fx T -eV The Sioux County Journal YOL.X HARRISON, KEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 12 , 1898. 3STO. 42. Our Moflo-- " UUSTIOIM 15 EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT S SETTLED RIGHT. "--Hon. William J. Kryan. The Sioux County Journal established 1888. Subscription Price, fl.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF 8IOUX COUNT. Uto. D. Canon, - - Editor. Emrd at the Harrison post office as ecead class matter. The Joukkal stands fairly and squarelg on, the Chicago platform, but trill not hesitate to mj'port and work for the election of candidates for the various officer to be voted for this fall no matter, whether they are Democrats, Populist or free silver Republicans, if endorsed by all the reform par ties, conditional, however, that they advocate bi-mctallixm the income tax lair, opposition to national banks of issue, are opposed to the retirement of the greenbacks and treasury notes, favor government control of railroads, telegraph and tele phons lines and the establish ment of postal savings bank ing system, and also are op posed to the issueing of nation al bowls in time of peace. Wheat foil 19c iu Chicago yesterday. The highest poi nt wheat reached last week wasl.75. According to report to yesterdays World-Herald a cable has been cut by Span i ih in South America waters. Oenl. Fitzhugh Lee is slated for the first military governor of Cuba by the administratioa, so says the daily papers. Fitrsimrooo.i and James J. Corbet.it is reported by the daily papers are to have another fcout stakes to be$25.000. One more American Naval battle like that of Commodore Dewey's, will no doubt settle the Spanish dynasty for ever. A part of the Nebraska Volunteers at least will le sent to the Phillipine islands accoiding to an order from Genl. Alger to Gov. Holcomb yesterday. Serious differences it is reported by patches from Washington have arisen between Gen Alp:r and Sec. Gage which xhe report claim will necessitate one or the other to resign. The daily World-herald shows that tier war news is up with any of the great eastern metroollan dalies. Any person in the North west, who desire to obtain all the news all the time and up to date thould take the dailv WorUl-lIcrald. Those who have not read the truo re port of the Com. Dewey battle at manila May first should get the Sunday World Herald of the 8th and read it, for it is an interesting narati ve of the greatest naval battle ever fought on water in the history of the world. Our noble and heroic Commodore Dewy, after the notable battle at Man illa, lost not a momemt but like all Dohle warriors, anxious to crush the haughty pride of castile and free Cuba, and add her star to the american galaxy, under whose fostering care Cuba will blossom as the rose. Three cheers for Itear Ad miral Deuxy. As stated some two weeks ago in the column of the Journal, that bonds would be authorised by congress if the Wall street Spaniards wanted them. The statement will soon be verified; ac cording to late dispatches from Washing, too sis or seven hannacrats which means no more no less than a gold republican, will make it possible for the national hankers of this country to get what they want, and whenever they want it at the hands of congress. Greenbacks and treasury notes, the money of the poor people will not give but about sixty million of usurers money to the Spanish bond-holders in this country, hence, the bond issue politics and money seems to be the principle feature with a few of the head men of this nation. Ettray Hot ice. Cstrayad or stolen, from my place near 1tt. stoolnson, one roan, white-faced Bull, e Tear -old, branded, in If blade en left 10 sad ead cut off right ear. Avdree, O. E. U tarsi-, F. XoUnaon, Miss Helen Gould has set a good example to the rich bond holders of New York and other large cities by don ating acheck to Uncle Sam for $1,000, 000, actuated no doubt by pure motives and patriotism. What have the nation al bankers of New York done? simply nothing but to ask congress through the administration to uuthroize another bond issue, yuite a dilferance between the patriotism of Helen Gould and the mill ioniare bankers of the country. WAR NEWS. A PROSPECT OF WAR- As JnrilcuU'fl by the flally Press. Very little war news has transpired within the past week to be of very great intrest to the people of the country. But of course, no telling when some starting news may fl.isli over the wires