The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 31, 1898, Image 8

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THUttSDjur, Mar. :Ust, 1-5S"?.'
teo. I), (.anon, IMitor ami Prop.
F. E. A M. V E. it timetable.
Ci-'lng West. Going Kant.
So. 5, i&ixwt 11 : No. s, inbred :W
SI. V. R. R. is
to anil from tlio
the best
A map of the
United States.
I'urlliiiftoii Kuutc U three feet
wi'lf liy four long ; i-. prin led
in seeu colors; is mounted oh
roller-i; show's every suite
eoiiniy, im nortant town ami
.iI In tiie Union, ami
liorins a very uesirttuie ana
hsefl adjunct to any housc-
I mi!
linl I or buine, establishment.
l':;rchaHfil ! h large ijuhdU
ties, the inapt cftt liurlingtorr
Home more tiisiu tlfteen cents
cadi, l,,:t on receipt of l':at
nrir!'"t in;p- the under
,f":u v-IIJ J.c to bend
fif v.'-.
51 r ' i.1' i:,iiui.'(liiit("!y, aa the
apply Is limited.
J. Francis, Gea'l Ftms'r Aijuiit, Oiimiia, Seb.
, Silas A. Holcamb Governor
Jamcii E. Hum Lieutenant Uovemoi
W. t. Porter Secretary of Staw
Jobn F. Cornell Auditor
J. K. IteserTe. TrcHMuror
C. J. SuiytU--- Attorney General
J. V. Woifs.. . Land Coinnitnione.i
W. K. Jackaon Supt. Public liistrticlion
John M. Thurston LT. S. ft.-nator, Omaha
'Wm. V. Alien V. S. nator, Jliidison
J. B. Strode, Congressman lt IMst., Lincoln
D. n. Mercer,
Samuel Maxwell,
W. L.Stark,
B. I). Sutherland,
W. h. Jreeu,
4 th
J. J. Bltlvan Chief Justice, Colnmbus
. V. O. C. Harrison As'te Judge, Grand Island
T. L. Norval . Associate Judge, Bcward
i). A. CampbellClerk and Ecporter, Lincoln
M. P. Kinkald Judge, O'Neill
-. H. Westover " Kushvjili
M. J. Blewtt .Clerk, Harrison
i"H8rlct Court, At Harrison, commences
Spring term May Sth,
jFall " Sept 18th Jnry 19tii.
.Connty Conrt, At Harrieon, commences
mt Monday of eat:h month.
ptto Mutz?enator, Lrtst. No. 14, Springvlew
A. E. Sheldon DLst. No. 53, Chadron
Sobert Wilso? County Jude
M. J. Elewett... Clerk
.Chat. Bicble . Treasurer
Elsie Merriam Supt. Public Instruction
Thos Holly Sheriff
J. E. Phinney Coroner
B. F. Tboma Surveyor
M. J. Blewett Clerk of District Court
rant Guthrie County Attorney
Jens C. Meng lat Oislrict
' Andrew Proeunier 2d "
Jackson Meltlen(Cbairman) 3d "
K. F. Pontiua (chairman) Trustee
Jorn Darin "
D. II. Griiwod "
W. B. Marstcdler "
Robber "
'w. H. Davis . Clerk
Iewis Gerlaeh Treasurer
Eese-rt RoiiHr Director
li. L. Stnuck SloderaJor
i.ewis Grlac' Treasurer
itiKKiist Sanday School meets erery Sun
. f niornijig at IJ:''
A'. II. Davik, MibS BiRTeLI.,
Superintendent. Secretary
PWOPTs t.KAf.rK.
"egnlar bualne.. -cti;i) Brat Tnewlay
ening in each wo -' .
I. KESIlAi.I.,
' ivotionuj tneetlnx every Sunday evening
j:4x Mr., leader.
et each Sunday flftemoou nt.2:?n.
MM. K da ll., Suit..
tr ursK rosT, No. 34., a. r.
win second Monday In each iuonU j.'j
. . mrt home at llt..rlvMi.
K. E. Live ruioro, Coin.
- vm Camp, So. Kt, nieeta ou eich al
, . ii Wednesday avenliif.
