Tilt S.OUS COUNTY JOXJBHA Tuck-spay, May. 2ttUi. IVJ". IJeo. 1). "anon, Editor anil I'rop, : . F. F.. f. V R. lini table. . K v, .-..t. .in u North-Western like: F. E. M. V. IL E. i.i the Ut U ;:? f,m the HijfU iV r i 7 lK.viviK:) Axn iiut -ii:iSi, SOUTH UAKCiTA. A map of the United States. BurllKKton Route is three let " -aide by four long; is printed in bovfu colors; is mounted on rollers ; shown every xtat, county, important town anil afflCjjstjSrailroaa In the 1 nioii, ana Cl;,,!'....:--' ornu a very rtesiraoie ami adjunct to any bouse- eSS'Jj''";J. srfiolil or &ulnessestttDUminv iJAs.y-;j:g iurclssMl In l-.ir; quanti ties, tlie maps cost Burlington Haute more than fifteen cent each, but on receipt of that amount in stamp the under , signed will be pleaded to send yon one. Write Immediately, as the supply is limited. J. Fkaxcis, Gen'l Fttis'r Ant, Omaha, Seb. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATE OiTICEES: SHas A. noleomb Governor James E. Harris Lien tenant Governoi "Vf. I'. Porter Secretary of Stsitc John F. Cornell Auditor ,J. B. Meserve Treasurer C. J. Smyth Attorney General J. V. Wolfe Lund CommisIonei W. K. Jatkson Supt. Public Infraction CONGEESSIOSAL DELEGATION : John M. Thurston U. 9. Senator. Omaha Win. V. Allen V. S. Senator, Madison -J. B. Strode, Congressman 1st Wat., Lincoln J). II. Mercer, Samuel Maxwell, W. L. Stark, K. 0. Sutherland, W. L. Green, 2d 3rd 4th 6th 6th Omaha Fremont Aurora Nelson tearney JCDICIAET: J. J. STHvan Chief Justice, Columbus T. O. C. Harrison ..As'ta Jwlgf, Grand Island T. L. Korral AswocIkU: Judge, Sevrard X. A. Campbell-. Clerk and Reporter, Lincoln FIFTEENTH JCJDICIAL DI.5TK1CT: :M. P. Kinkaid Judge, O'Neill W. H. Weetover ' Kusbvllie M. J. Blewutt Clerk, Harrison TEKM3 OF COCETt District Court, At liarraou, coniiaenes 'Spring term May th, i'all Sept mil Jury l!Hh. bounty Court, At Harrison, commences first Honday of each mouth. LEGISLATIVE: Otto Mutz.. Senator, Dist. Ko. 14, Bpringrriew A. E. f.eilon. Dint So. 53, Ubadron cjCnty orricERS: Kobert Wilson .County Judge "M. J. Blvptt . Clerk 'bas. Eieble Treairer 3:ii.ie Merriaui Supt. I'uhlicliiiitruetion Thou Holly Sheriff J. E. Phinncy Coroner B. F. Tboniss Purveyor ii. J. 3Heett Cterii of i-iti-i i-t ' -jurt tirant Uutitrlt?.. tVwty Attorney BOARU Ol? COMMIASIO.NEKS: Jens C. Men(f -lut l)iiriet Andrew J'rocuuler M " Jaeksou llelUen(Chairmau) 5d " VILLAGE OEE1CEU3: E. V. Pontius (chairman) Trustee John Davk) X. II. Uriswod . ... W. It. Miiruteller K. Rohwcr ... . VV. II. Davis Clerk Lewis Gerlach .... ... Treasurer 'SCHOOL OFFICERS: Kggort Rohwer Director B. L. lirnuck Moderator Ivcwis Gerlach ........ ..TreiiHurer CIICKCTIES AND SfXJIETIES. Methotltst Sunday School meets every Sun -Uy morulntf at 10KIO W.H. Divis, MI68 B KTOI.L, Superintendent. Secretary EPWOBTH LEAGCT5. ' Regular trtiainoss meetlnn first Tuesday evening la ettcb month. Miss Palhei, O. Kexdall, President. Seeretiiry. Devotional meeting every Sunday evening p i:io. Al its. Kkn da Lt, leader. JUNIOIt I.EAGCK. ' HnU each Suuday al 'tornoon nt 2 "A Mas. Ki KiULU, Supt. JERUY TtVnK POST, So. .W" tt. A. B. Jloets neeoiid Mondy In each month tn the court house at Harrison, E. K. Livermore, Com. WOOPMEW OK THE WORLD. Harrison Camp, No. W, meets on each al torwita WwliMMstay (Vflulns;. W. 11. DVIi, . J.A.Uxm, Clrk. . Con. Com. UOPtXH WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Hmt Mali J ornate Mwtnnluy nvcnln; u-oinek. J. W ..Smith. V. C . WW Clork. :ant Grr;n::c, Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention pi vim to all legal matters in Justice, County anil L'i.-trict Courts, ami before the United State? Luui Cilice. Fire Insurance written ia reliable jn i ; .unites. Fj-T-Local pat-tre carefully drawn. J. E. PIIIXXEY, M. D. I'l5)t''aa and Surgetm. Ail calls aiveu jjri'inpt altent-un. CKilce i:i Urn;; - tor.'