The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 26, 1898, Image 7

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t'rmm Rrfniblictn Travrltr. ArkanraM iiy.
Pilgrim" to sucne aJirine of St Vitus,
to rare th dinease knowu as St. Vilut'
dance are no louger made. TTie mxlirn
mj of treating this affliction is within
reach of every bourn-hold, a is ahoivu by
tht experience of Krl A. Wam-r. tlie
H-jr-old ton of tii-org-e YVaj;iirr. of .M."i
Vth Btrwt, Arkmiwui City. Kan. The
father tells the try MWw.:
"Over a year aro," he aaj, "Karl wm
taken with t. Vim' dam and iimtinm-d
to crow iron; during five month lie mi
under pnysirisu's 'are. 1 1 in lontnr h
cm paraljiel and we could uA iindi-r-staad
word lie aid. He became very
Hun, ioat the uxe of hia nt'bt li-i: ami
teemed doomed to liMimie a Impelo iu
vajid. We had about given up hope when
l)r. Williams' l'ink I'ills were rexuui
mended to my wife by a lady whooe
daughter had been cured of a aimilar af
fliction by the pilU.
"I boujrht a bvi of them at oooa and
o o n no-
t lead
chanxe I
ehe better
waa ao well
p ea ae d
that I
more of
them, and
when he
had taken
fire tone
the disease
That waa six montiia ago and tliene
baa ben no return of the discime. The
cure wait effctunl aud permanent, and I
feel satisfied that no other incliciiip cnM
hare produced m inarveloua a nwiilt. We
ftl rejoiced over the reatonition of our
on, aaid cannot hejp but fn-l that Ir,
William' l'ink I'illa are the nmt re
markable niedicine on the market."
No discovery of modi tu times hoa
proved atich a bh-winK to mankind as I)r.
Williams' l'ink I'illa for I 'ale I'eople.
Acting directly on the blinxl and nerves,
luviur."trin(! thebody, regulating the func
tion, they restore atrnnirth and health
In the ex ha noted patient when every ef
fort of the physician proves unavailing.
i rr.i
3 I ' hj
A IloptHtt JnvaHd.
The aatoniaiiinit prut) ui 525 guineas,
or $2,861, naa recently paid in EJin
burgb for a cc py of the first edition ol
Burns' poems, printed in 1786, It waa
in the original blue paper cover.
TUP' 17 'VJ iV LMVlllnV j continuing the triuiujlns from above to
UlTi JtD Ul rAnillU.. u luw tb Mt lllollBU the dress 'i
Characteriatlca of Winter, ftprlng-and
Summer Attire Are Indicated Kit
really made lu two pit-tea. A brown
cauviis gmvn made In rwllnjrote faahlon
1 .... . .1 .i. san.
will slow at ine iiiruai nii'-ic
vas turns Iwk a cH-k!e cf si)!: to match
that of the drop skirt. Or, as In this
model, by the uiamitfemcnt of a single
sweep of trimming that seemed to out
line the eiltre of the double breasted
Shake Into Your Shoes
Allen's Foot-Kane, a powder for the
feet. It cures p:ilnful, swollen, amart
lug feet and liiMniitly takes the sting
out of corn and bunions. It's the great
eat comfort discovery of the ntfc. Al
len's Foot-Kane makes tljrht-utilnu or
new shoes feel easy. It ia a certain
cure for sweating, callous and hot,
tired, nervous, aching feel. Try it to
day. Sold by all ilrugglMH and nli
tores. By t.m"ll for lu stamps. Trlai
package FHEK. Address Allen S. Olin
sted, A' Koy, N. Y.
Joseph Arch, the laborer member ol
parlirn nt, left memi-i-n which the cotn
ol Warwick, the I, d Btot ke of ti e
Tranby Croft baitcarit aoandal, baa edite
and will publish soon.
Tat LuMtt Bronw vulalacTablaU. kit Dnicdsai
asruaa Ui moi if H ti' i can, a
Itffius of Interest.
