The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 05, 1898, Image 1

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The Sioux County Journal,
ia:R,R,iso2r, uebraska, Thursday, tvta-v 5 , 1898.
2STO. 41.
The Sioux County Journal.
Subscription Pries, $1.00
Oo. D. Canon,
Bator .4 rt th Harrison pott offlca as
tcoad etaa. matter.
The Journal stanch fairly
and squarely on the Chicago
platform., but will not hesitate
to support and work for the
, election of candidates for the
various offices to be voted for
this fall no matter, whether
they are Democrats, Populist
or free silver Republicans, if
endorsed by all the reform par
ties, conditional, however, that
they advocate bi metallism the
income tax law, opposition to
national banks of issue, are
opposed to the retirement of the
greenbacks and treasury notes,
Javor government control of
railroad, telegraph and tele
phone lines and the establish
ment of postal " 'Sings bank
ing syHcm, and also are op
posed to the Usueing of nation
al bowls in time of peace.
The greenbacks answered ail purposes
dnring the civS war, why will they not
do now?
OfcourRflUie National bankers need
the govursimoot to lwk them up with
another issuo of p H-uiirmg bonds.
re callod to meet at Onmha June 2nd.
1W8 at the faxloo hoUjl for the purpose
of uameinf; ttin timo and placa for
the holding of tilt) Mule convention.
Will thfll. S. Konata refuse to pas
"the t500.000.000 bond ctiiuse in th war
revenue measure? and substitute in
stead treasury notes and preenhackN?The
eyes of the people afe watching' their
acts intentiy.
Should the United States navy achieve
another such a brilliant victory as that
at the Phillipino islands last Sunday
-morning within the next two weeks at
Porto Rico it will no doubt close the
war wt'tbin thirty days ufterwa rds.
"The Best thing that has happened
lately 1 the Enforced resignation of
Joho Sherman. When a man ban been
in the service of his county for Forty
two years and is a piiilti-raillionaire
he mutt have been some kind of a thief."
Rav, Myron Beed of Denver.
Every congressman from Nebraska,!
who votua for the bond clause in the spec
ial war revenue measure, now before
that augustbody for consideration should
be spotted and elected to stay at home
it the coming fall campaign.
The United States cannot help but
whip out the Spanish forces for the rea
son that our military both land and
naval forces are by far the best equipped
are brave' r than the Spanish soldiers and
then they are in the right
According to the metropolitan press
the national bankers are opposed to
making the (500,000,000 bond issue a
popular loan in case the treasurer is
authorized by law to issue them main
taining that the national banks are the
bone and sinue of the nation. The presi
dent Mams enclined to yield to their de
mands if the great dailies can be relied
on for tha truth.
The newspapers that have always
nen loyal do not have to flaunt the
ftag in every column to prove their pat
riotism. Ex -copperheads and ex-rebels
are naturally expected to shout loudest
for Old Olory which they fired bullete
nto or otherwise insulted when the) life
of the nation was In danger;
Every indication now points to a five
aaadred million dollar bond issue. When
senator Danna gave the New York bank
rs the tip two months ago that in
all probability there wonld be a five
hundred million dollar U. 8. bond issue
re knew pretty near what ha was talk
ing about.
The above is a good one on Gen. Fitz
nugb Lee and all the loyal men of the
o uth, who are just now earnestly en
fffcffed in assisting a republican adminis
trt'.lon to drive tit Spanish from
tr western hemisphere. It will noon
is time for the fall campaign and tha
ibovo will doubtless be a sample of ar
gumect produoed by those kind of re
t 'Jblican papers (or purposes.
Uncle SCl's
For Com.
As Indicated by the dally Press,
Last Sunday morning prob
ably one of the greatest naval
battles ever fought in the
history of the world, took
place between Commodore
Duey commanding the U. S
fleet of the Asiatic and the
Spanish squadron in the har
bor of Manilla, Phillipine
islands resulting in the com
plete distruction of the Span
ish squadron with Blight
damage to our fleet.
Something like 400 men
were killed on the Spanish
side no official account of
how many were lost to the
American forces baa not yet
been received.
