The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 05, 1898, Image 6

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    'Ibattteoh 3ournal.
aao. a. caaua. m rnp.
Onions bring lnt0 Mexico millions of
ollars a year, besides many stvurs.
The balance of trade seems to be in
favor of Halifax when she give port
tor La Champagne.
This new carpet trust Is only In a line
with others that run up price, la
other words, rt Is nothing new on the
The national debt Is now $13.41 for
each person, and to avoid further trou
ble kindly call and make arrangements
for settling.
The output of umbrellas In the Uni
ted States has reached an average of
240,000 a week. This Is preparing for
a rainy day and no mistake.
Ttoe Kansas City Journal says: "Mr.
Ptvecoais lives In Anderson County
and Mr. Few close In Cowley County,
Kansas. " Why not arrange a pair?
Recently the record of a single night's
ailing ot an American steamer beat
the day run of an Italian railroad train.
Thug the American night run beat the
Italian dago.
When a man sees his wife really an
gry he says it is foolish to lose her tem
per like that; when he gets the same
way himself he says there is a point
where patience ceases to be a virtue.
Dr. Mary Walker has bn refused
ad mission into the society known as
the Daughters of the American Revolu
tion because she wears trousers. Why
doesn't Mary now join the Patriotic
Sons of America?
A man in Syracuse says he learned
Id a dream the other night Just bow to
build a "perpetual motion" machine.
That fellow evidently has all the nec
essary qualifications for a good Key
West correspondent.
Queen Victoria Is not yet 80, and she
in pretty good health. This spring
ber eldest great grandchild, the Prin
pess Feodore of Saie-Metningen, Is to
e married, and it Is by no means un
likely that the queen may yet become
that very venerable and exceptional
personage, a living great-great-grand-mother.
The humor of the situation in Africa
Impresses Itself forcibly. Two thieves
break Into a farmer's orchard. When
k comes to gathering the stolen fruit
one claims priority, because he got over
the fence first. The other demurs be
cause he put up a little imaginary fence
f his own to define the boundary line
sf the first -thief's domain. In these
Strange ethics the owner of the orchard
tee no status.
If the time cornea when war Is neces
sary the quiet, earnest American ctti
sens will go to the front and do the
lighting as they always have. And
there will be some who will stay home
and get rich selling whisky ami sup
plies to the Government, as men of
their thrifty habits have done in the
past. Then when the war te over we'll
have a new codfish aristocracy, btiilded
on riches accumulated by these same
thrifty patriots In trafficking with the
Federal Government.
Irrigation of white men's farms has
o drained the Gila River on which the
Pima Indians depend for water that
they are In a condition verging on star
vation: There are 4,000 of these In
dians In Arlaona whose farms have
been made unproductive by the drain
ing of their river. The neighboring
Ptpagoea are stealing to keep them
selves alive, and It would be cheaper
for Congress to make the appropriation
for a reservoir to water the Pimas'
farms than to try to feed them or pun
bib them when they become mutinous
under their wrongs.
A young college girl with comtoon
sense sod a taste for mathematics, list
ened one oay to two older women talk
lag of their privileges as colonial
aames, and resenting the claims of cer
tain acquaintances who had no "an
ueahsi " "How many ancestors may
a parson have, going back twenty gen
tnrttons?" she asked. "I have Just
seen working It ont" HA good many,
I suppose,'' was the reply. "Yes," she
angbed back, "something over a mill
tan. Sorely among so many we must
all average about alike In distinction.
Rarely! toe occasional absurd I lies of
saredisary patriotic societies to the con
trary notwithstanding.
TkaM Is a mors tototersble nuisance
la the theater than the big bat. This
anlsaaci Is tks late comer. Sometimes
bs Is aJoae; bs baa dined heavily; be
has bssn lats la deciding where to go;
Im ssanterc Msarely down the aisle;
bis ssat Is at least six places from the
aksls; bs apologises loudly and ateps
carefully oa male sad female feet Or
as Is oa sf a theater party. He and
Us friends cobs In the fully glory of
venlng dfssa, but tbey come late.
Titers are people on the stage, but the
theater party does not see them as It
sulsta- nor do those seated near them
until the party, with much ceremony.
Is seated.