. -HARrtl36S - SE8KASKA. A. T. CLARK, Lauder. Office: in the UicbsUdn Uuii'tiag, HARRISON, NED. COME TO THE 1MM OFFICE JOB WORK 3 Stationary. NOTICE TO SETTLERS. The rules of the local land of'ice have re;eDt ly been amended so that tsettlers lo make final proof fchall settle with the publisher before sending in their applica tion. Alt parties desiring to maue unai proof can have their paper made out at IHE Jocusal otuce, treo of clwrfje, fnu promptly transmittetJ to ttie laud ottice so that no time will 1 lost. Special Locals. ZZT Car-load of wire jurt r ecei ved. A n y bod y wishing to buy wire and wind mills call onG. W. Hkstkiu For the next 30 days I will sell at corf my entire Flock of paddles and har ness. EoGEBT UOHWEE. Notice I tan cattle hides and all kind of skins with hair for robes, or without or leather. See sample and prices in J. IL Bartell's store. IL Qi.Eiucirr, Gleo, Neb. Local news is a scarce article this week. Go to Egbert Rower's if you wish to buy cheap harness and saddles. Burt Dew reports his mother-in-law lira. Myers as being vary wck. Grant Guthrie is busy this week dig gins' a storm cave near bis house. Mr. and Mrs. A. Christian of Pleasant Ridge spent yesterday in Ilarnsoo, 00 business. Jeff Hewitt, John Davis, and Burt Smuck, were branding their catliu Tues day and Wednesday. Mrs. jI. J. Dlewett, returned frotn Crawford yesterday where ishe has been since a week ago today. The rain commenced last evening about 8 o'clock, kept it up at least half the night and is fctill at it. George Gerlach now sports a bicycle which he traded for with Mr. Goou-ion Lacy last week, Georpe is catting to be a crack rider for such short practice. There will be mass at the court house on May 20th at 10 a. m. sharp. All will be given the last opportunity this year of rierfortninL' their Easter duty. Mr. and Mrs. Perry White and the children went to Crawford on last Thurs day evening and returned on the west bound flyer Saturday, They went to see the circus but were disapointed. Chas. F, Coffee was among our vis itors from out of town on last Tuesday It seems quite natural to see him in Harrison after several months spent in Dawes county, does it not Charley? Mrs. Henry Lindernau of Crawford came up from the barracks city with her son-in-law last Monday noon and has since that time been assisting Mrs, E. J. Wilcox in getting her new home here in Harrison fixed up for accupation. Geo. Toole, who left here in com pany with Dur.,Hamlin last fall, with a bunch of horses for the latters new home in Iowa, returned to Harrison from the South-eastern part of this state. George is undecided as to how long be will stay in Sioux County. E. F. Troeger cousin of Mrs. R. E, Livermore arrived from Wichita Kans., last Monday evening ,Mr. Troeger's home is in reality at Chicago but he has been to Kansas to sea his parents who live there. He expects to go up the road to f.hear sheep in a day or two and after the shearing season is over will return to Chicago. On last Friday evening a large num ber of the young friends of Miss Georgia Sherill assembled at the home of that young lady, viz, the North-Western hotel awl after games of various kinds were pnrticiated in by the guests for an hoiir or two; the hostess regaled the inner man with a most bountiful supply 1 1 1 is 1 1 of icecream aa cake. tiivcipjii lAio,ltion ut OniulutXi'lt. June 1 t tt Nov, 1st From Harrison every day (Sunday excepted) from June 1st to October 15th ISM at ",20 for round trip good for return until Nov. 15tb, From Harrison every day (Sundays excepted) from Jurie 1st to October COih good for return 30 ilays from date of sale C1'J,3'. For the craning exorcists on May 30th round trip tickets will be sold good for rtf-ira Juius Clii at our fare viz $1-1. .M. E. F. Poiitius aut. NOTICE A. Orton of Bodarc precinct has opened a blacksmith shop on Judge Hunters old place. Patronage kindly solicited. For correct information be sure you read the Jocksau People are busy these days hauling awav their manure piles, per inslruc tio.i. M. J. PU-wett wont to Crawford last Saturday aui returned home Monday coon. Mr. I). II. Gri.swold and family spent Sunday at least part of the day in the canyon. Mr. E,rgi'rt Rohwer has moved liis family into the cottage owned by Mr. Neeee on the Boulevard. Mrs. E. J. Wilcox of Warbonnet is now a resident of llarris'.n having mov ed into town on last Saturday. Hon. JL J. Gayhart of Montrose was among our visitors