The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 12, 1898, Image 4
it -f- .w i --m ! 4 f i .NOT TJIJJOKiH YET A.DMIBAL DEWEY NOT SATISFIED WITH LAURALS GAINED. lo.lli.aa up h L SiKiinl 1 riniph ami Threat ! to liumbaru I'urtwof 1 1, e l'hllipjuu Cable t ut Nsiain Ack uow lrtl(; lit-r t leeu Jrtruiliou. Mabwh, May 3.-E1 Liberal fays Ih-weybas demanded she furreiider of a. I Spanish vessels in ti.e Archipelego, t ireatemng to bombard tie porta if re lused. The formation of a nt national iii.niBtry is possible. I ( JWiS, May 3. The Daily Mail Lai a l.tpt.tch from Hong Kong dated Mon ti v, saying Tlewey's fleet is off Ojrres.i l t island, hotly engaged with iorre there. Elea 'Tic exjtrinieEt- lio ,iw iai.!e to be cut at or near Mai.iU. tw Yohk, May 3. The central cable oihre of the AVtHtern Union Telejrarih o 'H-f thi afternoon iesueii the iollowiii uot:oe : 'We are officially advised by the Kanrern Extention company that the cable between Hocg Koni; and Manila if interrupted." Lomjon, May 3. An official news a.'fney'a dispatches from Maifrid tays Saifata has gone to the palace. It i undtrstood he will communicite difc patihes announcitis that ti.e town of Cavtta haa Wen razed, unfortified part of .Vaniia burned. Offi. ial re' agency dinpatches from Madrid Bay Americans tired petroleum bombs. An extraordinary cabinetcouncii was convoked at 7 iclot k laH evening. l aphid, May 2. Romero Kobleoo will ue-tion the government in the eetiate U) 'ay on events at Manilla. I eoples minds are too full of the dis aster to think of anything but avenging the surprise at Manila bay. tiovemor Agnllera's entire energy is required to watch popular feeiing. The peop.e are certain to require a propitia tory tcapegoat. ha. ui. The Spanish admiral acknow 1 e !geg bis fleet haa Ijeen completely de-moii'-hed The United states fleet is olockading Manila. The bombarduient of Manila is expected to take place. Londo.v, My 3. A dispatch to the "Daily Mail from Madrid dated yet ter lay morning says: The cabinet ministers admit that the naval battle off Carite ended in. utter rout, but 'hey are resoiv e i Ui pptre no efforts in the of ther country. MOKii), May 2, 8 a. m. A 'ispat:h to tlie Liberal from Manilasays Admiral I Ma '!, the panUb comman tr, ac- j koo- 1-di.rS that the Spanish tUat has been coiupltelv de ohstii. He add- tnat iun crew ot lh- S auisn war ship Mm.iana has lieen i-aved. Tli British consul at Manila, K H. R-.n-W.ker, has conferred with'iore Deney. The object of their joni n-:.ce is not kn w n. Further advices from M.m'la t the Line ji tays the United si-fce Ueet big taken up a position in front of Manila tnd lias established a blockade of the W. Tiie population of Manila is flee og ir m ttie city. A bombar itnent of ,hts town is expected .o a'o p!a. to aay. 9JHPATCU KKOM AOMtRAL MhSTKJO B1I0W3 HIS I TTKlt K'lU r. Mth!I)t Miy . W'niie ministers umiay eveniim eri d.g Miafing Gover-ior-Te.nerl Aut'us i'e di-tyateh rumors reachtd the cabinet that the newgpaper uen had received news of the second nwntiint. 0--nerai C. rrea and Ad niral Ber'jiejo irumediat-'ly communi ated witii theirdcpar:iut-r,tx, and fou d ;hat a fr so diapa eh '"-in-,? dwipli sred. rreuner Haiasta o dored ihe dis na'ch brought to the council for de cipheru;jj. The con.ud ' nord ns? of !.. mc-'taite showe.i ' h i s-tate of mind of t:ie sender, Adm ral Mon'.ejo, but final !y its co:il'-tiis nere ncidated and iemoost rated the ompl-te dejtruction ot the Spfiiiisti s piadron. General C.r' mt Admiral Bermejo il 1 1 t h-! ii ii-eri re.'ent. w ho was tmbiy diatreo-sed. , Madrid was not excited this morning, hut sad faces were to be seen every wuere. The newspapers. r-nnr the sir t demonstrations m le ia-t evenii g aiin.'-t ti.e cahi.