The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 02, 1898, Image 1

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x2I3XSOT, Irai3I.A.SIA., THTJBSDAY, CrUISrii 2, 1898.
Our 3rt1o..wc QUESTION 15 EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT 10 SETTLED RiGHT."--?'"""- William J. Bryan.
2STO. 45.
The Sioux County Journal.!;:1 !rv,,,MS rf t-! r
i i.i- i,-.
Subscription Price,
t.'eo. 1). Canon, -
. Ivlitor.
Entered ill. the llanv-Mm ip
H'CUlUt II. Hi lIT.
yilatfvn.i. but ,-UL not hesitate
to Kiij,nrt and n'orl' for
election of ca-ididalc for the
rarhti o!ra to be voted
this fit' n
then arc ;,.
i i a'
j or
v ht her
?Vit' tfii, imi !v I
'ar.ds f"i' n .:-i!irij.;- .si !:';: !! -t - y rv ;.--in t'" j' ' n 1 their
ict'-i'il y from a life jlmt w ili or
liii'-r l i'.r:,' th A iii' lira!) (.i-f.i,!,. to a
sin! " of bondage Jil.v. tie- of Ki-i-l
v.heu t!i-V !u; ' in 1, ,ie!:i;re -I'i'I
yi rnv, I hi-ii s : liM i s n.vro-.v minded
r artisan riinv iiif)f'i'. i I tor l....;ins to
kick U-iTtiv si man I "'r. T'-ynn has
I .111 riolism, bve for country, hi..' I:t;ltv-ii-t!y
enough ut Iwart. t. oii'er liis n rvi'vn
niiil, 1 imiiw; ho l'ln";s to any (Ain't
IIkiii 1l'ii triwt, rnrii jrat inn, !-m I an I
! I tilt t!m;r d'Miiiy arrn uf ' Inmk-r, vt -iKlra1
icn tun) tnt-r.'jiroM i.tiid. m of ;i
n.iliU; ii-r!on" '.'u'.rn'.'ti'r ni'ijit, iviiv-d.j.'j'.h-'.vouiitls
from '.r hnw in the hards
of tiit!':..' ;iii! :i;.'.'i;t . "i' (ilut'i' C.H'y. lint
1I .ii. V. J. I' vviil c'uiui.! out more
V.un '. i. (..)iiiu in t ! m- mid.
J cm:
have h
Tti .-
i,t.. :;.nr:y t. s
i a lun l. ii Culi i'i K-vil.
.Y X-.iv
s Si,in;.-!i sli i!! iK.f l ii.n.t Hie .
i . 1 tu him lliioilt
trnor-s j
1 Vivev i
t.iii v, ho '.uri-iii,
in;; ;i !n it.
Jrxa 1-L. Hi'titiux.'iit iii Kiiruno has
. ,'i:ii!'.,.?:l K) unldi'iilv in favor t f tho
I am selling' Harness & Saddles at cost
for tho next 30 da3s.
If you want to buy
is I'iics a Week
-1,(8 rapcr a Year
ites tiiat our "ovuriiment i
For One Dollar.
Oislicil cvi'i-y Alti-rnati! IUy Pxci'jitSomlay
i!vy ls :uii!:iit.'i--i'i1 hy tlie rush of rival
ir.u'crs fur our tood will, I ,. ., . ,.T , ., T, .... ,
h i Tin? 1 liri'-ts-ii.-Vt-ek-v orld hdition of
Mon-uy May :',0. Co'urn.i.hira Srhley i TllE Nkw y(:K Worn.!) in lirst among
".ibl't t!ii war d'.'partuio.'it at Vv'ashini;- J .ill tlrs ".wpukly" pajier.-t in Hiz, fre-
t...ii. dwiarm:,' there w;,s no d.iubt but 1 inoiiry w .uiiicatnm una tiio in--iine.-
C I'vura wan still in Santiafjo harbor.
yf'in'ii f'ir!;
' ffifi ( 'h ICO 'JO Hii:j.'! f,'od standard f'irty
I u cniarv and vai'atv of its coiitciitn. Jt
h- k 1 1 1 l ;.. m .ri'il of . 'rnrl ij(i l.i r f:i i-
j M V 21. Willwut doubt Connno lore I .j , ,..,, of a (!r weUIy. Its po
i K.-lik'y has ('t'"s ll.jet boUlftil up at , lit ical news is prompt, coiiik-t, nrcur-
Kantiatro ('ub.i and t!io indications
art; now thai tl.n decisive oaval Uat'lo
of the war will he fought .soon.
