The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, April 07, 1898, Image 3

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    Hopeful Wornu? ao Childless Women.
TJsej darkest days of ansbsnd and wife ar wb they come to look forward
la a hlldleM and desolate old age.
MJ a wife has foui herself incapable of
Boiberbood owing to tone great lack of
atreaftb in the organs of generation. Such a
eaoditio la near! always due to long con
turned neglect of the plainest warnings.
Frequent backache and distreaaiog pains
aaeoaapanied by offensive discharges
aad generally by irregular and scanty
tsmatruaUon, indicate a erre de
ge ration of the womb and aur
roanding organs, that unless speedily
hacked will result in barrenness.
. Baad Mrs. Wilson's letter:
DbabMbs. Pinkham : Noone could
aaa Buffered from female troubles
aaora thaa L I had tumors on the
woaab, my oraries ware diaeaaed,
aad for fifteen yeara 1 waa a burden
t Bay self. I was operated upon
three different times, with only
temporary relief; also tried
any doctors. Lydia K. Piok
ham'a Vegetable Compound
waa recommended to me by a
lady friend, and alter taking
four bottles I was like a new wo
man. I bad been married Dine
rears, and bad no children. I now
have a beautiful little girl, and we
feel assured she is the result of my taking the
Compound. Mat V. Wixsox, 3'.'3 Sassafras
St.. Millville, N. j.
c. McjU-rn science a.nd past experience have produced nuthinjr so effective in
treating diseases of the female organs as Lydia E. I'inkliams Vegetable Com
pound and Sanative Wash used according to special directions.
If you know any woman who is suffering and who is unable to hecure relief,
or who is sorrowful because she believes herself barren, tell her to write to
Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., and ask her advice. The. thousauds of Mrs.
Pinkham's cures are all recorded for quick reference, and a reply will be promptly
sent wholly without charge, that will direct her what to do.
Mrs. II. Hi.iiHM, 4040 San Francisco Ave., St. Louis. Mo., writes: "It has been
my great desire to have a babe. Since, taking your medicine my wish in fulfilled."
Out of one hundred and seventy four
men of the Yale class of ltW who liave
reported their present occupation, only
Ira are studying theology. That Is
nly about 3 per cent., though among
tko one hundred and one members of
th class who wer not heard from, the
proportion of theological students may
fca greater. Twenty-five years ago,
bout 12 per cent, of the Yale gradu
ate studied for the ministry; fifty
years sjjo, 25 per cent.; seventy five
years ago, 40 per cent. The pulpit seems
aw losing lis a ttractlon for Yale men
Common allatakea.
To sleep exposed to a direct draft a
any aeason.
Toiikeoff heavy underclothing be
cause you have been over heated.
It ;s a mistake to work when you are
not in fit condition to do so.
To conclude that the itnailest room in
tha house is large eunuch to Bleep in.
To think that the more a person eat
.he bcaithier and stronger he will be
To imagine that if a lit t. e work or ex
trcue is (rood violent or prolonged exer
stae is better.
After s man bacouum old, two day
pee in to go at time.
Sorre people's idea of good tate is to
ny the hi chest priced article offered.
, Flowering planlg should never
watered with cold water.
Coffee grounds make a good fertilizer
(or house plants in winter
Seed bearing Is the heaviest draft on
Ihe vitality and tendi to exhaust the
If a yonng man is bright you can't
kaap him long in the darx.
Most ol our troubles arise from trying
to UDbol 1 the blunders we mke.
The happiest day in some men's live,
la the day before their marriage.
A. blush is the pink of propriety.
Both the method and remilta wheo
Syrup of Fig8 iH Ukon; it is pleaciint
and refreshing to the tasto, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidney,
Liver and IJowvIs, cleannen tho sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho
only remody of its kind ever pro
duced, pleading to the tjutto and ac
ceptable Uj tho stomach, promjit in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from tho most
healthy ami agreettbleBiibKlanees, its
many excel lent qualities commend it
to all aad have made it the moat
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
cent bottle by all leading drug,
gists. Any reliable druggist who
nay not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it Do not accept any
$a rummco. cl
awmnu. a. mm root r.
.KJaaV" BkamBBnwaBBBBBinBBa1
st. Jacobs Oil
The late shah of Persia bequeathed
his entire ha rem to his personal friends,
Shah, that's a yueer idea of friend
ship. When H'eyler nays the Cuban are
'hard on the rua" he ought to know
from the .httlculty be him to keep safely
in front.
