CHAPTER XVl.-Contiuued.) Tbc spontaneous twitch npoo his arm asaaV Captaiu Philip aware tliat some thing is bia reply had toadied her. "If he hod uut left off being a thief," he repeated slowly. "But surely he Wight relase?" "He might. But isn't It part of our 4uty to hore the beat for oar fellow-crea-turea. Miss Hayne, and dea any one stand firmly without baring bad a few fulls? A confirmed thief la a different thing. But 1 should be Barry to place an obstacle in the way of the reformation of any man who had sinner once or even twice. We 4-annot inenaure the temptation any more than the repentance. The Almighty, who weigh-, both, will not condemn u for err ing ro the aide of mercy." "Tbaak you." replied Evelyn, after a fmtmv. "Yon are a good man. Captain I'hilin. and you hare given me something to think of. The the aervant I spoke f tells me he baa repented, and perhaps I am bound to believe him." "All the fcauio," said Captain Philip to himself, aa he walked back to Bachelor' Hail, "you have not deceived me, Evelyn Itayne. No man servant's peccadilloes have bad the power to shake your proud spirit in thin way. It hud something to 4o with Miss Featherstone's marring'-. 1 am sure of that. Can she have met litis Jaaer Lyle before, and under different circumstances? It ia hardly probable, lie la not the sort of man, with hi half-foreign ways, to be easily forgotten; and he ia evidently a atrnnger to everybody about here. And while at Liverpool, liv ing in obscurity with ber aunt, Rhe was not in a position to make acquaintances. Hut there' a a mystery aouiewhere, ttiouli I haven't got to the bottom of it yet. Hut If It ia to worry her, or make her unhappy. I will-I will." The net t day the smart Featherstone liveries came gleaming up t''" aT'Miiie, and Mra. Fc atlierstone, all furbelows, flounce and flurry, rushed into her pres ence. Her agitated apK'ii ranee made Evelyn's heart quake with fear for what he ight have to uy. "Oh, my dear girl," she commenced icitedly. "I have come to take you back to the Hall with me. Now, no excuses, Evelyn. I know how busy you are, and what a lot you have to do; but Agnes is ill, and I am aure you w ill not refuse to o to ber, for she ia crying out for you very moment." "Agnes ill! Oh, what is the matterr exclaimed Evelyn, forgetting all about her interview whh Will Caryll iu her aaxtely for her favorite friend. Don't ask me, tny dear, for I'm sure 1 can't tell you, no more than nothing," replied Mrs. Featherstoue; "only the whole bouse ia topsy-turvy, and heaven ....i- i . L.i k-;M haiiiin to tlH net. lull BUOWB " UrtV wfi . -. --- and Agues baa locked herself into her bed room, aud won't come out for ber Aunt Bopby nor me, nor anybody." "But why-why?" cried Evelyn, in pnl- fuild distress. "Why. all on accoitut of Mr. Jhsimt l.vle nf course. Actually going hack to Iuly without any warning or reasonable excuse, and without fixing any time for his return. Of course Mr. Featherstone's ouite put out about it, aud aays the engagement bad better be broken off alto gether, and poor Agnea ia in hysterics, and I feel so ill you might knock me down with a feather." 'When Kvelyn reached Agnea' room ahe found the silly little girl aa despairing as though her lover bad been atretched out to bia coffin, and ready for the grave, Sb aobbed in Kvelyu's arms for some Urn to bitterly aa to be QDlte-UnaWe to apeak, nd when the paaalonate outburst bad aaanewhat subaided, ber words were scarcely coherent. "But what to all thia terrible fuaa about, Agnea?" inquired Evelyn, In ber soft, rich rolce. "Has Mr. I.yle deserted you for some other woman, or la be so ill that the doctors have given op all hopes of his recovery V "No, do," aobbed Agnes, from the shel ter of ber friend's bosom; "but be ia go ing back to Italy at once, and I feel cer tain I shall never see him again." "But aurely that is rating your lover's edelity at a ery low standard, Agnea. Has Mr. Lyie intimated in any way that he baa no intention of returning T "Oh, no. He baa said nothing about that. Only it is imperative that he should go away for a while. Nothing that we 4-an say or do will alter bia determination. And, Evelyn, 1 have a premonition