Tuesday May ?.K Santiago l'h Cuba
::t'? and liiijiartial as ul! n-i t't't'ders will
tnstify. H is against tho iiiouopolics
ami for thu jioplu.
It lii iiits the nows of all the world.
I !iaviiv.r f."f'ia! c.oiTispondan' Irom all
. i to he attacked by land and sea. Gcii-jj important n'iWs points on tho t;lol,). It
icralMiics- was ord-rud r cnd :3,0i)0 has l.rillial.t illiiHlnilioiiH, Korien by
...... ( . t I i ii ! I ii. ps n. a I lniioor tia .'is coin
i truot; i ininii.uir.Ld v al Itr hantia-'o i " . . '' . 1 . .
' and i '. rvt i lleet is taky.'i
or free '( .'.,"''', u ' TfTTf Ai 1 A
tilM.ho.nvcT, that' Mfl . ft W
.'1 .-. t.l. to fortify the city.
F.iiu:a'e cf Exncrisos.
' .!... ......a -1 inunlc fni. 1 l lioosn
moro troops j j,(,j umj woiuVn's work and other special
;.y mlwtc bhitolaUisvt the', F gilj i .
lircou i of the
national I Kin I
oo'!-((l U the
ureai bae aw trcnuru vu--
favor iorerino ut 'onii . of
railroad, tclejrajdi, am! J.r1'.
phone line and the evt.iblkk
mad -if pr.iUd ucii-j laid -iiii
ej--lan, a ni aho are o;i
posed to the Uy.uciii'j of notion
al bond in time of jcacc.
:!...!ia! lineiits of unusual interest.
We oll'er this iiueoiirihrd newsiiniier
and TllK Sioux CdCNTY JoCHNAL toetli
er ono year for 1 .70
The r-;j?u!a.r Bii-criil';0Q price of the
two papers i.-i f'hOO
u ul u Mi mt hb m
SlH-riiTs Sale
rs err- ?n
S k i; :-. a ti 8 U
w 41 d 'w u , ' - UA S it
1. . 'a
Kiirrl.on, Nob.
May-.,, Ii".
Not ire i liereby bIvcp Hint the extiiiintu
s.iiu ruuiiiy'.i kkih i-'i f or tlie year l-'.ix,
ail.' J a li mi CV :!'.!, I, M r, lu. loliOK'K:
l I -! net Court l.lai..rii if !Kifi.KI
I Koa.l anil l'a-Uli:iM -'J,;.en.iO
j ...,.,rii.. - - t.HHiwi i;y virtiip of nil onler of sale Untied by 1 h
oaaiy f"-'' tlTk of tiv: KUtrlet Crnrt of county of
I 'lucor'."!!:: .Ii',:!;! -,ir..x,.i.i stuieor mmkU, u,K,ai.--r
inl i.X'.'m .r!iilerc'l liy iinl oiiit. In oi Horace
i lasiil... joiin v. staolon iihiintiir. Lorenzo I). Ilarnion,
B i lar
I lli
i-r t i
-! '. ll ll"Ul . .
ii ir, .
Ills Fleet.
.IfiiOUjl V. I. 1 II IIMliy, 11 n-iri-, rr.-iih iiinw.i, ii..ui
j7i;, "(.Tmiuy (.ierlt A. t'rutt and f i.nicl K. Pratt, delVndaats, I
I ,viI1 " Uw - tIj day ot June, A. J). Jsas, at tuo
""" " hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of sulil day at tlio
STOCK I'.llANlis. rust frontdoor of tin; Court, liouie in Hnrrl-
Tiir .Io"HKAI. will imtiiHli your brand, lk t ton, In wild county, olfcr loel noil tho follow
Says its so.
If you don't believe what he says go
take a look at those 500 pairs of Boots
& Shoes just arrived last Tuesday, and
you will see he is warring with every
store in the north-west. You can buy
foot-wear of him cheaper than at any
other store in Harrison.
NOTK'H Li'.'ivi' your,
WVu-Ju'H arid Clocks at Mars-
J 11 I- f 1 '
UiHT ijIi).-., n merry mmr
for rt'i 'a i !.
r,n: raving dow; at rca-
ionalili' prices All vor!
