The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 30, 1898, Image 8

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THCTtsOAY. June. 80th, 1898.
Jo. D. Canon, Kditor andProji.
F. K. A 51. V K. it. lime mile.
Goluz West. Going East.
Mo. 6. tuUed. 11 :20 I So. 6, mlxw 8:00
F- E. M. V. E. R. in the best
to and from the
A map of the
United States.
Barlliigton Koute 1 three feet
wide by foar long; is printed
la seven colors; Is moanled or
rollers; shows every state,
county. Important town and
Yr-uUrAtid In the Piiinu- and
;I)ililTi toroia a very desirable and
Ihold or busineas estabt tsh menl.
I Purchased In large quanti
ties, the inaps coat Burlington
Koute more than flfteen eenu
each, but on receipt of tbat
anioant lu stamps the under
signed will be pleased to send
yon one.
Write Immediately. as the
snpply Is limited.
J.Fbakcib, Gen'l Paas'r Agant. Omaha, Seh.
Alias A. nolcomb.
James E. Harris.
Lieutenant Governoi
"W. T. rortrr
Secretary of State
John F. Cornell
J. R. Meerv
;. J. Smyth-
.Attorney General
.Land Comirdssionei
Sopt- Public Instruction
John M. Thurston U. 8. Senator. Omaha
Vm. V. Allen TJ. 8. Senator, Madison
J. B. Strode, Congressman 1st Oiat., Lincoln
I). H. Mercer,
tunwl Mai well,
W. I. Stark,
B. D. Sutherland.
W. L Kress.
J. 3. glnran Chief Justice, Colmmbus
T. O. C. Harrison -As'te Jsdge, Grand Island
1. L. Berval Associate Judge, Bewart
D. A. CsmpbauClerk and Reporter. Lincoln
rrmcsTu judicial district :
M. P. Kinkatd Judge, 0!etU
-W. H. Westover..
M. J. Blewett
" BusbvUle
.Clerk, Harrison
IHstriet Court, At Harrison, commences
fiprlng term May 9th.
Jail - Sept mh Jnry lh.
Oounry Conrt, At Harrison, commence
Ant Monday of each month.
Otto Mntx-Sanator, Disc. No. 14, Sprlngvlew
M. I. Sheldon Disc No. S3, Chadron
Robert Wilson County Judge
V. J. Blewett Clerk
Chaa. Blehle Treasurer
Zlsie Merriam 8upt. Public Instruction
Thee Holly Sheriff
J. K. Phlnney Coroner
B. F. Thomas i Surveyor
Jt. J. Blswett Clerk of District Court
Grunt Guthrie ' County Attorney
Jena (MCI esc , 1st District
JackeonMeLtlen(Chairnjan) 84 -
E. F. Pontine f chairman) .
John Paris ,, ...
D. H. Uriawod
W.B. Marsteller.
B. Kohwer
W. H. Davis
Lewis Gerlach
Eggert Boh war .,
B. L. Smack..
Lewis Gerlach .
cirracHn and societib8.
Methodist Sonday Aoboel Jnaets every Smn
day morning at lAM
. W. a. Datu, MiM BlKMtX,
SuperhUendoat. Secretary
Regular busineas meeting Brat Toeolay
ovcnlng in eaeh month.
mim riun,
O. KcaDiXL, rrwldent.
Secret arr.
DeroUonal moating erery Sunday orenmg
t MM. KMaVa Loador.
MeeUoaeh Snaday aftoraooa at2dt.
, at"- KilTOAJX., SayC
Jtnvt won row, Ho. Ms,a. a. .
Meet second Monday In sut moobk la
abe eaart hone at Harrison.
I U. K. UtsjrasBto, Com.
Warrt Oasap, Mo. u, meoU oa oaok tt
teraato fysaasasay aveaing.
.a.AMi . J. AJlaJm,
.,j . ' Uertt. ' OmlOobb.
' ' 7 . .
' " wnaml tut ianu '
Ma ooasT gaif an mmHrt araala
y?,t pr ;
Prompt attention given to all leai
matters in Justin, County and District
Courts, and before the United Suite
Land Office. '
Fire Insurance written ia reliable
tiTLegal papers carefully draw.