that a great battle is being, or has been fought. Last Mouday morning report reached here that the cruiser Montgomrey had been over takeu by a large Spanish bat battleship and had been sunk with all on board. But, Tuesday's World-Herald special dispatches report the whole story a fake. 5000 U. S. troops landed in the pro vince of Matanssas, yesterday ; and 5000 leave Uncle Sam's domain for there to day. A Case of Suieitff. Monday morning early Dr. I'liinney re ceived a telegram from Adelia a little village on the H. & M. railroad north east of Harrison 35 miles saying that JamcsSwinback had been burned up in his house Sunday night. As Dr. Phinney was county coroner he was requested to come at once and hold an inquest on the charred remains of the deceased. On account of the doctor being obliged to attend district court which was to con vene soon as the train should arrive he was detained until near 4 o'clock in the afternoon before he could get relieved from court. But though late lie repair ed at once to the scene of what proved to be suicide. On arriving there coroner Phincey found that as reported by tele gram Jamew Swiuback with the house he and brother lived in with all its contents were burned. A letter left by the deceased and found probably one hundred yards from tle house proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Mr. Swiubank had committed suicide llrst setting the house a lira and then shooting himself with a 22 calaber rifle. The brother who had lived with the deceased was away at Crawford on busi ness and during his absence took this opportunity of self distruction. The short note which was left as stated a love and addressed to his brother was to tbe effect that he thought it was better for him to die than to suffer longer and bidding him with others good bye. Mr. Swinbank was little past 30 years old and had been a patient sufferer with chronic rheumatism which prompted him to close his earthly career. ad inquest was not held as it was thought the note left was conducive evidence of the suicide. John Mosely a neighbor impaneled a jury and held an inquest but as the coroner concluded it was not legal he did not recognize it as such and besides he did not think it was necessary to bold an inquest under tbe circumstances. Tbe body what was left of it was prepared and shipped to Illinois tbe old home of the deceased for interment. Those who are intimately acquainted with the brother of the deceased, will certainly sympathize with him in bis bereavment which will be so hard for him to bear. War Now Twice ft week. The fact that the Omaha Weekly World Herald is issued twice a week fives it an immense advantage over other weekly papers sent out from Oma ha. A subecriber to the weekly World. Herald gets his war news twice a week instead of only once. For this service the World-Herald charges only $1.00 a year, which is ten than one cent a copy, nr i AjawiT sr WELL WORTH READING. Sow-thing in This Column That Will Intorost ivory Body. Something to Iteineniber. Perpetual Motion. The question of perpetual motion has been solved by a populist genuis: Rags make paper. Paper makes money. Money makes banks, Banks make loans. Loans make poverty. Poverty makes rags. Rags make well you stop here and commence over again and keep on going until the cows conse home. Kausau. Belong to the Living. Thesupremecourt has decided against an income tax. The decision should be reversed if possible. If tbe constitution is such that the decision must stand, it shou Id be amended so as to allow the Government to get at corporate wealth which is escaping taxation. It is the same with charters. I don't believe in long-time charters. How can one generation of men give away the rights of those who come after them? The right to control the affairs of the world belonging to the living. Gov. Pingree. Licking Cong ss. "If we can hold congress for twodays," remarks Mr, Steve Elkins, "we have got it licked." That appears to express the dominant idea of the administration. The object is not to "lick" Spain but to lick congress and incidently the people of the United States. And the outlook favors the hopes of the administration. Chicago Chronicle. Tyrant or Coward. Gold is a tryant in time of peace and a coward in time of "war. Gold never did serve as a circulating medium in time of war and it never will. National Era (Vincennes, Ind.). The Anarchist Pingree. That dreadful Michigan anarchist has broken