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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1898)
THE SIOUX COUNTY .j-OTJKisrXi. Thursday, May. 12th, 1898. diet. D. Canoa, Editor and Prop. F. E. A H. T K. E. lime table. Going West. Going East. t No. 6, raised 11 1 No. 6. mixed :00 T H a? North-western LINE IF. E. 1L V. B. K. i the best to and from the BLACK HILLS, UEADWOOD ANi HOT SPRINGS, SOUTH DAKOTA. A map of the United States. Burlington Eoute U three feet -wide by four Umg ; Is printed In seven colors; in mounted on rollers; show every state, county, important town and jrai 1 road In the Union, and ISMltlftfllTilrornn a very desirable and U Jusefl adjunct to any toouwe Ufljlll?' jholdorbuslnessestablishmera, aMMaBJ Purchased la large -quanti ties, tbemaps cost Burlington Eoute irore than fifteen tents ,eaeh, but on receipt of that amount in stamps toe under signed will be pleased to seud yua one. Write immediately, a the supply is limited. ,J. FRAKCIS, Gen'l Fass'r Agent, Omaha, Neb. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATE OmCER3: i Silas A. Holcomb ..Governor . James E. Harris lieutenant (iovernoi "W. T. Porter Secretary of Stato .John F. Cornell Auditor .J. E. Meserve Treasurer 'C. J. Smyth Attorney General . J. V. Wolfe Land CoDimtsslonei ' W. E. Jackson Supt. Public lastrucllon CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION: .John M. Thurston- U. S. Senator, Omaha Wm. V. Allen U. S. Senator, Madison . J. B. Strode, Congressman 1st DisL, Lincoln D. H. Meroer, " M " Omaha Samuel Maxwell, " 3rd " Fremont "W.L. Stark, " 4th " Aurora ; R. D. Sutherland, Sth " Nelson W. L. Grsau. th " Kearney JUDICIARY: . J. J. Slliran Chief Justice, CoVumbus 'T. O. C. Harrison ..As'te Judge, Grand Island T. L. Nerval Associate Judge, Seward J V. A. CiunpaaU COerk and Ceporter, Lincoln FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL. DISTKIOT : SL P. Kinkaid Judge, O'Neill "W. H. Weatover :u. j.biwu Kusuvillc Clerk, Harrison TEEMS OF 09UBT : Ettstolet Court, At Harmon, commences :Sprif term May 9th, .Fall -" Sept 18th Jnry NU. tConnty Court, At Harrison, commences : first Monday of each month. LEGISLATIVE: Otto Mutl9enator, Dlst. No. 14, Spring-view ,A. E. Sheldon Dist. No. S3, Chadron COUNTY OFFICERS: 'Rosen Wilson. M- J. Blewett Chas. Bletile Elsie Mrrlam- County Jude Clerk . Tteairorer .Supt. Public Instruction , Sheriff Thos Holly. .3. E. Phlnney B. F. Thomas... . Coroner . Surveyor ; M. J. Blewett.. ..Clerk of District Conrt 'Or ant Guthrie ..County Attorney BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: .Jens C. Mens-, -1st District Andrew Proounier... ... 3d .Jackson Melllenc Chairman) H VILLAGE OmCESS: I. F. Pontius (chairman) . .John Davis P. H. Griswod , W. B. Marsteller :E. Rofcwer .. W.H. Davis ..Trastee Clerk .Treasurer Lewis Geriacfc. SCHOOL OmCEES: ' Eggert Eohwer Director B. L. Smack Moderator Lewis Gerlach Treasurer CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES. Ifetbodlst suaday School meets every Son 4lay morning at 10 .DO .W.H. Davis, Mim Rineix, Superintendent. secretary EPWORTH LEAGUE. Regular -.tousinees meeting first Taosday .evening insaeh month. Mim Palme, O. Kmrau President. Secretary. i Devotional jstlng very Bandar evening tM 9M. MRS. KsAU, Lstdtr. . JUNIOR LEAGUE. Meets oaeb aaadev nf tarnoon at t . Ma. KtsTDALL., Supt. .jJEBRT BUtK PORT. Re. 145, G. A. R. Meets mo d Monday In each saonth la -,ake (wart nova at Harrison. . R. E. Uvernaore, Com. WOODsUM OF THE WORLD. Oaasy, Bo. M, ataata or ms al rasMMatar evening. W.M. Davio, J. a.HarOow, ?, Clark. ConCom. HOSESS WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Meats oanb alteraau Seturdsy evening (RaTsValoek. . J. W .Smith. T. .0 aV Oof. . GRANT GUTHRIE, Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all legal matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and before the United State Land Office. Fire Insurance written in reliable sompanies. JSTLegal papers carefully drawn. Harrison, - Nebraska. J. E. PIHNNEY, M. D. Itijiscian and Surgeon. All calls given prompt attention, OlBce In Drug Store. -HARRISON - KEBBASKA. A. T. CLARK, Lawyer. Office: in the KichstemBuildUg, HARRISON, NEB COME TO THE inilDMAI OFFICE lIUUUNHL t or your JOB WORK i Stationary. 