The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 12, 1898, Image 5

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. -i.
i-.- r-rV'Vr ( ( r..-:.?r".:-VW.( !C' c f t, M- V'1 I
I liaii ! no -ki-ii around in Australia
for live year. ju; '.u a year's service
In India, nn l bad a v. :u4 at tiw
Transvaal Insurrection':-:.-! in a volun
teer, only to settle down a; lat. us a
telegraph op. tutor at Ilo--ky
telegraph station bet w een in.
Sioux City. It wan ii. .v In!?
transfer me-.-.g, , L--t n
places, and to co.rieci with jn
ther along.
The t - ; i ;.i mi. li r : :i ii: up llie road, w as Dlsii.,
t vo
miles fur
-inal Point,
oldest and
i and I hail
hi together,
ami here Tuiu F
truest friend,, ii.;
, i. T-
; t: wh
roughed it ail ovi
a nil when w e M-i
to be near ea. !i (
One day Too;
me that lie woid
ll lloA II I
h-r.,.!,.d d
ma to
I lucky
hi no
day f
t loo at
r a day''
I-orks next To
!r.g. lie xalil he ould com
the 5 o'clock train ill the in.
wait for me to get off .it n -that
we would go up lino ih
shoot along ih" points of tin
down on
ruiliR i.ii'l
ill. Ai'i'-r
h'.lls and
ra vine.
I liked tKuhiti,; hi tter than a day's
otltilifj with Tom, ami I )iiiekiy ticked
back word that in' i.-ould rely on tne
next Tuesday, as liiat was my day off.
The following day there came a iui-k-Wtfc'e
throui;h Omaha that the 1,'niied
Express would ship ?11!.(hm).(x0 In bul
lion over the road to Sioux City the
next Monday night, and that the train
would pass through my station, Koeky
Korku, at h:15 in the evening. I tele
graphed back thai I understood It, and
then I opened up the Instrument and
asked Tom If he had received his mes
sage yet. He said that he had, and
would look for the train seventeen min
utes earlier at, lismal Point.
That day and the next I passed In
tny usual way. Sunday wan unevent
ful, and would have seeiim! long, ex
cept for the constant ticking of the In
strument, which was kept busy send
ing messages about the iniirtnnt ship
ment to be made the next day. Mon
day evening at :'.) I looked at, my
w atch. "Tlie train will soon lie along."
1 said. "I guess I will call up Tom,
nd see if lie knows where It Is."
1 called up Dismal Polut, and Tom
"The expresH train Is one station up
the road," said he, "and in ahead of
time, ll will wait here five minutes.
I'll let you know as soon as it leaves
in re. Tomorrow "
There was a sudden pause In the
ticking and then a strange hand sent
the message, "That is all."
1 called up Tom again, but he did uot
answer. I kept calling, but no re
sponse came, and 1 thought that the
wires had become entangled.
I waited for tiie eipress wllh Its
$lg,i0,000 In bullion until but it
did not arrive. Then I telegraphed up
road to Tom, but there was no answer.
I waited Ave minutes longer and tele
graphed again, but still no response.
"The wires must be down," I said.
I walked out upon the platform and
looked up the road.
To tny surprise I
mv in the distance an engine coming
toward me, slowly nwlnglng down the
track As it came nearer 1 saw It was
empty, and as it passed me I board
ed it.
Heverslng the engine, I Blurted Wick
up the road. I went with such fire us I
could get up, back to Dismal Point.
Here In front of the station, Ioih1 the
exprerm car, rifled of lta contents.
Across one of the trunks the express
messenger lay dead. The engineer and
Cieman were so badly ntunned that at
first I thought they, too, were killed,
but after dome time I brought breath
back Into the life of the former. He,
poor fellow, was too dazed to speak,
ml I lifted hlra into the car. thankful
that he was alive.
When I mopped lnt the little -nation
where Tom always Mt, an awful night
net Diy eye. There anting ai me in-
-atroMent with bta back to toe door, wm
. . .i... ,
i i ' . it i . y ' it i
Vitt w www 4mk '4$mfMm
my old I.o
through him.
the table. 1
die, a Mil l'i:h
strength, only
In my arms.
id. a dai,''er btlckiri
and fairly pinning lilra t
rasped the wooden han
.'d It out with all my
to reeeive his cold body
Well: toot
hers of !
been slru.-k f
In'-iuher not
only long em
buried, I n- '.