that "Ytt is forever. Something will happen to prevent our meeting again. It was too ' good to last No oue is permitted long to be so happy in this world as 1 have been. Jasper told paps that the most important basinets tailed him anroau, ana mat it was impossible to any how long It might keep hirn there. That is the miserable t,art of it." "Suppose I were to speak to Mr. I.yle, Agnes? I have a good business head, and may be able to advise bltu. lie is so ig norant of English lawi and customs, he may not be aware that bia business can tie executed quite aa well by writing as by word of mouth." Agnes brightened up Immediately. ' "Oh. yes, Evelyn, do. You always set everything right. Evelyn went all round the garden, with ber brave, firm hand pressed tightly against her aching heart, before she found - Mr. I.yle, aud then the faint perfume of his cigar alone directed her to the seques tered mat where he bad thrown himself full length, in the plenlitude of bis disap pointnient. As her apparition burst upon his view, Will Caryll sprang from his seat with an expression almost of fear. "Eve!" be exclaimed, "1 have kept my promise; Indeed 1 have, I am going to leave England again, and forever." "llusli, Will," she answered warning ly, "we must learn to address each other more formally, for some one might over bear us. You must mske some allowance for yesterday. You took me by surprise, and I ike hastily. Agnes Is very, very dear to me, and I rank her happiness almve my own. When I thought that you m-i.olil wreck It I told V0I1 to 0. Now that I ace that it is bound ap In yonra, 1 tell you to stay, and, from thia moment, yoit shall I Jasper Lyle to me, and 1 will do my utmost to forget that you were rrcr-TVIII Caryll.'' lie leafwrt up f betid and tried to seize Ate band, bwt alir nrMSwtM Hi w "llemcuiber who you are," she said "the affianced husband of my friend. Have I not just warned you that we must not only forget, but utterly erase the past? Therein lies your only safety, for I have spoken of my cousin Will Caryll to Ag nea, aud a very little want of care might raise ber suspicions of you. Your future ia in your ow u hands now. Make it as noble ai:d free from blame as the paat should have been." "EveT' he exclaimed, "how can I thank you for your generosity your forbear ance? have always loved you no time, nor distance, nor silence could tear my heart or memory from those uuforgotten days, when " "Oh, hush, buhh!" she auid, in a voice of the keenest pain, "never speak of them again. They are dead aud gone days. The cousin I knew then has vanished forever. From thin day, you must be to me Mr. Jus-r I.yle only, and I to you your wife's nearest unii most faithful friend. Go to her, Mr. L lc, go at once, and depend securely upon me!" CHAPTER XVII. Within twelve boms of this interview, peace and contentment once more reigned at Featherstone Hall. Mr. I.yle had in formed his future father-in-law that (in consideration of Agnes' objection to his departure) he hud given up the idea of re visiting Italy (at all events for the pres ent), and the old man had expressed him self as well-pleased with his decision. By the next day, Evelyn heard that her efforts on Agnes' behalf had Is-en success ful, and that the wedding day was tixed for a much curlier date than hail liceu pre viously intended', anil then she did what to those who knew her seemed a very funny thing -alio sent fur her doctor. Now, during the ten years that she had lived at Mount Eden, Dr. Wilton had never enter ed the house on her account, except once or twice. When the doctor called she told him that she wanted u change of scene aud air, and that her friends, especially the Featherstones. would uiake such a fuss about her goiug away that she wanted Dr. Wilton to give her a certificate that she requiri! it. The doctor laughingly complied. When Evelyn told Captaiu Philip in confidence, that she was about to leave home for a time, and wished her depar ture to lie kept a secret till she was gone, it would not have been extraordinary, even on a land agent's part, to have dis played a little surprise; for, in all the time that they bad worked together. Miss Itayne hud never