The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 19, 1898, Image 1

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8 T IT?
JL Oil
"vol. s:.
The Sioux County Journal
Subscription Price, f 1.00
Ceo. I). Canon, - - - IMitor,
EnUred at tho IlarrUon Hint office a
mcond claw mutter.
The JoruNAL utawU fairly
ind squarely on the Chicago
platform, but will not hesitate
to 8ii)4ort and work for the
election of candidates for the
various offices to be voted for
thin fall no matter, whether
they are Democrats, 1'opulid
or free silver Republicans, if
endorsed by all the reform par
ties, conditional, however, that
they advocate bimetallism the
income tax law, opposition to
national banks of issue, are
opposed to the retirement of the
greenbacks and treasury notes,
Savor government control of
railroads, telegraph and tele
phone lines and the establish
ment of postal savings bank
ing syr.tem, and also are op
posed to the issueing of nation
al londu in time of peace.
And lo, France ami F.nclnnd are now
looking askance at each other. Poor
little France would in such an emergenc y
be swallowed up by one of the mistress
of tbe sea great guns.
Senator Vfotlcot who was inclined
to oppose the bond clause in the war,
revenue bill has been prevailed on by the
adtnioretration to uort the bill an it
&ame front the house without eliminat
ing tho bond clause.
Russia, France and Germany, whose sole
Aim during the past few years have liecn
0 seizo teritory from othercountries, to
which they liave no riht, at lent no
legal right but that of usurpers. Their
tateht one in that line w the coveting of
the Phillipine islands by German emper
or but we give hi Kiseribip fair warning
hands off, Uncle Sams brave soldier boy
Are more than able to cope with the
Cuban affair, and if necessary the whole
of Europe.
The gentlemen in the U. 8. senate,
wbo represent the mulli- nillionaine of
thin country and E'iropo voted to a man
again it an income tax, which if it could
become a law of our land would compel
tbe rich to pay their just share of the
running expenses of the country. Tbe
Mme men voted in the same way on nil
-Other propositions that were presented
which would benefit the wealth ro
ducing clnss of the United Htates in the
future. Little doubt now but that half
a billion dollars in bonds will be issued
in the interest of the money sharks be
fore this congress adjorns.
In the 1806 presidential campaign, the
republicans notified the reform forties
that you could not legislate money into
man's pocket but just now that name
trty are making the effort of their lives
in congress to legislate into the pockets
of tbe national banks and bond-holders of
this country about $00,000,000. If an
income tax should be attemped to be in
corporated iota law and placed on the
statute books of the nation which would
force the rich to par their just share of
the running expenses of the nation, then
a great bowl goes up and tbe supreme
court cornea to the relief of the money
sharks and declares such a law to be un
constutional. A few partisan politicans such as
coagraMmao Grosvenor and Mark llanna
of Ohio are making the statement that
this war with Spain was a Republicaa
war. And now, with laud proclaim the
republicaa papers are shoutiag that com
modore Dewey is a republican. As to
Commodore Dewey, ft matters not to
tbe loyal people of the nation what his
politics or religion is, it is enough to
know that he has done bin duty and that
right welL Abeyt the onlv thing repub
lican about the. war so far is the five
hundred million-dollar bond-deal that
speaker Reed, Ding ley and Grosvenor
of the lower house, and Mark Hnnna,
Mat Quay and a half dorzen Ilannacruis
la th senate assisted by the national
banks sod mulWrnilJionaire of the
(country. The - republican party are
welcome to all to praise in thst lino.
Our .ltdllo
wm r a riii
j A joint resolution providing for
! electing U. R Senators by popular vote
of t)m people, passed the honse on tbe
11th inst by a vote of 11 to 1L
England greatest statesman, lit.
Hon. William E. Cladst one in ulowly
patwin-r away at Ilaywarden, hiscountry
wat in Englanj;. His demise is expected
at any moment by the attending physici
ans. The war strategy loardat Washington,
have come to the conclusion tltat our
naval ollicers in charge of our battleships
know moro about conducting a. naval
war-fare than they do. Hence the of
ficers, w-ho nre to do tbe actual lighting
have ltn told to go ahead and use their
own judgement in conducting the cam
paign. If tho reading of the great daily pap
ers of the country are any indication
there is more politics and bonds mixed
up in the war with Spain than patriotism
unless it is among the high privates who
will have the lighting to do. Senator
Chandler of New llamphire has observ
ed already tlut is about the size of the
Tho Jouk.naL believes as much credit
and praise should be accorded tbe brave
men who composed the crew and raaned
the great gun on th U. S. battleships
in the great naval engagement against
the Spanish in Manila harbor as Commo
dore Dewy. Great praise and honor
is lavi.shad upen CommodoreDewy by all
tlie great metropolitan papers with
comparatively little praise for his brave
A lengthy editorial appeared in the
World-Herald of llav 13th, relative to
the inlistment asa high private in the
Nulnraska volnnlcers of John O. Maher
of Chadron who has been official reporter
for Judgd Westover of this lOth judicial
dictrii't three or four years. The World
HeraM certainly pays a high compli
ment ti Col. Maher for the patriotic
spirit ho hits tJiown by sacrifUing a f3,
000 n-year position which shows, he had
no selfish motive in view, or he would
have sought for something better in the
volunteer service, having tho pull with
the administration that he did.