I'orl-.s. and
'l oin's gi a e,
loal P.i. nt. I
never found out the rob
rain. The engineer h:i(J
nil behind, and could re-
Irtiu; and after waiting
:;!'!, to see uy old J"rleilJ
. tied iii y p...-ition at Koeky
''He!; oil aK'ain- But on
h.-u k in t he woods at DIs
put a .-haft of wood, and
1 these words; "Living, I
i n to the end of the world,
n ;.ie bai l; to you."
put Tom's name ami ajje,
h.nd the oajh Unit I had
on it I V-i r '
u ill pur:- He ;
! :. I. I uiii
Below It 1
illi'l Vo.VoJ
there iv rii ten
find the murderer of
peer Tom I'.nii,;i.
sin: in licit
of New Vti
vat i? wire
later, I found myself
e,v lil, worth, a suburb
1 w as In char-'e of a pr
meeting with the New
Atlantic and P.icilic Telegraph Com
pany, which communicated with all
parts of the world. It was one of the
richest organizations of the new world,
and I was proml to be an operator Id
Its employ.
My duty here was to transmit tha
private messages of the company; fot
here the president had hl3 summer
home, and lu re also were the trustees,
and those who manipulated the road.
Many confidential messages passed
through my hands, and I treated them
with becoming confidence.
I never liked the president of the
company, though he lived In the hand
somest house in the place and treated
me witli uniform courtesy. He had a
cold uncertain manner that did nof
seem to be worthy of trust. Certainly
I should not have put my millions Inta
his hands.
One night, when he did not reach
home, his wife came down to the tele
graph o(!ice ami asked me If I had
heard from him. I was forced to tell
her no. This happened frequently; and
one evening, when he had leen lata
j and she had made three trips In her
earring? to the telegraph ottb e, lie said
to me; "To-morrow I will have a pri-f
vate wire put In rny ofllce In Pine street!
uud when I am detained, I will tele
graph you, and you can send a mes
sage to my wife."
The next day the wire was put In,
hut as the president came liomef
promptly that night, it was not used.
Put. on the following day at 15 o'clock
I got a telegram fro'n him telling Hil
that he wouiil not be home until 8
o'clock, uud ordering me to send word
to his wife. I did no by the station
An hour later there came another
message from the president's ofllce. It
was that he would be detained still
later, and telling me to send word
Lome to tiiai effect.
"Is that all?'' I asked.
The message came back In sharp
! staccato notes:
I "That Is all." I leaned back In my
i chair cold ami faint, for the hand wai
the siitne that had sent me tne nicwiage
on the night ssir Tom Brown wan
The next day I came to the dty on a
leave of absence to Investigate the life
of Anson Trysoii, president of the At
lantic and Pacillc Telegraph Company.
I found that three years before he had
been a Inlsirer on the (sloux City Hall
road, with not a dollar to liU name, and
that his sudden rise hnd been the talk
of Wall street.
Well, I ilid not let It drop there, but I
hunted down l he case until I proved
that Anson Trysoii, with a gnng of
accomplice, had robbed the express
train that night, and killed my old
friend Tom Hrown. And one day I
; , i. .. wi,. ., 1st soil mm iw ni
, n.o-. n mo v -
for lt.r Milwaukee WlaconalB.
f. f v y i -r t ?
J ti UCM
Every ton
Atlantic wal'
elds eighty-one
r, when
of sap; a ton of Pacific water seventy
nine poiimis; Arctic and Antarctic
wrt'ers yield eighty-five pounds: to the
ton, and l)ead Sea water 1ST pounds.
Am electric company proposes to run
1 tro'i'.y cy!:. along the Chaini.tain
Canal, between West Troy and White
i..i,i. for the purpose of driving caiiai The power is to be suppled lo
neitois. wl,'"ii -x': take the place of
mules or ho, -i s in hauiing the boats.
Photographs have recently been suc
cessfully taken under water at a dis
tance of ten or twelve feet. The camera
was carried by a diver, the light was
supplied by an eh-clrio lamp carried in
the diver's he;i'!j!eco. The experiments
were carried out In the bay of Ii io de
.I;. neiro, iirazil.