Jlavc pradualctl irom
an Omaha Wall h-makers In-
llvnu C. SrHMnvr.
Address, Ardniorc, H.Dak.
i f. ....
i 1 1 1
tin. I.illovi is, lor iL':.''i. ucr year. l.-e li nil-
itit loaat tir oi l 7". criils. hvrry rarinrr nr
runi'liiiieii In sioux mid ndjoiniiiK eoimJio
kiiuiild ail vrrti-e tledr liraieis tu i'liKjoi.K
NACltH it ririallulrJ ail over tlie state. It
niiiv or tlie iinauiB ol hiivnitf inoiiey lor you.
On loft ni.le of cattle and on left
ilirjuliler ol hornet;.
l:aiu;oon AntcloK! creek
o., e-tiilchrl -it, Hiou.t Co., Neb.
Tt lupins to loo!: at if them was more
nuiwi. Imiiih: and poitu's down t
,Vasluut:toti, in regard to the war with
Hruun than pa' riot '
It ban been uitiniatid by (ho diily
press of the coiin'ry that ther'! will h!-.e-jy
l ii. thud call for volunteer troop.s liy
J'rtideiit Mi Kmley va ry .iiortly.
SMiator floniian of Marlaml. has t ,k-;
n sides with tlie wall street Intiiieis and
tho k;ii(;I Rold sdsiiuUnt men and is now
advocating th issuing of bonds as a. war
iiieaHure. He is a (;iv.; republium.
If thu llailroad :omtuiin .ire ffoing to
issue fnw tiasses to one political p.irty
1hey oiik'bt to (rive them t .) all fiarlies.
But no doubt thu best way would bo
not to (five past to any body and theu
reduce the fain to two cents a trnlo.
It,f taut. Kiln that. Will taUetl in the
U. ft. HenaUi on th l!Hth iust it can be
iafely pmlioted that th! bond deal will
pa.s,i that august birtly sooner or later,
no matter whether .Schley or Sampson
annihilate Oervera or not. Amerioaii
txjople are to lie oonuonsl as well there
by killing two birds with one stone.
In tha war revenue measure now lie
fore the national congress and whi' li will
noon becomo a law without doubt, the
rich will Ikj exempt from tho burdens
of a war revenue and tho poor iople
who will be called on lo debt the battle
tif the unholy war an McKinley calls it
will albo have to bfar thu cjqwriHCi. 1-bido.
As Ii!.licii!eil !y tjio dally Tress.
p AyVi s"-
(in lei I si. to or hip of en me, )
tin ;el I nlionidi-l' ol hmOH. 1
imiRf on t'ne liead ol Wurljonnet
Affdress Harrison, Sioux Co. Net).
lay deaerlbed real estate to-wit: Tlie c-V
of Action 5, Townsiilji 32, Kuiiro tit, in tfioux
county,' Netiniska, ut public auction to tho
bih'best bidder for cash, to Katinl y said or
der of sale tu the sum of if I H.M, with Inter
est thereon at t he rate of ten per cent, per
milium from the fith day of December, 1807,
and costs and uccruiiix cOHts.
Thomas I toi.i.r,
r4-4'.)J Slicrilf of said County.
S!icri!I".s Sale.
Fresh Garden Seeds for Sale
Head-quarters for HARD-WARE, TIN-WARE, DRY-GOODS and
GROCERIES, FLOUR and FEED and everything needful & useful.
9 ssr;
I'v virtue of an order of sale issued by the
I'ierjt of tile Iiintriet Court ot tlie county of
Sioux, Mad state of Nebraska, upon a decree
rendered liy eaid Court in favor ot .Jane 1',.
Woodruff plaiiitilf, Had John Mc.inliart,
ro-.,i!iim; Mehdnrt, i,vyi Kiifflliiir, Mrs,
me (-.nrihtiiin nuine la unxnown, nun
ti, 1 K ill on tim 'i.tli day-
lit tins hour of 2 o'clock
j p. in. of said day, ut the cant front door of
' the Court house, in Harrison, in said coiiu
jty, offer and sell the following diseribod
treat eiitate to-wit: The s-KU of Section 32,
i Township 33, I!aii(fi 51, in loux county, Ne
Atl p-rn havtntr final proof notices !n I r.iska, at jnilillc nuctlon to tlie klKUt
tiiiH paper will na l ive a uiarlicu copy oi n i ,;dder for cn.-h, to sall.-.fy said order of sale,
KATJcin left siiouidur of catUa and T"i Mwn in
Vf ,'l!'ir.r. , ISo-.rdKii, dcfoniliiiit
2iSiffllIio..,-e ,,, l.ittlc Cottonwood. i, )U11(Ii A. 1). I",
la j. ., ( iiiwford Ncbi'.