-.e: an '.ml 'vor of Ge . eral Weyler. Aero a Jo people gather ed before I u neral vieyler's residence, cheering f .r-tUe form-r c.4:.tair.-general ofUaba", jii?d iinother e- vd as rnble.d beiore the houte of 4'rtin.icr Sajrasf and hooted biut The peilect ordered the crowds to be dispersed. Several arrests aere made. Prrparad for Immediate Action. Wasuimoton, May 3. When asked if Um army was preparing for an invasion . of Cuba at an early date Secretary Alger reniad: . "We are preparing for immediate ac tion and we try to keep so prepared, but plans made tadaj wiay of necessity have . Wo ohsnuri tntnorrow. ana trial is whv we are compelled to keep absolute silence, tor etery detail that be.omis douhtfnl necessitates snother change. rmpttU of Anotknr Tlattlf.. Rn, Jaksiro, May 3.-T..e fp n sb irntiiwat Temararb has arrived here aim i fluh t is expected. . fueBpanish gunboat Temerarlo sti.i ismiaios at Eiuwnxla, on the La Plata brah has been for day or twe Aderirola repairs of her machinery TrrlH Ama iriaa late ts. ' Vomia, Hay 3. The Austrian cruism , Vari Tharsam has been omstm unB fif CCka to protsct tha intartati DARK FOR SPAIN Madrid TutikkI )-r for 11m Slllilnry U ' I'.ulr. j Lonoo.", May 1. A special diipatoh ; fioui .VaJiiJ siys martial law hs been prix-laimed tiiere. Trie euttouiary pro- ' Cia ua-.toli was j w-ted Us t tii,;ht. M.htary patrols have j it appeared in Puerto del ol, tiie prm ipal s juare of Milr.d. Tad proclimation of martial law is due to thast:tuie o; certa.n pjiitn-al parties, ginci th news from Manila. The wh jle narr:son i- rei'iy in the bar rick?. It i-j s.:; s e at Mj Ir.J that ! tilt! ha'f-bre-tl-i at MamU ar.-euai, in areuu at iea.rt, c it tii- c a lira c-i.-n-cii:ig witri tne u i.iiarine m ues, en ahiin ivwey to force the harbjr in ealVty. A'i'jther di-parcii gate that all j cia -ses in Madrid, ea;K-ci.ily p itu-ians, jaope lor intervention oi c intim powa.-s, .-pi? iiily Oernuny and Ufia. Ttie Madrid cvire-pjndent of the Stindar-J, teiegrap.un,: at uidnitit, i say-: I " enor Airuiiers, tiie civil poveruor of ' Ma Irid, has jiii p iste loa the walls of t e home utiice th- ctt'Stoinary procia- . aiarioa mtamitiuj; that the o"li :e i authorities to iidi r the es j ju tify tii'. handin.' over to the ui-lil..ry , autii rules th"ms.on of keeping ord-r. ' Le tenant-General I ahau. captain- ' g 'ti' rai of adrid, has assumed charge : an i the rirst milira-y p-trois have ju.t . appeared in the Puuito de Sol. Tne, measure has lxen taken in coase'iuence ; of the attitude of cer.ain political p-miei a. nee o niay. Madkid, May 4. The cabinet council ifter a late ueseiou decide i to proclaim i'"Ontained in the dispatch went to ro -a state of siege immediateiv, Miniulers ', '"lr,n t,ie view 'hat the H(Jir a noth deny the existence of a cabinet crh-is. i m more than a naval reoj. n ii u -. . mob st ink a Tli KATES 1 No news came from Admiral Jeey' The mob last night attempted to ! Klua,ron now on its way to the Phil break into the Apollo tbeai re and bold i l'ifie isiands to do baltle wits the a manifestation. The p. lice prevent d , -panish fleet. Ot.e oflicial (ointeJoiu the attempt from being sin cetsful, but 1 ysterday that f Admiral leev su-- the crowd broke all the windows before ! they were dispersed. Immediately after the declaration of martial law large numbers of the police and the civil guards occupied the princi- pa; etreftt. Ihe Puerto del Sol is heid by a trquadron of the Princess husars, j while the Pa via hussars, dismounted, ; are in the Ponteja- square near the j telegraph ofiice. Considering the extra- ordinary precautions that havs been i taken there are remarkably few people j i bout. Will lo ('hillppliira. STasiiiViiTO. Nay 4. The cabl et is jf o:u Manila that the American squa V fxpected to decide whether troops shall i r,m has Iw-en s gbted off Bolioao, north oeheir o aswst Mecy in retaining of Manila, t ut the weather is t-.o Mo-m . povestion oi Manila. . j(r the fleet to commnuicaie with ihe The pi -in ieut will await advices from j innnrgentg. Commodore Uewey lIore deciding Madkid, April 30. Dispatches n tviiet er to i-en l ipxips to Manila. 