The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 26, 1898, Image 1

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    .... ..
nn7 AT TFi TV. T A T
The Sioux County Journal.
Subscription Prio, fl.00
(Jeo. I), (.'anon, - -
KiitwM r.t ttm IIurri.Kin KMt office a
Mcond clam niattT.
Tte Joi'iiXAL stands fairly
find squarely on the Chicayo
jlatform, but will not Imitate
to 8i)'pnrt and work for the
election of candidates for the
various offices to be voted for
tkift fall no matter, whether
they are Democrats, J'opulist
or free silver Jiepullican- if
endorsed by ail th, reform par
ties, conditio, n'il, however, that
they advocate bimetallism the j
income tar law, opposition to
national banks of issue, arc
opposed to t'w retirement of the
ipreenbacls aw! t re a wry note,
favor ipwei'i-ir-hi omtiol of
railroads, Llejraph and- tele
phone lines and the establish
ment of postal savings bank
iny system, and also are op
posed to the issueing of nation
al bonds in time of peace.
Tho St. J.imen n.iswtto, lxjtidon an
nounces a Franco-Spanish alliance.
Maintain the gold standard and you
sustain and encourage imperialism.
A tittle itioru chlly (tallying down at
Washington, nnd (,'omnnxiora Dewey
will not need any re-enforcementi.
Bellamy, Autiior of looking back
ward'' passed to the great beyond Sun
day last at his homo iu Chicopue Falls,
This we k will, no doubt, settle the
question whether we have bonds to the
xUantof 500 million dollars voted onto
the people by Congress or not.
Father Kherman, son of tho illustrious
Ceneral W. T. Sherman, who distin
guished hitnsolf during th'i lato civil
war ban joined Uncle Sams forces as re
gimental Chaplain just recently.
Commodore lJuwuy in command of
the Asiatic squadron now in Manila har
tr will have about 12,000 regular
i-ipaniMli troops to lick or take prisoners
More he can occupy the entire Phil
lipino islands.
j 1 "
The rejmrt of the distruction at Mole
fit. Nichols, Hayti of twelve of the Span
ish vessels last Saturday and Sunday, in
dicates very plainly that the war corres
pondent, whoever he is must be a grad
uate in the art of prevaricating.
One of the greatest statesmen England
lias ever had the good fortune to possess
was William E. Gladstone who passed
nway at his country neat Hay warden,
England on the lHth inst. The entire
civilized, world no doubt will mourn his
At the close of the war our national
debt was f2?f)0,(X)0.0O0. It hag lieen
reduced close to one and a half billion
dollars. It requires more property now
to liquidate the remainder of that debt
than it would to hava piaid the entire
debt at thecloM; of the civil war in lHfiO.
Fvery thing has depreciated in value since
then except bonds and fixed investments'
Someone to distinguish himself for
lying has sent a SH-cial dic.patch to the
metropolitan daily prens that senator
Ilanna was receiving directly or indirect
ly royal on every pound of coal ued by
the U. S. navy. Certainly Mr. Ilanna
does not own nil the coal mines in tho
United States. Of course he may lie
getting a rake ofT but the above is too
preposterous to be true.
A letter from J. H. Edinisten chair
man of the J'eoplcg Party state commit
tee, authorizes the Journal to state in
behalf the members of tho party in thia
county that the People's Party Btate
committee will meet in Omaha at tho
Pax ton Hotel June 14 IHDH, instead of
June 2nd as formerly announced. Also
that the pooplo'l Party National com
mittee will meet in Omaha on the day
following at the Morner Hotel.
McKinley seems to be using the army
ior the purpose of boosting the ons of
prominent men into positions they do not
merit by any effort of their own. Zun
sville Signal,
Our .Motto
Why shouM thin glorious republic
form on ulli.imo with England? The
people df this country fought 1.I1 and
lied many of them that their children
niijjtit he fre'il from bondage :h gaulit
in 1776 as was slavery in the south
which cuiish the late civil war. It
certainly looks as if the United States
with 70 million imputation and inexaus
tablo rexotirsen ou(.;lit to lie able to cope
witli bankrupt Spain.
Will not S!iortn Hit- w:r.