'ii:a! Prmif Notices.
& :
i , .r
fi? 1- if.
fill UAUi iUt l.; ifi,i nC
... run. urn reillierro lo r iiui i in
notice and it anv f riors exist report tin;
Name to tilts oliice at once.
I.aud nitiee af A lliauce. Neb, I
Maya.!, 1.. i
Vol lee is hereby nivnn thnt tlin following
naned settler has liled notice of Ills iulen
tion to intikc linal tiroof lu support of lii
claim, am! ttiat said proof will be made be
fore M. J. lilewett, Clerk Idslriet Court at
jtarrison, Neb., on July 2, ISM, viz: Tiiere-a
(ieiser nee Mei'T of Ardinoic, i. i)., who
made it. IC.So. lias, for tlie, N K'i h K'-s.
tn Hie sum of , witli interest thereon
at the rate of ten per cent per annum, from
the 1'itli day of December, ls'j?, and coats and
accruing costs. Tiiomak JIoi.i-y,
Sheriff of said County.
.Titnk k2nd. hticcial ealilf
to tlin New York Journal,
from Caie Ifaytitn, rt'iiort
Conimotlorc ScLlcy df-stroy-cd
llio licet of (.'crvcra, and
lias n-ditend thu fortificati.uiM
of Sauting) o, cnlia.
Tim lossf r'Hrilaint'tl liy n'.
Hon. J. V. Woll.i I o.,iu,..s.orier of: ,
and Huiidin,:.-!. ban il'ii. f 'Oil 1 1 i;t t'.! H l.s Jin: I!"L run- u.
Road Notice.
To Af i. Whom it Mat rttnrxw.
The Commissioner appointed lo locale a
I '-oad coiiimenciiiK at the soulti-east corner
i of the north ent quarter of ttic north nest
.! jniirter of .seetinn 24, Township Nortii
!i,i.!ii.'i! 57, west. Tlience dinfronally across
' 1 !... .i.l 1, li.ilf I In n,iftll-, Of Mlltlt
NJsWt..tN-Wi. S-KH .-:. ? ' H, to the of said
Milii Iboige.'il iv. j ,i,,rth.(.ii,,tii!iarl,''rof section 21 tlience south
He names the following witnesses , , .,.,.....
prove ills continuous resilience upon ami
cult ivatUni ol said land, viz:
Prank J. Miller, Peter IJIermck, John Asli
ton and John Dxtrander, all of Anlmorc,
s. ti.
A -
,.22E2 o
C5':rs C. M,v:r
Monlhlv. ico larre irsw,
,11 i t n , a 1 1 ' 1 i i- in
it .h
) 1 T, H
k". ''.,i lua'tihri.hau'f.OH. Hue " if ' "
w. Kr b.wm r-" IT!""'"-!! .'..." fT r i-'1 (H rt
J. W. Wkiin Ja., hetrlter.
NUTp i; KilU Pt'UI.K.'ATIOS.
hand (iniee at Alliance, Neb.
.May 4th, 1.VJ.
It is niia rrent tlio Amcricaii
Public Land
wonderful things for the f hool in el
w.ub iin.i tn inrni of otMee. He has
riiade thousands of dollars for tlio school j navy Il.'H Won ailotluT T rj l-
fund by inventme; rv liool money in .-siau) ,,,,,,,,. i ,,, , .., ,, l.l ,
warrant, and lsid be has lieen abh, to liatlt Victory OVlT 1 III.! Sp.UI ISll
raise the price of htiito warntnts, from
90n up 10 1.02. In reality the ntire
Htato administration ha lieen an phen
ominal in tlieir renpectiva defmrtnients
an Commissioner Woll has in bin.
Notice i hereby kIvc that (be follonini?
named -i. ltler has liiled n. dice ,l Ills Inten
tion to make linn! j.rool 'In support ol his
claim, mid that nal.i proof wili lie made be
fore Koliel't V. ti.tou, eoiinly Jud((e lit 1 1 or
ri,on, Neb , on June lull, Is'.iH vi.: I hallo?
