The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 05, 1898, Image 4

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Senator Stewart Offer a Herniation
Arm the Culiint-lualm Frriuire u
Site p la.
WisHisJiTO-v, April 28. Ttie wr tits
nation is substantially this : The block
ading squadron remains pive befort
Havana, with no present purposi ol
bom bar ii g or of drawmi the lire of th
shore ba'teriesi. The stiatcgic purpose
of effective blockade of the Cuban capi
tal is, lieiug accomplished to ti.e entire
satisfacti n of the In-re
There is do induction that a part of th
fleet will be withdrawn for the purposi
of affording additional protection te
North A Untie ports.
As to the reports of the imminence ol
a naval bat leoU the islands
the naval authorities here seriously
doubt whether the Spani-a fleet will
make a stand .-gamst ttie Am-ricaa,
ship. Their reaajn for this tiel.ef it
t lat the Spanish fleet is very infer or to
t ie American force ca ier Ai.a.ral
The department taer-iv. it .--rSed
that the Spuui ri; w-.II sot
batt.e on the h-ga ea w .ii Aiai.r.'.
Iewey, bot will reojj a :a port i
cure the protect Ma ' tlx W o
Manila, and the depax .ci-at j acrt r 1
P'Ctine an enagrmeak at2 two
d tys without ipriag ;y c a -a'-.-.-a
u r setting this time, th.- Oe;:a e-.t
allow? it to te ejr'jiiwii Lba: tie es-ci-u-ate
8 based ca r. krowWs oi Ai
miral Ieey" wt.rre.:oc:s.
There is no certainty tf tiere will
b- an en. age neat at a.i in ti-e !u
tare the raaia parp of it A jieri
etn wjqi Iron Otic; to s-u ail hold
same suitable Spaai Jh territory m the
Pnilipp nes a a bat of operations in
Asatic wa'er. I: is poe-itdj th: this
n be done without attain a ; the other
at all, by selling a sniiabe prt a". so-ue
sijaceat ialan j, without foriiricaums,
the sympathies -I who-e inhabitants
are toward? the insolvents.
Woil-I Arm th- fa'cl
Washjnutok, April 2v oin after
the senate coiventd yesterday, Mr.
Stewart (N'ev.,) iatrodu-ed th-- following,
result) ti n for which tt asked iramedTV
:onideraton :
" "That the secretary of ,vr be, asd he
it hereby 1 rcted to furniafj the senate
with an estimate of the amount of ap
propriation ne-eseary to arm. ecjiip,
ubs 8'. and itimish with amuitiornol
war the Cohan army no at war with
Spain and such additions as mar be
tnadetnereto tmn the t jle of Cuba
until the Spanish army shall be expelled
from" the Viand of '..Cub, Of Jltii :tfe"
aext se -sioti ot con-re. ."
-,w r.
Mr. Hall (Me ) i '-sted Vie re o.t- f
10 i letter to to the loni'nit'ee Af)'m '-
tary 'ffiirsand after a PtatPiuent i tr
,Mr. 'Allison (la.) thai t!ie whole eu':.j.l
eorff 1 by the reol.itioti was no.v,g
taaf i lareskTVy jixoaw mr.i mi t i'l e jo- J
7e9 aot a- ftwr-' w vil 1 be rio deity
in th mat'er, Mr. Stewart agreed that
the ren ilutiiUuoooKjJ go to U iurtit4ry
affai.r"c"mmL"x ....
tllpert Miewsi.f
Lo.nuoN; 'AprJI'"l.e-f$ ii -repitted
from Ma yrhLthafc.tite:Biwn n-et tias
I een at sea for s me d ivs and the news
the tmbardmnt ol American coast
town is expecteil at tlie Spanish' capi-
""T ""'at .
- lAWrvporie hre fr''ftt Madrid timt"
the destination of the Spanish fleet is
Tkrfr to anyone but the m ir.j tar rf
niarrri," Armiri Berrn?jt Tliifeptrta
f-om Madrid also say that the Spanlfh
aural authorities ara satisfie-1 that
epain ran easily force the Woekade of
Cut, when it laire.j to do so, but in
the meantime., it i exoiaied i a tlie
jovernorg of Cuba and P.irto iiico have
a-ivifd the Spanisn -.overn-nent that
-UiaiSUifr uu.tJeed tlie fleet, the guvern
uat ha decided to "utilix the war
tCfe lilsetrhere."
21- Vim ext, Cape Verde Islands,
J ihi 27. ' 4 :i p. m.)-.U this boor
the Spanisti fWt is stib here awa;ting
orden. The tailors are not being exer
vise i.