slept a night away from .Mount Eden before. Yet Captain Philip diil nothing of the kind. He listened with respectful attention to all she had to say, aud then he asked her quietly: "Shall you remain away till after har vest r "Till after harvest?" stammered Eve lyn, taken aback "I don't know I am not sure it will depend entirely upon circumstances," Evelyn found her way down to the Cor nish coast, und settled herself and Anua, her maid, in a weird-looking house, hang ing over a cliff at Peiuauce, Bet to work dctreniinedly to root that image from her heart, which (more from custom than from her knowledge of its worth) seemed to have imbedded itself there. Day after day she wandered ou the lonely beach, or sat on the rocks, watching the grand aud restless ocean now here more grand or more reatlesa than on the coast of Corn wall and arguing herself out of any rem nant of feeling ahe might entertain for William Caryll. And to a woman of Eve lyn's temperament this was an easier task than some might imagine, for she could not love where she did not esteem. The marriage of Agnes and Will Ca ryll was fixed for the tenth of August, and on that morning Evelyn wandered far away upon the cliffs, walking fast and wondering why ber heart ahoud be beat ing in such an irregular, jerky manner all the while. She would not look at ber watch for fear of ascertaining just when the ceremony was taking place, hut as she saw the boatmen and lisliernien re turning from their work, and knew that it must have struck twelve o'clock, she threw herself down on the thyme-scented turg, and dedicated a few tears to the forever-vanished memory of the paat. These few tears completed Evelyn's cure. They watered the grave of her early attachment, from which the ghost of Will Caryll, as he had been, never rose again. Evelyn descended to breakfast on the following morning, animated and cheer ful. With the knowledge that Jasper I.yle and his wife had left Hampshire, she experienced B great longing to return to it. Mount Eden, with its fields golden unto harvest, and its orchards laden with ripe fruit, appeared fairer in her eyes than it bad ever done before, and she knew she should be restless until she was once more on the spot to sticrinleiid ev erything. "How w icked I have beeu," she thought to herself, as she stood st the window of ber sitting room, aud looked out upon the foaming waves that dashed incessantly against the crag-bound coast "how wrong to cherish such a rebellious spirit when I have so many mercies and so much pleasure left to me still. And as for poor Will, it must be almost pitnishnient enough for him to see what lie has lost without making him suffer mure. Cap tain Philip's advice was sound, and good, and merciful. How I wish 1 were com k tent to attain his standard." Hie finished off her reverie with a deep sigh, in the malst of which she was star tled by hearing Anna exclaim, In rather nil imitated voice - "If you please, .Miss, Captain Philip is here, and wants to sik to you." Evehn came dowu from cloudland at once. A thousand terrors rushed into her mind. Mount Eden had leeii destroyed by fire-her favorite hunter had dropped down dead burglars had broken Into the hie bouse, and stolen all her property anttuinu and everything but the right thing, combined to make her face turn aitiv with fright. "Captain Philip, A mm I What on earth ran bring Captain riiilip imwn to vorn wall?" "Ob. don't look llkt that, miss, please. It's iiothiinf itarticiilar. you may be aure. Perhaps the captnlu's come to tell you i lie wedding vesteroay. lake bad hardly known bow glad aha should Is- to ee Captain Philip again, but as he entered the room aud advanced to greet ber, she Hushed to the r.s.ts of her bair w ith pleasure, an he colored almost as much as she did. "Oh. Captain Philip, this is most unci peeled." she said, as they sbis,k bands; "and I w as just thinking of you. and dear old Mount Eden. When did you arrive'" "I have only just arrived. Miss Bayne. I have been traveling all night." She arched her eyebrows. "Indeed! You have come to tell me about my darling child's wedding, of course. Well, how did it go off? Was everything right, and did you send over all the white flowers to be found in our conservatories?" "I executed all your orders, Miss Itayne, to the letter. Both the Hall and tue church were a mass of flowers, and evcrytody raid It was the prettiest wed ding that had ever been seen in St. Mary Ottery. 