A OOOO SAMARITAft, Ml W hi the ground Aad MfMI hi" there; Twill be aaeleaa to raiaa A abaft er bia kd, fat heaves' aware Of tbe feet that be' dead! Cowly bia tat. Ad 4 busts bia sphere, rbc wotbi tbc bi. bun worid knew sot That fce (in was ?Qt to minister here; Be gathered bo saillioui, be built up no trusts CerBered bo markets, robbed no one of limd; Bit raiment wu rmj:fd, be lived upon But kam'i awsre of the fact that he's dead! Did he worship in cbnrch 1b the orthodox way? Did the rafter riaf wheo It waa bia turn to pnj? Alas, 1 know not But let it be said riist heaven's aare Of the fact that he's dead! Vh orphan be fanned May lire or may Dot To cherish hi praise; J"be aick that be nourished when stricken himself. The starving that, when be waa hungry, be ted, May pray for him now, or may not, as they list But heaven's aware of the fact that he' dead! Lay him away. It matters not where; Dig a hole iu the earth Aud deposit him there; When the lai trumpet bound He will hear, be will hear As well as the man O'er whose head people rear The highest of coIiiuids Aye, put him to bed! If there is a Cod He will not forgrt That this lowly man lived and is dead! Cicvela nd Leader. ON THE CARDS. A X you tall for tune?" she asked, lea nlug her elbows on the table awl shuffling the cards. "Some people's. Shall I try your mother's?" II e r mother was dozing iu tiie aruicbair by the fire. " O h , don't be fill v I Hum's fortune is told." "Poor mamma!" "Well, you know what I mean all tbar's worth telling. She refused the fair man and married the dark one; wasn't very rk-ii and wasn't very jmor qii'ie poor euou'iii!" She shrugged her shoulders aud made a dainty grisn accaias! uituauiable. "Had two tire some boys and one very nice girl voila mo:"' "Who was an incorrigible little flirt and ;ease." I suggested bitterly. "Fortunes dou't go into such detail about senxtmlary persons, even if they bap(ened to le true, which they aren't." "Oh, ye, they do." "SvDce you know so much about Jt. you can tell mine." She scattered the card toward nie with a crush. "It's all right, mum; I'm only throwing the card at Oousin Harry." Her mother gave a sleeky smile, atxl returned to her slumber. "You uitfstu't blame me if the card are unfavorable." "1 shaU know you've made It up If they are." "I wouldn't dream of JeMlng upon such a subject," 1 assured ber. "For-tnne-teUing follows certain essential principle, which are IntmuUible and " "Should be practiced, not preached. Go on." "To start with, then, you are the Queen of Hearts," Why?" ' "Because Uie Queen of Hearts repre sent feminine beauty and charm." "Ob!" she leaned back and laughed. "If you are only going to flatter me 1 won't listen." "I merely state a fact. You are the Queen of Hearts." "No, I'm not. I'm spade or clubts, be en uw I'm dark." "Excuse me, it Is not a matter merely f complexion, but of general appear ance. Spade represent plain peoiJe, , diamonds passable people, and heart very nice-looking people. Therefore you are the Queen, of Hearts." "Lota of people wouldn't consider me good-looking at all." Her tone invited contradiction. "Very likely not." She flashed an ia tpam at glance at me. "Hut the fortune teller la the sole Judge on these occa sions." "I'm glad toe fortuneteller ia so ap preciative. Of course, I know you're only pretending." She looked at me for denial, but I busied myself with the card. "Go on!" she cried. "I 'lint, I shuffle the cards so. Then I cut them so. Now I place my hand on them so. You place your band on top of mine." She did. "Now I place my titer hand on top of yours ao and 'yaii pat your other bsnd on top of "jpipe," , , ., -i uTr heard of this before," said he. dowbtfalry. Naltaar did I, but It had Mimd HMUU Isapforamem. "Naw ye mtiat sU qaite atlU and ai laa fort fall liM" "I know I shall laoch." ; Tbaa the fortune will ba apaUad.' . "I aa't bekwr Ka naaarr." t, U to- pta tbt teUar aad tbe ( is-aawort".