.i.sa,- . afi. .fa.JJT.....)j.,1 wain' i ' si at ,4j.1-t) j. m -v ,-- OUTSIDE EXPLOSION LTV8 ANOTMtft TORPEDO BOAT aw Seat ta HsdrM Two Extandrd 8w too Held IMacaaaioa of Gr.n Char. rlar A Critical Tina. WARrxoTow, March 26. The court f inquiry appointed to investigate the sause ot .tie Maine disaster has reported that the lost of the battleship was due So an outside explosion. The slate department, by direction ( the president, hai cabled United states Minister Woodford at Madrid to sotify the Spanish government of tbif SMiclusion. The president and hie cab net advisers held two extended tensions loday, one at 10:30 a. m., and another it 3 :30 p. rn., at which the report was tortsided in detail. Members of the jabinet stated after the meeting that the Jiecussion wag of grave character tad that never since the wrecking of the Maine has the situation seemed ao iritical. Tie Spanish government hag cabled W Washington that the Spanish naval Bommiseion holds the disaster to the Maine to be of internal origin. The joverninent of Spain, it can be stated positively, is not disposed to turn back the torpedo flotilla now proceeding from ihe Canaries and would be disinclined 0 consider a suggestion f -om this gov srnment tending to interfere with the Imposition by Spain of her own naval on-es. War preparations rn an unprece Jen ted scale is being hurried ti comple tion by the war and navy departments ind the country is practically on a war ooting. The navv department wag informed iv cablegram from Lieutenant Col wall, laval attache to the United States em asy at London, that agents of this (ovt-mment had purchased a "torpedo oa' that had been constructed for ihe 3erman government." The new acqui lition is of the general type of German rpedo boats and is regarded as a valu ibie addition to the navy. It is expect dthat ii a f-w days she will leave for ibeUnt-d States. She ia a twenty ihree kmt vessel and about 150 feet eng. While of the same general type is the Rogers anil the Foote, of the United States navy, she is a trifle longer. The price paid for her the navy officials leclined to state at this time, but it was mid to be very reasonable. Word reached the navy department loday that the Spanisn authorities ha e taken steps to supplement the existing (unifications at San Juan de Puerto Rico, the main port of the island of Porto Kico. The news is regarded as ugciiic.'.nr. Porto Rico is the only other fSM'i :'ib which belongs to the Spanish, ove'tiuient on this b miephere besides " 3nta. The officials of the department, wh'le acknowledging ihat information f t: i- foregoing character has reached their, are very chary about impar.ing ny of the details to the press. T! city of Porto Kico is fortified after the ii'd e-yle ptevalent in the ea ly days the defenses consisting of a wall which sompletely encircles it, of several forts Utraieg c poinU, while the only points f ecrest" and ingress are through mass ive gates. These fortifications are being strengthened and the armament has MtD increased by two large guns of formidable pattern and caliore, San loan has 23.414 inhabitants. General Flagler, chief of ordnance of Ihe army, today had a long conference with S -creUry Alger with reference to sdditiooal gone and gun carriages. A lew davs ago Secretary Alger alloted to general Flagler $1,600,000 from the Hnargency appropriation made by eon-tre-s. After careful can vase of the situation Secretary Alger gave Geneial Flagler a liberal additional allotment to be mm by the ordnance bureau at bis siecretion, but no information could be sbtained either from General Flagler or bom secretary ' office as to its amount. The sum must be a very considerable sue, however, as General Flagler said that it was to be need to cover provi lioaol contact entered into for the cdo trsction of new gone of Tarions calibres tad their necessary carriages,. Ponding action on the report of the eoort of inquiry Lientenant-Comniender Maris, the judge advocate of the court, will be on special doty ia the office of aha tnAm advocate ire n era I. Here be will be available to supply any infoima lion that the president or the secretary of the navv may desire in connection with the nro -eedingt of the eoort. Th- enlistment of men for tbe naval service is progressing satisfactorily at tbe Washington navy yard and a good elaes of mea is being obtained. Hereto fore the enlistments have been confined to ratings