Five cars laden with California wine,
in cases and barrels, were lately wrecked
near Del Bio., Tex., on the southern Pa
cific railroad. News ol the disaitei
brought about 200 tramps to the scene,
and (or five days they had a prolonged
A school atlas baa been discarded by
the board of education in Windsor, On
tario, "because it gives too much space
to the United Statee." The Oenadiani
oogbt to be aware that tha country If
till growing, end some day may extend
even further northward than Windsor.
ci Miller
So the falling of the hair telle
of the approach of age ana
declining power.
No matter now Darren me n
ner how leafless It may seen,
you confidently expect leaves
again. And why?
Beciuse there la life at the
So you need not worry about 3
. aliic - ...... kai tH Sl
tee railing . y 1 - -a
threatened departure or youio
and beauty. Ana wnyr
Because if there la a apark ef
Ufa remaining In the reota of
the bair
UI arouae it tato healthy aedt-
Ity. Tha fealr eeaaee ta ceroe
ut: h begina to grow:
glory of jrtur youth l restore
' w"t have a book ea tha Hair
a4 ha Oiaeaaea. It la free).
- si
a demure high-necked
was miggested as covering a
of Ilarinsc Affected by Modiah I)re- i r,.(iIJ(T,te fronl throtlt to tniBt and from
era-Apparel for May and June Day. ,llHt nu. down under the belt to renp- on the skirt
Kiime Kortune'a Dictum. j aruJ'''it
New Vork currKjMiid m e: j
lt:il for winter,
rush for spring aud
romantic for huiii
u.r thene are the
"three It's" of fash
Ion. And as this la
spring, It Weans
that you must pos
sess yourself of
novelty, of some
thing fresh and
striking, something
to suggest the com
ing of warm weath
er and consequent
relief from the
thialMom of furs
and heavy attire
generally. Illustrative of this was the
waist sketched beside the initial, whose
umber, with this spring's abundant
cool days lu mind, was particular to
describe us a warm weather garment.
It was of white taffeta, was fitted with
demure severity, and 1U only trimming i
consisted of bunds of th white em-I
broidered with black. Stunning wide;
re vers that served for shoulder finish,
loo, were made to match that Is, were
covered closely with black thread em- i
broidery. The result was charming, at j
once dashing and well judged, liar- ,
mony with the color scheme of the .
waist and with Its dash was found In ;
the hat that accompanied It, which was
all black wings and white straw and
$ 0
bouietiili. very lelcoii.g dinciig lie
oew embroideries on net an l cb Son lu
cnibi ia' ion of raised fl .wer in la e
and jet on steel sequins, which form the
stem and leaves.
It is not an uncommon thinif, accord
ing to a traveler in Ii le-ia, to meet a
herd of cows or oxen in certain parts o'
that country we .iiig blue glasses to
counteract the effects caused by the re
flection of the snow in winter time,
Australia is 26 times ad large as the
United King loin, 15 as large as France
and almost equal to the United states.
The ancient Mexicans used wooden
swords in war that they might, not kill
their enemies.
Mrs. wlnlow' Sooth 1 so s YRCf for chtld
rn leetlilnK. M-fn-oa He Kiims, rHucci! inllnm
niatiou. allttys pain, cure wind (wjlic isjttie
ulle. The gloves were white,
gown beneath. Must women prefer to
seem, at least, to have on some outer
covering over the dress for the street,
but Just at this season, when an outer
garment Is likely to be burdensome. It
Is a clever Idea to croate the effect of
such by the trimming of the gown.
Ill net cloth was used In this model, the
long line of trimming being a biaa fold
black-1 of white cloth, a piping of white cloth
A little eirl in Connecticut sent one
dollar to A'sntant Secretary Roosevelt,
with the reoiiest tint be 'Vive it to
pome poir little girl who lost her papa
on that dreadful ship.''
We will forfeit $1,000 if any of our pub-li-hed
test 1111011 !s are provi n to be not
genuine. Tins Pimj t o.. Warren, Fa.
J D ,the C-tnidian official rec
ent y v sited Wasliihgton, ys that he
i .und th' officers of tli- United Stat-
army and navy very friendly to (ireat
Pinkham Says Standing Still ia
Woman's Most Trying Tasks.
