The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 19, 1898, Image 4

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kertiluK Wortr at Tampa -Hvvorta Denied
Angry M utteringt Hi-nnl-FUiun
Siehooner Captured lla.lenlng to it
t Feu Bombardment.
Washington, May 7. Alter another
iay of waiting in the navy and state de
aartment yesterday the doorj were
igsin closed fur the night without re
ceiving any information from Commc
iore Dewey or from any other reliable
ource ai to what happened at Manila
tfter the cable broke. '
During the course of the day there
were rumori that the table cornraunica
iion had be?n restored, but these were
loon found to be baseless and the ex
jiteinent subsided.
One comfort the officials take in the
situation, although it is of a negative
ibaracter, is that the.Iack of communi
cation is a probable evidence that the
Spaniards at least are not in control a?
Manila, elsetbey would speediiy con -iiunicate
that fact to the rest of the
world through the cable.
Tampa, Fla., May 7. Seven transport
boats are now at Port Tamj.a and soon
will be in readiness for the loading of
Ihe troops. The Florida has already
iaken on board a full supply of coal arid
a large force ot carpenters were put to
work yesterday electing stalls for the
horses and pack mulee. The Whitney,
Gonial, Berkshire and Allegheny ara
Med up at the docks taking on coal, an I
this finished the work of making alt -r-ttions
neceswy for their use as trjn -port
ships will be rnshed.. The tiuseue,
whch arrived yesterday, from New
Orleans with a carload of pack mules,
is still stuck to the bank a short dis
nce south of the dock, and probably
will lave to be unloaded by lighter. As
to the time of sailing there is still great
uncertainty, .It is not probable that
t.hl IrtniTvlmibp fnr ArHora In l.mak eo m r.
B - - - r
will b given before the decisive action
between the Spanish and American
"The time for sailing will be made
cnownlto every body,"sai 1 General Shaf
ler yesterday. 'This is too big an
expedition to get away in a hurry.
When the time comes everyone will be
no Utied.
London, May 6. The officials of the
Spanish embassy here issued a categori
sal denial of the reports in circulation
lere an i elsewhere to the effect bat
the j nvr.n regent intends to abdicate
Jie throne of Spair.
London, May 7. A special dispatch
torn Paris says the seizure of the L-feyt-t'e
intensified feeling againet the
Ou t. il States. Angry muttering were
learl. The United States consulate is
under special pol;ce protection in view
A t;ie hostile demonstration.
Kby W'bist. Kla., May 7. So soon as
tnonse yesterday morning lifted and the
regilali 'lis forbidding t'.ie entrance of
veseele into Key West harbor during
the dark hours would permit two little
prizes were brought in. They were both
Spaai-h flailing scbooneit of no great
value, the Ononte ml the Antonio
s5ues. The Oriente was capfuied by
ibe gunboat He ena off Havana veeter
imy. It was bound from Yucatan fur
Havana with a cargo of dried rigb anl
bad been out thirty-five days on account
it gales and contrary wiods. One hlanit
shot was enough to bring the little fl
low to terms. The skipper declared l e
knew; n&thing about the existing war
Conditions. The Helena put a prize
j ew on hoard and sent it in here. The
Antonio was captured by the dispatch
boat Uncus off Hocas Ciej.i, near Havaha
It is said that it was signaling in
fi rmation to a French steamer aa to
w ere it cud Ian ' without interference
from, the blockading fleet.
London, M -y 7. A dispatch from Vi
enna Bays in higi.e t circles it is regard
id that alfai'S n Spain are hurrying
riimilv toward a grave crime, but nc
fens are enteriBineil f.r the peis.nal:tie uipp:cii ani', a
r4 ,tv of t: U'xen r gent and son. If ' caued by t .e explosion of the balers of
in i.eiieved lb' TWiii le al le to leave
mn uoiiijurtd ar a u t?.b e moment.
Nsw.V'o:i .,. .May 7. A pecal from
ojii Juan. K nf j K m, -ys :
prepare. o in fe Ui g made for tl
lecc ption of the Spanifh Cape Verd
fl i t, of wtiicii is exjecled al-nJu'M-
Bioineaiar.lj. The ordv warship
tioV i th bat of S,m Juan is th
linMlai' the, harbor has been cleared"
Oi iiia-eotnbatant Ves-;eis-to make room
f, r the anchorage of the Spanish fl-el
All merchantmen have pul ed up uudei
the protection of the hills, fearing I
bum ward merit by the American fleet
Seimto Conllrujiillon.
