The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 30, 1898, Image 1

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The Sioux County Journal,
HZRISOIfcT, nSTEBRSKAj TliTjrsiD.-y, JTUisrE 30, 1898.
ii w yuts i iun la lvlh at i ruto ln TIL IT IS SETTLED RIGHT. "--Hon. William J. Bryan.
T! 3 Sioux County Journal.
Subscription Price, $1.00
Oj. D. Canon,
Tutored at the Harrison pott office a
c ciml claaa mailer.
574 JornxAL stands fairly
and squarely on the Chicago
platform, but will not hesitate
to sv)port and work for the
election of candidates for the
virions offices to be voted for
this fall no matter, whether
they are Democrats, Populist
or free silver Republicans, if
endorsed by all the reform par
ties, conditional, hmnvex, that
they advocate bi-mctallism the
income tax law, opposition to
national banks of issue, arc
opposed to tlve retirement of the
ijreenbaclcs and treasury notes,
favor government control of
railroads, telegraph and tele
phone lines and the establish
ment of postal savings bank
ing system, and also are op
posed to the immng of nation
al bonds in time of peace.
NOTICE. Lwive your!
Watches iiirl Clocks at Dr.
I. E. Pliirmoys' Drug Store
for rciniiv.
KuKr.'iviiig done at rea-,
enable prict'ii. All work
.uruaranteert to give satisfac-
rt ion.
Have graduated from
an Omaha Watch-makers In
1 1 I'd!! C. hen v IDT.
Address, Ardmort;, S. Dak.
The TJ. S. pdvfest have the Hawaiian
queitioo under consideration in the sen
ate at present.
As a result of the engagement be
tween the Dons' forces and Roosvelts'
rough riders on the 24th inst at LaQu.v
ioa, were 17 killed and CO wounded.
The People's Party, sixth District con
gressional convention will meet at Brok
en Bow, July Hth, which represents the
big six. Sioux county is entitled to 4
delegates in the convention.
The reform forces to unite on a fusion
ticket for the fall campaign up to date
are: Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, S.
Dakota, and Kansas with North Dakota
Iowa, Colorado, Utah, Montana, Wyom
ing, Idaho, Washington, California, Ne
vada, Missouri, Illinoies, Nebraska and
several eastern a ad souther states is lia
ble to unite their silver forces this fall.
Judge Scott one of the Omaha legal
lights who thought he was being impos
ed upon by some of bis legal associates
last Thursday in bis court read the "Riot
act to a few suith as Judge Barker, Pow
ell, Kyser, Slauwbaug.and Edward Ros
editor Bm and others giving them to un
darstaod tliat he waa master of his own
court. Be informed them he would al
low do interference in bis official
The Independent-Democart of Seward,
Nab., is now busily engaged in groom
ing and booming congressman Stark of
Aurora, for governor this fall. By the
way, his nam it the first to be mention
ed aa a gubernatorial candidate so far
this year; if be will make as good an ex
ecutive officer at the head of the state
government as governor Holcomb has
been during his administration, then he
would be a good man to nominate and
Stop and think for one moment that
the 1400,000,000, to be invested in the
bonds now being sold by the secretary of
the U. a treasury will be locked up in
national bank vaults and will be exempt
from Uxatlon by tbe people; the nation
al banker drawing their eemi-annual
interests in gold and the people will
have it to pay. Stop and think who is
helping to maintain tbe honor and dig
nity of this country. Is it the national
banker? Or Is it it the wealth produc
ing class, the laborer mechanic, artisen
and tiie honest yeomanry of tbe country?
The qiiuhtion arrives, "whither are we
drifting'." We rfpeut stop and think.
J) LK-O F-Tl I K
Corporations are Interested and
Furnished to Milton Park
Uullmltcd Transporta
tion. Paul Vandervroot has nnnoticed him
self as a candidate for governor, lie
will run as a middle-of-the-road populist
He will have to fjet on the ticket by peti
tion. There will be no trouble 'about
getting signers enough to put him on the
ticket. The republican county commit
tees io every county will see to it that
there are signers enough to the petition
to get his name on. Milton Park has
nut out un address written by Wharton
Barker calling a convention" to nomin
ate the said Wharton Barker next Sep
tember as a candidate for the pieaideocy.