'reived here yes'erday from Manila, the Toe administration has practically de- Lapital of the" Philippine islands, says jided to occupy the Philippines with a the United Stalet fl-et is exp-i-t"d to ?tronir military force as soon as possible arrive at Manila on Sunday. The Span Uitr Comiieniore Uiwey'e report, which 1 ,8n fl..t iia t.en div.ded into two . expected today, has been r-caived. Lqua-ltont. Two cruii-ers, the Cast ii a For this purpose Pacific dope troops al,d other vessels, reuiaii. near the front w.U bit nHd, and it ia expected that at j0f Mniia. The remaining Spanish leant 6,l)i)0 wid be en route within the w8rg;iipf, and r Admiral Montojo, are next ten day. ' patoling the western coat awaiting tiie There does not s-em to be any doubt arrival of the American ship". The as to the gaverameii.'s i.arpo?e to hold ; gpunti fleet, it appears, has Ix-en rein the islands pending a final settlement 1 forcej bv a Ur'e auxiliary cruiser, said' with Spain, when they will tie used as a 3.1.1. leral to tecu e the payment to the United States of a war indemnity. High jtticiais are of the opinion that none of ihe powers will seriously dispute our right to ma e such final disp is tien of the isl nds - nil sou. purpose in the enforcement oi ar claims aa nst Spam nd in any event the noveriimmt will be prepar- i -o contest any point which may Le raised on this score. ; As indicated in e ary Long's re- quest yesterday f ir an emerg -ucy - nronriation. the irovemmmt will lane! tt-( s at once t supply Comtno lote Losdos, April .'J. The Vienna cor Dewey's fleet with provisions and ct.ier 'respondent of tiie Morning Post says: supplies, including ammunition and j "Emperor Francis Joseph privately coal, and to this en i wi 1 dispatch at j contributed 100,jOO to the tiational the eirliest possible momita sufficient jnaval subscription in Spain and hi iiiimii r-i o. Ships to supply amply all further shown his sympathy by perrait- IsjmUO e ne. uK ot Hie Asiatic sq ia Iron, Tue e tfiippiies rtill a fi rw-ordi d at i once wit jou:. awaiting a due e on ot the question a to whether or not troops j eiiould be s.-nt oir. to relieve the com moiiore of the n--e-8ity of policing j "Austria maintain the strictest neu Mim.a with the men his fleei. trility, but I am infurme 1 from the fiest One eh.p has b-en :iec vred a! ready as a ! sourci s that in the event of a revolution cdlier. 1. i said ti Ire a umci fleeter in Ma Irid the Aus' forces will be at v s-el than ti.o-e usually so employed, but it will l. k it atxmt three wteks to reach Mamiaaii''. it nUy at p en r iute at Honolu u to repiems'i its osncon supply from th's large a -cumulation hel 1 there, by Admiral Miiler. It may o that tiia departmsnt, in case of inrther nee 1, Will try to se-ur uio:e coal for t e American Philippine fliset from a i.eirer an i cheafM-r source than G li or iia. It is be leved ihit there is no lung in the neutra.ity 1( of most naioiis that presents a mer chant frjin thippingcoal tja belligareiit power, thoufi a war ship of such bulli gerent is restricted in taking on such coal la the neutral port. Of course the merchant would make the shipment at his own risk, for coal probably would be held tj be contraband by the Spaniards. No I'rospeet of Intervention VistfXA, May 4 U is positively de nied in well-informed circles that tb power will intervene at the present jnncture. Ad sp.rityof views is befd such ss makes o -operation of all sis powers in any diploma tia