Darrfson 3ournaL IB. Every Klondlker who returns baa Those who have do gold can t Germany raising a row on account of ppleg 1 far different from a fuzz over (be peach. Formerly pugilists used their hats to fey Into the ring before fighting. Now they use them to talk through. Brother Moody la trying to gave sill- In Boston. lie has large audl of Boston's "best citizens." A German scientist announces that "ma Is composed of condensed gases." P must have been experimenting on a politician. A New York man composed a popu lar song, played It over on the piano and dropped dead. Occasionally retrib utive Justice scores a bull's eye. The coming millionaire is the man who was thoughtful enough to take a large stock of canned goods to the Klondike at the proper time. A Western college proposes to add fencing to Its curriculum. In the topsy turvynesg of these days is It possible the foot Is to be the end aimed at In education? A store trust with a capital of $10, 00,000 has been organized in Denver. The members of that combination prob ably will make It hot for the outside competitors whom they can't freeze at. It la Interesting to note that a West am town has just decided, after an ex citing joint debate, that the late civil war was not caused by the Invention f the cotton gin. We regard this as aoncluaive. Anthony Hope disapproves of Ameri can women, Nansen of American rail ways and hotels. There will soon be nothing left for us to brag about un less It be the piles of gold we pay for eign celebrities who read and lecture for ns. The tramp at Bath, Me., who stole a tub of axle grease, put It up In small boxes, and sold It for corn salve to the Bathltes, among the rest two boxes to the man from whom he stole the axle grease, was evidently designed by na ture for a politician. A dispatch from North Dakota says that a divorce baa been granted to the Ooontess Marie de la Conception de la Oontera y Clark de Oobel y Fernandea. Unfortunately, however, the telegraph ioean't aay bow many husbands the lady haa ahed by that Dakota process. The best place for a pure food sbow to the family dining room. The exhibit aught to be continuous. The adultera ttan of food products Interferes with the auccess of the exhibition, and there fore every i:-n-;'v haa a measure of failure In n.;.u.liv ts display of articles tt for human consumption. In some countries horses are slaugh tered for food, but It does not seem as though this mode of disposing of them would ever find much favor In the United States, however cheap they may he. The horse has so long been asso etaeed with man In peace and war that fet haa become In a sense humanized, and it would seem rather cannibalistic to pot It In the menu. "Cervantes laughed Spain's chivalry way." Why can't some Cervantes of ur time ridicule out of existence all thxe business of Holland Dame, de scendants of royalty, sons and daugh ters of all aorta of things every one of which la an absurd attempt to establish an aristocracy in a land whose funda mental conviction la that one man ts as as another, If not better? When you ask an editor to suppreaa an Item of news because It does not nit you, then go and ask your grocer to exclude pickles from bis store be cause you can't eat them or your butch er to quit keeping bologna because It goes against your stomach. There Is Juart aa much fairness In one as In the other. Newt la the editor's stock In trade. So are pickles to a grocer and bologna to a butcher. When one reviews the manner In Which civilization has been spread there la little occasion for wonder that barbarians abould shrink from It In terror. The ogre of the fairy tale Is mat a more cruel and bloodthirsty mon itor than the civilised nation seeking bow fields for civilization. Now when oe considers the armies and the war abtpa that follow the missionary to the heathen la there cause for wonder that the heathen should shudder at the ad rant of the gospel messenger. The people of this country have been MM frequently that their way of ap pointing ministers and ambassador L oad la weak; that they pick men up at haphazard and put them at Import ant foreign stations, while the govern ment of Europe educate their dlplo mata apedatly and keep them in the harness) constantly. Still, we notice that ear rep rese retires abroad get tdaag aa well aa the "educated" minis ter aavl ambaaaadors sent from Europe la iwlilm aa