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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1898)
The Sioux County Journal, VOL. X. HjftJEHXSOT, 1TEBBA3KA, THTJBSDAY, JUXjIT Q, V 1898. 3STO. 50. uvid i lun is even oc i i llu n i iu 1 1 15 SETTLED RIGHT. -Hon. William J. Bryan. The Sioux County Journal. HTABU8HKD 1888. Subscription Price, 11.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. Oo. D, Canon, Editor. Entered at tlii Harrison port offlce as tecond o4as matter. 27ie Jouknal stands fairly and squarely on tlie Chicago platform, but will not hesitate to su)port and work for the election of candidates for the various offices to be voted for this fall no matter, whether tliey are Democrats, Populist or free silver Republicans, if endorsed by all ttte reform par ties, conditional, however, that they advocate bi metallism the income tax law, opposition to national banks of issue, are opposed to the retirement of the Greenbacks and treasury notes, favor government control of railroads, telegraph and tele plume lines and the establish tnent of postal savings bank ing system, and also are op posed to tlie issueing of nation al bonds in time of peace. NOTICE. Leave your Watches and Clocks at Dr. J. E. Phinneys' Drug Ston for repairs. Enirraving done at rea Konabla nrices. All work guaranteed to give satisfac hon. Have crraduated from an Omaha Watch-makers In stitute, HroH C. Schmidt. Address, Ardmore, S.Dak. Cull fur State Contention. Lincoln, Neb., July 1st. lS9-The People's Independent Party dec torn of tUe state of NcbruHka, are hereby rc( nested to send del egates from their respective counties to inect In convention In the -Hv Of Lincoln, on Tuesday, Aug. 2nd, 1HW, at 8 o'tock a. m. lit the Oilvcr Theater, for the purl" of placing In nomination candidates fur tlie following stale offices: 1 llovarnor. i Lieutenant Governor. 3 Heerrtiirjr of Sitate. 4 Andltorof Public Accounts. J ft Treasurer. M Superintendent of Public Instruction 7 Attorney General. 8 Commissioner of Public rauda and Jlulldlngsand for the trsnaactlon of such other business a umy properly come beore the convention. The representation In baa d upon one delegate at InrKe for each coun ty, and one delegate for each ouo hundred vots or major fraction thereof, cast for .Judge John J. Sullivan for tnpreme Judge ut the election of Wfi. Kach county U entitled to representation as follows: Ailums 21 Antelope IS Hiiuer. 2 Maine . 8 Hoono l Box ButU Unyd llrowu 4 Buffalo 23 Burt 12 Butler 20 Cass U Cedar 1 Chaae 4 Cherry Ohevenne 5 II,,.' l Colfaz 14 fining 17 Custer M Dakota 7 Dawns 9 lianxin W Deuel 4 IlsOll -li Dodge. it Dour las, . 4 Ttllmore w Franklln. Furnas Gnrfleld-.-. Grant liaall II Frontier Oage 24 juper T 1ft 8 t Ureely Hamilton . Haves Holt Howard . 17 is Harlan. 12 S Hitchcock .. 1ft 1 loose , , I 12 Jefferson .I Jul liihnwin - 18 Kearney . 12 Keith Ktmbal 1 1 1 1 Keys Paha 4 K nox .18 ncaater Ijagan Maelson 48 Lincoln ....... 18 1 Loup - 2 .17 McPnerson.... 1 11 Kane 10 Polk-. Klcnardsoa. Ballne Muindera Reward . Mstrsaan ..17 Scott'sKluffs S .18 BiierMan s Woes I .. 9 Tharer U auuitoa- Taomaa "n'Orstrin , e v.iim 9 Wasblnt-toh ...IS Wavne 10 Webster Wsealsr... York ..18 ..It Total -MM It Is seooinfndiid that no p resles bo allow ed, and that the delos;at present oast the fall vote of their respective delegations. 4nd It ! further recominemled that all persons who believe In the principles as ad vocated by the aeoplcs Independent Party, who have aot connected themselves hereto fore with said party, are hereby Invited to to participate la the deliberations 7 tbe same. 1 The headquarters of the committee will be at tbe Lincoln Hotel, Cor. 9th and P St., where delegate tickets may be bad. J. II. KomSTBK, Chm. . M. Hows, Keo. Dewey, Samaeon, Hobaon and crew, awl General Bhater, now engaged reduc ing Santiago are herores who ha made history within Ue past 9 waeka for tbsiBselvet and their country. Neniaaa W Nackolla Otus .43 Pawnee 12 Perkins 3 Phelps 12 Hleroe.. 