Washington, May 7. The senatt
yea'crday connrnied thtse nominationi'.
Cloiel Charles P. Eagan, assis ".anl
general, to be biigadiei
geuera!. '
IIrtr Itrrnlatlons Strict.
Nsw York. May 7. One ot those cap
tains who bave been recklefsly disra
ganling the new tirbor rcitalationi foi
thi port, for pastes to avoid the mUu
aAr, leueived a tnde ihock to hit
amni doting tb night, when a blaal
titat waa find at hi schooner from tht
battery at Beady Uook, i tbe vmm
a twastag over U mine field ia ta
tzlmhmi Tktb wasa vanlat
rtzZM tatoi4 to
to KJert tipan Urd
from Caba
Now Fairly On,
Washington, May 12. The arm
movement on Cuba is now fairly launch
ed and yesterday's news developed a
concerted effort all along this line to be
gin aggressive operations on a big scale
for the ej-ctment of the Spanish troop;
nd government from the pearl of the
Antilles. An order given yesterday
a.ternoon by the war department for
the Durcbase of $5,000,OX) rations is an
earnest of the scale on which prepara
tions are making for invasion of Spain's
territory. Of this vast quantity one-
fonrth is to go to the Philippines by way
of San Francisco, and the nalance to
Cuba. The department has made a
great many changes in the original
pmgram laid down for the concentra
tiun of troops, and as indicated in these
d a safeties Tuesday morning, LoJiesif
volunteers that were originally slated
for one of the great concentration camps
nave to ind themselves suddenly, under
or.Jers to proceed direct to southern
po:ntg, S3 that fcon volunte is from the
e-et and middle weit will be moving
Mifty toFl-rida and the gulf, while
from the far west the cars will be carry
tng troops to San F'ancisco.
Contrary to expectations the day
again passed at the navy department
without news from Admiral Sampson.
N t withstanding w hat seems to be con
firmatory newspaper advices as to the
presence of the Spani h fleet at Cadiz,
the navy department officials are begin
ning to entertain strong doubts of the
accuracy of the reports. Until news
comes from Admiral Sampson of his
doings in and about Puerto Rico, it can
not be said definitely what course will
be decided on as regards that island.
It has been sonnested that some of the
troopt' now being hurried so rapidly to
the gulf coast may be intended to co
operate with Admiral Sampson) in the
reduction of the fortifications at San
Juan de Puerto Rico, aid the tubee-
'jueut occupation of the island. An evi
dence of the wisdom of having the troop'
transports near at band in such rate ia
shown by the piedicament Admiral
I)ewey is believed to lie in at Manila,
where, for lack of troops, he s unable
lo occupy the town and to prevent
ttrocities wbi h the insurgents are capa
ble of working upoa their helpless
pmish foes.
Toe revival of doubts as to the where-
ib u s of the Cape Verde squadron
jaused a renewal of anxiety as to tfee
Oregon. The ship w s at Bahia at last I
accounts and is believed to have etarted '
a day or two ag up the Brazilian coast
Vo jo n Sampson's squadron in the W est
Indies, she will have to make a mn of
5 (X0 mile, which will occupy the Ore-
ion about ten days only, as she is in
Sue fert le and averaired thirteen knot
an hour on the long run around the
The navy department has felt ibllged
to decline the offer made by some
wealthy New York gentlemen, beaded
by 0. H. P. Belmont, to build and equip
a torped ) boat for the use of the govern;
ment during the war. Possibly the
ieclination was brought atout by the
xin lition attached to the offer that the
boat should be commanded by Mr. Bel
mont, f ir, without the least reflection
upon that gentleman, toe naval officers
nave been obliged to decline to establish
the precedent of appointing civilians to
sommauds in the navy.
The ruaa oiders to the Charleston,
which went out toJav, will have the re
sult, poisibly, of obliging the depart
ment to fend another vessel. r.oibly
the Phi'a l lph a with the tr Op trans
ports, wtiicii are expect-d t,- no out
from San Francisco, about tbe end of
the week, since it is very unusual in
time of war to send imcb transports
without a warship for convoy.