Invitation of the Nbm f Walea, a newly elected mem tar at Parliament once telegraphed. bbmUL" Oftoner the lie goes by po. ket In the shape of a hastily written recommendation or letter of In troduction, which, of all writings, arc perhaps the least trustworthy. An honorable exception Is the practice of the late Trofessor Huxky. Asked by St. George Mlvart for a recommenda tion to a chair of anatomy he accepted readily, but took both pains and time In writing it. For the delay thus oc casioned he apologized to bin friend, aaying, "I am always very careful what words I use in writing a testimonial." Fortune awaits the man who shall de vise a simple and hygienic method of ventilating dwellings and office build lngs. The average apartment, whether It Is a residem-e or a sky scraper, is a mere box. It 1 lighted by windows which cannot be raised from the bot tom or lowered from the top without creating a draught, which is undesira ble ta all weathers, and especially to be dreaded in winter. Tightly closed, as windows are kept during winter, no air enters except by the opening of doors and through Imperfections in the win dow casings. The atmosphere bextinie stagnant and foul, inducing headache? and paving the way for all manner ol pulmonary and bronchial troubles. Our ancestors secured ventilation by mean of open fireplaces. We are obliged to simmer In overhea ted rooms.and in spite of the boosted Ingenuity of Americans no one has yet arisen to solve the prob lem of furnishing us with the prime ne cessity of nature pure, fresn air. One means of judging of the progress of a nation in civilization is to ols'rve what value It places upon the lives of Its citizens. The higher the civiliza tion the greater the protection of the individual. The United States, though a newly settled country, prides Itself upon the security of Its inhabit.!:. is from many of the dangers of the old world, but there is one particular In which slip has hitherto been somewhat Indifferent. It is the protection against railroad accidents, the little every day destruction of human life that Is so common that, when reading the paper, we omit the account or merely shudder and think, "How horrible:" The Eu ropean papers quote our death count with a eaecr at American disregard for life. Let us learn a lesson from En gland and prevent this dally sacrifice to Mammon. Let laws be enacted which shall require eventually that no street crossing shall be on a level with the railroad, none but employe be al lowed or have occasion to go upon th tracks. To be sure there are disadvant age In this plan; It would cost money, would occasion some Inconvenience, but are these facts to be considered when human life Is In the balance? The Indians of the Indian Territory, who refused to accept the Dawes treaty laat year, are beginning to find out that the beat thing they can do is to recon sider their refusal and accept the treaty aa a choice of two evils. The four lead ing tribea In the Territory, the Chero kee, Cnoctawa, Ohickasawa and Creeks, have reached a degree of civil isation that makea them more and more difficult to get along with. A om en lesion waa created by Congrena, with Senator Dawes at lta head, to treat with the tribes, so as to apportion the laoda held by them among the tribe In severalty, thna placing them upon prnc tlcally the same footing as other Irihab rtanta of the country, but still leaving them many of the rights and privileges they enjoy under the tribal system. This plan the tribes rejected rather dis dainfully and the commission had to give the matter up after long confer ences with the Indians. But Mr. Cur tis, a member of the House from Kan sas, thoroughly understood the Indian's character and how to deal with bis prejudices. He Introduced a bill Into Congress which utterly abolishes tn Indian tribal relations, allots the tribal lands In severalty among the members of the tribe, makes the Indian a citizen of the United States, remodels thr laws under which the reservations In the Indian Territory are held by the tribes and puts an end to the anomalous con dition bmw existing under which the Government haa to make and b bound by treaties entered Into with a portion of Its own Inhabitants. The atMolute certainty that the bill will puu has made the four tribes see tba the Itest thing they can do Is to accept tbe pro posals of tbe Da wen commission and thus preserve what they can of their present Independence. The Chestnut. The reason why a hoary anecdote Is called a chestnut Is not well known. In an old play call! 