1 riat... zx It Fed Willow 10 .. 2ft Book 8 10 Naruv .11 Tbe London press advises Spain to sue for peace at once. About the next exciting piece of war !' we shall bearafter the capitulation of Santiago will be a cablegram from Admiral Dewey announcing tlie tall and capture of Manila. Following is a comparison for two years of the republican and 17 months of the Demo-pop state Auditors in fees covirjd inl the state treasury: For 1895 13ii5 Red fl3.218.12 " 17 months Demo-pop (08,113.70 Favor of Demo-Pop Admin- ixtalion $52,895,67 Which administration has administer ed the affairs of state in the interests of the people? Certainly one must be ex tremely dull or short of intellect who could not igure out the benefits to be derived by the people from tha reform administration over a corrupt republican state rule. Which will you have? FOR UNCLE SAWS SOLDIER Playadel Esta Cuba July 3 Siboney office confirms statement that all the Span ish fleet (Cervera's) in Santi ago harbor except one vessel is destroyed and burning on the beach. Signed Allen Sional officer Same date as above. The Vizcay with Admiral Cerver vera on board passed the sunken Merrimac and gained the open sea. The flag ship New York with the Brooklyn both of which are faster than the Vizcay' swung into hot pursuit followed by the Ore gon and Indiana, inere is only one chance in 100 for Admiral Cervera to make his escape. Hong Kong July American troops 4th The reached Manila. General Andersons force of 2600 men arrived safe ly convoyed by Charleston. On their way across they take possession of the Landrone islands belonging to Spain and left a military force in charge. Washinoton, D. C. July Cervera's fleet now lies at the bottom of the sea, Cervera with 1,600 of his brave mar ines are prisoners of war as a result of the great nava victory tor Sampson ana Schley's squadron on July Tlie loss of Spanish marines killed, drowned, and woun ded brings total up to over 2,000. Number of Spanish ships destroyed by our fleet was 7 in all the Cristobal Colon Vizcay, Oquendo Miranto, Infanta Maria Teresa ,Merce des and two torpedo boa dUtroyers. In the naval battle of the VICTORY BOYS. 3rd off Santiago de Cuba not an American ship was dam aged and only one man kill ed. Cavite July M The first installment of troops of 2,600 under Gen Anderson arrived at Manilla on the 30th of une. On their way over hey captured the Landrone islands and took 54 Spanish prisoner?. . Treasurer's Statement. Statement of money received and disburs ed by the treasurer ot Hleuz comity, Ne braska, from January Sth, 1HW, to July 1st, 1(WH. 8TATE FUNDS. Balance , t 401 WJ Collection , , l,M9 6s State Treasurer . 13,128 70 Commissions JOB 72 Hufundcd 1 SB llulauce 88 00 ".2,351 W i.351 64 SCHOOL LAND FUND. Balance 76 10 Colleclfous 447 74 State Treasurer . STATE SCHOOL fUND. 35210 171 78 Balance I 4tt stuto Apportionment 0J 47 To UUtrlcta Uulauco tana TAX SALE KKDEMPTiONS. 690 21 Ualaure . . ... Collections t219 20 (jerllUcates Cancelled lialaucc COUNTY GENEUALKUND. 149 90 09 80 219 20 Bnlunce B7 ijollectlons 13J W lulu other k'uuds - - & CO Wur rants Kedeenied llelunded UoiniiilssiouH lialauce... 21 166 11922 6.17 48 13043 bi VMi 62 SOLDIEH'S UEL1KK FUND. ; . o si Balance.. Collections t97 Warrants Hodceuiod - Coniuilsslous Uef undod . r llalaucece 1B0 78 ROAD FUND. ISO 78 Unlanee tU7J Collections 11W41 To other Funds Mef undud Couiiulsssloiis.. . lktlauco tbtt 14 BlilDGKFUND. 199 70 lb 9 0(1 73. JSi 14 Balance ... Ii & Collections To Other Funds . Warrants Itedoemod Kefouded , Commissions Balance . 442 27 400 97 631 321 M 11,289 81 l.tttll BOW EN PBKCINCT BOD FUR I). f Balance Collections 996 80 , Refunded " Conimlsslsns .. 