The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, April 28, 1898, Image 8

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U .7
1 1
, Ti'i l::.:i.VV, i- 'h, Is'.
Tuesdi, v
.t nn! V. iiii.bJ.i i
, t
t Jay were in,y da vs.
f.'i'o. !). Cauou, ill! i toe ui.:i !v;
F. E. & Jf. Y E. K. luisottfcK
Corn- WkjI. o hast,
tfo. !, mi.v!, : , ;J1 ; Nc. f . it." i
! Pre:
j mat '.vr
! 'vurt-.
La.: : ...
j I':rr J.'is.rar.'.e.
; ..miputia-,,
! 1 1," Leu'a! paper-i
:i!t-tiil.Ji4 i.'IVel 1il : i
Ju-'.h., I i.nty iial 1
.1 ufv;.- i: Vmteu :
' 'I.
!' North-Western
M. V. K. Ii.
to and from t
ASl l!dT si'lilM.
A mat) o! the
United States,
( l a
1; f.)
In st".
Vi :
. 1
1 D
i- r
i i
1 1
J. II I'iliNNEV, M. 1).
Fhyisciau and Kurt-con.
L.I e.v.N '-,"ven ..roiiipt utieaia
orSi-c a In :k tore.
M'ftntcd -Five lmn!lre.l rai!"rs t. tV.
.t;I for tii J. .ttSAi. one year ;U tm j
dollar per y,-ar. '
I). F. Thomas has mada apr licit!.--!) '
to tU war u i,a;tmc-r,l ;a Wa7 it..; ten!
i or a couimU-iui) ;sco! m--I in the w:.r, !
'at!ce-I tan cat:;,, hides cad ah'
ot sr:it:s With hair h. i,
,,r 1" ii:..--r. S '-.r'
or w ;t
J pn,t,
l!tiue: iii t tii
. WVer.
elti Lahk'a.x.
- - NEB
z -, - " f
x v u a M it .
l !:,';.' ttnly talks war news'
i i
!' .','! "U" i;un"' xliould La I
t' t ry l: !
1i p.-';' this (.j-ring ?f"iT!H t ; !)
l:t a!) I:r tl.ati umial. j
i.l-.u Mi.r.t.k Li re .-ini.i.l his
ii.-.'i ? ui; 1 h Cu it op J.f.-r;iliv. j
';! ' at Ii. F. TixmisiN Ut .S.U-i
ur ! -y v.;is i:nt v.-ry well utt. nM.
V V.V, , ,., . ;tV'-tt vi' for peak to-1
-YVUh tll U ..... fs. 1.....M- of I.e.", j Kj 111(,,r M,rin R.(,rit;.,;rt.a!1 U. fmlml
tt''7U'eft0 tU"" ;i -''.'"r in any cmnUrr than 4. have Uv.l huv-1
1-r,,, uf Pi-iil huin of VrUi;nct; la.ory ";.,.-ia.'h wi!l a-(i,,ir,j
' ui: .liir.i :it:. Kr..-1-n -r 1.) tiit'ir J.arriiiin:
John SUnt-Ii-.Ts ..-H h dowa 1 pak tuim-s w i,.-n thev ko.
feet v..lh UK, l,-.a of :tt;r. It Jury V:lM m.-.v'. t l:,s p-niily to the
thouulit a wvuM fon.i-h u:-.Vi:t ;.yon la,t Prl i;.y, they will
wiiU-r fifttce, lit. Wilhams lm finjxlffj ' live f r t!i f..Hii.n.r"
! - M. J. f'.iwt.'it V ft on a trin to I .in-
J03 WORa : Stationary.
i:o.:t. finri tuil tu '-:)
t-.-icu. hut on lf-ccipt LI
amount m t-t.ii,ipn ti f .
ui in- I'if.Lsi-d ti.
'T!V- ii-inii'i'.l.ili-l,', KH (
supply J Umitt-I.