Later commodore Duey and
his force are now in full pos
session of the Phillipine is
lands which the United
States will hold until such
time Spain will p?.y indem
nity for the Iobs of the Maine
and other expenses incurred
as a result of the Spanish
Late advices from Madrid
is to the effect that Madrid
has been placed under mar
tial law.
According to late daily
papers ex-Capt. General Cam
po of Cuba and llorret the
war minister of Spain had
been assassinated last Tues
day and that Sagasta the
prime minister had taken re
fuge at the British Embassy
to Bavehis own life.
Porto Rico will in all
probability fall into our hands
soon, as a decisive battle is
expected to be fought there
between the Spanish fleet and
our own iuide of a week or
ten days.
Following are some of the articles
which are to be incorporated in the new
revenue war measure:
Beer per barrel additional $ 1 00
MfgC Tobaccos per lb " 0
Cigars and cigarettes perlOOO ...... 1 00
Hank checks or drafts 08
bills of laden to foreign porta 10
Indemnity Bonds 10
(Jo urt Bonds.... .... 26
Certificates of bank deposets 2 to 5c
Charters of vessels 3 to 10
Broker s Bote of memorandom 10
Telegrams . 1 to 8c'
Custom house entrus 25c to f 1 00
Leaces ...50c for three years
Mortgages... 50c on 500,00
Power of attorney. ... 25c
Protest of notes.. ..25
Patent Medicines rate of.. 4 per cent
Perfumery cosmetics rate of 4 per cent
Chewing gum per package
Stocks certificates and transfer of stocks
Bills of exchange 10c to $1 00 according
to amount
Express companies for each package
tranxfured 1 to oc
Certificates of port warden and others
Deed bill of sale etc rate of 1-10 per cent
on amount.
Life insurance policies a per cent on
farine or fire insurances policies 25
Tickets to foreign .ports cost 30,00 tax
l uu
Probate letters of administration 50c to
From our Special Correspon
dent at Lincoln.
Our last war on its financial side was
sustained with greenbacks. The oppon
ents of Lincoln called the greenbacks
"rag-babies, Lincoln rags, and bloody
backs." Wall street and the whole
gang of northern disloyalists never
ceased to denounce Lincoln's money. In
those days the Kepubiican party was a
unit for the greenbacks. The boys in
blue defended them, liebold what a
change there is now I The republican
party has taken up the old disloyal cry
and has beguu to denounce the money
of Linncorn. Secretary Gage has been
down to visit the magnates of Wall
street and the house of Seligman promi
nent la the days of '61 is now closeted
with, the secretary of the treasure,
planning to issue bonds. The republican
party today under the leadership of
Gage, is but a reproduction of the old
disloyalist party led by Valandingham.
Out of the patriotic inopulse of the peo
pie who refuse to see -women and chil
dren starved to death in Cuba, they cal
culate to coin bonds s that our boys
when they return from the trip to give
freedom to the oppressed shall find ad
ded burdens to bear not only for tbem
selves but for their children and their
children's children. Like the old Tory
whom Patrick Henry spoke of, whe went
up and down the line of the American
batterios crying, 'Beef, beef, I want to
pay for my beef," the disloyal financiers
of today go along the line, under the lead
of Gage and Seligman, crying, "bonds
bonds, bonds, we want bonds," and the
sycophantic republican press replies.
"Yes yeu shall have bonds 1500,000,009
of bonds."
Today the reform forces in congress
represent exactly the same principles
and are inspired by the same patriotic
impulse that the old republican party
was when the north demanded the free
dom of the negro slaves. Their policies
aro the same, their schemes of taxation
the same, the money they demand is the
The bill reported to the bouse by the
Republican members of the ways and
means committee has one chief factor
the rest of the bill is planned to aid and
sustain them in getting that one factor
enacted into law and that is to authorize
the issue of 1500,000,000 of bonds.
The minority report of tha reform
forces in the same committee asks that
the old Lincoln policy may be smployed
in cod acting this war, namely a tax on
incomes over $2000 and the coinage of
the silver bulloin lying idle in tha treas
The position of the two parties is ill
ustrated by a story contained in a letter
of Abraham Lincoln to tha Boston com
mittee when he was Invited to help
them celebrate Jefferson's birthday
In speaking of the two parties at that
time be said that it reminde l him' of
fight be once saw. Both men bad heavy
overcoats on. At the end of tha fight
each man bad somehow fought hirnself
into the other's overcoat. That tha
republican party of 1890 represented
the Jefferson ian democracy, while the
pro-slavery democracy of that day had
got themselves around to tha position
formerly ocoupied by the federalist.