Harrison. - Nebraska.
J. E. PHtNNEY. M. D.
Thybidan and Surgeon.
All calls (r"n prompt attention.
Office io Drug Store.
Offloe: in'tbe Bichstein Buildhig,
iniinrini office
lIUUUNHL lor your
JOB WORK 1 Stationary.
The rules of the local land office hare
recently been amended so that settlers
to make final proof shall settle with the
publisher before sending in their applica
tion. All parties desiring to itiake final
proof can have their papers made out at
THE Jocknal ottice, free or charge, and
promptly transmitted to the laud office
so chat no time will be lost.
$300 Tor Good Guessing.
The Nebraska Farmer has inaugurated
for its subscribers a unique guessing
scheme on the possible number of paid
admissions to the Trans-Missippi Expobi
now running at Omalia.
$100 will be paid for first nearest guess
$50 each for next two nearest guesses
10 each for next 10 " "
$2 each for next 50 " "
f 1 each for next 100 " "
One guess may be made with each
yearly subscription paid in advance at
regular price one dollaj so that every
one guessing will get . the Nebraska
Farmer one year and have a chance be
sides to get from one dollar to one hun
dred and there will be 163 persons who
will get these cash premiums.
For sample copies, terms to agents and
full particulars address Nebraska Farm
er Co.,
1511 Dodge St, Omaha Neb.
Special Locals.
t" Parties wishing to
purchase anything in the line
of harness, saddles or grain
and feed, can call on L. Ger
lach, who will look after my
business during my absence.
E. Rohwek
EST Parties owing me on
accounts and wishing to set
tie same can do so by calling
at the Commercial bank.
E. Rohwek.
Public Sale.
At Bodarc P. O.
I will sell at Public Auc
tion on the 7th day of July
1898, at 10:00 o'clock a. m.
the following property to-wit
1 Black English Coach Stal
Mares and Colts,
Fillies, coming 2 years-old
6 Cows and Calves, -2
Steers, 2 & 3 years-old,
1 Short-Horn yearling Bull,
Short-Horn Cow, with Calf,
Yearling Heifers,
Mower & Rake,
1 Corn Cultivator,
1 Saddle Pony,
1 Double-Shovel Plow,
1 Reversible Steel Harrow,
2 Heating Stoves,
1 Cook Stove,
3 Bedsteads,
1 Cot, Large Farm Bell, a
lot of House-Hold furniture
consiiting of Tables, Chain
and Dishes &c. fcc.
Also, a lot of Chickens, one
Grind Stone, Fence Posts and
Besides the above, I have
45 Acres of growing crop,
consisting of Corn, Millet,
Potatoes and Garden. A lot
of Hay and other articles too
numerous to mention.
Terms of Sale Cash.
- Eli Smith.
xcursloii Italcs to TruiiH-Mls
.lxsli KHrl(l()ll Ut
OiniiliaXel). June
1st t Nov. 1st
1 89f.
From Ilnrrison every day (Sundays
excepted) from June 1st to October 15th
1898 at 23,20 for round trip good for
return uutil Nov. 13th.
From. Harrison everj' day (Sundays
excepted) from June 1st to October 30th
good for return 30 days from date of sale
For the opening exercises on May 30tb
round trip tickets will be sold good for
return June GU at our fare viz f 14.r0.
E. F. Pontius agt.
Special Excursion Kates to Hot
8riii3 8. Iuk.
On dates named below at one fare
for round trip, tickets good for return 30
days from date of sale.
June 16 August 9
June 30 August 26
July 5 September 10
July 19 September 20
E. F. Poktius, Agent.
XW Excursion for, Ne
braska day at Trans-Miss
issippi Exposition at Omalia,
will be sold on June 11th,
eood returning until June
18th, at one fare for round
trip. E. F. Pontius.
Fourt of July Excursion Rates.
To all points within 200
miles of Harrison at one fare
for round trip with minimum
charge of 50cts tickets on sale
July 2-3&4th Good return
ing July 5th. i
E. F. Pontics.
Daily Institute Programme.
Room A. Joits R. Gray.
7:30 a. m. Algebra, S:10a. m. A Arithmetic.