1 need not tell you that the bride looked lovely." "Ah, my sweet Agnes," Interposed Eve lyn, her eyes over-brimming with tears of affection; "she could not fsil to do that." "And after the breakfast, at which there were upwards of a hundred guests, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Lyle left for Teign mouth, in Devonshire, where they are to spend the honeymoon.' "But, Captain Philip," cried Evelyn, suddenly laying ber hand upon his arm, "you did not come all the way dowu here to tell me this?" "No, Miss Itayue, I have a graver mo tive for seeking yon." "Oh, tell it me quickly, for mercy's sake. -' uiething is wrong at Mount Eden?" You are mistaken. Everything at Mount Edeii is as right as it can be. Evelyn turned deathly pale. "It isu't Agues," she muttered "or or -him." "No; but It concerns them nearly. Miss Itayne, you must prepure yourself for a shock. It is in order to save you as far as possible that I started off at once to anticipate the newspapers." "Tell nie at once," she whispered. "Mr. Featherstone has left ns." "Mr. Featherstone! and on his daugh ter's wedding day! How terrible. Who will break it to her?" "I promised Mrs. Featherstone to see Mrs. I.yle before I returned. I shall go on to Teignmbuth with as little delay as possible." "But, Captain Philip, it must have been awfully sudden. When did it occur?" "It was awfully auditen, lie appeared quite well at the breakfast, but after the bride and bridegroom bad left the Hall, he locked himself up in bin room iu order (as' he said) to answer some important letters, and by six o'clock it was all over," "Heart disease?" said Evelyn, in a low voice. "No, Miss Hayue." "What, then?" "You will hardly believe It, but he de stroyed himself." Evelyn gave vent to a loud ejaculation, and leaned heavily agaiust the table, "Are you faint? Shall I call your maid?" said Captain l'bilip anxiously. "No, no, I shall be all right in a min ute," gasped Evelyn with wide-open, horror stricken eyes. "Destroyed him self! It is lucredibk'. Mr. Featherstone destroyed himself! Oh, Captain Philip,' are you sure you are not mistaken "I wish I were, Miss Itayne; but It is, unfortunately, too true. I was the first persou out of the house that poor Mrs. Featherstone sent for. I hud not return ed home half an hour. Of course I went back at once, and dispatched the carriage for Dr. Wilton. But it was a mere mat ter of form. I knew that as aoon as I saw the corpse. He bad shot himself right through the braiu. The roof of bis bead wss blowu off.' "Ah! Captain Philip, how horrible! how horrible'." exclaimed Evelyn, closing her eyes at the sight ber imagination had conjured up. "But what motive can he hnve bad for such an act? "That is about the saddest part of the story, Mlsa Itayne. Mr. Featherstone left a letter behind him to explain his mo tives. It appears that the bank in which all bis interests were placed has approach ed a crisis which it cannot possibly tide over, aud everything will be swamped with It. Poor Mrs. Featherstone is left without a farthing, and the Uall (with the property ou which it standa) ia al ready mortgaged up to the elbow. Oh, how selfish, how cruel, bow cow ardly of him." cried Evelyn, with Sashing eres, "to leave a ueipiess woman to strug gle alone against the tide which has over whelmed himself. If everything is gone, there was nothing else to lose. Why did he cast bis courage and his honor after it? This was the moment to have buck led on bis armor, and gone to work afresh to keep bread in the mouth of the wife wbo was dependent on nim. 1 nave al waya respected Mr. Featherstone I can respect him no longer, ilow 1 wisb that heaven bad taken bim long ago." "Can you make no allowance. Miss Itayne, for a weak brain, turned by the shock of such a discovery?" "I don't know. I think that trne and disinterested love would keep the brain cool ami the courage strong for the sake of those who