'The Broken Sword" there is a raptaJn who Is always telling old alorfe, tbe de tails of which often vary. He starts a tale about a corktree, when be Is In terrupted by another character, who suggests, "It was a chestnut, catrfain a chestnut:" "Bah," says tbe captain "I say a cork tree!" "A chentuut," repeats the other. , "I abould know ns well as you, having heard you tell the tale these twenty-seven tlmeo." At a dinner one evening a gentleman was telling a story of consrlderable anti quity, when an actor present, who had played In 'The Broken Sword," wild, half audibly, "A chestnut, I have heard you tell the tale these twenty. s(ven times!" To keep horses from slipping on Icy pavements a new device Is made of n steel frame In two sections, with a screw to clamp It over a horseshoe, the under side of the frame being fitted with sharp calks. A bandy attachment for children's slatea Is a piece of metal having a roughened or file-like surface to sharp en pencils, the device being fastened on the frame by two screws. Many a full -draw suit coven aa empty stomach. PRESIDENT S MESSAGE A NEW CONDITION OF AFFAIRS. pain' Latent Move.-Doe paln' Arm title Come Tao Latef-Th Exact Statu of Affair. What Action Will Coi-gre Taka. Washington, April 11 The pretd ient's message on Cuba will go to con gress at noon. Whether it will make a recommendation upon tbe situation as presented by Spain's latest move and if so what form this recommendation will take, is a matter upon which war or peace may rest. If the president should take the ques tion that Spain's armistice comes too late or that it does not meet the require ment of the nation, congress probably will act with a belligerent resolution calling upon the president to use the army a d navy o( the United States to bring an end to the condition of affair in Cuba, which he declared to the six ambassadors of the powers who called um him Thursday as being "insuffer able." Should the message take the ground that Spain's endeavors seem tending in the proper direction, and that justice choull permit her an opportunity to a trial ol her stau-d deBire to end the inaurrtction, or should the president simply refer the whole subject to con giess without recommendation, a condi tion would arise of which no one tonigift, could pos. lively see the outcome. So few congressmen knew the exact status of affairs that no prediction can be made as to what action congress would take. Kaster Sunday brought little rest to iho who are dealing with tbe Spanish e;tua'i. ii. With tbe president's message ready lo go to congress Spain' grant of an armistice had brought alsont a new condition which compelled the president and his adv sera to meet and consider and so far as the situation was affected by Spain's concessions. As a result of the iimi'ual if not unprecedented condi-tiory-aure arose for two cabinet meetings on Sunday, one at noon time lasting an hour and a half, and the other at 8 o'clock tonight. While the streets were thronged with people going to their Easter services early in the day, the carriages of cabinet officers were center in; at the White bouse to take up tbe latest phases of the Spanish situation. The cabinet meetings led to no change in the determination that the presi dent's message would go to congress to morrow. It seemed evident, however, from the new conditions presented by the grant of an armistic that the roes aage should deal with these conditions in order thatcongrees might I fully ad vised on tbe latest phases of the gnbject.' Cabinet conferences were extremely re ticent ive r the changes in the message although it seemed to be understood that the facts relating to the armistice would at least be incorporated, even though the general poller of the mes sage underwent no change. The attitude of congress on the genar al subject is problematic. During tbe recent days the feeling in both houses has been intense and it remains to be seen whether tbe changed conditions bnught about by the armistice will suffice to allay this feeling. Resolutions authorizing intervention are already prepared, but these were framed when diplomatic, negotations were in a dead lock. Diplomatic circles in Washington were keenly interested In the change