The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, April 07, 1898, Image 1

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    ..... , .v.,
t -- i.
' t J ' s
Limati J. Gu;;e, :(t:i!:ut of the
J-A UUUiliy JUUfnaJ.I.'tan.lani. Next to Mark .,n-i Mr. i A H'" fvf ,?, l Tf& k
IttTAH.isHEDl-PI (iaiHtlm ruling vint i.,V.-t!l Street, j V ' I
V.hrn the. ,d tor r II,m Kt...v Yori: 6 VPP' ft
r ..i i. . . . V iiA'iia tUiiia,L vi2 1
l'v:r.;,t;, n Trie, $1.00
'a1"): rdHor.
Joiirnu! ti'li;L'rat.ii il t.i "r. ( 'leveLicd
askim.: liim to ;i a popular mil s-r.p-
tion liit for raisin;: a food to build :i
monument in memory df tin? :.'.V t:ival
sailors an I soli'.iers who von- Mown
into f to rnity on lli hatlb'
in 1 lav nii.i -lmr, Feb. l"i Mr. Cleve
land utiswiM't'cl by myiii'.; he would riot
p.-ruiit hi sorrow lo ho n i ll for tlie
Mi!viTiis;;iir of t!i Jvirnil. W It it. a
H,i.,. .' ..... if ..,,,,... i.., ;.. .. I I.
'"n-M, xUinl fairhi .. ... .. ...
' " 1 1 ' 1 1 ' . ' r i H i i iu i , i' 1 1 y I "i ("i ' I ii j 1 1 si I 1 1 1
')''! OH the (Jili'.'l'tO for tlx: limn!, i- of tti-.K 'bravo n.
'" vi'l not h(s;tte
I1' i" J.'. ! Wrjtl lw,ht of-.iee IH
I- U.i'tl.u-.
V Fi:'-.:oniiV. O-inal. perfect- y
a I'inir.T. P.ic;-. lamt l.fnitf.. ?
fi I'br.; k'.T'rcr. lio-.e fcct!srot?.n7F:cf. 4
Koine reli lite i"ic:c!i.,.:.i sc'.j In 1
ill) Maine j V nearly tv .cy city cf tvn, A k cr ?
H llwrn, of t:vy c;n 'a P'i trovu A
V us la cill.rr Kcr York c." C:.;',.j.'" ;
J btamrs tji.cvi. La'.-.'.-l J'aihtoa L:t-it ';
I :nt upon rscclft tt or.? t;i.t Co ij h
I fostage. V
5 mmm 1
-TiK'K I'.l! XNI'S.
Tii: .tonis-M. will .,i,.,i, yonrbriii.l, !k R k f A3
til., I vl,,;:, for -in, piTv.-nr. I.:,. l, a fl Ifi G" fe E3 V?
r.ii.rtiineii 1:, Mom l.n-l I j, .i nff .,i.uli,.J H U t U U 61 D H
i.lolll't M.lvi-Ili-i: II,. ir l.liunl , In THK.Iol'u I it. : nill . nil owr luc tnl... n
iiuiy b." tin. t.ii'.uw of ,,;iv ;i ; i.uiiuiy lor ymi.
ires I
7:.' t; I j he. vntnl for
3, .vaj l'-rt '.u .n-THitti in. a on ii-ui
.ril nhoiilil. r of hoi i K. "
pV'J ll;uiri: on Aiiiii,ic ri-"ek
I". I)., (,li:ii-hri l. sloin Co., Ni'l).
i I'.iKin.i:.
Oil lettm..or tiiM.t i-rtllf,, (
iT1 ' 'O It'll '.iltilll-il-r Of lf.r-l-s.
r.i'I!:!!!!' on lln: li.-u'l ol U iirlioiuii't
M i-
- 3 " '
' 'SI Al'li'" " Iliirvi .0:1, sinus Co. Null.
rarv.T"!wi h. w.c.u.'Kv.
Hpi J,3"ii l'-rt hI.oiiIiI.t of cuttio ami
jffyv .iiior....
wwk'i" K-ini:.' on l it lit Cot tiM'uooil.
I'u. ., 1 r.iwl oi'l .'hr.
' in 'iter, irfiefirr
; Kh.i-. ! v.".
MiiiH-fliiii" ! T!i' (.Iiiliu T'.:it Will ! or. CO a..t: a
r;i;:ii I'nx.r soti.-i.-
Says its sc.