trusted to it. Could yon do such a cowardly thing, under any cir cumstances, as to take your own life, Captain Philip?" "I think not, for I have had more than one temptation to do so, Miss Itayne. But neither could you. We possess energy of character, and an Incentive to action ia like a trumpet call to arms with us. But all people are not constituted alike, and heaven only knows bow our poor Mend may have struggled aud fought before be was overcome." Evelyn went up to her overseer, and clasped his hand. "You are a good man, Captain Philip,' she said, with moist eyes, "and I thank you for the lessons that you feach me. CII.APTEU XVIII. Evelyn had expected that the poor little bride would return home In a very grave and melancholy mood, but she was quite unprepared to see how white ttiul drawn her face hud become in one snort week (which should have Uimi so hnppyi, tni to hear the cry of despair with which she threw herself Into h. r arms. "Agnes, Agnes!" she exclaimed, "try to control yourself for your poor mother's sake. She has so much to bear, retnom ber. You have your husband's love to support you, but she is left alone in the world. This is the time when you must prove your affection for her by teaching her how to be braye. "Buty Kvelyn," exclaimed Agnes, gating up Into her friend's face with terror- tricks eyes, "what does mamma mean by saying we are bea-iars? Surely papa vat very rich. - Ho said be should settle (wait? thoasaad pouuda oa h aj wedding day. Hball I have to give It Of to mamma?" A faint filling of disappointment pass ed Ihroucli Evelyn's mind. She could not believe that Agues was mercenary, and yet, what test had the poor child ever had till now by which to try the metal that she was made of? Evelyn would have kept the news of her father's bankruptcy from her till after the funeral, but Mrs. Featherstone hod evidently disclosed it, and there was no use iu attempting fur ther deception. "You can never be a beggar, my dar ling," she said, as she stroked the girl's sunny hair; "Mr. Lyle has au income of big own, and, though it is'small, it is enough to live upon." But Agnes pushed the loving hand away almost brusquely, as she looked up again. "Three hundred a year!" she exclaimed, contemptuously. "As if any one could live upon that!" Jasper Lyle confessed himself unable to meet any present expenses. He bad an ticipated a considerable portion of his annual allowance to pay for bis wedding journey. "Mr. Featherston. told me." be said, "before ever I proposed for Agnes, that he was prepared to settle twenty thou sand pounds on her. He repeated it af terwards. I never could have afforded to marry her otherwise, and I consider that 1 have been shamefully taken iu and de frauded, and any other niau would say the same." "That may be, sir," exclaimed Captain Philip, stepping hastily forward, "but you must riot, and you shall not, speak of the late Mr. Featlierstone iu such terms in the presence of his widow and his daugh ter and his friends. Whatever your dis appointment may be, you will please to keep it to yourself here and now !" "Thank you, Captain Philip; that is just what I should have wished to say," added Evelyn, for the cruel circumstances under w hich she had met him again had rolils"1 her of all nervousness in the pres ence of her cousin. (To tie continued.) A Moment of Peril. When the Iroimldes, commanded by Capita Iu afterward Admiral Dahl- gren, was off Morris Island, South Car olina, while removing coal from her bunkers, It was discovered that the ves sel bad suhUiIulmI a serious Injury from a Confederate torpedo. It became nec essary to know to what extent the hull had !jeen affected externally under the water. The diver's boat was brought along side and the diver descended. It was low water and the Instant was seized when the tide ceased to ebb. The diver went carefully over the part of the bot tom at the damaged portion, and then reaching the keel concluded to pass un der, and now saw that the vessel, in swinging, would pass close to a slioul ridge of the sandy bottom, and even grind Into it. This must Inevitably cut off the slender and delicate tube widen conveyed air to him, and also sever