The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 05, 1898, Image 3

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'. ' '
A Farraatloniarj Mraaura.
"What are yon doing now, doctor?"
Mked the actress.
Ml am taking snap shot photograph
sf joa, madam," responded Ihe dentint,
"ao that if any unpleasant consequence
follow this operation anil yu ane me
lor damages for the loss of your Ix-anty
,cn establish nomtliing in the nature
Jf aa alibi, as it were, I am really now.
madam, to extract the tioth." Chicago
In tho Back?
Tt... ..-,,1... I,,. V,o, l-iJn;,ita
n Mo Cheat 7
Then probably the lunfrs. V
In tho Joint 7 S
Then probably rheumatism. t;
No matter where it is, nor what
kind; you need have it no longer.
It may be an hour, a day, or a
year old ; it must yield to
Immediately after applying it yna
i i fl iu toothing, warming, streuglii-
ning power.
It quiffs rorgtioa; drawi out
It is a new piaster.
A nfy combination of n
remMien. M.i'le fl'r n'w
mtho'l!. Entirely ualua any
otbr piaer.
The Triuraph of Moilnrn Medical
The Perfected Product of yara of
ratient To.l.
Placed ovir tie rhret it is a
powerful aid to Ayer ( lierry Pec
toral in the of ail throat
and lun; ufectmru.
Placed over the itomac h, it atrp
n!nei and vomiting; wr the
bowela, it controlx craropi iind colic.
Pla'ed over the small of the back,
it nraovfe a I rongeji'ion from the
kidoern and greatly atxeuglheaa
For uie by all Drujfi.iU.
J. C. Ayr Co., lxiwtiii, Mann.
i 'iii i i i n i -i--t .- . : --stMmmmpyrj v
sjmiom y
fvijri-- ''N T
lDFniiiDPwnrnnifiiun,f Mi
Bits starr h In nmpanwl on selen tiHe principles bv nw who bate bad rennf practlrei
aperivoce In fancy laundenua. It reetoreeold linen and sowner a 'esse ntuu
aWlursI whiinnm swl I m pert. heinllfol sod Isrtlo B nih. It Is lb oolf (taroh
SMDnfaetand that ie mrterllf harmlxm, ronUinlnf neither anenlr.aluBa or aaf
ether sahstatM-e lujorious to Uueo and cao he need even for a baby powdac.
For sale by all wholesale and retail grocers.
mmm tor 3b iNn
II riM, Mt,L bia u
SMUr krSto Mifiu'
wtiwi Mr iAitie.
llHrl J Vaklllo.
At atalaa af Naraaa
Ttl4(ia UtleSm
ttrrm. SMtaSIU
I la I
fa. fliMMj, Paaa
aalaa Spnnr Ho4
hill Surma, PftaaJaUS
a f aaaj aa aatu m pm-
CMUafu f am
ELKHART "" an buumu mr.
Brevity Is the Soul of Wit."
Good Wife, You
1 H ,'.'.! 'I I ll .'"- - '
kit Atirhur Iiiim Hlfmiifr left (ilactfOW I
recently with flv sleerane paHaenit1 r
from Austria. '1'he lirnt (rave his name
Josefhtka Zwikrunowoviv en, and the
others had uaim-sttiat were mil' harder.
Tht steamer rim k, after living to (fiie
t le ntjht coinh i, :avo uo in ties
pair, anil ri'."H i- e i the queer qoiutet a-
Ku-liard Ci. k.-r, Oliarlen f'arkhnr't,
1'ainey'-.y, .Nic Miller anil I'ek Mr-
lini.aM." When the boat arrived 6l
New Y-rk the cuMotu office) s were a -i
i r e I at its c 'unopoliiau g eerage lis'
and invea'isHted.
lhnke Into Your (Shoes
in..nv I'odt I'.ii-f. si nowdcr for the
feei. it cttreK painful, swollen, simirt
Ine feel and instantly takes the stii.3
out of i urns nnd millions. the jsrenr
et comfort dixoM ry of the nee. . i
Icii'h l-'oot K.ise imikes titflil llltlni! "
new nIkk'S feel eiu-y. It is .1 cerliill'
cure for swentitik'- eiillons find hot.
tired, nervous, iicliiim te.'t. ry it
d:iv. Sold by nil ilniCKi! !lllu
t(ires. By Mail for 'JTx- in stamps. 1 riu.
packaee KHKK. AddrebH Alien n. uiil
aied. I.e Hoy, N. Y.