A !crn:an rlrin, It is reprrt-d, has ;
placed u.ion the market samples of i
pure ingolin, derived from foal tar, !
whii'ii promist-i to supplant the vege- j
t.' ltle indigo, as other dyes have been j
M.pplatjtcd by the same source. Vege-'
tabic indigo Is consumed to the extent :
of .l."i,()Hi.(i)0. chiefly derived from
India. l
Tli' niimiH-r of astero!In discovered
up to the pres'-nt date is 42,'i. A num
ber of these small planets have not
been observed since their discovery and
are practically lost. Consequently It is
now a matter of doubt, until the ele
ments have been computed, whether
the suposed new planet Is really new
or only an old one rediscovered.
What Is ls-lieved to have been the
largest snake ever contained hi the rep
tile house of the London Zoological
(tardea died there last November, after
having lived more than twelve years in
captivity. It was a python from Ma
lacca, and measured a trllle more than
twenty feet in length. Its principal
f I was ducks, ami It was fed, usually,
once a week, although sometimes It re
fused food for a month.
As a rule the scent of flowers does not
exist In them as In a store, or gland,
but rather as a breath, an exhalation.
While the flower lives It breathes out
it.sflwi-cfness. but when it. dies the fra
grance usually ceases to exist. The
method of stealing from the flower its
fragrance while it la still living is no
new thing, and it is not known when it
win discoveretl that butter, ajiimai tat
or oil would ab-orb the odor given off
by living flowers placed near them, and
would themselves become fragrant.
Vice President Kchoo . ma ker, of the
Plit-liuig and Lake Erie Railroad, has
a private car which Is fii.teil up in a nov
el manner. All Its chair cushions and
bed mairtsses are constructed on the
pneumatic principle. At night t.tie seat
cushions are emptied of air. folded and
packed snugly away, and the larger
cu-hlons for the beds are brought out j
of their place of concealment in thei
side- of the car. ami pumped full. It Is
said that these pneumatic cushions;
greatly reduce the jar of a railway.
Ji-uriiey, and that In time they may
cau-e a revolution in the building of
palace and sbsp!ng cars.
Most of us no doubt have cxjierienceu
the discomforts of being with a
111 of coughing or sneezing at the most
inconvenient times and places, ami it
is nol u-iialiy supi-osed that any exer-ei.-c
of the will power can be made ef-lii-ient
In 1-ins king either a cough or a
sneeze. lr. l!rown.Seiuard, however,
In one of his hs'tures, said that cough
ing en n lie siopiel by pressing on the
nerves of tii" l!is In the neighborhood
of the nose. Sneezing may be stopped
t:y the same moans. Pressing In the
nei'.'hlsirliooil of the ear may stop
coughing. Pressing very hard on the
t,,, i of tie' mouth 1 also a uifatis of
Mopping coughing.
A I-boiling Home.
Practically the captain and his wife
make their home in the cabin of the
bark; and a comfortable home, too, says
New York Sun. Fpon the walls of the
main room of this cabin, which is a
room of spacious dimensions, there are
two pictures of the bark Itself. These
are distinctly nautical; hut, aside from
them, tiie furnishing of the room Is
such as might be seen In any room de
voted to like purposes ashore. In an
alcove on one side is a piano; upon the
o'her side Is a sofa. In the center of ;
the room Is a table, upon which there j
are bo .;..- an. I sewing, ami here in port, '
win-re the slop stands on an even kei-i, !
u vase of flowers. The room Is lighted
at night by a lamp like a piano lamp,
with a broad, spreading shade, but
which, Instead of being upheld by a
standard with feet resting on the floor.
Is here suspended from the deck beams
running across under tiie skylight over
head. There are here deep upholstered
armchairs and other easy c'liiirs. and
there are rugs on the Iloor. It Is a
homelike and attractive room.
Forward of this room Is l In forvnrd
cabin, which is also I lie ship's .lining
room. The mizeiimast conn s down
through that end of the fixed table, giv
ing to tills cabin a decidedly marine
touch. Opening off the main cabin there
are a number of rooms, Including the
captain's room, which Is of ample size.