Mr. Mr'Kinleys policy of giving army
places to insxpcriimcwd youn;; men be
cause their papas have boen great or are
now very rich will not aborted the war
much. St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
As Indicatoil liy (ho daily Press.
Scsday May 22 Report to the daily
press of 22nd inst was that tlvj U. S.
iteet commanded by Admiral Samp
son assisted by Capt. Clark of the Ore
gon just recently arrived from tho
Pacific coast had met the Spanish fleet
off Mole St. Nichols, Hayti and fought
a battle which resulted iu sinking 12 of
the enemy's battleships. Later reports
however say the whole story was a fake
without any foundation whatever, .
Monday May 2:j-The president has
decided to semi at least 15,000 soldiers to
Manila Phillipinu islands tore-enforce
Com. Dewey.
May 2-lth Todi.y another report in
regard to a great naval b.ittlu being
fought between Admiral Sampson's fleet
ami the Spanish squadron in or near the
windward passage supposed to liave tak
en place Monday the 2'lrd was made by a
passenger on the east bound train which
slopped here this evening. The gentle
man, who told the story seemed to bo a
straight forward man, who's home is at
Sheridan, Wyo., gave as his authority a
telegram delivered on board tho train at
Wheatland by a telegraph messenger
while the train was waiting for orders
and gave the bit of news for what it was
His story was that Admiral Sampson
and the Spanish fleet had met and that
Sampson had, if possible won a greater
victory than Commodore Dewey had
obtained in Manila harbor may 1st. He
also Raid that the dispatch boat that
brought the news had notified the naval
authorities at Key West to Bend hospital
ships to the scene of the battle at once.
May 25th No news have arrived iu
Harrison to confirm the abovo statement
Lob Ankles May 21. The
Times hero lias received the
copy of a telegram neiit by
Senator Jones who i.s in
Washington to a friend at
.Santa Monica which says
that it is known positively in
Washington that the United
States lleet has destroyed the
Spanish squadron under Cer
vera. May L'Ij. The president has
made another call for 75,000
May L'C). Commodore Sch
ley is now guarding Santiago
do Cuba harbor with Cervera
bottled up within and Samp
son has sailed for Havana to
bombard the city presumab
ly. MAY2(i-Under todays call
Nebrask's quota will be 1,
war HEWS.
Ksitluni'c of Expenses.
irnrrlK'in, NV1. I
May lifM. )
Notice is hereby Riven that the estimatfl
of Sloiu rnmity'a expenw sfor the year 18'JS,
iieido jHiumrv SI, H'.is, are as follows:
1'Mrirt Court Kxpensea 3,
Komi am i!riiles U,ri00.00
""'"''a 1.KI0 00
statioimry 3110.00
I'rintinff and ru.iUhli(; 1100.00
Institute )0000
Incidental - 2,.VX).O0
Soldiers llrllef 100.00
Ollleers Keen 7,10.00
S'lx-clal lleht 1,010.00
! M -47 51. J. Blkwktt, County Clerk
Tim Journal will publlHii your brand, lltfl
tliu following, for ?2 :, per venr. K.ieh aa
dltional brand 75 cents. f.yery rariniT or
rancliiiien in Sioux and adjoining counties
niiould advertise their brands in Tina Jour
nal m it circulates all over the Btate. It
limy lje the ini aiis of saviutf Diouey for you.
On left !dn of cattle and on left
iihoiifdcr ol horsew.
. O., (Uulehrlst, Hloux Co., Neb.
(.'IIAKI.Kfl r.IKHI.K.
On leit ide or hip of cattle, I
ijE53 "11 leflsilouldeiol horKC,,. j
fj'VAIiaiijje on the head ot Wurunnnet
L' ii'ik Ad'lresi Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb.
S. W. ( Vl'.KV.
left shoulder of cattle
jSsaS Kaine on Little Cottonwood.
in. ., I i uwiord
J iual Proof Notices.
AM persons having final proof notiees in
this paper will receive a marked copy of the
paper and are rerjueited to examine theif
notice and if anv r.rrors exist rciort the
niiniu Ui this olllee at once.