S.impsltll Huh -p!n.
OnassA, April ft e Ruesian news
paper btig'iv svmpitnize with Spuin
and expre-s the bei e that the United
fcttes fai.s to gain a tiual naval vic
tory sKin, Spa n's h-.nor will be saved
aid E.irn) wiUirui upon the latter'
cat ltilat on, in ord-r to prevent th
loiu wlne;i ifraaoeree rnn-t suffer
turough pr vateerin?. Kti rm iti q iaa
titietof grain have been sotd ti Spain,
S." Aaa.rlM Prepare Io Htrp In.
Lcsoo.t, April 28. The Vienna cor-
respoodent to the Stau.Ur 1 says :
" t it probably doe to a c mpletu us
derstandinz reached between Count
G ii.iehowsk!, the AuntraLau-lIunginan
lore gn minister, and Prince Hobeniohc
ttm beYia in chancellor, that all the in-
otied organs of the Vienna foreign of
- fice are propagatiu the idea tliat aftel
the '"Unit gerioos, en ounier twtween
rpin nd the Uni ed States, the Inter
vent ion ol the power wid bring the wai
to a ci'iee.
, ' - Will t'arrry flo CunlralxnJ.
BiaUK, April 2. United Statea Am
biasador White has informed the foreigi
o(Bo hs oll'resid nt IcKinley's dee
1 lacatioa Raiding privateering and al
h mtfk atenBship companies hart
JoiMt tMifi sot H transm;t cooir
hafctl inti " Tharalore the eotnpaniai
VlkWMtfMwftrJftMilar lo th Korarnnsjar
' ujlasjjisj 'fif Lpa vtht Badjtr than
m Mth aoaBbalaat wo
te right to aaareh that
Laeklnf Ouijr ibe lurmai Uw lnriitua of
WasHi.NtiTow, April 1".'. War te
tweco the I'mted StaU-s and Spain is a
fai-t, though not S) formally declared by
The stirririjt ecent of Wednesday were
SUiXieded yefterday by o'.herg of equal i
iaipoi'ane, v-ulminatin in the depart- .
ure of the North Atlantic Pijtiadron lor .
Hvai:na. !
This practically is an act of war, so ,
that war between this country and Spain
may fair y be raid to date from yteter- '
day, April 21 ys.
Two minutei! after the opening of the ,
rate department thie on rnini; came
word from Minis er Wooifoid that the
Spanish g ivernment.havii.u anticipated
and presented bis intention to present
ttie .reident'a ultimatum, he hai aeked .
for h.s pfior'.s.
IS M AIN tttrii THE Bl IME.
Tt.e pr tuient in a public tatement, :
id ti.e ti tmn of the Spanish govern- !
meet reujereu it unneSfary for any
other i.ett;at.oD, and suted further
taat he regarded tte course adopted by :
Spia At oae placinj; upon that i-oun' y
tie reeponsibUity tor the breach ol
fr.ecd.T relatKT.s.
Mr. Wcoiiord's teSevrain resulted in
the calling of a epe.- a: cabinet m-etiug j
Wi arrange an outline oi a plan of cam- ;
pa:a or rather to determine how to be- j
Sin tie execution of the plan of cam- ;
pa in a. ready prepared by the straU'pic
tvrli of the army and navy depart-j
mett. s
mrr osDtKio to movi.
The result was the order
for the Jfojth Atlantic Kjaadron to '
f a the blockade of Havana, fi
much lurther than this the cabinet prv-e-ded
in it delitrai oBS it is not pc
s b e to say, for the obvious reason that
the time ha now cine when the inter
est of the irovernment require that the
movements of the ships and troops
bouid be guarded with the preatett
care from undue publicity in order to
prevent the eeerny from taking advan
tage of information.
The North Atlantic squadron, under
Captain Sampson's command, is com
prised of the battleships Iowa and In
diana, monitors Puritan and Terror, ar-mor-d
cruiser New York (flat;-hip), pro
tected cruie- Cincinnati, Marblei.ead
and Montjioiiit-j'y, gunU ats Yicttsburg,
Wilmiigion au 1 Ain&pohs, Ur-ic
boats hrics.n, Cush.Hj,', W'nslow and
a large cumber of last yachts and other
veeigthat have be-n added to the
... .
Beet by pnrchaee.''