step highly iui probable. Bssi.i!, May 4. It is believed in poli tical circles here that Am ro-a has gain ed the pr se she really had In view hav ina promised not to annex Cuba, mi I giving no promise as lo Uia Philippinai many wild unions BATTLESHIPS LEAVE CAPE VEi?Dc BUT DESTINATION UKKNOV.' ;4 'i i it- ti i j I'X: ! i N-r tli- I'titiipiiiii" us to "jiAiit -1 r,o,(lirr isafe. aiauton, Apiii ',''' lay oi alarji.nj rum wav fr. m l;,e b'o. Ye-t' r iav ri-, ruuiiH ,t up o' a was a a'! ti.. i. 1 r. nit i to the detecl-.n:, and p '. n. tit of tri.ii. r- them t aril" 1 ou out f-piit'i ' .'ion. 'Kit iitrtU'i .t on iinpiiry i- Actual fv-: 1 .III- por'sm e v. ere few '1 he ne s of ti e v. riiii.t rc !..y of ii,..- was the tr; ti: e :i -jim l : e e Ver t i.i in I- the Spaiiij;!) ih' t M-V M. Villi on the pa: t it m-euii il lo I'ortnjal f. r ink at a v: ui 'm' td;-. H C i. : 1 1 f-J ? ? 1 n. Hit fr.. in ( ' i - i I r t . tv i oil', te.'lir f at 1 i :r i ! l.-i ti.e tri'.-,-Ii-i't n : o Lbi.n in II ' f ' I -' i . , s nature, n. -i. m-i and three t'Ci-e lo n- rth and s- n e oi Cuba, and that tiie turned shoiliv, lav Iei ause toere wan ;.i the odiciairi di ! n it ance t) atta-ii in -h-are not tunes t , he information w . . Captain Sun-jnou t rtiirlvd i'r! lor ;! -i-t r- k'n. ai t -i -: irs t .i r I'.iuy. i.:'. t -le-i- M it ui- ,SM,U the tlriu a', t .as f..rts, but jt w.ii sappoin'.irkrly i lacking in detail, but the few word ceeded in defeating the Spanish fleit. the Spanish officials who control tie cable connecting the island with ti.e ret of the world in all probab lity may suppress the news or dit-tjrt the lac's iDto Spanirli victory. Preanmuig that 'he admi'al is bound directly for Man. I.i, 'he calculation made at the navy d P'-rtment siiows be will arrive about 2 o'clock Saturday morning, Manila time, which is about twelve hours earlier than ours. ! llpuff i I'lect .IrrlUM iff the l'hlIIiilnM. ' IloMi Kovu. April :;0. It is rer-rted ;to be capable of e-eaming twenty knots j and armed as a warship. It ia known 'as the Montevideo, but an examination of the maritime re-isters fails to estab lish its identity. It is asserted, hos- ever, that it is a very large vei-sel. Lo.noon, April CO. Accor ting to a rtis- ' patch from Sinpajxire to the Daily Mi l. the French steamer feuion and the Spanish steamer Espana have armed llier8 from Manila, l th crowded with refugees from the Philippines. Autrl l'rtll to Spain. t'ng a number of Aus ro-Ilunganan ollicers to j nn tne Spnnish flags, the Areh'luke i'. .gi ns has gone to .Mauriu to s'ay with the queen regent during this critical penol. . the d;.p ! ot the queen regent. The ipmport - r is determined that her majesty Ai 1 havii the beueat ot his fullest pro tectiotl. ' Maohid, April 2'J. Spanish residents in Mexico have cabled the government offering to send tba necessaries of life to the Cubans. Freight Trnln WwUed, FunT.Micb., April 30. Fifteen freight cars of an extra train on the Flint & Pere Marquette railroad were wrecked In a collision here Thursday morning. The rear portion of the train bad become detached. Ti.e for word portion was at a standstill when the rear cars dashed into it, demolishing fifteen cars and piling op a mass of wreckage. Four tramps aie believed to have been casght in the wreck. The rant her Bf. Ket Wsst, April 30. The troop ship Panther arrived at 11:10 yesterday mo'ning from Hampton Rb ads with 800 marinas convoyed in'o port by the Montgomery. Vallejo, Cal., April 80, The crolier Charleston will be ready for sea service in a few days. It has been painted the usual war color. Work on the York town and Philadelphia is being pedited. The number of men employed Um Mm4 wj yui , l m BATTLE OFF MANILA V-tt y M-n-t-s lli- tr.iirnir t Urt In the j I'hilipinr Mil iu a i turf Waniii.M.roN, M.iv fbe hist not !e naval t auie of the war a foiu'h' itur.lay off t ' ii the I n in. nal ,ni Admiral M M. lip: 1 .