the lines by which, iu case of accident, he was to be drawn up. Fastened down by his heavy weights It would be In stant suffocation. With all the speed that bis Inctitn brances permitted, he endeavored to reach the keel and pass under before It was too late. The ship was coming round rapidly; he passed his head and body, but bi-gan to feel the pressure of the keel against the soft ooze. With great effort he succeeded . In dragging bis limbs and tubes clear, and the water became a little deeper; but one arm was so painfully crushed that It was some days before It was In a condition to use. A French Bibliophile. The late Due d'Aumale was a gen uine lover of books, and the New York Tribune, quoting Lady IXlke, has Rome- thing to tell In this connection: His In tereat In his famous library at Chan tllly was far from being confined to a superficial pleasure In tbelr bindings, their beauty or their rarity; one could not lay one's band on a volume In his superb and Immense library with the coutents of which he was not to some extent familiar. Unless, Indeed, you were specially au thorized to do so, touching his books was a temptation that it was wiser to resist. He had a Jealous sense of their value, and could be angry with a dar ing band. On one occasion, when the glass doors before the shelves at the end of the llbrnrv had been unlocked, and some of his most precious treasures each In Its own glass case had been brought forth and opened, I heard hira cry out peremptorily to a most dlstln gulBhed French Academician, who had ventured to handle a volume: "Put It down, put it down, till I come to It. They should only be unlocked one by one as I show them to Lady Dllke." " Have Some More." Doctor Johnson's tongue spared no body, aud naturally enough, If any one ever got the better of bltn In a verbal encounter It was considered a memora ble victory. In this spirit a Scotch family cher ishes an anecdote of his trip to Scot land. He bad stopped at the house for a meal, and was helped to the national dish. "Doctor Johnson," nnld the hostess, "what do you think of our Scotch broth?" "Madam," was the answer, "In my opinion It ta only fit for pigs." "Then have some more." said the woman. Blow for a Blow. Mr. Oldboy Girls are not as acme now as they were twenty ago. Miss Cute Well, are you? hand years Gold and Silver )a ttie Hea. It U estimated that greater quantities of gold and silver hare been sunk In the sea than are now in circulation on rttrtfl' Mold lent 1st Hospital. At tht siege of Meta the French In the hospital averaged 17,000 man, ly 10 par Ms, as tt gurUmk. BEAUTY BLIND lie Wild: "The clouds hide yonder range. And doubtless it will ruin to uilit. Ah. well! 'twill lie a welcome change: These fields are but a tiresome fi-lit." fie crushed "-"iieatli his careless feet. The whiie those dull, blind words he said, The clover blooming, dewy sweet. Where Dawn has made her rosy bed; Nor heeded how. like thistle-down From purple blossoms lightly blown, The mists that veiled the ninuutain crown O'er all the opal skies were strewn. -Symposium. LEARNING A LESSON. can get along with him. I'm very sure," said Josce llnd Darkridge. "Nobody could get along with him!" chorused the t'.iroe other Miss Dark ridges, In unison. Uncle Black was the per sonage of whom they spoke a crabbed, ill-tempered, little old man who lived iu a superb old country seat among the Catskills. lie had money to leave, but his nlecis and, nephews secretly believed that it would tie a al easier to 'o to California or dol- conda, or some of the fabulous places and dig fortunes out, nug't by nug get, than to slay at home aud earn them by making themselves acceptable to an old gentleman wiio had as many angles as a rose diamond, and as many prickly spikes of teniKT as a porcupine. Naomi Darkridge had tried it first. Naomi was a soft-voiced, slender girl, with a head which reminded oue of a drooping lily. "No oue can help loving Naomi," said Mrs. Darkridge, as she kissed ber daughter good-by. Hut In three weeks Naomi came back half frightened out of her wits. He scolds so dreadfully," said Na omi. "And he looked at me as the wolf must have looked at Little Red Riding