9:00 a. m. Physic, 8:40 a. m. Hook kei-ping,
10 :2Q a. m, A Gramaier, 11 :0y a. m. Geometry.
Room B Supt Elsie Meuriam.
0 a, m. Reading and Orthography,
9:00 a. m. IS Arithmetic, 8:40a. m. Crammer,
11 :U0 a. ui. Geography.
11.40 a. m.Noon.
Room A. Prof. WC, Pwri-S.
1 :30 p. m. Civil Government,
2:10 p. in. History and Rhetoric,
2 : a. m- Physology .
8:30 a. m. Penmanship & Drawing.
DAY. In Interesting Program Prepar
ed. The Whole County Fxpected to
he Here. -A Grand Tinie
As announced last week, Harrison has
decided to celebrate the Fourt this year
and slie is going to do it in proper style
If you want to be with the crowd on
that glorious day come to Harrison.
The following programe will be carri
ed out with probably a few additions:
Saluate of 100 guns at sunrise.
Da loon ascotsion at 10 a. m.
Exercises at Court Bouse at 1 p. m.
Prayer by Rer. J. L. Kendall.
Reading of the Declaratioo of Indepen
dence, Oration by Prof. W. C. Phipp.
Races at 2 p. n.
Pony Race 200 yard dash: 3.00 and
Btake raoe, 100 yards and return: 1.60
and 75.
Free for all quarter mil race; $3,00
and 1.50.
Foot raoes For boys under 19, 50
yards 75 and 50c.
Boys under 8 SO yards, 60c and 35c
Boys under 13 hoop race 60 yds 50c
and 25c.
For men, 100 yard dash 3.00 and
Sack raoe 26 yards 50c and 35c.
Bicycle raoe one mile (3,00 aad fl.OO.
Haee ball game Moatroee rs Harrison at
S.BOp. m.
Fireworks ia the evening ,
Grand ball bef its at I p. m. '
Come to llarrson to celebrate on lue
Catholic services were held at the
court hounee today.
John Herman of Story was ia town
on business yesterday.
Grand pa Gruel from East Springs
was in town yesterday.
WANTED Wood on subscription soon
as we can get it. Editor.
M. J. Blewett nod family will spend
the 4lh at Crawford this year.
There will be Luthern services held
at the court July 10th at 10:00 o'clock
a. m.
Hugh C. Smith the jeweler, of Oma
ha occupies a window in the drug
For Sale I have a Deering giant
mower and hay rake for sale cheap.
A. Orton,
flarrisonites expect a large turn
out from the surrounding country to
celebrate here on the 4th.
J. E Marsteller thinks it will be
necessary to have his well drilled deeper
as the new mill pumps it dry in about an
hour and a half.
The total valuation ef real and per
sonal property in the village of Harrison
this year is $r3,000, an increase over
last year of aiwut six thousand dollars.
Harry Churchill an old resident of
this county but now of Orin Junction
Wyo., came in on the East bound train
last night and will stop over for a day or
G. W. Hester has purchased the safe
owned by E. W. Daily of Crawford now
deceased which was shipped to him Mon
day and has been removed from the car
to bis flew o fllce,
otlce I tan cattle bides and all kind
of skins with hair for robes, or without
or leather. See sample and prices io
J. 1L Bartell's store.
IL Ol.BRIcrrr. Glen, Neb.
A letter received by Mrs. E. Roh
wer from her Hubby at Pendleton, Or.,
dated June 24 says that everything looks
nice. The cherries are ripe out there
and harvest is in progress.
J. H. Bartell is in a position to be
kicked for the next three years, he was
elected a member of the school board
last Monday and will now be able to
more than sympahtize with the rest of
the board.
Mr. Thomas Francis and family who
came here from Montana last September
and has been living in the Warneka
house during the past seven months run
ning a resturant left overland for Min
neapolis Tuesday afternoon.
MARRIED At the Harrison House,
Wednesday, June 29th, 1898, Judge
Wilson officiating, Miss Mary Ibi to Wil
liam W. Mosteller, aged 20 and 28 years,
both of Casper, Wyo,
The real and personal property as
turned in by the precinct assessors this
year exclusive of the railroads and tele
grapii aM-ta follows.