If you don't bolieve what he says go
take a look at those 500 pairs of Boots
& Shoes just arrived last Tuesday, and
you will see he is warring with every
store in the north-west. You can buv
foot-wear of him cheaper than at any
other store in Harrison.
S3 GOiid
ntc-feHi Kicry i;;!y.
; r'.I-i:l7 0 il l C J.vH -1,5 - r.j-.
j lM- i-.ionth.
i.'.T Ti-j;rin par-
. i t
Sunn Ui'ii,7 t: K i:i"iii!ier. '
V.'lii-n i:i in v lonr.ti-v t'i 'Vr :i ro nn-
: L j.;ccat.l co:.:rA:
A j .,a;,.1'
i 1 .
I-.,-; ( .1 .
i:') I'-:-'i Avr
17 . j .
-? ucitiuiu ',: III': n is rhir ::ni rj? r,:rfi' i.-i j..-o.-riy
'oil'. !nvin:r ;i nn 1 pro. if notice In
r v ; I i i iT.'i c .( in . i u t : 1 vt iif tht
w' , l r I ' ' ( : 11 i ' ' II :i.iv' I'fiils r.Xltit, i"i'i)urt LU-
.tiN" to 1 la- )Hi'-m a!, i.ikv.
'7' ,jy itioU in
v. '. f. l'',. .'.:
I I) .-,';..-:, ,,f llr. ...
- t'lr .Ili . ill.. . , , u
teti'l.-il ;is to
I . S. 1 .e 'ill I tiic- Mi'.ili,.
'!, 5 11.11 ' , I '.
::cti. '
p!fq irfiiil-iiiinrters for HAUD-WAUK, TJN-WARK, DIIY-G00LS unii
JIttJCERlK-J, FLOUR and FEED ami everytliiti- netdful & useful.
n ri-i.iM I'.r Hi r'li i iveiu i'lO'fSO Ql'
on. i
Tin' i: ;ou v.i:v.
,t wivho tli
at they lt,B
r,.j.on at tl' 1 !ir"
(r his iiK-'l'trs
n T. H-el. i"1 ,,"ut
rt,!h tliutJr-ii'lfi.l
,. lMnnr.V l"lt f"r
,4t n O. Inek tl.i
writiriK not
Iff.'it c' arc cp-
"; ' -J of U'ltloh
I v?f of ncarc.
... . . 7
. ":. it ".:UIU, OJ l T,..f.iet that, iiiiinv men fi.en..iv.l : 1
hftir." ih in! r in i,;:l!:ir:.' 1,1 his f .ir nee tiiitlvli'.iiol
I I ' '
Irv"1 '' -v,'V- t!"f ''!U,S" "! 1 ,!i!,ny i"."ii'''
I, , . , . ( li.tll'.i'll. r.iiii'i'S, --. ;,!( i Uil.'li.
It I ?,'H:ill:':t In: III'-1 -'
Lou:!t;ii ."Iin'.jci:);.! Ovrnt r, !.in.
: 1 .
' London W iUili il n. s...'(t ro:i'.', nn-tijii j !'
j anil ' engineer cMim:tlei tli.i t:i.,t it j i .- ..
j to l.o ifa,l)'0: tliii fr!it.ra tors cluivd t.i : iy,.
'do it for -"."). C-;:i; tlifii tin city went
. imil iliJ i!u! work for i, :i",()inl.
! .IT. .II1.' f i VCM ll:. Ill' rr.lli.Mll'j
:i. r it;. ,... iii.t i.-e .. ., inte .. I
'-J ! -: l i : i . unit III;, I i 'l ;l . .1 il .. 1 i I i 1, 1:11 ' " l
- " I , it'.. : I I":' ..., II I l.-i i. I' I,., rl ,,!