A t'ntft (iofn Down.
London, May 12. A di-patch to the
Ooiie from Gibralter say a British
steamer which arrived there, reports
ofli dally ttiat it ps-ed yesterday even
ing a Spani-h torpedo boat destroyed
which hs guarding Algeciras bay and
s'rain. Sho-tly after ,the st ainer
p.ssed it all 'be lights of the destroyer
wer-- tud lenly ext.nsjuish'-d, a terr.fic
e:plo-io i followed intined ately an t the
d'5 trover d.sapp'ared. The disaster,
t'ie torp d i boat desToyer. It ns leared
that all on liofd oi it nave perished.
TaeSpmwri tirp.iIj biat rieitroyer
T p r:ed b om up lien Oibialtor prob
acy i'j the D-trn .-tor.'
Hi? D B u :t r im cl f -e 1 as a tor.e lo
gniiliiat Sli-r w.i l"-' feet .x inches
lin.', and was eAun ue 1 to have a sp. ed
eijuai to ao ut twe,nty-t o and one-half
knot. Her annum-lit consist d of one
tineani oiK -iiaif in ti gun. four six
p tundir ij'ilck-flrers and f jur Maxim
g 1UH. SttO lua a crmm un-nic men
Mile f l.tnitnl in ( iibn.
Saw York May 12. A Key Weft
spec at wye iliat in! irnmtiou has reacried
tioit p aui o: tlie Undiu within fifty
m l.iol Havana expedition under
CJ iimmdol Captain Dorst, Fourtu cav
alry, which left lam ia yesterday on
bor J the tran-p rt (i is'ie.
Austria V 1U Krni,tln Neutral
Tooa Pksth, May 12. Euiperoi
Francis Joseph, rep yin t thea !dre
s of tue mem her i ot the delegati ins,
who wer receive I in audience by hit
majesty, dtolarel that Austria's rela
tions with ad the powere, especially
wi.h t ie neighboring statea, were ot th
very l t, Tbe emperor also referred
wit i regret to the futilities I etwees
the United Htatee and rtpain and laid
that while he had reeclved to ualuteit
etriet aeetralitw be hoped "tbedtuv
is etramle wUreooa be ended."
j ... .
r.d Ilereat Will be ,U,weU Opr.
Kevol -a,p.0 Not .,rd t rou).
r Keteuue
Hill. Ai niii-M 1 Mullteje
Lonoox, May 11. Toe Blaritz corres
pon lentui the Daily Mail, dilating on
Spain's internal trouble says :
'But for the necessity of if'-f.iug the
war credits voted in the orl.-g Senor
Sagasta would have decreed the Hidpen
sion of the constitutional gurjut,
thus placing the who e country under
military jurisdiction. The d lliculties
or the pwir people are worse than those
of the ttovernnient. The latter, bv van-
o is expedient,
can raire monev
f iruier are unable tu obtain-either food
o employment. The wages of the latmr
ere are to j sm ill to bur sufli :ien'. fiod
for lhemeives anl their families, la
the mininii regious of Estramadura and
other places the miners are nearly
f .misned.
"Mea-iwhile epee llators in tke corners
to raiee the price of fool and industry
ia paralyzed. In the Balaeric islands
tfioutands of workmen are livin? upon
alms. In Catalonia, the richest region
of Spiin tbe sufl-ring haa been int.-ns '.
"The wareliousei are filled up to ced
ing ith goods which ill remain there
till tt e war is nv-r, and tbounndi of
workmen, fami !i -d witk bunker, will
easily become the prey of political agitii
torg and compHcate Uie so.iial an 1 xiii'.i
th' situation of the countrv.
"The work of the p jlitlcal asfitator is
laiiv Incoming more manif-st as the
plight of the people becomes more hope-
s. Tbe republicans declare tbat tlie
momen. the telegraph announces a new
d faster to the Spauish a ins tbe great
mass of tbe country wih rise and sweep
away everything. The CarlisU ay that
if '.here are fresli disasters they will seize
power. Tuerefore the key to the situa
tion is war nee. The Carlists are well
arganized. The republicans are divided
by differences of programs and the rival-
ri t of their leading men.