It will Iks seen that the three men
who have set out to wreck the popu
list party are Paul Vandorvroot Whar
ton Barker and Milton Park. The llrst
is a candidate for governor, the sec
ond is a candidate for president the third
handles the transportation furnished by
the republican party. '
The national committee which met
last week held an almost continuous ses
sion night and day for three days. Dur
ing that time Milton Park found it ne
cessary to drink a good deal of tea to
counteract the loss of so much sleep.
Near the clore of the session tie lecame
loquacious and confidential. He said in
the presence of twelve or fifteen gentle
men among who were Hon. W. F. Por
t.or, Mr. J. If. Edmisten, Mr. Fred Jewell
Mr. J. A. Edgerton and several other
well-known men, that he had furnished
transportation for forty-one proxies and
delegates. When proof was asked to
substantiate the statement he exihited
orders signed by the the general passen
ger agents of several railroad systems,
ordering the issue of all the transporta
tion to Milton Park which he might
nsk for. rurthmore lie declared
that tie had not paid one cent for rail
road fare for fifteen years and that in
coming to the meeting of the commit
tee he had come around through the
south and bv way of Cincinnati and
was going hack home by way of Boston
.u lorkand Washington.
From the aixive statement it will be
Hpcii that railroad corporations
havn a very great interest in the middle-
of-the-road party and its sueess. It
would he very strange indeed if the
corporations aid not extend the same
favors to Mr. Vandervroot after the
many years of his life that he spent in
their service as a lobbyist around
the Nebraska legislatue. Mr. Barker's
eminent services in preventing any
combination against Matt Quay in
Pennsylvania will, without doubt, also
receive a like rocogniZation.
Many of the delegates from the south
before they went away declared that
they would have nothing more to do
with the leadership of Vandervroot
Barker and Park and they would not
attend the convention called by Park
for next September. Among the most
outspoken were ex-Oovernor Buchanan
of Tennessee, Judge liently or lex 3
Ferris of Illinois and Cardian of Kentuc
ky. The Texas delegation, on its way
home saw in the papers the proclama
tion issue of Park Barker and Vander
vroot. They sent a letter to the secre
tary of the national committee, denounc
ing1 it.
There was a good deal of talk about
the use of proxies, but the official record
of the national committe show that the
middle-of-the roaders voted more proxies
than the other side and the state of
Texas voted more proxies than the state
of Nebraska.
The result of the meeting of the na
tonal committee is a general strength
ening of the people's Party. Its organ
ization will be kept intact. It will nev
er lower its colors until the princi
ples for which it contends are enacted la
Contluued from Local Page.
Andrews tfi.22
llodare S.S4
Ot ton wood .'
Mat Creek 4.74
MontriMfl 4.9S
Whistle Creek 7.W
Hnske Creek 6.1V
White Kiver S.0I
Antelope .
Ilowen 6.S7
five Points ft.W
flKhland 6.7
Kilning Water 8.53
Bugal Loaf 8.56
Warbonnet 6.17
VIIIhk Harrison 4.82
On motion Board adjourned till 7 o'cclock
a. m. Juno 25th, WW. M. J. Hlswett,
Harrison, Neb.
June 25, lHUS
Board of Kquallsation met pursuant to
Present, commissioner Mattlen, Meug aud
I'roounler and Clerk.
It waa found that in order to equalize the
aaseumeot per head on horses la the county
tbe following change In tho various pre
cinct were Deestarr and o ordered :
Andrew decreaaed S-Ht per cent
Antelope ." 12.75 '
liodaro Increased t.fiO "
Bowen dacreaend 7.7 " "
Cottonwood 1.47 '
Klv Points Increased 4.81 "
Hat Creek ' KM "
lllghlaud decreased 10.9 " "
MontroM Increased 22.12 " "
Bulling Watr decreased 8.53 " "
Knake Creek " -26 '
Sugar Loaf Increased 70.42 "
WhUtl Creek decreaaed 23.(11 '
Warbonnet ' 1.7J " "
While lllver increased Wi "
V 1 1 1 11 B Harrison " 21.17 " "
On motion Hoard adjourned till 7 o'clock
a. m. Juno 27th, uw. al. J. BLswrrr,
Harrison. Ni-b,
Juno i7, isttt. i
Board of Equalization met pursuant to
froaent, coin ni Imloner Mcttlen. Meng and
1'rOCU j r-L.rlr
t .m.invlt nl Joph Ashton Brand Jos
eph Amnion Jr, rulatli.if to the number of
nor and tlio affidavit of Kobert Gelsrr allef
ln.1 tlmt tlieV had not K'v"n nil their
a.erwialile property, was taken up and after
due consideration by the Hoard It was order
od that their aiweMiueiit oa cattle be left a
returned bv the Assessor.
