Sioux County Journal. -l HE YOL. J-5I-A-ISQXr, UBBBASIIA, TBUJiSID APHIL 28, 1898. 3sro. lo. The Sioux County Journal. ESTABLISHED 1888. Subscription Price, fl.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF 8I0UX COUNTY. (M. P. f anon, Kditor. A PROSPECT OF WAR Entered at Ihe Harrison post office as Mcond elasa mutter. r 'y x As Iixlleu tt-I Iy tlHMlail.v Press. List Saturday , report from Washington reached here tbat the U. S. Marines had ruptured a Spanish men-hint vessel about 15 miles off from Havana; Sunday nvoninjr another ieeinl atiiioiine.d to the people of the United States that more mediant vessels had been taken in and ronducted to Key West for safe keeping. Report also reached here Monday evening that the (iieon regent and Doy-king of Spain had been forced to tieu for their lives and that Spain ws olwut to be de clared n. republic and grant, f r . dom to Cuba. But '1)0 last ai-aijruph lacks verification nt thisdate, Ilowev. rvvilh 111 the next 4't hours there is liable to be startling IK-WM regaiding the home gov fke JofRNAL filrilhh fau-!.ww,nlM Madrid. - tTvl Kqaarcllf Oil tlie ('h:.C(.l(Jo Last Monday emres formally do J J. L Of f i lit ::J J. platform, but will not lu-ututc ' to wj port awl. won: j or V' election of candidate for the various offices to be voted for' this fall ?o matter, mrt'l we may expect lighting from now . im until one or the other is whipped. A special disputed to Supt, Harris of (lit- F. K, anil M. V. railroad company at i . : . . f . 'iv . .i . --.1.1 ....... ... i, . , jf . i m:s piat e lur-iiny rigut was lu iuc '"''W'W'C';'oireci that the lr. S, naval vel Man- ll.Cy Cive Democrat-', I'opnlud'yovK bad captured another Spanish ()-.' free Silver IkjJuldicaiiH, if tran-'.a.rt bound for Cuban ports with , , i; j i , .j-.. ., . ; 2,.")d0 Spanish soldier aboard. The name endorsed f,u at I the rejon.i jiar-i ' , 1 , , , "" ' J , , i ot Ilia vessel .'oin l not be learned. r'.V.', conditional, however, iiuit A rejrt, waH (-urr,.nt hem tho s&tm .': c3n:-.'.ia The j-.cj v;;:u I'.. M to r.. tie;, iVjie,;-.:rj 'i , ,' : : -vi-.h sv:t: nl u:-;z r I v i.i i l'.y of li" ., c'ihcr rviiicf, Ly which the or.iy money KofJee for Sealed Bids on County Bridge. Tfl wboTiip it may er!H'-'rn ! .Votieo is hereby given that senlecl bids for tlji eoustruetiou ,,f a i,r!is;e hcioks udry (ruleh on Wiute Hirer, public road erotises the sauie :it the old bridfje site netir Mr. Stimson's pin. a- vill ty reeiiived bv the enderslifiiea until 12 o'eiork uoou of June !Wlli, IKh. J'liuis Hivt specifications tan lie hud by CiUuitf Kt tlie ottiee of the county clerk. All t his must be nrcompituied wit'a a bond lor ut least one thousand dollnrn. By order of the board of county comiuls (.loners. U'j-i-li IS, J. I'.lewett, County Clerk. KTO iv HliAKDS. Tut! JonnsAt. will publish vourbmnd, Ike tlx followlnd. for at , per year. l.acli ad CitioiiKl brand 7ii cehi,H. Kvcry rariucr or tunehineii in slum itnd adjoininf eoontiea mionld auvertisn llielr bramts in Tub Jui;ji fitLUH it cireui.,1.. i over tlm state. 11 may he the means of saving money for you. FltVSK NUTTO. On left side of cattle and on left Hbouldcr or horses. Ilanse on Antelope creek V. O., (ihilcbrist, Sioux Co., Neb. pr;va;c. '. c&ri to ,0 i:; t: iconstifjtbiiol and a :,-.r, ikey a -iv ificiim'. t national l Ji i:ie i evening that the sriiu ,;i n-set were head- ,-,,....''