Press Hires pond ence from Washing-
that she Asjrlcaltural Deaart
say that their great trouble
', la esaascHus wttb ths beetaogar
IB te kasa asopl from rosb-
a tas project, wttare It
Is sjaisX Mac saecass eaaaat crown
Ctir eCsr aa4 that ssat eapaotat
asaatt aaf fcSm irOiasalt. Tas beet
tion of a craze in many sertlons, and,
while the department oftidata have un
bounded faith in the ability of the
United Srat-s to produce ail the bee-tan
gar necessary to supply our entire
population, they say that there are
comparatively small area In which
very high per Perils of sugar can lie
grown, and that the trouble lies In peo
ple insisting upon going into the busi
ness In sections where it is known that
the beets grown will not contain a suf
ficient percentage of saccharine to re-i
turn a profitable Investment. The sta
tistics for the sugar consumption In the
United States Just published. huv,
however, that there Is a vast field for
the production of this crop and that
there is no fear that there can be an
"overproduction" for many years to
come. The su'ar consumed in 'he
United States during 1VC reached the
enormous total of ltCI.routOo pounds,
or over 1,imi,uihi tons, showing the very
large increase over is: to of i.'72.:i.'Vl,o1"
pounds. Of tnis total consumption,
only 41.0HO tons was from lui-w grows
i. this iiiuntry. 'Hie total United
States production of sugar, including
beet, cane, maple-sugar and sorghum,
was X;t',.ifK) tons, lea vine a total of
1.7(i),ixni tons, or f!..y'l.fHii,(io pounds
to be purchased abroad. This Is what
the Agricultural Department wants to
see raised at home, and their only fear
Is that attempts will be made to estab
lish factories, at large cost. In sections
where the beets raised produce so low
a percentage of sugar as to Je unable
to compete with localities more favored
by reason of rainfall, climatic condi
tions, etc.
If there were tn France to-day a
strong, brave, self-reliant man, wit3i
abilrlics as a leader, it is doubtful if
the republic would be able to exist a
month. It is no secret that the fore
that has held the republic tojfphT f-.r
the hist four or five ycarw has been the
national pride and confidence in the
anny. The trial and conviction of
Dreyfus made the people suspicious of
the integrity of some of the officers,
who, it was supposed, were selling -"Hilary
secret to the Germans. The prin
cipal effect of this was to create an In
tense a ntl -Semitic feejing In all of
Prance. The fact that Dreyfus was a
Jew resulted In a radical prejudice that
came nar breaking out Into genenU
violence and bloodshed. The French
people had not lost confidence In the
army; they bad conceived an
animosity against fie Jems. But when
Zola, In whom the better classes In
France had confidence, took up the
causeof Dreyfus.andmade an open and
positive assault on the Integrity of tfie
army and the character of some of the
highest military officers in France, the
people were stmply stunned for the
time. The populace generally took
sides against Zxila. while buck of liira
was the conservative element of the
country. For Ws charges, upon which
be fearlessly defied the tate to try b!m,
he has been convlctod and sentenced.
The trial at Zola has made maWcrs
worse than they were before, for, wliile
he Is under sentence, there are many
people In France who believe be has
ben sacrificed for the purpe of cov
ering up irregularities In the army tbait
the government dares not have ex
posed. As It now stands, the large ma
jority of the French people have lt
confident In the army and they are
only half-hearted republicans at le-st.
The conviction of Zola hits created he
terrible su.-ipiclon In the minds of the
Frencfh people that Dreyfus was Uhe
victim of military treachery, and tnat
Zola Is punished for exposing a danger
ous condition of affairs In the army. If
a Louis Najioleon were In France the
present system of government might
be shattered to atoms In a nigbt and a
monarchy established In 18 place.
We should say that the virtue tn
thrift, so far as there Is virtue In it
and we have mot with It In some of the
meanest as well as some of the noblest
of mankind lay In the development
which the jrractiee must give to the
power of self-control. There are many
higher occasions for the exercise of
that high quality, but there are none,
except In the case of 111 -tempered men,
which recur so frequently. All men
naturally like to spend, and to !