-'.:. ir.e ifl.iiH s A-'atic s b -fleet, m.inditii.'. .rt.n, i o: ui audi ' '"'"J ' ! u p--j 1 ircd a.ii :y f.r ti,!- Aijier, n.i- ; 1 1 rt dtch ..- i.-id ii lie.-1, i.i: t;,t .ii'- uncoil .w paniardf re li ter .!!y a;, v I, ut i d i :r kj uadr n li.e ouiy oltiiial ;!. ui a r-'puDisb. '"rl Irn-ri jn- H.i urti 1-11 ,-l:. ...i-h iiihle lieet !' ..' ( tMIe, n i i:. -Ai i, re- i nor- it a III ti.e j ! V..,i J r 1 riel 1.: -i lo t i.i r ii n, i r w.l- r ia. l i I I, i i.i I d ,1.1 W.1H i.i-r .hi? -.1 lit, t-.iid ir f.illinj I ! -h- cm.- r I . lh- io r..-l re ! HI e In ia.- (. il.k 'iito he o! Ol.e M.i.l -O-I i New May 2. r al a t( ti.e lr has fjrougiil in a Hi hi I. i -1 f ;ii'- i.i li. ni r x-i no hip w hi. h t-iie e.i in Im.,! a try harbor Saturday, it, which catiK'J Ct; tnrrd bi 'e the iiii.' to ( liter I i avau.i Ti.e FiXite rired a si her to Hop and a pr;.- crew was pul ah ird. M aio! ii May 1. An ollicial dispatch from Ilav ina i-a;. s : "An fli p has bombarded a batteiy 8t the ent'-ran e of Cieiifiiegos, but it was diiven off by three of our gunboats, Bud put out of ti.e fnirhnr in a western direction. She maintained some slight d unHifi-. Oth-r men-of-war have threatened tiie Mariel coant. froops have been ra'ued. many Cubans t Havana offering their services to ri-pel the ,Vner i-a'i attack-! arid they will be incorp irated into a Culun brig de, which is now liem formed." o rr im i-(i;'',ih Spied. Kkmuvo. Pa , Mav 2 A heavily irmed tiua d of a dozen men went on iuty i t Carpenter s stiel works yester day in ronseqii new of reforls from else where of ,-u-K-i'tM Spun sh spies in the vicinity of other eslai li-hmeiits which are engaged on k'overn no nt ork. The guards have i.rde s to shoot any suspic ions eharaders wh j fail to depart after fair warning. Think the -giaiuiOi I I.--l l fH-i l:.noN, May 2. Wu le it is quite .lear ii. a', tiie S.aiiish s .uadrnii has uf:ereil a rrushini; u feat, the dis patches leave unclear the'y in-teret-tii.g question whether the Ameri can eq ladron has mffsred material damage. All thus iar on.ea from Spanish gjurces, but it ff. iii evident that Com modore J'ewiy as o cajdured Manila. Unles lie is ahie to m ke another at tack and capture ti e town he w 11 be in an awkward petition, having no base upon w hich to retire and to refuel. Probably, th rei re, the United States quadron will- oblig d to make for 'an Franci co. as the entrance to Man da bay was heavily mined with tor edoes. Commodore Dewey displayed great pluck arid darmif in making for Ihe iiinir ha-lor. According to private vidicea rece.ved from Madrid the United states tiruisers Uiympia. 11 sleigh and moolhir vessels, the nam s of which ire not given, entered the harbor. No dispatches give details as to the vessels actually (-ngitged on either side. It appear tote incrrcct that the American ehi s finally anchored behind the merchantmen to the east side of the hay. Probabilities point in the direction ol the second engagement having occurred through the spanianls trying to prevent the landing of ti.e American wounded. A Tunic 111 a I lirxlre. His Fkamjimio, May 1. Toward the clo of the operatic performance by M Elaine Mtdbain the California theatre last night tVe bursting of a st am d in the adjoining building fu. d a qn- k lire. The old wio.U-n building wasstsiri in a blaxt and ll.e people in the crowd- ed ll.ea're, ee-.-',ng through ti.e windows the n U -ctioii oi the flames, disregarded the reassuring statements of the man agement and attempted t ) rush from the budding. A panic followed and many women fainted, but miracously iione were injured. 