.,. m. for Sew'c with tlw evident in- of inue, are ",' CO' i,a:,L opposed to the retirement of the jreenbac's and treasury note--', favor government control of railroad-; it ':;, :.; !; a. id- ieU: phone Ih.e-i and the ed dJid-.- iiU'Td of ? ' d'il t.'K'itii. , , i my zydeo:., and m are op- posed to tht mueinet of nation al bond in time of peace. Everything bow is wur with Spain and the great da. lies of tlm cation are full of it. j lent ion of Istmt itr.Iiti:; that city; Also ! that, there v.-ns ioi alhancf) hetweeu great Uritton and tiju I'mteil States. AWti'ie - ay a la-port Via Y.'ashington from jM-.fhm that V,'!Vier and his follow. ert had proh.thiy overthrown ! he Sp.noHli ,;oVi;: i "inenl and wv now m jhi? ss;.-n in ;!. v u-. ii'.ost. im;e.s- ihie obuin any m - 'i ...a. i no sjijci report state t that Russia nicl IVanco have a :re j togelhc-r that if the lirst naval batli :!hoti l j.;o t gainst the Spanish, the two natiuis will foreeSjKiiu to yield to the demands of the United States. brmation, facts, tiu'.'.i, cor.ctmir.g this ahnost suc :z?i'.:l sc!ic:..e to cornr.r the wealth of the people, b now boing prated in ths Cincuiiisti linquirer, a news Ij)r:r which the combined power cf riior.?y has failed to muzzle or buy. rlhe Vcckly Enquirer is only 75c. a y::tr. 'iTe address is Enquirer Company, Cincinnati, O. CHAHl.KS P.IKitl.E. On let t side or hip of cattle, f (in left shoulder of horses. $ WC.l?o,iWM ttt. Hie hcurl (tl Wiirhnnni't. TPP 15111 S 1 liLliL Vw ILL WWM L. GERLACIi ays us so. If you don't believe what lie says go to the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE and take a look at those 500 pairs of Boots & Shoes just arrived last Tuesday, and you Yvtill see he is warring with every store in the north-west. You can buy foot-wear of him cheaper than at any other store in Harrison. If r a I'm (T 0tk Rfl r! n r (a J 0Un Head-quarters for HARD-WARE, TIN-WARE, DRY-GOODS and ' CtSCkJ, GROCERIES, FLOUR and FEED and everythiug needful & useful. LEWIS GERLACH, Prop. or So h w t t uvrv. Y",'' i"-'')r left iioulder of cattle and f; Hange on hittle Cottonwood. i'O. ., CrawfuVd ebt. Final Proof Jlotiees. All persons having final proof notices in this paper will receive a iniu'ked copy o! tlie, paper mid are, requested to examine, thcer notice mi'i If my errors exiat report the sutue to this office at once. . Charles Emory Smith of Rhildelphia lias been rppoipted post-master genera! vice Getieial Gary resigned. Senator Edward C, Walthall of Mis aiippi, died in Washington, on the 2Kt iost caused from typhoid .neuitio nia. The Ohio legislature has found senator llanna guilty of buying enough votes in that body to elect him to his present high office. (jrOT.V OF THE STATES. Nebraska to 5'tindsh 2,114 Volun- IC-.Ts i'srst cull. l'opfl Leo. ha informed the Spanish government that they tire couimitUug Suicide if it does not yield to the de mands of the United States. It in intimated by tho tnetrofsditan pres! that secretary of state, Jidin Sher man and General Long secretary of the navy will soon retire from tho Cabinet. The president has issued n 'proclama tion ciiUiog for 125,000 volunteers from tha different states of the union iippoi tioued according to tho population of ach state. ' Washington P. C April 23. Under he call for K'o.iihO volunteers is-uied to d,;7 the "-ill Le peeled to furnish the following