of machinists, teamen and ordinary seamen. On tbe recommenda tion of Lient. J. Robinson, the recruit ing officer in charge of tbe rendesvoos, navy department, bat anthoriaed him to ID- lode tbe enlistment of coal patters saw..! fi rsman. Lieutwnat Caiwell, at London, hat been directed by tb ry department to arte the baildera of tbe recently par- dheaeJ craiswr AIDea. to nasten the eaowtrwetion of the ship with sibie epeed. all Taajrrow. M. J.. March Tbe esMV s Uxtwoet late the death of Henry ftasjaa, who died T-aaday as a reealt ol t.eariea la a boslag mats m Moaaaf aiht withJaefc smith r wc ta a fwtiat Btaaa'i AeaU CzZ w aaU alAaal baU aa. bsa Aaatia Msi ltmaw laat t -.-tlCai LEVEE WASHED OUT. rrnty Thooaaod Arra of Laod ara Over Flowed. UundmU HuuifleM. Si ixivak, Ind.. March 30. The levee jn tbe Vt'abash river went out with a breadth of 11)0 feet, entailing a loss ot 1100,000. Twenty thousand acres of land are overflowed, and hundreds of families are rendered homeless ai.d destitute. Citizens are responding for miles around in their effort to remove families and stock. Hundreds of cattle and horses are heuitued in. The levee was seven milea long and was built at a cont of $80,000. Tne area of farm lands submerged is about 20,000 acres. The Indiana and Illinois Southern i railroad snffers a serious lows. The road officials are directing and rendering every assistance in the work of relief. The water at this hour is making a mad rush through the bottom lands, uproot ing trees and taking everything in it path. It is feared that many people, who were slow to take warning, will meet death in the flood. An Osgood special says : The B. A O. S. W. railroad letween Lawrence and Aurora for three and one half miles is four feet under water. Trains go to Cincinnati by No. th Vernon via the Big Four route. The Ohio is riting at a very rapid rate, with no immediate prospectof stopping. The conditions are alarming and fears that the levee will break at Lawience berg are entertained. The Wabash raited 2.22 feet tonight, this being the highest ever known, and is still rising. The levee below the c ty gave way tide afternoon and the lowlands ofLawrenot county will soon be a sea ol water. Ths suffering an 1 loss of property will 1 great. Tne low lands of upper incei: nes and Lecker townships are sub merged by White river. The staim t Ostenlioro left t r Bei! with a relie party tliis evening. Three hundred p opie are waterbjuud and destitue. Owinj to a break ia tke Ev insville & Terre Haute at Emison, caused by tiie break at Lower Shaker pnirie, all traim n that line are abandoned. The first train on the Indinapolis & Vincennei road since Tuesday reached this citj today- Cincinnati,,, March 29. U i.til the weather becomes settled there can bt no reliable prediction in reg trd to th flood in the 0.io. But for ihe rain which began about 2 o'clock this morn ing in the Ohio valley the Ohio rivei here wculd not have reached fifty feet Tbe precipitation here up to 7 o'clock this morning wag one-balf inch. Tonight rain is reiio-ted from the same storm from Portsmouth to Parkersburg Nevertheless the Ohio is falling at ali points above here. From 5 to 8 o'clock this evening the river has risen one- tenth of a foot and at 10 o'clock tonight is sixty-one feet and three-tenths What it shall be to morrow dependi whollv on whether or not there will b additional rain in the Ohio valleys. Al! railways are running trains on theii regular lines tonight. The condition of people exiled from home by the watei is tbe same as yesterday, it tne re is no more rainfalf the river will begin U decline about midnight at about sixty one and five-tenths feet and after thai will runout rapidly. Work Ins In lolnon. WAsni.NGTON, March 30. At the clow of the cabinet meeting yesterday Secre tary Alger gave out tbe following state ment: "So far as the e being any differena of opinion among the membeis of thi cabinet; they are all in hearty acco'c with the president. When be reid yes terday his message on the Maine then was not a dissenting voice nor a sug.es lion of clung. It commanded tbe ap proval of every member. How coult the president have said more? He gav congress the report at once and stat that he had forwarded it to Spain and ii awaiting her reply. He most take on step at a time. It may be said furthei that there need be no fear that he wu not take the next. He has not lost moment, in prescn:ing not