: dvi, j. a.iiao',
CJrc. , Con. Com.
ucb alternate Saturday eventnij
1 ..' k. J. W .smltn, V. 11.
chant f:iTii:::E.
Prompt attention given to ;ii! legal
matters in Justice, County and li-irul
Courts, ami before the United Stat '
Land Office.
Fire Insuriu.oe written in r-iIUMe
ff-Legal pajiers carefully rawn.
lLUtHl-iON, - Nr.'-,.'.V-K.A.
J. E. rillNXfcY. M. I).
riijliciau and Surgeon.
1! calls (jiven prompt atteutwu.
Office in Drug Store,
Office: in thi Uklijtin L'uii'.-'i if,
Home made Bread, Pies
and Cake kept con-
Htantly on hand.
Lunch Counter
lirown Bread
served every Saturday,
Price? to tririt every liody.
Fir9i Door South frojn the Uarrlaon House.
UI1 NHL For your
JOB WORK 5 Stationary.
The rules of the local land office bave
recently been amended no that settlers
to make final proof shall settle with the
publisher before sending in their applica
tion. All parties desiring to make linal
proof can have their pajitrs made out at
IHB JocknaL olhce, free of charge, am
promptly transmitted to the land ollk
so that no time will be lost.
Trees and Plants.
Geueral Assortment of Snrscry Stock.
Best laricties for Xtdjrasku.
Millions of Strawberry and Raspberry
Plants at wholesale and retail. Our
plants have been irrigated when needing
it therefore very thrifty and deep rooted.
Buy the best near home preventing loss
by delay and saving extra, frebbt or ex
press from eastern points.
YV rite for price list to
North Bend. JJcxlge Co , Neb.
Special Locil.
5T Dr. Riner (lie oculist'
of Lincoln will again make
one of hirf regular visits at
Harrison, Xeb., April 15 and
16. Those wishing to Fee
him in regard to spectacles
and eye glasses should call
early as the doctors time is
limited. Office at the Harri
son house.
Anybody wishing good
seed conniving of the Illack
Hillsjcan see a sample at Eg
gert Kohwer's harness shop.
This corn was raised on the
devide north of Crawford.
A bowl of soup FREE
at Mrs. A. E. Francis' Lunch
Counter Saturday noon.
. 320 acres fi miles north
west from Harrison, running
water on the place all fenced,
a good frame house, for Fale
cheap. Enquire at this office
for particulars.
Eli Smith was among our rural
visitors at the hub on lastMonday.
Mrs, C. P. Cannon of Alpena H. l).f
mother of ye editor arrived in Harrison
over the N. W, raUroad last Saturday
-Mr, Thomas Dunn left for RubsbI
iWyo., on last Tuesday, where be expects
to work until fall when he will return
to Colorado.
Mrs. Thog. Holly and baby returned
from Crawford, on last Saturday's flyer
where she had teen to spend a day or
two with her sister.
John Fitzsgerald of Hat creek was a
pleasant caller at thi office on last Fri
dav, we are always glad to have callers
Ut com again.
NntIce-1 tan cattle hides and all kind
of skins wiib hair for robes, or without
or See sami! and prices in
J. 1L Burtell's store.
H in RRrcwT. filen. Neb.
f--Virgil A. Hester returned from
iou city, on last rriuay wiin iw . r
loads of young stock for his father which
Mr. Hester fir, intend, to place on our
Jural market.
t i- in rs j
i- of li'
Co, Supt A i .1 ''-
lit -IK Mil!'!'
Old raners f
at 1 1.
baktrs dozren.
Every 1
is getti .
sjTiij work.
at ton mw will 1
ipril fool's d iy.
Jrry Will ret.:rr.ed from Lis trip
down the roa! vesleniuy.
j J. H. Biirtell refuse to become a
tamliilate fer U-v- n ( un.
We are 1 'aseii to havn our ITodarc
correspondeut able to help in out agiin.
Fred IWU!;eii call-d at this oHlce
Monday moruiug for an extra copy of
t!: Jm-rSAL.
' -March has U-en the most disagree- !
ab!! month so fir during the winter.But
eat tie have clone nicelv.