1-adies In their wild attempts to escape frr-rn fancied dangers lell furs, bmuets, wraps and Jewelry. These were trampled under loot and many valuables were stolen. Madame Melba fainted on the stage. The H re department building was gnl ted, as was also the St. George's stables. The darjisge to the theatre was slight, caused by smoke and water. Loss, I15.000. MutwI OrTii-rr Ulnrlpllueil. Wasiiinotoh, May 2 Lieut.-Com. Charles A. Adams, attached to the re ceivirg ship Indet. endence at Mare la land, was convicted by court martial ol intoxication and sentenced to dismissal, The president has mitigated the sen tence by dropping the officer forty-nlm numbers and putting him at the foot of the list of lieutenant-commanders. The 'commutation was made because th court's recommendation In view of th moor's splendid past record. !..()M-; to i'oirro jaco 7EAR ADMIRAL SAMPSON PUTS TO SEA FOF? A DOUBLE PURPOSE. I I. -it ( .in Witii I hi- (, lin y llw II -ln-.l imi III. Au -rti'i'U . -.lirtiii-li llt-t Hi uiU nu d N:.l ( Mi vii .. ( it I In .1 llll 1 May . A di-patch to ti e from Key West, J-ia., sei.t Tiin.pi, inrr-ler to ei-c p , esverf of po-itive knowled.-e Ma.l -y of r-bip, hit I; Admiral .".unp-nii's lii-t will !( in at fu I spee I to I'. r'o Uii'o, e 1 1 1 r o ii -i my i r to us copy U.f -.iiii.t! M' if "ii a a bii-e before ti.e Sjnni h -t;i:.i-lroli ainves, and tie n to put to ' a and try to eni:.ii.e the Cape VerOi-:.- t. Kiv V.-r, M.vv .'. 10:4' a. in. 110. tr Adm ra! S..:ii Kmh lie. t t-.uU d ind an imp-ir i in i ei.t.iiieu.ei.t is atu.i'i- oi- I in ti e lo ar HI ore, '1 iiis lo.rior is niiiii etn ly, lb tr tomiial Sin.p-oll's i'-ei l-;u sailed Mid he situ.t'i ill is .! I u-i.ewe I ev.p(- '- . tncy. There it u fMni impres-ion iievading It at the next news tio.n ilii-I-i t will toil of nil imp -it ml eng.iiii - .- in-lit if the laioe ii,ar,ii-i-r as tie V-i lie ni'iml-oii's Manila victory. ' ntii ihi-n no in ten siiiii develi.pmeiits i'e ixpecled except po-s-imy the brin-- 111. ' in of in'w pr.i-. i . Mitn ii.n iui: .Mt.iiir.vs .v.vvv. I.omios, Mitv -1 V i Adm rai I'm p Io ii.-il Col imh, ret i I, I ! inveulo. il improved sysfe'ns lor .-n ilini a1 en, and tiie no! nor of a iiuiii it-r of na ; al works, in an interview on the sub ; ect of the sp.emiid victory of the l.'nite.l i -t a 'f h !! et at Manila, ia quoted as, 1 sying : i "I doubt if there ever was such hi! i 'XtrHOnii' a'y iliuitratioii of the liitlu tne of tea power. A superior fleet has ,tt tacked and I eaten a S,-anish fleet Jmpported by batteries, and, it now ap- nars, it parsed those batteries and ha jjikouupan unassailable osition off j d inila. The boldness of the Ameri ! an commander is b?yond que-tion. I .lenceforlh he must fe placed in the j V'ali.atla of great naval commanders, j Nothing can detract from the dash and (V.girofthe American exp.'oit or dim 'he glory which Dewey has shed on the i American navy. It msy lie bad for the i world, for hHMireiflv the Ameriian navy ! 'ill never a-.-ejit a subordinate pin e titer this exhibition of it can do.'' 1 -iiiiUIi l'le-l stirt. in .Tie n VV.tlpr l.iMiov, May Xws i as lsren n ! reived lo r. to the elfeet that the Si a.i ' s!i Cape S'erde sq-ialron h is retur n-1 .'.( jo.n toe Spanihh li et near Cad . winch is nearly ready lor sea. Ins ! i-ided that the combined Meet of Spain v.ll shortly start ( r A iiierican water-. Nt' Voiik, May o. l i e punish fl- t which was at the Cape Verde n-ian Ir, oii-isling of the ViMtaya, Almiranie ) iiendo, Cristobal tioiou and Maria 1'neresa (all lira: cias cruisers), a' cuin ,ianied by the tVirpedo luiat destroveis suror, Terror and l'luton, left St. Vin ent, Cape Verde island1, on April 2 ', hstination unknown. The distance rom the Cape Verde islands to t.'ie 'atiury islands is shout t76 miles an 1 he distance from the Canary inlands to i.idiz about 