The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 05, 1898, Image 7

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CHAPTKK XII. (Continued.)
Those only who have ever spent week
of months in vain longing for the bodily
presence of a frieod Iihii absence took
the best part of ( hir life away, and
then found that that friend had been en
joying himself no well without them as
to have almost forgotten their existence
can understand whiit Evelyn Kayne felt
when Agnes Featherstone told her ahe
wan eriHK'd to iv married. No, there is
one other who could have sympathized
with her.
Agnes-her little airier her ehild, almost-engaged
to he married to soine
stranger whom she had never seen or
heard of before! It was incredible, and
when she had recovered from her speech
less surprise she said RO.
"Oh, Agnes! Kignged! Ooing to be
married! And you never told me. It is
There was such a bitter sense of not
having been treateil ua her love had the
right to expect in h. - voice, that-the dull
est peraon must have recognised it.
"Oh, Evelyn, how could I?" answered
Agnes, without raining her head. "Jhb
per that la, Mr. Lyle only spoke to papa
a week ago. and thi n I thought it would
be so much nicer to surprise you by com
ing home and telling you myself. And
If 1 had written to you about it, 1
shouldn't have known what to fay."
"But you have never even mentioned
Mr. Lylc's name to me, Agnea. How long
have you known him?"
"About aix week or two months. We
met him in Home during the Carnival. The
Hpencern introduced him to ua, and he
took such a fancy to me, Fveiyn, that he
hii a traveled with us ever since."
"I h'uru (o love him, too, for your
ake, darling, though be due threaten to
tnke my little Agnes from me," cried Mit-s
Kayne, an she burnt into tciirs.
"Hut, I'.veh n, dinr," Miid thp younger
girl, when they could talk calmly ngiiin,
"why should you be afraid that Mr. Kyle
will not make me happy? It's the usual
thing for girla to marry, isn't it? Vou
don't want me to be nn old maid like
Aunt Sophy? Vou will marry yourself
f e day, Evelyn."
No, darling, never'" hh id Miss Kayne,
"Hut why not? Don't you like men?
I)o you mean to live nil your life alone at
Mount Kden? Surely not! It would be
so very dull. Mamma snys you ought
to have married years ago."
"Your mamma judge me from the uau
al femiuine ataudpoint, Agnea, and I atn
not like other women. Sometimes I think
I have much more the mind and feelings
of a man. The care of my property ii
enough to occupy my life. I don't ant
any interference with it or myself."
"Hut some one who loved you very
much, Evelyn," whispered Agnea, out of
ber new-horn experience, "would help and
not hinder you. Wouldn't It be very sweet
to have nil the trouble taken off your
hands, and to have no ln.tlu r and no am
lety? Sometime I think "
"Well, darling?"
"That there is a reason why you have
never married, Evelyn; that there in some
one you are fond of, and aomething ha
prevented you marrying hltu."
"There nun someone," replied Evelyn,
with a solemn look in her sad eyea.
"I kc d ad?" interrupted her compan
Ion, in a tone of a we.
"No, Agnea, no! I atn certain that he
lit not dead- something in my heart tells
me so, but in all the wide, wide world,
I do not know where he may be now.
My poor Will'."
"Tell me about it, Evelyn," aald Agnes,
nestling close to her.
"Ah, darling, it i the trouble of my
life. He was willful and high spirited,
like many other young men, and he of
fended uncle terribly. He wa ao angry
with him that he turned him out of In
office, and though I begged for his for
gitenes un my knees. ,c nould not lake
hi in back again. Ami then Will went to
America hat chance was there left him
In England?- and I have never heard of
bim since."
"Never heard of him since! Didn't he
write to you?"
"No, dear; he didn't even write. For
ten years there has bi-n total silence be
tween li. Hut he will come back some
day. I feel sure of that. It la nil I am
waiting for to see Will again before I
Miss Ireathorstorie was silent. She was
cot a clever girl, but she had sufficient
sense to wonder at her friend's credulity.
To go ou waiting for and expecting the re
turn of a lover who had not written for
leu years, seemed a very simple thing to
do. And Jasper had sworn that If they
were separated, he should send her a let
ter every day. After a pause she said
"And If he shouldn't come back, Evelynif-
if - he should be dead?"