Wanted Fivj hundred readers to sub
s rils; for the J' "I KNaL one year at one
dollar per year.
Willi this issue of tbe Journal
Thomas Hiues inscrilied the name of
limes among its readers.
Mr. Ed. Lee of Uat creek Wyo., will
with this issue inscribe his name among
tlicrcailers of the Journal.
y' Baby Griswold has been .f.ufTering
from chicken iox during the past
week, but at this writing is lietttr.
Mr. M. Valdez and El. Lee were
pleasant callers at this office on last
Tuesday. Come again kind friends.
NOTICE Any body wishing to buy
metall wheels will do well to call on or
address Chai;les Schilts, Harrison, Neb.
William Miler of (ilen, H. IL Kutsel
of Andrews, J. H. Cook and A. McOinley
from Hunning were in town yesterday on
Mrs. Sarah Davis who has been visit
ing among her relatives and friends at
Gordon during the est two weeks, re
turned on last Tuesday noon.
II. IL Itussel received 15 thouwind
brook trout last Saturday from tbe state
fisheries department at South Bend,
which he has plajited in his ponds.
Mr. Asbbel Orion has sold tiisSioux
county property, and at present has not
decided just what be will do, but is
thinking some of gjing into Dakota.
Ve are sorry to learn that J'erry
Kirkjatrick of Highland has suffered
from a racent visit of the grey wolves
having three head of young stock there
Mr. II. H. Rusll of Andrews was a
pleasant caller at this office yesterday,
and renewed bis devotion to the Sioux
county Journal many thanks kind
friend. i
Tbe annual election for electing five
village trustees will occur at tba
bouse April 0th ISirt. Every
voter i
should turn out and register his vote on
that dav.
B. F. Thomas, left yesterday for
Hat Creek, and otU-.r Wyoming points
w here be goes to look after his surveying
interests. He will be gone for three or
four dj.v.
ivu.l; TitiVV'trt nrd J icfc Krisler
will take back with tiieui to Hpri.ig K.ii
Wyo., another span of horses new har
nes and wagon having sold tbe team
they had up there.
W. Hester has sold about 50 bead
of the cattle, which he shipped in from
Sioux citv little over a week ngo John
Lacy took 9 bead Perry white 10, Jo
Staslmy 80 and J. W. Sberill 5.
Mrs. Rich. Dunn and her new-born
heir, left on last Monday noon for Doug
las Wyo., Miss Lizzie Dunn accompani
ed her sister and intends to make her
home with her.
Tbe Journal Rcriie is under obliga
tions to liveryman Hewitt for a small
pair of deer antlers which he gave him,
which used to adorn the front door of the
old blacksmith shop located ou his lot
Many thanks.
Hon, JL J. Oavhart of Montrose
precinct, was a visitor at tbe county
seat on last Thursday returning next
morning, while in our midst be did not
forget the Journal scribe, come again
friend tSayhart -
The Mass was celebrtted at the
court house on last Saturday , and as the
mornipg was cold and disagreeable, sev
ral who would otherwise have attended
did not do o. Mas will be celebrated
iiere alwut easier again.
Quite a cumber from the country
have called at this office to learn what
was done at the Catholic meeting last
Saturday toward building a cbaptil at
this point. All seem to lie quite disa-
pointed, when informed that the pro
ject had beon dropped for the present at
W. A. Bigelow of Running Water
has sold out his cattle herd to W. L.
Ashbrook. The transfer of the herd was
made last Saturday. Mr, Bigelow, left
last Tuesday noon for a trip to Oregon
and WaiJiinglon, wbee he goes to look
up a new bujiness location and should
everytking look favorable, he will lo
cate out there.
-T,aney Sutton went to Kirtley Tues
day evening, tbe home of his mother
who had the misfortune to lose her
bouse by fire a week ago. lit has
pone for the purpose of assisting his
mother in building a new hous, the
size to Vie 24 x 28, and oue story, built
on the plan of the Swiss colag style,
to crist something like $."00. Laney
has most of 11 e rough and dimention
stuff which be will let bis molMr have
i., i .,,1,1 ,ii. I
Tiff ' i-
eXun.ll.t.l'e Si M ' '
V l'li'iiiiint f 11 1111 !-,".