C r- ; l' -. - I'l 1 . 0,1 ,i, , 1. :
'w. :.:,J w iS ' ': ,i 1 '.V ol ilitr,'.,,. m'i.. '., 11 . 11! , , ! ' i i . C.
i, lor in ' - ',
1 , H :: .n ; 1 "J
.1, ' j
I', i I Fl," tio.l I .I.''' M-Iio.i
, ;.l, . I .:'., L.-Zk, .Vi h ll ; ,1
' : f.l J '. .1.16 1
,U i-il'SY
. I '
HI .1
. or
r.i.i .1 ..... . c:.,--'....r o,
, -.itica t- .1 T-li,;.,,-rjjis
i I'rtvjicril j lit
I Til!" flH'l lirVS lfV,'l.)ll:ll till) giflh
I ill Kin I'mivisco luiiutlricH woik from
!7 a. t'j 111 . in. lor !;) c uisu
T H R ! C E-A-W E E K- E D ! T i O .
is rami's a Vicek
!,-,(; i.)icr( 11 Yrar
For One Dollar.
!';. .! i .'.n il f i ry AI'itlhI - Iijij- i u'. p'.
Too Tliriev:i-'VV"f.;.Wor!il IMitioti of
-'ll' j oiifrlit to ir ::' McKitiVy (:rou.l of hint TltK New Yui:k IVoi:i, Is lirl, anion:;
irox.,enty and Lin-ley Irilk luutllyr of liisj :i" "w eekly 1mt m si.-, ln:-
Ul'in'. A):pi;.il to Reason.
Vai'.ti'.cr FSjasi' if It.
JCJe.vcn suii-.'(li!i in .Js lioursin St. Ixiuin
. .. ..1
I... Vr. lil-IHWDl.l
We in !iTlBn.l
iscl I" nlt u"!il
tl uitf to (!('-
rami! M "-nill 11,0
lV, rd o" Tii-Jay
1H !. n.'ukd tliir
null t'nr.ii-4
ull-niL-l i
,.ort,atl.atMr. H.W
;,. ,11 a real est tit
of U-.llinil'K Water.
ity in
Tlif ("iiildrcu'ii ri,'ht.
It tl'U Rilit of every i lnl, I toli'i well
Uirn. I'r.iiii'ii W'iilniil.
- TO )i! .VI"
I - -I,!,. ' .;;,,,! ..ihl vi.
I . .. 1 ' : . j . ir u. t. v; 1;
il Vi ilii uo i on, .., , .1 i! iv
,.l lJ,.i;-v ...l,(.)Ke,..f l.l.-.t,
Vv, J. Vt ..( I1'.
1 l-i,tlT.
S.'jcriir.s uL
Harrison, Nebraska.
I'v t r 1 11.- of :,n oril; r of :t i ; H..'l bv tin"
I ir!, of Ihe I iM ri'. I i oi 1 rl of Hi" eou ii ty 01'
ion , Klale ol S'l hl :t k... ir,lo:i 11 llerrei'
l.-o i. rr, l,y -ni'l liucnjl llonuie
1 Mr.nlon", M.iinMir, i on-n.o 11. Ihoinon,
A. 1.. liriii!.,., ti'llti-.., i-l-oik li;,i!e.
I l.l- A. I'ri'.tt 10 ill 1 rioiei -l H. I'l l, II, ll.'leii.l.
1011-, I will on tin- !Uh il.iy i.f A)ril, A. l. tv.w,
lit the liotlrof'i o'eloe!. p. m., ol wni'l 'l''V
1:1 lii' enwl 3 e. 111 L ilour of tin. court, lious-
In Hiirrion, l-i . .i l rionly, olfi'i" o 1 1 1 hi il
tl.e followll,;; ..V "i f, ,1 r' III II-! I'l' to Mil 1
'1 lie S W' ot h-l-l.ion U, 1 o'-. nlt i j) loinir''
'; in .Ml.UT rollntv, Nr li i-it-. k -t., lit pllllli1
iiKeti.iii toll'., h if i'.-.-.t I.11I 1-r for ri'li. lo
"Hi I- I V Kli'l 111'. IT Ol HIlll. ill 111' Willi Of, Willi lntirt lll.-r.oil lit tf.e r.ite of
1 en p. r ei-nl. .er annum I rom t he t.i.'i iluy
ol 1i cum her, l".i", nit'! 1:01-1 luel ucrrniiu;
rluLi. '1 noil i llol.M ,
Mirr;ir of Mtj.lComity.