.J. FKiNCis, Oen't IV! c Agtriit, OiuiUia, N.
t i
0T.( fc TO "3 f TLLjIs.
r f h lot 1 1 im' o 1 o 1 rt-j
' III 1 t l -. tth.TS
I tl ' s the
.'!''i "I t:"r uppiira
to V I
n I I i
tion. jvil iianjt-M, .M ' U n. j.i linal
f r i n t l . j i, ii i out at
if J l i i r i i,;j, iilld
promptly tr.m.mittnl to the land oflice
so that no tnue will be lost.
tl. Ur.lhri'-,
Charles (.'o.Tst' ian;e !ij from
tvn yesKrtiay noon, lie reports soma of
th (.liaJron boy who are gu:!, a
htti'; t.' iiMiNh ovt.r th': pro?pett of Lav-ii-g
to go to v.-'ir.
J 4t:e S iot!i will i itnniirri as s'ioii
as li4 i-an pcs-ibly-vt at il to huJI u:i
ytJUr tauuit, on to th bui !!,;; in ' ur'i us. a
from L.nt-y Sutton, 'J'liu h.oiiiii.g wiil
1m.? J 1 x 1 i and on th YV'i si ( of tlio
piv.sent diu.
YV.'Ji this is- tn; K. R. Hudson wh j
hal L-. a fwi-iiinii f,r 1:m P. '. r ii.oli
vo-oj.ou wxij, niu. .-soutti ol J.arrisoal
.... i .. TJ! it .. r . , !
.ii i;. i i..u river tor a nau! wr ot years
w';l '--''i " rtadorol the JofltNAX. for
t!ie ritit vuar.
-i hist Motiiluy tiiirht. Mr.
I r "urn to'iay or '..iiiorrov, .
o.o:is r.!JU(V;.l h;.i f amity U
m.l.iy of th..s v. h It w I t-re
loi at ',1 for liio p: r:t at
;3fla3 A. fXoliX)uib tvoraor
.JftnteK E. ITairij I.ioa'.. n.o.t oovrrioi
W. r. !'or!r Scretry of State
.John f. Cornell ml.tor
. J. K. Mierve ..'I r. u - :
C. J. Smyth Utorn-y i.i-ik ra!
.J. V. ttlllH; IjOI'l I ;l;!)l!l.--,l.,!. I
W. E. Jackson Supt. I'ubUc lunyrnctiou
.John ST. Tbnraton I'. S. Senator, Omah
Wni. V, Alien C. S. Senator, MiuUtoa
,.J. B. strode, Congressman Jut iJlit., Liacolii
Specki 1 Locals.
lJ" I l:avH a lot more
ytu!i, yearling heifer.-i for
Hal'. d. W. ilh-TKli.
Is-.?" Ca r-Ioad uiiilx.T-wagons
and Spring way-Oil, wind
mills, Pumps just received,
any one in n l of that kind
of jnaciiinery, call on G. W.
i t now transpires that there are more
' COiil on htisi
. lUi wett, w il
-!:. F. Ti,
vw r..ii
ti, 'V w,!l la
: h..t.
A . ; from Vasl,ira'toi nn
! nmn;s that the iin; of pr,st.'.-o nhim; s
j f.-omiiietm rativc (,f the Tram M.--iMppi
j Kxpo-ition will soon he r.oi.'y for .hh'n
hu'Jori. j 31rs. Tims. Dtmit left for (.rL-t!:rie,
j YVyo., wheru her iiu J,.,tv has U-.n en
I f--agl in l.u;i;. for th'j pal two
tiionths, 'J'i ' r hi.l e, hero life
was ulmo.-t CI--; .-aired of this past winter
is doine nieei v.
Fran!; Johns ,.'! anil familv who have
jilsre IVa Are Again. Just received over
EGO pairs cf shess of ths latest styles.
The nhme is :u addition to our already lanreand
.oiii.!'i; s !.-;. of ho--!s and .'lic-fsj now on Land.
X.'- h:x i .);'! st nr.--criu':it ever h'ioyvti in-f
Xortli-W.-t Ne!,rr.irlca. rmd to pri.-en we Di)FYL
v .vyre 1o all who come
p. '. !"!
:i an'
OUli stock or g;;nkual mkrciiandisei
Mar: stelicr Brothers.
f 1' o.
n- ? f ft i -
Ikmti 1 i v 7 i ' in .T. W ; 1.,,.,.,. I.. .,!.