The Princess de Chhuay has eloped
with a sd!ler. but H U not positively
clt!ed i whether sbe will lev-turn or
elevste the stage.
from. Hie UatHl. 7vai, Ohio
The h'slibliiliiHMi of bicycle riding for
women is a disputed qnewtiun.
I ei iu iii'KlerfiI ion it sorely create for
niiiii'-n :i inMin of onllHir eiercisc, the
henetit .if wim-Li all pliyirian concede.
I'b'iI is en-", lie any oilier pastime.
Ita i'(lii IX likely to be ilaiiKi'roll.
Tho eper;ec, of Miss itnrtha Keed.
the s"Tcni-eii-)ear old daughter of Mr.
J. K. Kreil, ;!,'!. Ijike afreet. Helaware,
Ohio, may iint a moral for jsirents
who, liLi. Mr, and Mrs. Uov. have ex
neriem .-.I oine concern for their dauth
twr tii) ;re ''on.i of wheeling. In the
fall of Hi; Mt lfertiiti, who haI rid
ilen a irreat deal, bin; an to fail iu an
Janiti:i- nvanuer. I!i-t luid qni-M did
her absolutely
no go.!. A
It y s i e I a a
J 'If
pinse at 104 -
i-ry )i i a h
rate, J'hiiik-
iiiic tins in.-i,-hsve
been due
SU holes Writ.
t o temporary
Tl e r V on ine
flJ when he ex.-unined her, he
II atcHiei her closely, hut her
V puis continued at that rale for
two weeks, lie was fti'islicd tJien, from
her hij;ti pulse sml steailily wastinx con
dition sfle wss siiflrnnx fnwn n'
tnia or a hlomlless condition of tlie body.
She hee;ime entrpitnejy weak, anil cvmld
not slsnd Ihe leajl nois or sintenneiiL
In this iiiiiilil ion of sdjirs they were re'
onimcndcd by sn old (riend to it(l soin
of tha fninous hhiod niwlieine, Lr. Will
iams' Pink Pills for Pale People. They
did uj, and almost from the first dose
llerthn heuau to improve. She iDntinucd
to tnae the pills and wns by their means
made entirely we), and more jmiet ii
peoplo than her parents cannot be found.
Dr. vSiilijjis Pinlt PilU have proved
a hoon to oiii:iiikiinl. etiiif directly
on the bl'Kid and nervin, they nx-tore the
n-qn !. -i ility '. al! pari of the h-idv:
cre!.ig ! Meii .'i'i; i ri: v and je r
feet harnwii,. i.'o :iioui tiie uei voioi
symem. Tiie pallor of the checks is
chnneed to the blindi of healtJi: the eye,
hriifhten; uhe muscles grow laUc, ajnhj
tion is ercl.-d and good heaJth rmunii.
Some guni kick; reveue ia one of
K Keren t Ulacnvcr.v That la Working
The most prevailing afflictions tin
'or a century have been encaging the
most scientific -skill of the medic t
world '.re rheu;iiiit!stii, neuralgia, ci
tarih, asthma. If grippe an ; their kit
dreo ailments. The country is full o
soffeifa from these complaints. Al
Hioi'Kiil the. most learned experta of tu
medical professloD have labored far a
century to produce a curative, unln
MUlte reiently uo positive regulls wen
effected, To the .Swanson Rheumatic
Cure Co., 107 19 Dearborn street, Chi
'Sgo, belongs the credit for having pro
duced the new remedy. It Is being ex
tenslvely advertised under the Irude
mark of "l-'lve Drops." The trade mark
Is self explanatory. Five drops make a
dose. The effect Is magical. In day
gone by other alleged cure have lieei
marketed with the promise to tnk
effect In thirty days or more. Klv
Drops begins to erne at once. Inimedl
ate relief Is felt. In order to mote ef
fectlvply advertise Us merits the com
pany will for the neat thirty days sea-t
out 100,XJ of their sample liuttlea o
this positive rure for Wl ii nis a bottli
by mall prepaid. Large bottle, .lot
doaea, $1 (for tblity days 3 hot t lei
12, Tbase suffering should take Ini
mediate advantage of this generon
offer aad write them today.
There ara l.oOO.OOO coal miners.
Far ibejrkMw
aresapt ceHaf ,
El "
Conductors Know iartaln U t ualoas aa
Freuk MulilaanU Look for Thru.
"Kresk ulght on u rittlroud train.''
