The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 07, 1898, Image 7

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Buffered four years with female trou
bles, the now writes to Mrs. rinkhain
of her complete recovery. Head her
Dear Mm. Pn kham: I wish you to
publish what Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, Sanative Wash
and Liver Pills
have doDe for
I suffered
for four j-cars
I with womb
I trouble. My
doctor said I
had falling of
the womb. I
also suffered
. t
V-- is j who nervous
all-gone feeling's, palpita
tion of the heart, bearing-down senba
tion and painful menstruation. I could
Dot gland but a few minutes at a time.
When I commenced taking your med
icine I could not sit up half a day, but
before I had used half a bottle I was
tip and helped about my work.
I have taken three bottles of Lydia
. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound aud
Used one package of Sanative Wash,
and am cured of all my troubles. I feel
like a new woman. I can do all kinds
of housework and feel stronger than I
ever did in my life. I now weigh 131 14
pounds. Before using your medicine I
weighed only 108 pounds.
Surely it is the grandest medicine for
Weak woman that ever was, and my
advice to all who are suffering from
any female trouble is to try it at once
and be well. Your medicine has
proven a blessing to me, and I cannot
praise it enough. Mrs. Lucr Ooonwis
Holly. W. Va,
Hr4 to Understand.
Puck; "'Tiie Is ngoage of yon Amer
icans is very difficult foi me to under
stand," remarked the visiting English
nan. "In what way?" ssked bis American
"Well, Mr. Tenspot sail that golf
made him tiled, and 1 replied that I
did not know that be plxved golf, and
be admitted that he did not. Now how
could coll w. ary a man who does not
play the fame?"
The Barn Owl n Omul Provider.
When the barn o has a young fam
ily it hums diligently and brinn to its
nest about ne mice in an hoar. As
both of the jsrent birds are actively
engaged both in the evening and at
dawn, forty mire a day is a ?w esti
mate for ih total capture.
Eat in Haste
And suffer fit U-Uurp. When your abused
stomach can no lunKT cheerfully cud
properly perform it duties, ft few doses of
Hood's SarsnpHrilln sre like fresh water
to a withered plant. This medicine tones
the stomach, restores digestive strength,
creates an appetite and with a little care
in diet, the patient is soon again in per
fect health. Try it and you'll lielieve in it.
pari la
) Amerii'i i Grvati'l Medltine.
Hood's Pitta cure comttpaiUm. 2S uu.
iUtaMlehed 1 7 SO.
t Baker's 1
Chocolate, 1
celebrated for more
than a century as a
delicious, nutritious,
and flesh forming
beverage, has our
Yellow Label
on the front of every
package, and our
trade-mark,"La Belle
Chocolatiere,"on the
aft IAv ....- Meaa
Tba St Joseph and Grand Island
Xaaiu Oity tod Omaha Hallways
a as tbs
'rua"". Uaian o tjiUm
saa tmb rsvoarra uass
T California, Oreroo end all ilra FHnU.
1 Par latonasilan it ardlaf sua, et . eall oa
et SdSrvM seereel ale a. M. amit,
W. P. KosniMi, J a. Ova. rw a si
ttta'l Mtaafer. M. Joeeah. Mo.
Vm Bl ei l.r eaaatafs)
tlecketM, lileaweOeaa,
IrrlleiiaeM er eTeer2e3
I niaceei aeskreae.
tntilruiOMiHCMOa ir '.
BeM by
' msi Is plain w
i is sum "MM,
M Tear PsaalM
wibs as. rtktUli. fWMiwt,VtsktaMa, s.c
N.M.U, NO. 496-27. YORK NEB
jwm WBmiteTo a
mum wBtnra to adtiituii
w Xt"wl
. Mi,,rr
Tie .1 ipanete sr luthles in I let
tampi-ritiit with nature. II tliny je i.
tl at rlir-y want a bird rr an nnimai of s
cwia ti nl ape c fcilor tl ey tet a) out
ni.nufacturinjr h srtii le, co to speak
by tiie exercihe of (xieidntf'y clevti
ingenuity and umirini; pat;eme. Here,
lor fxen pie, i ht w tl e white Bpa rowi
are iiouuied, Tliey telect a air ol
r;-.y ih!i h rd-and kertp th-m iu a whit
tauein a white loom, where they ar
attu di d by a person ilrecred in whi'e,
i tie nit-tal eliect on a fer.i-s i-l if' ner
tions tf birusreBuila in coiijpltttiyhiie
Safe AmouK Kd KklnN.