I.aiiil Olllee nt Alliance, Neb. )
ilay Zl, lw. i
Notice Is hereby given that tho following
nniird Heltler has liled notice of ills inten
tion to make llmtl proof iu support of his
claim, and that said proof will be mado be
tore Jl. J. I'.lewett, Clerk lilitrict Court at
Harrison, Ieb., ou July 2, lij!, viz; Tlicretilu
lieiser neir Meier of Ardiuore, S. 1)., who
made H. K.Ko. 4l!rt, for tho X-K't S-EJi, Hce.
::t, N'j H VViiand -WJ, 8-E4 See. 33, Tewn-
Jle name tim following witnesses to
prove IiIk continiioiu reililenco upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
Fruuk J. Miller, Peter Iheriaok, John Ash
ton and John 0.itra.nder, all of Ardmore,
H. II. J. W. Weiin Ju., iieitlster.
Laud Ofli'-e at AIlluiicc, Neb. j
May 4th, Issirt. i
Notice i lierehy give that the following
named settler has lliied notice el his Inten
lion to make lllial prmd in Muppol-t ol hi
I'lalin, and that uhf ))i-rof will be inude l,e
iore i.'fjbert Wilson, eotinty Jnde at Ifar
rlon. Neb., on June I Itli, ln'.'S viz: (barb's
M. l.'uiMell, of llarrinoii, Neb , who made II.
K. No. f.-'li, for the N i, N-V i.j see. ;n, and
S-K'i !-W' N K'see M, N linvnsbip yi,
Halite -A W .
Me n:itK-H the following witucMs to prove
bin eontiiiuoiih reisldfitcc ii iiti and eultiva
tiotl of said land, i :
A-'1'. Ilughsoii, Krankf l a mlfelter. Ueorire
Scott and t.mery (.illim.r. All of ulen, Neb.
AIM) Harvey II. liur-sell of Harrison, Neb.,
w ho made 11 . K. No. 35s, for the s w i4 S-t1,
I K1, .VWA N K4 ,vV N-W! K K4 ec. 3
'lownsliiit :il IhuiLii .'4 V.
He nnftieH the following wI1iic;smm to prove
hi eo'itinu'Mi-, rii.jidmiee upon mid cultiva
tion ol mild land, vi.:
A, T. H iiirhsnii, Frank Clandfeller, (ieorie
Seott and Kmery (jillmor. All of t.len. Neb.
W. J. Wins Ju, Uetrlster
Tho Sn inlay Journal Fivf.
During the great war excitement peo
ple cannot Ktl enough pax;rs to read on
the all-absorbing topic. The State Jour
nal as a sH;cial oiler will send the (ireat
Sunday State Journal three months to
any ierson sending in $1.1)0 for a year's
subscription to the Semi-weekly "State
Journal beats the old weekly all to pieces
and with a big sixteen-page paper
thrown in, is the greatest bargin ever of
fered for $1.00. Just think! you get two
big weekly paHrs each week for a whole
vear and a big sixteen page Sunday pa
per three months nil for $1. 00. In rfer
to lie entitled to this special premium you
must send your Oollar direct to the State
Journal, Lincoln Neb.
IJoiid Notice.
To A ix Whom It Mat CohckrX:
The Cominlmloner Appointed to locate) a
road commencing at tho south-east corner
of the north east quarter of the north-went
quarter of Section 24, Towimhlp jw, North
ltango 57, went. Thence diagonally across
the Koulh half of tho north-east X of said
Section L'4, to the south east corner of mild
north past quarter of Section 24 thence south
Wl roils, thence east so rods, thenco south so
roils, to Intersect the road run nlng eat be
tween Sections It) and 30, Township :B, llange
fx,. Aluo that the road now establlhed being
roan .No. 00, bo vacated between tho above
mined point has reported In favor of the
nsUbllsliinunt thereof with tho following
changei to wit:
Commencing at. tho south east corner of
tho north-east of tho north-west quarter
of section 24, In Township 30, Itungo .07,
Ihcnco south on old road eighty rods,
thenco cast one hundred and llvo rods,
thence north fifteen rod, thence east twen
ty rod-i, thou cr- south-mist about thirty one
risli theuci. t,, follow tho lino called for In
petition, and that the old road now estab
llnhed be vacated tietweeti the points where
changed tV tho Coniuils doner, nnd all ob
jections thereto or claims lor damages
must lie (Ile1 Iu tho county ( lerk's nfllco on
or before noon of the I'.llh day of July, lfflis,
or such road will be established without
reference therein, M.J. IH.r.WKir,
Coui.ty Clerk, Hlont Co. Neb.