This ior-e i quite competent to block
ade a I the ports in Cuba, oinuectini? by
rait with Jlavan and likely to be used
tJ'0ff that p'are in the event ol
siPiiP with f xHlaiid aoiunitions ol
war. i
"JT;i f'eLjciiril to be taken with;
the: o-fr-'.'i'and!nS! that it die not ca
tVrtifikre'the calling to Cuban waters ol
tii anis:i fleet. In such cas-, bow-
ever, the prooame poucy win oe uj
abasdoa the ntocnatje ami endeavor tc .
... . . .t"
fo.t The ptnn neet to name. .
Th'nv"il5tirl tit htlay continued j
the a-jt.-a4i.aUug to u.p yWivy anu t
pun i a--"-d ship at Norfolk a-j
ai).l4Tv i armri. .auu iuj ui.i-
S Hctx:1 to tie at-wis tLat comes froni'Mng f,e streets. A Biob gatherci hi front
Chicag that the three revenue cxitteil
hi tie lakes cannot be availed ot tot
naval jinrpoees, it is said at the navai
department that the department tatl
8-iui time ago abaniioned the idea dl
n r.1 the cr..ftit. owine tithe dini-1
eultiee in getting them out to the At an
ticteatKrd. It was, however, denied
that any international obstacle hail been
eucOi.nterod in the shape of a notice
from ti epenadian government that the
panage oj the ships would not be per-
ImiII I'naer rdr
Halifai. . S., April 22.-H. M. S. in
defatlgable aai'.ed last night under seal
ed orders for Barbadoes.
Kfwla'a foiMlMe Answer u rainiji
Sew York, April 22. A d if patch U
the He-aid from Washington says
Snain's answer to Preeid ent McKinlev't
ultimatum may take the form of shot
and si. ell.
It's formidable fie-ft. which has been
mobibzing at the Car Verde islandi
lor ome days past; sailed on Wedne--day
from that point f ir n unknown
d'-e inat on. The fleet 's citupoe. O'
the atuiored rr'iisers A.miranh- Oui'ii
do, CrisoVial Colon. Infinta Maria
Xeressa and Viz aya, th torjie-lo Ut
destroyers Fur r. .Terror and P'.uter.
and the t'irpto bon's Arctic, Amre an-1
Riy. at d perhaps the battleehio Pelayf.
Information ol the of the fleet
has b"t-n received by the attaches ot tin
Spanish legation, ll is conceded to bf
highly p'.hsble that the fleet will
I a'en acr-ss he rcratn to Porto Kic
and Cuoa to prevint by force tbe oust
ing from ti.e isLinda of the naval ant
rniUitary forces of the i-panish govern-
went now ti.ere. On Iba other I. and,
it is pot-alb that the ships have gont
tha Canary islanda,
Flabarinra May lost.
tiiwroKT, M.-h., April 22 Loula Do
bry jr. John fear, I'lnlLp Nararra ant
WUl am Anderson, all fishermen, wan'
out iu tuerdiy's gaie on lake Krie, U
taul nets and have not si ace been seen
Uladstowa la Wars
fit'mo, April 14. Tha ballotit
laMad today refardug tte health ol Um
Rt. Hon. William EwartGUIitooaaay.
toa eod litiB oi too tjatioml it not quit
a (arorabl a U haa baa raoaailf.
l.iiih mnpr Horma Vrnlur I oirri Colors
I'nta Mrr hualtuui llh Lauiber
,M.r,,rd -1 o. ii M n f rlie t Key M'eet.
Kav t, Fla., April :j.-The Unit-
el ta'
a cruiser Nashvi.le lias captured
the SpanUti fhip Huena Yeatura of
i.iiki finf, haviuu on txtard a dtren ol
lurnlf-r. It aason its way from the
coast of Tea8 Tlie cruiser iired a x
ptiunder and the Spau ari surrendered.
The Nai-hvilie towed its pr ze in'o
Uiis harbor at 1 1 o'clock yesterday morn
ing and put a pri.i crew on hoard. Koth
s-hipe aie lyinif ell nut in the etr-am
The nfi of the capture of the Span
iard set the people of Kev Weft trantic
with enthusiasm. All work has been
supenileil an 1 the d'Kks are c oded
Wslh Jieuple.
