The Sioux County J OURNAL. "VOL. 3C The Sioux County Journal. fltSTAOIJSUEDlSSS.J O Subscription Priee, f 1.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF EIOUX COUNTY. . I). Canon, Kili (or. F.ntereil Kt. the Harrison pot cilice in tccouil rjniu mttttcr. n V ,1 . r try 1 . r The Jurax.u. tiamh fo!rl; ami :, a ,xl' on the ('Idea no . I . i r .. . I .. i ... I . . i 7 , i.i . jr.iu.hint, i'-at not i.'ii'iit' (it p:ij.o,-t an -I o'YX'V for ('il' !t.(tiir.i of candidates for the rni b uv; ofjiecs to Li rote I fur thU fdl no matter, vhclkcr ilicj are lhtnocral JopaliHl -" free iulrcr liClubtiCUl if flldor-itd lJ all the reform JKtr-; Va conditional. llOH'C-nV, that thru advocate U-mclallim the j income ia.V lil'V, Opposition tO national lanLl Of ?'??. f,.f;;rr.q,re-rt!ativesof the United States ili r. , U 'ed in the of the posea to Lie imtun: oj nation - al bond in time of 2cace. I ij.i ! It look: as if the nn nev r' gut in tlwir v. oik in f:or ...te.-s. i l.hd j f!ov, Hob'oinh will r.t.t be a eaiiiudat for the re-election this fail. ' ' """ ""-j First -that !.n people r.f tlw island of greenback ami ircaHuri; ra.ic, !ci,a re, end of right ought t be free faVOr iJOVil'ilineni Control (if in"1' independeiitnn.J that (he government "railroad, tdcaraph and tele- j ,f t,HJ r,,",,od l"r,!,,-v lU - , ... . ; the repnolic of Cuba as the true and phone lines ami (us ( Hablnili- j f ul Sr, r that ihtnl. JllCntof 2tO"(al .7 vil!OS bank- Senond That it is the duty of the hj HfJHtem, (Hid aho arC OA states to , lenemd, and the gov- . . - , . I ernment of (he United Slates does here- Tie I'opulist National committee "will.... , ... , ,, . . ..... . ,, , ' Lnited States toe iiuhlia of the several meet in Omaha, some linns in June. Trie senate revolution was coneurri: J in except the first paragraph acknowledging the independence of Cub i. It is evident that the president has carried bis paint in having coni'' s-S pas tiuch resolutions as suits his fancy. I The concurrent resolution passed boto ; liousen of congress U I 'M o'clock lues- j day morning which means that the L Tspani.,!. will have to gel off the island of Cubasooner or lab:r. S,nator Hale', rouiarki in the Senate I tm (he Kith inst. rshows the vindictivenessj of the man and his spirit which he holds' agains( political opponents, when their , service are needed. . Under tho state administration of the reform forces in Nebraska, (he state debt has been reduced over a half million dol lars and (he disbursement to the public schools increased to f'.'4 T.2"i2..jl. Hon, Theodore Boosvolt, assistant secretary of tho navy may possibly re (sign his position, in event of war with Spain he will tender Ids services to the government to hulp reduce tho Spanish forces in Cuba. Tho Joints a.', believes president Mc Kinley Uad it alxmt right when he said it was a executive act to acknowledge a foreign republic But it is also the opinion of tho Joints Al. that ho ought to have acknowledged the Cuban republic soon an he took his seat or at least six months ogo. Senator Foraker dealt the president a severe blow in the senate by engineer ing his resolutions through tliat body, but the president with tho holpof Hanna and Elkins larrujied it to Mr. Foraker in the end by tho adoption of the house resolution in both branchee of con gress on Ilia Kith inst. following is how tho Washington news bureau sizes up the Populist representa tive In congress: The Nebraska delegation ill His lower House of Congress are all Populists but two, and are