!p Innti'Ad of unwholciuiTiw cmmetl-!!. Olt-nn'iSuV
p . u r om. Mhlrh pur tli-A anil u-i,uiiti-r4 the itkin.
iiUl 1 Lair aud tV tusker ltns. bla or bruwu. uv
Mrs. Minnie Cuslmian. daughter of
Chaplain Hateman of the United Slates
army, and (iarrei While, a full blooded
Pieean Indian, were recently mar led at
Dopyer, Mnn
Hall's C.t
i a constitutional
. are
rice 75 censt.
Have you ever thought why it is t.iat so
many women or girls rather walk for an hour
than stand still for ten minutes?
It is because most women suffer from some
derangement of their delicate organism, the
discomfort frorn which is less trying when
they are in motion than when standing.
So serious are these troubles and so dangerous
health that the laws in some states com
pel employers to provide resting places for
their female employees.
But no amount of law can regulate
the hard tasks of these women. Cus
tomers are exacting, and exneot the J
saleslady to be always cheerful
and pleasant. How can a girl
1 cheerful when her back is
sailed by lassitude and bearing
ter how sweet tempered she is
way under the pain after awhile,
want cross and snappy saleswo
important capital, nnd no one can be
If you are ill or suffering, write
aching, whenahela a
down pains? No mat-
naturally, her nerves givf
Employers, however, don't
men. Cneerf ulnesa la very
amiable when racked with pain,
without delay to Mrs. l'inkham, at
Lynn, Mass., and tell her all about yourself. Your story will not be new to
her; she lias heard it many thousand times and will know just what you need.
Without doubt, Lydia K. I'itiKham's Vegetable Compound will help you, it has
done such wonderful things for suffering women. Do not hesitate to write her
all the little thiiifs that make you feci miserable. Your letter will not be seen
by any man, and Mrs. F'inkham's advice will cost you nothing.
Read this letter from Mrs. Makoaret Asdeuson, 463 Lisbon St., Lewla
ton, Me.
"Dear Mrs. I'inkham: For years I had suffered with painful menstruation
every month. At the beginning of menstruation it was impossible for me tc
stand up for more than Cve minutes, I felt so miserable. One day a little book
of Mrs. Pinkham's was thrown into my house, and I sat right down and
read it. I then got some of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and
Liver Pills.
"I can heartily say that to-day I feel like a new woman; my monthly'
suffering is a tiling of the past. I shall always praise the Vegetable Compound
for what it has done for me."
Ask Mrs. Pinkham's Advice A Woman Best Understands a Woman's I1W
stitched, for sucb are again to be the
thing. The entire result was just the
relief from the sombre severity of win
ter that ia most welcome In this In-between
season. . -
JI Is In the new trimmings, ratber
than In the new stuffs, that springs
R" is made apparent. A gown of pale
gray cashmere sounds simple, but when
made after the manner or the left-haua
sketch of the three a-row, It Is quite
otherwise. When the skirt la trimmed
with rows of tightly pleated narrow
white satin ribbon, when the sleeves
are white satin with closely pleated
rows of black satin ribbon, and when
the open-Jacket effect of the bodice Is
completed by a most elaborate white
chiffon front, then the simplicity be
comes the daring kind that suits the
season. It la accentuated, too, when
the hat displays a daan of unexpected
color. This one waa ricn in yeiiow
raiMMina that sa vas rnoM rLAiaaasa.
and burnt orange, ao the gown waa fit
tingly topped.
In the llnal one of these three eipres
toiM ot darlug it waa a trick of cut,
,v... tki of trlmiiilnii and stuffs. It
iovmw ii - -
wu OB of many gowns planned eepe
.tty for atreet wear Just now, when
Mh hour of the day la likely to pre
wmt a different temperature, which are
mt1 to auggest an overgarment. The
belted redlngote offer a graceful mode
Uktt followed ao cleverly sometimes
that the prliictaa effect la aecured try
coming at the bein. Belt and collar
were white satin.