It is a nolicable fact that sons of
congresKnien and governors of the differ
ent states of the union have and are
succeeding in getting most of the choice
places in the volunteer army also, at the
war and navy departments at Wasing
ton. In a time of war with a foreign
power like the present one, favoratisni
and politics should have no part in mak
ing up the personnal of army officials.
There nre thousands of men who have
enlisted or will enlist to battle foK their'
country i a time of need who are no
doubt just as competent in every way as
the sons of men who have a pull down at
the national cupitol.
Senator Allison of Iowa, estimates
tliat the war revenue bill as it came
from the finance committee In tho unncr
bouse will produce 51 milliors more rev-
enue than the bill which originated in
the house. So that with the issuing of
HO million of greenback and treasury
notes and the coinage of the 43 million
of silver bullion now in tho U. S. treas
ury, known as signorage or the profit
occruemg to the government from coi n
ing of the silver at the mints over the
cost of purchase added, will prsduce in
round numbers the enormous sum of 341
millions annual) for currying on the war
against Spain. But of course the senate
finance committee eliminated, the bond
clause, yet it may be re-considered when
it comes up in committee of the whole.
The lower house of congress has dis
played a great deal of common sense by
passing the joint resolution in favor of
the election of U. S. senators by direct
vote of the people. If they will go a
little farther and pass a resolution a
mending the constitution of the United
State so that the president and vie presi
dent can be elected by direct vote of
the people that part of congress will en
dear itself to the people in a way that
will not soon be forgotten.
Will the dignified senate be as swift
to listen to the demands of the country
on this particular question as tbe lower
house? It is to be hoptd it will. Every
voter in tbe United States is a sovereign
and ought to have a direct voice in the
election of its representatives in congress
and then, it would be more democratic
to elect by popular vote, besides there
would be less chance for such men as
Calvin H. B rice and Krk Hanna being
able to buy themselves into office.
When tltat time comes, if it ever doss
brains, honesty and integrity will be
more apt to go to congress to represent
tbe interests of our people, than some
party boss with no other motive la view
but the interests of corporation, trusts
and monopolies.
ti7Tin mi w r d ct- itt r
. ,w L.,r, ,ucu uniiLins SETTLED RIGHT, ""on. William J. Bryan.
As it had got decidedly unhealthy
down at Washington ex-secretary f-iher-
man ha coucluded to take a trip to
The reform forces should stand togeth
er in the congressional campaign. Ito
meraber the truism "united we stand da
vidad we fall."
If the greenback and silver dollar is
good enough for the poor peopla of this
country, why are they not good enough
for the national bankers and bond hold
ers? Can any body answer this tpuest
ion? Why are the people of this country
paid for the products of their labor in a
depreciated currency.
By the time Spain has got tl r.njgh with
he United states, she will wish she never
heard of Cuba, or the battleship Maine,
which she sunk in Havana harbor. And if
there are any other nations who want to
take Spains part, let them sail in, Uucle
Sam has plenty of Dewey's, Samppon's
and Schley's, with land forces to lck
them up.
As Indicated by the daily Prens.
May 18 The presidents Second procla
mation calling for 50,000 more volun
teers are now ready for his signatures.
Madrid May 17 Sagasta is rapidly
forming his new cabinet it is thought in
the intrest of future peace measures.
Washington Mny 16 Secretary Long
has sent instructions to adrairil Samp
son Schley and Clark to hunt up the
Spanish lleet in tho Caribbiau and cap
ture or destroy them.
May 18 Orders from Washington
are to the effect that admiral Sampson
Schley and Clurk will lie permitted to
conduct and light their battles from this
on without any help from the strategitic
board at Washing. J
May, 16 The peaceful blockade plan
lias lieen abandoned and all Cuban ports
are to lie bombarded at once and kept up
until the Spanish guns are silenced and
a11 Sun boats are sunk or captured
May 17 Indications point to the court
martialirig of Genl. Wesley Merrit by
the war department for insubordinatibp.
the refusing to go to the Phillipine i
lands unless he is given 5,000 soldiers
instead of 1000.
War Xetvs Twit-eft week.