anion; the very ablest men in that body. Judge Maxwell heads the list in ago, ho has had a life's exjierience n the Judicial Bench, is in every way it Very conservative, able man, HABPuISOIsr, Jude Ktark is also an ex-judge of (irst-t-lass ability. J lis work in Congress shows him lo he oni; of the ablest as well as induslri ous men in the House. Always cool anil collected, in a running delate he has but few equals. Jud'o fstarli is almost always riht in every question and by bis equitable character Iiuh gained frit mis and' influence which has enalilrd him to accomplish good re sults for his p. oplo Hon. U. I). Sutherland has distin guished hiniseif as the orator of the del exation lie.-ados lie is an able influential member. Lion W. f.. (ireen is a rouh-end ready lighter, an able orator, active and itidu -trious. Tii j Nebraska I'opub'sts are a credit to ! any slate, and are the equal of any dele gation in Congress, aPROSPEGT GF vM- Ah ImHt-ft'.fvI liv ihc daily I'rcss, 'Senate Pa-sos vis Koatltitioil with the Tiii';.i--Finih-r A !iu. :i I iiu iit . J;,!,. l,.,t Saturday evening the U. S. ft'iiate passed the following resolution ' ''''W". Re-pnblic of Cuba and ! ern hl,m,,,, ,,y a l,l f o: tf, ;1. Resolved. T'.y 1hi senate and bouse of America, in congress assembled ; X A lei.iand ll.nt the government, of Spain at once re!inqiiih its nulhority and government in the island of Cuba and withdraw its land and naval forces from Culm, and Cub-oi waters. Thirl That (lis president, of the Unit ed States' be s, ( lie hereby is directed and empowered to :.- tlm land and naval force of tho l'ni ed f-.'.it'S. and to eill irlo Hcfiifil f..erv'r t thrai slates to Kiieh ; nn extent r.s may he ncc-j essary to carry these rcitolutions into j eil'ect. Fourth That the United States here by disclaim any disposition or intention to exercise sovereignty, jurisdiet ion or control over said island, except for the paciilcation thereof, and nsu rt its do termination when that in accomplished to leave (l. government and control of ,.)0 Mwt U) jtH )K r,ili0hltimm W(;M roncilrrot, ,jv ihlg Vm t flf . n,.;lwwl,!gr;d tj ()f (.'ulw a,, wa8 hisnud by 11,8 l"',il'''rlt Wed.,,:sday. Tho congressional Cuban resolutions in on,ieo(iou will, president Mdvinleys lul"",n"" asm,-vy co... u' u. .......... vv, day and the ultimatum gives (hat gov ernment 1M hours to comply with (he demands of the United Slates. Tomor row night at fl o'clock (he time limit will bo up, and unless a satisfactorly reply is at band by that time, instruo tions will be given to the U. H. naval forces to blockade the harbors of Cuba, when hostilities will commence. About Sunday or Monday of next week the the American guns will he playing on! the city of Havana, We believe Spain; will back down. I WELL WORTH READING. Somcthlnir In This Column That Will Inh-rcsl Ever Body. Sometlilnff to Remember. Sing Sweet IJIrdlc Sing, (Air-"Eillie Dale.') If ever I see, On the bush or tree, Young birds in a pretty nest; I must not in my play, Steal the birds away, To grieve their molhor'a breast. My mother, I know Would sorrow so, Should I be stolen away; So I'll speak to the birds, In my softost words, Nor hurt them iu my play. mm mm JEEBASZIA, Iloiliiro irajijx'jiins. Ilave Rartiott was visiting with his friend Henry wertz Sunday and took back borne with him a lot of young Cotton wood trees. The n-.