'They pat much faith in Wevler. but
he is simply waiting for his own chance
ind will venture nothing unless a'so-
'.utely assured ot success. The report
'.bat Weyler bai arrive! at an under
standing with Marshal Campos is untrue
i ,ey are not even on speaking terms.
Tue na ion as a wnole is, however, in
different to the struggles of parties, for
it trusts none of them.
Wadhinotun, May 11. Up to the
time Secretary Long started for tbe
cabinet meeting at 11 o'clock yesterday
t e was without information f r im
A miral fcampson's fleet concerning any
action. All inquiries about the navy
department were directed toward the
whereabouts of this fleet and its ptos
p U of a speedy engagemt nt with the
enemy. While there is little doubt that
the officials know the approximate
locality of the fleet, it is quite certain
that nothing has been received as to tbe
iruising and search for the Spanish
ship. It is felt that the next few hours
will determine beyoud further question
whether the bpanish fleet wiiich left the
Cape Verde Uganda did, in fact, come to
Porto fitco, or diverge northward back
to Ca :iz for a formidable concentration
of the strongest ships of the SpanUb
navy. In the latter event Admiral
SampKin will have no Spanish fleet to
fight save thoe smaller crafts in Cuban
wa erg. It will leave the cou'sefjnlo
tb Oregon to uiak" a juncture with the
fl:. t aid also will leiv e Admiral Sump
son's hands free lor attention to Porto
Kico or Cuba.
London, May 11. A special di'patch
from Sb'tnghai says that it ia reported
there that Admiral Montejo, the com
m nd r of the Spanish fled, who es
caped from Cavite by running along the
siior - to Manila, with his two sons, was
killed by the populace of tbe later place.
It is added that the hospital of San
K !l re, filled with Spanish soldiers, was
set on flr- by shells from the li ton
and hat Sid era of Charily were killed
wiiiie rein ivuu the wo inded.
Massacres are reported to have oo
c-'.rred outr.d'jof Manila, the insurgents
bu c even the fpauish women
and h Id en.
WAMiiNor.s, May li. When tbo
senate coin.iutt' e u liuunie aljninied
ycstetijiiy 'h. re was an und .irstand, Iig ihe democrat i J aiuerulu eiita ehouid
oe akeu up toiuy ani me oiu io ine
ten t) ouid i.ot be pofctyoned beyc uit
tiinionow. There are, liowever, s .me
matteis of d.iUil iu the revenue feat
ur of the bill sull reqnidi g utie.iUon,
an 1 t:it V may cuienuio more or mi
time. One of these s il.e rate oi. to
bMCo, which has not yet te:i
to ti.e enii.e satiiffact.oa oi ih
members of tie committee. Onlv a
bri f se-sion was held lo3ay, owing to
the abeaue oi some of the memijers.
l'rovlloii for Porto Klcu,
Madkik, May 11. An ofliciai rliniab h
lio.n Por.o Kico ays toe IJ.linao has
arriveil tbeic, protected by Spanish
Fall Thirteen Mi.rle,
CaicaOo, May 11. Kii ert J. Kossell
Of Omaha, a gue'.at the (treat , Nor lliern
h'ltl, was metantly killed by lading
irom the thirteenth stry of tbat budd
ing shonly after 1 o'clock yenterJay
Doming. Hi body went through the
glaisdrme ot the interior court abate
tp ' fflcrt and then through a bear
er ffoltl and boned iUtnl in debris. All
tb b nee ia hie nod were broken.
Bu U wai attired ia his night clotbiog
aau uia.t bars fallen while walking lo
bis sleep.
A.luiln.1 sri. ''' lo ,h K"B,
ml the Hi'"'1"1-
Wahh'noion, Miy pi.-Tnere is the
I best authority f..r tue fUU ment Uial
t . . I niiiu.iir b re-
' esiernay navuiv -
hou Ai)lI1,r4, Sa,np.n,
; j, ,l)t e rl
l esteMay navinr p-- --
Ilie navy
department d.ies not expect to near iniin
'him within -V:iri days. The authority
for this statement ' is fully acquainted
i with Admiral Sampson's I lans, and the
'rnnark would M-em to inilirate ttiat the
i admiral, havinif failed to find the enemy
at the place ext-rcted, had turnel bis
iatienli.m to the alternative project.