"He will come, dear he is not dead,"
replied Misa Iluyne confidently. "Have
I not already told you that I have a con
viction on the subject, too di-ep to be un
true Hut 1 may not see him yet not for
many years. There arc reasons against
Jt, but they will not last forever, and then
we shall meet."
"And lie married," Interposed Agnes.
Evelyn shook her head dubiously.
"I atn not so sure of that, dear. Time
works so msny changes. We may neither
f ns wish te marry by the lime we see
each other again. Hut, however he may
oome bark to me poor or rich, Mirk or
well, old or young -Will will find Die the
an.e- hia true and faithful friend,"
Agnea was in the seventh heaven. All
be wanted now was to bring Mr. I.yle
nd her dear Evelyn together and see
them the Is1 of friends.
As the time for Mis Kayue'a arrival
approached the neit evening, the girlish
gure, robed la sows e'taphsuons, rosy
saateriai, flitted between the drawing
room and tbe hall doer, aaxlou to secure
the flret word with her fries d. Evelyn
was true to her tint. The Had did not
beep fashionable hour tar aanre than the
big heuM, a ad all o'cloek was considered
finite law enough (or dinner. As tie lit
is omajbw that brought her over Mopped
at taw door lake had mere than on grand
tarrlej In her eoaeh bouse, bet eh never
Hoed tketaj, Agnes flew down the steps
to reeejvn kor, -
"Ob, gwritag," she eielalmed, "1 havo
atowt here tor nearly naif
an hour. I am so nervous. Evelyn, and
so excited. Suppose, after all, you
shouldn't like him?"
Evelyn drew the girl into her embrace,
she kissed her Iol..1I)'. As they disengag
ed themselves ag;iin, they aaw a figure
Hianding beside them in the dusky hall.
It was Mr. Lyle himself, who seemed to
have caught the infection of Agnes' anx
iety, and wished to get the introduction to
Mis Kayne over before they encountered
the many eyes of scrutiny in the drawing
"Oh, here is Jasper," cried Agnes, with
a gasp. "Jasiier, this is my dear friend
and sister, Evelyn Kayne. Don't lie for
mal with her. Shake hands at once, and
let me feel that you are going to be
"I am quite winling for my part to be
file best of friends," said Evelyn cordial
ly, as she extended her hand.
Mr. I.yle took it. but for a moment he
did not speak. Then he answered, with
more decided French accent than usual
"I inn happy, also, to make the ac
quaintance of one ao dear to Agnea."
Evelyn's hist view of Agnea' lover had
Iieen a genuine disappointment. Jasper
I.yle was not manly enough to suit her
tnste. He looked more like a poet or a
troubadour than a gentleman of the nine
teenth century. An4 then his hybrid
dress and manner of talking rather repuls
ed her. She liked an Englishman to look
and speak like one, and she fancied there
was some affectation in Mr. I.yle' pro
nunciation, and that it was not wholly
natural to him. When Agnes had nt last
drawn her into n conversation with him,
Evelyn found her thoughts running in the
same channel.
"Vou must have lived a long time
abroad, Mr. I.yle. to have scqui-ed so de
cided an accent," she said. "Were you
born there?"
The simple question seemed to confuse
him. He stammered n he replied:
"Yes -no. That is to any, my mother
was French. Mi-s Knync; ao you ace, 1
atn only half English."
"And yon were educated abroad?"
"I have lived there nearly nil my life,"
he answered, with his face bent down.
"And you must become English, .vou
naughty boy," exclaimed his fiancee. "Ho
you know, Jasper, your pronunciation
grows worse instead of better? I reully
think you are more French to dny than
ever. Evelyn is staring with nil her eyes
at your accent. She never heard anybody
speak so badly before. Did you, Evelyn?"
Miss Unyne was indeed stnring in the
most unaccountable manner at the strang
er. Her eves seemed fixed in hia direc
tion, and when Agnea' laughing question
recalled her to herself, she turned them
in a dazed manner upon her.
"Your friend docs not like me. 1 had
an Intuition it would be so," whispered
Mr. I.yle to his betrothed, under cover
of the general conver-ation.
"Talk, talk, Evelyn!" cried Agnes guy
ly, after a little while. "What has come
to yon this evening, darling? You -w ho
are generally ao full of life. Have you
nothing to say to us after so long an ab
sence?" "What shall I say?" exclaimed Evelyn,
rousing herself at (he challenge of her
friend. "You are the queen of the feast,
Agnes, and should had the conversation.