A good btoiy i t' l'J oi an intcrviev.
with Dr. Whipple, thaKpiec
ol Minnesota :,".lany years bko," say
the bishop, who is tigtifyiuir to th
honesty of the red In iian, "I was ho'd-
iDf a service near au Indian iHKt
camp. Jly things were scattered aboot
in a lo ig, and when I was goinff t ut 1
asked the chief if it was cefo to leave
them while I went to the village to hold
a service. 'Ye.!",' he said, per'ertly nafe.
There is not a white man within on
hundred milcel' "
rholofrnpha by Light of Fireflies.
Experiments have been made in pho
tographing by the light of fireflies. A
large number of them were placid inn
small box and confined by a netting.
The box was provided wito sensitive
plates, and in some inntnnces coverei
clorely in order to discover the powei
ol the light emitted by tbese infedts.
It was found that they have a qua'itj
not nulike the X-rays, as the plate thai
were eloneiy covered showed unmis
takable evidences of a photographic
Alfred Nobel. Alfred Nobel, the in.
venior of dynamite, who recently died,
has been honored by a beautiful moon
ment to his memory at Hamburg, erect,
id by liia l-i th), Max A. t'Uil pp. Il
represents the final t'iumph of th(
humane, enlightening idea of peace
oikt the rouyh and bestial impulses ol
tbs world. It was Nottel's greatest sor
row that the dinamite t hich he invent'
ed and devoted to works of utility wat
so commonly applied to the cruel par
poses of war and anarchy.
Irwin McDowell Garfield, a son of ex
President Garfield, tried his first case ir
the municipal courts of Boston list week
and came out victorious. He i 27 yeait
old and is raid to be an unusually able
"Her, ho a 's this? In this article
on poets yon speak of the sU-pladdei
of fame." "I wrole thit one day when
my wife was cl 'aning house.
Cnltlvatlon of Cora,
After the corn is planted keep the
land clean. lK not allow grass to make
a start or weeds more than peep above
the greund. The first month with corn,
giving it a good send-off before dry
weither appears, is one-half the advant
age, and any planting should be done
without delay Iti better to use plenty
of reed, and null out all plants not
wanted, than to nse reed sparingly.
Cutworms a..d birds will secure a por
tioli of the crop at the start, but the
mnro rapid the growth of the young
torn the le? liability of damage
From Vi Tmti-Herald Chirafo, III.
ISte io 1801, when President Lincoln
lud a call for vojuiiteers, L. J. Clark,
of Warreo, Trumbull Co., Ohio, was
aniotig the first to reapond. It waa at tie
terrific bombs rdment of the Vkkaburg
flirts that the hero of this story fall wilt)
a shattered arm from a charge of staap
nei. Aftar painful months la the hospital, he
recovered sufficiently to be seat to hi
home at Warren, Ohio. Another call for
troops fired his patriotic 7. on J sua Clark
soon enlisted in Uouipsny II of the 7th
Ohio Volunteers. He was iu uiauy en
Smiiiit. lieinf wounded Di a sklnnWib
near Richmond, he was seat to the boapi
tal aud thence home.
Soon af
terward he
began the
stud and
then tbs
practice oi
v eterhiary
liirf err.