thrifty the resolve not to spend when
ever expenditure Is avoidable must be
acted on twenty times a week, and will
In a short exercise a perceptible
Influence on the character. The man
learns to resist momentary temptation,
and becomes, therefore, a stronger
man, Just as a whitj man becomes more
enduring from the constant wearing of
clothes. The weight of clothes 1s sel
dom great, but the perpetual habit of
carrying them almost Imperceptibly
strengthen the muscles. The thrifty
man Is more master of himself than the
eitravagnnt man, and In self-mastery
is one most fertile seed of virtue. But
thrift In Itself Is not virtue any more
than s plough Is agriculture or mathe
matics accuracy of thought. The liest
test of this Is that a Christian teacher,
who In England would Inculcate thrift,
would In many another country be com
pelled to condemn It as of all qualities
the one Which roost Interfered with
freedom of the spirit. Now a virtus
which Is a real virtue, and not merely
an expedient practice, must be as In
dependent of national manners as of
geography. No dontt In England ths
use of carefulness needs to be Incul
cated, the typical Englishman, If he
wants sjiarrows, being ready to shy at
them with half-crowns; but It should
be taught as arithmetic .s taught. Cot
praised as s Curtetlan virtue. The two
most thrifty people msntioned In ths
New Testament are Ananias and Sap
phi ra. aad their Shrlftlne was con
sidered worthy of death. They were
thrifty, na doubt, a the wrong time
and In the wrong way, but still they
were thrifty, sad It wss not counted ts
then for virtue. A DtU lass reluctance
te radar their balsace would la tasto
eass at least bars beaa
! ' nam , Tr ' ' mm art aVKi f. Tv ft - -V W vl L-
T. UV U m
KANK GREEK was a railroad
crossing on the S. C. Rail
road, about two miics from the
divisional terminal at Mercer. It was
In the midst of a scrubby pine forest,
with a sandy road crooking out from
the tree on one side and into the trees
on the other. There were only two or
three bouses, a tiuie general store with
a porch like the visor of a military tup.
and a, all arranged In a
scraggy row along the railroad track.
A dozen trains whirled through Kane
Creek every day w ith only a shriek of
gri--!ing and a whipping wake of tine
sui.d. U:iiy two of them paid tlie slight
est attention to the girl in a blue ging-i
hum drcs who Mood In the little ob-,
serration window, one of them was'
the way freight, which stojsxid at
Kane every lime It came along while
the conductor banded the glri a bundle
of yellow pnrw and welved another
like It In return. The other was the
night express, westward liound, from
St. Paul, and running at forty mlb an
hour. It was a splendid train- ten
cars, with the finest engine on the road,
big No. Hi. As its glaring eye flashed
anmnd the bend In the direction of
Mercer the girl in the gingham dress
often thought of the great train as a
powerful and ferocious beast snorting
ud roaring westward on a race with
the sun. and she knew the band that
trained it. When the trjln was a mile
away there were always two blasts of
the whistle. Kvery one in Kane
thought they meant simply "Wake up,
look out!" for that Is what all locomo
tives ay at every crossing, but the girl
Id the gingham dress beard "Heir').
Polly!" and darted out on the platform
and waved h-r handkerchief. As the
great train thundered nearer a band
was thrust from the engineer's win
dow, and. although it was usually diirk, 1
she conid see the flutter of something
white, and oftentimes as the engine ;
darted pom the station she heard tlie
blurred sound of a voice and caught a
glimpse of a grimy face and a bhie Jntn
Jacket, a ml then she went Iwck to her;
place in the little station with a sigh of ;
For it was a moment of great Joy to tried to warn her and fulled. Kobbers
Tolly Marshall when her father's en-. ha1 held up the train and were pre
glne w e-nt through. Polly wa.s the ata-' paring to rob the express ear.
tion agent at Kane Creek. Any one; For a moment Polly was torn with
couid have told tht a woman presided doubt and terror. Had they shot her
In the little depot, for was there not al j father? She knew that he never would
ways a bouquet In the window and ' submit to have his train captured w lth
rtninty pictures surrounding the grimy out a struggle. Should she go to hlmJ
time tables on the walls and a kitten! Then she remembered her station and
curling upon the doorstep? At 17 Polly j the telegraph, and, without a moment's
has gone In as assistant to leairn teleg-l
raphy, and when Clark, the agent, was
called to Mercer the company bad left
the independent girl In charge. She
and her father lived In one of the
wooden houses a stone's throw back
from the dejwt, and since Polly's mo4h
er died tbey had been everything to
each other.