It is really very embarrassing to lie or
dered to say something. May I make it
a question? Have you ever been In Amer
ica. Mr. I.yle?"
There was a tone in her voice that made
Jasper I.yle ilrend he knew not what, ami
forced hiui to niise his eyes against his
will. It was the first time Evelyn had
fairly met his gaze, nnd the room seemed
to go round with her ns she encountered
"I - lui re not been to A mericn,
mademoiselle," lie answered slowly.
"Have you not ?" she asked again, with
out removing her eyes from his.
As they regarded each other thus, Mrs.
Feathi-rsione saw all the coir die out of
.Miss liayne's fresh cheeks, leaving then)
of 1111 ashy paleness.
"Evelyn, my dear girl," hIic cried, ris
ing and passing round the table to her as
sistance, "what i the mutter? Are you
"I don't feci very well," said Evelyn,
in a strange voice. "It i this sudden
spring heat that always upsets me. With
your permission, Mrs. Featherstone, I
will leave the table and await your return
In the drawing room."
Mrs. Featherstone gave early notice of
a retreat to the drawing room. As soon as
she had left the dining room behind her,
Miss Hayne's lassitude gave place to an
eager excitement, which accorded
strangely with her pale face and luster
less eyes.
"Dear Mrs. Featherstone, do let me go
home before the gentlemen leave their
wine. Inded, I am not well. It is im
possible that I can sit out the remainder
of the evening. I'ray let me order, my
carriage and go at once."
They did not oppo'-e her decision,
though Agnes insisted upon walking down
also, with her arm fondly thrown about
her friend's waist. Evelyn kissed her me
chanically, and bade her good night as she
mounted into her vehicle; but as soon as
she had passed through the drive gatea
and Featherstone Hull was left behind
her, all her enforced calmness gave way,
and she sank back upon the cushions in a
storm of grief.
A very blank reeling fell upon the party
at the Hall afier Evelyn's departure.
Agnes was almost In tears, nnd Miss Mac.
donald declared she had no belief la the
statement that Evelyn was ill. They had
known her now for ten years, and when
had she ever Iieen taken ill In this myste
rious manner before?
"I wanted ber to slay here, but she
wouldn't hear of it," replied Mrs. Feather
stoos. "In fact, she was ao uulike her
self that w hardly knew her. 8he aeenv
ed te me on the point of bursting Into
tears, so I thought It kinder to let her
bate her own way."
"You must send the first thing to mor
row morning to bear hnw she is," said
her hue band; "or I will ride over after
breakfast, nnd make the Inquiries my
self. I shall not be easy till I hear she is
all right again. What ahonld we do
without the mistress of Mount RdenT"
Jatier I.yle had not Joined In the gen-
J oral lamentations; hut, a stranger, M
was, of course, not expected of him. Ou
the contrary, he mm uied rather Iwred by
the fuss made over the visitor's departure.
But as Mr. Featherstone uttered the last
remark, he raised his heed.
"Is this Mademoiselle Kayne th real
owner of the place il Mount Eden,
then?" he asked of hi intended futher-in-law.
"Yes. She owns the entire prorty un
der the will of her late uncle, Mr. Caryll.
It was an immense responsibility to lay
upon the shoulders of so young a woman;
but Evelyn has proved herself to be quite
equal to it. She is a little queen among
her tenants and farm laborers, and they
think there is no one like her."
"And there were no males in the fam
ily?" "None. Mr. Caryll lost his only son at
sea, uud this girl was the sole comfort of
his declining years. She richly deserved
all he could give her, and he could not
have found one to fulfill the trust more
nobly. She is a perfect angel of a wom
an, and we nil love her dearly."
Agnes and Mr. I.yle later went to a
distant sofa, wb-re their conversation
could not be over, aid by the rest of the
"I know what dear Evelyn is hoping
for," reiterated the girl In his ear "the
return of someone who was very dear to
her-a cousin whom she was engaged to,
and who went to Amorica. I mustn't tell
you any more, because it is a secret, but
she says she knows he is lijive, and will
come back to her some dny, and then "
"And then what?" demanded her lover.
"She will marry him, of course, and
give him Mount Eden, and they will be
very, very happy. At least I hope so,"
sighed Agnes, "Ix-causo I am afraid she
will never l.e happy until he does return."