There Is here also a room for the cap
tain's daughter, who sometime sails
with him. As is etistomnry on Ameri
can deep-water ships, there are two or
three utaterooms for passengers, who
are carried when they offer. On In r
last voyage to Africa Mils vessel carried
three Dnssengers.
Tne captain failed for many .vents;
he is scquiiliiicil in ports all around me
world, and wherever he goes I here Is no
lack Of social life for himself aud Ids
wife. Tly have more Invitations
ashore than they tan uerept, and they
entertain guests alard the ship, which
Is Indeed their floatinf- home; but that
they do not forget their home ashore
may easily be imagined from the fact
thai 1 in ship's name is made tip in part
of tiie mi me of the captain's home town.
U ine
if u Familiar Article 01 j
Jtotiseliold Cue. 1
j Tiie first American clothes wringer!
' produced, which was put on the mar- I
! he! about tii,rty-live years j.go, was a '
sni.slaul ial and serviceable machine,!
lui: ii.. price previ !Ke:l its coming til
; once inlo common use. j
After some Improvements the pr!c :
' was reduced, but It is only within the
last twelve or fifteen years that thei
i ciul iii s wringer has come to he the artl- !
I clc of common household use that It !
i now is.
j The price now is about one-fourth of
j th - original price. The present output
' of Ami rli-ati clothes w ringers is about
i To'i.Onli annually.
Clothes wringers are made with rolls
I of ten to t weiity-four inches in length;
I v, lingers larger than that are made tc
; order. Ten. eleven ami twelve Inch
arc tne sizes commonly opera'el ly
l,a ml. I hough fourteen, ami even six-
ti en, Inch wringers are soiuotlm
In that to, inner. Larger machines are
operated by other power. American
clothes wringers are sold lu many for
eign countries; though in some, owing
to natural or other conditions specially
affecting the use of such appliances,
comparatively few are sold.
Thus, while many articles of Ameri
can manufacture are sold In South
American countries, there are not many
clothes wringers sold there, owing to
climatic conditions, which are such Id I
most of the countries that clothes dry
quickly there and wringers are not
much needed.
Pew American wringers are sold Io
France, where washing Is done com
monly In wash houses, and few wring
ers of any kind are used. In Germany,
Ittissia and all the Scandinavian coun
tries, and in Great Britain, American
wringers tind a market, and they are
sold also in Australia, South Africa and
other foreign lands. They cost more
than German or British wringers, but
they sell In competition with them, a
many other manufactured American
products do, liecause of their superior
ity of workmanship and better adapta
bility to use.
Prices I "iiiil Modern Authors.
Iludyanl Kipling commands the high
est price of any living author, accord
ing to the Pall Mall Gazette, which
says that it paid JfToO for each of lib
"Larraok-Riwmi Ilallads" and that "Thf
Seven Seas" brought him .fll.OOO. lie
has received ,"0 cents a word for 8
lO.nOn-ivord story. Anthony IIop(
charges $4.71 for .1 magazine story, re
sirvlng the copyright. Mr. Gladstone'!
price for a review Is 1,000. Conan
Doyle received $:i..,blo for "Rodnej
Stone." Mrs. Humphry Ward $-J0,00(
for "Robert FJsmero," $SO,000 each fol
"bavid Grieve" and "Marcella," $75,
(Mil for "Sir George Tressady" and $75,
txj for "Pessie Costrell." Ian Mac
la-en has made $.",5,(i) out of "The Bon
nli- Pilar Bush" and "Auld Lans
S. ne." Rider Haggard still asks froa
IjiTo to $1imi a column of 1,500 words and
w.ll not write for less than $10,000.
The highest price ever paid for t
n-vel hi $3X1,000, which was hnndec
o'.er to Alphonse Daudet for his "Sap
pi.o." Zola's first fourteen books net
tel him $-00,000, and in twenty yean
he has made at least $1175,000. litis
kin's sixty four books bring him in $110,
Ooo a year. Swinburne, who wrilet
very little, makes $5,000 a year by hit
puems. Browning, in his later years
drew $10,000 a year from the sale o'
his works, and Tennyson is said t
have received $t'X',000 a year from th
Mai'unllans during the last years o
his lire. Mr. Moody is believed to havt
b.-ateti all others, as more than $1,250,
0'i0 has been paid In royalties for hii
limner Custom.