! What this is cannot be ascertained. It
;i evident, however, that the ifepart-
inent is under no apprehension as to
:ihe w.fty of Ihe AnuriiMii fbet, nor of
any vefselof tlie fleet.
! VOI.UNTkkRa 10 sfcK hKRVICK.
I The war department yesterday s.w fit
Un gratify the univi re&l desire and in
fo in the country tinongh tlie press just
win-re tlie various state volunteer or
,i;a'iiz t on-are to te cuiii-entrated. It
U tl.e fiist tune t! at any otlirial state
jrneiil has Is en made as to the po.nts of
;incentration th"melves. Tl:n order
m piibhsiied by tlie deptrtment is
.liou.'h' in foine quarters to warrant the
I it-iniipt inn that it contemplates a
!jpe: ly n ovein-nt of the I'mted States
piilitary fi.ri-es iin Cuha and in much
; 'rearer force thin s originally
'piaiinel. Tlie war oflicals r-fure to
! av aiivthing on ttun v-int, t'Ut there
i "
j is every tvi-Jeiice 'hat tiey expect a
' ili' r', sharji, conc'usive and limn diale
i -ampiign, eiic.i as could nd b waited
!.iv live or ten tl ouai.d sohllers. It is
j i'so to 1 no fi that preparations made
i'jy ihe quaiterrnater's department and
j Uie coiuinifsary's department, so far as
j t is di't losed by actual or lers, indicates
i'.bat pruvi-inn is being made for iixibiliz
, nir and transporting and feeding many
jJioii'iinds of men outsi le of the United
1 With a vie to ytematisiiik. the great
I i irk of mobilizing the forces and pnt
j'.iug them in service, the wardepart
iOi 'itt has planned a scheme which, it is
'wiieved. will very much hasten tbe
work of getting the men together and
j equipping them, while avoiding any
1 xmgtietion of the railroad tratric snch
, i- is always to be apprehended in eases
jjf wr.
' Iristea"! of allowing all the troops
j ailed fir I'uiu a particular state to be
. tssembled and broken in at the rendei
jvons, the department is instructing its
i nustring olfice to complete the organi
, t itiuri ot regiments as rapidly as possible
j and as Bn as one is organized to report
I ihe fact to the department, when that
j regiment will be ordered at one to the
j point selected for concentration. In
this way the government will be relieved
jreatly in '.tie distribution of stores,
which will t called forRr as fast as
jtbey are needed. The men aho will be
more amenable to discipline when
juickly transferred to the concentration
points without their own states. It is
the expectation that tlie first regiments
'organ. zed and reported from tbe state
will be sent to Chattanooga, thence
oing to Cuba via Mobile, Tampa, New
Orleans and Galveston, for expedition
will be dispatched from ail oi these
The governors of tbe state will bave
no band in the designation of volunteers
to go to particular concentration camps,
The destination wilt depend n;on the
promptness with which the volunteers
are organiad and are ready for trans
pi. rtation.
Alcer4lTi Artlon rctl On.
Niw Yokk, May 10 A 8(e.cial to the
Tribune from Washington, says:
Aggressive action along the whole line
1. b,:t bes the a'litu leoflhe administra
tion, aic rdfng lo the policy now defi
nitely adapted, growing directly out of
Admiral Ilewey's unparalleled achieve
ment in Asiatic waters. Anv idea that
existed that Spain, after a cra-hing
bio, would rerogo ze the fut lityof
"nselessly r tisung the iiievitlile, has
tjeeii at last abandoned. The president
has dc'eruiined that 'he fighting shall
bo vigoroti-ly forced with the full power
A the United State", in order moit
speedily to terminate the conflict by tbe
instruction of the lust ve tiges of au
thor, ty exerted !jy the Madrid govern
no u'. beyond the of the Spanish
! penoisuia itself.