Hood. Oh, mamma, I couldn't stay there, not If I were to be mad.? richer than Miss Burdett-Coutts her self." Magdalena Darkridge went next; but Magdalema, although a fine, tall girl, with a Rplrlt of her own, was cowed by Uncle Black's savage eyes In les-s than week. "I'd sooner sweep crossing for a liv ing," said she, "than be Uncle Black's ciress." And so she came home without loss of time. Rhoiln Darkridge, iu no wise abashed bv the successive failures of her sisters, was the third one to try Black (ininge and Its possibilities, but she also suc cumbed before the terrible scourge of Uncle Black's savage tongue. It's scold, snarl, snarl, scold, from morning till night!" said Ithoda, as in three days' time she tearfully related her experience to her parents. "Oh, you don't know nolxsdy can know what a dreadful man Uncle Black is!" Oh, hang the old scamp!" said Mr. Darkrhlge, who was of a free-and-easy nature, and tbought his girls a great deal 1oo sweet and nice to be snarled at by any rich old miser "Let him alone. My daughters needn't go begglug for any man's money. But here Joscelind, the youngest, tallest and prettiest of the four girls, spoke up: "I'll go!" said she. "You don't know what you are un dertaking," said Naomi, with a shud der. He'd wear out a atone," said Mag- da lenn. lie's a ghoul!" shuddered Ulioda. 1 can get along with him, I am very sure, said joncettna, tirigntiy. And she packed up her little trunk and went to Black Orange. It was sunsH a red, flaming suuxet like one of (Jifford's pictures when she came up the terraced fllglit of steps that led to the house. Everything blushed blood-red In the deep light, and Josee lind could see how lovely was the scenery, bow substantial this old gray house, with Its square towers and semi circular, colonnaded porch. Uncle Black sitood ou the steps. "So you are Joscelind?" said he, sur veying her with little twinkling eyes, like glass beads. "Yes, I am Joscelind," said the blight -checked girl, giving him a kiss. "You're late!" said Uncle Black. "I am late," said Joscelind. "I thought the old beast of a stage never would have got here. The horses fairly crept and the roads w ore horrid." "It's a dreadful warm day," growled Uncle Black. "I'm almost roasted," sighed Joscp llml. "The whole summer has been Intol erably warm," said the old gentleman. "We might as well be In the tropics, ami' be done with It," retorted Josce lind, flinging off her shawl-nnd fanning herself vehemently. , Uncle Black gave her the keys that night, Just ns be had three times before given thein to her three sisters. "1 shall expect you to take charge of the whole establishment," said he. "The servants are miserable " "No more than one might expect." In terrupted Jnneellnd, with a deprecatory motion of the huind. "Servants are mere frauds nowadays!" "Ami iiwthlug goes right about the place." "Nothing ever does!" said Joscelind. Uncle Black eyed her queerly. This .mis cpilte different from . the deter mined clieefiilness and systematic good spirits of her sisters. At breakfast next Morning Uncle Black began to scold aa usual. "Fish again:" said he. "Thia makes tour morning thia wtak wt'va had ' tab." 6 "I detest fish!" said Joscelind, push ing away her plate with a grimace. "And the rolls heavy again!" growl Umie Black, breaking one open. "Please give me the plate, Unci Black." said Jose ellnd, and she rang the table bell sharply. Betty, the cook, a stout, good-bun ored Irish woman, made her appeav auce. "Betty," said Miss Darkridge, "be ' gisU as to throw LLese rolls out of lb window." Betty stared. "Do you hear what I tell you?" said Miss Darkridge, with emphals. Aud Betty flung the rolls out among the rosebushes, where they were speed lly devoured by Cato, the Newfound land dog, and Rob and Roy, the two; setters. "But what am I to eat for breakfast?" bewailed Uncle Black. "Crai'kers, of course," said Joscelind.' "Anything Is better than Imperilling one's digestion with such stuff as this! And. Betty, If you send up any more fish in a month you may consider your self discharged do you bear?" "But, my dear, I am rather fond or fish," put iu the old gentleman. "tine can't eat fish the whole