(.jivksTos, April '.'3. The ."-panish
steamer Buena Yentura, intercepted by
the I'nited Stat gun'oat Nashville, i
a tramp i-teamer irom Uillxia,
j Spain. It belonged to the Sarringa line, j m4 exr-eed tlO.iKX), shall pay a f.M
On Mareh L9 it arnveil at Pasiaonia, , tho)- whow sale ex :eed $1 I,-
1 Miss., from Hivana. and was on the y0, HS; dewVra in toba n who salei
j way to Pensacola. Fla., to load for Hoi- io not ex.-e -d fl ),OX, H Sj; in ex-
land when captured. jciw,
SP4VISH fiiwmNPKK sfKi-KisKD. ,' The provisions of the stamp tax in
Kev WiisT, Fla., April 23. The Cniteo J :lu 'e propriety me li -inea and simiUi
' Sutfi" feet wa atout twelve iin'.es of! jirejiarations, a lix of 1 cent on all
Sand Key light yenerJay morn ng at 7
! o'clock wt.en the -;sniiih nierchantman
; Buena Vent a -a - as sigh !, biund
: north. The gunlxt rati
. dow n and put a shot across her bow?
i from the four-inch gun on the port sije
j aft, rranneJ bv Lieutenant Ddlingharn
The Spanisrd igtmrtsi the shot, but an
other eloeer to her Ixiws broug'it her to.
A prize crew under Kutign T. P. Ma
gruder was put aboard. Captain Lu
Carass, in command of her, was as
tounded. He said he did not know that
war bad been de.-Iared, but Wien lit
was informed f the state oi affairs tit
shrugged bis shoulders and accepter)
the si' nation philotophicially.
The Nashville hsi taken n ! res am!
will return to the fleet carry Kusige
Maeruder. who will ie relieved by E.i
sign Uio'ton.
A lidy of marines is pacing the deck
j of the .-pan. art and her crew of twenty- j-irculatim not exc-e img HM, 5c-nfs;
j eight (not twent, as previosly reported; j .twp.Ti $PrJ an ) 2'M, 10 ceut;tM
i are lounging about the decks io Don- ,e.. f , hwi v,o, 15 writs ; be een
j chalant fashion. Not a unn is in irons i .r,0 and tVK), 110 cents; between 5t
According to prize laws, captain .May i
nard will turn the prisoners of ar ovei
to tne United States d.striot attorney,
who will decide the quection ot theii
The monitor Funtanis taking o e-a
and warer and w ill sail to i nn the fleet
(in excellent authority it is reported
j that the ilettmation oi the fleet is Ma-
tanzu. On bird the flagiiip is Cap
tan AMgoren bro'hei of the la'e Bri-
j g;.d.t-r-ieiieral NesUif Arani'uren. lit
w(ji !ol flvt to Maunzi
n,y.n iioU enl on iri lt
a tr 12 o'clock.
MOB l.AtV IN MMXilll.
Vantlsilism Apilauld Mr ths
c " WaiHtfB, April 2 Crowds are paiad-
of tne Fl'iuitable Life Insurance build
ing and smashed tbe American eagle U
bi'B. They , carried the fragment
through tbe streets yelling, "Down with
the Yankees."
: fbe rpolic? niixi'd with the crowd and
a'lowed the dttfiructi ins to go on with
out restraint.
The ctril governor of Ma 1 rid, Seuor
Aguilera, inste.l of prohib.tin( disordei
allowed complete litierty of action, ming
ling among the demonstrators. He wai
loolly cheeretl, especially when the
American escutcheon was thrown from
tbe bitlcony of the Equitable building
and fell at his feeL aguirera, at ht
trampled upon the escutcheon, ad
dressed the populace amid enthusiastic
applause, siying: "Tbe Spanish Hod
is route 1 from its elutnb.-r. He will
shake his mane and arouse the rest of
the brote creition."
The paiier demands that a date should
be fixed for their expulsion, giwng them
time only to 'each the frontier.
Lomjon, April 'i Mail news, wbicb
hai ju t l-en received here fruui the
. d (irand Caniry, one of the Ca
a ry di.roup. up tiApri'
i - t.-o isand S anuh. trps bud
arrived ti.ere and 2,'mO were expecied
that day.
When tbe mails c oeed it was rumor-
d at the Grand Canary that the start
and strip' s over, the Uuited States con
sul.ite had been torn doo by the rabbit
and trampled upon.
Tbe milttia of Canary islands hai
b en iiiobilixed and fifty i fliceri were
then coming Irom Spain to drill thee
Toe excitement at the islandi is de
scribed as being ao intense that the in
hab t nl were panic rtricken whent
loreign warship unexpectedly entered
the i s'lor. No Spanish aar eseel bad
arrived at the Great Canary op to April
fcisrrthtBg; Unlet at Magus,
Kiw Yoke, April 23. The American
schooner James A. Garfield arrived yew
tf rday from Sagua, Cuba, after a ran ol
nine dny. Its tapUin states that every
t 1 waa quiot at Sagni. The Garfield
UDlMte-l by the British Consul at
lagaa. -.-
Cost Eaibwrfw BUI a latw. ' "
Wasmvoroa, Ap-il 23. The coat em
birgo resiIut on hai been signed and il
now a law.
tit ind ( u(Tm l,'ii iiul Tularr Com
tilth (ruui I hrmrt-k Muf I'a.