I General Miies and the other general
I officer wiu have been charge.! w,th
'tarrying on the nirgte-ive c'opni-n
hive It" le doubt that a sutlicii nt mini-
her ot men br every c intni;;' ncy of the
C .b .tl operations w ill b fort'x ; ng
u.d ready lor duty when they are i.eeii-
ihe reports of i:rjjtenng olficeM
ihow that the total number in ui tired,
wh'.ch whs about last Thursday,
ha i risen to l5,h'J0 ya-terday and as all
questions which delayed rapid luu.-ter-ing
in the lieginuing l.ave nw b-en
etted, the volunbu-r lorce id expected
o be S'ljtWO by next Tburiay.
As rapidi" as the re.g in nt are pel
fected and equipped, they will l e hur
ried to tbe front, Tbe luhng ss made
Monday that the regiments shrud be
.ompletely efjuippi-d in the orjer ol
their mustering, first come first tervd,
an I that equipinents needed by the
arliir r'giiniii'S eho'd l be taken if
necessary from icgiiuenlR not ready, in
oider to seeure m i-t exprditionly the
ilispiiti h of me i to toe ti jU slaws.
Ilnslneu IIoomk 1"I rnyML,
Coix'HKStkr, Vona., May 10. For the
se'-ond time within twenty years Col
chester's business quarter has been re
Jnced to a -has by Are. The confisca
tion started late Monday night ia
O'Connell Brothers' A Sisters dry gcods
store by Urn explosion of a lamp and
ba'ned for over sixty hours, until a row
of wooden buildings, occupying alatnet
the who'j of merehsBto' row, Mala
street, was la rains. The Voes is aboat
P9jm, mottij eotered by lairasn.
Nut na Amerieau aniii Rlll-1, six
W (Ufiili-l, latnaf;- Mi;lil hpanUll
!uu'iroii -will lu Hie IliilKim, llunilroiia
hJllril, oundeil i,r Tukea I'rlimiier
Washinoton, Xiay 9. Not withstand
ing ti.e fact that everybody for several
dsys past has been in momentary ex
pectation of cable advices from Com
modore fiewey, the town was thrown
into the wildest excrement at breakfat
time Saturday morning by the issue of
extra papers, announcing the arrival of
the McOulloeh at Hong Konj with dis
patches for the government from Com
moiloro Dewey.
Tbe publicatiun of newspaper dis
pib bes lulling of the terrible mortality
among the Spanish and the escape of
the American forces, the men and sb p,
irom serious injury, sddeil to the ex
citement and ft the intense satisfaction
with which the long expected news was
received. There was an instant rush f
newspaper men to the nav v department
to secure further informal ..i from oili
cial soureig sad perhaps dismayed by
the number and impetnoosity of the
newspaper contingent, the otbcials f
tbe navigation bureau, where iiph- r
dispatches are transcribed arid traip
'ited; promptly clo-eti snd licked their
doors ugainst invafloii.
One of tlie officers, of the navigation
bureau bad ln on duty every moment
of the twenty-four hours for several
weeks past, waiting to receive cable
grsnis of importance. A similar state
of sffairs has prevailed at the state
department, where one of the ususiant
?ecretarie and the chief have divided
up the watchee of tbe night, sleeping on
temporary cots set up in the aule-ioom.
The state department has the honor
of receiving the first nesrs. It came in
the shape of a cablegram of three words
from United. Slrtes Consul Wildmss at
Hong Knnz and as as follows:
'"Hong Kong McCulloch. Wildman."
That is tlie Usui! form in w hich naval
movements are reported by cable. This
dispatch was received by Third Assistant
Secretary Cadler, who was turned out
ifh.scJtbya messenger boy at 4:-IO
o'clock tbat morning. Tbe naval ofli
rials were promptly notified and awaited
with intense interest the dispatch which
was expected surely '.o follow from
Comop dore Dewey.
About W;'W Manager Marean of the
Western Union Te'eraph company, ap
seared at the department bringing with
him a sheet com pr sing four lines of the
mysterious jtrgon, which makes up the
naval cipher. He banded this directly
to Secretary Long, who gazl at it for s
moo.ent and turned it over to Lieuten
ant Whittlesey, one of the cipher ex
perts of the navigation bureau lor trans
lation into Knglish, Then the secretary
made a pretense of sitting down al bis
desk to transact other business, but it
was plain to I seen 'bat in spirit he
bad joined tbe anxious throng of news
paper men who throngs 1 the reception
rooms waiting for th news.