We are so accustomed to ladles anc
gentlerlei going I" pairs to the dinins
room tha; we are astonished to lean
that this was not considered good font
by our grandparents. The custom Ii
(d comparatively recent origin. Kvei
now In many homes the lady of tin
house, (rue to the old fashion, leads tin
way to the table, followed by the otlie;
ladies in single tile, the genllcmei
bringing up the rear.
A writer hack In 17H0 tells us that hti
loot hoi
,, l.i.-l 11 '
h.-r to
liiiiin r.
is greatly shocked, on boari
, nr. w hen the captain askei
' hi arm" on the way U
sin- spoke afterwards or un
'h liiipii'leii-'c" In so doing. i
Another writer, in ISd-. speaks of
lady who tiled in is io whose daughter
was born lu 17-is -having "the horrors'
w hen she first saw a lady "hook hersei.
to the arm of a gentleman lu a bal
room." She remarked with Indlgnn
If my daughter did that I shouii
take her home Immediately."
Two Opinion.
A well-know n novelist delivered a lec
hire recently lu a New Jersey town
After the lecture, when the people tnel
11 w as I he proper thing for one to asl
the other:
"Were you at the lecture'-" and tlv
answer lu every case was: "Oli, yes
I was there, but I didn't hear a word
Iiid you hear llie lecture V"
"Well, noi I was there, but I eouldn'
hear, either."
A friend, who met the novelist, nskei
Mm what kind of audience he had am
how he liked the town.
"IPs a line place," was tha reply, "am
I had the most attentive audience tha
I hnve ever spoken to. No ovie mad
u sound, and I didn't tmve to raise ni;
vol .to above a whisper."'
In buiidiog a !il.-ii.ay the iir.-st ami
most important con-u'era I ion islhatof
draiioiei.-, for if this is not good the
base of the pavement will begin to
yield, ami yielding of ti"' baso means
the (le.-tr'.v-tion of the paviim-nt. If
the hoil is soft and wet a very good
foil n;la tioii may be mud'.' of noxli-raU'iy
large stones wt ldei tig.itiy together.
Tiny keep their pe-i:ioii well, ami at
Hie same time aiiow for dn.iriage.
Where there is a clay soil it is well to
excavate about six Inches of It and fill
in w itli sand or gravel. This allow s the
J water to How of:' last! ad of ft ma'tiing
j ;ui the clay and developing soft, spots.
After taking ample prceaUiions for li.e
'drainage, the bed should In- brought to
i Li.e proper grade before the road nia
! t rial is placed upon it. For the road
i material it Is 'sometimes well to lc:iii
i with a layer of two or three inches f
us,.,i!3and. '1 his should be roih-d. Asl'i"
iioiii lee iiiui iti ui o i ii , it ii , it .ii " 'I-
a sort of cushion for the pavement.
The best, and in the end the most
economical mate, ial for a highway, is
that of macadam construction. This
consists of broken stone from two to
thre? inches in largest dimension,
which Is put on the road in layers about
two Inches thick. Each layer is roiled
and the interstices tilled with smaller I
pieces if broken stone or gravel tieforo
t'"' i'"Xi :,ver is piacen. i ms diommi
stone should Ik' from six to ten inches
in thickness, depending upon the
amount of traflie on the road. If the
foundation is good such a road will re
quire but few repairs for many years
to come, or until it Is practically worn
out. The addition of a layer of broken
stone will make it as good as new. If
this road Is considered too expensive a
very good roadbed may be made of a
mixture of loam and clay. This should
also be thoroughly compacted by roll
ing before traflie is allowed non it.
These are but two of the various
kinds of road materials. They are lsth
good, but they cannot always be rec
ommended. The selection of a road
material is a matter which depends
largely on local conditions, and no fixed
rules can be applied. Tiie judgment of
a competent engineer should 1 sought
In order to determine the lust and
cheapest material for a certain locality.
Edwin M. Grimes, in Farm, Stock
slid Home.
Cost of I'ail KoailH.