"J 10 yon nully think a woman could
remember a man for an long as that
ten of eleven yeurs?" questioned Mr.
"Oh, yes, Evelyn could. She is not like
other women. Besides, she told me so
herself only yesterday. When I was tell
ing her nl about you, and how happy I
am! it made her think of Will poor dar
ling; and she told mo the whole story."
"Ah! he will ! a lucky fellow when
he does return," remarked Mr. Eyle, as
he rose from the sofa and went out of
the room.
I'rescntly he came buck with a photo
graph. "('an you tell me who thut is, Agnes?
She took it under the gas chandelier to
examine it properly. It represented a
tall lad of eighteen or nineteen, with eyes
that looked dark, set In u beardless face,
ami a general look of extreme juvenility.
"No," she replied, shaking her head,
"Are you sure?"
"Quite sure. Who is it? Anyone about
here, or someone I met abroad?"
"Someone about here, and someone,
also, whom you met abroad," he answer
ed, smiling, as he took it back again. "It
represents myself,"
"You!" exclaimed Agnes, making a
dash at the photograph. "Oh, Jasper,
It is impossible. It is not a hit like you.
Do let me see it again."
"No," replied Mr. I.yle, holding it be
yond her reaeh ; "it Is not worth a second
"It is too bad of you," pouted Agnea;
"you might let me huve It, when I toll
yon it is of value to me. Why, Evelyn
has the portraits of her cousins espe
cially Hugh since they were little babies,
and she Wouldn't purt from tlieiu for all
the world."
"Has she shown them, then, to you?"
exclaimed Jasper Lyle quickly.
"Not all, perhaps- but the oil paintings
hang in the dining room. Oh! why did
you do that?" she cried, breaking ort sud
denly, as she Maw him tear the photo
graph he held in two, and fling the pieces
into the lire, which the chilly spring even
ings still rendered necessary; "and when
I told you I w isl.ed to keep it."
"And I said I did not wish vou to do
so," returned Jasper Lyle.
This little episode, combined with Eve
lyn's departure, seemed to break up all
the harmony of the evening, and the par
tj retired to rest at an earlier hour than
usual. As Mr. I.yle reached his room he
rung the lu ll.
"Did you ring, sir?" inquired the ser
vant who answered the summons.
"Yes," replied Lyle, "I want you to
en II in'' early to morrow morning quite
early at siv o'clock. I am guing for a
long walk."
"Very good, sir," said the man, who
proved true to his trust, and brought up
the boots i.n.l the warm water punctu
ally to the lime desired.
Lyle dressed quickly, and went down
stairs. It was a lovely morning the pre
cursor of one of the first warm days in
May and all Nature seemed to he alive.
The flower-hnds of Featherstone Hull had
Just been laid nut for thn season, and
the rows of variously tinted foliage plants,
from the palest velvety green to deep
claret color, contrasted vividly with the
white and red geraniums, and yellow cal
ceolarias, and purple heliotrope with
which they intermixed. Everything
about the Hull was perfectly organized,
and bore the stump of wealth; hut It was
more for show than use. It swallowed
money, but it yielded none. Yet It im
pressed most people with its magnificence,
and none more so than the needy man
who now surveyed it.
"And all this," he thought, as he looked
around him and saw the glass of the hot
houses and conservatories glistening in
the distance, and heard the "hissing" of
the grooms as they attended to their
charges In the stable yard, "all this la as
nothing compared to the riches of Mount
Eden. It would only occupy a little cor
ner of it. That is what Mr. Featheratone
said. And it la actually all hers. What
a fool I was to be In such a hurry."
He turned and walked on rapidly, for
he did not wish bla morning stroll to be
patent to all tbe world. H pressed for
ward tiil he reached the drive gates of
Mount Eden, which were guarded by a
pretty Gothic lodge. A woman came out
while he was loitering there and held the
gale open for him to paas through.
"Fifteen thousaud a year, and this es
tate," he thought, as he drew a long
hrentb, "and ail in her owu hands. It
mukes me sick to thing of It. I deverse
to be killed for having thrown away my
rhances In this manner. She recognized
mi I am certain of it. I knew It directly
I met her eyes, and it was ou that account
that she returned home. Now, the ques
tion Is, hiw did my presence affect ber?
I should have had no doubt on the subject
If It bad not been for what Agnes told
me. I never dreamt that Evelyn could
have remembered snch a boy and girl af
fairthe veriest shadow of a courtship.