50TICE TO SETTLERS. The rules of the local land office have recently been amended so that settlers to make final proof shall settle with the publisher before sending in their applica- tioa. All parties desiring to make final proof can have their papers made out at lEE Journal olhce, free of charge, and promptly transmitted to the land office so that no tiuie will be lost. Special Locals. Public Sale. On Thursday May 19th 1598 at the "Wilcox ranch in Warbonnet precinct will be sold about: 100 head of cattle 7 head of horses And a valuable lot of farm machinery. The cattle to be sold are good ones & it will pay you to at tend. Sale begins at 10 a. m. For Sale Cheap The August Mobr property in the Hat creek valley, con sisting of 480 acres of land 4 a first class bouse, barn & corrals, you can buy this for one half what it is worth. Write or come and see tee about it. D. H. Geiswoij. All roads lead the court houee at least it looks that way. Ye editor is now the sole owner of a brand new two wheeled cart. It looks like old times to see ex-commissioner James F. Youcg in town. Mr. Robt. Niece of Running Water was a Harrison visitor, the first of this week. Beds! beds!! teds 111 have you found a bed? Such is the cry in Harrison this week. All places availabe will be utilized as sleeping apartments during court week. June E. Smith is now living in his own bouse having made the change on last Saturday. Hon. Judge Westover, ill be domi ciled at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Marsteller during his stay in our midst i Judge C rites of Chadron, was among the legal lights, who graced our city streets with his presence during this week. W. W. Woods of BushWlle Neb., one of the legal lights attendant on dis trict court here, was a pleasant caller at this office on last Monday evening. Mr. Sutton moved his family into the bouse vacated by J, E. Smith on last Saturday. E'ere many moons Harrison will rival Chicago for her May moveing. T, B. Snyder of Collins, Neb., was a pleasant caller at this office on last Mon day. Come again when io town kind friend as the latch string ia always out and we are here to stay. D. S. Cox of Fort Robinson was a pleasant caller at our sanctum on last Monday and renewed bis allegiance to the Journal, and so toe food work goes merrily on. Coroner Phinney made trip to Adelia on last Monday to hold an inquest on the body of James Swimback, who was burned to death in his own bouse on last Sunday night He was accompaaied by W. H. Davis Landlord Tebbet of the Harrison House baa proved himself to bo the right man in the right place. By satisfying the inner man, and doing everything in bis power to accomodate his numer ous gueoU during court weak, he hat won the applause of all. Charles Umpbenour writes to the Journal please eand my Journal to Mona P. O. Rent, Co. Kansas, as I do not wish to be without it Charley nays wheat looks floe Corn is all planted, and their fruit crop will be first class if noth ing happens to it He closes by wishing to be reme mbeMB to all the box. , Wanted Five huntk-sd readers to sub scribe for the Journal trie year at one dollar per year. Ei. H. Oriswold. 'otl( I tan cattle hides and all kind of kins with hair for roW, or without or leather. See sample and prices in J. 1L Bartell's store. 1L Oi-brjcht. filen. Neb. Will Wright who baa been at work ib the Oering grist mill during the ait winter and spring returned house last evening. He will stop over untri Sun day or Monday when he expects to return to Gering. Will Wright saye he has enlisted in the Nebraska volunteers at Gearing. Pbill Dunn calltd at the Journal office this week and paid his respect. Sherriff Holly and his deputy were two of our busiest men during court This week has beea very busy on account of the, convening of district court M. J. Weber of Glen, will go to Glen Rock about tlie 20th of this month to shear sheep. The spring term of the district court has been in session this week, and several notable cases disposed of. Miss Annie Moravek left last night for Chadron where she is engaged for a season to work at the Blain Hotel. All three of cur ex-comraissioners were on city streets together the first of this week. It seemed a pleasant treat to see them. S. Sherman moved bis family from from Sheep Creek, Wyo., en last Tues day. He bas rented Mr, Barteirs ranch for one year. Did you attend the eater tainment given by the Clover Leaf Club, on last Tuesady evening? If not you certainly missed a grand treat W. E. Smith of Gearing Father-in-law to John Marsteller drove from that place aay before yesterday