According to statistics collected by
the oflice of road Inquiry of the Depart
ment of Agriculture, the amount of loss
each year by the bad roads of the coun
try is almost beyond belli f.
Some 10.(iHi letters of inquiry were i
sent to intelligent and reliable farmers!
throughout the country, and returns
were obtained from alsmt l.'JOO coun
ties, giving the average leng-th of haul
In miles from farms to markets and
shipping points, the average weight of
load hauled and the average length per
(on for the whole length of the haul.
Summarized, it appears that the gen
eral average length of haul Is twelve
miles, the weight of load for two horses
2,000 pounds, and the average cost pin
ion per mile 25 cents, or $3 for the en
tire load.
Allowing conservative estimates for
tonnage of all kinds carried over public
roads, the aggregate expense of this
transportation is figured at $'.M(i.414.(MK)
per annum. Those in a position to judge
calculate that Iwo-thirdw, or nearly
$i;:U,(KK.000, could be saved if ilie roadu
were in reasonably good condition. At
$1,(XK) per mile a very good road can lie
constructed-, and if any amount equal
ing the savings of one year were ap
plied to Improving highways, 157.000
miles of road In this country could be
put in condition.
The effect of this would be a perma
nent improM'ment. and an exchange
says uot only would tiie farmer be as
tonished in the sudden reduction in his
road lax, but he would also wonder at
the remarkable falling off in of
trausjiorialiou. He would also find that
he required fewer hors" and less feed
for them. He could niaki
t wo t rips to
market, a dav inMead of one. when abil
It y to get his goods there at a tlmel
when high prices are ruling is a matter j
of great consequence. j
Farmers are beginning to apply a lit-!
tie t-lmple arithmetic to sonic
of til
ma tiers, and It i
nect that In the
not too much to i s
oar future we shall
him- a decided revolution in the con. titton
of our rural highways. Farm, Kieid
id Fireside,
Acme HiMd-lm;.
With some fortunate persons the per
ception of sound Is wonderfully keen.
An able violinist went to fill an engage
ment in a strange city, and engaged
apartments in a street where all ilie
houses were built according to one pat
tern. Returning to his rooms late one
night, and lug entirely i'orgoi ten the
number of the house, lie was at loss to
lind his lodgings, until a musical expe
dient occurred to him, lie Imagined
that he should be able to distinguish
the sound of his landlady's street door
bell, and so he deliberately went along
tiie nl reel, ringing each bell, till he ar
rived nl one of a certain tone, which
lie nl once recogiii.i'd ns the right one,
ai'.il on hearing which lie waited until
lie was admitted. This nicety of ear Is
not confined to musicians. An Fiigllsh
lieutenant, on leave of absence from
Lis regiment, spent u night nt one of
the hotels of Manchester. The follow
ing inorulng, ns he whs sitting nt break
fast, a band of street musicians ciitne
past, and In one of the Instruments lie
thought be tecoguUed the peculiar s'.yle
ff the playing of a man who hal pel
formed on that Instrument In the band
of his regiment, but who had deserted.
The olth cr Immediately ran downstair
found li!s surmise correct, and, greatly
to the deverter's astonishment, caused
him to be at once arrested.
How the liiiliniis Cooled their Spanish
T' .-, 'i - :; l!l N'en- 'r'-.'.ct
that many in. lies once freely worket
have been o-.!. 'J'here is another tradi
tion tiiat nwiny springs have also heel
I lost, and it Is under -Mood tiiat the lossei
ol lioiii mines ami irings were brougln
j about by the Indians. New Mexico I
si:;,p:i.-' .1 oaet- to have been much rnort
' a'tratclvo than It is now. The Pueblo
' Indians arose in revolt on the first full
, moon of Ati'.ru-t, 1 :.
When they had driven the Spaainrd?
down into oi l Mexico they set to work
to cli.ii ge Hie condition so that there
; shouii! be little te.m; t.ition to reconquer
New Mexico.
The 1;
all if
Tills i
did to
liii'll n: :
il.'Hl lr
the fir
ii t lie lilling of mliw-s
a I' lieil and worked
i-i- V,
latiis-'ti occupation.
';!i gri at care, destroyed
iiniiiy mines, It Is fnid.