,..v.-i. ,.,ov eisao.-u men jn J tarr;. on t,f tj,e colirl h,)lls, ,n.,
" "-'-' ; move:! out to t he
than has eaar Ui n fci.-own in the la-t uy : ja,t T,
Ci t lie town. A cjnp.'o of well diiih.J j.
soa.iei-s cf.u M :ipture tho town if t!
tie! w.nttr.
i.liam No;is!.:t! Uoj
hni'oiay ii.! 1 Frulay, wh.cll Fi.uik
as rent-el h.r tour vi-ar.
l.'em v Wirt., who l.vis rait inili,
women should refuse to in the do-; rheuharbs of JiarF.s,,,, !. , ,,ni,
fence tf cur v.ll.. ' I tQ ,ow k.t u;,!;iy ( wanl);iJ ,y
iii a u-t'..r t5 tounty attnrrtty
outline Irom Jii'!0'.i Vee.tover Tu
in ri"cbras';a nud Western Iswa.
I Vou Get $i)30reui for $S3.
vor pay ro:t it
down ami SaJlj pur month,
rnlly (iunrnceil for 3 vcars.
know if it was 1 rise th;t t'w
"'-" J --.v ! I,,,! wa ,,.ptur,d by the Ameneau
he; u.matUoat t!,e prmh- t r.-n ,f1(0:iU. Whi-n ...formal that it was so I
c-irt u,,-hl possibly 1 aonrne.1 owr all H,.Rry co.a!,! ,ay was, by Jen't I
uh f.olon account, of attorney A. G. that crru k von? !
Piwripllcn and f.'ataln,uo. We wiil tH ycu alj
n tvUlug oar friends abotit thi. now 2:5 years.
D. II. .Mercer,
W. L. 5!:ir,
K. 0. Sutherland,
W. L. Green,
J. J. Silivan ..CIiIef J :', rolumbnis
T. O. C. Harrison ..AVte Jujpe, (irand Islanl
T. L. Korval Aasooiute Judge, Seward
f J. A. Duiipwll..eirk and Exporter, liacoln
JI. P. Ktokaid Jnflge, O'Scill
W. H. Westuver " KunUvii;?
; 41. J. Blejt tt Clark, Itarrion
District Court, At Ilarnsou, comnieuces
sriugterm May 'Jth,
i"all " Sept ISth jnry Hun.
County Court, At Ilurriwn, comraeaetw
Srst Stonday of tarh rr.ontb.
Xitto MuizSeriator, Liist. So. M, Sprtnjp-iew
.A. E. fiiicldon. Dint. 5o. i'i, Cliatlroa
Robert w"ion , County Jndge
Supt. 1'ubile ljistruetion
Clerk of iiisti let Curt
. County Attaraey
BOA lil) 01' COiSMISeiOSEKs:
. Jrn.1 C. Ueog 1st l)ilrk-t
Andrew Rrocn&lrr v M "
.Jackson Jleitleii(Chairiaaa) 3d '
Our spring millinery just
arrived, and our stock is
quite complete. Come aad ex
amine and get prices.
J. II. Eaetell,
For the next thirty days
Yve expect to eel 1 good j cheap
er than ever for cash.
J. II. Bautux.
usie anu u,! who wtli in all -Uney Sutton nndJnne Fmitl, con
probability bo caaksi away on military claM tjir dea, last u(,,, ,,.,.,,
Idoty A. O. Fisher being mptaiuof the JU!10 Jlscom tho owm.r flf ll)0 lmi
Chadron state militia ani Col. Milwr ,i u. ,. ..