Itut If eh does, what then? I think I
know what women are by this tins, aad
can pretty wall calculate the effects of an
Interview, it all evnnta I'M try H And
in any case it would be necessary, for I
must secure ber friendship and good ser
vices with the Featherstones. Suppose
she should betray ine? No! That is im
possible!" lie began to take his way back to
Fealhem'one Hull. It was nine o'clock
by this time, and all the family were as
sembled there. As soon as breakfast was
over, Lyle escaped to hia own room. Ha
sat down and wrote a few lines to the
mistress of Mount Eden, which he bribed
a groom to carry over to ber in the course
of the day.
The letter he wrote waa as follows:
"I see that you have recognized me, and
feel that my future lies in your hands.
When can I see you, and explain every
thing? Grant me an early interview, and,
for sake of the paat, keep silence until
we have met. I have so much to tell you
and to ask your pity for."
To this be received the brief reply:
"This afternoon at three o'clock."
1T0 be continued.)
Thorns and Fpines that Protect Plants
from Their Iviiemics.
Plants and Their Enemies" Is tbe title
of an article by Thomas H. Kearney,
Jr., In the St. Nicholas. Mr. Kearney
There are a thousand things that
threaten the well being, and even tho
life, of every tree and shrub and lowly
herb. Too much heat, or too little,
work Ki-cut liurm to plants. Then there
are all rummer of wasting diseases
caused by other tluy jilimts culled fungi
und bacteria. Many large unimalr, an
hoi-sen uud cows and sheet.), live by
grazing nnd herbage und grass, or
browsing the foliage of trees and
shrubs. Of course they greatly injure
Ihe plants they feed upon, and there
fore ninny plnuls nre la one way or an
other protected against such attacks.
Did you ever slop to think why this
tles are so well unneil willi Hhnrp
prickles, or why the ugly rondaide net
tles lire I'liniiHlied with sitlnglng hairs?
Notice ciiitle grazing In a field where
thistles or nettles grow; see how care
ful tliey are to let those disagreeable
plantM uloiie. Thut I the rcuaon for
the Ktings und the npines. See this
honey locust tree bristling with Its
horrid nrruy of three-pointed thorns.
Whnt nnlni.'il is brave enough to try to
rob it of Uh leu vex or great pods? Haw
thorns, too, and rose bushes, and black
berry briars, nil huve their stmrp little
swords und (luggers to defend them
selves ugaliiKf browsing unlmals.
Out on the wide, hot deserts of Ari
zona and New Mexico those odd plants,
the ctictl, grow In great numbers. Some
of them tuke strange shapes tall, flut
ed coluiinis. branching candelabra, or
mere round bulls, like the melon-cactus.
They are almost the only plants that
grow In some parts of that country,
and there Is always plenty of sap In
side their tough skins. To the hungry
find thirsty creatures that roam those
llreary wastes In search of food and
water they tiro very tempting. Were
they not In some way protected, these
cuetl would soon be entirely destroyed.
Rut nature bus made them to be like
strong foils or great armored battle
ships among plants. They are guard
ed by nil sorts of sharp spines and
prickles and line hairs that burn when
they get Into the flesh.
To Stop Jtice Throwing at Weddings
Throwing rice at bridal couples Im
mediately after the ceremony will con
tinue to be in vogue in this country.
An effort to stop the good old custom
bus proved a failure. Nearly two years
ligo the untlrice crusade began la Bos
ton, und for a time the gelatine flakes
thut w ere sulmtituled were used almost
entirely. Tho chief argument against
rice was the danger that lay In tbe In
discriminate throwing of small, hard
particles. Sertoli accidents have re-'
suited from H, a notable cae being that
of a young woman In this city who got
one of the particle In her eye and lost
the sight of It. Anolhor young woman
ulmost choked to death on rice which
struck In her open mouth. Yet bridal
purtlc arc showered with rice nowa
days Just as they have been for years.
The antl rice agitation was shortlived,
and now that it has been crushed out
entirely, ieople seem to be trying to
Diakc,,,up for the lapse by more elabo.
rate Indulgence In the old custom.