Real Estate 160,703
w Personal Property 220,785
The new scholars attending the la
titat this woek are:
Mrs. Wisdom of Crawford Neb.
Miss Mary Shaw of Crawford "
Miss Lilllie Zimmerman of Bodarc "
Hugh C. Smidth Harrison "
. The commissioners finished as" a
board of equlization yesterday forenoon
They will pass en some county claims
after which they will proceed to chock
up the county Treasurer closing their
labors at the county seat this setting
about Saturday,
Four or five bums were in town yes
terday and at meal times were around
town asking for hand-outs. It looks as
if this was the wrong time of the year
for big strong, able bodied men to be
tramping over the country and beggj ng
for something to eat.
tST NOTICE. I desire to offer for sale
the wt S-wJ Sec 3 & w N-WJ Sec. 10,
Township 31, Range 56, adjourning the
village of Harrison, Neb. There is 18
acres of cultivated land on the place.
It is an ideal piece of land and can be
bought for 11,600.00.
Address North Platte, Neb.
J. W. Lambert.
Last week Laney Sutton made a
deal whereby he becomes tlie owner of
the Mrs. Jerry Will Jrs house. And
Monday moved his family into the build'
ing for the present. He expects to
move the building on to another lot
which be expects to buy later on in the
fall. . . , ;
Prof. W. C. Pbipnt fill lecture at
the M. E. church Friday avening at the
services. The subject is "Business and
its Relation to Education." Every body
should make sure and attend this lecture
as it is one that concerns every one who
expects to engage in any kind of busi
ness through life.
W notion in yesterday's World-
berald a special from Hemingford of the
finding of the little 10 year-old-son of
O. C. Alexander of tbat place who was
supposed to have been lost but subse
quently was found dead near his home
in a ki-ote hole supposedly for a young
young ki-ote and bad become fast in
such a manner that be could not extri
cate himself and doubtless sufficated in
thabols, It must bare beea heart rea
oaring to his paenU to contemplate.
Warhaaast Warbling.
Charles Biehle baa his alfalfa out and
ia stacking it
J. O. laWriam and Lyon Bros., are
working up in Wyoming at present.
Mr. Plunkett and son Tom were pleas
ant callers at O. A. Oarton's Friday.
O. A. Oarton's bare a now kitchen
added to tbair bouse.
101 in the shade; Bumnwr is bare.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Oil YES!
Here We Are Again.
duu pairs ot snues
The above is an addition
comulete stock of boots
We have the largest
North-Weet Nebraska,
Coinpetion and are sure
Marsteller Brothers.
Sowbelly and Fu.t Bodarc Do
ings. Miss Lillie Zimmerman went to Har
rison to attend the Institute this week.
The wedding cards are out for the
marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Mor
ris' eldest daughter Lillie Mae, to Mr.
Edward G. Sonerlott at Famosa, Kern
county, Cal., on 6th of July. Their
many friends send congratulations.
The settlers around Five Points offer
a rewai-d of 25 dollars for a larire Krav
wclf that runs in that vicinity.
Jack RicesdorfT passed through this
burg the 27th on his way home from
Mrs. S. Jordon is staying at Mrs.
J. B. Burke's.
Mrs. J. B. Burke we are sorry to learn
had a relapse and is a very sick woman.
Dr. Phinney is in charge and Mrs. Jor
dan is nurse.
Mr. Kerker and, family were visiting
with Mr. DeBucks last Sunday.
Mr. P. DtBuck expects to go to Run
ning Water Thursday and take charge
of Mr. .Will Hoyt's bouse during the
absence of Mr. and Mrs. II. They are
going to Chicago and also will take in
the Trans-Mississippi Expositon.
Montrose Clippings.
Grain and grass is suffering from the
hot and dry weather.
Tho Montrose people will celebrate the
fourth at Henry Wasserburgers,
A good time was reported at P.
surprise party.
Miss Katie Henry nnd Miss
Lena are expected home from Cas
per Wyo. , this week. .