The Board fumd the average assr-aament
per head of cattlu In the county to be tn.1;,
mid the average iiHeHineut In the varloui
precinct to be a follows:
Andrews w
liodaro 1 ISowen IM
Cottonwood CM rivel'olnts ijl
Hat Creek Higblnud 9IJ
Montrose M kuiiiiihk water lorn
Miake Creek 7 45 rHifc-ar U,af SM
Whistle Creek 4 US wiiroonnei u it
White Hlvcr 6 Si Village Harrison- 44
it wiu, found that In order to eoualiise the
uiutnFtit(in cattle in the county luofoi-
fowlnif chanKes in the various procihcu
were necessary ana ho ohwi u .
Andrews decreaHCd 7.21 per cent
,ntlpu Increased Z7.,4 "
lloilare Uecrcaued 15.70 "
Ifoweu " 6.05 "
(kittonwood " 11-1 "
Klve Points lncroasod 11.98 " "
Hat Creek " ir.41 "
HlKliland decreastd 30.69 '
Montroae increased 27.73 "
Kunhiit Watr decreased 88.2a "
Snake Creek " 17.18 "
Kii(ar Loaf Increased 11.37 " J
w lilstie wreca; zs.w 7
Warlwiinet " 7-tU "
While lllver .! " J
VJIage llarlson increased 4.2 "
On motion Hoard adjourned till 7 o'clock
a. in. June 2tU, lSWt. M. J. IH.KWKTT.
JInrrlSon, Nob,"
June 2S, ISM.
Hoard of Kouallzotion met pursuant to
Present, commissioner Mcttlen, sicugcua
Procuuier and Clerk. '
rri.. 11 .1 ,Ua tnt.l irulimdnii nf
assessable property in tho different pre
cincts to be as follows: .
Andrews flo.Mhauu Anieiope i.i,renou
lu .... f.t lfnm.i U(i-'.Ark
Cottonwood lfi.087 00 five Points 2U,HJH(
..... 1. to I tLI l-rl-lu-iil 9 I9TI.I
Montrose 91.877 (t Kuulif W atr 87.479 00
snak Creek &M.3MC W Siigur Loaf 2n,riWt 00
Whistlo Creek 40,127 00 wurbounet in.iwiyu
White Kiver lM,.'i7 00 vllag Uarlsn 21, MM U0
(in motion Hoard adlourued till 7 o'cclock
a. m. June 2'Jth imi.
Harrison, Ned. (
June lnus. )
Hoard of Equalization met pursuunt to
rresent, commissioner mettien, meng ana
I'rocunlwr and Clerk.
The following preamble and resolutions
were on motion adopted :
Whereas, the assessed valuation of Sioux
countv. Nebraska, for tbe year 18US is but
f 5M.S23 111, as corrected by the Hoard of
kquallzatlou, subject nowever, w correc
tion by the clerk In so tar a clerical errors
may appear, and
Whereas: fifteen mills levy on $553,623 49
will make ,204 5, and the Hoard of county
commissioner are only allowed to Issue
warrant to the amount of 5 por cent, of
said sum or warrants for S(5,973 70, therefore
be It
Kosolved: that tho following Items in
cluded in the estimate of oipenses
the year 1898, viz : ;
Dtitnet Court expenses, Salaries, Station
ary, printing and publishing, Institute,
cideutal and Officers fees be reduced to
come within the limit of mills on the dol
lar of tbe total assessed valuation of 81or.i
couuty for the year 198, and that tho Items
for special Debt and county Koad purpou-
es Included In tho estimate of expense for
tha year 1SS8, be stricken out.
To provide county revenue for the year l"",
the Boar hereby make tho following levy:
On valuation of S.Vtf.623 49, for General
fund 9 mills on the dollar valuation.
For Bridge fund 3 and 7 tenths mills on
the dollar valuation.
For Soldiers Relief fund 8 tenth mill on
the dollar valaatlon. .