700 miles. The Spanish quadron, being live days out from St, t'incent, could have made Cad 7. by this iine, steaming at the rat? of about .'St0 niles a day, or a little over tw he knots in hour. But the Lisbon dispatch dm s lot say distinctly that the sqn tdron has eached Cad.z. It announces that the iquadron "has returned to join the -pan. eh fieet ne r Cadiz" whieh m .y nean that the nes comes possibly rom the Canary islands or from some onrce at Madrid. At Cadiz the Spaniards are und- r t'ssl 10 Ik? filtine out the battleship i'elayo and the !im class crui-er Card inal Cisneros, Emperor Carlos V., titii eppe 'iinbaldi and Alfonso XIII., o-si'ies the w ar ships Numacia, Vittor a Destructor and several auxiliary cruisers nn a number of torpedo b ia!s ami tor pedo gunboat. Mi Ii.n ( ull it Hull, City op Mkxioo, May 6. The gov ernment has stopped the contemplated meeting of Spanish cierki here for ihe purpose of raising money and volun teers for Spain. Tne pdue wee or dered to prevent the meeting a con- ' trry to .jhiii.a-ioiii of a neutral nation, j i-r has b n i;rest exctement hi re !0v,.ri!,(. naval vic.orv and its moral I, fj((t.t wll treat, f-.r the Spanish lo- uai papers und other journals under Spanish influences have confidently anticipated a triumph for Spain in the lirst encounter on the ocean. Resident Europeans who have been predicting the defeat of the Amerians are cha grined. There is intense commercial jealousy of Americans and this host.le sentiment is displayed in the papers here. The Spaniards are predicting an unexcted blow by the cruisers at some point on the Atlantic coast. M khiley Starts It lulii. Wasiii.notox, May 4. I'rrsident Me Binley last night oM-iied theelectric ex position kt Madison Square garden, New York, by pressing a gold telegraph kej in bis oifice st the White house. A l- lonling MonpllaU Wasiiuhtoiv May 6. The war de partment has chartered the steel shir VUilaucia, tube used for the purpose of a Hosting hospital to accompany the army when it undertake the occupa tion of Cuba. The Vigilancia's grosi tonage is 4.115 tons, length 321 feet and beam forty-five feet. The Vigdancii will also serve as a supply depot, Iron which requisitions for medicines foi nse of the troops in the Held will bt filled. Bcbraeha Hlotcsj V. II. T tvlor'n seii'-rai iiiere..udi-4 more at Evet-rss broken into on niht li-t week and quite a haul mad r ui the j.-welry .'.en irruient. Anen-le.miN- was effe "el by prvitig up the ! .er sn!i nl o -e of the back window! i,, ihe -tore room i.n 1 the d-or let ween .(,.- ro in i.ud f.e- store pr.per was ,p n.,i witii . 'i . ulty. Tur.-egMitle. :i n's dd w it be-, one of them having , ... .in ... I .-hariii aitaeiicd; three 1 ? -n t-obi'i'l va-mu-' ,le-ignes ami -V. s hi d a rs'il of suck pins have thus -ir le u fo-inl 111 s-.u. Tic men's ,,:,., vicar and shoes bud also been over- i i-ii-1, the t.'iiev s ,e l, e ve-i ( n w ith ' i t'iH hoe. The s ib imocre I A"i I evid-i.tiy fitting i hat was needed aiso hid ls-en . from this t'has. K .v.-e a -otrel hor-e t.Un irom n.s 1- evid uiiy by toe ssme parties. I'l:.- inn. mil was given to bucking and In.- to 1 1 1 i J Mr. Koyce succeeded in '.r.ok:iig it to s inn; distance si uth of t.wn when? the trail lost. It is b.-liev-l that the guilty parties vre a of quile re-pertable looking tramps who were Men around town vundny eveiiir t:. J'eisn s vvi-hn g to elp.