There was a great rush toward htm,
but the secretary gwxl-natureuly sade
allowance for tbe excitement ol the
crowd, and smilingly read from the cor
ner of tbe room into which he had been
forced, the following cablegram :
Manila, May 1. Squadron arrived at
Manila at daybreak this morning. Im
mediately engsg d the enemy and du
st r-yed tbe following Spanish vessel:
Keina Christina, Cast ilia, I on Anton o
ile Ulloa, Isla de Loz -n, I -la du Cuba,
General Lazro, Marques d- Duero, Cor
reo, Valasco, Isla de Mii.dmo, a trans
port and water baitery at Cavite, The
squadron Is uninjured and only a few
men are sligbly wound d. Only mea' s
of telegraphing is to American consul at
Honu-Kong. I shall communicate with
him. (Sigi.el i Dkwsy.
The department at 10 oVIoek altei
the first m s a e was at hind, was st d
receiving sheets of tbe cipher code from
tl.e telegraph company, w bile tl e cipher
experts we re t;!l atwoik behind tbe
heavy doors of tbe navigation bureau.
A further dispatch mtived from
Commodore Dewey says:
Cavite, May 4 1 I avs taken posses
sion of naval station at Cavite on I'nil
lpt.ine lslai ds. Have destroyed lh
f r' flcati0n at bsy entrance, patrolling
garrison. Icontr l bay cuinr letely ami
can t ike city at any time. The squad
ron is in excellent beiilth and spirits.
Spanish loss not fully known, but very
heavy, 150 killed, including captain of
fieina Christina, I am a-e. sting in pro
t c ing the Spanish sick and wounded.
Two hundred and fifty sic k and wound
ed in hospital within our line. Muck
ixciiement at Manila, Will protect
foreign i eeideuts.
(Signed.) Dkwit.
Said to l )'nliln( (iopiiss.
Maiisid, May U. A dispslch frrni
Havana says: K nee A ril li'i bostilitiei
nave Iieen ursued against Gomez witt
the greatest activity and vigor. Thirty
two rebels bave I seen killed and onl
Snwnish officer and tblrty-three soldieri
bave oeen wonmieci.
Another frlxa Cslard.
Pokt AdPkius, Hayti, May 9. Th
United States crusier Montgomery ar
livtd at Cnpe Hayti. Siie captured yes-t-rdsy
between Hayti and Culra ths
Sjiarilsh brig Kranxquito, Captain Post,
loaded wild jerked beef and bound from
Montevideo, Mnrch 6, (or Havana. 8h
Is owned In Barcelona. A prise crea
was pat aboard oi her, nut the (u na
tion of the pride was not announced.
A French steamer which arrived ben
iwaarta three (Spanish wet solas aad oas
nmm anaw at rwto meo.
KILLKIlTlRebrasha itoteol
During a lire at West Point several oi
the flr?meu were badly injured.
A castle of the older of Koyal High
landers hash -en oruanizui iu Neligh
with a meiuliership of nineteen.
During a row between a number ol
tramps at Grand Island James Dugan
was shi t in tbe Pack, the bu'b-t coming
oi t of bis breast. The man was at once
taken to tbe St. Francis hospital and
will recover.
We often read of bicycle riders break
ing records but (iustafson and Lnndgren
of Mead broke the cron shelling record
!at week, h iving shelled 4,53d bushels
in nine hours and set Ave times. The
b suty of tbe transaction was that it
was 25 cent corn.
An unsuccessful attempt was made
Tuesday night to buglarize the store of
McKillop h Muman, at Tobias. Tbey
tried to effect an entrance by tbe front
lioor. They were seen and the alarm
given, but when the officers arrived tbe
intruders could not be found.
Thirty-five shares of erock bave been
subscribed for a telephone line from
(iering to Kimball, by way of Harris
burg. There is no doubt that consider
able stock also will be subscribed at
Kimball and Harrisburg, and the build
ing of the line will be completed soon.
Joe Jones, the evangelist, gave his
lecture, "The U os and Downs of Life,"
at the Pern M. K. church Saturday
night. Sunday he preached in his us
ual abrupt way to large congregat one.