Uniform nolitenese is an evidence ov
a Chrifctun spirit, but the extreme noli
teneH we often meet with aeems iike a
j'ike, or the variaHhm.B in the tune of
Yankee doodl a pleasant turpriBe hr
tlie time bewitf.
$100 Reward, iC.
Tl,. r.,ir nf rhin ISIHT ivi! be nleed
to learn that there ii at l'-a-t one dreaded
diseaee that science hat been ahle to c re
in all its etne, and that i t mr n
llall'a Calarrh Cure ! the onl poMtive
jure known to the medical Iruterinty.
Catarrh beinft a constitutiirinl disease, re
quire a fouaututional trentinent. 1 i all's
Catarrh Cure i taken internally, acting
Hreotly on the blood and miicon Minaret
Dl tn fstem, thereby demroviiiK the
fotindatiim of the dien, and (jivmi; the
patient strength by binldii K up the con
stitution and usiittiriK nature in dmrif; iti
work. The proprietors have so much laith
in its cnraiive power-, that thev oiler One
Hundred Jjollare lor at.y cae that it tails
to cure. Send for bat ol testimonials.
Ad.lreta. V. J. I'll KN KY .V- l' , To edo, 0,
t."oid by Druggists, 7'ic.
There is frequently more pleanure in
- ne broken dov. n rol'er gkate than in a
'98 wheel with all attachments.
Mia. inliw' ."oonimn STRtir (or chlld
ien teethlliL'. '.J!eni (he ymns. red'ie" Innain
inatioii, liinj ii niu. cures u not colli;, wlxjllie
Tru love kan't be nnkcc-Bfiilly coun
terlitted, audit ir. really one ov the
skarseset qimllties oy the human harte,
TO tl KK A tol.l) I.N (INK DAT.
Tki- l..nU Hr vmiili.nTHileU All tlruaglMS
,-oIudcI tor mo.ii-y I' ll 1 rum SM , .
No one kun be a cnnHiplent ninhaer
until he l ai fully diHc.verel the de
pravity o hiz own natur,
riTQ t'emwYiftnl :yi,ret 'Tn fit or nirTinii.-i ri n
t I I O Unit dj "f li- fcimo Orwt '.rft lie
4,,rr Vml fur Itll 5t.c 11 iaI t,ottl H"'l Irf-ml.
Ii K B Ku. Lul.. 'H An-h Sirerl, l'lilliuM,hl, fa.
W iy isn't conning an I.eirefs a check
tu t?
Why aren't stenoiirephi rs' notes fig
urea ot Kpeeecll?
n Imi.
( afna-
Hi Mut
attlaa atata. Aaa MM M SM Aaaaaaali. a I
w. a rsATT. 4W. uuluamt. us.
1 rn
7 X LK & J
cr. ti-
1 J
R.,4,r'', -'ev
The Olil Form Home.
An old farm house with meadows wide
And sweet with clover on every side
A bright eyed buy who looks fnun out
The door with woodbine wreathed almut,
And think this selfsame thought all day:
"Ah, eiiu':d I K'i fa r, fur away
I'rotn this duil ypot the world to see,
Mow happy, happy, happy,
How happy ahnuld I be:
Amid the city's constant din,
A man who round the world has lieen
Amid the tumult of the throng;
Keepa thinking, thinking all day long:
"Oh, cuiild I only tread nin e more
The held path to the farm-house door
The old (treeii meadows could 1 see.
Mow happy, happy, hnppy,
lluw happy would I he!"
Miinniiinic the Meadow.
Many iiiohiIown and piisttires are de
uroyed by bad rmiiuiKi'uu'nt. The
fanner Is in too (treat a hurry to retU-
Ize from his itivestuieitt and does not
give the jtrnss an- opjiortiinily to be
come fully established, cattle being
turned in to trample the Held at a sea
son when tlie jtrixiu'l ' wot- or P"a.e
It closely when the land may be In
need of ruin. When grass la seeded iu
the fall It Ktarls off soon in aprlng find
make rapid growth, offering a Blroug
temptation for the use of stock, but it
will be found betler to allow the grass
to grow and mow It oiu c for hay, so as
to induce it to thicken and atool, but to
have It trampled or cropped close by
cattle and sheep the first year Is to do
It more Injury than can be regained
during the life of the meadow or pas
ture. The first year's management is
very important, and the rule to follow
Ik to allow Ihe grass to become firmly
rooted and to make as much growth as
tiossible la-fore mowing or pasturing It,
care being taken that the grass is cut
before It bears seed. As there will be
different kinds of grass. It will be well
to mow as soon as the early seeding
kinds begin to seed. With white clover
the seeding Is unimportant, as it Is a
idiorl grass and may not remaiti unless
under favorable circumstances. He
fore seeding the land an .application
of wood ashes harrowed In will be
found excellent, and lime Is also betie
uclal. 1'hlladelphia Record.