-iment thi rear with beet growing ian obtain free -ample of heeds, sullicient lor planting me-twt utii to of an acre, by ad ire.ssing I'rof. II. II. .Nicholson, Slate University, l.inco'n, Ne'o. E.iriy npp;ic iti ni should be imnie as the amount of s. ed available i- not large and p quest. id be honored in the order oi f.eir re-epti'.n. Analy ses of beets raised will tree of charge by the department of (.hem (try. Rrief lircctio-s for planting ami cultivating tnd blank form for rejx.rting results will I e sent with escfi package of see The N'ebra-k University r-genta have decided to open a school of domes tic science next year with Miss Roue Ronton, ft r several years one of the in structors in the department, of chemis try, an instructor in charge. The de sign is to make this school similar in its work to the school ol agriculture for young men. An ordinary English edu cation w ill bis sufheient fur admission to this departn - . It w ill be thoroughly practical ina.. us work and wiil try to give scientific training in the practical field it enters upon. The new city council of Tekamah look charire of Iheir offices Thursiny night. A petition w js presented wiih a large number of sinner ksWii k' the council to call a sp -i-inl elect ion for the purpose .it voting on the q le-ti u of granting " tloon licenses, which was rejected by a unanimous vote. The new c .until also passed an ordinance prohibiting th runnini: of a t bur! or p si hill in the -i ly. Tne inivor appointed iti! com mittees and my ofliceis vt i'h ! he excep tion of s'n--t commis-i .m-r and city marshal and adjourned to Wednesday evening. M-iyor Fisher of Hastings inaugurated a reform movement that wiil Im hearti ly endorsed by the believers in Sunday ob-ervance. Satur.hiy he issti-d an u'ti matum against piavmg cards on the -abbatb hen aft 'r and every rr.le daz-r..-t joint in ti.e city remained closed trom midnight Satur'ay niirlu unt.l os-ninir time Monday morning. Trie mayor insists le will pursue this silicy tLrouithout ad mini.-nation. tiny Murray, em pioyed n the eleva tor of the Standard Cattle romnany at Ames, was serious. y injured J.trt week. He was found in the engine room in an unconscious stale and was taken lo th hospital in Fremont, where it was dis civeted that his jiw was broken in two p aces In-side many bruises. No one bk w ith him at the time of the acci dent dd it is not known how he wis injured. Ed Minnick of Auburn, w ho ha for finny year I ecu before ti.e courts on a charge of unlawful seliing of liquor, Friday morning appeared in district court and pleaded guilty on two counts and was lim-d tlhO and costs on each. Other old counts a-ai nst him are still Handing to his credit. The coin) hint pu which he pleaded guilty came up from Julian. (ieorne Ken worth has been arrei'ed it, Beatrice fur alieged boot-legging. Recently J. It. Hoanl 'ml, father-in-law t a man named Armstrong, prevented lh latter from buying liquor, and it il raid Kenworth bought the stuff for him. In default of Ismil Kenworth lies lu ju!. A thief by the name of llusse was Iris d in ihe county court at Tekamah last week and sentenced to thirty days In the county jail, two day of each wek to lie placed on bread and watei. Bnsse was tried for stealing a harne-s nd wagon a jear ago. The safe in the law ollice ol Francis Martin of Falls City was broken Thurs day night and all the valuable papers were taken. These were found at the Missouri Pacific sPKik yards Friday morning uninjured. Albert Hcott of Iup Oily, while coni ng home from Sherman's ranch at 11 clock Friday night was held up one rude south of town and relieved of 230. Mr. Scott moved here from Richardson county about six weeks ago. The vacancy caused by the threat of R. A. Wherry, supervisor from Falls City, ha been tilled by the appoint ment of Vt". W. Jenne, who was recently ideated for city treasurer. The Geneva Odd Fellows celebrated tt Exeter Friday, the attendance and interest being decidedly affected by the ar excitement and the call el the nilhia. sheriff Ogg of Geneva baa offeree' a ward of fib eaeb for the apereneaaton of tbe prisoner who broke Jail taetf Im week. ' v. : i l& ' ."' . ,-, S V