time," said Joscelind, imperiously. "Here, Betty this coffee isu't lit to drlttkl and the toast is burned! and you must have put the cooking butter on the table by mistake! Let these errors be rectified at once." Betty retired with an ominous rustle on her stillly starched apron. "My dear," said Uncle Black, appre hensively, "Betty is a very old servant, and " "1 don't care if she Is the age of Me thuselah," said Joscelind; "nobody can be expected to put up with such wretch ed cooking as this!" "I really think she Is not so bad, if " "Oh, pray don't a.jologize for her, Uncle Black!" said Joscelind. "They are all shiftless, lazy creatures, who must be discharged promptly II they don't do their duties." Uncle Black began to look fright ened. He had kept Betty, Sylvia and old John for ten years. Was It possi ble that he had scolded at them for ten . years, omly to have Joscelind Darkridge uutscold him now? "I wouldn't be too short with 'em, my dear, If I were you," he remon slraled. "Then let them do their duty," said Joscelind, with the air of an empress. "We are all mortal," pleaded Uncle Black. Uncle Black ate the rest of bis break fast with but little appetite. ' Sylvia, the housemaid, was finishing dusrtin;; his library when he entered It. "Not through yet!" growled Uncle Black, the fretwork of wrinkles once more coining Into his brow. "Sylvia," said Miss Darkridge, se verely, "If this happens again I shall dispense with your services! Look at that clock! Is this the time of day to be dawdling about tne rooms with a broom and duster? Remember Mr. Black ihx's not pay exorbitant wages to lie In bed until noon!" 'My d(ar," said Uncle Black, "Syl via Is generally a very good girl, If " "Dear uncle," interrupted Joscelind, pray permit me to be She Judge of these matters. You have ruled your household with a slack and indulgent, hand altogether too long. I shall now Institute ft reform." And poor Slyvia had never moved about so briskly as she did that day. Old John, the gardener, was not ex empt from his share of the general tur moil. Miss Darkridge chanced to hear iter uncle reproaching the old man for some fancied neglect in the flower beds, whose diamonds, ovals and crescents? of brilliant colors were the pride of his horticultural heart, and she promptly i me to his aid. "Otirdonlng, indeed! Do you call this gardening? she said. "Uncle Black, I'm astonished that you keep such a man as that about the place!" And the torrent of taunts and re proaches which she showered upon the lueklesH head of poor old John was enough as that Individual observed, "to make one's flesh creep." "My niece Is a young lady of spirit and energy," apologized Mr. Black when at last Joscelind had gone back to" the house. "Verm like you, sir, verra like you!" said old John, scratching his head. "Like me!" said Mr. Black, slowly. And he stood full five minutes, quit speechless and motionless, staring at the mossy rim of an ancient sun-dial half sunk In the velvet grass. And at the end of five minutes he spoke two other words, and only two: "Like-tne!" "There's no knowln' the ma-sther, he's that changed," said Betty In tha kitchen, a week or two later. "He's as mild as a lamb and as peacoable as a kitten. "Sure, Isn't that what the young lady told us," said Sylvia, "w hen she cnm down Into the kitchen that first morn ing after the five was lighted, and told us she was goiu' to try nu experiment, we wasn't to mind a word she said, 'cause It was all by contraries? 'He doesn't know what his temper htm got to be,' said she, 'and I'm going to show hi m.' And, bless her sweet heart, her plan has worked like n charm." It had, In good Iruth. Uncle Black was a changed man. And Joscelind had relapsed Into the original sunshine of her temper and all the domestic w heels of p.lack Orange seemed to re volve on velvet. I'.ul I'ucle Black look all the credit to himself, lie never knew Hint Josce lind had taught him a lesson, "We can g"i iilmig very nicely," said he, "now that my niece lias subdued those little tcmers. of hers." And Joscelind was his heiress and darling after all for he will always be lieve that It was he "who formed her character- ''-Caaibrldge TrlbUM.