only thi Maine incident bat the whole eitaatioi to Spain. The country can well affors to wait the result of the nego'iations which will be promptly made kuowD whatever the result " The Spanish siluati n was the absorb ing and practically the only subject o! consideration at the state, war and navj departments and although the main in terest of the day was centered in th e ib net meeting and tbe general cou of congress, yet the active negotiation! now proceeding with Spain made th state department hardly lesi a centre ol attention, while tbe preparations of ths war and navy branches went on witt unabated vigor. The Spanish minister, Senor Polo, reached the state depart. ment shortly before noon snd was witt Judge Day over half an bonr. Tbe meet ing ws by appointment, one of Jndgs Day's clerks having been aent to tb minis er to ask bim to come to tbe de partment at the earliest moment. Pending his arrival, Judge Day wenl to the navy department and bad a tall with Assistant eweretary Roosevelt aa soon thereafter Mr. RuoMvelt retumes the visit sad hand a talk with Jodft Day ia hia office. aadod for Aurtoa. Lokdo, March 30.-Eaeign Sobla son ind McMorrii, U. 8. N., who hays btaa studyinf nsval arcbltactora at Glasgow, ba been rMiOai by raeri from Waahlagtoa. The UaiUd Itatai ernieer Baa Fraociaso, which, wlta thi law Orisaaa, sailvd oa Saaaav latt thaPaf4rfasa,siftHiiisiagat aias kat latai. aaiag 4aiass ta the Caa FraacWtsgiaea. TbaWaw Or leaae aat aata erdered by Oeianwaw lUwwMttawsajaaaiadtaalaaFMasiiii J HI USiU.N brthKS MRS. THiRSTONS LAST REQULST. Tliw fruit VUlvna u mu InipaMtmi'! Hrt b unt uba and Uttr Trouhlr by Our Junior Senator. W AMiiNbTOK, March 2. A scene, drama'iciii thein'ensity of its interest, waa presenied in the senate today dur ing the delivery of -Mr. Ttiurston of Ne braska of a epet'rb on the Cuban situa tion. Not ince the inauguration of Presi dent Mi-Kinley have so many peop e been on the senate i-ide of the capitol as there were today. Trie ga leries were pa-Veil w.'th people, many o-f whom had arrived at theeaoitol a earlv as W :'?0 a. m. in order to obtain netts, Even the 'iplomatie gallery, which is rarely oci-n-pied, a4 filled with Ind -w and gentle men from vario'i" foreign le-jitions. Within a few miii ot" after the sen I'.e convene 1, every r-n ttor who c uid he present, wa" .n hi" neat and by the time Mr. Thuist .n lia i btgun his sjieei h .1 i7ns of meiiitx -rs of th" hou. were either ptand n.' "r u-'ciiui-d cia:rs in the area without the semi i-irc't of i-a:(. A jar (f ro ea had ! eo pla.'e i on Mr. Thurston's deik, Out tie -puke iroin th.it of Mr. Hawley in theeentral part of tiie phanilM-r. His firnt Sentence in wh rh he said be spoke by coin iund o' silent lip a ielictte an 1 t .ii tiing ref.T'iici tit. ft lo-a of hii w if..- h i ht iiiemorihie trip to Cuba comma -i 1 intrant attention. huli tell over to kire.t an hence, which iiung win ! 'no-it l.renthle-s at lentiou aud mtetit u hi evrv word. iuh in'iNu i;t ii .Hi'. Some surprl'" lia-j be-n expre-ed that Senator T:iiirto:i tlrml I apear iu - uMie proui. oerry so ho mi af'er the "iiii'e of Mrr1. Tiiur-Tuu, hut. the lii-ut sentence of ins i-p e'h tuinvsiies tie y to his action. Mrs. Tnti'-tO'i's dv'.n reijn -st to her i shaud i tha' he eh ul i lose no iiiieon a-oo in! o' ii.-r ij-ath to do his itmotu t sava an 1 tr-e (.. ibi and tts X'Ople. In a'Ciirdanc- w-th the reque-t therefore, Sena'or Ihuriton Hienfieed is personal feeling an 1 delivere 1 his peecb a speech tiiit wjs his tribute to the memory o( his w ife. The speech very generally re garded as a misteriy ettort and even those who could not agree with hip con fusions conceded ttie power of his oration. As he near-d theendoftlm peech his voice, which had teen clear and rising, noticeably brke. He wa-, almost overcome by emotion, but rallh d with an effort and closed iu a minm r bat thrilled bis auditors. Staid and dignified senators turned away and wept, and iu the galleriis tears welled to hundreds o eyes. It i a remarkabie n-etie and the stil - ueec until tbe last word had been pAi- sounced was a of d atb itself. As Mr. Thurston sai Ic into his srat ind buried his face in his hands the rallerifg were swept by such a tumult jf applause as ha-t not iu a long time jeen heard in a senate chamber. As a brother might bave done, Mr. i'len, Mr. Thurston's colleague, from Nebraska, walked to him and placing lis arm over his