Dated Harrison, Neb., May Isth, IMH
IS Pages a Meek 1
i.jg I'apers a Year
For One Dollar.
Published every Alternate Day except Sunday
Th Thrice-a-Week-World Edition of
THB Nkw' Vohk WuI'.i.d is first among
alt the "weekly" papers in size, fre
quency of publication and the freshness,
accuracy and variety of its contents. It
has all the merrits o! a grertifti dollar dai
ly, the price of a dollar weekly. Its po
litical news is prompt, complete, accur
ate and impartial as all its readers will
testify. It is against the monopolies
and for the people.
It prints the news of all the world,
having special correspondance from all
important news points on tho globe. It
lias brilliant illustrations, fetories by
tautliers, a capital humor page, com
JJte markets, departments for the house
hold and women s work and other special
departments of unusual interest.
We oiler this unequaled newspaper
and The Sioux Corvry Journal togeth
er one year for $1.70
the regular suescription price of the
two papers is $2.00
Some Plain Facts.
Crave errors, injustice, wrongs o!
greater or less degree, arise from lath
of knowledge cf the truth, and more
frequently from deception.
The most infamous case on record
of deception and injustice is the at
tempt to demonetize tilvcr as a money
of final redemption ia the United
States. "l
There is no learned judje, skilled
lawyer, or court of justice that ii
capable of reconciling the effort with
the constitutional laws that govern
tbe issue of mcney in thin country.
'The people have been deceived,
officials in power, chosen to adminis
ter justice under the laws, have
ignored their sworn duty, end given
ai'4. 0 the scheme that has paralyzed
--.;;ry, reduced property values
JiC -naif, nnd bepgared millions. : '
There is na authority of law, either
specific cr by inference, by ivhich
gold alone is made the only money
with which to discharge debts, either
public or private. The effort to
make it so is unconstitutional and a
national calamity.
Plain and ample information, facts,
ar.-I truth, concerning this almost suc
cessful scheme to corner the wealth
cf the people, is now being printed
in the Cincinnati l-'nquirer, a news
rapev which the combined power of
u-i.p( y has f.ulcd to muzzle or buy.
The Weekly Enquirer is only 75c.
a year. Tho address is
En":::er Company, Cincinnati, O.
War Xcws Twice a week.
The fact that tho Omaha Weekly
World Herald is issued twice a week
gives it an iiniiienso advantago over
other weekly papers sent out from Oma
ha. A subscriber to tho weekly World
1 b raid gets his war news twice a week
instead of only onco. For this service
the World-Herald charges only $1.00 a
year, which is less than ono cent a copy.
Slu-i-iff's Sale
Ily virtue of an order of sale Issued by the
Clerk of the District Court of the county of
Sioux, and state of Nebraska, upon a decree
rendered by said Com tin favor of Horace
C. Stanton plaintiff, Lorenzo I). Harmon,
A. I.. Oritishy, trustee, Frank HaiUy, Isaac
A. Pratt and Francis I-t. Pratt defendants, I
will on the 2'dh day o! June, A. I. 1HM, nt tho
hour of i o'clock p. in. of said day at the
east front door of the Court house In Harri
son, in said county, off er and Bell the follow
ing described real estuto to wit : The ti Vi'H
of Section 5, Township 3"J, Range S3, In Sloui
county, Nebraska, nt public auction to the
highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said or
der of sale in the sum of M.'M.'ilS, Willi Inter
cut thereon at the rate of ten per cent, per
uniiuin from tlio Bth day of December, ls'J7,
and costs und accruing costs.
Thomas Hoi.i.r,
44. 49) Shcrltr of said County.
NIktIiTh halo.
Hy virtue of nn order of sale lusued by the
Clerk of the District Court ol the county of
Sioux, and state of Nebraska, upon a decree
rendered by said Court In favor ol Jane K.