(ii:fii''V of iiiil.heatioii find tie; f resliiiess,
ac-euTry and variety of its couteiils, ft
1 1.1 sail 1.1, c murrils ol a f:roit:; ti dl I. ir dai
ly, the priei; of a dollar weekly. 1 1 - .o
litital new:; in prompt, complete, ai.cnr
u'.e mid iiii;,iii in all its r-'ilt rs will
... ... . , ,
tfw'i.y. H is iurailhil tin) inonopolies i render.!.! l,v H.ii'l Court i:i t.-.vor ol ,!.in.: K
liy vlrliie of uu order of nule l ulled hv the
Clerk ot the Di.trlel l.'oiu t ol' the i-oillity of
ioi,ulli! iiiteof N'ehrink iy upon h tli'i'l'it-
k-e, t:h dee l.i rod
nit.. t: Ciiicaiio : An I'.llllia; r.t ,.,;i:iit ol' KU-Im .-. ' u,!'' l,""l''1'- . . j WooUruT plaiiitlir. a.i.l John Veiniiint
j . t , . , ,, I I riuti tl.u n-v.s o! nil tlie world, ; ,;.,..,o,hlli.. Mcinlmrt. l,nv.-i. Kullimr, Mr,
of I ', at their "! J-" , liavimr m ... ml .rr--j .. .mi., tu 3 Irom till r...v.-i i;n3l!i;T. wife of i.eVu lt.iiUn. wlio-e
) : I.11H now leiii'lu'd t e) hilltl of J I 1,(111:1-; iiufiorlaiit new:, . dints on t lio lolie. 1 1 true rhrf-i inn iintne is unknown, nii.l V. J.
.!.,. tlnit f;',,), a,,( iurll i riiiore is ioi teaon:-tit t c : ,,!lH Uln i', Moritit l.y Itnw.leu, i.eii.imH, I will on tie- '.'I h ,!ay
rtih, of I a mnu-l,. or .VoO.lloi. a a IU U-rs, 0 , ,,. ai I.U.nor .a:-e, eou, , f Art'. .V. 1.. K. ,,.t the hour of -2 oVi,,
f e .','..; .11 1 ' ' ' . ' I ' . - j P' II'. '.' ' , I o:.., , 111. lee I.-ISL I roll 1 o'l'.I OJ
B. E. SRKvrfn'.t,
C. F. Coffee,
D. H. 0R13W0LD, Caahi.r.
1 i 7 (M?
acts a General Banking Business.
AsroicAN Kv-rifANtii! National Baxk, New York,
Omaha National Bank, Omaha,
First National Bank, Chatlrot!.
,.-r Wi't .le.lli.'
. ..... . ..... . I
day, ' r , an hour, or 'ti. "- niin- j p,.ld and wonjou's work and olin-r s;..-ci
ulrt, or In cent, ivvry hro:id of titi'.i! il. parlnieriis ol unuuiil inlerest.
i ;,..',:i ;us! at t.i.s , (;;,v lllt uM.t S,::id ivsan,! li ni l i s.
i w ntiili r 1 1...1 man rails on ll:o eti urcli.
! iii.d roil":-, s lo relieve l.'un of sooe; of lu
,c,ai'i llto end i r;,.!ltSi. Uli.-a press.
W'e Oll'.'r tills lllii i;u:ile. iii'V. s.,iiper
nml T K Sen-;-: Cocntv Jm ic;aj. t.;'!ili.
er ono vo ir for f l.Trt
frawford wlucli 1
trade for lluirin
is Mr. Neces'i hOt'M
ry well.
, of f odire inforn e I
. .rk that if lt
il.l ,.'m lo")J I,0!"
iroptrty, whieh lit l
for In t0,llll'
,lll(.Nrl t to 1-ava Bt
the to'A'm women ot
to our city nut Ksitur-
nt, tho ll irnson liQUil
,r conduct was biu'h H at
Monday nioruitis n"11
,uU not remain th'-rfcftnv
loitien Khould be Riven to
; no i-jltur or pliu. In
it kind of people.