tha first of this week, uniting business with pleasure. The blacksmith shop of J. L. Strat on, and the ware hoiif-e being put up by G. W. Hester being finished quite rap idly. Mike Bruck returned from Crawford last Monday where it is said tie offered his services to Uncle Samuel as all round soldier. C. A. Puddy of Glen went wtht to Keyline last MomUy where he will be engaged in shearing bheep for a month or six wet-ks, What is the matter of Irving to raise a company of national guard soldiers in Sioux county. I there any patriotism in this county? Mr. Phil Dunn of Warbonnet was in our midst on last Tuesday anxious as usual to flud out the litest war news, which the Journal is always fdad to dispense. For ail important news, war and otherwise le sure you read the Siorx COCXTT JoniSAL, it is the official paper of Sioux county and it gives the news in ur.biasrd detail. . Mr. C P. Canon accompanied by Mrs. Geo. D. spent a very pleasant hour with grandma Wright on last Sabbath afternoon; ami were very much edified at her pa'ient stifferin.t. II. IL UasscI while in Harrison Mon day mauV his regular a!l at, tha J "t"R- ofTW Mr. Ti'' "1 tlin-r "'1 If"1 taxt's for the Arnliv.. s Towiwile company wbi'-li were back about four years. Sheriff Holly and family returned from Hat cr'-k valley last Sunday where they luva l?n visitin; tor almost a week, as well as official busings which Tom had to lock afl?r whi'u there. Walter Kent, of Alliance, was in town Tuesday making application fur the Village school. Mr. Kent holds a first gratV ccrtiflcato received from the Superiiite ndetit of Sheridan county and of course is qualified to teach any count ry school in the Mate. Theodore IVkenbrock who 1m len working at IJcalwood for the pat two or tiireo months returned to his liotne in the valley last Saturday and on Monday he took the train at this place for Pine liidge agency where he goes to work ut his trade that of carpenter on govern ment buildings. Tin second annual meeting of the Elkhorn valley editorial association will tie held at O'Neill of Saturday June Judge Edgar Howard editor of the Papillion Times and .President of the State Press association also Doc Bixby of the Lincoln State Jonrnal have prom ised to attend. Through an oversight we neglected to run the name of Esrgert Rohwer to his local in the special local column last week which was to inform the public he was selling out his entire stock of harness and saddles at cost. 80 please keep In mind that it was Eggert Rohwer, and call and see what be can sell in the way of harness and saddles at cost. J. W. Earnest of Running Water dropped into our sanctum last Monday afternoon and informed the quill pusher that he and family together with the families of M. J. Welier and C. A. Puddy neighbors and the school mistress of the district in that neighborhood of Gleo, were visitors at W. 8. Johnsons last Sunday, were all treated to a dinner of One trout and carpe fish which were aught in Mr. Johnsons ponds right at home. Of course Mr. Earnest did not mean to Infer that fish was all that was served up to the guests at Mr. Johnson's but other delicious viands were served up in bountiful profusion. Altogether Mr. Ernest declared lie had not sint as pleasant a days visit in -many year, b des he (speaks volumes of pratoe in behiijf of the host and hostess. , 1 b w was the rircu? Was it good? It looks good to jo water Handing in our streets. Hioe w ho went to Crasvford to at. tend the circus last Friday were fooled once in their lives. What are the town honn doing to ward getting the wind-mill put up for: pumping water for the village? , j Last Sjn.ljy was tha first nice j warm sunshiny day for the past twoj weeks. The grass certainly made rapid growth for one day. Sam Seaman rame down from Hat creek basin last Sunday on business Mr. S. report stacfc doio nicely up in his part uf the country. Some of our citizens claim, not for years has Sioux county lxen blessed with so much rain at thi3 t;fne of the year as we had last week. P.. W. Mernamof Millagevillo" Ills, brother to James and Elsie arrived here lakt Saturday noon to see bis fattier who was dead and hurried