quota of troops; AlalMcria, 2.500: Arkansas 2,925; Cal ifornia 3.237, Colorado 1,:!24, Connecti cut 1,007, lielevvare ?,.'l, Florida 730, Georgia 2,71-1, Idaho 232, Illinois H,0l Indiana 4.WI2, Iowa 3,772, Kansas 2,702 Kentucky 3,407 Louisiana 1 ,!!), Maine 1,25!) Marvi-and, l,f)!2, Missaehuastts 4,721, Michigan, Minnesota 2, 873, mississijipi 2,157, Missouri 5,411, M iiitnna trin, .vclirasita 2,11!, Nevada 237, Mrw Hampshire 752, New Jersey 2'JW. New York 12,512. North Carolina 2,5st, North I'uKola -!01, Ohio 7,2 f't Ore-j gon 120. I'eiiiisylvaiiia 10.(i!l, Itliodn is- land hit), Simth dakota, 1.K50, South) Carolina 7)7, Teunexsee 3,010, Texas 4,' 22!t, Utah 125, Vermont (:!. Virginia 2,1 7H7, Washington 1,170,, West Virginia! 1,389 Wiscon.siu 3,271, Wyoming 221, j Arizona 181, New Mexico 330, lJistrict of j Columbia Mi). Oklahoma 1 12 World-1 llemld. Wot m LiiiJiiyiiiiiTO fh 1L Ml i$h Encyclopsoji wit Will Answer Any Question You may Ask It. Standard American Annual. KOTK'K 1'OIf I't'lfi-ICATiliN. Land Oifiee nt Alliance, Neb. ) April J), : W, i Police is tiereliy rdven tlint. the followintr nam d settler bus filed notice of liin mtcn- Iton 1o niiike linnl jiioot in support ot his riiiim, and tiiet said proof will be made be tote SI.. I. Blewctt, Clerk ilitrlet Court lit Hitrricon,' Neb., on Muv IMk, viz; 1 hersta Meier of Jirdinoi", s. 1., who made U.K. No. 41,'iS. for the -Y.-; -K M Hee. t, V. S-V urt S-W'j, h-K'i Hee. ::, lownshij) 3, iuuige 'a .PC nnmes tlw follow ing witnesses to ptwu lit eontlnuoiis residence unon und cnHi'.'iition of saiil land, viz: KMUk J. Mriliir, 1'etor llieraack , John Ash ton ami John Ostrander, nil of Ardmore, S. I. '. J, W. Vi'ehs Ja., I'.CKisler. " THE COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1803. Harrison, Nebraska. E. BitKwSTErt, President F. Coma, Vic6-Prtdnt. D. E. GRISWOLD, Caahir. RznJyJan. 1, 1S98, On AH News Stands. 't jt $ v J Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. lIon, Cha. F. Manderson of Omfcha ha been tdate.l for Major General of tho ftnSy. No letter man can be found any whir than Mr. M.anilerson and there are lot of others in this state. Barring other natiodxfrom taking hand the Jot'KN'AT. haw ventured the opinion the Tlie .Sunday Journal Free. During tho great war excitement peo ple cannot get enough papers to read on the all-absorbing topic. The State Jour nal im a special oiler will tnd tho Great Sunday Stale Journal threo months to unir t.t-i.ri Lumlimr i r, ftl flfi f.t. f .-n'iu war with Kpain will hoover in ttO days. I" ' 1 . 7 '. . .. ! ubw riplion to the hemi-weekly State Some peomo think it may last for a year , 11 17 Joorti.-il in e.t s the old vveeklv a I to mec?s or two, But of courso then neceKsaily some international complication may arino to extend the waf to a longer period. Some six week ago tho JiA RJfAL mado tha statement through its roluinus that there would be no war with Spain but we are frank to wvy we were rnihtaken notwithstanding all that, if president JlcKinley had his way it would have re quired another Maino incident to make liim fight. The ways and means committee of CongreM bav prepared a bill in Increase tho revenue of tim government to $120, 000,000 a year. Of course it It morn of a war m"air than anything: els". One of tho wo! important feature of tho bill provided for placing a stamp tax on document papers which