He s a bard bitter, but the people like
him and hope for his return for a while
Judge Fawcett of Omnha, while hold
ing court for Judge Evans at Dakota
City laH week, sentenced Korueo Stew
art to nn year in the penitentiary, he
hivme plead guilty to the charge of
burglarizing the saloon of John Peyaen.
Sheriff Borowsky left today with Stew
art for tbe penitentiary.
Toe KllAiorn Valley conference of the
M. E. church have decided to bold tbe
annual camp meeting in tbe park at
Neligh this year, commencing August
25 and continuing till September fi.
The presiding elder, Rv. William
Grost, and bis able corps of pastors,
wiil co everything in their power to
make it a success.
Hiram Welch, and old man fifty-fire
fears old, met with a serious accident
Vatnr lay night. He walked into Small's
hardware sore at Fairmont and stepped
into a trap door tbat had been left open
nd f 1 into tbe cellar, striking on bis
head and cnttin s gash several inches
oiif. was. brought up insensible.
He ia some better now. .
iiieirooct worn oj reducing the mort-itagc-
indebtedness of Otoe county con
tinues. Tbe statement of , Recorder
Brandt for April shows thirty-four
mortgages filed on farm property,
sinounting to .W.46l 50, and thirty
four satisfied to thu value of $01,191.
On city ptopertv there were nine Aled,
to the value of $7,4fi' 5i, and sveo re
letted, amounting to 10,o't 46.
Thursday afternoon William Rose, an
ld hunter of Fairmont, bethought him
that he would go oat and get, a lew
ducks. He borrowed Joe Brinkle's
hone and buggy and was to divide tbe
zame. He got out about four milee and
went to take the gun out and It was ac
cidentally sHschartied. The charge '
lodged inthe horse's rump. He pot the
urxt charge in the horse's bead aad
walked home.
George Dehal, en route from Denver
lo Norway on a visit to bis old home,
was confidenced out of $14 at the Burl
inir'.lon depot in Omaha by a stranger
who borrowed that amount of him until
they could get to Chicago, showing him
a check for 1750 as security and giving
bim also his gold watch. The stranger
same up town to buy his ticket and
tailed to return, and tbe gold watch
tome 1 ut to be a snide.
A large barn on J. S. Oodins' farm
tetr Colon was destroyed by fire on
Sundav morning afsnet 1 -3iv Tim lurn
Contained nine bead of horses, 600
bushel ol corn, 40!) bushels of oats, 150
K n .. 1 . 1 i, r.t n. I u t a. ..I ....... .. ...... .. . . , '
v. . . . ...... nu.abmej rittir? ITW, SWOTA!
sets of g'sod harness ami all of Mr. Col
lins' farm impl menls. Tbe loss
amounts to at .ut $, 70 ; insurance on
the barn, '150. No explanation can be
offered at ill's timo as to the cruso of
t .e I.r. Mr. Collins in a well-to-do
armer, but the loss will nevertheless
full beav lv upon him.
The 12: 10 t a senior from the south
brought a i tr. nuer to Dew lit rri,l.
who was dariii' rooidy if not fataHy
Injured. On tbe lack of bis bead Its
g thU six inches long, also a large gash
0 er the light eye. He is uio n -clous,
A t'Btament found in bis pocket has iu
it tl.e iian.e "Cl Hooper. Hurchard,
N't U, Company I." He isdressed in a
soldier's uniform and appears to 1
1 et ween thirty and thl ty-tlve )ta-sot.
ng-. He is continually speakug lo
uiieoiie named Smith and about
V. mp ' during his rav'iits. He was
'i.niid mar the railroad track ab
three miles south of town. A number
of ramps were arrested i n let suspicion
ol being connected with toe crime but
iiave since been released.
A burglar was foiled in a bold attempt
to rob the JJnlon Pacific passenger de
pot at Fremont. While the ticket agent
was absent at noon th fellow attempt,
ed to gain entrance by prying up the
ticket window, but before he accomp
lished his Job the ticket agent here Is
ght and the thief decamped. . The pa
lice were notified end captured tte lei
law In tbe Migbborhood. While baiM
taken lathe MaUoa the fellow atteesst.
celtoiet away as waa aeatly Cjsrti
U ma swan too Us Cr.
. e A
-a 7 '