Z.euf Mold from the Woods,
One of the best foundations for a bed
lu which to grow flower plants can be
easily secured Iu most country districts
by going to the woods and uncling In
hollows, or on the shbrs of old trunk
of trees, the mold that, has accumu
lated by the rotting of forest leaves
that have fallen after blowing over
them. Only that which has been well
rotted will be worth taking home. Last
year's leaves have not. decomiosed
enough yet. That which Is found In
deep masses, where the soil U wet,
should be avoided, as the fact that the
land around It is wet shows that It Is
sour. The very best of all Is found In
the deep hollows of stumps. Here It
has had only the rain and snowfall of
winter to wet If, and there Is usually
an outlet beneath 1o carry off nil sur
plus witter. This leaf mold, though
black, Is not so rich as W looks. It la
betddcH too light to be used as soil with
out some heavier soil Isdng mixed with
It. Jf some commercial nitrogenous
CouiK)und Is used In the flower bd
made thus It will produce's wonderful
growth and bloom.
Locate the t'nilerdrain.
Wherever an underdrain has been
laid, either a map of the ground Rhould
be drown, or such other memorandum
as will enable the owner of the land to
alwayo know where It may be found.
There Is nothing more provoking to the
buyer of a farm that Is only partly un
derdralned than hut Inability to decide
Just where the old drains are located
and what size conduit they have. Of
course, the drain, If In working order,
will show within two or three roda
where tile or tetone may be found. But
to reach It then requires much needles
digging, which could all have been
avoided If the man who laid the drain
bad been careful to make a record of Its
Ieep-Kred Potatoes.
In nelecting varlrti of potatoe to
plant, sp'la"y those whoae reputation
is not established, care should lie taken
to avoid those market with deep eyes.
Nearly all potatoes hare to be pared
before being cooked, and Ihe deep eye
Is olnioat alway (utoiit without mak
ing a hole In the rttato. This la the
more wasteful, because the part of the
potato which la thrown away with the
peeling Is more nutritious than that
which grow near the center of the po
tato. The Kunt rigx.
la Marry every Uttr of pig ther
will be ft and nomerlmcai two pi fa
tbat art ao mneh smaller than the ret
that HdImm taken out ami fed sepa
rttcly tfety will b underslxed all their
HtM. Wt ka? tried M often to make
iiiMsIm t f ruttta, and hare al-
ttmmi tbat ait tk pork thef
to Mdt tat coat marc thai it
w4 wsjith,' la wt m4 I ktn fee rvnt
tfk tllT tWt ft. tN M4 iMd
the runt would le'iuhc couM te much
more pniliLibly Ivcn to the thrifty
plirs In the wune litter. American Cul
A !si i" Oliver,
There was a time some fifteen yeare
ago or more when the common red clo
er .seemed doomed to destruction by
a worm which I nil iu it, and so ate
leaves and blossoms that the plant
could .neither grow vigorously nor pro
dnee seed. Hut we hear little of this
clover worm now, as It has generally
lw eti destroyed by a parasite that preyu
tiMu It. Alsike clover was not Injured
by this enemy. Therefore for a few
ye-ars Alsike clover became quite popu
lar. Km it dies out. entirely after blos
soming and seeding In June of the sec-j
ond year after it was sown In earlyl
spring. Alsike clover Is probably tbel
best accompaniment of timothy. If
Will are sown together the first yp-ar,'
only the Alsike can be mowed. But
after this clover is off the timothy will
make a strong growth, and a cutting
of a ton of timothy per aTe may be got
in the fall from land that had already
borne an Alsike clover crop earlier la
the season.
Value nf a (oo! Garden.
If you have never had a "rattling
good garden." suppose you make an ef
fort to have one. I know from experi
ence that a good garden Is a great
money saver, as well as a system reno
vator. You can grow more good
".spring medicine" from a dollar's I
worth of garden seeds than you can i
pet for $riO from a drug store. Rome
people like to regard everything they
cat in the way of vegetables as a rem
edy for this or that disease; a liver ren
ovator, a kidney stirrer, a lung balm,
or a stomach soother. I much prefer to
consider them as real good, palatable
food. Correspondence Rural World.
Karly W eeds.
