout peti tioned for I a ooneent road aad on motion tho mm ho aad hereby 1 declared to bo a peMle road. - On notion Board adjourned till Tarn, Jalr let, MM. M. 1. Blbwbtt, Clerk. Haniaea. Mad, 1 Jnly 1st, U I Board of aoosty eottailMloaers sset pnr- OH YES! Just received over of the latest siyies. ; to snit all who toine unant to adjournment. I'rewnt.commlitioner McttlPn, Mong ami rriK'unier and Clerk. On motion Hoard proceeded to check up the county Trenwirer" olhce. On motion Board udjourned till 7 a. m. July 2nd, 1HW. M. J. HLEwsrr, wiera. llnrrison, J!eb- JulytiHl, lfH. ( Hoard of connty commlailotiura met pur auunt to adjournment- rreacnt, coniinlloner Mettlcn, Mong and pnjcnnler and Clerk. Board c-oinpletwl the checking of the TremuroM office and ordered the a;nue syroad upjn the records. On motion It wa dl-ld that the outside of the basement under tin court hoano be cemented and the Clerk U hereby author Ud ana Instrnctird to advertise for bids to complete tuo work. On motion Itouail ad journed without day. M. J. Blwitt, Clerk. Call for People's Independent P.rty County Convention. A delegate convention of tho People' Independent Party will bo held at tho roun ty court houie 011 Saturday, Jnly 1?, UW, at the hour, 1 o'clock p. hi. at fie court room in sold court house lor tho purpose of aelcct uigtdulogate to attend the Congressional Convention to be hold at the city of Broken Bow on the !Uh day of July, and for the purpose of selecting 8 delegate to at the Mate convention to be held a. Lin coln, on tho 2nd day of Augnst next, and for the purpose of deciding whether dele gate for the Representative and Senatorial conventions be selected or whether another convention be culled for that purposo; mid also for the pnrpoc of transacting such oth er buiB a may Improperly b.-ongut be fore the convention. Tbe representation to said corcntion U biwed on the vote east for Hon. Judifa John J. Sullivan, for supreme Jndga at the elee Hon of 1M7, and llio apportionment will bii one delegate for every 10 votoa or frac tion thereof, Tbo various preclncta in tho county nr-i entitled to the following number of dele gates : Andrews Ifcttrc I'otUmwood lint t'rwk Vontro-w Kmf;ir l.o.if W hUlIc t'reek W ar bonnet Antelope lii.ium J-ive Points Highland liuiininK Water Miuku ( n-t-a W hue River Total a 4 8 2 1 4 it 11 14 recommended no proxies lie allowed, but dclegutcd present will bo nliowed t- cHt tun full ote of d'd.-rntWn ot Ut rt-cin,-l. ltil r,:C';il.n-'l'i: 1 '.!'t- lr(:, !:i( t cittl ens' he held on Ur llt,:i ut.y f Ju.p, J. ( . ALKXAXDICK.CIii.i. Co. i ei. ( .,!.. The alxjvn call did not retch us In turn? t- upiiedr In lant Mi-clt's Joum-al, henco tho changes In call iu rciiiiet'-,t, Kdito.t. NOTICE FOU MEALED UllW. To Whom It JIay Concern: Notice h hereby givin by o-dr of the Board of county CDiiiniissionern that sealed bids, for lim Cemetiting of the outH;de of the foundation wull under lliu courthouse will lie received bv the un drniKnd until 12 o'clock noon of August 18th IW. Parties bidding must figure on furnish ing coarse sand find engliah Portland cetnunt alw) that tho muterul and labor must be to the satisfaction of the county commisiouers and the hoard reserves the riht to reject any and all bida. M. J. DuvETf, County clerk. D net lonoir be itin4 m i Read th trath. II will sat no isa. THINK OR STARVE THAT It THE ALTERATIVE. TO-DAY UiU mosMBt yoa ars bn- rohb4 at Wkt 7 o sarn. How nock I Mot lass thaa U a rw. tNiwkawawwl ! yw kasw bj I 'n4 Fonaezly NEv7 OCCASXXfS. TIN test . fM, totto-orta C MsssMssxaaaor. SwtsnashaSaarli lads r Okshtitunvsaad sssasssus, 1 aansms mala, SasMHMs OmrnaM. aae nslsJ aa Bsatwi CsHsrsT f trsnil aw Ma o aa irwo So Meisafss smV irtf; 1 fi7i7 sTuT' sl fMMVM BastMa OarlaaZ saMWiaw Olstk. rrsa-aastgaAOa sry A.LIisiiiaia, v. Oav. B. S. I IIMss Wsaaapy UWBt 1 ssstMr-a ss. m ns Avoskao, CZSA03,