At a recent wedding brenkfant In
New York i'My a young electrician,
who Is something of a practical Joker,
tried a brand new device on the asseirj
bl'il company. It was a paper ball,
llllrvl with rice, and It stood In the cen
ter of tin? table and was so completely
covered with flowers that It was not
noticed by any of the guests. By an In
genious nriangetnent of springs the
ball could be broken and the rice scat
tered In every direction by merely
touching nu electric button which the
young man had fixed in the floor right
under his seat. At an opportune mo
ment the Joker serf his machine off,
sprinkling everything on the table with
rice. The rice bomb was a tremendous
sucrees, and the electrician has been
asked to fix up similar bombs for a
half doneti weddings to take plac
among his friends thin winter.
Woman's Inarrntitnde.
Hawley I've come to the conclusion
that women haven't a particle of grnt
ttnde in thlr composition.
Manley Why snob radical vlewa?
Hawley You no doubt beard that I
saved a woman's life at the seajrhors
last summer?
Manley Yes; wasn't she grateful?
Hawley On the contrary, she wag
ungrateful enough to marry me.
W ouldn't Talk Hack.
Biggs It's awfully inconvenient liv
ing on tbe fourth floor and having ta
carry up everything one nana.
Dlggs Why don't you try a dumb
Biggs We did, bat K wouldn't an
swer. Home people am not satisfied wWJi
tbe mlUt of bMata UaWhaaan Murj
want the soiiai
Gates for Handling Hons.
The device shown 1u the accompany
ing illustrations for handling bogs
when they are to be rung or for other
purposes, Is very useful on the ordinary
farm. The first picture represents a
chute and gates which will shut behind
and before t'ue bog find hold bim in
position. There is Just room enough
for him to stick his nose out und while
In this position rings can be Inserted.
The sides of the chutes must be much
closer together than shown in the en
graving, so that the bog cannot turn
about. In fact tbe width should be Just
Biiflicient to allow a hog to pass
through. In the second Illustration Is
represented the side view of another
gnte and pen so arranged that the door
can be opened and shut without getting
Into the pen. These devices are so con
venient about the hog lots that it is a
surprise that more of them are not in
use. Orange Judd Farmer.
Manure for Mrawlierries.
The strawberry plantation requires
very heavy manuring to produce its
best yield. Every year on motit plants
there is a succession of berries, the
first antl second pickings bedng almost
always larger and liner than those that
ripeu later. But if the later season is
very wet, as It sometimes is, we have
known the later crop to ripen up and
be very nearly an good as the first.
Tliis suggests that in addition to the
top dressing applied in winter there
ought to lie an additional fertilization,
while the crop is forming, and this last
should be always dissolved in water,
so as to Ik; readily available. Ni trait e
of potash Is the best manure to be thus
applied. Tubs Is saltpetre, and costs
five to six cents per pound. But a very
small lump dissolved in warm water
and applied freely will keep the vines
fresh and vigorous to the hist, and will
make a great Increase In the size of the
fruit. The lalsir of applying liquid ma
nure is more than Its cost, and is great
er lhan can be generally afforded for
any other crop than the strawberry.
Handy Whecltxirrow.
The Iowa Homestead gives an illus
tration of a handy wheelbarrow thut
may be used about the farm. It is
liiad" from the two frout or the two
hind wheels of a little express wagon
which has seen its better days. This
wheelbarrow has the advantage of hav
ing tho load over the wheels and sus
tained by them Instead of being held
by the one wheeling It. The design ex-
plains itself, and the vt heollmrrow can
be made very easily if the wheels are at
The ALuruKiiM Bed.
To make a new asparagus led dig a
trench two feet deep and fill It with
rich, well-rotted manure to the depth
of twelve Inches. Over the manure
scatter bone meal and sulphate of pot, any quantity preferred. Then
cover with three Inches of rich dirt,
and on the dirt place the root, using
U.veur-ole growth, about two feet
apart, as they will thicken in the bed
every year. Cover with rich dirt, and
throw the soapsuds over the bed when
ever pomtlble to do no. Once an aspara
gus bed Is made tt should last for twen
ty years.
lluylDB! Cheap Fertilisers.
There Is no longer much desire among
ell Informed farmer to get the lowest
i i Iced fertilizer with the Idea, that
these are therefore tha cheapest. It Is
liiisissible to cheat nature. All tbe ele
ments of fertility, mineral or nitrogen
jus, cost money, and if little money Is
flven for fertilisers, w can expect but
IIOO flll'TR.
t -V IB r " ' -m T 1 Hi
little good to the crop from them. When
we take into account that much of the
expense of commercial fertilizers con
sists in tbe c(st of distributing them
evenly through the soil, it will be Been
thut the highest priced, If also the best,
may be really the cheapest.
l.'uplowed Headlands.