Aud it appearing to the ISoard that a speol.
al tax Is necessary In Order to provide for the
paymemt of outstanding Koad Dlat. war
rants and to liquidate Indebtedness against
tho following Koad Districts, the Board
hereby make the following levy:
Uoal District No. 1, 2 mills,
i. " 2, 2 "
u ii g, 2 "
" 4, 1 and 7 tenths mills
" 5, 2 mills, 1
1 " 7, 2 "
h 9. a "
n, 1 ..
12, 6 tenths mills '
" " 13, 1 aad tenths mills
' "1R, 2 mill on the anses-
sed valuation of all the taxable property
within said Districts.
On motion too clerk bo and be hereby Is
ordered to levy on tbe valaatlon of Bowen
Bond Precinct the required numbtlr of mills
on the dollar to raise the amount of 1700.00
for Interest on court house Bona,- aud M0,
for sinking fund for court boose Bond and
the amount of commission for collecting
On motion the clerk be and h hrwby Is
ordered to levy on the valuation of tlic tl If
forcnt School Districts the amount letrally
Bled and certified to by the proper ofl.cers
to be so levied. Also the required number
Order of Hearing on Petition for Ap
polntnent of Administrator or
State op Nsbbasxa, j
filOUX CoUHTf.
At a County Conrt, hId at tho County
Court Boom, in and for said Conaty, on the
Bth day of June, A. D. 1M9S.
lresent, Hobert Wilson County Juri re
in Tnc MAiTsa or Tan Estate oS. W.
Kxar Deceased.
On reading and filing the petition of K. E.
Gates, praying that AdmlnUtratlon of said
Estate may bo granted to M. J, Weber aa
Ordered, That tha 5th day of July, A. D.
ISM, at 1:00 o'clock p. m., Is aaalfnid lor
hearing said petition, when all person In
terested In said matter may appear at t
County Court to be held In and for said
County and show cause why the pru er of
the petitioner should not be grantel; and
that notice of the pendenoy of said petition
and the hearing thereof, be given to al per
son Interested In said matter by pohllsh
Ing a copy of this order in tbe BiofX tiotm
tt Journal, a weekly newspaper printed
In said County, for fonr noeeselve weeks,
prler to said day of hearing.
(A tnuoopy.), .
j seal. I BOSSST Wlf ton,
' r ' Coaoty judge.
of mills roBDeo.tlvciv in miu. ,h. . . ...
interest and sinking fund on School District
jxnua ana commission for collecting same.
un motion the clerk be and he hereby Is
ordered and instructed to levy Village tax
me village of Harrison when nrooerlv
tiled and certlflea to as required by law.
un motion minutes of session were read
and approved.
On uiotloa Board adjourned without day.
M. J. Ulewbtt, Clerk.
TH JonaMAL will nnhlUh vnnr itanf1 lira
the follow In a. for to -0ft.
dltioual brand 75 ceuts. Kvery rarmer or
ranchmen in Blour aud afljoiuing counties
snould advertise their brands iu TiieJoub
na L us it circulates all over the state, it
may be the means of saving money for you.
On left side of cattle aud on left
shoulder ot horses.
Range on Antelope creek
V. O., Ghllcbrlst, Sioux Co., Neb.
On left side or hip of cattl e, I
On left shoulder of hoi ses. j
1 Range on the bead ol Warbonnet
Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb.
8. W. CAREY.
On left shoulder of cattle
Range on Little Cottonwood.
, Crawford Nebr.
Final Proof Notices.
All nersons havlnsr final proof notices In
this paper will receive a marked copy of the
paper ana are requestea to examine tueir
notice and if any errors exist report the
same to this office at once.
Land Office at Alliance, Neb.
May 23, 1MUJ.
Notice is hereby given that the following
nancd settler has filed notice of his inten
tlon to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore M. J. lilewett, Clerk District Conrt at
Harrison, Neb., on July 2, 1H98, viz: Thoresla
Geiscr nee Meier of Ardmore, 8- D., who
made H. E.No. 4158. for the N-EK S-EH, See
ii, ti'i S-WJtfand N-WJ4, 8-EH Sec. 33, Town
ship 35, Range5t w.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
Frank J. Miller, Peter Biersack, John Ash
ton aud John Ostrandcr, all of Ardmore,
S. D. J. W. WEHM JB., Register
Land Office at Alliance, Nebr. (
May 27th, HUM. i
Notice. 1 hereby gten tha the following-
j-Muned settler ha filed notice of his Inten
tion to make final proof In support of his
claim and that said proof will be made be
fore M, J. Blewett clerk district court at
Harrison, Neb., on July 9th 1898 via: Joseph
HoSTman of Bodarc, Neb., who made Ii. E.