-.. t . t -m nnf yao lustar. W af-.icrrtl--tlat.yi." ' ) '.Ll ft ba, Ja far mlmx. t "flCi'lBsil UaMk sertoos- Rb uuddied grareiy, and I aat Vuuk:n( at and srnuialnc tba pina color aiasj over ber pratty face. I Uiiok it must have bee two minute that we sat llks that, durtnjr wbJcb I forjaye her all ber little wlcksduras. "There!" said I, reiuctamly. "Now for Uie fortune. Otit the enrd. Mllly. J The fortune murf be your owu mak In-." "You hare made me feel quite wri ua." aid (the with a iwrvous Hide taua;h. i "It Is jfoiii to be a iirioiii fortune." I meant It to be. "Then then won't yon cut, too, Har ry? To repreet oiher peoile? I don't like all the repoaslbHi4y. l'leane!" So I cut, too. Jt didn't matter, you we. becaune 1 looked at the canl lefvre I put them down in the almpe of an opened fan round the Queen of Hearte. Of course. I don't know anything about fonunte!liug. really. "The disposition of the cards." I said gravely, "indU-ate many possililitit of happiness and good fortune. If you take your opion unities: but mu h is left to your own decision." "What a nu;san-e! I'ou't tli"y say how I iihall decide?" I siiook my bead. "The heartx near the queen show that' you are and will be much liked and ad mired." "I believe you're uiakni it up." "The three kings next to ber indicate three admlrereperhaps lovers." "Whoever can they be?" . "The Kiiic of Cluls. with the other clubs close by, I take to be a soldier good-looking, dashiug. and, from the diamond In the same line, not badly o(J. The hearts at the end of the line denote that you have given him some eniWiragBuioiU." "I'm sure I haven't," said she. with some warmth. Of course, she knew I meant Capt. Richanhs. "The eardjt are wrou." "Perhaps they mean that you will do so." I stiffgestiHl, inquiringly; but slie twisied up her handkerchief and made no answer. , "The King of Diamonds, with spades foiiowiug, meiuis an ekh riy suitor w ho has prospered in tiade. He is shown by the diamonds, ending with the knave, to have made a fortune and re tired, handing over the business to his sou." I meant old Farsler. "I call it very utiUind of yu. Harry." Her lip dropped a iUiie, and 1 hastened to apologize. "It isn't my d'-in. it's the cards." "Well, you know it Ku't true. It's only" siie !os-d over her Rhoulder to see that her mother was still asleep "mamma's silliness. Why, he's as old as dad; and I wouldn't. You know I wouldn't." "The cards !-ave !t to you. Xlilly." "Don't you believe me?" Hbe looked quite hurt. "Of course if you say so." I patted her hand, which was lying on the ta ble, but s'je drew it sharply away aud rubbed the touch oft" with her handker chief. "Well? The King of Heart? What doe that mean?" 1 considered a moment. "The King of Heart!," I prououiv-ed slowly, "means a haadouje young fellow who mid you a great deal of atteuilion when you were staying with the Queen of Clubs, a dark relative probably your aunt." "I won't listen to another word!" ahe cried, indignantly. "It's a nasty, horrid fortnue, bjmI quile untrue. There!" "Very well." I made as if I would sweep the carda together. "Don't be disagreeable." She looked at me reproachfully, with one of ber kaleidoscopic change. "I want to hear it my proer fortune not non seme." "Well, in't this true?" "No, it Isn't." "Didn't he pay you a lot of atten tion r "Young Jeptwon?" "Yea." He was the rival I really feared." "Nothing special." "So many pay you attention that you think nothing of it" "You silly follow!" nald she, scorn fully. "Why, he's almost engaged to cousin Annie." I felt as though a w eight was taken off me. "Why," I said, "bow stupid of me! She must be the dark lady, I suppose. I ougt to have connected bim with her instead of with you." "I don't believe you understand the fortune business a bit." "It's very difncult," I ajwlogized. "But you see the cards are ail right, when yon read them properly." "What else do tbey say?" "The next point i money. The seven of diamond, next to the knave of cliU la-obably your uncle indicate a legacy: and " "No, no!" she interrupted. "I don't want to know about money." "Well, the duration of life Is shown by " "That doemi't matter," said she quickly, shrugging her shoulders. "Then I hardly know what else there is to tell." I looked at her doubt fully. There