bro-jgbt about by Spain 'a grant of an armistice. The ambassadors and minis ters exchanged calls and there was a general exchange of congratulations, aa it was felt that the armistice at least gave time for calmer counsels. The French ambassador, M. Gabon, received a cable dispatch from the for eign office at Paris informing him tbat the armistice had been granted and waa wholly without conditions. Besidea seeing his associates of the diplomatic corps, the ambassador saw Archbishop Ireland, who was instrumental in secur ing the influence of the pope and Joined the archbishop in expressions of satis faction. Throughout the negotiations the French ambassador and the French government have taken a leading part in averting an open rupture between the United States and Spain. While the British government has been most sctive in seeing that tbe action of the powers did not assume a menacing atti tude toward tbe United States, yet it is known that Great Britian joins with the other powers in approving the latest message of an armistice and it hopeful that this will clear the way for a fuller settlement of tbe general Cuban ques tion. Dervish Koute Complete Cario, April 11. The Anglo-Egyptian force returned to A bardar last evening and the wounded were all plaosd in hospitals nnder tents. jneiorceo oi jiauinonri i'asha arc com pletely broken up; part of them are fleeing toward Albara and others in the direction of the Nile. The thickness ol the brush rendered pursait of them difficu It. The bodies ol 2,000 Dervishes including those of twelve important emirs, have been counted. Frll Proofs of I'rurlenr. Paris, April, 11. The Temps says "Spain has given fresh pro f of her prudence and wise patriotism and hence forth diplomacy must guard her honor l nd interests. The United Stale wHl shock the conscience of the world if it fails to resDord to Soain's Th Journal den iVbmtB y "If tbe jniKWTB cuuuijue iiieir rampsign It will fiMVA that tmrlwr that r.ra(ui Jlhk.. - f ' w vi uuunn ity they have only pursued their own m.Am - -I . . t . ... ..... mot kiki auuiii me exploitation ol Cuba." LEE ARRIVES FROM HAVANA. Mat by a l-arge t'oncour of Knthlatk Aduilrnr at the fttatioa. Wasuim(;tox, April 13. Consul-Gen-eral Fitrbugh Lee arrived here from Havana. A laige crowd of entbusiattit admirers had gathered at tbe station, and when the general ctepped from the train be was greeted with a tremendous outburst of applause The crowd com pletely filled the station and extended far out into Pennsylvania avenue. By the time General 1-ee was ready to alight the crowd was so dense abont the train that even with the assistance of a platoon of police it as wi'-h difficulty he reached the plattorm. Several per sonal friends of the general, among them a number of ladies, pressed forward and finally succeeded in grasping him by the hand. One of the la lies presented bim a bonquet of reset, tied together by ribbon of the national colors and bearing s tiny confederate battle flag. Immediately the crowd began to cheer, and round after round of applause greeted him as he walked slowly and uncovered down the long platform of the station. ' General Lee entered a state depart mmt carriage and was rapidly driven up the avenue to the state department. When tbe carriage drew up at the de partment a big crowd was assembled on the portico. A rouung etieer went up as the general stepped irom the vehicle, and bowing right and left, hurried into the building. The cheers had apprised the clerks and other employes of his coming, and there was a wiU rush for the corridor. Oiiicers of t tie army and navy joined the rush and for the time being tbe discipline of the building was relaxed. ( l.KUKS GIVE HIM CIIKhKB. The crowd lined up in front of the elevator shaft, leaviiig a line from t tie door to the secretary's ollice. The carri age came toa stop and hn unprecedented scene occurred. Hat in hand, Genera! Lee paseed into the corrider and someone said, "Now, boys," and three roiif ii cheers went echoing down the li i.tr halls. Then there was another outburst, and people poured fourth from every room. The cheering caused in t-n - excitement, and it was some uioineiiH lefore quiet could be restored, (ieneral Lee bowed to the crowd and as he reached the door to Secretary Sherman's ollice turned and bowed aga.n. Then the door closed on him and tbe throng diSred. After a few minute Uie