will pro vide 95 millions of the 120 million dollar yhich Is bxpectad tlie Uw will produce. .". f'Tht tnot -a'Jly sold .tmial Rcftr am Bovk and Politial Manual published. THE WORLD, rulitzpr Building, New York. the NEW YORK WORLD, THRICE-A-WEEK-EDITION. IS I'm sps a Week -156 Papers a Year For One Dollar. and with a big nixteen-pnge pajier thrown in, is the greatest bargin ever of fered for $1.00. Just think! you get two big weekly papers each week for a whole j pbl,Iietl every Alternate Hay eiceptSimdny vear and a lag mxwen pagn bunttuy pa The Thrice-a-Week-World Edition of per three months all for ? 1.00. In order I Tim New York Would is first among to be entitled to this special premium you ' a''- tl,u "weekly papers in nue, Ire must Mdid your Dollar direct to theState Journal, Lincoln Nub. AIT UCAJ'IOK KOU UQI'OR LtC'KNHK. Matter of Rprdlcntlun of Michael Ilruck for liquor lleensn. To tbo Mayor mul city ( ounlot tho city of llarrinon, Sioux eouiity, Nebraska: Notice In hereby given that Michael liruck, han filed bin application with the ctly Clerk pieiicy of publication and the freshness, accuracy and variety of its contents. It hasaH the nierrits of a grert $11 dollar dai ly, the price of a dollar weekly. Ito po litical newtt is prompt, complete, accur ate and impartial as all it,i reader will todify. It is against tho monopolies and for the people. It prints the news of nil tho world, having special corrospondance from all important news points on the globe. It ha brilliant illustration's, stories by gr"a lauthers, a capital humor page, com tf:" ' " i'ilKJ riffs Sale. isf ttrttie of an order of sate Issued by the Clerk of thdDlHtrlet Court ot the comity of Hioux, and state of Kobraska, upon a decree rendered by said Court In favor of Jane E. Woodruff pluintltr, and John Meinhart, Josephine ilelnhart, J.ewis Kuftiing, Sirs, Lewis IiiifllinK. w iff: of I.ewls HufTdng whose true christian naioe 1 unknown, and W. J, liowden, defemlaats, 1 will on tlm Hthduy trf J'.ay, A. O. 1;W, at tbo hour of it o'clock p. lit. of said day, at the east trout door of thft,Comt bouse, In Harrison, in said eouu ty, otTor and sell the (oIIokIhk diserjbed real estate to-wit: The S-E'i of .Section 3i, Township 33, Kar.),'e M, in Sioux county. Ne braska, at public auction to the blithest bidder tot cash, to satisfy said order of sale, in the bh m of $.'ii.43, with -Interest thereon at tfiorntc of ten per cent per annum, from the ilth day of December, IHW, and costs and aocluuig so8t.- 'Thou a Ho'.ly, , : . .. ?herjtr of said Comity. ; ' Slierijrn Sale. $y virtue of an order of sale issued by the C'k rjt of the District Court of the county nt Simijr, and state of Nebraska, upon a decree remit rod by said Court In favor' of Horace V. Stanton plaintiff, Lorenzo 1. Harmon, A. L.'Ormsby, trustee, Krauk Dailay, Isaac A. l'rntt and FraneU K. rratt del'cndants, 1 will 0n the H day of May, A. IK 1CIH, ut the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said iay at the east frontdoor of the Court house in llnrri son, u a. ltd ootlnly, offer and fell the foilaw Ing ileserlhe I real estate to-wit: The fi-W'if of heftlon 5, Tonaifclitp ;C Huuiru fi'S, In Sums com.fy, Nebraska, ut public auction to Urn I'lfjhiht bidder for cash, to satiafy said or dir of Mile In the, sum of ci;;l,i'i;, wiin inter t llureon at llie rate ol tea per cent, per aniniDi jroin tin' .'dh day of lieei inbir, Jst.7 uud and iiia'rulnii costs. 