The fact that the Omaha Weekly
World Herald is issued twice a week
gives it an immense advantage over
other weekly papers sent out from Oma
ha. A subscriber to the weekly Wor'd
llerald gets his war news twice a vru U
instead of only once. For tills service
the World-Herald charges only $1.00 a
year, which is less than one cent a copy.
Road Notice.
To All Whom It Mat Conciss:
The Commissioner appointed to locate a
road commencing st tho ootb-not corner
of tbe north-east quarter of tbe north went
quarter of Suction 24, Township S3, Korth
Hanna 67, weit. Tborico diagonally screes
the south half of the north-cant 1i of said
Section 24, to the south-east corner of said
north-east quarter of Section 24 thancosontb
sOrod, thonceoast sorodn, thanco sooth 80
rod, to Intersect the road running east be
tween sections it and SO, Township 83, Range
96. Also that tbe road now established, being
road J No. IW, be vacated between the above
named point has reported In favor of the
establishment thereof with the following
change to wit:
Commencing at the aonth eont coraer of
tbe north-east of the north-went quarter
Of section 14, In Township 81, Hauge 67,
thence south on old road eighty rods,
tbenoe oeat one hundred anil five rod,
thence north Bfteen rod, thence east twen
ty rods, thence south east shout thirty-one
rods tbence to follow the linn called for In
petition, and that the old road now mUb
Uhed be vacated between the point where
cbanged by the CommlMirtener, anil all ob
jections thereto or clslinxtor damage
meat be flled In the county Clerk's office on
or before noon of tbe 19th day of July, 1hs,
or snt-h road will be catanlKhed without
reference thereto. M. J. Iiutwrrr,
County Clerk, Mom Co. Nen.
Dated Harrison. Sob.. May Hth. im
aw, a a -
Notice for
Sealed BJjs
on County
To whom It may concern :
Not ire Is herrby'a-iveri tlix't sealed bids for
tin- loiiPtrucilou ft bridge, ucroa a tfrv
(I'llen on White Kiver, where public ronil
'J'""?. th ""''' t the old bridge site neur
-wr. MlniMon' pbicc M1 be received by the
fth Ihw'""1 U"UI 11 'L,lock "oon of Jmia
1'luiii ttn.i snccincHtlonH can he had by
(a linif Ht the office of tho county clerk.
AllhKlK niUHtbe, itccom)mnied with a bond
lor tit knistone thoinand dollnr.
ley order of the Hoard of couutv coiumls-
liaMK, m. J. IlLr.WKTT, Couuty Clerk.
Tn.TouNALvIll publish yonr brand, Iko
lliu lullowlng, farVSM, per year. Knell ad
ditional brand 7!i cent. ji.Tery ritrnicr or
ranchmen in Sioux and adjoining counties
snould advertise .their brand in Th k Jour
nal a-i it circulate all over the state. It
may be the uicau of saving money for you
On left aid of cattle and on left
3hoo Ider of horse.
Range on Antelope creek
O., GhUchrlst, Sioux Co., Keb.
On left aide or hip of cattle, j
On left shoulder of home, j
lHange on the head ot Warbonnet
J creek
Address Harrison, Sloui Co. Nob.
On left shoulder of cattle
Knnire on I.lltle CottolHtood.
Crawford Seljr. -v.
Final Proof Notices.
Ail person having final proof notices In
Uiia paper wtll receive a marked copy of the
paper and are requested to examine the;
notice and if any errors exist report the
same to this olllce at once.
LandOfliee nt Alliance, Neb.
April 20, IHIM. j
Votice In hereby given that the following
nanod settler has flled rioiiceof hi inten
tion to make final proof in support of Ills
claim, mid that said proof will be mode be
fore M. J. Illcwett, Clerk District Court tit
Harrison, Neb,, un Mav lflw, viz : Tuendrt
Meier of rdmore, S. 1)., who made li. E.
No. 4I.W. for th. K'j H-K, Sec. 3i, Slj'S-W!,'
aud -VWJi, S-K!, Sec, Township 3i, llange
51 w.
lie nninOH the following witnesses to
prove Ids continuous re..ideneu upon ami
cultivation of said html, viz:
Flunk J. lllllcr, I'etvr ISiersack, John Ash
ton and John Ostntnder, all of Ardmore,
S.D. J. W. Wehs Jk., liesjUter.
Laud Olhce at Alliance, Neb.
Jlay 4th, IBMS.
Notice ii hereby civc that tho following
named sctMcr has lilted nntU-e of his inten
tini to make Una! proof in support of his
claim, and that Huid proof will be made be
fore Kobert Wilson, county Judge at llar
rin, Neb., on June 11th, lWurt vi,: Charles
31. itustcll, of Harrison, Neb , who made II.