I A plermmt birth-day p.rly in lb
j 11:11 ur of a surj.riw, 1134 teniler(l 5!r.
. Si IT. i J. II. RirU-Il a lid Mrs. J. I. Keri!;ill Ut
i. -; H'f:r!Vii,iiig; r tlio birllnl.iy .f tbe to
1 ba;i nel to ixnne on tlio sunne l;iv, it
reaily f..rj a ceiebntted imiillv at tb Rartell
tnanion. A l.tive numljerof guest
Were ji resent snd a nsost areuble time
w:usiutby all. Tbs inner man vas
tiountifuliy remeiuU-reil; and sacred
soiirT and games of various kinds were
p-articipated in, smd at a late hour the
ruoMs departed after Misliing Mr. Cartel
and Mrs. Kendall runny bapuy returns of
tbe day and the Journal scribe say',;
Following were those
present am.
contributing presents:
Mr. and Mrs. 1'ontius.
" ' " Hewitt,
" " " Oriswoid,
" " " Hnssebjuist,
" " " I lew,
" " " Sutton,
" " " Tipton,
' Stratton.
" " " Maine,
' " " J. lHvis,
" " " W. IL Davis,
" " " J. Marsleller.
. Teblt,
11 " J. Wilson,
" " " Kendall, '
" " " Williams,
" " " Seaman,
' V. 15. Wright,
" " " Ilartell,
" " " Francis,
" " ' Hall.
" " " ("anot,
" " " Phinney,
" " " Keel,
ThefiieniLi of Mr. Kartell knowing
how well he enjoyed a rocking chair look
this opportunity to present him with
oue and it is a beauty. They must have
found out in some; marvelous way that
the gentle sex has a weakness for nice
china and as Mrs. Kendall is not any
dilferent than the rest of her sex in that
respsct her many friends in town present
ed her with a vorv nice dinner set.
Orauilpa Wright Tubes the Oikr
The pres mt that was most appre
ciated was a liirthday cake from Grand
pa Wright The csi';! was a work of art
and a frencl) cheif could with pride ack
nowledge having this beauty ashisartis
tic work; Mr. Wright is deserving of
the highest encouuim for his wonderful
Montrose 'liiii!ngs.
Henry and John Wasserburer pur
chased 0? head of cattle from E. Jloll-
iryivorth last week.
IJ, Wasserburtrer boucrbt Anton Rioes
A. lihein will move to Montrose in the
first part of tbe summer.
i. Reinders formerly from Montrose
has purchased a farm in the wouthern
part of this state, Wo wish him (Oo l
luck in his new home.
Jar-nb !I.:ry to"!t l. s 'at! to his
pla'.-e Aidmotf to ihiy l w;Ji k'-ep
them there until next fall.
Marking has taken a cdaim at cotu n
wood be intends to larm there tins sum
mer. Saoe.
Warbnnnct Warbling".
E. B. Lyoc is in tbe employ ofG. W,
Hester at present.
Leslie Crane and Albert IteGerring
were callers at O. A. Carton's Thurs
day. J. A. Anderson was a caller at H. T.
Merriam's Thursday.
A W, F. Shepherd and David Coopier pass
ed through our streets Friday.
nies Nolan of Raw bide was a visitor
in Yv'arbotiuet Friday. Echo.
JJodarc hiijijieiilngs.
''""Married at Hot Springs South Dak. Mr.
Go. Hill of Bodarc Neb. to Miss May
Stull of Soldier creek. We all join in
congratulating the young couple to long
and happy married life,
Co Clerk Blewett & Jack Kreisler
are valley visitor to day.
Mr. and Mrs. June Smith were visiting
their parents at Five Points Sunday.
E. Bunge reports the death of three
bead of cattle at Bulf Coffee's place
last week. A grey wolf got away wilh
one of them.
. Mr. J. B. Burke went to Gerring to
day to see what the prospects are for
work there'
L. Woolheater visited with Don Smith
"""BufT Coffee and family are expected
uack nome the first of the roontii,
M, Thl"yor and son are down from
Hot Springs at their ranch at West Hat
creek. They will stay a while and do
soroe farming.
f Mr. Ashbcl Orton sold his homestead
to Mrs. Sarah Jordan last week.