J. J. Wasserburecr "and family were
visiting with IL IL Wasserburger last
Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Gayhart
June 25th a ten pound boy mother and
child doing well and: Will will recover
with good care we hope to have a smoke
on the new comer.
M. J. Gayhart and wife will take a
pleasure to Hot Springs and visit their
son IL A. Gayliarf Sack.
MInntes or Annaal School Meeting and
Election of the Village District.
The annual meeting of school Dint.
No. 7, Sioux county, Neb., was held
in the school house of said district on
Monday, June 27th, 1898, at 3 o'clock p.
m., with moderator B. L. Smuck in the
The Director being absent, W. IL
Davis was, on motion, elected clerk pro
Minutes of last annual meeting were
read and approved.
Report of Director read and on motion
Moved and seconded that the District
Board be instructed to enforce collection
of tuition from non-resident pupils at
tending school in this district during the
next school year at the rate of $1 per
term of throe months, and tliat said non
resident pupils furnish their own books,
and that the Board be further instruct
ed to collect the tuition now due the
district for the past year and previous.
Carried unanimously and the Hoard is
hereby so Instructed.
For moderator for the ensuing three
years, Messrs E. A. Bigelow and J. H.
kartell were placed in nomination. BalJ
lot resulted as follows: Bartell 8, Bige
low 5: J. H. Bartell was, therefore de
clared elected.
A tax of 6 mills on the dollar's valua
tion was, on motion levied for general
purposes upon the taxable property of
the district for the ensuing year.
Minutes of meeting read.
On motion meeting adjourned.
W. IX Davis, Clerk pro tern.
Proceedings of Evaluation Board.
ITarrlson'.Neb. (
June 14, isws. I
Board of county commissioner convened
as a Board of Equalisation.
Present, oommlaaloner Meng, Mettlen and
Proeanler and Clerk.
Board p roe soiled to ascertain total valna
tion of property assessed and relative val
On notion Board adjourned till 7 o'clock
a. D. June Uth, W9S.. M.J. Blswsit,
Harrison, JUb. I
June it, IMS. I
Board of Kquslisatton nwt pursuant to
rteesttt, commissioner Mettlen, gens and
1 nmr
Oil YES!
Just received overM
onne iait;M &iyic;.
to our already large aiid
and shoes now on hand.
assortment ever snown in
and as to prices we unc i
to suit all who come
Proeonier snd Clork.
Hoard continued to ascertain tha total
valuation of property assessed and relative
value, tliereol. . ,
On motion llonrd adjourned ttii7ococ
a. Ul. JUUO 16th, ISIH. M. J. liLSWETT,
irarrhwn, Nob.
June 16, VfM. I
Hoard of Equalization met pursuant to
Present, coumiiHwIoncr Meitlcn, Meng and
lrcuulHr and ( lerk.
The affidavits r Peter Honrret and nu
llum llourret of Kuiiiimit Water, aileifltnf
mat their litwU Were wwd an immJ
claxD, and requesting thiit the mime he a-en-ed
an third ul.taa, wis ttiken up atwl alter
due coiixmeriillnii ine Hoard nuns mas
their IkihIh were not hswiI out ot proi"r
tion to other land of Ilka nature in ld
preelm t, mid It was ordered that the same
be aced as returned by the AmM'sor. .
On motion llo.inl adjourned till 7 o'clock
a. m. Juno I7tli, l-d. W. J. llLtL T,
Jlarrson, b. i
June i;, IK, t
Hoard oT Eluullzntlon met pursuant to
(1 jnnrnm.Mil.
l'le-eiit, uuttmlHiomr Mettlen, Mcng and
Prouunit-r :ii I lei k.
Ili m rd continued to aaeertnln the total
valuation ol property aaseitoed and rolutiva
hi motion Hoard adjonrned till 7 o'clock
a. in. juuo loth, l.v.n. u. J. Iilswett.
Harrison. Neb.
June is, Itws
Board of Equalization met pursuant to
I'rexent, l ominUiloner Mi-Mica, Meng and
I'roeunler and t lerk.
Tlie ..trMiivIt of w L. Moyt rotating to bl
asxeiMiiieut belii rntaed by the Awejijr,
was taken np u:nl al ter due consideration
the Hoard decided to reduce Hie properly
ax shown by the ArMors book, six head
01 horses and tweuty nve head of cattle.