shoulders quietly led aim from the chamber. The act was me of the touching amenities among he turbu lance and disc rd of political life. Tur t'ubau t'rUU. I.o.noon, March 25. The imminence jf tha Cuban crisis hai prompted finin iers to make efforts to avert war. A movement on loot in Lximuara street ind among American baukors who are leading it are supposed to have the sym pathy and perhaps th cj-operation of Rothschil Is. The American bankers are ndeavoring to secure the influence of financiers and governments, represent ing to them the damage to the commerce f s'l nations wh ci. a wsr would involve. I he financiers are willing to inuest lib- irally to prevent war, but apparently hey are nnable to devise a plan promts jig success. Tbe American bankers tell be diplomats that If the United States iemands an indemnity, and Spain it willing to pay it, financiers will gUdly urnish the funds. The best informed diplomats believe the Spanish cabinet und dynasty dare aot risk the wrath of the populace which would inevitably follow acquiescence in the demand of tne Unite i htatee for re paration for the loss of tbe Maine. Financiers are also seeking to bring pressure upon vy annington, inrougn fiploraata, but it is believed they navs ..et with little success. Slrtka or Coal Mlaara Pittsbubu, Match 25. A general strike of river coal miners will be inau gurated on April 'i, uulets all of tbe con ditions of the Chicago agreement ar complied with by that dale or the oper ators agree 1 to pay tbe men upon a run )f mine basis. A strike will effect ibont &.000 men. Villi Mat be ProMetitod. Rom. March 25 The chamber ol deputies adopted, by a vote ol 207 to 7, tbe committee report recommeoaiDi "political censor" against Former Pre mier OrisDi. who ha been accosed of complicity in the Bank of Naples scan dals, tie will not oe proescuieo. Qurtar at a sflllUe far Battaf. Wi.umoToM. Marsh 16. Aa amead meat to tbe sundry civil bill to pending hafora tha seaats committee oa appro- priattoaa, appropriating 160,000 to far nisb supplies to the dettltuU poaeto of Oaba. It is stated that 11 will prooabiy ba adopted. . WAaaiaJrw'alsroii M-follewiag k tha lam of BTebrts psaaioaat Iatmai Ismaai jeckler, Oralghtaa. ssa.'-tirr'' THE VITAL I'OIXT CJ3A MUST HAVE HER FREEDOM. H 4i umutn will bt rft--iil- tmlay.- K U.luaft brtwmu ttia t filled Mte AUit -I. nil aiMi ba rltli d.-Tnc I llliuatv .ull. WsHis(.ToN, March 31. The vital p i t of the Cuhan Muetion, viz., inde peii 1'iice, ha-f shiitef rs.-lf from Wasli ing on to Madrid, when the Spanish government is now giving grave and eanu si ronsidoraiiou l rouositions pn-ented by tha government Oi tiie I niied Mates. O;: tiie answer to theae prop.isitiom probibly depends tie fu ture course ot the relations betw en. Spam and tbe Unite I States. The Span ish tuimstry will hold a cabinet meel ine toil.iy. after tbe propositions l.avt Uten submitted tot e queen regi-nt, and an a re-mlt of that conference it is ex-l-."ei tiy the administration that a de tin t3 answer to its proposals will b: re.'-'iva I. Th-f proow tioni 'uh.-nitled by this country louteinplate a couifdete and iui-jiediati ceiation of hostilities in Cuba, thi return of the reconcentra lo-i to their usual avocations and ttie in le p"n fence of (hib.i, thi-i last f.-ature to be leciirnl proliab y on an indemnity ba--'n, by w ,i n the island would pay a "'lb'tantial sum for it freedom irorn -taiuli rule. Tiie" proposition tnke a wide s-ope an 1 ther are ina. iy deiaiU iu tiie ai'ent.it'- prop in.tioii J, th : pur iii b,-io.' to pieeiit every ps be plan pr mming a iolu ion of tli-i Cinau prohiem m long as u end of tlm CuIhu war AnA C .lban in b-p -nd -in'e were em -Ui:e l ill tin; ultimate re-iM. A HRK vkii'uvs uii Finn r. H has tieeii ma le perf-clly clear to p'tin that i ol'u'ng I than the c'oe ii th't war an t t!r; imlependenca of the .-laud will sullicK an an a leipate nettle merit. Never before until now has the Span-:i-h government ev -r for a moment en lertained such prop"itioni. Now, in the stn-sa of the em-rgeiicy, will decla rations of war introdused in ttie Ameri can congris, Spain ha- r;lui tant!y con- enteil to consider them. This in itself has given lively hope of a satisfactory re-nlt. Hut it involveii a grave crisis iu .-p tin, and it cannot be f oreto d what tiie final action at Madrid will be. In- il tixlay there was the bent of reason or the otlicial b.-iief that aa b-st we.