consul-general emerged, accompanied by Secretary Sherman and Assistant Secretary Day. The tbree entered a carriage and w( re quickley driven to the White home, General L e getting another ovation on bis w ay over. AttheWbite house the patty was shown at once to the library, where the chief executive accorded a hearty recep tion to the consul-general. The only persons present at the meeting were the president, Secretary Sherman, Assistant Secretary Day and General Jee. Secre tary Sherman remained w ith the others for about half an hour and then returned to tbe state department. After being with tl - resident fully an hour Judgi 1' y en i ' n . I I-ee took their depar tu.e, tl I f . -iing to his hotel. An immense c.ow.j, an tnented by a num ber of ladies who aiu nded Mrs. McKiu ley's reception, was on the portico and General Lee was given an ovation. Laa Bafore tha heiiaieC'ommiUca. Washington, April 13 -Counsel-General Lee was before the senate commit tee on foreign relations for an hour. lie talked freely with the. committee in re gard to the conditions in Cuba, and es iecially with reference f the distiuo tion of the Maine. I le s. ii tbat in bis opinion there was no room to doubt thai tbe destruction ol the vessel was due to Spanish agencies. "Do you mean the Spanish authoriliirs ' in Cuba?" lie was asked by a member of the committee. "1 mean the Spanish officials," he re plied, "but not General Blanco. I think some of tbe officials were cognizant of the plana to destroy tbe Vcs.-et, but I do not believe tbat the captain-general was." General Lee said that he bad no knowledge of the reports that a mine had been discovered by a diver under tbe Montgomery while that vessel lay in the hruor at Havana. The consul-general did not arrive at tbe capital unl I 6 o'clock. Ia the corri dors at the entrance to the room of the committee on foreign relations be was recognized and given a hearty band- clapping. He responded with a bow and smile and hastened into tbe com mittee room. A DUplay of MMllawork. Nw York April 13. The association of sewing schools is making prepara tions to show in the south its famous exhibits of domestic and loreiiin needle work collected, through the department of stale at Washington, from the gov ernment schoolsol Belgium. France, Japan, Sweden, Switzerland and the board schools of London. The exhibi tion will open in Richmond Vs., Thurs day. April 14, at the Masonc temple, under the patronage of the ladies' guild of the Holy Trinity church, Rev. J.J. Gravatt, rector, Governor Tyler will make the opening address. On Friday afternoon, the second dav, Mrs. Wool man of the teaehers' college, New York, will speak on lessons to be learned from the exhibition. Knbrn Will Not Tfilk. Nkw York, April 13. When Horatio 6. Kuhens was asked what the feeling was at the junta's headquarters regard ing President McKinley's message, he aid he had agreed before the message was delivered not to tay anything about it. He said that President Palma had gone to Washington to a bearing before congress regarding the situation. Mr. Rubens would not aay what, if any re quest President Palma would make to eons-rees. SENATE EXCITED RESOLUTIONS PASSED BY HOUSE AND SENATE THE War In tha lloaa On th on the Vers ol a tirrat Criala Tha Clloatlon C'ritlra! bnt Will Hoou be Decided for War ol Peace, Washington, April M. War betweei two powerful nations was the topic o' discussion in the senate. Such excite ment, suppressed as it was, such a feel ing the the nation waa on the verge of events tbat would make history for all time to come; such eloquent and impas lioued oratory, and such keen and brilliant repartee have not been known in the senate since the exciting days when the country was canvulsed by the greatest war of modern times. Notwithstanding the throng in the allerieg, the great semi-circular cham ber waa as silent aa though it were de ertei. When the vice president's L'avel fell, nearly every senator wat at tiis desk. Sca'cely five minutes had lapsed after the session convened Iw lore the vice president recognized Mr. Davis. An instant hush fell over the chamber. Mr. Davis presented to the lenate the resolution and report from bis committee and reqii sted that they b-! read. The report was a terrific ar raignment of Spain ami her jioltcie-i. The following are the majority resolu tions : Whereas, Tne abhorrent conditions which have exinted for more than three years is in the island of Cuba, 8 near mr own borders, have shocked the Mi-iral sense of the people of the Un ted titej; have been a dis-giaee to Chris lan civiiiz tion, culminating as they have in the destruction of a Un.ted States battleship with L'bti of itB officers end crew, while on a friendly visit to the harb ir of Havana, and cannot long er be endured, as has been set forth by the prtsident of the United States in hiH message to congrehS of April 11th, HUS; uon which the action of congress was invited ; therefore, Ke.