Wa!jin,t.jN, Aprti -'o. Chairmai
D iijjley made the foi owinjf etatetnen
re -jrd;n the revenue to lie raised fron
ti.e revenue bill. The statement says:
"The way and means comm. fee e
1 ,;i",fiti,ait th i"" '-v-UUe tl.a
! ,,, , ,,,,, ':, ,',
Ire 1 t,i.l:i..ii dollars attributed at
I lidioae: rermenW iiquura, f S7.ivKi.tjU0-
toi acco, .,tsKMMj; ,-igar, $ ,( X),0i0;
dea. era in tobatvuairl cigars, $ ',i0,0);
6U:np taxes on d -umicius, telegrams,
',0' 1,1 nf; stamp taieH n wiinn,
mineral w aters, etc., i.udetremined ;
tningtre tax on vessels engaged in foreigr, $',) 0,imj. Tea and cf!e art
ii'ii tiiuche.1, an all t .e uiw.sures pro-
' pitwd for ar
' rfveuue tait-s.'1
reven-ie are internal
A com. cusatiiig tax of half that
am iuilt w hich it the amount of the
n.-reaee npon the euck of c gars and
ciaret'es on hand. The following
li-ens g are plated on tobaci-o dealers:
LN'altr in leaf tobacco, whoee sales dc
(.a .-let, bx, Httlei, etc. . which re-
i tail at '." cents or lea-; 2 tents between
i2- and 50 centt; 3 cents between 50 and
j r cents ; 4 c nut 1h-i weeo 75 cents and
1, and for each Mi cents or fraction
j thereof above ttiat am inntan additional
! ' cents.
1 The same schedule applies to per
j imery and coeniet.iw. Chewing gun ie
I (o pari cent for pti kets selling at 5
! ji-iitt a id cents for paike-s excelling
cents, dinger ale and minere! waters
ire to pay 1 cent per pint and wines 2
jnts pe- pint, of indebted neu, (aftel
lune 1, issuei by any assw ilat on, cor
poration, etc., are to py o cents on
ii-h IllWiir fracti'.n thereoi issued and
n ail transfers of siiarett or certificates
if fctock 2 cents on each fluo if face.
On hank checks and drafts exceed
ng 20, 2 cerif!. Bill of exchange,
iraitt at sight or firomiss .rv note for
lnd 7's), .W ceuis; between 7'.0 and
(1.0J0 40 cnt; Ins' ween tlKXi $2,
nK, i ; be.twee.ti t-.V.hi and ",t0 $1.50
nd for each .' "f!J in ex-ess ol t-i.iJ.'O,
l. Foreign bills of exthutige, letters
' cre-lir, icclad ng express money or
"is, to pay the same 'ate as bills of ex-
:hanire or promissory notes, except
when .irawn on set of three or live,
when i-a-h bill of each set, where the
ram payable does not exceed $15, S
;erii. Ab ive that tiiere is a gradual
wale rnnniRt 1, 70 wtntJi and'.'i ceuls
or each 2,5W additional. , Bi.J J )ad
rt. re-e:p: for g'),ls, inemtlitidise,
!v export,' 10 ce.nts each vUrrea lrla i
i s.icn a- pay not n eareiat n-rnaj;
-etw n 2 i cer.t" and l J jeuUi in ex
e-s of $1, Scene; in lemniWiig bonds,
5" cents; el! oih'-r tmndg required in
egal procfsetlings. 25 cent; crtilicates
! proS's r-n each iisj of face vai.ift, 2
.f-nt; cert hcates of damage; or titiier
ise irsii- i by a port warden, 25 cents.
Hot of Fasting and I'rwvar
I'lrrsariiii, Pa., A pril 25 The execn
.ive c'tiimitte of the nat.onal refoitn
is-ociation has prepared a messae,
wtiich has ien sent to Preeident Mi
esinley urn,; luta, at ''thu c-itical
i- ur of our l a'ioual life, .,ith the
jorr-iis ol war impending,' t .pruclaisn
t day of fa'tiug atid praver.
Sxcrrtar S bormia Win Italir.