-n peace and war on lhese propositions Spain would ooose war, but more li-pe apparently is enti-rtainei here of Spain bring in a yielding mood, as the Ameri can plana for solution are being careful ly weighe ' w ith a view to a final decis ion. When the answer is received the future course of this government will be determined. It iB the view of the ad ministration that tbe present week will snape the policy of the future, whether it is to be one of peace or one of war. HOT IIKADI RKSTUAISIO. Many representative men of congress, senators and representatives, called at the White bouse today and conferred with the president. To the leaders in congress he stated that definite results were expected from Madrid by Friday. This served to allay the intense feeling which had ben manifested in cong-ess, and through the influence of the leaders further radical action by the senate and bouse was for tbe time being deferred At the capitol excitement was una bated. The meeting of the foreign relations committee brought ont much interest because of tbe many warlike resolutions introduced yesterday and te ferred to that committee. On the honse side there waa increased excitement. After tbe vote , on tbe Bailey resolution rnsny members went to the White house to comer with the president and express to bim their hope that something might he promised which would relieve the strained situa tion. Tbe assurance of the president was given to these members that by Friday night, at tbe latent, something definite could be expected. The situation at tbe capitol is one of waiting expectancy. Senators and repm-entatives are willing to give the president an opportuniiy to carry out bis plans, but there is impatience to have some information regarding these plans and some assurance that they will not delay action too long. JSegotteUviu About Cioaad. Philadelphia, March 81. Negotia tions are about closed between tbe gov ernment and P. . B. Widener of this city fortbe purchase of the letter's ocean going steam yacot Josephine, the yacht ia 182 feet over all, twenty-eight beam, draws sixteen feet of water and is of 400 tons register. She cin carry 300 tons ot coal and baa a speed of about eighteen knots an hour. Orders for the refitting of the old mon itors Mabopac, Canonicus and Mohawk were received at League island tonight. The big monitor Miantonmah will re ceive her finistting touches of paint to morrow and alii bt ready to sail at moment's notice Today additional rapid fire gons were mounted in her fighting top. Great later ait tUeltaa. Wasbixotoh, March 31. Tha nary lepartmea baa received a dispatch say i kt aaMpal H Danish warshiM have toft Cartfaagaaa, Spaia. Tha destine has not bean learned as ret. The news netted great mterest at tha navy da perf cat. It has beta learned later that tha ahi-a wblcb Wt Oathagena are the ar iJJrU armiaars Iafeata Maria aad Oria lobal Oeeaa aad tbe torpedo boat da. I Pit CUBAN iV.S7;C Ttia rahlort MfnilMTO Hon WKa FratUva, writlulay buitey. Wa-hikutom, .March 28. Tbe preei d nt ea a number of members of ths cabinet yesterday at the White bouse. Tnpy d oppf d in one by one until al most a quorum was present. With them w as Assistant Secretary ol State Ia, who presumably had some dig patciiee to thow the president. Tin meeting was not a serial cabinet meet ing, but was simply a talk between tlit president and his advisers such as oc eurred last Sunday concerning matter on w bich he deBired to consult them. Toe Cuban question and the report of ttie Main- board of inquiry were tbe subjects discussed, but so far as could be ascertained, one of the members o tiie cabinet sating subsequent. y that there was nothing new or startling in the situation. The presence of Judgt I ) y w ould infer that there were ad- v i- s from Minister ooolord, out tur ner than an acknowledgement that minunication is in progress ln-teen ti e state department and the minister, ithing could be a-certained. At the state, war and ntvy depart ment there was during the earlier por tions of the day little semblance of the Sabbath. Cniefa of bureaus, mesnotig ers ana telegraph operators were at work, 'rub ilily never Since the dayi oi the late war have fo many otlicial! fathered at the war a id navy denrt- ineiits on a Sunday. Dipatch'-i- th t rH!if there regar ling tin m jveuii'ii of snips and other matter were received, and as many of them re ju re I prompt answer in th present