F.nglneer Marshall was a big, allam
man, and his companions, some of
them, thought him gruff and 111 -tempered,
but to Polly he was always as
tender as a kitten. Often when she
was a little girl he took her with him
to Mercer on Wa engine, and while she
sat on bis black leacthcr seat at the
rah window, dlngtne on with both
hands, be explained to ber how the big
black creature under them was started
and stopped; what this brass crank
wss for. and how, when the engine
squeaked here or squaeked there, a lit
tle oil was needed In this cup or In that
crevice, and Polly had learned to know
an engine as well as she knew the neat
little pantry In the house at home. In
deed, be bad more than once managed
the levers and throttle, although It was
ery heavy work for a girl to do.
It was one night late In the fall that
Polly Marshall had need of all ber
knowledge of englnss. She waa sitting
at ber desk In the little observation
window, a shaded light throwing Its
rays down on her telegraph Instru
ments and the aoanding key clicking
sleepily. Suddenly she was startled
by the call of her number. Instantly
her fingers sought the keys, and she
gave the answer that signified that she
as all attention.
"Look out for " clicked the sonnd-
er, and then It suddenly ceased, and .
ry as she would Polly could get no
(uriner communication from the sta
tion next to the eastward. What could
the trouble be? Polly sprang to ber
feet, remembering that ths Bight ex
press of which ber father was the engine-r
was the next train due. Gould
anything be the matter? Rhs raa oat
sa the dark platform to see that bar
lights were all In plsos sod that ths
switches were properly set, sa that ths
txp"as would slip psst ths station
airassat an scHdent. she want
hack aad called np Maner.
"Oaa't you gat Pteckoes-r' aas askssk
.1 S I saw sss. - -
111? r!
Eent her the wanting dispatch so iiiys
brious lnterru)tel. She knew the ope
rator at Pinckney well. Kvery night
he toid her of the approacli of her ratn
er's train and whether or not It had
left his station on time.
"Pinckney iiilet. Can't get answer,"
was the renrt of the wires. "What's
the trouble?"
Polly answered as well as iie could,
and Mercer made another attempt to
arouse Pinckney.
Her father's train was now due. It
should be whistling cheerily at (he
lower bend. Polly stepped out on the
platform and peered up the track. Yes.
there was the familiar headlight
would have known It among n hun
dred. Then came lhe whistle. "Hello,
Polly:" and Polly ran hack Into her
oflW much relieved, and sat down to
warn Mercer. At that instant she beard
a peculiar cracking sound that sent
her heart quivering deep In her lKsom.
Then there was the Mirill scream of the
locomotive whistle, sudd 'tily Interrupt
ed as If the hand that had drawn the
lever had bee-i struck front Its place.
Polly knew It was a cry of distress.
It seemed to say "Help"' In a long,
tremulous wall. In-tantly Polly dart
ed outside aud flew up the '.rack. Al-
ready the express should have thun
dered past the station, but she could
see Its headlight a hundred yards or
more away.
With a hundred terrifying question
Hashing through her mind. Polly ran
on through the gloom. When she was
almost within range of the big head
light, she saw half it dozen armed men
swarming around the engine, she heard
fierce oaths, and then the engine start-
ed up again. She saw Id an Instant
that It had been cut free from the train.
In the cab window, where hpr father
usually stood, there was a big, unfa
miliar figure managing the lever and
thnrttle. Terrified Polly sprang to one
side Into a clump of bu-hes. As the
locomu'lvp passed her on its, way up
t..c U'.i i. -!:' -.sw that the man in the
cab woiv a M.n-ii mak on his face, and
tiien she knew what had happened.
She understood why PIncknev had
delay, she was flying down the track
toward the depot. She would end for
"help to Mercer, but squarely In front of
the little depot the locomotive stoped,
and the black masked man cprang from
the cab window aud darted across the
platform. Hardly thinking what she
was doing, Polly ran up on the other
side the fireman's side of the engine
and, raising herself up, jieered Into the
cab. She had half expected to see her
father's dead body lying on the floor,
for she bad heard much about the ter
rible doings of train robbers.
Through the cab window she could
see the robber sitting at her own little
desk In the depot sending a message.
It flashed over her all at once that be
was wiring Mercer that (lie express
was delayed, thus preventing any
alarm. The robber bad pushed np his
mak, and site saw him plainly.
What should she do? She dared not
enter the office, and she, a mere girl,
could be of no service where the rob
bers were making thHr attack on the
train. If only she had the little revol
ver that lay In the drawer of her desk!
She set her teeth as she thought what
she would do with It.
At that moment three shots rang out,
clear and Istinct, from the detached
train. The msn at the telegraph In
strument sprang to his feet ami ran to
a side window In the waiting room and
looked up the track.