-'.irpri -ing as what they
ii-s. It is tradition, and
- Illlt SO
the stai
the si.iti inei.t is commonly accented as
historical truth, that in tbeir. labors 1
render t,he country uninviting as jkxsmI
bie theso Indians suppressed niumerous
r Strings,
S.tK-ii restiiits were aceonipMshed in an
ingenious manner. The InnHans dug
down and cleared away dirt until they
found the crevices of the rock through
which the water came. They took the
... .... ,
f a species of llr tree and
tanqx-d It into the crevices. A.s the ma
terial became water-soaked iit swelled
until it plugged. Nothing remained but
to throw back the dirt and to give to
the surface the general arid appearance
of the surrounding country. This wa
not a temporary expedient. It res.ul.ted,
according to the present theory, in the
permanent destruction of many sourc
of water.
To tills day the a.ppea ranee or1 sligM
moisture often stimulates a search foi
one of t lie missing springs. Occasional
ly these searches are auece-wful. Th
earth Is removed, the crevices are
found, the bark is picked out, and tin
water, after more than two centuries
of being turned back, resumed its na
lira I tiow.
Adventure with a Lion.
A portion of the crew of a ship wbicli
was anchored off the coast, of India
once wenl ashore for the purpose of
culling some .rood, and one of the sail
ors, having through some cause be
come separated from his companions,
was considerably frightened by the ap-,
pea ranee of a huge lioness which he
saw approaching him. Much to his sur
prise, however, she did not, on coming
up, appear to have any evil designs on
i him: but instead crouched at his feet
1 looked steadfastly first at his face
ind then at. it tree some little distance
For a time the man could not under
stand this conduct; but presently, on
the lioness rising and walking towards
the tree, looking back at him as she
went, he found out what it meant. Up
In the branches of the 'ree was a large
baboon, with two little lion cubs in its
arms; and It was lieeause of this that
the lioness was in such tribulation. The
difficulty now presented itself of hovf
to save the cubs, for the sailor was
afraid to climb the tree. So, having
his ax with him, he resolved to cut the
tree down; and this he did. the lioness
watching him most anxiously during
the whole time. When the tree fell,
ami the three animals ' with It, the
lioness, It. is said, dashed with fury
upon the baboon unci destroyed it; then
having gently caressed her affrighted
cubs for some time, she returned to the
sailor, showed her gratitude by fawn
ing upon him and rubbing her head
fondly against him. and ut length car
ried her children away, one by one.
Cedar Forests lieing I sed L'p.
Havoc Is being made of the besh
cedar swamps in the counlry lo supjulj
the increasing demand of the long-di
tn nee electric trannnilssiton plants and
the power and lighting lines for pole
One firm handled 150.00O poles la.s
vea.r. and has been niitiking large corn
j signiiM'tils to Buenos Ayrs. Souhb
America and Canada, us well as ship
ments to Texas, Utah and Colorado
The poles are rafted from the forest
lakes in lots of ao.OOO. ami lifted frour
Ihe water by steam ('levators. They are
!then sorted and placed in separat
piles. Those which are not orf higt
sitandard are used for fen if posts, shin
gles, railroad ties and paving blocks.
A liureau of t'ourtesy.
A pleasant, innovation at the Omaha
exposition will be a bureau of courtesy.
Nearly all the people of the city will be
enrolled in the committee. Fvery mem
ber w ill wear a badge, and visitors w ill
be at liberty to address any one who
wears t lie badge and ask for informa
tion. The members, .tin. the other hand,
will he pledged to treat the visitor cour
teously and nnswer his questions, or
put 1 1 in in the way of gelling them an
swered. The idea is being generally
commented upon ns a novelty, which
indeed It Is; but why wall for the ex
position to put it Into practice, and why
let It drop afterwards?
The Vanilla Itean.
it Is not generally known that the
vanilla beau Is the costliest bean on
earth. It grows wild, and Is gathered
by the natives In Papantla and Mlsnnt
la, Mexico. When brought from the
forests they are sold at the rale of ten
dollars and a quarter per one thousand,
but when drid and cured they cost
about, ten dollars and a quarter per
pound. The yare mainly used by drug
gists, and last year over ninety million
beans were Imported Into Borland-
"i". r'.f
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