emergency, r plies were forwarded. Secretary Long, however, did not apjwar at the navy de partment iluring tti ii.iv. Mr'. L in? has been ill for some titu" and the sec retary iu part shook off otlicial caret and spent the major. ty of the day with her, AsMstatit Secretary Day spent a por tion of the Sabbath at the state depart ment and there rec ive! a call from the Spar ish minister, a rather unusual pro cedure, indicating imjiottaiit matters for consideration.1 The conference last ed tome time. Tonight Commodore WdfordS. Sch ley, just appointed the commander ol the "Hying squadron," l'-ft for Norfolk. It is expected that touiorrow he will noist bis ilrtg on the Brooklyn, which is to be the flagship of the squadron. Ths only other vi s-'el of the fleet now at Hampton Roads is the Mas-a limeits. Oi the remaining three the Texas is iu New York receiving munitions, and the Columbia and the Minneapolis are at League island, where the final work preparatory to their sea service is being hurried to completion. The latter will be at Norfolk about the middie of the week. both suits iioi-it roa piacx. The developmen s of the day in ths Cuban situation inoicate steady pro gress iu the negotiations, but the govern ment of this country aad Spam look, at least for tbe present, to peace. It is lUled on good u hority that Spain's wish is to secure a cessation of hostili ties in Cuba rather thaa engage in war with the United Stales and that it ia more than probable that the negotia tions between tbe government of tbe United States and the Sagasla ministry will take that turn in the mm-.iiaU future. The present Spanish ministry has professed a pacific disposition from the beginning and indications are strong now that it will avail itself of the rood office i of the United Stales to tbe fullest extent that public opinion in Spam will allow in bringing to an end tbe hostilities in Cuba. To what extent tbe United States msy go in assisting Spain in beY present design of securing an armistic is not determined, but the conservative element in the adminis tration consider the manifestation of this desire on the part of Spain for even a temporary peace a direct result of President McKinley's diplomacy and they are naturally disposed to contend that the president should be left free for the present at least, to pursue a policy which promises much in the way of preventing war between this country and Spain and also of bringing to a close ths hostilities in Cuba. Hence there will be an effort on the part of the peacefully inclined in congress to continue to hold that body in check and to prevent inflammatory utterance! there until this promising diplomatic lead may be exploited. Terrlbla LMaaalar. Bt. Jouns, N. T., March li8. The aeal steamer G-eenhv'd, which put in O Bay de Verde last night with a story of terrible disaster to her crew on Wednes day and Thursday while among the lea floes in le arch of seals, arrived here this afternoon. She reported twenty-flva men dead, twenty-three missing and sixty-one so fearfully frostbitten that about twenty of them will lose their limb. The colony is aghast at tbe magnitude of the disaster, nothing like which baa aver been kdowa here. Already a relief fund ha been started to assist th re latives of tha deceased. The Greenland ha 14,000 seals. She reports that the Aurora has 18,000, tha Plana 19,000 aad the Iceland 11,000. fieil O Qakatl. MaiiaiB, Marco SaVThe elect ion lot the popular branch of tha eortee have passed off, oa tbe whole, quiet). The indication are that tha government of Senor Bafeeta will hava aa eaoraBoa saojorit, eaUaaated at KM at tha 41) seat la tha ooagrea. , Disardaraara appreheads. at Mfbaa, where the polling saaatil great eeita gtaat. Tha military Jadge at Bliaaa le aae a wamat tar tha arrest at AFFAUiS IN iHIBA A DIGNIFIED FIRMNfff $. rn wilta Amw hai ! Slada aa4 SB thr Hand uf lha Aolharttlaa-JSarfca by a 'oorTailaTne. Wariusotov, March 29 Tbe United 4tate government bas presented ;h rough Minister Woodford at Madrid a :-ef 1 y prepared note dealing with ihe distressing condition of affairs ia Cuba, and making clear that this gov- irnment cannot much longer withhold inch definite a.-tion as will bring ths jre-ent struggle and tbe suffering it is K-casioning to a close. The note wf iiibm tted to f e Spanish government ;he 1 itter part of last week. The Spani h government hai made its reply to the note of the United States thus sntitni'ted by Minister Woodford. 