-sssors are now abroad trying to f.nd , rich wo are. The i'l.tiigers are bny putting in thier gardens and small grain now-a -days. ?.lr. Wonder is going to his homestead on pleasant ndge to do some farming this week. Oikervkh. "Wttrbniimt Warhlingf. Earnest Iyou is assisting II. Shatto build fence for E. Brown. Elsia Merriam and llrs. V.'allaeo ra turned to the city Thurstlay. E. A. Bigelow and family took easter dinner withO. A. (Jartou's. John Anderson made a trip to Craw ford (ho (irst of the week. O. A. Carton and Charlie Leeling made a (rip to Antelope Tuesday. J. W. Bic.'dorf'H moved to I,. Ken nedy place the ir.,t of the week, Mrs. Wallace and daughter Viola j made a pleasant vMt at O. A. Carton's the fore part of the week, Mrs. Sam Lcehug was a pleasant visi ter ut (.). A. Cartons Wednesday. Hill Wialto of Vleasant 1,'iugu was a valt'y visitor Wednesday. Friday fire got a way from John Kays but the neighbors turned out anil helped put it out before it did much damage. II. T. Jlerrium id rather under (he went her at present. Ci in the shade, how is (hat for April weather. Lcao. MontroMr ('lipping-. Spring has conio at last and f tinners progressing nicely with their spring work. Julm Wasserhurger came through our burg Sunday loooking for horses but. il f.eenis as if he did not iind any, as we never saw him come back again. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Henry Sr. took a (rip to ('raw ford to consult a physician about Mm. Henrys health as sic) has been feeling blight !y indis-po.-icd of late. Jake Wasserhurger left for Cedar county last Meiday morning v. hero he wascalbdto liaj death-bed of Herbert J. Jllller.' 1'eter iiiersack, John Ash Kimmeramu his hraliier-in-law. t"'i,.K"d JolJ" Tw'.''biis jitliegister' We are glad to r.tato that Mrs. 51. J. J- ' l iayhart has bo fr recovered from her recent ilb. ess, as to he up and around again. Born ( Mr. and Mrs. Jake Wasserbur ger April l':!lh a daughter. i Walter Henry was in the valley Sao-;' day visiting tmioiig friends. f i: u ,, ,,.,.. ,i j t windmill, he thought pumping water by hand Was too much like working. W. M. Cayhart is busy building an addition to his house. Mr. nml Mrs. If. Wasserhurger were i visiting with their daughter Mrs. DaniJ Jordoii Sunday. F. W. Knott lost a valuable cow in the creek last Week tiACB, Crawford Neh., Apr. 19 1808. Ed. JuCbSAb: Everything; hero indicates war and the independence of Cuba The tents and equipments of tho (Hh U. S. calvery were loaded at Ft. Hobinson last night as we came down, and 1 talked with Corporal Jeiikensand Sargent flood enow of (i. troop, who said they were lo move tommorrow morning. Yours truly, B. F. Thomas. Harrison, Neb, Apr. V.), 1S'j8. Ep. Journal, Sir: In taking a trip to Cering last week mostly for pleasure we were struck fav orably wilb the lay of (he com.' re. No doubt the Flal.te Valley, both net and west of (hiring will make as lino a farm ing country as can he found iu the west. E-pecially, when till (he irrigaUou diddl es now under construction arc complete. Herring itself is nicely located; it has 27 windmills and the man who has no wind mills has no standing in socie(y. We found (he citizens of (ieiing very cor dial, also highly moral, they must be very kind hearted or there would not bo as many cripples as there are in town, altogether a bright f udiro without doubt is in store for the people of (lerring. I do not think there is quite as much gold there us somo thought there was. ' L, Ceiilacii, ; AUV, Y i A in V YOU A V,0K1'E rest er r!f!l ? II i ( :iiU tor t(k.n,i.. : Uf I V' . fll.iri.j t'... I '..'M-l.-r l uui f HIT . - ( 4 i TlAt.lllI.Ky. i v Irer iluil, Stronj;, t'uruhle. Jt-niC'l4) U.P.