was one thing only that I wanted to fell her. "What do you want to know, M illy 7" Site put her elbow on the table and rested her head ou her hand. Then she laughed ntn-imily, and I heid my breath for a moment. "Isn't there I mean did you finish wit It the the admirers, as you call them?" "There Is another," I told her, "but ba Is hardly worth mentioning." "Why not 7 Because be doeaa't care for doaen't admire, or whatever you can It-moehr "Oh. no! Bat be' poor, yo see. Be In only the King of Spaies. ba haa to work for a living. o he admires at a distance. There arc two cards between bim and bar, yu aaa." -Bat, aald aba very geatly, "tbey are hearts. ' -Yea." aald I, "they art baarta; being two, they stew that ba to dlataaKly re lated. We are saooad ottdUst raasty "They ladU-ate tbst be U very rend of ber, but leave it doubtful if she is mora than slightly attracted to him.". I look ed p-allngly to ber, but her eye were caal dou a. "slow do you make Uiat out?" she asked at length. "The card next to her is tlx- two; but that by him Is the ten, wbli-b meuns great affection." "What doe the ret of the line mean?" "The nine of spades, on t he other haitd of the king, shown thai he lias a great deal more work to do bet. -re he can Is- In a position to ask the knave of hearts-her fattier for her baud. Meanwhile the eight of spade and the ace of clubs show t hat he must toil at some risk in a laud across the sea." She clasped her hand suddenly and looked up. "oti. no. no!" she cried. "Yes," 1 said quietly aw! sadly. "Where?" Her dainty mouth was quivering.. "The cards do not say. But it !s the Cape, I believe, where a relative has offered him a good berth." We looked at the cards in dismal sl leuee for a while. Then she smiled at me ever so brightly. "There is tlie ace of hearts at the end of the line, Henry," she whl-rei. "What doe tliat mean?" I took the hand near me gently In mine. "I think, Milly." I said earnest ly, "it must be my heart Ixvause It Is over by you. Will you have it. dear?" She looked down for a moment, then pushed It gently toward me. "I think." sue said, "it must be my heart which Is going over the and Whit. ea witu you. lilacs I - : j PUZZLED THE SAVANTS. Wise Men of WiishiiiEtoii Were Filled wilU Alarm, In one of the mai.v gtas. rases In the Siii!Usoii':sin 1 ustiiution at Washington is a rtufled owl. This particular ow! is the one, !n the wont of the late Presi dent Hayes, "(hat janvd the Washing ton u'oti'titneiii." and thTein lies the "lory. During rente!! nifd year Consress re solved Ui provide li! twecss-ary funds for the ompk-tion of the monument, which n j to that liuf had ts en work ed at. only while the seneldl nailer a)e propriatlous lasted. It was discovered, however, that the original foundation was Likely 10 be incjpable of sjustalnins till" ettormoti-s weigh of uiarblo nece-) sary for ca frying tbe shaft !,Vi feet' alKve terra tirtua. A ww foundation! was therefore m nU-, and architex-ts ; thought a sI1i concrete iel 1(ii feet! square ami nearly 14 feet in thickness i would accomplish the Btrenirtbeniug desired. J I'hiriiHj tie oj-ration of rtfiluclng the j old fotiudsition it was consid.-red cxpe-j dkMit to provide means for noting care- fully the slk'lttest vibratioij of the walls Ust tlie monumeatt mlciift be la danger of col !a lining. Avordlng!y aj heavy w'ight was siisieijded iiy a stout tlMK-tid from th- apex to a pan of thick syrup located ou the Irase, so that no chance druufe'hf of air would be likely to sway the weiglnt. An Ingn-nloas con trivance was so attached to thf weight that the sUg hieni vibration of tlve shaft would le faithfully rwordetl. and Its insecurity would at ome le an estab lished fat. Ope morning a few monfi, after these careful jf-autiou8 had ijeen takn there was a great eonintotion anwirg the workmen. A contplete rec ord of nuuKtrous iierturbations and treuttrfines bad U-n wrirtett on the in dex, showing coiM-lulvely that the ntammoih obelisk had Jarred, swayed ami seuled during thenighJ. Sclewlflc heads w ere dubiously shakest. After much persuasion one of tha men finally