-olved, 1. Thst the people of the Island ol Cuba of right oujrht to be free and independent. 2. That it i the duty of the United -tales to demand and the government ol the Unite! States does hereby de mand that i he government of Spain at once relinquished its authority and government in the island of Cuba, and withdraw its land and naval forces from Cuba and Cuban waters. 3. That the president of the United States be ad he heivby i directed and empowered to use th. e- re land and naval forces of the Unite . ue and to call into actual service of l ''nitd States th militia of the sever I itate?, to such an extent as may be :eat-ary to carry these rojlutions i to . fleet. im rur, norsi! Washinoton, April 14. Tii j home of representatives yesterda-, put in i n nt the most memorable das iu its hi- ry, y a vote of 322 to 18, introduce ! .nd adopted that whkh nme-teniin of its nembers believe union war run Spain irevitable. Although on y nineteen n . ,bers fteen dem .era's, three repu' uns and toe popn'lit dissented upon , tie final 'Ote, th- proceed ng were marred by a bitter i.m i au' inonious dis; ay of parti lan feu i. . Djrinit the l.e ght of tha 'xcitement the !i; w ;is , i--d between ir. Brumm (rep., nd Mr. Bartiett ('iem., Ga.) and a disgraceful scene fol 'owed thatalmost descended to the level A a free fight. O'der was finally re itored and later the two memb rs found that the altercation ha I ar.sen out of a misunderstanding, whereupon there were mutual apologi -a. At 1:30 p. ni. f e ruajoriiy of the .ouse committee on loreign i-ffairs agreed to the following resolution: Whereas, That the government o! 6pain for three years oast has been waging on the island of Cuba against a revolution by the inhabitants thereof, without making any substantial progress towards the suppression of said resolu tion and has conducted the warfare in a manner contrary to the laws of nations, by methods inhuman and uncivilized, causing tbe death by starvatiou of more than 200,000 innocent non-combatants, the victims being for tbe most part helpless women and children, inflicting Intolerable injury to the commercial in terest ol the United Ssates, Involving the destruction of the lives and property i many oi our citizens, emailing the expenditure of millions of dollars in patrolling our coasts and policing tha tiigh seas in order to maintain our neu trality, and Whereas, This long aeries of losses, Injuries and burdens for which Spain is responsible, has culminated in the de duction of tbe United States battle trim Maine in tbe harbor of Havana, ana in the death of 2tt6 of or seamen. Resolved, That the president is here oy authorized and directeJ to Intervene at once to stop the war in Cuba to the end and with the purpose of securing permanent peace and order there and establishing by the free action of the people thereof a stable and independent government of their own in the island of Cuba, and the president ia hereby authorized and empowered to use the land and naval forces of the United States to execute the purpoee of thu resolution. Waa (Jueatlon Nxttleil. Pin-snLKo, Apiil 14. The threatened wsge difficulties in the Pittsburg coal district ate about to be set'lnd nniiil.. standing the declarations of a nnmberof operator that they would not pay tl advance in tha dead work scale called for bv the Cblcafrn acrrion-iunt The operators met today and after considerable discussion ratified the scale as adopted by the committee. Some uuuui yuiuim are nui uovereo ana another meeting will be held by the committer, but the esaential feature axe agreed to. John Dysart of Superior la sarioaaly ill wih scute Bright's disease. Tekamah and Oakland have responded liberally to the Cuban lellef fund. Oakda'e sent in a cash subscription of 59.50 for the relief of starving Cuba. H. V. Hileman has purchased thi