Now was ber chance. Hardly tlilnk
Ink what she did Polly sprang to the
engineer's cab, threw lsick the reverse
lever and opened the throttle steadily.
The big steel wheel began to turn,
very slowly at first. Farther and far
ther the throttle opened and faster and
,,,. tt) ,, H ,
m DOt g(J Uf fu, ,0 HJ
Polly, who was now glancing fearfully
over ber shoulder.
Suddenly tb depot door wss thrown
open, and she saw the robber darting
np the track, fie had a pistol In his
hand. He was pointing It at ber and
shouting for her to stop, but the engine
was now going st good speed, sod, run
s he would, ths roib could not catc
It, hut he stoppsd aad fired, the bullet
ripping throngs Mis cab over PoHy's
Ths casta was saw
tsartac daws
that It must be .-ed or It would not go
far, and so, leading tlie throttle tqicn,
she sprang to the coal jilt, flung open
the flrehole, and with the heavy snovel
in ber small white hand threw In loud
after load of col. When she returned
to her plai-e she could see the first sig
nal light of Mercer already blinking
into view. She pulled down on the
whistle cord and the eng ne shrieked
Its distress.
Five minutes later Polly strained at
the heavy reverse lever, turned hard
on the airbrake and brought the great
Iron horse to a sudden standstill. How
she ever managed to stammer the story
she never knew, but In a few minutes
the engine was headed back wijb a
half dozen armed men aboard of her.
Behind them came another load of men
on a switch engine and two men were
racing up the street of Mercer calling
the alarm.
They heard the firing beforo
reached Kane Creek, but it ceased soon
afterward. The robbers had gone.
Tbey bad taken with them much plun
der from the passengers, hut they bud
not been able to get into the express
safe, although they were at wor't drill
ing it open when relief came.
From the time that the engine
stopped Polly was missing. When the
rescued and excited passengers and ex
press messengers began to crowd
around and inquire, the Mercer men
rememliered her. A parly of them went
out to find the girl who had trough!
help to the beleaguered train.
In a little dump of bushes they beard
a man moaning, and an instant later
they saw Polly kneeling in the sand
with her father's head In her lap, cry
ing bitterly, and they gathered up the
brave engineer and his daughter and
carried them down to the train, cheer
ing all the way.
Engineer Marshall was not badly
hurt, and he wus able to be In Mercer
when the general manager of the road
thanked the blushing Polly officially
and offered her a new and better posi
tion in Mercer, and, of course, all the
passengers and express messengers
heard aliout Polly's brave deed and
said a great many pleasant things
about tier, but Polly, being a sensible
girl, only blushed and said that she had
to do It, ami that any other girl would
have done the same under like circum
stances. Which no one believed, of
Later, when the robbers were cap
tured, Polly was able to Identify one of
them positively tbe one who had run
the engine and through him the en
tire party was convicted and sentenced
to the penitentiary. Urooklyn Stand
ard Union.
la Kverj I'a rt iculu r Mit- ! Fniltns In
tbe of I ivltiziiticii.
In tlie view of tbe rewt of Europe
France Is seen at h'r worst since the
tigur-like outburst of t!ir commune,
writes Harold Frslerlck. Tlie scandal
of the Panama canal corruption wss
nmhlng by comparison, for thai Li'nt
ed only a single case In public life. Nor
was even the commune itself so bad,
for then it was only Paris which went
wild, and It was tie rest of France
which roughly put H right. Hut In this
abominable Dreyfus crime the dry rot
penntes all of France, It Is easiest
to describe the disease as anti-Semitism,
as that Is what one sees on the
surface The cheap newspapers which
have the largest circulations, have
been for years openly preaching de
stitution to 4he Jews until they have
tilled tihe weak and ill-balanced brains
of their hundreds of thousands of read
ers with the tnut cavnge Ideas. But
in reality anti-Semitism Is a symptom
ami not the disease Itself. Tbe true
makidy Is degeneracy. The French are
no longer aide to kce.p up with the re
of the woTld under the tremendous
j-traln of the pace at which contempo
rary civilization moves. Tbey have
broken down by the wayside. Their
adults cannot adapt tSiemtelves to ths
new conditions;. Their yonth are piti
fully below the standard of any post
generation of Frenchmen we know
about. From every standpoint, numer
ically, commercially, financially, men
tally and spiritually, they perceive
themselves dropping further and fur
ther behind rhclr rivals. Nobody any
longer treats French opinion with In
tellectual respect F.vcn Ritssln, hav
ing borrowed more of their money
than they could spare, laugtbs In their
faces and makes open overtures ta
their enemy. U Is the disordered, in
formed and more or less vehement
rags st the vague perception of tbeaa
things which Is the matvsr with ths
Fmich masses. It needs no prophet
to see that they will be mnch worse
before they are better.