There are weeds that come earlier
than the crops, as the many varieties
of them are adapted to cold weather,
warm weather, dry seasons, rainy
spells, and they spring up readily In
soils- iliat contain the elements best
suitable for their existence. It require?
very little effort to destroy weeds when
they are coming up and beginning to
grow, but they are very persistent after
they become established. If the ground
is kept loose the weeds will not secure"
a hold, as every working of 1he ground
with the harrow or cultivator destroys
thousands of weed seeds that may be:
just beginning to germinate.
To Prevent fust.
The best -preventive of rust on Imple
ments Is kerosene. If cleaned and
sponged once a week with kerosene all
Iron and steel Implements will be less
liable to rust than when oils of any j
kind are used. When stored away rot
winter a 'mixture of one part rosin
melted In six parts of lard will be
found excellent. Early iu spring. If
Vj Implements and tools are to ba
cleaned,' It may be done with gasoline,
arid two or three hours after they may
be lightly 8Knged with kerosene.
Improved Duudclioiis for Gardens.
The dandelion Is so popular an herb
for greens that It is well worth whll
to cultivate it In the garden for that
use. There are special varieties which
bave much larger and thicker leaves,
and these are sometimes planted In
greenhouses In winter so as to have
greens e:uller for use In spring. One of
the advantages of the dandelion greena
Is that they have a tonic effect on the
Hrtomach, ami are very highly regarded
by many old fashioned people aa a
medicinal food. !
llore Kndirth for Home line.
All of the horse radish should be got
out of the ground so soon as the frosit
Is fairly out. Thiit for home use Is best
preserved by grating finely while fresh,
putting die pulp in Ixittles with wide
mouths, and corking closely to keep out
air. It is very diliicult to keep the roots
In warm weather. Those kept dry will
become dry and worthless. Those put
In sand with tiny moisture will start to
growing, and the root will become
acrid and of irr flavor.
Herts. Carrots und Parsnips.
Row beets, carrots and parsnips aa
early as possible. The seeds germlnaU
aViwly, and the earlier the sowing la
done the better the young plants can
combat with weeds. Sow In drills and
keep the rows clean. If grass and
weeds get the start the ground might
aa well be abandoned, but If the crope
get an early growth they will be vety
easily cultivated.
Large Millet.
To grow a large crop of millet plow
the ground early, manure It and work
Lin the manure with a cultivator. Aftei
frost Is gone work tne land again wiis
a harrow and sow the seed. After II
gets a good start tt will keep the weedi
down by crowding them out. Mllle-t li
a slimmer crop and will give a good
yield of hay when some ofber crop
Radishes are luxuries when gotten
Into market early. A cold frame, with
well rolled manure under the top soil,
and kept at a temperature of from 50
to 70 degree, will force them ahead
rajildly. They should be watered when
necessary and sold as soon as of suit
able size. Korccd in tills manner they
will be crisp and tender.
Oitlna Pet-I for llen'a Ncata.
The onlsVile peel of onions Is often
burned liecnuse It Is bard to find a use
for It. We used always to put a few
of these In hen's pests, using only the
dryest parts for this purpose. It makes
the nest disagreeable If not dea true rive
to the hen lice, and sitting hens thus
treated ran hatch their little track la
Heat (Ireen Foraa.
Peas and eata produce the largest
yield of green forage per acre of alaaeet
any other combination of (ralaal
Heavy seeding Is mors
tliaa light.
Women are Urued to Prepare for this "Wonderful Bevolution In the
Economy of Their JJf Elood Mrs. Watson
Tells IIow f tie Was He'ped.
niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1 1 iiii
1 of
Read this letter from Mrs. Dkixa Watbos, 524 West Dth St., Cincinnati, Ohio.
"Dkaii Mrs. Pinkham: I have been using Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable
Compound for some time during the change of life, and it has been a savior of
life unto me. I can cheerfully recommend your medicine to all women, and I
know it will give permanent relief. I would be glad to relate my experience
to any sufferer."
Ask Mrs. Plnkfiam's Advlce-A Woman Best Understands a Woman's 111
1.4-rtured to Mmiill Houses.
"Pardon the oi question," said the
touriit on the east bound Atlantic
liner, ''but bow did the Americans im
press vou?"
"I hardly in it enough of tlieni to form
an idea," replied the English traveler,
in a manner somewhat co d and dis
tant. "Von went through the country has
tily perhaps. Journeying lor pleasure,
may I ask?"
"No, sir. I was lecturing, sir."
One advantage ot the modern hive is
that the bees can readily be kept in the
center oi the hive.