Today again w see tha same thing.
The Reform forces are now occupying
the plaoe and defending the same princi
plea which Abraham Lincoln, Chase,
Seward and hosts of others defended
in the dark days of '81 while the republi
can leaders at Washington have adopted
the policies and methods of the Valand
lnghams of that day.
Let a cry go up from this land that
while our young man go out to free
Cuba, we pledge our sacred honor that
that upon their return they shall not find
themselves or their children boadod for
generation to coma,
Sealed Bids
on Conaty
To wbome It may concern:
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids for
the construction of a bridge across a dry
gulch on white Rier, where public roud
crosses the same at the old bridge Kite near
. piNuwn a pince win oe received by the
undersigned until 12
JOtb, isss.
flans and specifications
ran Vit hnri iv
ruiinv at tne office of the county clerk.
All bids muat be accompanied with a bond
ior at, leiui one mousaml do m.
By order of the Bourd of countv commls-
3 ti M. J. Blkwstt, County Clerk.
TUB JOVUVAL will DUbllsta vnnrhrunrt. lka
la rollowlna-, for S2 :U0, per yar. IJach ad
ltioaal brand 75 cento. Kvery rarnjer or
inohmen in Sioux und adloinina- rnnntl.
saould advertise their brands In The Joint
' it circulates all over the state. It
lay im the lucaua of saving money for you.
On left side of cattle and oa left
sbon lder of horses.
Bang on Antelope creek
P.O.,GbUchrlit, Sioux Co., Mao.
On left tide or bip of cattle,
On left shoulder of horaaa. (
iRange on tha bead ol War bonnet
Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Nab.
On left shoulder of cattle
Ranra on Little Cottonwood.
rawlord Nebr.
Final Proof Xeticcg.
All persons having final proof notices is
this papei will receive a marked copy of the
paper and are requested' to examine their
notice and if any errors exist report the
same to this office at ouce.
Land Office at Alliance, Neb. i
April 20, 189B. !
Notice is boreby given that the following
ns ied settlrr bus flled notice of his inten
tlua to mf.Ke final proof in support of his
cuuin, ana that said prooi win oe maoe oe
foto M- J. Blewett, Clerk District Court at
Ho ruton, flee., on nay as, iue, viz : 'rneraia
llti-ir of Ardmore, . who made H. ,.
No 41W. for the N E S-K. Sec. 2. NH S-WM
Mti.i M-WK, 3 K-4 bee. 53, Township 35, Range
1 a names tha following witnesses to
prt ve his continuous residence upon and
cultivation ol sai l unci, viz:
Fri-nk J. Miller, fetcr Ulersack. jonn An
ton and John Ostrander, all of Ardmere,
j. w. wkhn J a., Kegister.
t . rvmcK for mWgSlJ
Laud OHce at Alliance, Neb.
jwuy 4iu,
Notice is hereby rive that the f ollbwuur
naciea seuier a nuea notice 01 ms inven
tus to make final proof In support of his
els' ni, and that said proof will be made be
fore Robert Wllsen, county Judge at Uar
rlaun. Neb., on June lllb, IS8S viz: Charles
M. uuseeii, or Harrison, nen., woo mnue a.
K. No. 4SW, for the N-W)i N-W wttee. S4, and
fcU M-KHS-WK N K!Sec S3, NTovrnsmp 3i,
Biv ge44 W.
I'e names tb following witnesses to prove
bib continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land , vtz :
A T- Hughson, FrankCliiudfelter, George
Sco.'t and Emery Gillmor. All of Glen, Neb.
A i"0 Harvey U. Rusaell of Harrison, Neb.,
whouiudeU.K. No. 1M1, for the S-WH N-K
fi-KHiN-WN K(9-W?4 N-W)4 S-K!4 Sec. 32
Town ship 31 Range 64 W.