Itrald ia applied effectively In groups
of graduated rows, and a skirt thus
trimmed with four or Ave ffroupe of
braid rows conforms to the demand for
trimmed skirts yet the becoming lines
or trie plain skirt need not re seriously
Interfered with. Putting other rows
on bodice and sleeves easily brings
above and below belt portions Into har
mony, and that's a point gained. Brown
serge was thus trimmed with black
braid In the third of to-day's Illustra
tions. We have by no means given up
the blouse bodice, and the open blouse
showing an elaborated and much frilled
filmy front beneath Is especially pretty
just now, suggesting a snug over-gar
mervt and a spring-like under-bodlce
Green and red In the silk facing of the
revere was all the bright color needed
for this bodice.
Gowns are very cleverly designed for
this season to present several novel
ties, and where one effect Is calculated
to take from height or slendernese, an
other Is Introduced to offset that. The
drees made with what seems to be
aeries of aklrts one over the other, the
top one the shortest, Is planned with
petticoat effect lu front to restore height.
and witjh the Hue of trimming cootln
ooue from skirt to bodice. Materials
for the scheme as carried out In the con
eluding picture were a gray silk and
wool mixed suiting, and black satin
rlblKMi. The yoke and collar were
auiovked gray chiffon over gray 3k,
and the leves were black taffeta cov
ered with wrlukled black chiffon. This
skirt appeared to have two oversklrts,
but the top one was effect only. While
women are combating the overskirt In
any form, It would be a more than
spring rashnees 011 the part of a design
er to Include more than one lu even the
moat Ingenious of gowns.
Copi rlfbt. laws.
A Curious Forest.
Th most extraordinary forest In the
world Is one discovered by lr. Wei
wltw-h, which occupies a tableland
some six inllet) brmid, at a height of
.') feet or feet above the , near
the Weet coast of Africa. The trunks
of the trees of this peculiar forest are
four feet In diameter, nnd )t they only
attain a height of one foot, giving the
tree the appearance of a round table.
There are never more than two leave,
which attain a length of alt feet ami n
breadth of two feet, the flowers form
lug crlmsoVi cluatera.
Ileum of Interest.
A prisoner charged with highway rob
bery died of typhoid fever in the jiil at
W ayne, W. Va. His heirs are about to
sue the county for $10,0(10 damages.
A farmer at Chrichel, England, is ec
centric in a high degree. All the animals
on his farm, horses, cows, pigs and fowls
are white, and he will have no others.
In a Montana hotel the e is n sign
which reds :"Boa-ders taken by the dav
week or month. Thofe who do not pay
promptly will be taken by the neck.
More than 300,000 series of arc lamps
are in u;e in this country now.
Voll and Strong
Hervous Spells and That Tired Feel
ing Cured by Hood's.
"My health was very poor. I had ner
vous spells aud did not sleep well at uight.
When I ariwe in the morning I was tired
and exhausted and did not feel any more
rested than when I retired at night. I
knew I needed a niedicine to build me up,
aiid I concluded to take Hood's Suntapa
rills. After the first .bottle bad been
taken I felt so much better that I procur
fd five more. I am now takinu the last
onf, and I have not felt as well and utrong
for years." II. P. JOXKS, 223 K. Mul
bury St., Kokouio, Indiana.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
! AracricA'f Oreaitil Mudicine. Sold lir ll drug
(tilt. II; i fur IS. 0t only Hood's.
Hood's Pills
ure Uw only pills to
wKf liood'a DirHpanlla.
Ironical Iff.
If a man fails once he begins to be
lieve in luck.
If you would make a self-made man
angry ignore him.
If opportunities were (emalee men
would embrace more of th"m.
If Adam had ben wide awake he
wouldn't have lont that rib.
If is golden all deaf and dumb
p 'ole ought to be millionaires.
It the moon con Id only talk what in
teresting disclosures it nrght make.
War with Spain.