ewn-seiHed to go to the top and examine ino the cause. The. as tonishing rcjrt into he midt of tlie anxious throng Ih-Iow that an ow! in seeiius: shelter la tbe lofty tower had, somewhat managed to catch ite wing in the thread and waa stIU hanging there, suspended to the interior of tbe monument, am innumerable flapping and struggles of bk owtsWp had all been recorded by the index sa testi mony against the 4 ability of pltuub- lald marble blocks and solid ooncrete. Peeollar Cnatom In Norway. Some friend who have Just returned from a tour in out-of-the-way parts of Norway tell me of a capital bou.4 sys. tern in vogue fhere which might b adopted with advantage in noun parts of Scotland and Ireland. In every vil lage where no hotel exist some one of tlx- more prominent inhabitants Is sub sidized by tlie Norwegian Government, and in rturn Is bound to provide ao ootnmodation for not letw than fotti travelers: be may lake in more if he chixs-cM, but four ia the minimum. My frleiids made frequent uxe of these sub sldJsied liostelrlos and are etifhiislusrtc concerning tlie excellence of the accoin modtitlom and food suppiil, I did not gather whether the tariff wafl regulated by GorernnieiU, bsut I preMtmie it Is; anyway, the chsirges are absurdly mod erate. Norway owes much of her prim pertty to tourists, snd wlie certnlnli treats them well. London SkHch. lllini Girl Gardener. A blind girl owning a few acres of land In Oak Hill. Texas, is said to U ntaklng a living by the sale of vegeta bles. She has cleared shout $200 each season In this way, besides I tn pro vine ber land. She does most all of bei own work, and her highly developed senses of bearing and of touch seem ta make op for her want of atjrht. An Old Man's Work. George bu Maurier waa nearly M when ,he wrote "Peter rbeton;" b waa quke 00 wbea he wntt "Trilby f and 68 when ba wrote "Tbe Martian." ' It la always safe to distrust tbe maa who foea Into a business antarprlai "mare to please bia wtfa than tar aojr thlax elsa." COATS ARK FARCIFUL SPRING STYLES PRESENT UN USUAL CHARACTERISTICS. GtrHtnU, That May H Worn Klther Id or Oat of loora, Art Made of Meal Delicately Colored Material and Elaborately Trimmed. CtHitarlan Garuirota. New York correspondence: OATS this spring pre seut many very unus ual characteristics. Ordinarily a sprlug coat suggests, say, a natty tailor made af fair in tan color, mode, blue or black, something gentleman ly and trig, for all it may tie distractlngly feminine. Such have had vogue for the past five years, but now a spring coat means, to fashion leaders. at least, something gay and fanciful that may be worn in the house without a iiat, almost as well as out of doors with headgear. The limit to which this newly placed fanclfulness has gone Is shown by to day's first pic ture. Just think of a smooth cloth af fair In hunting pink, fitting perfectly at back and sides ami moulded to the ' ' - " with imisliu frills shoivs at the opening in front. Think of this same lace show ing at the shoulders, where the "coat," instead of tak'nj. to Itself self respect ing shoulder seams, ties into a rosette GAUMENTS OK fOCBLE I'SE THAT on each shoulder for all the world like the finish to the Mrm strap of a ball gown. Other forms of the cont Itodice are grouped In tlie next sketch. The biaxer is suggested by three of thetn. In the first of these the fronts hung free from one button, which was set further down tban formerly, and which was at the end of revers that turned bock to about the bust line. Above the button, where the revers or collar turns away, the front and collar of the nnder bodice are supposed to how, though this front and collar may be a part of the coat, as can A SOBT XOT TKT DISPLACKI). be the flash that shows wbere tbe coat preads below tbe button. This coat was trimmed with fold braid, and It gray cloth was stashed here and there to show tbe orange silk lining. It bad tbe blazer pockets we used to find so jaunty and saucy, and will ba as com fortable and pretty aa aver. Not ao closely related to the bygone blazer was tha garment at the other end of this row, wblcb