Me names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
A, T. Hvghson, frank Clandfolter, George
Soott hjiJ nery Ulllinor. Ail of Glen. Nub.
W. J. WBdN Jr. Reglstor
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale leased by the
Clerk of the District Court of the county of
Sioux, and state of Nebraska, upon a decree
i and red by said Court in favor of Horace
0. man ton plaintiff, Lorenzo D. Harmon,
A. UOrmfiby, trustee, Frank Dalley, Isaac
A. 1'ratt and Francis K. Pratt defendants,!
will on the 14 day of May, A. D. 1808, at ths
ho jr of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day at the
east frontdoor of the Court hoase in Harrf
soti, in said connty, offer and sell the follow
ing ceacrlbed real estate to-wit: The fi WX
of fj -ctlen 6, Township 32, Range M, la Bloui
connty, Nebraska, at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said or
der of sale In the sum of $431.16, with inter
est thereon at the rate of ten per cent, per
annum from the 6th day of December, 1897,
and cests and accralng costs.
Thomas Holly,
I2J Snorts' of said Conaty,
Jfotlee to Xon-esldent Defendants.
Tf Metta L. Maine, Ellas L. S. Maine,
JertceO. Sargent:
V?a and each of yon will take notice that
J. T. Castle hss filed her petition In the
Oli.trlct Court of Slonx county, Nebraska,
thnouject and prayer of which petition Is
tb ) f jTeslosure of a oertala tax lien upon
the 'allowing described premices In Bloox
'cout.ry, Nebraska, to-wit: Lots M and SI of
BL 7, ot the Village of Harrison, that
you.aiid each of you be barred of any right
or interest In or to the same; that the said
prer-it"s be sold to satisfy the said tax lien
aad lor general relief.
T jn are required to answer the said petl
tiou on or before the sixth day of June, X8W.
J. Y. CastlS, Plaintiff.
Attorney for Platntlf.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants.
To Kufus Coffin ana Com pany :
Yea and each of yoa will take notice that
D, H, Wrlswold has flled bis petition In the
District Court of Slonx county, Nebraska,
the object and prayer of whlci petition Is
the fiireclostire of a certain tax Hen npon
the following described premises In Blenx
county, Nebraska, to wlt: Lot I of Block 9
of tb Village of Harrison, that yon and
each of you be barred of any right or Inter
est la or to the same; that the said preml
see fee aeld to satisfy the said tax lien and
for general relief,
lea are required to answer the said pstl
tlon on or before the sixth day of Jaae,
Itu, D. H. aanrwou, Plaintiff.
ai) Atterney for Plaintiff.
Sottas for
If you don't believe what he says go
take a look at those 500 pairs of Boots
& Shoes just arrived last Tuesday, and
you will see he is warring with every
store in the north-west. You can buy
foot-wear of him cheaper than at any
other store in Harrison.
Fresh Garden
Head-quarters for HARD-WARE, TIN-WARE, DRY-GOODS and
aloU, GROCERIES, FLOUR and FEED and everythiug needful & useful.
1 (
B. a. BnrwsTM,
D. . 0RI3W0M), Cashier.
Transacts a General
" ccarapoNDsifsst
;fl3anwaur ExcsUMcn National Bank, New York,
Omaha National Bank, Omaha,
Fnwr National Bank, Chadroa.
Interest Paid on Time DepcdX
arwium sols on au. ritn op losAts.
Flour and Feed of all kinds
at my harness shop.
Third Building West of J. H. Bartell's Grocery Store.
EGGERT ROHWER, Proprietor.
The best of Wines, Brandies, Whiskey
and Beer kept constantly on hand.
I handle the
IE new jm
aSK r LL . B
AV J Timr."Ld u laMt dose loads fromyour backi
THE riEtt TIMS. 06
Seeds for Sale.
W. Conm,
Omaha Beer.
CtfltMV tt B. 0. TlOwtt
Tr(9frkk fibu. IXut
Monthly, no Urge psgea,
IHuslrsled, not a dull fine In
u ni. i
-g n oasiivv. iwir wopynrt.
OBeenltaravesciocenU e
espy: asmpic ansinersswira
. . - . - ii .
Fifth Ave.. CHICAGO t
tut sis cents.
5 Wk