Woodruff plaintiff, and John Mclnhart,
Josephine Meinhnrt, wls Unfiling, Mrs,
I-wls Untiling, wire of Lewis Unfiling whose
true christian name Is unknown, and W. J,
llowden, ilefundunts, I will ou the 2,th tluy
of June, A. D. lK'.iw, nt the hour of a o'clock
p. in. or said day, nt the east frontdoor of
tho Court house, In Harrison, in said conn
ty, offer and sell the following inscribed
real estate to wit: Tho S K of Senium Ht,
Township 3'l, ltango 64, In Sioux county, Ne
hriisks, at public auction to tho highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy said order of sale,
In the sum of fiWI.4.1; with Interest thereon
st the rain of ten per cent per annum, from
the day of December, sn7, and conts and
accruing costs. Tnnv s Hoi.r.v,
Hicriff of mild County.
MAY 26 1898
William J. Bryan.
I am selling Harness & Saddles at cost
for the Hex t 30 days.
If you want to buy
If you don't believe what he says go
take a look at those 500 pairs of Boots
& Shoes just arrived last Tuesday, and
you will see he is warring with every
store in the north-west. You can buy
foot-wear of him cheaper than at any
other store in Harrison.
Fresh Garden Seeds for Sale
ln Head-quarters for HARD-WARE, TIN-WARE, DRY-GOODS and
dlbU, GROCERIES, FLOUR and FEED and everythiug needful & useful.
,.; --1,1 ff. tf (i ffi
- -vi1: ii 'ji .io
r. :7frjn! ix!'ii!:u ;.-.'doo ii
ft SiUiWI -Jl:-: 1 V .l.'H :p .ii:()
. -lC"-.t::;j- at: .A.:q:;.jp
jri'v, ,vc!ilip': si II "!
l, til (Ul p:in B vu 't-'-iCUi'jnitl
& -ijJvi Miei o:.i AimuoM
- ti
: .. .
i3 AM'.5dd3
3 wmfji i2s m
2 to Ti
Trade Marks
Copyrights Slc.
Anynnp Bonflinj? a wkotrh nnd rtparrlptlon mnr
quirkly ftsccirtntn our opinion free whnthcr nh
invention la prohnhly putctttnhlo. ('(jmniunion
tt(ti -Uriel ly 0(n(ifli ntl il. J laiifliwmk on t'ntctita
sent fron. ()ldKl ntn'Uty for Hfnjrin palontn.
i'atontft taken tliniuph Blunn &. Co. receive
iperinl notice, without chnrga. In tho
Scientific American.
A hamlsomcJy illustrntPtl wockly. I-nrgftBt oir
puinilon of any art on title jftunml. TemiB. f3 a
yonr: four monthfi, tL Hold by all newartoalcrs.
MUNN & Co.36,Ba,"- New York
Unwell OHico, 625 V Bt., WaslilUKtun, D. C.
U. E.,
D. H. GRISWOLD, Cashiar.
Transacts a General Banking Business.
Amhiican ExriuNdK Nationai, Hank, Now York,
Omaha Nationat, Rank, Omaha,
Fihst National Bank, Cliadron.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Says its so.
fs1 a? ssj I
& writ
iIS lb i rilSdl
... v
TJ: "-iisi
: Jr'JL " VVend or Hetal ? If so
sirnd for Catuiogiij of
; Earives Foct
Power Wackinhsy.
j Pnict'cal, Sfron't, Tumble,
; V. . 1-. i Jolin Karnts Co
I IfRuhySt.,
-, Illinois.
"A N Y LA 0 Y can get a valuable secret j
ttut ciit mo (6.00, t4 rubber shield for 30 centi.
Mbs. V. M. APP. CO.
883 Pf NK STDFFT. ST. T.OriS, WO.
A package of our
troiitinonfc fni
9 woaknosa
f U HM Wt ,f nr.nrAiia 4nKlll n ...1
i" decav. non
lot v'tnlitvrinrt freo for 11 eta. podtaR.
y C WARD LST. 120 H. 9'i St.. SI. L001S. K3-
C. T, Coma,