Washinoto!, April 25. The Evening
itar Saturday says : " '
On the iiest information it can be
tlated that Secretary Kherman contem-jUu-s
1- aving the cabinet and that he
will probab y withdraw within the next
ew dais. It is generally under toxl
;hat h' will ) succeetled by Judge Day,
low assistant secretary of state. Mr,
Sherman ill withdraw from the cabi
net because ol a breaking down of bis
lealtb and i lability to keep up with
ihe strain of the present situation. The
r,ct that Mr. Sherman's health baa been
'ailing since Ins entrance in the cabinet
we. I known. President MclCinley
ir:d all of thecabinet memliers, together
with hundred of close personal Ir.ends
if the secretary, have noticed his con
it on, btitovtirg to tbe sincere d -sire
V) have Mr. Sherman remain at tbe
bead of the state department hi atten
tion wet never called to what be him
self bad not observed.
Secretary Sherman's physician ha
id vise-i him thatheought not to attend
to any work in the department and
should retire. He is tne only person
who hat spoken to the serie'ary on the
question of his health. 'Ihe unani
mous opin on is thaterretary Sherman
will retire to hit borne and devote what
ever time he chooses to tl.a management
of his personal affairs. Tbe opinion
thatjudg - Day a ill succeed 8e. re:iy
fjh -rman it lae I on the knoa ledge
that Pre-ident M Kiniey desires this.
Maar Htla.
St. Lous. April 25. A mall bag con
t uned to J. M Hatninil, attorney lot
ths Louisville A Nashville nil road at
Belleville, III, waa stolen from an ei
pre wagon in Kelleville vesterdsy. Th
bag it taid to bare contained le'tert,
oflHal docnmnU and a recisterad lot
1st lo which were sereral t'rafu of al'
mot) fJO,000. Thaae draft ware (or tht
parpoM of paying tbe tate of the I f
K. io 8t. Clair, Washington, Sal iaa at
Whiu ooutpM.
I)ja!v fVciun lo 1 ullrr-l'rrile
llhoul 4.reMlr "I liiin aliir-liM 1 ' -IIuum-
IlfiiHrrtt fur mr Without f
Word i.f l, l.iilr or I'rulnl.
Madkih, April ;ti. AUiut 2o,0u0 re
tmblicans ( f ali shades of n inion l.avt
signed an a dret-e to Setior Castelar, the
republican leader, under the pretext of
congratulating him upon his recovery
from recent sn:ki.-es, but in reality of-fe-ing
him thtir services if he pro laimf
a re.ub.ic.
Senor Castelar has sfj far made no re
ply, nut it is certain that be a ill not
emerge from bis Jetirement from parlia
ment, into w l ich be has not put loot
lor the pant teiitv yearB, although con
stantly relet nx to thecorlcg. llietom
ing speech in ttie cortes, will, it is raid,
dispel the idea that he is beading a
revolution, (in tbe contrary, it is aid,
:-enor Castelar will, Irom patriotic mo
tive, not oppose the present democra
tic monarchy. His speech will be a
panegyric of Spin's past greatness,
lamenting the '"sudden conversion of
tbe United Mates into provokers of an
unjust war."
Senoiu Catitelar, "appreciating the
valor ol hie countrymen." will predict
that the "ijuarrel between th young
unwarake nation and the oldest fight
ing race in the world will result iu tlie
trad tional heroism in Spam, inflicting
severe chastisement on the and
material interests of the b g democratic
republic, hoe existence and prosperity
is due to Spanish discovery and support
when America cast off 'be yoke o'
Xtw Ytna, April 20. Spain's danger
from within are becoming fully as grave
as those liom without, says the Malrid
correspondent ol the Wi.tld. Tbe war
with the United States msy coet it the
last ot its colonial potstss.ons in the
I West and Kaat Indies. Hut no one can
Jteil w hat ili be the result ol its rapidly
increasing uomest c trouble trie cab
inet crisis, the dissentions among states
men and warr.ors, the intriitues 1 1 the
Carlitsts, the plotting of Weyler and
lioniero Hob.edo and the jsopular
g H'i ins.
The sireet demonstrations in the capi
tal aid elseal ere have as-iuined such a
j threatening cha racter as to tause the
'gravest concern to the q'teen and her
government. All tbee pcd.lKal dan
gers are aggravated by ttie huarcial dis-turt-aoces
in .Madriit and a dt-zen prin
cipal U vt na in the piovinces, mark-d by
in alarming run on the silver reserve of
the bank of .-pain, a tall in the prices
A securities ot every kind, a nee ol ex
cliauefc, aendifig the gold premium lo
75 per cent. 1 hetsw things have made
the politician ami neiytody thv j aj
Iaa attention to the neaa )r..ui America
utj Cnoa, as it is. Ti.e prt ea
adv. sea ihe people to desist from deuiuli
UMi'i'ms, woit ii tii.gyt Income iix-
lu-tl und laiue-ou
. '1 he newspapers
itt,:it''itc the rttian lal policy to the
Het-rx baner and sjecu.a'ors.