The conductor vf the expreaa frr New
Tork, which leaves the Hvndltjjf termin
al every morulnic live mlunteM ufter
midnight, spoktt slowly. "There's not
many iieople know what fri-nk ulcht
Is; hnt'dly iinysne but we conductors,
ami then mighty few of tis. Hut It's a
fuct that certain trulns ou cenjiJu days
a' tli week 1 Bv 'frc.iU nl;;lits.' It's
so regulnr thHt you know when to ex
pect It. It's sure to come.
"It's this wny," continued the conduc
tor. "Ou this mtdnlKlit to New York
emigrant tickets jood on the Hiiiukllig
car ore Issuitd nt it rtMluced rate. Six
nlifhts of tho week w buve just the
poorer people that wait all duy, sit In
the cur all t)li(tit and are waked In New
York tit 4 o'clock la the morning, ull
for the vpjtort unity of giJic oveir for a
liulf dollar cheaper. They're the kind
of people you sen everywhere and any
where, on the streets. Hut ou one night
of the week, Just us rojfiihir us death
or tines, nil the ijucer IMi that are
truvelltiic around soem to frutbt-r to
Kcther on ono train. They are people
you wonlil stop ami look ut wheu they
passed you. They nie very fat, very
thin or very drunk; funny liniklnj: peo-!
pie, iiidy people; In facl, 'fn-iiks.' They I
never travel without each other. You '
don't M-e one freak in ft c.i; loud of or
dinary people. All arc plain, everyday
jMiiple, or else all are freaks. It's got
so that I can predict what a train load
is "joliur to lie. If 1 bee one or two or
dinary people getting ou, wliy I know
It's an ordinary nlht; but )f I see one
of 1liie freaks, then I know I'll have
only freaks. They generally come Sat
urday or Monday night, but there ia
no rule, .Sometimes we won't have any
for n mouth, and then we'll have three j
or four 'freak' nights toirether. In IK'.Kl j
1 counted we had between forty and j
fiftyabout uno night n week, jou see. j
If you'll come Into the smoker I'll thovv
you, for It's frik night to night."
There were five people oily In the
car. Freaks don't curry heavy baggage ,
as a rule. Away up In front u stout1
man was tuihracliig n friend, and tsjtb
were singing the tierman welcome
song, "llallce! Hallow:" for all It wi.s
worth. "You don't see anything pecu
liar In that maybe, but I'll show you "
"Ktop that singing," he said, loudly.
"There's a woman In the ear and she
wants to sleep." Koth men turned
around. They were unmistakably
Lrlsh. "And singing a Cermaxi bong,
too," chuckled the conductor. Two
others In the car had "freiik" written
all over them. One was a man who
must, have Im-cu sli Itn-ln over six feci
tall. He was thin and dretwed In nitty
black. He had turned over the seat
ahead of hhn and, by putting his feet
up, had elevated his kno. thin and
gaunt, two feet above his hetid. The
other was a strange looking foreigner,
remarkable for his ugliness. Belonging
to some Kastern race, he wn dressed
in ordinary clothes, which did not tit
hint. His face whs pitted and a harelip
drew his mouth Into an evil putdtlim.
At first glance he seeinel to have no
nose, so small, so sunken was It,
"Wouldn't like to meet him cn a coun
try road at night," said the conductor.
There was one other person In the car,
a, woman, one of tiiose small, swarthy
Italians who patronize the owl rrains
so often. "No, there's nothing freak
ish alKiut that woman on fired sight.
I'.ut come up here with me." He led
the way to the woman. "l.k there."
ho said. On one arm tin1 woman held
a baby, on the other arm autl,er baby;
on the seat a third baby. They wero
triplets. "So you see it'n frenk night,"
said the conductor, genially. "It's a
good thing for you you did nt get in
that smoking car."
An inipilry among the conductors of
trolley cars had revealed the curious
fact that the same conditions prevail
there. They, too, have "freak nights,"
although but once a month on the aver
se". Just as on the railroad, the freaka
travel only nt night In tin "owl" tars.
They are never aevn ilh ordinary jo
ple, but flock together. Although they
have this afllnity for each tner. their
neighbors' peeullaritle never huve any
Interest for them. Tbey have occupied
the center of Interest too long; they aie
too accustomed to beaug woudorcj at.
So they never wonder thennrelves
Philadelphia Times.
Way He Was Welcome.
"Here, Harry, is a dime for you,"
said Mr. Harper to the little brother of
the one he loves. "Have jou ever
beard Miss Bessie say anything a Unit
me when I wasn't here?"
"Ob, lots of times," replied tbe sweet
"And what doe she say. Harry 7"
"She says she's always glad to have
you come here when she's fetlln' all
wore and tired."