, . , .niu lui iiov, ueiaio.ej (iv .nr. roiiion nn- e..t . le i ..
aa oin,,r of the Nebraska national ltlH f:imiU, j ' ,K, ' J . ' 't arl,hu.
tuart. Uvn.f M..r.K,vi-i. t ... has hi wheut (.owed
-TbeChadron boy, who a few we,.; rua A ,rm; . ' ' . ' ' ' f w! in Lrerikinjr for cats.
a?o formal thems elves into a i- y j r!.a;rit!!r lw k.vs. later on , 11 C T'.v"n Wtre
of state m:lit:a with tiw exp.5r-utio.i of i u E. p,,o-im4 ,, .,.. , ,i fVu'- a V ar'j0,,!1;t v,,,,l('rs Ti.ursJay l'"t!iu-
tei0' Uk:-1,4;J at - 1iol'i;..-o!i liurin,; Ids-1 tatin on the F. F. &M.V noad h-L f":'Ul,i ui'i( h !""' !'.vl away.
t.l.t.e between this bata ad Spain I cll!M,ron last Ha.unkr Vil, , , lf.'. '-'y Cano ore
iv6laonto.-.Itore,K.rtfor duty at been ent-ar-l a, oppomr for the .omn- ,m,"'",fc' tn t,,!,!r ,'U,f"'4- oa iU"
Lmcoh, today. The boyS will orill thi, ,ny n, w,lUtop at homo for a we, k lf. , ,
y day, at the cauol e:!y after which ,,,. ,,e WiH ,.0 f1 WhiUwood to attend ' H"d?rf Is ,ms-v R;,W'nff ,w,"!at-
thev will probablv be sent to the fjuth L i . , - ., , , Our cvuuty treaMO-vr w busy cfeammf
to help thresh the ground w j, . " " 77T ', I ' " o hi, irr,. d,,,.,! Pn.k out CrU
munha-oiis Spaniards. 'a,J; F,sh aal f' M m- hlistr your lauaU.
bis bravniathjcompanv of fronti- -,.) ' '.ttit-Jay th jwople of this lit- Frank Jo ,ts,m has ra.ied the Win,
may !.ioro their roturn be ablets ur.6'r-tU Vi":'? af!"r ,rear''"K'f Uro mw;; Koruv.-h place and will ruovo there
i oi tae nja'n.a iner.,iani V10..11 ia ar j soon.
'!:iVil,la on the ff ina by the U. S. raivy j 5I,Mt every one is busy farmi.i owa-
I i)r,mnnsrntN their patrioli-in by raising I day 1.
M. J. Biewfttt
Cb-aS. Kielile
?:Kla Msrrlam
Tho 1 lolly
J. E. Phinny
,B. T. Tbornits
M. J. Blewett.
Grant Cntlirie
E. F. I'wnUat feliairuian) Trustee
4ohn Davis
D. If. tirUwod .
R. Rohwer .
W. II. Davis ;
Lewis Gralach.. Treasurer
ifTftgert Cohw er . I i rector
B. L. grtjuekj . Moderator
.cwl ifriHch , Treasurer
f 3.H.ii!-js AS1 S0CIETIE3.
letiiods.-it, Sunday ."school meetaevsry Sen
,0ay morning at lo-M
W, ii. iMvm, Mi? B .jrrai-l.,
Scpurintendent. Secretary
Ttearulnr bii.ifieim nesting llrit Tuewlgy
evptilng in eaeli naontli.
0. KEXSALL, 1'rn.i'Jiat.
tidwtlonal meeting every Rnnrtaf evening
t , MK. KssiHLt,, Lender.
Sleets tach .uudy at tcrnoon at 2:30.
Sins. K.KbAti,., SupV.
v J'TKT Rt SK t", -T, Ko. rU"i, (J. A. K.
f "Vi-eln M-ciii'l Jloml'iy In enelj juontlt In
j.ltt ctirt lioiisa at Harrison.
E. '.. I.lvoraiore, Con?,
tfr . 1
ffftf'KWi -. Cttirip, No. .w, tiKctn on taoii tl
3rno4e W 1.lny entni. j
W.M. tMTt, J. A.HaMWW,
Clerk. fun. Comc
J,, tooai uUeiail,; .-a: iol.iV 'iua4
& ail'Cloiik. ' 0- J. w .Smith, V. C.
.1. Ofi Ce.iK :. .
Oid pa)er for sale at this, ofiicc tic pt-f
tekers dozzea,
E. E. Livermore, one of our fellow
citizens lias applied for a chance to nerve
his conntry iu any way that may jut
.suit our L-overuntent, duriii liie war
between Spain and our country.
Yesterday was one' of the windiest
day? we have experienced in over a year.