I a-iiioto, April lti. l he houte ol
rtprereiitalivee jenteitiay passed the
bid dt-ciariug the existence of a state of
war between the Lu ted b tales ol ani ti e kingdom ol Spain in a
manner which taiinut tan to imprest
lUt- wn rtu. Ihe lepreeenlalivea ol 70,
Jt),0tj0 p.opie voted lor it without a
word ol Uebaie, wr.bouta dissenting
vote and without a rod call, but Willi a
stdemii appreciation of Hie gravity of
their iniitit -iiUni t ti-ii. Il required
but oii6 minute an I furty-one gecords
to ai-c mi) this.
The house was considering ao election
case and simply paused to derlain war,
There was no excitement nocavd, ne
word or queetiou. It was only in the
orent clieer ttiRt went un Iroru tlonr-snil
! galltriee, hen Sp aker Keed annotiwed
tut pas-age, that the tremendous tin putt
of the act and the suppressed enthusi
asm behind it was shown. Af er the
president' tueesage was read the com
mittee on loreign affair Iramtd tt.a
resolution. Acting Chairman Adams
write, the report and it mas passed and
on it a ay to the senate iu an hour and
six m, notes. Tbe Sieaker signed it at
4;4t4. The remainder o! tbe day was
devoted lo the election case of VS iae vs.
Young fr m the Second Virginia dis
trict. i oiloa ing is tbe report Irom the house
foreign affairs committee:
A bill declaring that war exists be
tween the Uuited Stales ol America and
ttie kingdom of Spain.
Bell enart'd. etc: 1. That war be
and the ran. e is hereby declared to exift,
and that aar has exsiel since the 21st
ol April, A. Ih. IWiH including said day,
jele-n u.e ( nited Mates ol America
' and tlie kingdom of Spain.
2 That, tlie president of the United
States be and be it hereby directed and
empowered to use the entire land and
naval fo'fes of the United State and to
call into the actual service ol tbe United
Mates the militia of the sereral statea,
to such an extent as msy fie necessary
to carry U'i act into effect.
Just prior to adjournment Speaker
Keed signed the bill declaring the exist
ence of a state ol war.
VS ben tbe army reorganisation bill
with senate amendments came back to
the bouse, ob motion of Mr. Hull, the
amen.! men t were none-coucurred to
and the bill was rent to tba C'ifderee.
Messrs. Cos, dem. Tenn., and Mirsh,
rep III . were appointed conferees.
At 6:10 p. m. the bonse adjourned.
Mxabss CbalUsKSd.
ToaoiiTO, Opt., April 'M. Lieuten
ant Carrenxa .of tbe suite ol Senor
Polony Iter nab was toea yesterday re
latire to the repbrt that he had dial
lcngd Captain Higtlwa of the Ma n to
fight a duel. The lieutenant corrobo
rated the story Ma said be had sent
hi challenge on tbe 20th aad if ha doe
not hear Irom Captain Big bee by the
2fttb ho will brand him aa a coward.
H boa id Captain Sigibee refuse tha list.
twnaat will tbcti challenge Contwl-Gew.
aral Lao.
Mun M.tna rriwnsr a B
SBisli aisauisri
Kk Wxsr, April 27. The Snib
t tea m -h p Panama ol tlie (Vbailo line,
which leil New York April 20, lor Ha
vana loaded with a number of Spanish
r fngcesand a 'ry valuable cargo, iu
i hiding it i thought stores lor tba
Spanish army, was taptured Monday
er ning about twenty miles Irom Ha
vat a If tlie littlo l.ghthouw tender
Mangrove, now belonging to the Mos
quito th et. 1 1 e Msr.ruve mounts two
t.x-poiiuders ami four thirty-eight re
v U. rs. It is i ommanded'by Lieuten
ant don niander W. I Kverett and ha
a rew d l.KI men. The Panama is ol
ai.-'jut 2 -Vto tons and a very valuable
p re
'Vhc-n the Mangrove sighted tbe
Spaniard she ran up to il and fired a
gun across its b s. The liner did not
taKe the hint, and a second shot was
fired, after w hu h the Panama slowed
d.sii a . l.tlle. A third shot watt fired
a -rues ti e bows ol ti.e Panama at 100
yards and the det.k officer of the Span
ish vessel was hailed and notified that
if he did not heave to a shot would le
sent through bis ves-el. This notifica
tion caused the Panama to be brought
Kn gn It.irton boar. led the Spanish
tttm r and tis.k pose-noii of it. The
ba'tleMiip In'liana then steamed upand
Comm nder Kverett notilied Captain
Taylor ol the Indiana that he bad
captured the Panama, and Is rrowed a
pr.ze crew from b.t tiesliip consisting ol
Ctilet Falconer and filieen marines.