loose again. His latest political heresy is the dogma that every one should be made to pay his just share of taxes. Journal (Chicago). The Cause of Crime. A great deal of crime says Benjamin Swift is due to want of proper nourish ment in childhood and youth and to the irritability which results from a starved body and brain. Best American Thought. The record believes that the munici pality should acquire ownership of the street railway lines as soon as possible. It believes that an honest council will come inevitably to this conclusion when it begins to consider the matter. This is in line with the best American thought on the subject. Chicago Rec ord. A Strong Government. We must have a stronger government The wealth of the country demands pro tection. Its rights are as sacred ns the rights of the paupers who are continual ly prattling of the en.-.ronchments of capital. Without blood, and rivers of it, there will he no political change. To avert fearful blodshead a strong central government should be established as soon as possible. Senator Sharon, de ceased millionaire. Why not. Some newspapers claim we ought to annex tbe Hawaiian islands because Americans have thirty million dollars invested there. Well, if that is good logic the uuited states ought to be an nexed to England because the British have over fifteen billion dollars invested here. Brick-layer's Journal. Childless. She stood and watched where little children played. Her carriage waited for her in the street A woman fair by wealth and love Arrayed; The children of the city at her feet. As one who dwells with plenty close at hand, And yet may not be fed or satisfied. She looked in silence at the little band, As men must ever look at gifts de nied. They vanished down the street with happy cries; She turned away and as she raised her head. I read the language of her wistful yes; "I have been cheated,"-tliat was whst they said Sealed Bids Bridge. ou County To whome It may concern : .Notice la hereby (riven tliat sealed bids for the construction of a bridge across a dry irulch on White River, where public road crosses the aine at the old bridge Kite near Nr. Stlnison's place will he received by the undersigned until la o'clock uoou of June i-Jth, i'liiiis and specifications can be had hy calling at the office of the county clerk. All bids must be accompanied with a bond for at leant one thousand dollars. Hy order of the hoard of couuty eomuils loners. (W 42 j M. J. IIlkWktt, County Clerk. STOCK BRANDS. THR.InnBWll.wlll nnl.HJ. ...Kn Cms following, for S2 :00, per year. Kuch ad- d tninul hrittwl ni'.niu ....... . ,.vu. a. . . i . .at iui;i ui ranchmen In Hioux and adjoining counties ivijrrHiHD llimr IJrKIlUH III iHEJOUR- lMLas It circulates all over the utate. It may be tbe menus of saving- money for you. FRANK NUTTO. On left tide of cattle and on left bou Ider of boraes. Range on Antelope creek P. O., Ghilcbrlst, Sioui Co., Heb. CHARLES BIEHI.E. On let t side or bip of cattle, ( On left shoulder of horses, i 1 Range on the head ol Warbonnet creek Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb. S. W. CAREY, On left shoulder of cattle homes. nature on Little Cottonwood. and Crawford N'cbr. Flual Proof Notices. All persona having flnal proof notices in tnls paper will receive a marked copy of the paper and are requested to examine theiT notice and if any errors exist report the same to this office at once. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Offlee nt Alliance, Neb. ( t April 20, lain. ( Notice Is hereby given that the following naned settler has Hied notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that aald prool will be made be fore M. J. Dlewett, Clerk IMxtrict Court at Harrison, Neb., on Mav Z WM, viz : Thersia Meier of Aril more, H. 1)., who made U.K. No. 41BH. for the N-EV4 S-Ei, Seo. i, H S-W aad N-WJi, Mec. 33, 'township 35, Range 61 w. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Fniuk J. Miller, Peter Iliersack, John Ash ton and John Ostrandcc, all of Ardmore, 8.-1). J. W". Weiin Jb., Register. NOTICE FOR rLICXTIOIf. . Laud Office at Alliance, Neb. May 4th, M. JJottco 1 hereby Rive that the following named settler has filled notice ol his inten trtni to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will he made be fore Robert Wilson, county Judge at llar rfcion, Neh., on June llih, lhils viz: Charles M. Russell, of Harrison, Nab , who made H. K No. 4M, for the N-Wi K-wy Sec. 34, and Ji N-E't 8-Wii N-K)Sec 83, NTownsuip 8i, Run go 54 W. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resldenco upon and cultiva tion of said hind, viz: A.T- llughson, KrankClaudfelter, George SCott and Emery Gilhnor. All of Cleu, Neb. Also Harvey H. Russell of Harrison, Neb., who Hindu II . K. No. 8SS1, for the IS-W h Mi', S-KS .VWi, N-K8-W( N-W 8-E) .Sec. 33 Township XI Range 54 W. He names the following witnesses to prove Ills continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz : A,T. llughson, Frank Claudfelter, George Scott and Luiery Gilluior, All of Glen. Neb. W. J. WKH5 JH, Register Notice to N on-Resident Defendants. To Metta L. Maine, Silas L. R. Maine, James O. .Sargent: iou and each of von will take notice that J.Y. Castle has filed her petition In the District Court of Sioux county, Nebraska, tbe object and prayer of which petition is tie foreclosure of a certain tax lieu upon the following described premlces In Sioux county, Nebraska, to-wit: 1oH aland 21 of Block 7, of the Village of Harrison, that you and each of you l! barred of any right or interest In or to the same; that the said premises he sold to satisfy the said tax Ilea and for general relief. You are required to answer the said peti tion on or before the sixth diiy of June, 1hh. J. Y. Cstlk, Plaintiff. G 1ANT UlTII IIB, 40 43 Attorney lor Plaintiff. Notice to Xon-Krsldent Defendants- To Ruf us Coffin and Company: You and each of you will take notice that I). II. Grlswold has filed his petition in the IHstrlct Court of Sioux county, Nebraska, tbe object and prayer of which petition Is the foreclosure of a certain tax lien upon the following described premises In Sioux county, Nebraska, to-wlt: lxt6of Block 9 of the Vlllugo of Harrison, that you and each of you lie barred of any right or inter, est in or to the same; that the said premi ses bo sold to satisfy the said tax lien and for general relief. You are required to answer the said peti tion on or before tbe sixth day of June, 1888. L. II. Gbiswold, Plaintiff. GB ANT ODTHKIK, 40 4S 1 Attorney for Plaintiff. The Sunday Journal Free. During the great war excitement peo ple cannot get enough papers to road os the all-absorbing topic. Tbe State Jour nal as a special offer will send the Great Sunday State Journal three months to any person sending in $1.00 for a year's subscription to the Semi-weekly State Journal beats tbe old weekly all to pieces and with a big sixteen-page paper thrown in, is the greatest bargin ever of fered for $1.00. Just think! you get two big weekly papers each week for a whole vear and a big sixteen page Sunday pa per three months all for $1.09. In order to be entitled to this special premium you must send your Dollar direct to the State Journal, Lincoln Neb, Notice for THERE WILL BE WJULiflK If you don't believe what he says go to the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE and take a look at those 500 pairs of Boots & Shoes just arrived last Tuesday, and you will see he" is warring with every store in the north-west. You can buy foot-wear of him cheaper than at any other store in Harrison. Fresh Garden Seeds for Sale. -Jcn Head-quarters for HARD-WARE, TLN-WARE, DRY-GOODS and dloU, GROCERIES, FLOUR and FEED and everythiug needful & useful. LEWIS GERLACH, Prop. THE- COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1888.1 Harrison, B. E. BRXWBTtJt, President ' D. H. GEISWOLD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Business. COIRESPONDENTSi - America Exchange National Bank, New York, Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Foist National Bank, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. WDRAJTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. HARNESSES 1 SADDLES SOLD AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, I ALSO HANDLE Flour and Feed of all kinds at my harness shop. Third Building West of J. II. Bartell's Grocery Store. EGGERT R0IIWER, Proprietor. THE MEW TIM t U THE GREAT REFORM MAGAZINE e NewTime. ' 'Let me take those loads from THE NEW TIME, 56 AIL ml $0 1 m I Wftiiil8 Nebraska. & W. Corral, Vioe-Pmldesit A FRANK, FEARLESS FORCEFUL UNCOMPROMISING OPPONENT OF PLUTOCRACY Editors ! B. 0. Tlomr TrcdcrickapbJaflaimi Mommy, ioo large pagt s, illustrated. uoi a null hut in It. It Is fighting your fight; it deserves vonr support. One dollar a year. locents a copy: sample number mailed your backs' ror six cents. Fifth Ave., CHICAGO llama I MM aL.M,... t I