before he coukl get here. Mr. Merriam was very much sur prised and di.siipoiotisl to learn that he liad come to late to pay the last loving resjject lo bis father. G. A. It. Services. G. A. R. memorial services v. ill be field at the M. E. church next Sunday at 11 o'clock. Ruv. J. L. Kendall will preach the memorial sermon after which the decorating exercises will follow at once. Every body who has a spark of patriotism about them should net fail to be present on that memorial occasion. Tiie old soldiers who save d this Union and helped to maintain a glorious re public in HC1 to ISB-j should lie honored once a year at least. lt every tody come and strew flowers upen the graves, the hallowed spot wlwre he the last re mains of one who served his country when it was in peril. Another tine Gone. E. J. Wilcox an old xildier and G. A. K. comrade has, since the las.', memorial and decoration day when he was prev-mt and helped to di-corate the last res-ting place of .some of his old comrades in arms and pay tribute to their memory .passed to Die great camp ground on liieh. Thus it is the old soldiers one by one are dropping out of the earthly ranks and are filling up the ranks on high of those who have gone on le-fore. And now others who are left to light their last battle il! strew flowers upon las grave in memory 'if his tscrvices to his country and to his fellow-man. Only a short time ten or fifteen years at tnrwl will have closed the earthly career of them nil. Il the country honor ibe-m liy thuir presence next Sunday to libten lo the memorial sermon and take part in the decoration exercises. IliKlarc Haiiiicnhigs. Q;iite showery Tuesday morning. Miss Maggie Hunter is doi;ig the house work for Mrs. li.ib Keel. Mrs K is on the si-'k list. Sir. and Ura FilzgeraU and family of Ind inn creek returned to tistir home ye- U'.d.iv i! '' ( "l '-i--n vi-i'.ii'.g for a It; -a i. ay."- wiiii S'iK'.r 1 .tie!'!-. Howard li urke lix btvii eoiployeil by Bob Keel. lion Smitli is haulmg potatoes to Harrison to -h:p east this week. M. J, Bradley will move back on his own place next week. Mrs. Dan Jordan will visit with her parents tliis summer during Dan's ab sence, Out-xiivurt. W'iirhonnct WiubH n ys. Grandma Davis p.-nt a couple of days in the valley visiting with M'aa Elsie Merriam. Earnest Lyon finished breaking for 11:11 Shatto Thursday. James Nolan is busy assessing these days. Mrs. Wilcox has moved to Harrison. Pat Slattery was a caller at O. A. Carton's Thursday. Echo. A Card of Thunks. Wre wish to extend sincere and heart felt thanks to our many friends and neighbors for their kindness toward us during the recent sickness, death and burial of our little babe. Mil and Mim. H. P. Fancheb. A Curd of Tuuiikn. We wish to extend our sincere thanks lo our friends and neighbors for their kindness toward us during the recent sickness and death of our father. Miss EiifiiR Merhiam, Mrs. F. D. Bsimr. mb. James Mkhkiam. 3 CENTS :.""'''.:. t jn f.i4-V"Vniiy fluvial r.fiMe nr.H .. :i it.l .ttKjk ftf u.j 1. . litter rt i.u.u. !. l;i.ktl tUUn, rj.jluljo of it 1.' V. ifu , nl m I'-ir-t In S- 1 "' '" ''''I' u 1:1 ..-I.;-. 1 , ,.!). t'tv lKtf I'"".""1 I, I' D llnw ut 'i f-'"-,tii(t; I i, aitti wetti .', , 1 er-c 1.1.V ' i.i ; cts ps copt '. fl. . .j, 4,-, ,t , OH YES! Here We Are Again. 500 pairs of shoes of the latest styles. Hie above in an addition to our already large and :omictc stock of boots and shoen now on hand. u f fiavft the l.-irccst North-West Nebraska, Comietjon and are pure OUlt STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE IS STILL THE LARGEST AND TIIE BEST IN HARRISON. CALL SND SEE US AND SAVE MONEY, Marfsteller Brothers. . . .. .. S.