91 07 Balance 499 l'J 4JWI2 SPECIAL UKBT FUND. Balanco Collections 08 To Other Funds Warrant Redeemed. Coin m laslons Balance 374 43 ROAD DISTRICT FUNDS. 9 io 80tlS n u 176 as Balance . WU Collections (Road) 4086S Collections (Poll) M9 64 Certlllcatos Paid Road Receipts afldavu Kef undud .' 1 Commissions... ... Balance 17a7 Wfl 18 W TI J II 1,(M7M lKT SPECIAL ROAD DISTRICT rUM8. Balance.. 8 B Collections ... U 14 Warrants Redeemed.. Refunded .... Commissions . Balance ... n 71 m to 102 47 ADVERTISING. Balance 10 Collections 17 70 107 17 ToOtber Fundi..... U 9V Commissions ....... 99 Rsfsnded. K Balance ........... . 61 17 SO 17 80 FUNDS OF VILLAGE OF HARBISON, Balance ... ...... .... 16 75 Collections 98046 Paid Treasurer ... Interest ........ .. Commissions .. .... . Balance ......... 1101 140 00 IS 64 0 5 4M2I SCHOOL DISTRICT FUNDS. Balance 1,1M 6t From Apportionment.. . 690(1 Collections ... ... . t,ln 70 , Orders Paid Refund ad V, Commissions " 4M21 193 '1.41 M Balance ....... lis um 1 40 021 SCHOOL BOND PrNTM. ilulanre lm n Collections m sl Bonds Kedeeinud Interest Paid , (oiniulsxlous. Ualau ce-.... .. i.4H 80 wore 00 : 1, 152 24 1,414 80 Cnh on Hand 7jm 91 Warrant Acnt. Invest Slaking Funds 1,321 27 Total on Hand Warrants KeKlstered Gen eral huud Vgiftered Warrants Out standing; General Fund 9,126 18 ft87 8C 2,90127 733 89 Social Uebt run(j Ciiales BituLS, County Trersurer. ST(K.K BRANDS. Tllr .Ioi;uNir. will nnhM.i, the following, for i :00, per year. Each ad- inmuimi uruiin iscunu. Kvery farmer or rmichmen In Sioux aud adjoining counties hflllM lutvurMM. tl.ulr li,ai..l. 4.. Tin. t.,n lmh it clrculats all over the state, it my ue me means 01 saving- mouey lor you. FItANK NUTTO. On left side of cattle and on left shoulder ot horses. Kango on Antelope creek . O., Gbilehrlst, Sioux Co., Neb. CHARLES JSIEHLE. On lei t side or hip of cattle, I On left shoulder of horses. S lllango ou tho head 01 Warbonnet screek Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb. 8. W.CAKEY. On left shoulder of cattle horses. Itanire on Little Cottonwood. and Crawford Nebr. Final Proof Notices. All persons having final proof notices In this papur will receive a marked copy of the paper and are rcquesteu 10 examine meic notice and If nnv errors exist report the uiue to this ofllce at ouce. NOT1CS FOB PU1ILICATIOX. Land Office at Alliance. Nebr. I Way 271b, 1898. i Notice Is hereby given that the followina; naiued settler has tiled notice of his Inten tion to make final proof In support of his l-ialui and that said proof will bo made be lull m, . lilCKCil L 1CI . uin.i ii wu, nv (larrlson. Neb., 011 July 9th 1898 viz: Joseph Hoffman of Uoditrc, Neb., who made II. K. So 34X4 for the S-W Sec. 21, Township XI, j g Bange 54 w. it He names the following witnesses to proyo ? 1 1 . imntilinAll. TMulllntllM) 11 1(1 1 1 anil PtlltlVH- arSsOTM. Jacob Marking, Mlefiael Bf- ang and 8. 11. Coflee all of Bodarc, Neb. Also Notice Is hereby given that Hiram Richardson of Bodarc, Neb., has tiled notice ot Intention to make final proof at same time and place on timber culture applica tion Mo. 1718 for the S-W of Section No. 24, In Township No, 34N Bange No. 51. , He names as witnesses: Jacob J. Wasscrburger, of Montrose Neb. Henry Plekenbrock " " " Stephen Sorres Bodarc " ; Michael Bauuan " " " J. W. Wehk Jl. Register, In tho District Court of Sioux County, Nebraska. Daisy M. mcKIan plaintiff, VB Robibt C. kfcKsuir defendant. To Rohekt C. HcKbah, non-resident de fendant : Tou will take notice that on the 90th day of May IMS. the plaintiff herein filed her Botitltion In tbe District Court ot Sioux County, Nebraska, against you, the objoct and prayer of whloh Is to obtain a divorce from the bunds of matrimony now exhlst lng between yon and the plaintiff; to give tbe plaintiff the custody of the child, Issue