n terest of Will Clements in the Bancroft Blade. Over $1,000 has leen subscribed to ward building a Presbj teriaa cburoh al Bancroft. The South Omaha treasury baa been in the hands of the democrats for thir teen years. Kus:is people have nibscril ed enough Itock to secure a nnlk station snd ieparator. The mill property at Oakdale is to be sold at public vendue to the highest rash bidder. The young son of Dr. t-croggin of Nor folk nearly bled to death ftom having a tooth extracted. Fi r an attempted raj William Myers of North Platte will stop a couple ;of years at the hotel Itidigh. Doe. Middlrton auto has a strong de sire to go and whip Spain. He has a reputation a a crac snot. j Prof. W. J. Williams of Columbus waa i recently elected president of the at rtl j Nebraska ;e.icliers' a.-s H iation. The proposed branch line from Atkin igoutol'utte will be completed, so ti e promoters say, by Nq teml er 1. j Omaha has pasw-d an ordinance re ! quiring a man t J prove himself a barber j before he can hang out his sin. Te AdventisU of Cedar Rapids have i secured sn evangel.' t from Iowa to give jthut community a religious shaking up. j Roy Ciiinmings of Fullerton has a broken leg. Tho hore he was riding i 'lipped arid both went down with the ! horse on top. John Smith of Oak, Nuckolls county, 'task a tall tumble while sprinting to head off a herd of unties, and broke his ieg in two places. I Cora Coleman of Dixon as so humil iated at failing to pass a successful teacher's certificate that she took a fatal lose of strychnine. The consolidated newspaper at Albion ippears under the name of the Albion Argui. It is edited by John F. Balrl nd I). J. Poyr ter, W. E. Penn, living twelve miles north A Euetis, is short tbe fingers of one band. He dre- his gun through a corn 9eld by the muzzle. IC S. Bulla, editor of the Fullerton Vews, haa accepted the doctrine of rain rnation, and is ready to defend the ailh against all comers, A farmer near Gothenburg recently K)ld seventy head of comt for sn aver ige price of tlW per head. The salves were thrown in for good measure. A Kearney minister will undertake next Sunday to make clear the duty of this government in its dealings with Spain. Alas, it may then be too late. Right of way has been grantad for mother railroad across tbe Winnebago and Omaha reservation. Lo, the poor Indian, will soon be invited to hdo oif the earth. Most oj the country papers are are- pared for either peace or war, and are working as hard aa ever to impress ap- Dn the public that now ia tha tisae to lubscrtbe. The ferry boat at Iterator, which waa liink a week ago last Monday by tha liigh wfmls baa bean raised after sev eral days hard labor and is again mak ing trips across the "Old Muddy." Fremont citizens have contribited 251 to the Cuban relief fund. A Norfolk doctor has performed the opposed impossible feat of saving a horse with a broken leg. He put the injured member in a plaater cast, aod the healing process a ems to be going on all right. M. Swanson living near Oakland lost bis barn, granaries and sheds, together with 1,600 bushels of grain and a lot of farm machinery, by fire. The live stock and shout 2C0 bushels of oat were all that was saved. No insurance. Tbe home of John W. Ford of Fre mont was almost totally destroyed by fire. The blaze started from an un join ted stove-pipe in a back shed, communicating the blaze to the house rubbish in the loft. When the depart ment arrived the building was a mats of flames, but in a very short time they had it in check. The house was insured for MOO and $100 on tha contents. As Pearl Kiler was crossing Plum creek btide a mile south of Barneston with a traction engine and water wagon the bridge suddenly gave way precipl tating him, engine snd wagon Into four feet of water, dropping twentv feet. Mr. Kiler escaped uninjured. He hsj lime to jump and was on the engine when it struck the water. People who viewed the wreck consoler he escaped mirai ulously, J. M. Jamison, who is prospecting for coal on the Edwards farm, two miles west of Toul.y, was in Wahoo and Tf porta as the result of his W, , thirty. inch vein of good soft coal. Mr. Jan.i arm is not a man given to romancing and his report is giv.n credence lis report-' the coal flf.y-aeven feet down and the Indications are that it dine toward tbe west. There la a party ol man prospecting near 8 Weinberg but -" ina aa lo lnf