& John liu no Co., AAA U 1 54 PubyPt.. r. 'M Bncfcforil, Illiin.U. Wx::);i!i WAN Y LADY can got a valuable secret ,'n" " n rubW .lil.M for 80 imita. Mus. V. M. APP. CO. rtMr:iTKi:yT. nr. r.orin, mo. OTXTJIRSIDA. - , Notice fur Sealed Bids Bridge. on Cotiuty To whoiiie it inny cotireni : Notice a Jierebv Riven t!mt eile.i bids for t'.ie ocintrnetioii f a Urhizn ucruss it itry ffiikh on Wihie Itirer, where public, roi i! erosseH tlie iniiie tiie o! I lindi?e hiie UMir Jtr. Htl.iisoir:, p! ; ii iil ! received by tlie umler-iai'ij untij 12 o'el.x k noon uf June set n, is. I'luiH nntl si-cqi,.i;!!S can be had by culling lit the office of the county clerk. All PUN niiil lie lici oaipunieil with li berel for at lcust one t'loii-jiKi Uolliirs. lly order of the beard uf county conoids-i-loners. ;M n ."t. J. bi.EWETT, County Clerk, MWK I1UANMS. Tin: .leei'VAi, will iniblish your bruin!, ike tin- loii.cvinir, for -j:ixi, per year. Kuch ad- ' ii n. . ' ,v 1 ..I ill' f or raiu-hiiM'ii in si,,. it nail ad jihiiliijr cimniie-i giioiiiii mlvi'i'l i'.e (heir !. rim U in Tiik .lin'it- .in. in il (Mice ! ti nil oicr llie htste. It mav be ti:e nicunn of avihir niraii v inv v,i., r'llANK NCTTO. On left, side of rattle and ou left shot Ider of heroes. !htei;e on Aeh lojie creek . i"T -i V. (., i.nilchri it, Siiiii.i Co., Neh. chaiu.ks niKin.i:. On left Klde or hip of cut. I le, ( rj;T'"J llll lei t shoulder of luilse. ( X 'ifev'niurw on the heud el arboniifit i , i-ck Address Puri'iHoa, Simix Co. Nei). rt s. v . ( AI.'KV. r of eat lie and f"-,-.V Y.'fe'1 '11 left NllUUi'jl her- 111 mire on biltie ( otlouwood. l' 1. ., t rnu lord .Sebr. Final rniof Notices. All personi having llnnl proof Tioticpq in thi'i nuper M'iil receive ft iiinrUed copy of the pii ier end ii t e requested to I'Mmiitiie theer notice mid if niiy fi t o s exist report the one to tills of lice uf once. NO t K Kl Olt PUl'.blCATION. bund (illice ft Aid'il Ml in nee, Neb. t i hvS, ( Notice i hereby f.:!v n thnt tiie folhiM-in . nmied settler h.m nleil iMniceoi hi In ten. Mou to iiinke lltnil prnol' in support oi his claiiii, Hud tleit said proof ili be made he .lore M.J. Itlewett, leilt Diilrict Court lit Harrison, Neb., on Muy s, i v.:", vi. -. 'j her.via Meier of Ardmore, S. lb, wiio ninde U.K. Mo. !". for the .VK;.i V bit, see. Si, Vs'S-WH' illilj N-WJi, H-bf, See. 'Si, ') ovv linliiji li.'i, Itiuiye ...i W. He mimes the rollowlin; -witnesses to ;vrove his eoiitinuoii!, re.-iideaei; unofi unil . ...-... .. '' XllJU NW YORK WORLD, THRICE-A-WEEK-EDITION. 1 8 rages a Week -15(! Papers a Year For One Dollar. Published every Alternate Day ewil Sunday The Thrice-a-Week-World Edition of The N'f.sV Yoiik Would is tirst among all the "weekly" papers in si.e, fre quency of publication and the freshness, accuracy and variety of its contents. It hasall the meri'it sofa grert $f dollar dai ly, the price of a dollar weekly. Us po litical news is prompt, complete, accur ate mid impartial as all its readers will testily. It is against tho monopolies and for the people. It prints the news of all tho world, having special correspondance from all important news points on tho globe. Ii has brilliant illustrations, stories by grea taut hers, a capital humor page, com plete markets, departments for the house hold and women's work and other special departments of unusual interest. Wo oiler this uneqiialed newspaper and Tmk Sioux CorNTV Journal togeth er one year for ? 1.70 The regular suescription price of the two pnpers i$3.