looking hale and hearty as of yore. Frank Tinkham and Jack Kreisler left this morning for Larriniie peak where they will work their own mine during the summer and winter. With this issue Mr. G. M. Lacey will add his name to the list of Journal read ers. "Pop" sheet as it is called, its list of readers are daily increaseing. Almost all the neighbors from the country side who could possibly get away took the advantage of a trip to the county seat during court week. And still they come, we mean the attorney's, jurors, witnesses, and lam but not least in number the public; ac tuated principally by mere curiosity. CORN To Mr. and Mrs. Phil luno of Warbonnet, precinct on May 6th a new daughter, whose graceful presence will add new dignity to the bouse of "Dunn." Dr. Pjiinney was called out to see Grandpa Merriam who is slightly indis posed for the past two weekw. We hope soon to see Grandpa Merriam on our streets aeain as of old. Mr. Eggert Eiiower has rented the Neeee residence directly aerots the street from the house h in now orcupying and will move hi family into his domain soon as they can posxibly do so. J. J. Kipp and his sou left yesterday for Gerring Neb., where he goes to work ditching if he can secure a j'b. Mr. Kipp expects that he may possibly re turn to Harrisen in the fall after work is concluded. Miss Butts delivered a lecture to the ladies of town at the parsonage on lant Monday afternoon, about her experience, and life in the far east, where she has spent ten yeaas. Quite a number atten ded. Capt. Fisher of the Chadron Malilia who lias been down at Lincoln where he has been camping with the rest of the boys preparitory to going to the scene of conflict was given leave of absence long enough at least to attend the term of court. C. E. Kalstrum of Et Robinson Neb., was a pleasant caller at this office on last Tuesday, and spent a few moments in pleasant conversation with ye editor. Come again when in town friend Charley; we are always glad of company. Hon. Judge Westover during his short stay in our midst did not forget to spend a few short moment in our private "den" and as we are always glad to aay "how" to his honor, it will be saying all that is nescessary if we add that we are ever ready and glad to have him call. Among the prominent visitors from out of town who graced our city streets with their presence; was the Hon. M. J. Gay hart of Montrose. In the course of conversation, Mr. Q. informed the repor ter of the Journal that Mrs. Gay hart whose health has been very poor for some time, is getting along very nicely nod able to be up and about J, D. Boott of Kearney was acting reporter for Judge Westover's court this week as Col. Ma her fane enlisted in the U. S. volunteer service of this state. The Journal reporter had the pleasure of becoming acquainted with Mr. Scott and will always be glad to meet him when in our town. In the divorce case of Virgil Heater against his wife Myrtle, the court allow ed her an attorney fee of fifty dollars with an additional amount for taking of dispositions and ten dollars a month for her support during the pendancy of the trial, leaving the custody of the lit tie boy in tbejwsoossioopiiif father IS MEMORIiX. Whereas, God in his Providence has taken from eur number our beloved brother Howard Lewis, Be it resolved that, we as a league bow to the di)ensation of our God and Father and akknowledge his wisdom and power in all things. And be it f urtber resolved, that we ex tend to the father and mother, brother and sisters of our depated friend our dee pest sympathy and love in this their hour of trial. DIED At the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Lewis of Andrews on May 7th Howard Lewis, aged 17 years. The funeral sermon was preached at the home of his parents on last Sunday af ternoon at 4 o'clock, in the presence of a large concourse of friends and relatives and on Monday the remains were taken to Crawford for burial. But few outside, Attorneys were in attendance at this term of court. District court convened Monday morning and just before noon Tuesday adjourned without day. The assessor paid his respects to our town's people on last week. All seemed satisfied in the manner in which he did business. It was as difficult a matter to find a Juror on our'streets last Tuesday morn ing, as it was to find a man on last Men afternoon who was not laying claim to that title. Wheat last Saturday on the Chicago