Krladi, .showed hi true
t and patriotism in hehalf
Monday nftertioon, by go
a town a couple of Imurn
, lontrihutiotm for the
r. Ho sui-cBil.i in col
,, which not only Hinkn
Mmw of friend Oerhuih
T,uo in tin) interest of u(
,ty, but it hiX'iiWh volnmn-i
, gave willinKly ifro"
"in an niueh rs yo did it
e did it ahto unto Mo."
wing are th names of thoo
n hy petition for viUago
Ltw liiU.go of HarrUoo oft
,iwr, John Martllor, J- I'
ll. Hartf 11, and Oo. 1). Oanoii
mi, in th alxive lit ot
Bd lm nol.llcl the villa
,h nauiD e not printed on tho
ink . . .
in U a necond Village ticket
v tho clectpron of our town:
F.f?Brt Itohwer,
Jelf Uewctl,
l!tinti;i'.s;:!ii v !-!u ;-;.
lerp .int Morgan. Th ne n e uplov-d in ..nat..r llatin
iuii.V 3 iy t'fik j s(ij, jin-d, urt; on a s! rike. TImi liihor.i.:;
cdy.aV Wasl.-, mi,,,, es il. i ti d Jfm t .-. It ik : ted w l.ile
ttdiu.iiotr ition j the I'.ai; was llyinjf v.-r tlieo- le nds til
iJ p.-ue. Will j notificiii that Hiiomi wa clei ted, 4,th
I country naved and (!od ntill r' intd,',
- , ; they ' hliivintr under its shadow h for ;
t ( .'V..!,.nd did ;,, xi, TheLahor Vor!diI)ulutli,
ilur.ii; III' :-; Minu.'.
ttiit i.t ot 1'ilz-; r
Iijan.i, and j CltrUllaiilly AppcalPil.
en id i.if..r i- ' neiievo tiie iiiiul-i itial. i iu;s::nn
arl In liA'in-; Socialinf shut's for and, worn I wt
t'ii: coin t li'iine, in llerris.ei, In s o.I i-ou .il .,
olTi r iitnl lit! the loPo.ilii de-.-.-i ilinl fil
estate to uit: ''!e: li'! of -"ction 'rovvu
ulilp "1, Kntize r'l, hi Moio. eoniitv. Neiir.t-.ltii,
lit pul.i'i! nueton to tie- hi;;!t t iil.-r for
The tegular mifscriplion priee of tlio ', i'h.Ui, to atinly ual-l order of wile, in Hi"
i :i nl of fl, '.villi i i . l.e l' sL t!ie,'.." I itt t!:e
r..ti. of ten p. r eeut. p -r :uiiit,-i,i, from the
nh dry ot loeeiiilier, P".i, tut eodn mill
ii, M TiihiB eosts. lir)M s Iliu.i.v,
Micrlil' of .,;i.l Coim'.y.
two piipem is "..Ho
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
ry r
'U ail
IdeeUn ii to a
'r.'.M btmau,
Lhrn tl sUnil-
Ll ii t rvenn in
Lm cur wo-
L-y nuAi'iK
ii:ry and
i people.
Iniim Sulwr
lom-y iW-!i-
ra tliefKO-
::m people
Ljuct Hir
bwn flna-
ty foreign
Ion tarth-
Voilv, tUi
"teetotully" occupied would go into tl.u
movenieut heart ttnd soul, as indeed
I have done in public utterances for
many yearn. () that 1 were yoiiiin;rain
and it hliould liavu my life! It is God's
way out of tho wilderness urn! into tho
Promised Land. Il is the Very marrow
and fatness of Christ's Gospel. It is
Christianity applied. Francis E. Willard
in a letter to the Fabiii Society of Lon
don, England.
The Aliulflitj Dollar
The dollar is iiulecd almighty. It is
the Arehiniedian lever that lifts the
ill-bred man into select society and
places the ignorant wiphnud in the Unitr
ed Slates Senate; it makes I'rpsidents of
ntnffed prophets, Governors of intellec
tual geese, philosophers of fools, and
ilds infamy with supernatural glory.
It w risks the altari of innocence and
pollutes the face of the people; breaks
the sword of justice mid binds the got!-
You may
Ask It.
in H
! iless of Idierty with chains of goltl. It is
Jin lord of the land, the uncrowned king
M i" .1 uu ti i
01 IIIU I.UIIMIIU.. nvKll.... .'..Oil.
i... ii. . i
I 11
eh ci!
; rtnt.
in ago,
nixie I
miUdo UyANY LADY cn $ valuable ocr
Itel ! n 9A.w, n rubWf thUU f of SO ohu.
Mm. V. M. AFP. CO.
Ready Jan, 1, 1898,
On All News Stands.
1 jJ
Larger, Better, More Complete
Than Ever.
JC0H.31H t..tUt.
. ! VZfTbe mod wid''!i solJ Aitmwl Rtftf
Ar..ieVn,!ori?cf.T ' Booh and rohtnsl Msmial ptMhbtd.