Ell Smith has 200 bushel of choice
early Ohio seed potatoes for sale at the
Bodarc post office.
Mrs. Eli Smith and son Don nnd baby
Bunge had a pleasant visit with Mrs. Eli
Wilcox ksi week.
VOohn Coffee came from Chadron last
wek,jie got tired of city life and is now
enjoying the breezvs tliat float around
his fathers ranch. Glad to have yon
back among usfohn.
W Orandria Bixby exriect to leave for
this home in Nevada la, the last of this
week lie has been here visiting the past
winter with hisdaughtors Mrs. IL Zerbti
and JJrtj. F, M. Smith, OBsetiViB'
i 1 1
Here Wg Are Again.
500 pairs of shoes
The abo is an addition
.....n.L.t,. ct.wl- ,,f lwinfH
We have tlie largest
Ynvlli.WW V1.rnkn.
i'ompetion aiid are sure to all who come
I S ST1 LL 'i ll E 1 .A KG EST A M '1 1 i
Mfirsteller Brotl lers.
. ' : s
( ; - . V -I. f
V ' -?c -'l '.'? X
"c " Hi Kcbrpska and Western Iowa.
' ' " '-N-.;'',
wr!l v. for D'crlption
:ij'. it. We c bci.ii lulling our
Read Ho t lie Pcopb- hi ('.unity
('otilrH)uleil to Starving ( ub;i.
We the undersigned citizen of Harri
son, Neb., contribute tl emioiint oxisite
our name for suifering humanity in
Cuba, hoping that a kind l i s) vtr tii"
United Slates may so--ti relievo their
M. Brin k 1 00
H. Hickman ,V
J. L. Kay "M
D. H. Onswold 1 Od
J.n. Duel i 00
G. Guthrie 1 (10
E V. Volition 1 (ii
W. fi. Wright .V)
J. Hanson f.0
W, Gerluch .VI
li s. I- ni"n 1 ei)
( has. Bn-hlu I )
Eli Smith -id
M. J. Illewelt 1 H I
j Thos. Holly
j A. J. B-vait
! .T. ?'., Mar-te!!er
W. A. 1 I-..
i '')
1 00
J. I. lMvin
John Bartell
A. Moravek
W. Mattel ier
J. E. Pliiniiey
John Ixicy
William Miller
J, L. Kendall
Sam I. Tebbet
G. W. Hester
E'.'gert Rohwer
L. Wright
(. Ojllins
Alvin T. Clark
1 00 J. F. He.viU 1 DO
HO B. F. Thomas 1 ():
1 00 John Stratton 1 on
1 00 B. I Stnuch 50
.10 J. F. Dtister I 00
50 Geo. iJitvis ad
50 J. W Sheriil 1 00
1 00
A. It Lew
David Bart'e't .10
Fnnk Tinliham .10
A. Has;liuist 1 Of)
Lewis Gerlach 1 (JO
One of Two WaYs.
The bladder was created for one pnr
pose, namely, a receptacle for tho urine,
aud as such it is not liable to any form
of disease except by one of two ways.
Tba first way is from Imperfect action of
the kidneys. The second way is from
careless local treatment of other diseases.
Unhealthy urine, from unhealthy kid
neys is the chief cause of bladder troub
les. So tbe womb, like tiie bladder, was
created for one purpos. and if not doctor
ed too much is not liable to weakm ss or
disease, except in rare cases. It is mt ua
ted back of and very clow to the bladdej
therefore any pain, disease or inconveni
ence manifested in tbe kidneys, back,
bladder or urinary passage is often, by
mistake, attributed to female weakness
or womb trouble of some sort. The error
is easily made and may Va as easily avoid
ed. To find out correctly, set your urine
aside for twenty four bourn; a sediment
or settling indicates kidney or bladder
trouble, Tbe mild and the extraordinary
effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the
great kidney, and bladder remedy is soon
realized, If you need a medicine you
should have the best. At druggists fifty
cents and one dollar. You may have a
sample bottle and ampblel, both sent
free by mail. uon receipt of three two
cent Htamps to cover cost of postage on
the bottle. Mention the Sl'H;x , County
Journal nnd send your address to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamtoii N. Y. The
proprietors of this pHr gurantee tbe
genuineness of this offer.