No. 8424 for tho 8 W a Sec. 21, Township 33,
N Range 54 w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of slid land viz :
John Serres, Jacob Marking, Michael Ruf
fing and S. Ii. Coflce all of Rod arc, Nob.
Also Notloefs hereby given that Hiram
Richardson of Bodarc, Neb., has filed notice
of Intention to make final proof at same
time aud place on timber culture applica
tion Ho. 1718 for the S-W of Section No. 24,
in Township No. S4N Range No. 55w.
He names as witnesses :
Jacob J. Wasserbarger, of Montrose Neb.
Henry Plckenbrock " " "
Stephen Serres " Bodarc "
Michael Bannan " " "
J. W. WEHN JR. Register.
In tbe District Court of Sioux County,
Daist M. McKean plaintiff, )
VS i ss.
Rorkbt C. Mckean defendant. )
To Bobikt C. McKean, non-resident de
fendaat: Ton will take notice that on tho 20th day
of May IBM, the plaintiff herein filed her
potitltion In the District Court ot Moux
County, Nebraska, agalnat yon, the object
andpryrof which Is to obtain a divorce
from tho bonds of matrimony now exhlst
Ing betwoen you and the plaintiff; to give
the plaintiff tha custody of the child, issue
of said marrlag, Charles Edwin McKoan, and
to declare any and all Interest and title you
may have In and to the N,V of N-Vand
8E4 of N-W4 and N W"i of N-K'i of Section
23, In Township 81, N. Range 63 w. in Sioux
County, Nebraska, to be in the plaintiff,
and to oxelade you from any inch interest
or title: Upon the grounds that you are and
have been slnoo said marriage an habitual
drunkard; that you have dlslpated plain
tiff's property and that being of sufficient
ability to maintain the plaintiff and said
child yon grossly, wantonly and cruelly
neglect and refused to do so; that you are
ot vicious and vulgar habits and unlit to be
entrusted with tbe care and custody of chil
dren, and that any Interest you may bave In
said land waa purchased with the money of
plaintiff, for her, as alleged In said petition.
You are required to answer said Petition
on or before tne 1st day of August, 1898.
Daist M. McKeah. Plaintiff.
By J. at. Pohteb, Her Attorney.
The Davis Machine Ga, Gtilcarja
vaa a stajV0
IM striate
The chupttt
hou la ibis Use
oa sartta.
Bead Stamp lor Special Catalogue.
SB aWjiflW ja.
T3 p If g
B X u
V ff
mi Vi
Pi-ar7l ana.;
mm s '.s
i an in
cf.o ,S
8 Is. A
" ill
etiM4S'i 1 1 1 )
If jruo don't believe what he says go
take a look at those 500 pairs of Boots
& Shoes just arrived last Tuesday, and
you will see he is warring with every
store in the north-west. You can buy
foot-wear of him cheaper than at any
other store in Harrison. -
Fresh Garden Seeds for Sale.
alen iIead iU!rters for hard-ware, tin-ware, dry-ooods rd
3ISUi GROCERIES, FLOUR and FEED aud every thiug needful & useful.
Harrison, Nebraska.
B. B.,
D. H. QRLSWOLD, Cashier.
Transacts a Geneml Banking Business.
AnniCAii EzCfUMcn Natiohal Bahk, New Tork,
Omaha National Bahk, Omaha,
Fnurr National Bask, Chadron.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits. r
aVDU 1 1 IC T eiillaiasiH
5T rn I LIDtixiMai mm'
ef nmMfalprMUn. Tart I Owat
Mil mi .1 tmrm. laann
laat u4
wiam Mn Sfchissa, sis.
Will make the season of 1898, at ray
place in Harrison, Neb.
TERMS: $8:00 to insure, due and
payable wben mare is known to be in
foal, or on ber clianging ownership or
removal from the county.
Care will be taken to prevent acci
dents, but I will not be responsible
should any occur.
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