Seeki nil
wider tiehl
than the
Ohio Til
lage a f
forded, he
went to
A WomUtd Hto. c b I (-ago,
wfiere bs now has a wide practice, l a
member of Hatch Post, O. A. It. and lives
at Asblaud avenue. Several years
axo Dr. Clark's old wounds began to trou
ble him. He grew nek aud einn lated,
and his friends despaired of hia life, lie
finally recovered suflicteutlv to be out, bnt
was a mere shadow, welshing only (J"
pounds. The bea msdhsU atleudanee
failed to rewtnre his lost stremglh and via
or. "A friend gave me a box of Dr. Will
lam' Dak rill for Tale People," said
lt. 01 rk, "and rhey helped me mui-b
that I boucki a half-doirn bo.m and took
them. I soon regained my strenijth. now
weigh 100 pounds and, except for Injuries
that can never be remedied, am as "ell aa
ever. "I eooatder Dr. Wtlhanis' I'iuk I'ills
for I'sls People the beat remedy to build
up a run-down system, and heartily lee
omuiead litem to everyone iu oeud of aucb
Incurabla. Bing Ye, Mint's ol-l
crriggings. Half doaen do More hav
giyeo bin) np at various times durii $
his life. Wing What wse the trouble
witb blmT Binglle nou'dn't pa
hia bills
For Inlanti and Childrtn,
Tli Kiel Yea Han Atop E::xt
Bean Uta
r y ft rm
-v;: J.
Maklns lintter Piicliaes Attrnctire.
An attractive pncknsu cfu-u wdls
even Inferior goods, while nn attractive
packuge and superior goods make a
combination Unit l.-t simply irresistible.
Successful shippers of many kinds of
farm products have found out the
truth of this and are profiting by it. Of
two articles of equal merit tlio public
will ahvHjs buy the more attractive
goods. There arc two reasons for put
ting up btil.tcr in tlip form shown In
the cut. One is that In this Rh.ipe It Is
exceedingly attractive, and the other is
that such a packiii; I most courenlein-
ly carried home by the piiri liaser w ilh-
out the risk of Wiling the butter by j
the warmth of the hand In holding the'
The prints are made in the tint, four
square form, and are wrapped in parch,
inent paper. ICii h pound print la then
slipped into the paper lxx, the flap dos
ed, and the butter is redy for the cus
tomer. On rite outside of Che box, In
dalnrty, colored lettering, should be the
name of the dairy farm producing the
goods, with the head of a mlhl-eyed
Jersey or Guernsey cow. or a bit of clo
ver, to suggestively ornament the pack
age, A reputation for the butter one
makes can thus le established. Such
boxes eont about half a cent each, all
printed, when bought by the thousand.
Orange Judd Farmer.
""ok" a (lood Onrden.
Just at this time of the year the far
mer has plenty of work on hand, aud
work that needs prompt attention, but
the work needed in the garden Is that
which he can least neglect.. His living
depends on It, or, at least, he ought to
think so, and act on the belief. It is
certain that there Is no olher part of
his entire work so lmortant to the
health and comfort of his family and
himself, and the actual saving of ex
penses which a bounteous garden In
sures Is a feature which alone war
rants him iu making a good garden,
no matter what other work that may
cause Ii I in to deter. It Is presumed
that he has by this time made till ncc-
pssary preparation for a supply of
fruit, and much of the provision for a
supply of vegetables should be com-
pleted, but there Is time for much
more. It will not pay to npglect It.
Texas Farmer.
Boxes for Hitter.
An excellent nes-t for sitting hena Is
made of two duplicate grocery boxes,
hinged as shown. A deep box makes
It necessary for the hen to Jump down
Upon the eggs. With this nefrt he bus
but to alep in upon the surface of the
neat, when tho upper box can be let
down, serving aa a cover. Holes are
bored In encu box to give a sufficient
circulation of air. American Agricul
turist. Cnlng Gypamn Profitably.
Gypsum or land plaster attracts
moisture. Hence It is best used for
nrAtifl Mtnt libit rvwil mnl a t nv t V t
v " . . , " 1 " ,' ,' 1
aud are most injured by drought. It Is '
a good crop for potatoes, but may do
Injury to corn If applied early wheo
the young plant needs all the moisture
It rno get. Small grain crops often
suffer from too hot and dry weather.