Have the entrances to the Lives and
the vicinity around them, clean and
eonvenient (or the bees to get out and
in readily.
W'leu it can be avoided, the hives
should never Vie shifted on the stands.
This confue -)8 ttie bees and oiten causes
Villainy when detected never giveH up
but boldly adds impudence to impoa
With good management it costs little
to keep it few hives of beei.
I never usd so quick a enre us Piso's
Cure lor Consnniption J. B. fiilmer, 1'ox
1171, beattle, wash., Nov. 'Jo 18:i.
Why is it that all the rogues manage
to get into the other political party? M
Why does a usually show hit
wife more courtesies abroad than at
The average engaged girl has no idea
how eit.baniiHsing it is to be embar
Peter was probably a married man or
he wouldn't bave learned to be so quick
at denying things.
If in a hurrv von had better go slow.
Both tbo method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acta
Eently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and enres habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have mode K he most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for ml: in 50
cent bottles by all Ub i drug,
gists. Any reliable drug.i.' , who
may not have it on hwl wi pro
cure it promptly for any 07 who
wishes to try it Do not t" -4t any
ctutWMA no mup co.
touiavim, tr. new rout, stf.
llaa Hi al faa
SawatrfM. Iiantiaaa,
ilTiuuai m Mlrrm(aMM
f unm BKBbrsata.
irittlUlftatava. f at or aatMaaw.
ra auii mmm aal
Circular raal m raaaaat
fc3Trrraa naalSI
r :
At no time is woman more liable to
physical and mental dangers with hours
suffering than at the " Turn of Life."
The great w ant in woman's system ifi
ability to properly ad jiistitself to the new
conditions. Theoutlet, monthly, of blood -is
now being diminished and carried into
the body for the supply food of its later
years. f
daughters, you can now to some extent
repay your mother's early care. She must
be spared every possible exertion. You
must he.ln her bear her burdens and aniie-
ties. This critical time safely over, she will
return to renewed neaitn ana happiness.
That so many women fail to anticipate
thischange thus happily, is owing not
merely to lack of care, hut to igno
rance. There ib, however, no excuse
for ig-norance when experienced ad
vice can be yours free of all cost.
Write to Sirs. Pinkham, at Lynn,
Mass., she has helped great numbers
of women successfully through the
Chan;;c of Life, and she will help you..
Lydia U. I'inkh: m's Vegetable Coin
pound is the best tonic for uterine
changes. It works harmoniously up
on all these overwrought organs, in
vigorates the body and drives off the
Ought to Have Known Itetter.
!" paid the villian witi
the low brow and the bulldog jaw
"All right; I'll put up my hands,'
replied the man with the tall foreheas
ani a pale countenance. But yot
bave evidently made a mistake. I an
a newspaper man.
"Here," said the footpad, tears o
pity springing into his eyes, "is I
quarter. Don t let this ever beeomi
known, or the gang'll put me barck ii
the amateur claFB." Boston Journal.
'j? Established 1780.
celebrated for more
than a century as a
delicious, nutritious, 3
and flesh-forming
beverage, has our j
well-known 5
Yellow Label J
on the front of every J
package, and our
trade-mark, "La Belle Q
Chocolatiere,"on the V
back. A
v ST
Dorchester, Mass.
when the ticket agent ssks you wnm (
railn ad west of Omaha you want J
your ticket to read over. j
The Burlington is the shortest line
to Kansas City, Denver, Helena,
Butte, Spokane, reattle and Tacoma J
the scenic line to Salt Lake City, .
Sun Francisco, and Los Angeles.
Tickets at offices of connecting lines, j
J. Francis, Qenarsl Paanngar Agaut, t
Omaha, Neb. (
fj!r. ct Urm. TIartlMX
.a.m, mr OX. Wl. ""
Zll. daiibuu. UP-TO-DATK
MOTOR, FT. FO """t
(or .99. Tkf run li.- T
ftfttth. mn Moavh. '"
till waW. ThArtMtof rB M
aiill and mad tho bMb Wt
(JB raraipa of aaaeanfc, Milaaa Bator Aa
of v.n.i -ill ba laila iialaaa M a aaa m m
raturnad. OIialMkaaauaBliaaa
If r- aU wkMl M ta
a of im aa taa -
TaaiaaaMaa. AaraaAar OawCa
A hotter Heal for
Jen money than has
raciawT Hit
ever Darn oncreo.
A ja,...
toun oi ftlnshaiatasi.
aiagnamioa, ..
IXS6IES s cukuse:
wa am aa liaatay aa
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