The Mangrove was ttien ordered to
report to the flagship and Hear Admiral
Sampson told Commander Kverett to
tike his prix" into Key West.
The Panama is un derstood to bav
thirty-nine pas-engers on board. As it
rounded to after the little Mangrove
captured it, tlie latter, knowing the
Pniiama was an auxiliary cruiser, ex
pected U be fired upon. It is not yet
known whether the Panama has guns
on bmrd.
Ttie United States gunboat Newport,
Captain I!. F. Tilley, has brought in tbe
Spanish sloop Pwiuette and the Hpan
'sh schooner Ploero, (!uban coasting
vesel which it captured off Havana
this morning.
New York, April 27 It was stated 1 1
ihe off ce ol the Spanish trans-Atlantic
line, which owns the Panama, that that
vessel watt valued at $2iM,0iX) and its
strgo at $7.j,iss).
rorriKii Sutluu- KeMinrt.
Wasiiisoton, April 27 Conditions
in Washington are rapidly e-ttling tlown
K) those ol a ttial w ir. Notice came to
ihe state department from the four
juarleri o' the globe yete.rdr allowing
hat the n it ions in a rule are prepared
o aseurne an attituds. of strict neutrality
as ln-tween tbe Unitel States and Spam
in the present strug-gle. In mowt caieg,
'hey we.e in answer to ttie identical
note sent out Monday by the state de
partment to all United Statea cmhaasiet
atid legations, instructing them to in
form the government to which they
were accredited that war has exitted
'me April 21.
lireat UriUin always has taken aa ad
vanced stand in the principles of neut
rality, so that rt was with great interest
that the new was received here of th
eruis of the neutrality proclamation
iiuel in loudon. On the w.iole the
-jtfichls arediap'ikei to take huriew
that the strict a Iherenra by (ireat Bri
tain to thes ruies will be raiin-r more
advaniageous to the United State than
to Spain, particularly as we are now
operating in the naval sense, close to
Mr own ba of supplies and in aa
probability will cut Spain tiff Iroiu
tne two bases that sheniw has In the
lefghbi.rbooii of Cuba,
t'Brliaua Animui lu rifillM.
' (Nljcaoo, April 27. A commiUe com
posed of George A. P,aynes, late major
general Montreal garrison artillery, 1.
N. Campbell, late Canadian militia, and
W, H. V. Homes, la:equen's own rifles
Toronto, have called a meeting ol Cana
dians who are in syinpathr with tha
United States and are willing to volun
teer their services and form a Canadian
regiment to assemble at the Sherman
house tomorrow evening lor '.he purjxjea
of effecting atl organization. The object
is to a battalion com posed of Cana
dians, of whom there are upwards of
50.000 in Chicago aloue, lieeidea largo
number in other cities.
1' ore baa Inn Tran(trta.
Takpa, April 27. The got erbrueal to
day secured options on ad boat at
Tram pa to be u-ed in transporting troope
and supplies to Cuba. It is know n here
that the government will soon establish
supply stations on the island and the
troop no- here will be transjorled to
guard them. Th point select-d f r the
station is kent secr.-t, but is within easy
sail ol Tampa, lint one regiment will
lie b It behind to lie use I for the drilling
ol recruita.
ttherman a l rtl ( lilioa,
WaaiMstiToM, April 27. netreUry
Sherman retired finally yesterday from
tbi potilion ol tecreury ol state, aad
hi su icesnfir was confirmed in the er
son ol Judge Hay. John Bsssett Moor
nn louhtllT will beconfirmel tomorrow
lu Judge Day's place.
Hoard of Mt..l.a Nmi,
MhAPoLis, MinrJ, April 27. Th
l delegaiet to tlie twenty-seventh an
nual Convention of tha woman's Pre.
byu nan lioard ol mis-ions of the north
west bare been lathering all day to
gether withny0l nun. bar ol wUtlt.
O . lha masHiiiga have been merely
preliminary to tha con ran Hon vbieo
op. n formally tomorrow. The roafor
nro inelodea ihoae of tjnrxliral ni
:Prwbyteriaa ofneata, arcreUrai
young people' toetetiaa, oatreapoawiac
Itaarttartaa aad traaaarert.