H will do us for ten years to come. 'So
such transfers of real estate has taken
place for many moois as it did yester
day. A gentleman by the name of'.:
from near Alberta N. W. Teritory, la-a
Monday bought TO bead of saddle hornet
at tlie upper 33 raoeh of the Lakota horse
company which he will ship to Ihihns
Mont., and from there he will drive them
overland to the end of his destination.
We did not learn the price paid.
Follow ins are those who have con
tributed to the famine relief fund lor
lh Btarvin? in Ireland and headed by
Patrick Slattery, which he will forward
to the projer parlies for din', ribution:
Pat Slattery, $2. GO James MoCaon, $IM
John Hines, ,00 M. A. Bannan, 1.00
Geo. Ilavis, ,."0 Nerh. Jordan, 1.00
Thill. Inn," .50 Ijeslie Crane, .23
While thj J(;i!.NAh does not find
any fault with Stratton for not war.t
in to pump water for cattle for four
or fiv milesaround our village we do
believe the new town board tjhould bo
contract for kcrp;ng water on hand
the people in the town will have wafer
for ordinajy use at least half of the
time. There ha. been plenty of water
'pumped during the past year if out
eidstot:k did not come in and drink it up.
Mr. Andrew Knori whose home in in
Sowbelly canyon had a very nerious
accident on la-st Tuesday afternoon; as he
was returning home from Harrison his
horses became frigbtr nod at ft piece of
wall papar and rushed off at a break
neck rpoui and after running some
distance Mr, K was throw'-n to the ground
and n!iakon up quite b.:dly though for
tunatelyat least for bim; not seriously.
The hftrses continued their v. ild course and
mad dash for liberty until they rea bed
the incline near .nr. Ki hr.roe wa err
Mrs. J. II. BarWl with her tlur-e ciiia?
rnst encomit.-jred (ban, and ls! a, I. air
brtiadlli pe frotN tiiifr iaio into i-;
- i,,!f
OMAHA, Jihii.
stand ths real full iiieanintr of the ex
pression of Ci'-nl. V.';T. Hherrnan, "War
is b'l." If is to t." firoK-d that tha brave
mm mmi
turn booni siifa ;..a i soui..l.
Ti-t Siiiaiay th J i' r. family and
mother of ye eOitor took an outing U'; .vn
in ti.e caiyoas le.'-t'i of l:arr: son. Afa r
d.-Iving down U-.lly .-aayon aad tp
e!!i." iit the iii". noil j:ri.J t.,,ii in ' lis. -s;h:s
near 1'jrrv Wbit, ,' we d:r:!-d
our conr '. f irtiwr d th.; canyon r.n-i
stopped for a coaid-i of hoars at i.
resjlen.'-f of Mr, tai 1 Mr. "aiHii's v. la re
we wer en'' r';:!,t royally, i.'h-i
the imi'.'r hai b,."n ret mIl-.I on o,.e
of the fine
it b
'. ' er r-ii tin. ,wic!t,!! linniHi-,) Jim Ins a cow that is a ivd
..(., ...j, ; : .. ...;,:.-r ;,,,,(. mstkr she -amo boa wiM; a "ood .. I Tttitiuii Seveit'T-fJve C'n1 ner MM-lt.
;.i.,a; vo .j 1,,-arty
t-riiiis v-lilii-r-lioys. I'nints pn.M-inct,
HNah ofllae atiil paid
J an errand for j !;..
s to reipiest ye eri'tor
d :
Ona of Two IMs.
The bladder was create ! fr m,u ; nr
po vi, naiiiidy, a ta,:epiacle for the uri n,
aa.l as sach it is not Inhhj f any form
of d.;ie except by oik- of two way,
The hi -t. way i l from iaijicr' a t nciimi of
the t.iihi. -v. Tba M'-cor.d wav is from
careless lf-,i f resstmentof otin-r deM;as..'s. j in
h rs for Uncle
F. "!. Small of
a! led at tho ,i !
bw re-j.aeH and if
I! Holer wlhr l , -;
to .. n.l him a t'aily pap-:r, cotnt.l:
Kindly nnd hope our f;''.:il the Jiiiipt.
way "t! eotiipletlv Idled tip with war
le' .v-. every bady in Ilar.son issusf jllii.g
0:1 ta..t kind of riewii Dow-a-d ays.
t aiei most whoh mam . i rnvit-.tir.n e,.J.: t, 1
I ... .. . , v., ,i rf',,1
bei n t Ii- c:o-1 fortt,n4 of a,.. ,, l-v. ..a i t .m...:. - . .