(H) Slic-rifT s Sale. lly virtue of an order of sale issued by the Cier'K of the IUstrict Court of the county of Siouv, mid state o SYbrnokii, upon a decree rendered by mud Court in lawir ol June K. Woodiii.'f ibilnli'l', and John Meinlnirl, Josephine V.ehihart, Pen Is UnflihiK, Mrs, Lewis llnftiini:, wife, of I.enij Hulliin!; whine true christian inline i unknown, nnd W.J, Howi'en, ileleiidanl-i, I will oil the I4tild.iv ot May, A. I. lsi'S, nt. tho hour of 2 o'clock p. in. of (mid day, lit the i-amt front dor of Urn Court home, In Hurt ison, iu srhl coun ty, offer nnd si'il the following inscribed real club) to it: Tile S lv, of Sci Inm M, Township 8.1, I.'niiie .'.1, In Hunt county. Nc brnskii, lit public miction to the bihet bidder lor cuih, to tll'y s.'nd order of Mle, In the Mini of is .MU:!, Willi lntere.-t theieoii lit the rate of ten per cent per iinuiiin, from the dtli diiy of lieceiebi r, lu:", nnd cnt uud aceruliiK costs. Tii'iM, Sheriff of until ( 'oiuity. , Slicriir.s Sulo. P.y virtue of nn order of snle Issni'd by the Clerk of the IMstriet Court of the eouniyol Sioux, unit slute of hehruskn, tqion u decree rendered by sntd Cinii t'lii favor of Horace C. stiintoii tihiintllt, Loreno lb HHniion, A. L. Oruishy, trustee, Krniik UiiIIk.v,, lsitun A. I'rnll. anil Francis K. 1'rntt deleniiiinls, I will on tint H dny ot Mny, A. I). IMis, nt the hour of a o'clock p. in. of suid rliiy st lin ens t front door of the I 'ouri. house In IImitI son, Iu mild county, offer unit ndl tlm follow hi di'Heiibe.t real estate to wit: The s v 'i of seetlnn fi, Township X', KitiiRe til, In sum-; county, Nt brinl.a, ul public auction In the hiKhest hlilr.ler for ciish, to siilisfy Hiild or der of Hale In the sum of ti ll, HI, with Inter, est thereon t the rule, of ten percent, per itniiuin Irniu the Glh ilnyor December, ls!)7, ami cost unil aecrnliiR costs. 'Thomas, miZi Siicrlir of said County. AFBIL 21, 1898. irucD si Ke nut EWi If you don't believe what he says go to the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE and take a look at those 500 pairs of Boots & Shoes just arrived last Tuesday, and you will see he is warring1 with every store in the north-west. You can buv foot-wear of him cheaper than at any other store in Harrison. 1 1 tim leraeiueeasioraii Head-quarters for IIAKD-WARE, TIN-WAEE, URY'-GOOHS and UICjU, (iUOCERHM, FLOUR and FEED and everything needful & useful. LEWIS GERLACH, Prop. liilil- COMMERCIAL . BANK. ESTABLISHED 1833. Harrison, B. E. Bits-.ySTT.Tt, President. D. H. ORI3WOLD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General CORRESPONDENTS: AirrarcAs ExcniNOn National Bank, New York, Omaha National Bank, Omaha, First National Bank, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits, INDRAFTS SOLD ON SOLD AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, I ALSO HANDLE Flour and F at my harness shop. Third Building West of J. II. Kartell's Grocery Store. EGGERT R0IIWER, Proprietor. 1 j The best of Wines, Brandies, Whiskey and Beer kept constantly on hand. handle the Omaha Beer. THE GREAT REFORM MGAZi!JE M S& ' NewTimc."Lct me lake those load, fromyoufbacks" Cteffl Z a for six cenlii. fj I THE NEW TIME, 56 Fifth Ave., CHICAGO X - mm UL- Nebraska. C. F. OOFFHB, Vice-Pretidenl Banking Business. ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. 680 oi a 100S 111 MIC1IAKL HKUCK, I'roprietor W T Fi WiiP, Ilia '.'A,- rUniitrwiL -j,'JL fi? PLUTDCR?f?Y a?J editors tt B. 0. Tlou':r Hlntralcrl. nota dull fine hi -y l j2 H. It in fiKlitin your fielit;- i