M lliisM'll, of llarrlxon, Neb , who inade II.
K No. t.-'.i, lor the MHiMl 'jSf. in, and
I-', -K. S W ' N K'iSee XI, M'.,.iii1.h.p:i,
Itaiiite W W. 1
lie names the iomowiiik wiuh'sscn io prove
rods, to interna l the road run nliiR eaut be
liireii M-etlons 1 land 3 i, 'I'o.ui,.!iip :i:l, liuiwi
AIm) that the road now oxtablislird tieliiK
road No. r.ii, be vaeated bel.weun tlie alKne
laiiiied point lias reported hi lavorof the
c.t ibllshni.'iit. tbereof witli the followiuK
i haniros to-wit:
Coinmrnciiiir at the soutb east corner of
I l.e north-east, of the north -west quarter
nf aceiion 2-1. hi Township .-h ItaiiKe
Hi. 'lice south on old road ei;;lit.y rixh,
thence, east one hundred and Ilvu rod-i.
tlience north fifteen rods, thence east twen
ty ro.W, tl.ence nou'h east iibout thirty one
hIh thence to follow the line called for in
petition, ami that the old road now estab
lished bo vacated between tiie points where
rlmuKO'l liv the ( oinmlnsiouer, ami nil oi)
a a, 50 YEARS
Trade Marks
Copyrights &c.
" Anyone .cnmni; a .ketch and flpscrliitinn ronT
qinekly nsenrlaln cur opinion froo whether an
invenlii.n Is pn. tail. If pntentnlile. I'lininiiitilen
tinimtrlelli.e..nnili.ntial. llandlmokini Pnieulu
lnt free. oldeRt nceli. y for seeunlitf luitenls.
I'litimt.s taken tln-i.ush Munn A Co. recelvo
B;-rlai nnflfe, wllhuuL cliHruo, in tlio
Scientific flmericam
A handsomely Illustrated weeVly. I.arcest elr
piilntl'in of anv neaaitilie li.urnnl. 'I'ernis, M a
your; fmir immtlm, L tjnld by all newsdeiilers.
M!JNN&Co.361Br' New York
llroueh (jflleo, C2S F Bt., Winhingtou, D. C
t"; vnti A v.'iik'F?
"Sk )(l WooJ or netiil? if M
scad l.r Cutufojiiis ol
Barnes Foot
Practical, Stror.e, Purb!c
V.'. I-', Jaha Larries Co.,
I 15 i t.'utiy St.,
'. PorkforJ, lili-uiis.
!irA N Y LA D Y can pet a valuable eocret
ttad coet ma ua.oo, and a rnblxir flhiclil for do cent..
PVIrs. V. M. APP. CO.
A package of oh
treatment ior
aUUMwm (i"cav. nervous oeliliityauu
ln"t vtaillynent free fur licts. poalacn.
yit.-VAUi)l.ST. 120 H.9'i St.. ST. LOUIS. 1
iiici..iliiiiioinrild.mce iiiion iiml cuilivii- J j,,,.tl,,.,H thereto or claims lor diimaes
li'v'.Vl'.' IImIi"'.'.!: Vi'ankCllinilfelter. l.eorKe j must be (lied in the county Clerk's ollle.e on
flciit and that without 1 lie
loss of a singlo ship and
doubtless without serioiRA loss
aboard sliiiirf.
Somo of tli littla petty partiscn pap
ers of our Htato aro just now Khowinu
soma of their patriotiKtn by assailing; tho
character and reputation of Hon W. J.
Bryat. because ho has hsul tha courage to
enlist in the federal army to help defend
thu honor anil dignity of hi country,
Notably the York Times ask the que
tion, "what tiavo wo been edticatitif;
men at West Point all these yoarn ii
men are to he picked up from trfiliti.-al
caldron anil put in command." lint not
a word is said in condemnation of hun
dreds of other men who have been ap
pointed to lika position with no other
oualiflcalions, than that they ar 1 lie
onof nomeenatororcoiiKressu'ant-x- JrNi; 2nd - Over '20,000 pro
pre.idont or per chance their father h i .1 1 ntjcndtl Hie Tl"tM;--M IS
sissipiii lixposition a( Omaha
Jcne, 1st According to siieciul dis
patches to the metropolitan daily press
tho Oregon. Now Orleans and Now York
have left Key West at full Kpood to re
inforce Schali'VH .squadron.