Bui gypsum sown on these Id summer
may cause rust on I he loaves, by keep
ing them covered with dew too much
of the time.
Gravel for Koada,
The quality of the gravel la all Im
portant. It should contain not more
than one-third part of sand or line ma
terial, and should contain no pebbles
larger than a walnut There should be
a small quantity of cementing matter
present Thla can beat lie determined
by examining the aides of the gravel
pit after exposure to the bard frosts of
winter. If the walla remain Keep
without caving It mar be taken aa a
.. e- i
satisfactory teat that the gravel will
compact wall upon the road. It is a
lcult twUtar to porMt ftla -smcitt-
, v -r- , .
mg material artlln-mlly, if not
present in the t'lavel it would be wis;
to seek better quality. Clay in litn
im-ii ijiianiiiKS is Hoiiietliuea used to
inn in comj.aolin the Muface, but it
absorbs water, and water is always
deleterious, but cspeelally so in a c!l
mate where hard frosts insist be guard'
ed ngititist-I-'urmcrs' Guide.
f)nt O.i the Farm.
The fij!f-,t sort o' pienstire
You'll riiui most iii,.vrtliiir
Jest s.'iiudiu heie and watcbiu
Tlieiu fellers over tliar
A plow-in in the bottoms,
An' sorter sir.g;n', too.
An' keerin' not fer notion',
Jest like I uat to do.
Hit's fine to see the sunshine
Dance o'er tU furrowed ground,
An' henr ilie"tjiiebird :ii.ii'
That's soinewbar haugic' renin.
Jest like to watch the burnin'
O' the woods bey ant the mill,
An' see the smoke a hnngiu'
Like a curtain crost tiie hill.
I'shaw! gimme that tin bucket,
An' Ieinme draj) the com,
Kr chnse along the furrow
With that gunmier horn.
Kr ieinme cut the bushes
An' weeds no' briars down;
Hit beats liustJin' fur a liviu'
In any rocky town.
-Atlanta Journal.
Fetter Cultivation.
The farmer should endeavor to In
crease his proportion of wheat by bet
ter cultivation rather than by planting
more acres. The latter method is be-
ng adopted in other countries that
have the available area. Our people
mYe UD Immense area of wheat cul
ture in foreign lands to compete .villi,
lands where labor Is cheap. Kurope.
except perhaps In Russia and Itou
lunula and India, have dense popula
tions and' are less dangerous competi
tors. Kiirnpcan and Asiatic Russia,
Argentine, and perhaps before many
years large areas of Africa, will be in
the market against us. We must di
, ,,,,, f.ost of rir(Ul(., ,jy lm,,ri)V.
Ing methods. Texas Stock and Farm
How to Train a Tree.
In training a tree crotches snould hi
avoided if possible, but when a crotch
occurs the general form of the tree
must d feterailm
whi(d) branch to re
move. In general
if the branches oc
cupy a nearly hori
zontal position am!
one is directly
above the other
the lower one
should be removed,
as it is the out
most 11a ble to
break under a load
rKKVBNT splitting of fruit. On tht
other hand, if the tree is of upright hab
it, the branch ueant the center of the
tree Is usually removed. Pomcitlmce
both branches should be retained. In
this caw, splitting may be prevented
by means of a bolt or by inaj-chlng two
small branches, thus forming a natural
support. Very often simply twisting
the branches together Is sullioient. Pet'
the figure. After a rear or two the
union will be perfect, and the ends of
the small branches may be removed.
Rural New-Yorker.
Sheep Are Kent lon.
The sheep will not touch hay that
other stock have nosed over. They
must eat at the first table or not at nil.
We throw the refuse from the sheep
racks to the cattle, but it would be use
less to throw the stubs left Iu the cattle
mangers to the sheep. So with the corn
aud oats; they like them none the bet
ter if the rats have played over or tin
sparrows roosted above the feed bins
The best corn shelters have a fan at
tachment which blows out all dust ami
lose particles of husk. Hereafter our
corn will be shelled by horse power
and then passed through the fanning
mill. Hural World.
Hot Water ns an Insecticide.