- , .,t,..; ;i v, ,f) u-f.
hon-ry .ta orand hisfanoly to p;.ri..; 'a'aait five miles north of Harrison,
of in At.x count;' t he outia t reirt v C n f, ,,. i ,. .. ,.t . ..
dmahaj it, ,-ourv, ,1,.W Monroe caavoa ' U r.!(.' tA -j. 7 , v'-t .7 .7 , "'uA"" " ' ' '"''" "f W'"J"'r
l ', , ' " ' - ' " ""'" hs. !s, ttv. womb, him tho bladder, was
jupbv. ai Ul Jl;,,of the ida's creavd for.,,,,, parpo.. and f not do. t,,r-
n-mv , A tiost ol their , t.. much H t;ot l.b!e ,
i " -nr. son friend have b,-cii iuvifed to lw ' ,,..,.., on that oceasa n. j i, ,
: -Mi-s II',- M'-rr am went to Van ' ti;. r,
;T.if.lTue-!ay I;. ,011 to J,s,ist Mr. j la
.ars. i !i-mcs H lit t.ik.ux care of
their hill.. Ck I.,'d wl o has U. :i
,""'dy ill ''h S' lih t l-ver f r three
. or foar we. 1; B i.n wbicli was reporiel
" n o' -ay, jii. .fo. . iimi out ciirrwcti v, net oir ui-ii-e
;Mi'fr-im sl ows n true cbristhm i-pint j usuk- twenty hoor-.; it vahiieal
: m ;.ein out to h dp all-vi":.'.. ib leiii-r. or w tiling in h.-ite- kidm.y i r bladd-r
Hi.; I.-.' hi on ' e .-el, tho,!;;h she is county i t ta , :j 1 ,.. Tin., mild and thectra u .bii- ry
feffe.-t of !r, Kilmer's Swainn-Uooi . ti.
:" er"--i rbarto for exaniitiation or
t .'oiiise of study will include only thote
hrar.cies ie(mrd by law for a first
t'ladj certa'a ii".
A ),;ridtf 1 1 to jr cent in each of tho
l.hii'il i : . !.. will bo required for
;l toad iZ' a rd ia-al e,
A (. i-a ie ui t 'i r-r cent in each of the,
-'' oi.'i vrad.) hianehe, ;(,,( in, lulling the
thad ; i.raoi 1 a-, will )e repiirel
fur a k '-olid fraile ti rttlieate,
A ffnuln of ti'J -r cent wall Is. re(piirel
in eaeli if the lir--t f;r;i.hi branehe.s. unit
dii I and third erailu branch
this tii,,' our h'i'i.t k;hriip.H; of this ' an
yon solTic'j it say w!..;-, all ininiirei its
lieaoty, yet t!ie entire party wa re ;,.,.
ira-us in voting f.,r lu..t,
vm: Sowbelly canyon. To tha 1 vtr ol
Wild romaiit.c in ry tiie J jcinaL i , ,!..
would d.reet them invariahiy t lion
aside from the far fa. noil p,ai:s ! t;,
Iloekies. or ev.ei ta le-s.-r js aks a t;,
White, the Zihie, toe Jii u U, or the Co'eei,
mouiiUiios, Ui v low into the ?;oux
i.t, for a ior-t sra.le e;-ti!ieiitf.
.o onff will r-.ceii, ii niaiUiie." of loft
Crihoalloy u-;t.e from nch.-althy kM-! ('r ''''. ,n !,".v ' ram h ot .study. Only
.i ",-eiai.M. nas a riglll to ho high a
l.VSTKL.'' TPliS.
.1. V. .Sain ii Drawing.