bat for Its permit ting a glimpse of something beneath at tbe opening, and for tt lot of Irrelevant frilling at the edges, might slmost lie v quiet little coat Aa It la, It la a good ff i 'W m i if jv 1 deal wore a fancy bodice than coat. tluuirh If worn with a linen collar showing above the turned back revers. and with a rstber severe hat. It could mauage to pretend Itself a coat It was red cloth trimmed with gilt braid. Of the three garments remaining ia this showing, t so that left uonoeo tloned in the top row, snd tbe one ioa- ASOTIIK.ri that is SFCl FA VOl mediately beneath it show that tb blouse reappears to do spring coat duty. For this it Is made of serge, smooth cloths, tweed, and of delicate mshmeri and no pretense at severity need b THK BEST FASHIONS 1NDOKSB. made, ltutltes, frills and pretty button! may make It frivolous, aud it may bt cut down to show a bright yoke and collar, which may or may not be a pari of itself. The upper garment of thh pair was of this sort, and quite as much n bouse ltodh-e as a spring Jacket, but It was found among the spring Jacket novelties. It was nut brown cloth, lin ed with brown snd pink check taffeta, trimmed with pieatlngs of white taffeta and belted with brown velvet. The oth er blouse coat severe, except foi it one double rever, and was In Rus sian green cloth, lined with white and green satin. Its rever was white cloth, cord piping trimmed collar and basque, and a wide fold of green satin furnish ed Ita belt. The last of tivese modeil was as tight as the season's tailor mades, and would have recalled thi Jacket of former years but that Its rever collar was gaily frilled. Its fab ric waa scarlet cloth, the angles of col lar and revers had blHck braid orna mentation, and scarlet silk frilling bor dered the edges. The new fancy bodices are quite supe rior to tlie spring hodlce-couts. Tb reason for this Is their extreme delicacy and daintiness. The artist has contrlls uled two examples of the latest form of fancy Itodice In proof of this, two that were taken from a lot composed of de licious puffs of transparent stuff over dainty silk. The yokes of all, which In some form were In each case n part or tne design, and the bodices blended together perfectly and In a wonder of needlework. Narrow velvet usually black, ran between the puffs wltb charming effect, and the attractiveness of the puffing and shirring was surpris ing, ine first or these was violet gren adine over violet silk, black velvet be ing employed In the manner indicated. Chiffon or gauze treated In this way la almost universally becoming, being thus rendered aa softening to tha akin aa fur. Besides this, tha puffed or shir red gauce combine beautifully wltk the new figured taffetas that ar a da light of themselves. The second oi these bodices showed the result of tbl union, being made of figured green taf feta, plain green silk lining tha shirred portions, wblcb ware made of White gauxa. Wide bands of green silk pas sementerie outlined these sectlona, a rich fancy button holding each of tb front Oaprrlgkt, lata, mm f HKt.V IN Haw to Hnild a fire. Tteuiore the covers from tbe aod brush all she ashes from Ute .. ,hi iruti.L Itiiu tbe hre mix; keep the move in coiutlaut clenullnaaaV beid luakiiiir the oven easier to beat, and a I on kep the beat channH clear. Then replace the covers and close tha danient, Hnd In n the stove has bea rioted as tighriy as iHisfciliK lorn ovor the grate, U-mlng the con lent fall ina the s.dipan below, Cleau the :rale of any clinging Milts-iam-e, then turn at beck Into Its place. Hru.h out the oveo after the (lust lias censed to rise, and then It will be clean for tire and free from dust when ou are ready to liske In It. Hemove the ashes aud clmUfa. Into the fire-Is.! you put. first of ail, loose plei-cs of neHpsH-r that ha U-en torn Into Mri: that Is. unlesa you happen to live where you csn g-t plenty of tine pine shavings, sitd 'i"" people cin't get Llo-iii. so they use I-ix-r: liie-e strips go on the very lsttom, ivsiius on the grate; use plenty of pa per, so that the kindling nut) have a chamv to light Isfore the i-ipcr I burned out. Next lay small pii- of light wood across the )x. leaving small spaces bet wen the p'crvs; OH these put a layer of kindling a little larger thau tlie tiit layer, puttit tii KtVks at right angles with the lower one.