!..., ... ..... !,' 1
,fs! T U til t 4 - wnti , i, -m n,.'
iMifvfctVaf. n.rvr.:i c-eii: y ,, ....
I if A" 8
Tun i no rv
) i i Vii-i s.1 ''.i'" "1 .! I I I 1 . V If V JlVlLV.
iLS A i:i I .ST. ISO If. K i!.. If, LCillL UC ?ailt.7r Bulldinrj, Nw York
.Notice To Nun-lie id' ;il i'lrl'i:.cln:i',s.
In tiie Iiistriet Cum t of V.uiis t'ounty. N-l.ri-L.i.
'Til.! t'liriiiers Trn.-t (''ejipitiiy a 'orpora.
lion, plaintiff,
Ihivhl Aiiilersoii urn! Iiura Anderson,
To l)a'i'l AndiirHon Htid Dora Anderson
tton rei.1' lent de ;e in l.i ills :
run lire lierehy notltle.l that on the sth
iluy of Krliiniry, IH'Js, Til" I'lirnu rs Trust
Coiiiptiny, ii corpnrtloii plniiili;r herein,
filed lU prtltluii hi the above entitled e.iuse,
til the District Court of Sioux county, Ne
brinks, uiiliiHt the said tlefcnunt.s, the oh
Jeet mill pntyer of which Ik to foreelosn a
real Ci-tiiUi inorttrnKo executvil on tlm 1st
dsyof June, lstll, by said drfi'iiilniiU ujion
the property Ulscrlln il as follows: The S K
i of Seet.on i'ln Township lift N It uiKe U
went. In Sioux eounl.y, Nebraska, to necuro
the piiyment. of a iironilsory not.! for the
.nut of t'.U, due and piiyiihle .ftine 1st, W.M,
that there U now due and nuyiihlnnu said
note and iiiortk'ii?e the mini of H,7.:d, with
Interest at the rate of 10 per cent, per hii
n'lin from tho 7th day of t ebiiary, Isns, for
wlilclt sum, with Intercut, plainlill prays for
a ileered thut tliu defendants pay the saute,
anil that In default, of nncli payment ald
priunlses iiuiy bo sol 1 to satisfy tho amount
found due.
You nro required to answer said petition
on or before the UU day of April, 1S!.
Tim Kahmk s T it fT Co., Plain tl ft".
11 y W. W. Wo ill, A ttotni'y for plultitlir.
Mir aiil reed of a!
at my harness shop.
Third Handing West of J. II. Hartell.s Grocery Stove.
KGGF.RT R0IIWER, Pmpnctoi-.
Tin: E'
The best of Wines, Brandies, Whiskey
and Beer kept constantly on hand.
e umana eer.
Jrff f Copyrights Ac.
Anymswnilltig a ikufh snil itenerlpllon mar
qui. klr rrliilii onr eplnli.n fron wlmihrr u
Invention In protmlily initi'iiUil.ln. Cniiin.iines
il,,i,lilc'l.i.,nn,li,il,il. lliiii(llKik nn I'm., no,
.n! fron. oliV-st nenrj fur nemriiiit iinlonlN.
I'nO.tin lukt-i tliretivli Miinti A Co. rui.-mvs
71111.1.1111., Ulth.iut clinnto, litthn
Scientific Mttim.
A lisii t.iimolT llln(rnlii, wroklr. I.nriient rlr.
riilnllmi of nnr .clenlllle limrnnl. Tiimia, ;i it
yi-nr i four montln, ft. Bnlil liy nil nowwleiiltin.
limucb oaios, hi V St.. WMhluiw" D.Iv "
the 6reat mm &mim
A-iikVfrSm-rP 1 fK-f site? naniiDBnuscrwA
-X M.i-v. ffi.fca l V"' lllivi'wmu
Monthly, too Inrrrr ptn.
ilraleil. not a dull fine hi
II. It Ik lii'lUUIE fmhli yi.
it drsrrvrn vnir mppoti.
, , , , , , - , , vne (I'llinr u V'ISI . I'l'cn.s
,AcztlTtT."I.ct mrhkc those load: from your backs" cnpy: .omtiie nn'miin nmiici!
for iA' crnt.i.
Fifth Ave.,
t TE-iEt NOT TIME, 5G Pii
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