1 TltOMAH IlOl.l.T, 3S CJ , . huerlir of said Comity. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Business. CORRESPONDENTS -i Americas Exctiakgk National Bank, New York, Omaha National Bank, Omaha, First National Bank, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. OTDHAETS SOLD ON ALL PARTS' OF EUEOPE. - ROCK BOTTOM SOLD -AT PRICES, I PffPl!T Ullll P PPfl flf P L mm usitS b Uijy Ui u ALSO HANDLE at my harness shop. TLird Uuildin Wt;3tof J. IE. Kartell's Grocery Store. EGGKRT ROIIWRR, Proprietor. irl'l n- i iii.i. in m.w .imiii. i. 1 .0tirB (o uiil'rshlcht befeuilaiits. To 2sietttt L. Maine, Silas L. U. Maine, JannvX). Hiircenl: louart'f ene.1 ol you will take notice that J. Y. t'astle ha filed bi.r petition hi tlie District Court of Sioux county, .Nebraska, the objiwa and prayee of which petition is tho foreclosure of a certain tax lien upon the foIlowiriK described 'pfr-fhlces In Hioux count,, Nebraska, lo-wlt; Loll Wand tl of Uioelf T, of the Village of Harrison, that you it.ul each of you bu tiarred o( any riht or Intca-est 1n or to the same ; that the said prefntwtpc sold to mllsfy the until tax lien and fur Keneral relh f. you. (ire required to answer the said peti tion ou or before the sixth day of June, 1W, ' J. Y. Casti.i:, Plaintiff. OUANT G' TIl IH, . 40 Attorney for I'lalntift.. of Harrison, tlonx eounty, Nebraskn, fur lleeuso lo Hell malt, splrl I no -m v ml yhmini , phite market s, depart men ts for t he house HipioIH In )liirriuu, ISoiyiu tore n ji, Mom county. Nl,ra.ik i, trotn theTtli day of "la!', h'Ss, to the 7th day of May, )'.'. If tin re be no objections, remonstrance er protest filed within two cclti prior 10 the Vth day of May, 1SW, the nald llennse will 1 raHted, Micuh IIbCck, Applicant Id and women's work and other xpecial ilep.aitrricnt j of un i--Jittl interest,. We taller this umqunlcd imwspaper and Tiik siorx ('Jot-NtY Juckn.m, tot-ether ono year for $ 1.70 The regular suescription prieo of the twopoeris$2.00 ' .Notice to Non-Keslilenl, He Sudanis. To Huf us Colt In and Couipany; You and cneh of you will take notice Unit D. H. rlWj)W Ikis filed his petition in the lHsttiet Court of Hloux euunty, Nebraska, the object and prayer nt which petition In tlie foreclosure of a certain tax lieu upon the following desc ribed premises In fipwx county, icbraska, to-wit: Lotuof liloek 9 of the Village of llarrinon, that you and each tit you he barred of any rlifhtor Inter ed. In or to the same; that the rahl pieml ne ho Hold to satisfy the, said tax lion and t-r ff' a.cral re'.t.-r. V'.n . n 1 In aesver the said peti tna on or before the i-l.tli day of .lune, IK'jH. 1. II-UHlhWoi.n, I'laintlff. tiKAUt (iOTIIKin, Vi AUomeT for I'lnlnllff. "a'.il C I K k' j i 1' I i k.a ,J J , ' ,".J ' R PI 53 trs The best of Wines, Brandies, Whiskey and Beer kept constantly, on hand. 1 liaiiilie tfie luilie leer MICHAEL BRUCK,' Proprietor. , , y : the cssat ?ma I mWL FEAHLESS 1 fM j. : wzmi OF editors i: E. 0. TIcwtr t Trcfiaick ilpbani JTosais it T3" J--. '"X K Monthly, ico Inrjre PfiRcn, f nniMranai. mn a oiiii nee ill V It. II la Mithi!! vent f iit; O tt"urrv( s vfmr Kinase-!. .. - .r -- "" One loilir a vcrir. loernl'i " NcwTimc. Lit mc take those loads from your barks" a eepv: "ample uiunhci imiiha bir vi x ff nl s. THE MEW TI.Y.E, CG .ve., CP J EC AGO