Pi: a". Ju;,'N l OcaV Jtotanv. Hook-
exi . ot m asa.s, li is s,i ... i" 'M""1'1'1'1. iny.-ar, AlKi'bra,
. reoi.o. try.
i ..I IT. 1MB A: i.rni.n!. ..
re any oain. ih-'i-.. (,r i!ie.,m em- , F. 1 n-at ion. l'i....... -,
!. in-iiii".;' i oil in tia' k'-ltM-VH, Uieli. 'h"i:r.ipbv nii.l I.'.-.i.Iii..
Ii!-, .!.. . .,. .. ,...,. i. ..... .. i 1 '
" " j..- .'-c- n i.;.'-o, , v
nlli iieiiis! to . n.,i(. wealiiics.-
or .i no ii.aioic oi ioti:e sort, iu-. err
i ii I I.e. ! aod ;ii.V Is? as casil
Wo.Ciaes or ,
t m l asas. It is sdoa.
I fund vr-rv chi-e to lie. bl.ahl -j
eaiients of
eio.-na fr.
tr.ipliy and Ih ailma. O, .iiiuieir Cuel
l'liysivf.-y, a,) Uye,ne, fjj.
"il.l-; TL'tXA
r! F.i"iiii-u!s of F.l-ieni ion I.--;.....,
. . i i l- . . . r . '
avai l- " ' c lo tie read jtM)! p,.
p. ie.; written by llarrvrK
15 .ok-1.
Vi', .on. to
their ambition b ad tin m higher, th. a ve
editor woi.'lu do'vet than toward, the
loftv summit ,if ( -n.ti., U,,i.., .... i.
' v j Sao i .nl,.,:,'. id
lua.iy ouier minor iajtt. s or v. iacil ocr ,J, " H-w '
own county the Sioux is vij.;-:.:.,- prool: ; ,.,.', f',rl ''
v " iKiiw. i.s p.oiiu io c.a, ai j
our twloved Nebraska as his Alma I
Mater and as to hospitality none can com
pare with our kioux county people, but
pardon us we have turned aside from our
original narration, but ai our timo and the onlin;
upai'o are limited we will close by wiyin
r-c n.ii.uu uoiiiu iau.T ruan ourmienuon
wan when we left our cottage on U.-exel
Boulevard at 9:.10 in the morning, our
tourists lunch ttill in our ba--ket owing
to the gencrou hospililily of our kind
fnonus Mr. and Mr. Js'utto and th Mmcs
wn pais
bis 1 Krval kidney, and bladder remedy is w
-.t week W lli 'll
win ai ijivc, it a iiaii.'.'-1. ji you n--'.,l a niwliai" von si ) I I .
Put the rest of Iho I should have the best. At dnifmnU llttv Th.r,. will!
reini a line L' 1. if
H laav. written by Prof It, ssey, f i,.
read July 1. A
1'nper. Sobject selected, A. J. RiW.k
to be r.-ad July H. , v
Our con,rH H,,o. IVof Jl,'h R
Otiiv July jr.
cent arul ont. dollar. You may hue a
sample bottle ad pamphlet, both w-nt
ople in Harrison rmHbt to apf-.!.ct a
committee to wait on the dudish penile.
man and give bim U understand that ' rr' 'y "K'li receipt of thrc- two
painted housen in this village are out of ( '-nt 'ampti to cover (,st of postage on
ary and will not Iki tolerated
h herealter; of course the first offense
will lie condoned. So we give you fair
warning not to commit any more o Hen
ce against the honor and dignity of our
t oaeheru u.u, I I. . 1 ,
Leich. ,',., ,.. ,,..,(, , J toc.m.e pr.:Mr.
d to ro ve M iiOerary ja-oeramo Aiil'5.
f.xa.i,m.,ta,n Am; 5 and 0.
I 1 1 mi evervolie r.,l,, t ..
' ' ' ...miil; iii nil, ii v
UUck-SmUh-Shop Burglarized,
Mont rose Clippings.
Hmall grain looks nice but a httlo rain
would do it good,
Jacob IT-nry fork h Imr-cs fo las
rar,i li re a i- A r.! ,.,.... i, t i.
Bjiaiilsh fsnoakm In Ifnrrlso-i. t t iv, .( , '7' . 7
, v w. - . r-.. . : : i -r J ,l . ; , fi.,111 li !l i ui. ,
, " l'"r''d. cf Apr. :;:th between the; e;. which ,:( ,rr.r;at nhout its.ive!