It Is the practice of many farmers In
plowing grass land, especially for hoed
crops, 1o leave an unplowed space, us
ually called a headland, on which the
horse can turn when used In cultivat
ing. But with a careful horse this
care is not necewtary in growing corn
or jKitatoes, though the lurseryman's
more valuable stock may Justify it. In
growing corn, some farmers plant two
or three rows of jiotatoes next the
fence. But these scattering rows of
potatoes are dlllicult to harvest, as the
wagon has to be drawn all around
field to gather a few iotatoes. Wl
twed, in the later years of our fannini,',
to plant corn out to the end of the row.
If, while small, a hill of corn waa step
ped on, there it still time to plant a hill
of beans. Yet we always noticed that
the outside rows of corn ripened ear
lier and hail better ears thau those In
ti.e middle of the field. Most corn is
planted too closely to yield the largest
amount.s of grain. American Cultiva
tor. i IiijieKtiti!ty of l-"nsilaa:e.
I There can be no doubt, that ensilaged
I food, being succulent, is much more dl
I gesfJble in winter tiiau the dry food
! that it then supersedes. If there is a
I little fermentation in it, that show!
! that the food is already partly decom
posed and more ready for the gastrin
juices to act ou. But to effect this
advantage the succulent ensilage hag
lost some of its carbonaceous and trior,
of its nitrogenous matter. This is rep
resented by the carbonic acid gas at tin
top of the silo, which is relied upon to
keep If sweet by excluding oxygen and
preventing further fermentation.
New Cisterns.
It is a hard matter to use the water
from a newly cemented cistern. The
common vny is to let It fill up and then
stand awhile, then draw the water oul
and even then the next filling will tasti
of the cement. Instead of all this la
bor and waste of time and water, take
pearllne or salsoda, dissolve it, and
scmb the cement thoroughly after It li
hard. After scrubbing, rinse the els
tern out clean and remove the water.
The cistern will then be ready for the
water and will taste very little of tha
cement, and can be used at once.
I'lieup Sweet Potato Plants.
A correspondent of the American Ag
riculturist says that when sweet pota
to vines are about 18 inches long, cut
off 12 or 14 inches and set out as shown
In the Illustration. Treated In this
way, this planted vine will raise tha
best of potiitoes and Us removal will
not Injure the original plant.
Knst in Carnations.
A writer in nn English paper gives
this recipe for preventing rust In car
nations, which he received from a gar
dener in Germany, whose plants were
unusually fine and in healthy condi
tion, lie mixes two pounds of vitriol
and four of freshly slacked lime in
twenty-seven gallons of water, and stirs
well together, until It Is clear, not blue,
and then he adds two pounds of sugar
und mixes all again. With this he
syringes his plants once a week, early
In the day. The syringing should be
done quickly, finely and evenly.
Arbor Vltae Hedges.
In order to have a full hedge the,
plants fihould be about two feet apart
In the row and carefully trimmed once .
a year. In the fall loosen tho top soli
on both sides of the hedge and apply
wood ashes. Keep a close -watch foj
the basket worm, which does consider
able damage to evergreen hedges of
this kind. The plant Is best known to
some as "flat cedar," because the leal
is flat. It In one of the most beautiful
ornamental plants grown.
reanuu require a light soil, sandy
loam being excellent, The seeds art
planted about three Inches doep and
the soil kept loose. They seem to be
benefited by lime or wood ashen on tnt
soil. The plan', is very pretty while
grow lug, and i tew of them In a garden
add to Its: attractiveness. Plant the
seeile In May, or as soon as possible
after danger from frost Is over. TH
seeds should be removed from tli
shells, and care should be taken not
break the crown skin covering of tbs
Wlit ii to I'laut the Oardea.
Do not be deceived by the advance,
w arm weather of spring und put lu the
garden crops too soou, It will be tluit
enough to complete the planting whet
the apple trees begin to bloom. A lut
frost will destroy all tender plants
('ool nights are nlso detrimental to tht
grow tli of such plunts as squash
beui is. melons, tomatoes and com. Tht
ground must be warm before plant!
will make headway In growth.