"And," continued the delighted young
man, "does she ever explain why she
likes to have me come at such timed?"
"Yes. She says you're so easy she
cult go to sleep and still keep you guetts-lu'."-
Clcveluiid Leader.
( orle.'a Klag.
The flag curried by Cortez. the Span
ish conyueror of Mexico, nenrly 400
your ago, was until rex-ently preserved
ut a little church In tbe capital cf the
State of Tlaicala.
' lnvltlnx Ostraciam.
Mabea I wonder what's come be
tween Myrtle Seymour und Tom Sedg
wick? - MildredOh, haven't you bwird? H
openly declares that he doesn't inlcud
to get a chalulesa wheel this yeur.
Wo notice that girls wltb irtiliea
iM-ver huve fascinating girl ootne to
ylslt them.
Sympathy often move Uie prop1
wlienpatrlmtiaui falls; avjipatliy cauaad
tha lata war
These two words emph.i'C.e a neces
sity and indicate a re.niedy.
KI'IUXi; - (he season when the blood is
most impure ss a remit of the win
ter's closer cnniinenp'tit, higher liv
ing, slower H-tinn of the kidneys
and liver; when humors of all kinds,
bolls, pimple mid eruptious are
most liable to; when the
weak, languid condition of the whole
bodily siructuie demands aud w el
comes li'dp.
MKDICISF. to which nhe millions
turn at this seriwn-IIoisI's Sarsapa
rilla. The uriqinnl and only pt'p
arntiou esjiecially adaplel to ihe
present iwiiIh of 'be human family;
that which make ie blood pure and
clean, as shown by Its thousands of
wonderful cures of. dreadful blood
diseases; create an .ip;'tite and
cures dyspepsia, as shown by its
"mngic touch" in nil stomach trou
bles; steadies and streiuriheuH l'1"
nerves, as proved by the piiple for
merly m-rvous. niv.v calm and self
possessed, thanks to m.-iq?
m"nri' ' -
A contemporary In Fpsrt-a, Tenn,T
says: "We have heard It rumored rirtt f
there may be a wedding In this town
some time this summer." We shall
await later details with The nuwit pleas
urable anticipations.
One maple tree in Vennont some
time yields twenty -four gallons of sap,
ar six pounds of migar. New mpl(
Jyrop In that State sells for $1 a gal
lon. It may be judged from the fact
thHt not much of It gets scattered ovei
'he countrv.
Maine people are shipping pine one
to tLe tret-lets plains of the weot.
The sweetest flower of the gospel i
"No niau can help his belief." Un
less he has brains.
A poor picture is not helped by beim
put in a good light.
The dullest man has in him some
thing original. It is sin.
The man is usually in the right who
owns himself in the wrong.
Dsafaeaa Cannot be Curna
by local applications, as they cannot roach
the diseased portion ot'the far. There i
only one way to cure Pentness, and that is
by cons itftiotial remlies. neatness is
caused bv an inflamed condition of the
inneous linintr of the Ivistachian Tube
When this tube geis intl.uned yon have a
; rumbling sound or impe teet hearing, and
vvhen it is entirely closed Deafness is the
I result, and unless the inflammation ran be
taken out and this tube restored to its
J normal condition, hearing will bfl de
i stroved forever: nine cases out of ten ae
caused by catarrh, which in nothing but
j an inflamed condition of the mucous sur
' faecs.
i We will give One Hundred Dollars lor
I any case of Deafness (caused by cat,arrh
ttiat cannot be cureu Dy nan s L atarrn
furs, bend lor circii!ars free.
F. J. CH KNSY t CO.. Toledo, 0.
fSold by Druggists. 7f.
The governor of Idano, Frank Stennen
burg, never wears a nertis.
Aak. Tor Allen's Foot-Ease,
A powder to shake into your shoes. It
cures Corns and Bunions, Chilblains,
Swollen, Nervous. Damp, Sweating.
Smarting, Hot and Callous Feet. At
all druggists' and shoe stores, 25c ASK
'I'll DAY. Sample FREE. Address
Alien S. Olmsted. IRoy. N. Y.
The kaieer and tbe are said to be
lovers of bric-a-brac.
Car! Yollen sold $.'?."sl of Salter's Cab
bage. abor, gi-cd, rent and all did not
cost him foil, profit JO!. You can bea
thai and make lorg of money on Early
fladlshes. Teas, fjettuce, .Mnslirooms
Onions, Sweet Corn, Tom.v oos, Pota
toes, etc. Salter warrants bis seeds
the earliest In the world. Potatoes only
f l.frf) ir barrel. Millions of Raspber
ries, Cherries, Apples and small fruits.