I curs of v . ,i (el miiu o'clock, i V y r,-s. ln.l. f-UiMt through th. gUvt ! V, M. 5hri.ii ; It wviiin;,' ...f Jaloi j
iow br, akin;, riad ri: i ,ii;!;r the lariat, lil h i Wa-. i, , laiiar. '
time y-,,I)te.)oaa'f.r a cowi town to! 3.,U W v.-rhiir ..r inform.,! r that!
w il t!. r4 v.-,; a.y fjw, I :.ia l. I hit broth, r-,n Live II V ... , i
A in g.ii..nn 1 br-pbt-ii i,u .ii.r. 17, Z;t,,i,i ., u. ,-t) j
eOlllll v. wall n.nniUi ii...:. i. . "
tboboitj. Meiiibm ti.. fM..'.v :.. v ti,., ..:... ... .. . ::l,u, .r , ,,,,"- n
ji tixA,.,. nii . : . : , : ;, : . .. . t"?1 tten
Kilmer A. Co., Jiiiha'u, ton X, Y. The
proprietor of this panrr glirantce the
genuineness of Ibis oiler.
aM. 60 YEARS'
f) ni'l the ,
I tb'sm and bj was frank ! n ki.
to the reporter cf the JocVai, tl
will in future feel a i:il.e1:nt,. irsih'i'. ner , '-V '1,''i ".' hi a our trn I b, Jiv. j- Y.H r, mvxr 1 n. --n
;.,-..,.l, 11,. . ill It.. ,.l I riC'llln C(lar:lF.l.fr4 Li.' ,M .1 1 . W l.f i (,.' (i,. . .
unveil v."? i.tujuu riMiuui me siiuiijj - ,-- d--' v-. .. ... vi )..v..i3 vi ucoiuroirt? lie leaves a
um of her better half. VV. O. rATTM. I wife nd our children, ahe.
4 J : ' fihiuiMiH.idA
r, . TftOK MARKS
'i ,i"V Dtr,icnm
1 C&. f)l8MT AC.
A "rr.'.n ft r, , . j . f r t, r.r.d (', t Tuff
: ' -.ti - ,; .-if aii i,i-.f. f.
1 " '" f ' ,.-''-,.';.) I'.-' ' i i'M'-wi
(J ofi. 'i a- fir Mciifi n . j'i-.un,
rv'" " ' "h Hi" j! A rrf'VA
J.-- t-i' r via . - 't ii .at tt- trji'. jr i.ia
A ? 'Hi
I!,;U; Jfi lull
1 wit
,1 .Ir
11 lUhtitHt,, or by viMtmg
at least oh. day. A Kjiecial invitation
h extended to 1,.,)er. of a bool briard
o,'omandv,Mt us, nd encourage tle
teachew to effort, than wr
fi.r, by .bovvinir a appreciation of their
J'iron-ll.K.vin3rUin,,helr htarty
It is only right r.nd just, that tbf.
t'-nden. who ,pefi tllJ,jr 'u
money e,, l, y. f,r that ,b,.y ,ay & Ut.,, fr ly
Ut.hnobroom.shrtul, hav a fl
( hone in r.ur tan.!,. ,.,a.... ... "N11
i .,, , , ,.j , , . :,t., ;,,ur,,.i Ivrtw.H
. " - ' i? Mioutlm, 11. s,,ia lij. uJI n(i,ier.
However the ,,! i,n atf cn,, f f .
eduction,- oot, j:t Uw. .
i h7"! 'f.i -.cation
;. ,e m t ic -v, opmentofHUf;:
' ', V" '" rioomp t dev.lno.
n..l:...fl,,w,4W(,v j, t)vjnjj
'"".v other, Rf tilM rW.,tte lHraids,
U., w,',;tU)Kv,h w.,oo
Visitor w.Jl rauciv. ft hearty wl.
COCI.Ti utiinu
3 H '
-raiitlmnf t.
, . .......
. ! - -. ,.' ...... '.V,a-'-
......... , . ' ,
,7KT "Hi x.,vtj: , .;.....-- i"--
"" - - i-...jiMh.