-; on these again place line bards wood kindling, tli-n larger hardwood, and finally a thin layer of small coaL In this way you will have little trouble in making the tire burn. Each layer It burns beats the one alsjve It. Wtiktiinu t lie Fair. The method of washing the face daily Is of great Importance, as even If one only washes it tube a day the opera tion has to be gone through 7"' times in the course of a year, and this would naturally affect it for g'sxl or evlt Highly scented or highly colored soaps should lie avoided, and one which gives a soft lather and does not cause any feeling of irritation Is the Is-st. The soap should lie well rublx-d Into the faee wit 11 a ' h-ati piece of llannel, uttd then bathed off In a basinful of abso lutely clean water, so that every par ticle of soap tuny Is- removed. After thoroughly bulbing the face should bo dried with a Turkish towel, and then, If i be skin le coarse and thick. It may be rubbed wit li n rough towel, hut If tin- skin is at all sensitive a very soft tow el should Is- used, and the face final ly well rubbed over with a piece of chamois leather, i.'eritle friction of tha face with soft leather, or, better still, with the finger tips, when clean, tends to remove lines and to prevent the for mation of wrinkles. Philadelphia Times. liutiKer in Tin Cans, Ojn-u a call of s -aches, aprb-ia., cher ries or other fruit, for all fruit Is acidulous,- let It stand for some time, and the fruit acids mid the tin are ready to do their work of iMilsoolng. A chemical knowledge that tells Just how the dangerous compound la cre ated Is unnecessary to an avoidance of the peril. The rule to follow is never to make lemonade or other acidulated drinks lu a tin bucket, nor allow them to stand In a vessel of tin; and fn th case of canned fruits or fish, Immedi ately upon opening the can, turn tbe contents out Usu an earthen-ware plate, or Into h dish that is made of earthenware or glass. Fruits In her metically sealed cans, if properly pre-pan-d, generate no poison. As soon as oK-ued the action of the acid In tb tin, with the aid of the atmosphere, begins, and iu a short time the result Is a deadly ixilson. Popular Science News. When tha U'u I'one's Hot. Dry I times in life when nature Seenii to slip a cog ao' go Jen' a-ratllln' down creation, I.ak au ocean's overflow; When de worl' jes' atahts s spin o In I.ak s pickaninny's top, Aji' you' eup o' Joy Is brinmiin' 'Twel it seeuis shout to slop, Au' you feel Jin' Ink a rscan Dat is trainip' fu to trot When yo' masimy e de blesslo', An' d- co'd pone's hot. Vsul Iaumiee Dunbar. Curatnel Htiui-e. Otic-fuiif cupful of granulated sugar, one even tablK)onrul of flour, one .npful of lsiillng wnier, a lump of but ter the size of a hickory nut, vaulllu fiav vorlng. Heat the wigar In an Iron skil let until It metis aud is a light brown, aud stir continually. Add tlie flour, mix well, the twilling water next, snd IsjII until it thickens. Just liefore serv ing add the butter and vanilla flavor ing; tb-n your caramel sauce Is ready for tire. One Formula for Tea. A cooking leachcr advising her cla-s of the various ways In which tea riiay he made Included among them this for mula: One ounce of toa finely ground la moistened with cold water, aud allow ed to stand for twenty minutes. A scant pint of boiling water is then poured on the lea, aud at the end of one minute It Is ready to serve. A very little cream used with this brewing of the tea ! an Improvement. Good Haaaage. This sanssge recipe has been prorea good; Take 30 pouwU pork, 12 ouucea rslt, 2 oums-s iepper, 2 ounces sag. Tut sage In a pan and dry iu aa even, then sift. You can add 2 ounce ground mustard If you wish. Add 2 or 3 uouoda sugar, mil all togHher, salt, popper, etc.. and mix with meat before It is chopped. Aftar It la well mixed, cut to roar UUag.-r. Klncwood.