K. No. 4S49, for the N-H'U K-w U '. d
Hi! Si-K'i H-Wii N KUfwe SX, M'ownshlp 3i,
K.uifre 64 VV.
lie name the following witnesses to prove
bl contiiiuotiK rcsld.'nco upon and cultiva
tion it( said land, viz:
A.'l'. llugtuon, KiunkCl undfelter, George
Scott and Emery Gillmor. All of (ilea, Neb.
AlnO HltTvey II. KuhccII of HarriBoll, Neb.,
Mrlio made II. E. No. 3SM, for the ii-W!4 N-E'
vKS WiiJi KS W'., N-W! 8-KU oi
Townhli ;il Itainfe.M W.
lie mimos the following wllnusye to prove
hi t:ontiuiMUi, rtMidenee ujiou und euitivn
tlou of saiil land, viz :
A, T. ilugltHoii, Erauk ('Undfelter, Ceonre
dcoit and tmery (.illmor. All of i.len. Neb.
W. J. W'KIIN Jh, Kegister
Notice to .Non-ItesUlunt Defendants.
To Metta L. JIalne, .Silo L. U. Maino,
James . Snrgcnt:
lou and each ot von will take notice that
J. Y, Castlu him flled hrr petition in the
District Court of Sioux county, Nebraska,
the object anil pmyi-r of which petition Is
the foreclosure of a ce rtain tax Hen upon
the following described preinlccsln Sioux
county, Nebraska, to -wit: Lot-i no and 21 of
Block 7, of thu Village of Harrlnon, that
you and each of j ou be barred of any right
or interest In or to the name; that thu said
premise be sold to satisfy the auid tax Hon
and for general relief.
You are required to answer the said petl
tiou on or before the sixth duy of June, is.
J. Y. CaRTI.K, Plaintiff.
O ust Oltu is,
40-M Attorney for I'luititlfl.
Notice to Noii-I'.f'slilcnt, Ih fendaiits-
To Hufus Coffin and Company:
You and each of yon will take notice that
D. II, Grlawold bun Hied his petition In the
District Court of tiloux county, Nebraska,
the object and prayer of which petition is
the foreclosure of a certain tax Hen upon
tho following described promises in Bioux
county, Nebraska, to-wlt: Lot 8 of Block 0
of the Vlllngo of Ilarrinon, that yon and
each of yon bo barred of any right or Inter
cut In or to the same; that the said premi
se bo sold to aatlsf y the said tax Hen and
for general relief.
You are required to answer the said peti
tion on or before the alxth day of June,
1H98. D. II. (, Plaintiff.
Giant (Iutiibik,
tM3 Attorney for Plaintiff.
The Sunday Journal Freo.
During the great war excitement peo
ple cannot get enough papers to read on
the all-absorbing topic. Tbe State Jour
nal as a special offer will send the Great
Sunday State Journal three months to
any person sending in f 1.00 for a year's
subscription to the Semi-weekly Slate
Journal beats tbe old weekly all to pieces
and with a big sixteen-page paper
thrown in, is the greatest bargin ever of
fered for 11.00. Just think! you got two
big weekly papers each week for a whole
vear and a big nixtnen pace Sundav na
per three months all for $1.00. In order
to be entitled to this social premium you
roust send your Dollar direct to the Slate
Journal, Lincoln Neb,
HVET 19, 1898
t- 23 ot2 -g am s
M0mti li? it
"Hi - ' sl? i &i
.. ; ,-X If t Jh
m r5, 5;- 3
e -SSfe
Aw TzMT ". me take ihaSC loads from
0 "
If you don't believe what he says go
take a look at those 500 pairs of Boots
& Shoes just arrived last Tuesday, and
you will see he is warring with every
store in the north-west. You can buy
foot-wear of him cheaper than at any
other store in Harrison.
Fresh Garden Seeds for Sale.
Head quarters for IIAKD-WARE, TIN-WARE, DRY-GOOES and
dlbU, GROCERIES, FLOUR and FEED and everything needful & useful.
E. BrtEwsTtR,
D. H. ORIS WOLD, Cashier.
Transacts a General
American Exchange National Bank, New York,
Omaha National Dank, Omaha,
First National Bank, Chadron.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Flour and Feed of all kinds
at my harness shop.
Third Building Went of J. II. Kartell's Grocery 8tort.v '
EGGERT .fiOHWER, ProprtoWr '
Into. ks.
2 " Ai
- Sk as
'3 s s r?
k lip
eiliors t: E. 0. Tlowr
Tridiritk lutein naams
JTonthlv. loo lnrre papi
illustruted.-iiot a dull fine
Wi-r!& 't- i Cshtln
4.y 11 dierv,-,s ;our
S your VkIiU
One dollar a yar, loconts
ur haths" neonv: wimnle niftnlM" mailed O
for six cenls.
Fifth Ave., CHICAGO t
c r.
Banking Business;
V, " . 4
tA V -f
- , Jam . - r:k'i-