1 brief cable dispatch wai received from W.niKter Woodford, but this is believed lot to have conveyed the Spanish reply, n it was confined largely to an inquiry. It can he stated positively, however, : iat the Spanish answer has been mads ind tcmnotbe doubted that it is in ,iie hands of tbe authorities here. Both ttie note of ttie United States ind tiie answer of Spain are. marked by i c m-ervative tone, which, however, loei not overcome the dignified firmness Alrcii rharaeteriz-s the representatives )( both governments. Tin-United State note clearly indi cated tliattne situation in Cuba could no much liiHger he tolerated, snd Id ieta 1 recite! th- distressed conlitions preva.hni and the apparent inability of the present Spanish policy in Cuba to tiring the e conditions to a close. Tiie Spaiii'h ans er is reassuring and furuivicM a basii for ive y hope that all diff -ri-nces may lie adj ist d on a basis 'UUa.actoiy to tin-government. Ol'TI.iKik MOHK HOI-KPt u The cabinet meeting, which was -all il at 10.3 t i' I n k ye terday, was largely devoted to ! 1 u reading of the president's un s-age, sent to rongress at noon, heveral minor cnanges wtn made n the wording of the messeve and after it bail b. en dispatched to tha cipitol some time waB spent ir. the con sidering of late messages from Minister Woo-Uor . Although the details ol these di patches are not made pubho, it is known that they are reassuring in character an 1 give a basis for the be lief that the present strained relations may yet le satisfactorily relieved. Al though retic nt as to the details, a in--ui tier o' the cabinet said alter Use meeting that the conditions were mah more hopeful than threat days ago. It is undoubtedly true that Spain la illin' to make imjmrtant concessions to the United States and is willing to go even so lar as to agree to withdraw lie iroo from Cuba on conditions which, if not satisfactory to this govern meat, are more liberal and conciliatory then any thing hitherto received and cieatty indicate a purpose to avoid war, even if to attain that end Spain is compelled make sacrifice never before considiaa. Notwithstanding lhee hopeful straa, the negotiations have not passed tfce danger point, nor is it believed that fat government will accept any comprosseae that does not involve prompt ceesatasa ot hostilities, even if the question oi the future government of Cuba be left ta future negotiations. firm Hunt Completed. Ixdoh, March 'Jtt. Forty rapid Are five andslx-inch guns completed by tha Armstrongs and dest n d for the Uh tad State will be shipped immediately. Lieutenant Colonel Alfred K. Bate, United State military attache, started to lay on a tour of Germany, Austria and Belgium in an endeavor to pure&at gun. The United States military attache at Berlin, Lieu., H. T. Allen, after scour ing tbe country, report that no gam are procurable in Germany, The Krtpa stock waa all ordered before the gaaa were begun and that concern is uoab'a to sell any to tbe United State. It ia expected, hoev r, that the United State will be able to secure a lot of gu a made in Belgium for the Beigiao govern ment, which does not need them. Bat it doubtful whether these guns will ta deliverable at an early date. Bxsxia, March 29. A high official at the German fore gn office, said today ta tha Associated press representative t "Germany will joyfully greet any I to improve Hpanish-Amertesn re It but this interest doe not go so far aa to induce Germany to participate In nflsn Ing mediation. Moreover, there at aa indication that America it inclined ta offer such mediation, nor on that Nitisf Mothlac Laas Thaa rraaeasa. Naw Yob., March 27. "The Uaitai Bute may make arrangement with Spain, bat the Cubans will never aaa sent to an armistice or any other paVa but Independence," said Horatio Ba bens, couasel for the Cuban junta. "Tha Cuban would be thankful fay the interest shown by thi country, bat w ould hava to respectfully decline al uch proposition, it u aa abaosata loss of Urn lor the Uaited States ta W tertain aay aegoiation ol the kind With pala. Koaa, March 4lgmor Fraaaajw Orispt, former iiasatsr hat gtmM Falersao toaiplala to hit Itisaaj hisaaUoa, daring hi premUnhip, enaaaattoa with tor Bank al "aeiet aoandaUaad oU.aronaadlaai that aata aasa mfH aaaar aansidetatLaa a J depalisa, treat wtlakta M.a geait agalaat tha Wl lapaaaaaat aatka atlavait attoa.