Another Delusion.
Mrs. Fadde, Faith Curlst-How Is
your grandfather this morning, Brid
get,? Bridget He still has the rheumatics
mighty bad, mum.
"You mean he thinks be hss tbs
rheumstlsm. There Is no such thing as
"Yes, mum."
A few day later.
"And does your grandfather stIU per
sist In bis delusion tbst be has ths
"No, mum; the poor man thinks now
that be Is dead. We burled urn ylstsr
Mlgaa 0f the Times.
With a slasd break about foursssa
miles at teaata at is sow posafble ta ga
In traatey ca4 from lYovldeaea, B. I,
ts Nashua, N. fl., a dtetancs af essaad
erabty aver 100 miles. This hi a strik
ing reminder m how the
a4 ever Hew Baglasd
last tsa ysasa. bsstsa J
lab swuat yaar
rsacaaas aaasaa ,
wm t t
He What is the us of putting thst
trimming on the back of jroor hats?
Do you suppose any man can sea the
back of yoar ht when he meets yooT
Shi No, but every womsn will when
she passes me.
Caged lions, tigers, pum and Jagutrs
lake no notice of the men and women
nasing in front of them, but if a dog
lie brought anywhere near the cage they
pliow their savage n iture st once.
If y mi see it in the yellow journsl
you sonder if it's so.
I a man doesn't think right it's im-P'le-ibie
for him to behave right.
If a woman is ever devoid of mercy
it's when she gats a uiotue in a trap.
If you would fly high don't attempt
to use the wings of your imagination.
If the hueband mske a living by
gambling tlie wife usually hss to
supp rt the Umily.
I! the avenge man could live his li'e
. . , i -
over again he would proDsoiy u
bigger ioA than ever.
If, as Colonel Ingersoll declares, tbe
dog is man's natural companion, the
new woman will have to stick to cats.
He whom gook Ink nor bad Ink has no
tffekt upon, it more thsn huff a hero.
Ihe wicked rpread tnemm.ta use s
green biy tree; it in only tne rtgnteous
fiat are perekutcd.
It izn't so rnutrh what men ken't do
that makes them full fhort oe suckoess,
as it iz what they won't do.
Whv is it that we seldom see an au
burned haired old maid?
Why in't a grveynr1 the last meas
ure a man tevirts to?
Why doesn't a msn lead a double life
when be is Ix-tide liiuiPell?
Put the hive ner the orchard.
This is
Take it
How to
Feeling. Co to your druggist and get
a bottle of Hood's Sarsapanlla and be
gin to take It today, and realize at onca
the great good it Is sure to do you.
Hood's Sprsaparilla
Is Amrni-n't (irsatm Spring M'Jiclne.
"I saahrsd Ui lorlarM of tbs stasia
wttb pruimdinf pll hroucrht on by ooutlp.
tioa with a,cb I wm ftlTUotd for twenty
Learn I ra urou your CASOARKT8 In ths
iiotl Nawall, It,, and nrvor found anjtblns
tnrqus! thm To-dy 1 am entirely re from
plies sad toel Uke mr.m mn."
C H.Ksitx. 1411 Jones hi .Sloui City, Is.
Planum, PeleiSMa. rowat. Tuu Good. D
Sea he?e Siekes. WMkea. y Srti. ISo, 3tc, Mm.
SMtof Um4i St. OlMae.Siiliiil. ttt. lit
- w-ww m w vw m
laa Tosseeo UsMi.
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n 7 ins nan manm
SJirker. If e tar h la ar
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A. J TOWeS. rWm, Mim
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Mary- a.a
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tot Mvluaaat. .
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- -rm r-T-ti-ir'niliwiaay
a,, r. mbai cfn.K tx., ai-an, ia
lr, suaaUt ttt TBI raf AwltTa
aooriWC. CO TtaaaSaa. m. i.
" " ? VOW. MM
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MSJaaa aajar waai awar Baa ak
ffiZX candy
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