- ... . , 7 i' 1 j 13 '.vr.','"',w.w ITow wrlto us for Description about it. Wo have been toiling our Address, mi m IlllllS p hi o R Answer Any Question You may Ask It. EocyclcpsdJii Standard American Annual. "PRICE CENTS Ready Jan, 1, 1898, On All News Stands. j4 J jt j4 Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. tTy The most widely told Annual Refer true Book and Political Manual published. THE WORLD, Pulitzer Building, New York. Nothing Else equals Ajer's Mils for stimulating a torpid liver, 'str.MiKthentng digestion, and ref lating tlte aotlon ol the liowels. Thny con tain no calomel, nor suy other Injurious drug, but are composod ol the active princi ples ol the lest vegetable cathartics. " I was a sufferer lor ynars from dyspc-iula and liver troubles, and found no permanent relief until I commenced taking Ayer's I'llli. Thf-y have f fleeted a 'eurnpieie cure." Cerife Hooney, Walla Walla, W. T. ' Whenever 1 am troubled with constipa tion, or suffer from loss of appetite, Ayer's l'llls set me right agalu."-A. J. Klscr, Jr., Bock House, Va. "For Die cure of headache, Ayer's Ca. thartlc Mils arc Die most effective medicine I ever nsed," R. K. Jmrws, Dorchester, Mass. "Two boxes of Ayer's pills cured rim t severe headache, from which I was long a si lerer."-Kninia Keycs, HiihbarisUin,Coua. Ayer's Pills, mr.ri into nr DE. J. 0. ATSB CO., LoweU, Mm. Bold by all Dealers In Medicine. SYPHILIS, SaaaFM'Mfrnl jfel'.ii. Tttov n womI ftmns i-od- llrely fut.d. S9 r h"ll of(U. T.rm. low. IjiMlm, films n.4 wklm.kUw wrtu. R WAR'i ISJITIIUII. World OH YES! Just received overf nwnrlment ever shown in and as to prices we DEFY to enit all who come We pay the freightt ON THIS Kimball ORGAN In Nebraska and Western Iowa. Yon Get $195 Organ for $38. YOU PAY FOR IT WITH A FIVE DOLLAR BILL down and 95.00 per month, folly Guaranteed for S years. and Catalogue. Wo will tell you all friends about thlf now 23 years. A. HOSPE, OMAHA, NEB. urn NINTH ANNUAL TEACHERS INSTITUTE TO BK I1KLD AT HARRISON, SIOUX CO., NEBR. FKOM JUNE 13, TO AUGUST 6. EIGHT WEEKS SESSION. Tuition Seventy-five Out per Week, N extra charge, for examination or r'. llicule, Omree of study will Delude only thonj branclifs required by law for a first Kraile ce.rtilb-ate. A r.'ido of "(J per cent in each of tho third trr.tile branches will lie required fur a thinl grado cer'.ifica!. A grade, of f-0 per cent in each of th socotid tfriide Vinuiches, and including t Im third (;radi) lmtiHbes, will be. reiiired for a mercimd (Trade certificate, A fri-ada of 90 -r cent vviil Imj required in each of the first jrrade bmnclies, and including second and third xr.'ula blanch es, for a (iirrt ffnide certificule. No one will receive it marking of 100 per cent in any I r.ioch of study. (July a Recialist has a right to so "tiijjh a (,'radtj. instructor:!. J. W. (smith. I (rawing. I'aoc. JiiH.v If. (kay.- liotany, llonk-lo-( (iiii- Aritiiinetic, Physics, "Alvbra, fii-tiiiietry. St IT. "kiE Wr.iiltlAM. Elements of Education, History atul Uhetoiic, Or thography and Heading, Oranimar, f'ivil (Jo v., Phytiiology, and Hygiene, Gto trrophv. LE..TURES. Elements of Education, written by J. V. Haylar, to lie read June l. I5ixk-keepin writttin by JUrry E. Wilson, to Iks read June2f. Botany, written by Prof flessey, to U read July 1. Pajier, Subject aelected, A. J. Hubcock to be read July 8. Our country's Hope, Prof John li, Cray Julv 15. SOCIAL: There will be a U-achrs social July 22, Teachers are requested to come preiar edto give a htterary protrranie Aug 5. Examination Aug 5 and (j, I hopo everyone, residing in Sioux county, will manifest their interests in the cause of educatioh, by their atten dance at this luKtitute, or by visiting at leant otie day, A gx.ial invitation ix extended to members of a school-board to come and visit us, and encourage tho teachers to greater efforts than ever be fore, by showing an appreciation of their efforts in giving them their hearty sup port. It is only right and just, that the teachers, who spend their time nd money each year that they may 1 bet ter prepared themselves for their work in tiie school-room, should have a first choice in our public schooln, 1 fowever the sole ni'in and end of rifrhfc education is not just to leach Miool. Tim true nim of right education Is to awiht in the development of all the men tal and phyHiciiil powers. The imd of Wi education is the completa dereh ment of those powers. I hope to tueet many others at this Institute tskside those who expect to teach school. Visitors will receive ft hearty wel- COUiC. ' :" Elsie Mcriiiam C'WSTT H.t TEm.STE-.IET. UPH.eUl M..ltUll.l.a,