Catalogue tells all about them.
Kend tfaia Notice with 14c. Stamps to
John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse.
Wis., and get free their big Plant and
Seed Catalogue and 10 packages vege
table and flower seeds novelties worth
$1.00. c. n.
There are sixty different kinds of
wood grown in Arkansas.
Mother Oruy's swnct Powders for
Successfully used bv Mot her Gray, nurse
in the Children's if imo in New York,
cure Feverishnoas, Had Stomach, Teet h
ing Disorders, move and regulate the
Bowels and destroy Worms. Over ID.iKjii
testimonials. 7V.v ti'cr fail. At all
druggists. Sample FRKF,. Address
Allen S. Olmsted, La Koy, N. Y,
Over 60,000 oil wed have been sunk
in the United 'nts.
TITO rermnrifi
ri i o
flrNt day n. i In. kiln.' Uri-ut m luv
ptorrr. SnSforFlur fH.l'ii frtaj hottli- nS lrlM.
Lw a II. KLUa.Ul., 1 A . eh l.nxt. PbiLwtHplilJs C.
Missouri has the greatest bodes of lead
ore in the world,
IK picMur iM hmthfni r is bwk u snaUf
Ktrmiml hi OMnn'n Suliihnr Soap,
iliui Ualr and Wkukar iM. blaot ar knws, toe.
Who would refnsa the offer of eternal
life if he could put a mortage on it?
For Lung and chest diseases, f no's Curs
b the best medicine wa have nsed. Mrs,
J. L. Nortbcotl, Windsor, Oat., Canada.
For an epitaph : "fie believed in a
free gospel : it never cost him a cent,"
Mrs Wlaalnw'aaooTHiao HTaor for child
ren iMlhlni, nftni the suma. reduoeii Inllaia.
isllsn, allaya patn, r.urn wind oolio, ttoltla
In religious controversy, ferocity ia
not tho only sign of fidelity.
Tata LaiMn ammo gululnaTaOkm. 40
soMlMaa.U lVfMlaia a .
I Only thoe wbo have lieen relieved
of greal suffering can fully apjirei-ia ie
the gratitude with which the testi
monials overflow wtTfUen in favor of
Hood's Sarsupnrttla. Just read this:
"C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"Cent leuieu: My first exierieiice with
Hood's Sarsaparilln waa vvticii I used it
as a tonic and spring medicine. It (lid
me so lunch good my faith in its merits
because it
i's when all others
It Is time to head off some of these
aead-on collisions.
If John Bull tackles that Panama
anal he will find himself In the "last
Plllsbury of the great flouring mills
s a good citizen, but yet he presides
iver a grinding monopoly.
Polar expeditions have the advantage
:hat there Is no hurry about them. Tbe
oIe will always be there.
Pon'l mnnkev with polities and neclwt the fsnn. Alonu witti your other crops this .Sprintf, sow
xnne well sehstted Klax Seed on yonr new erouiid. Nniliinir will pnv w well. The aorentfe ia
joins to he liht, and l lie prli-e onglit to lie high. There will be a better market al yuio- door
;han ever before, b versiiy your crops, and have more than onestring lo your bow.
For Howinjr purMifcs, will hf ottered by uh k ioner as the supply lasts. Our luiil will eosaiM
ovra Jmlf mil ion bushels in 189& rite Uk prines Hiid how ia ow it.
OU PIMX Ks.s i,io:uil IJiiHfe'l -ftko, for stock, alu'nys ou hand. We also muuftw
i he celfbi Atpii rt'silmau Lniseed Oil, Iolletl and Khw.
KtttMlikHlift is; ;. WOODMAN I.INM KD OIL WORKS, Omuim, Nt.
Do You Know that There Is Sci
ence in Neatness? Be
Wise and Use
Established 1780.
celebrated for more 2
thn i a century as a .1
dohi-ious, nntiitious, '7
and flesh-forming
beverage, h. our
Yellow Label
on the front of every gi
package, and our Jjjj
trade-mark,"I.a Belle c
Chocolaticre,"on the 3
back. S
Dorchester, Mass. 5j
Don't I fonld with A mackintosh
or rublnr tail. If you want a coat
that will fc? h you dry In the hard
at storn buy the Fish bund
Sticker. If not fr ule In your
town, wrth for mtalouf to
A. J. TOW! M Hoiton. Mam.
fi A fl CI U I To he,t Ksd Bops RooAnt ''
nllUrlllU l0- P'!. 't-f t snd oalla
IIUWI I "U included. 8haUtulea lor Plas
ter. Sample rrts. THIS FAI MANILLA
IOOII.NU CO., Csandes, M, J.