The. affidavit of Henry Warueke Telatlng
to bis nsneffiHinent being raiaed by the A
wir, was taken up and urtor dus conlder
tioii by the IWrd 11 was ordered that hi
iiH-u-.-Mtijieut be left as returned by the Asses
sor. Ob motion Hoard adjourned till 1 o'clock
a. ui. JunoZoth, la'A. JU. J. IIlhwitt,
on. Neb.
June .tl, I:,jm. (
Bord of equalization met pursuant to
Present, coinmlsslonor ilottlcn, Moug and
lroeunler nnd Clerk.
Iloard continued to acort-iln tlie total
valuation of property asm-used and rslativsi
value thereof.
On motion Hoard adjourned till 7 o'clock
a. m. June ilat, !. M. J. Ulzhktt,
Harrison, Heb. (
Juuo2l,U. (
Hoard of equalization met pursuant U
Present, commlmlouer Mettlen, Meng and
I'roeunler and clerk.
The ttinjavll ol ttamuel B. Coffee relating
to his u-.-viiicnt lielng raised by the Asx-s-sor,
and ait testimony relative thereto, was
taken np and alter due consideration by
the Hoard, it wan ordered that but assess
ment be lef t as returned by the Asucssor.
On motion Iloard adjonrned till ' e'cloCK
a. 111. JUUV tlllO., Mt. M. J. bCEWETT,
Harrison, Jb. I
Juno PfJS. I
Hoard of Equalization met pursuant to
I'rtemnt. cointnis-doner Mettlen, Meng and
I'roeunler and Clerk.
Hoard continued to ascertain the total
valuation of property asaessod aud relative
On motion Hoard adjourned till 7 o'clock
a. in. June 3rd, ifju. M. J. Hlewltt,
Harrison, Jfeb. I
Juae , lms )
r.oant of Kquallzatlon met pursuant to
ad journuiuul.
rTeaeiit, rommuisloner Mettlen, Menir and
Proctm"r and Clerk.
The Hoard found the average sssessmcnt
lr acre of unimproved land In the county
to be 1U oenU, and I lie average au-asinnt
ol the aiifiio pr acre Is the VariompreclituU
to be as follows:
Ardrews, II 04 Antelope, M Koilarc. S s
Itowen, .77 CoUnwiKl, Hv I'nt las
list creek, M Highland. .7 Moatrirti M
Kun. Water l.ia Hiiak Creek .S Sngr Lof 74
WblsU Crek .74 Warbonet ,1b Whit Klv .74
Village of Harrison, j
It was fosnd that In order to Cqnallae the
awMwsiuents on tin I in pro vwl lauds in the
county the toiiowing changes lu the vari
ous products were necessary nail so order
ed : 1
Andrews precinct decreased
Antelope " Increased
Howeu M m
Cottonwood decreased
five I'oi 11U -
Hlglitand Increased
Montrose ' -
IS 23
4 A
por cent.
lluntng Watr' Increased
Snake Creek "
Migar Ixiaf " Increaoed
Whstl crtM-k " "
WarNtimet "
Whits lllver"
Village of Harrison decreasd MM
The average aaaesament per sort of unim
proved lud m list t)rsek precinct Mag ,
tear the averaae pre, Mre , u "
cJnot0 " U orlrta la said pri
on motion Board adjourned till T o'clock
a. ui. June 14th, lags. M. J. BUJWSTT,
Harrison, Web. 1
June 24, imm. j
Board ol Kqnallzatlon met parmaat to
. I'reaen t, comminoor Mettlea, Msag and
procunler and Clerk.
P. Whitney appeared before the Board
nd complained of oartalQ lots beMsgerene
ously sasawssd and requesting that the same
b. corrected. After doe eonstderstloa the
Board find Mist tbe fact Complained of
are true and It It hereby ardsrsrf th.t ..
same be eorreelnl.
The Board found the averags pries of
horses In the rountv tit bs sans .. ..-
averags pries per head ta the varioes pre-
ruieii 10 ue BSIOIIOWS ! J
Continued oo aUliloriai fag.