of said marrlag, Charles Edwin McKcan, and to declare any and all interest and title you may have In and to the NV of NA'(tand S-EK of V-Wlf and N-W! of N K of Section 93, In Township 3, N. Range 63 w. in Sioux County, Nebraska, to be in the plaintiff, and to exdlsde you from any such Interest or title: Upon the grounds that you are and have been since said marriage an habitual drunkard; that yon have dlslpated plain tiff's property and that being of sufficient ability to maintain the plaintiff and said child yon grossly, wantonly and cruelly neglect and refused to do so; that you are at vicious and vnlgar habits and unfit to be entrusted with the care and custody of chll (Iron, and that any Interest you may have In said land was purchased with the money of plaintiff, for her, as alleged In said petition. You are required to answer said Petition on or before tne 1st day of August, 1808, Daisy M. MCKEak, Plaintiff. By J. k. Posteb, Her Attorney. Notice for PrmeiUtloa to and Hear Inr Before County Jodfe of Claims . aad Demaatto Aralnt tke Es tate of 8. ft. Kemp, De eeased. State of Nebraska, I County of Slouz. In tbe County Court of Slouz count, Ne braska. In tbe matter of the Estate of 9. W. Kemp deoeasod. Notice Is her4 given to all persons hav ing claims andWmands against S. W. Kemp late of Slouz county, Nebraska, deooaaed, that tbe tma flzed for filing claims against said Estate is slz months from the 5th day of July, 108. All such persons are required to present tbetr claims with vouchers to the county Judge of said county, at bis offlce therein on or before the 8th day of January, 1IW0, and all claims so filed will be heard before the said Judge ou the 1st day of August, IMS, or afterward on tho first day of each regular term of said court during the time limited for Sling claims as afore said. Dated the 9th day of July, MM. Kosaat Wilson, County Judge. FRANKLIN, THE STANDARD KENTUCKY JACK, rifl ...... ,.'11il Vi''t r r ( S S !? 82 1 w L, vizkA o n if. - Ii ' , M e-j c-4 Q if la 1 i 'Q ml W U a. si Ji i " ' 133 S-g I" . bm$$M$iM II sal 3 Jl a r. s -it: r.s t- f, t os 2 -'fasts ; THERE WILL BE WAR. bS" yuodonl to the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE and take a look at those 500 pairs of Boots & Shoes just arrived last Tuesday, and you will see he is store in the north:west. You can buy foot-wear of hiiri cheaper than at any other store in Harrison. Fresh Garden Seeds for Sale. e Head-quarters for HARD-WARE, TIN-WARE, DRY-O00D8 and alSUi GROCERIES, TLOUR and FEED and everythiug needful & useful. LEWIS GERtACH, Prop. THE COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1680. Harrison, B. B, Bmwbtkr, President D. S. QEISWOLD, Oasbjs. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Business. CORRESPONDENTS. AnRiCAX ExcHANdi National Bank, New York, , Omaha National Bank, Omaha, First National Bank, Chnd ron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. aDwra sold on all fasts or eurok. aUBLI 1 1 Is? TW ww ton JSSA T B II I LlOsnlf . lasirn.iwtfiilir.M.. TtMlmat MaMMtlal. Cans krnsil tt Tssssshnr. Qssstkn Blsak sa ft un. (jsU M wfttfc Kg. wiUO WSTlTUTL Will make the season of 1893, at my place in Harrison, Neb. TERMS: 8:00 to insure, due and payable when mare is known to be in foal, or on her changing ownership or removal from the county. Care will be taken to prevent acci dents, but I will not be responsible should any occur. THOMAS HOLLY, Owner. o y o a. ' T ft j ihJj m u (fl ai VsV c w Z n 0 rj I a a y. -jt y a; if 0"S .. c: ii.Z S . (j 1 -VI a 5 S: in Q .J- .a o K- t3 Q.-i 2 2 A c SB's Qfc-fiS 12 'V ... e u ? S S. ! o a a 1 J. B t iu t believe what nesays go warring with every Nebraska a r. Ccmsv VlavNtidaBl rAWYtADYossiavsMissl tsassslssASa,aa4iakii HailliwSli Mm . v. tt. Awr. co. I A A j , A True Copy. . Boa.lMltL.ICUalt.Ba.1 - '' -. ' , ; tyt