hoard of trade, reached the magnificent price of f 1.70. Our people will be ob gliged to eat more corn-bread if they would live more economically. Among those who were subeonied to appear at this term of court to testify in certain cases and reaced here after court had been adjourned which was no fault of theirs were the follow ing from Glen and vicinity: Henry Kreeman, Martin Welr, Charles Kalstrotn, Saot. and Jess. Crawford and A. L. Fisher. Although the Journal scribe receiv ed complimeotary tickets to the Clover Leaf club entertainment which was held at Andrews Hall Tuesday evening but was unable to attend, we were reliably informed by parties w bo did attend that it was one of the best programmes ren dered in Harrison for a long time and that the refreshments were good and plenty of it. The house was well filled and the receipts at the door and for refreshments amounted to the nice little sum of IIS,. All who attended enjoyed themselves and went home fuel-, ing well pleased. Those who are com petent to judge say, that the entertain ment and rendering of the program re flected credit to those who took part in the performance, Following are the title lines to the two reports from Com. bewey by the New York Journal and Herald stafT correpondi.'nti to the World-Herald of MavfHhl-SS: Ah, there she vvjves A Banner bright Her waving folds of glory, i With stars and stripes red. white and blue, To live fore'er in story. Give Sampson now but half a chance. As Dewey now has made his. And there will be some new recruits For Spanish class in hades. Let liberty march round the world. And every shackle sever. And let the grand old stars and stripes. Wave in the air forever. Warbonnet Wurlillngs, Marcos Valdez and E. B. Lyon left for Hat Creek Wyoming where they will be employed of Jake Mills for the Summer at least. BORN to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson a son, all parties doing well except Frank and he will recover with good care. Grandpa Lyon, made a trip to Hat Creek Wyo., the first of the week. Lock Kirtley was a pleasant caller at James Nolan's Sunday. H. T. Merriam lias seen quite sick but is some better at present James Nolan and O. A. Garton started Friday to take their cattle to the herd. Charles Grewell expects to herd tbem. Charles Biehle took his cattle to Indian Creek Friday where R. Simlar will care for them. Echo. Moatrose t'llpplsgi. This kind of weather makes the farm ers feel happy. Mrs. W. M. Gayhart is visiting with her parents in Sowbelly canyon. M. J. Gayhart made a trip to Harrison yesterday. Jake Waaeerburger is farming the Richard place. W. M. Waaser burger is working for Jake Wasserburger Misses Oerty and Francis were plea sant callers at Mrs. J. J, Waaeerburgers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Henry made a trip to Crawford yesterday. Hoary acd John W, had quits a ride last week, their cattle bought of E. Hol lingaworth had strayed away, by several days bard riding they cot tbem all to gether again. Mrs. Jake Marking paid ber daeghter Mrs. Jake Wagoerburrer a abort visit Sunday, Bun. OH YES! iHprp Wr Am Aeain. . - a 500 pairs of shoes The above U an addition to our already large and complete stork of loots and (Oioes now on Jiand. w hire 4i,u inrwAtt .luHnrtment ever shown in u j lilt ui'-- mifvi t Vnrl.AVoct Wrvrnul-ri I - - Coin pet ion and are ure IOUR STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE IS STILL THE LARGEST AM) inf. BEST IN HARRISON. CALL SNI) SEE US AND SAVE MONEY, Marsteller Brothers. f . . . .-. i '. . Kow write us for Description about it We have been tolling our Address, Miss Dot ha Bartell, has entered the employ of Mrs. N. L Tipton to remin un til the e h! of the sclolastic holilay. The jurors at this term of court were dismissed as a consequence of there being no work for them to do. We are sorry to hear from Buff Cof fee that he is bothered by that fatal desease ''Black-leg" making inroads among his cattle. Henry Lindcman of Crawford was in our midst on last Monday, returning to Crawford on the same evening, Always glad to see our friends. Some little disapointment was ev inced by some of the iutrested parties in courtcase at this term of court, because their cast-s had been contiuutd over. Following are the casts on the court docket as passed on by this torra of court: CRIMINAL CASH ?. Nebraska vs Irving O.llmor continued over until fall ter.n and bail bond re