N. N. U. NO. 465-14. YORK, NEB.
fcs FtatT ' mw
i" rwc
beiame very stron?, About tws yean
later I had a running sore on my foot. It
ilevcn.e.l into erysipelas and affecte4 the
entire limb. At that time I was
Vary Much Run Down,
as I lis been troubled with ayaacjMi.
The drain on my system was so sever and
my stomach wag so weak I bacaM a
ready victim of malaria. I feared I could
never regain my health, My rtiraisiah re
belled at the simplest food, an4 the aaedl
i-ines prescribed for me gave but litOe re
lief. I sent for a bottle of Hood's Ihraa
parilla. and I had taken tbia medietas but
three days when I began to improve. Con
tinuing with it, I am now btttar am'
stronger than I ever expected ta B. I'
bus purified my blood and given fsd ci
culHtion. I have bud no retorn af mj, oi
troubles since." MKS. W. KAN1, Mdia
Pa. Hood's Sarsaparilla ia
The Medicina for You
Because of what It has done for others
bec ause yon ougbt this spring to cak
that which will do you the most
fai'. lie snre to get Hood's.
A masseur ha-s a plan for developms
the necks of JiocJety wromeo, but wheUi
tr K is rubber or otherwise deponetu
alth not.
Japun la willing to arbitrate ths
ijuestjoiis at lsue with Hawaii it
Hawaii will agree to put in a plea ot
guilty In advance.
The Rev. W. If. Wiley of West Vir
ginia prayed for the strikers. The op
irators got revenge on Wiley by pray-
njr for an injunction.
We wlh to r 1d LM.000 aw
tomera ftna bnooflr
1 Hktr h Dt Rkriiab. Ubi
1 Pkg . Karl; Sprint Turf ip, 0o
1 M Earlletit Red Bt, . lOo
X u Bimrurck Uncnmb?, Its
1 M Uimen Victoria LttBM. lbo
.Tumbo (tixnt Oqidb, Uo
firuliantMowwSMdft Uo
Worth 1.06. fr 14 U.
AhnTfl 10 lka. Worth (1 00, v Will
mAil 7011 tram, tothr with out
rret Plknt tod nad Otatofti
upon raca'Dt of thin notioo aad Tic.
pottage. We invito yomr trade and
-ictf trhm y-i Dce trf Sa!"-r'i
l u will ut-. -r hi Along k-.
.it i ,t'm. rotaiueaatjl l jU
a lili 1. Catalog alono 00. Sv. -W.
1 It . - M t . A
ditchargoi, iuflommatima
irrilaLtlun nr ulrai.tuJ
iy raiDioH, ana aot 1
or nt in alofn
r rwi, prnpaia, I
II fin. cr 3 ttottlot, U to.
csir inni on
0 nfin linn Strawberry
I Plants $1.50
per thousand and up. 12.000 Peach Tress lft
and up. Dsn ire Oranire. Had e, 11.00 si r thou.
rid Ab Seed ing. 7i pi r thontasd. A Urn
aupply of al! kind" of e'reecllnsly wsll rootenl,
true to n.rne, aii'i atrlntly Srat-elsss nuraerS
itnrk. W rite for Prlr to
ttnw to urn.w whPNt nt 44lea ba, anS M bai,
Itn l.ii., I.arler una 1U0 bill. poMtMt fT Hn
! i --.!; orit iiiikat patiI.oocs He4 y
wll ii II ima eeeat nmle, aaaa repaipvol
1'IIIH Ml'l ll t: anil lO ranle la eiMawa.
joint 4. a in . ri rsnaaa, wis. fcs.i
A better Seals for
ranHT Nia
Ji'h money tlisn has
evi-r neeu onersa.
Join's of Rlnifnamtos
IIIUKhaniloo, A.
Irawt SmS r T AT irm la AeaaHos.
, Tk.ll.e.lMaii-.Fk.r1aiTWaAi,tM
ARLIiaT IMl af 44 kaekaw .
PrieaaSlrtakMS. twaraMSSSS SMC, U tmm
, liiilMilw, wettSWIntale,ela, as t
aMIea, MSH-HISSSlatSO.,linilln,W.S,S.
..Ul I ! J