W-ANY LA OY can gel valuable socrui
ISM tut ti at, Mt ruklHr tWcis for m Mitt,
Mm. V. M. APP. CO.
Just received over
of the latest styles.
to our already kirgeand
;nel s-hoes HOW oil linnu.
assortment ever dmwn in
and as to wiees we I'M' l
:; Til I S
down a ii.l t.j.0.1 ei- i:ionth.
Guaranteed for 5 jtiin,
and Catalogue. Wo will y.ii all
friends about lhi no v 2; yeais.
tlVi wis.
A'blil Inriiil JLoculs.
Mrs, W, li. Wright wisIip tb
JofRNAt. srriW to say that they bad the
best tune ever had in Harri-on at tbe par
ty. Mr. I 'i lario Sutton went to Craw ford
today after r-hitigles for Ins mothers
lion SO.
("has Wright of Van Tussel, is shout,
to li.s'i hit Jitttln !.;! with that dreadful
s. on -;;. ni-ash-H. fir. Pliinney e.ft for
i .Mr. Wright borne nlwt t-n rx lock tbi
itiornirig sitiJ at this writing has not
j An ji nt i -lif r-ns-e petition wrts hoinut
i irciilaUd last. Friday by Sir. Griswold
a il Mrs. I.-rt Dsw, We ii'i!erstnd
jlbiit they were advised to wait until
J after lb.: i le.-Sion to complete lie' canvas)
j whi. ii was bc proper thing to do.
Mr, ti. Neece camo up from the
ranch on 'asl Morabiv, :,i I on Tuesday
' t'w k I be gii Is li.niie as s4n needed their
lln !i out, on the ranch 'unrig sprit
j work. Tie! two girls atlndl w.bool in
I town duiur the winter
j Oit iHcurrently rc,orted that Mr. S.W
ijlall Sr., js intemteJ in a real estatM
ideal with l'.bt. Neece of Rutiuiiig Water,
jMr. Hall h;is firoperty in Craw ford which
(lie would like to trade for Harrison
property and thinks Mr. KvkVk
would suit iiiin very well.
Mr. Kli amiUi of Cod uc inforrr e 1
the Journal scnl. this k that if bl
went well, he would e'ere long be in pos
sesion of Oregon projierty, w hich he lias
accepted in trad.) for bis Sioux county
liniii". He does not e-et to leave at
preie it.
A couple of the town's women of
Crawford, came to our city nut Satur
day and put up at the Harrison hotel
overSumlny, their conduct was such that
the proprietor on Monday morning notr
f'id them they could not remain there an v
loneer. Such women should be given to
understand ther in no sbiller or place in
Harrison for that kind of t.rit,l
i llercbant Gerlacb, showed his true
American spirit and patriotism in behalf
of Cub, last Monday afternoon, by go
ing around the town a couple of ljourtj
sdiiitnig cash contributions for the
Culian sufferers, JIo succeeded in col
luding fW.V), which not only njmaks
for the charitableness of friend Cerlach
in bis effort trnulo in tlru interest of suf
fering humanity, but it speak volurrios
for those w ho gave willingly a a free
will offering, "in as much as ye did it
unto tlmra, ye did it also unto Me."
- The following are the names of thoso
who will run by petition for villaao
tnmtees; of tbe village of Harrison oft
April 5fh:
Eggrt Rohwer, Jolm Marstellor, J. I,.
Stratton, J. H. Barull, and Geo. D, Canon
Tbe last name in the above list m not
a candidate and has notified tlie village
clerk that his name be not printed on tha
olllcial bullftt.
Following is a second Village ticket
proposed by the electpros of our town:
J. K. Marsteller, Eggert Rohwer,
J. L, Slratton, Jetr Hewett,
James Wright.
kr i"iji m i oil,., i.m..
v.e.p.r mmj. at ...
'I trtumt .,
L-'-:.i j ,. .. 'i
Wi. ! '