newed. CIVIL CASES. Hans Decker vs E. L, Lockwood et al passed McKinley Landing lan & Trust Co vs Andrew JacoN 2 casus, no appearance made and passed. Pioneer Savings & Loan Association vs Charles L. Tubbs no appearance and passed. CtiarlesF. Coffee vs Thomas B. Snyder settled out of court. L. O. Hull & E. I). Satterlee vs Sioux County, no appearance and passed. Martin M. raton vs Sioux County, no appearance and passed. G. W. Hester & V. A. Hester vs Henry Lindeman, continued over to next term with costs taxed up to the plaintiff. James H. Cook vs Charles Biehle, County Treasurer, no appearance and passed. Jens C. Meng vs Charles Coffee et nl is before the supreme conrt and hence was beyond the jurisdiction of the dis trict court Jane E. Woodruff vs John Meinbart etal, appraisment set aside and new order of sale made. Horace C. Stanton vs Lorenzo D. Har mon etal, appraisement net aside and new order of sale made. Henry B. White gurdaian, vs Lewis Gerlach, defendant given 30 days to ans wer. Virgil A. Hester vs Myrtle Hester, continued to next term. Stock Growers National Bank of Cheyenne vs James H. Cook, not at Issue. Robert Wilson et al ys Sioux County, judgement rendered in favor of plain tiff. George H. Turner vs George W. Cobb et al, 2 cases sale confirmed. A Card of Thanks. The Clover Leaf Club wish to thank the people for their Urge attendance and liberal patronatre at their snisrUnmut Tuesday evening May 10. They are anticipatlog on having another la the near future aad invite all to bo present. The proceeds will bo used in a way which will benefit the public. By order of Ibe committee. OH YES! Just received overn M .1 t . A. .1 of tne laiesi siyies. ' - v ... I I T "1 ' arid n to nricPS We Dht I , 1 . . . to smi an wnu wwc Vc pay the freight ON THIS Kimball o o ORGAN In Nebraska and Western Iowa, t You Get $195 Organ for $88. YOU PAY FOR IT WITH A FIVE DOLLAR BILL down and S5.00 per month. Felly Oaaraateed for S years. and Catalogue. We will tell you all friends about this now 23 years. A. HOSPE, OMAHA, NL15. -I898H I898'4 NINTH ANNUAL TEACHERS INSTITUTE TO BK HELD AT HARRISON, SIOUX C0M NEBR. FROM JUNE 13, TO AUGUST 0. EIGHT WEEKS SESSION. Tuition Seventy fire Ont prr "WWk, No extra charge for examination or certiixiite. i of study will include only those branches required by law for a first grade certificate. A grade of 70 per cent in each of the third grade branches will be required for a third grade certillcate. A grade of HO per cent in each of tho second grade branches, aud including the third grade branches, will be required for a second grade certillcate. A grade of W) per cent will be required in each of the first grade brandies, nnd including second and third grade branch es, for a Hirst grade certillcate. No one will receive a marking of 100 (er tent in any branch of study. Only a specialist bus a right to so "high a prude. INSTRUCTORS. J. W. Smith. Drawing. Pkok. John R. GitAY.Botanv, Book keeping Arithmetic, Physics, "Algebra, Geometry. Suit, 'iwe Mwktam. Elements of Education, History and Rhetoric, Or thography aud Reading, Grammar, Civil Gov., Physiology, aud Hygiene, Goo graphv. IjKCfURES. Elements of Education, written by J. F. Savlar. to be read June 13, Book-keeping written hy Harry E Wilson, to re read June 24. Botany, written by Prof Bessey, to be read July 1. Paper, Subject selected, A. J. Babcock to m read July H. Our country's Hope. Prof John R. Gray July 15. SOCIAL: There will bo a teachers social July 23, Teachers are requested to come prepar ed to give a htterary programe Aug 5. Examination Aug 5 and 6. I hope everyone, residing in Sioux county, will manifest their interests la the cause of educatioh, by their atten dance at this Institute, or by vialtina at least one day. A special Invitation is extended to members of a school-board to oorao and visit us, and encourage the teachers to greater efforts than over be fore, by showing an appreciation of their effort ingiving tbem their hearty sup It is only right ami just, that the teachers, who spend their tune nd money each year that they m.y be bet ter prepared themselves for their work m the school-room, should have a first choice in our public schools. However the solo aim and end of right education is not just to teach echaVl P ot, riht KtloR i. ui ; 1 ""I" w meat many others at Uus Institute besides theee who expect to teach school. Visitors will receive a hearty wel- Ctowrnr