As war with Spain has broken out
the officials seem to think that all
that will be needed Is warships, toi
ledo boats and other Instruments of
destruction. Hut really what will be
needed more thau anything else is a
good supply of "5 DROPS" (manufac
tured by the Swansou Rheumatic One
Co., 107 Dearborn street, Chicago III.),
to knock out the Rheumatism which is
sure to grip our soldiers and sailors in
the miasmatic climate of Cuba and
the surrounding islands. The truth is
that somethlufe' to heal and cure ia pre
cisely what is needed right now in the
desolated "Queen of the Antilles."
Those 200,000 reconcentradog reported
dying by hundreds need provisions, but
they need good medicines fully as
much. If Miss Barton, of the Red Cross
relief work, was supplied with "5
DROPS" she could save many a sick
Cuban. These miraculous "5 DROPS"
cotKiuer many of the worst diseases,
such as Rheumatism, Neuralgia, the
excruciating Sciatica and the other dls-1
eases for which it Is recommended. The j
War Department should see that there I
Is an abundant supply of "5 DROPS" '
In the medicine chests.
The Tattler.
George Augustus Sala'e widow has
gone into bankruptcy through taking"
upon herself her late husband's debts.
Mile Valentine About, a daughter of
Edmond About, has started a school of
m llinery f r apprentices and amateurs.
Lord Roseberry is about to give up hia
yinith formally by bringing out his two
daughters into society. Lady 8IM7
Myra Primrose is 18 years of age and
Ladv Mareeret 17.
I iMdpjil
A map of the
United States.
Send me 15 cents in stamps and I
, will mail vou a map of the United
States, three feet four inches wide
by five fleet long. Printed in aiz
; colors. Mounted on rollers. Shows
I every, state, countv, important town
and railroad in the United States.
Useful. Ornamental.
' Mil .,1
uflvcQ 1 m m mm stiff and nice
BiTUX LJU UvLlMiiw 11 v s s w - - 11
V- 1
Tii r uiiQiNftrQ RRfttCQ
UiUlllUUIMWbl l Ml '
Keokuk Jowa. new have n,wnn
Krsncls, General PauenRr Ageat,
Omaha, Neu,
2 he St. Jeaeph and Grand Iflui
Xassai Oity and Omaha BaUwaya
Union Faoifio
- j 1
Thl. March I. pmpartdon setrotiflc principle, bv mw wbo ?.dT?Df.PtuCthoi
i.tur.1 wl.H- sod Imwrtis bwutifiil and Iwtlnf sh. '.".i'w IS
SMDnfictured Ui.t I psffeMlr b""1'DU7,nJri;r?SJir" OT '
ZStn sntatanc. injuries, to linen sod can b. wed lor a baby powasr.
For sale by all wholesale and retail grocers.
"The Best Is Aye the Cheapest.
Avoid Imitations of and Sub
stitutes for
AO. In conn!- p.m. C..4.
Uon wttk ttie wu,u
Tc C.llfornl., Oron and all Wettrn Petals,
for Inlormatlon rcirarain. raiei, oui oa
or ldrcM nearest atent .r 8. M. AMR,
W. P. Roaixiaoft, Ja, U.B. raaa. a
Uen'l Maoaser. St Joatph, Ma
W Itlut an. I
mW Mt v aUfcevea.
I'm Sir for iiauiwel
ilaekaraaa. (uSiiiaatiaa.
I trritaliena r ulcr.UaM
f aocsui mivmbraBMb
falulaa. a.4 .ut aatcte
aTHlEvwiCHIMiSaiCs. .ia.a.
ai ay
r wai ia alala rMt.r.
bf ti.raai. .raaald, fa
ai aa. nr j mtim, aj.ra.
i mis
Alaska Gold Fields
.1. aea e.farth. lak. ...a Pta
froai all lortioi Faata aaa. I. aJ ii, ajs
at Tear 1
Wrttl Ctyt. OfAlUU. aasiistaWsikaftlS,J;a
The MM Red Kop. KM8n((ef
lc. mt ea. ft., eans and nails
Included. BuMUtnUM lor Pim-
trr. Samples IN. TMK
RUOriMM CO., CesaaMI
Hnd loreoi ol flntTnflTLIrowdr
Hat. circulars Ire.. w " 'sche CM
Won healer, a. V.
N. N. U. NO. 402-21. YORK, NEB.