Insects love hot weather, but not hot
water. Most of the bugs that attack
vegetation will die If water of the tem
perature 93 to 140 degrees ts thrown
upon thorn. No kind of vegetation will
be Injured by water as hot as this.
If It Is to be used in spraying, as is ui ist
convenient In dealing with rose and
grape bugs, the temperature may be
several degrees higher, or as much as
145 degrees without danger of injuring
" . ., , 4 . ' '
u,e veuriHiiou tuui uie wuier comes
ln contact with.
Keeping Fertilisers In took.
A supply of some concentrated ma
nure ought to be on hand at all times,
so as to apply during the growing sea-
! inn In itliinlta ttiut um nr.t Antnir wll
Most farmers ou buying fertilizers llnd
at the last that they hnd not enough tc
fertilize the entire crop, and In Hit
grains especially, they often lose twice
the cost of sufficient to fertilize th"
whole. All the hen manure should no:
be used In early spring. Keep some
for the late heading cabbage. It will
pay lo do so.
Feeding: ( hit kens.
Mr. It. It. French, of Ford City, Mo
snys that he has lost more chickens bj
feeding them too soon after taking
tbcm from the nest than In any other
way. He says tho chlckcna should not
be fed ua!l they are thirty-el to forty
ehM hour ?ld
tt Ail n s l oiii-K'o e,
A powil- r to be shaken into the shoes.
Ar this pf-;isi-n .V'.piir f-et fee! s--o'le:i. i-"r-vons
tilnl hot, and g -i tin-i! ens: y. If yon
sve ' nif r::rcr feci r t'c'i !:, try
Allen's l'oo?-lse. It cools tie feet an-l
makes walking easy. Cures swollen nn-1
tweeting l'.-et, bl.:sirs and cailons ;.'its.
itelieves corns and bunios of all paoi an l
'iives rest and i ornfurt. I ) rer ten t'.ouwi'!"!
testimonials. Try it to-dny. Sold 1 ' a I!
Elruf-gsls and shoe stores for Trn!
'iio-liiige J''I!KK. Address, Alh-u S. Olm
sted, l.e V.'.y. X. Y.
Voire of the Elephant.
It is Bii 1 that it' the "voice." cf an
"lepliant were as loud in proportirn as
'hat of a nightingale, hie trumpeting
could be heard arouiid tho wor.d.
JTrs. Wlnnlow'a Soothing Synup for child
rru tB-ihliiK, softens the sums, reduces Inflam
mation, allays pain, cu res wind colic. 2io bottle
Acar.rdinir to ofTici il 8a isics given
out April I, there were 104 eni'idea
uring tne last three mot.tlie in Nev
York. Thirty got a gun and fotty-fur
went to the dru store, whe-e poif-on is
p entiful. The mijori y were persons
between the ae of 23 and 45 years.
Of those who comnitted i-e'f dpstrnc
tion, seventy-nine were males and
twenty-five females.
I know that my lift was saved by Pis-o's
Cure lor Consumption. John A Miller
Au bable, Michigan, April 21, 1UM6.
"And yo'i iesr t.h t on wiililways
love me?" she asked, eatrerly. "The
younir circulation manager o. th Da ly
8 ,oop bBiitover the fair uirl lovingly.
'I siiall draw up my affidav't to that
fleet at once," be eaid. eme"tly.
Ptinn olntmntii and lotion for skin aiu-am.ii. mtm.
Ipralns. ttruihH, i'lc . and a-e (iit-na's uii'tmr :-au.
wa-a uair sua WBUki-r fiyu, black or brows, too.
Mark Twain, iike Mr. Barne and one
or two other novelists, has determined
to go in (or writing for the stsue; but,
unlike Mr. Barrie, it it not his o ui
work be intends to adapt for theatrical
representation but thatof other writers.
Time Required. "I wonder," said the
artist, thoughtfully, "what pr'ce that
picture ought to command.'' ''0," re
plied the dealer chee.f illy, there is no
way of telling that. You're not dead
yet, you know."
Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is a constitutional cure. Price 75 censt.
A Oreat Chance Missed.
'I think the Sunday Horror
unseed a great chance lately."
"Yes? To what do you refer?"
' It has so far failed to print a life-
sice picture of the Klondyke moquito."
Hi -, n it.
Barkley "An benest man standi no
show in this world."
Dixon "Who told you that?"
Choose butter by Ht iresb oder, free
dom from buttermilk and streaks oi
The late Felue Cavslotti wrote poems
not only in the language of Dante, but.
n that of Homer, bis knowledge of
Greek being almost as thorough as that
of Italian.
exact rep rod actions of the f 10,000 oricSnaJa by Muville, which win bo given
you ABSOLUTELY FREE by your grocer on conditions named below.
These Plaqnea are 40 inches in circumference, are free of any suggestion of
advertising whatever, and will ornament the most elegant apartment. No
manufacturing concern over before gave away such valuable presents to its
customers. They are not for sale at any price, aad can be obtained only in
the manner specified. The subjects are:
American Wild Ducks, American Pheasant,
Engltah Quail, English Snips.
Tbs birds are handsomely embossed and stand out natural as Ufa. Each
Plaque Is bordered with a band of gold.
has been the standard for 35 years.
packages of this brand were sold
last year. That's how good it is.
to shew you the plaqnea and tell
yon about Elastic Starch. Accept
ao substitute.
It Was Before the Day of
They Used to
Work Is Never Done."
i..j i. twn ntTrinTlJr'nwils
mi B. ooonssueoa I UU I II
Put or
KnllSV uinraiari
s. Wonwr B T,
aeui curs.
Do vou pet tio with
Is there a bad taste in
yo'T mouth ?
Then you have a poor
appetite and a weak diges
tion. You are frequently
dizzy, always feci dull and
drowsy. You have ,.
hands and feet. You get
but little benefit from your
tooa. i ou nave no amoinon
to work and. the sharp pains
of neuralgia dart tiirough
your body.
What is the cause of all
this trouble?
Constipated bowels.
will give you prompt relief
and certain cure.
Kmep Yiip aTooaf Pmrm.
If you have neglected your
case a long time, you had
better take
Acer's sarsaparma
also. It will remove all
impurities that have been
accumulating in your blood
aad will greatly strengthen
your nerves.
YtrUm th Ooofoe.
There mr be ointldnff about
your cue you do Dot quite ender
stuml. Write the doctor freely: fell
turn how you are ufferinff. You
will promptly receive tne beet
medical ndvice. AddreM,
Or. J. C. Ayer, Lowell, Mau.
This and That,
In France bicyclists use a whittle in
stead of a bell.
Dried apricots are bow sent from
California to I ondon.
The wod squirrel is from two Greet
words which shadow-tail.
The first life boat station in Great)
Butain was established in the real
Truffles will soor tie cultivated oa
scientific principles and are likely to be
come cheaper.
"Did yon hear how young Cadletl
made love to Misj Dticklete?" "No
how did he?" "He sent hia valet tf
intercede for him." "Goodnese! 1
never heard of euch a thin?!" "Norlj'
but, I suppose be thought it wasbeneatl
him to press hia own suit. Pitts burs
A Beautiful
a n
FREE for a few months to all user of the
celebrated ELASTIC STARCH, (Flat Iron
Brand). To induce you to try this brand of
ataxcOtM that you may find out for yourself
that all claims for its superiority aad econ
omy are true, the makers hare had prepared,
at groat expense, a aeries of three
Hon To Qot Then:
All pnrrhasan of Uiiwb M esat or
ii Scent pRckaae of Elastie Starch
(Hat Iron Brand!, arsaatltlad to re
calve fron thnirfocar obb of that
beautiful OaaM Plaque fre. Tbs
rlaquas will not be ssat by stall.
They can be obtained oalr frees roar
Every Grocer Keeps Elastic Starch.
Do not delay. This offer
is for a short Uaa oalr.
Say "Woman's
: -4
' , i - '
1 ' V k