Ji;nk 1st. Kvery indication point to
a Fedy close of the war according to a
Hfiecial dispatch to tho New York Jottrn
al of May 80th: the president in already
ta!!:itiK over the Tollable plans of ?aoe
which will take place between the
United States and Spain' very soon or
lia; .
dt und l i.i. r'V i.ltliuur. Ail of i.ieu. .sen
.,!mi llarii'V II. ituell ot Harrison, Not,.,
wboueeie II. K. J.i. :ivd, lor tlie s
- IJ, N w 4 N t-.'t s Wi, N V4 a I.1 sec. U
Toil'ii-ihii 111 lialc.-e 1.1 VV,
lie names the I ol lo'.viuir wltnesM'-i to iroVe
hi continuous, ri ..lideuee. upon anil cultiva
tion ol wild Ian t, viz :
A, 'I'. IIUKli'ie'i Krank Clandfelter, liear.c
Scotl mid Kmeiy l.lllmor. All of i.leu. Neb.
W. J. Wkiin Jit, I!elster
ir In fore noon of Hie liitb day of July, lis,
o- such road will bo, established without
reference, thereto. M.J. Ili.KWK'rr,
County Clerk, Hiour Co. Noli.
Inited Ilarrihon, Neb., May Wtb, ISOS
l.n a gwat perteral in the remote paid
Yet when a mini like Mr. i'.rvfin Imf '
.bility, has ruad hitnn If bat h
yt ,'tei 'i.t V.
hiiiul (llllee ut AUlance, Nubr. (
Way 27 til, IrMH. i
Notice Is horeliv (jlveu Hint the followtim
mimed ncttler has tiled notleo of Ills Inten
tion to make final proot hi support of his
cliilm und that said proof will be. made bo.
for M, J, Ulewrjt clerk district court ut
Harrison, Neb , on July tith IH'jhvU: Josepn j
1 1 tin IIIHII ill niiinip , .";u., n in iiiu.tu . ...
No aril ror the ,vW h Hue. 21, Township Z",
N ItaiiKe M w.
lie tiuuiOH Hie followluc witnesses to pt'OY
his continuous roHldenee upon and cultiva
tion ot ald land vh: :
John Herre, Jiicoli Marklnff, Mlehnel Iluf
tins; and S. It. Collec ail of llodare, Hob.
Al.o - Notice Is hereby Riven that 1 1 Irate
Itlchnrdson of lio'l.aa , Neb., has tiled nutlet,
ol intention to uiuke flnul proof nl saine
tiino nil. 1 place on timber eiitlnre nppllca.
tion No. I7IS for the S W of miction No, Z),
In Township No, SIN Itaiupi No, MiW.
lla sh witnesses:
Jacob ,1. WuNserinirger, nf Montrose Nnh.
Hour;- I'li Uetibroek " " "
ftetihen "erres " Uodnro "
Mlcha'd II iiiuitu " "
J. V. WKllN Jr.. i:c;;Utnr.
I i( If, -i. . - il.4. T
The Viii; ' F,frftHv f01c)nl Onldo flBil
) Mid f'.iinU i-t Ki.thv..' nd hMyiui Nitvl
.i.n I in n i,f (, 1'iiJU'rt hutca, lJoiuInlon of
() Mf' ri .i:,e't jlv f r ff in -ji'iM'Ulf,!! 'rp jn tllC
i-vj r I " 1 'i,. H 1 . 1 ) ! i" J Uilit is, Ihv .iWv.
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r,u'i 1 1 c rt rf 4 vt. v eta pen cqpv.
TUP. aMKnK t ah.'a AV M ioK .:;;.,
I') 1 ) A '''! fi-ft. I !.'". 111.
Harrison, Nebraska.
B. E. Brbwbt&r,
11 in W p-ndi p"r tnnnih. Nf r-
fljn-f, J TeintPT't irf-ehr J.. rmStti hu d'rii'llf f.uirt
(4lo:I. O.M-flion ll f't mt'l Hi-oh lrn. or wr.
D. H. QRISWOLD, Cftshitr.
Transacts a General Banking Business.
American Exchanhe NATtnNAf, Bank, Now York,
OMAHA. Nattonai, Bank, Omaha,
FntsT NationaIj Bank, Chadron.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
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