The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 31, 1898, Image 7

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    '.dpafri' ,
. I.: , . . .
r . isa"
f a fao1a ir eo-
Im which baa pneumatic wheels and
auayala ttmtU to flraa. It la hiffhlj aik
aaof aaa tiling of notaelea action, both
a a la motion on ths wajr to fliva and
ahan aogacad in pumtang water. Hut
oUilna: la aaM about Ha ability to
Ifcrvw Urge volumea of water. In Lou
toe, vwlng to the character of the
ulkllDCa, Area can be. extliigir!hed
vttn leant water than is nerwomry In th
Ifavtlnx of firea among our tntlajnuiable
Our on II in Plater.
Ltttla Brotber-Kay, I.lz, mamma
taluks Mr. Huggard la a guoatt, doesn't
Elder Slater Wbj, no; of course; not
I Little Brother Then what made hei
pay Hint be fairly haunted lb la huuae?
Vsw York Journal.
The notortouK Dr. Carl refers, the
Barman explorer of Africa, whoae
aroaity ao shocked the world when tt
waa revealed a year or two ago, ha
aen tried on those charges and dis
aaled from the Imperial service. It
Kka well for the humanity and In
ly of the German rourta that even
ha Influential friends of this ninu
aonld not save blin from Just punish-
Extracts From Letters Received by Mrs. Plnkham.
It so nervous and wretched." "I foci as if I should fly." How familiar
fcaae eapreswona are. Little things annoy you and make von irritable. You
cun t sleep, you
are suDjeet, to
That bearing
' at
- M
m m
"Dcar Mm. pTisnAnt: -Will yoti kindly allow me the pleasure of expressing
Saw gratitude for the wonderful relief I have ecxrie.nrcrl by taking your Vege
table Compound. I Buffered for a lonjf time with nervous prostration, back
ache, headache, loss of appetite, a heavy bearing-down feeling, also burning
pains in the groins. I could not sleep, was tired all the time, had no ambition.
Life waa a burden to inc. The pains 1 suffered at times of menstruation were
aomet'iing dreadfuL I thought there was no cure for it. I Kawyouradvertisc
aieBt in the paper, and my husband advised me to try your medicine. I took
bottles, and now I am well and happy. Your medicine saved my life,"
4 MIIUob Women Have Been Benefited by Mrs. Pinkham's Advice and Medicine
8t Joteph and Grsnd Islaad
j laasaj Oitj and Omaha Kail ways
to all roijrri
aaVuaVtni Uaioi Pacififl
ass taa r a touts likm
faCalllnrala. Urenoa sad all Wntern ratals.
Im Intoraistion mantlaf rsi, e., eall a
ar aadrru nesroat ticaalar B. kL aimit,
V. P. Koisok, Js., ea. Pan. Aft.
tisn'l Msds(, St. Jawf. Mo.
W wik to
i!oa. be
" BrUllMt lltmm
Was IM 11 mu.
1Wi la ikfA. mrtk ! a,nrlll
r AAt
so fatM ml IklA sotli
fM WiltoAr
f IkteaotlrcAsdlA;
,AM4AraufMmft Aloaf ailh-
asi a. atiaaa tasa ca.
Plants $1.50
wm taaaasnd aa4 mp. U.00 roarh Traai Hi
Indaa. OaacadrsoMlladis, at Ikotia
a4 Ash Haadilnt' 7! p-t thoiiaanA Alarm
paaalTaf all klniltof a(a1lnlr well roiiiod,
waa t 1(1, sn l strlatljr rst-claSk nnraary
Kh. WriU inr Pries I lat lo
MatMIAM lllllwaHllla, aUyanlaa, Kak,
tlHAil wrmmm ml ttraaa mra lavar aa4a f
la Aaiirtai. DSim Our Ur.M Niijur.t l.rt i
M u . . mnmm Im Aurli will VIVA I
taajtaraa la lalf. TrU-mm sirt chaap -amkaAAlouA
aai II !. ttraaa aajnrAiBA,J
rKSl lar aa Ma. aa4 ttxlt aotk-a. raaioa
ami a. anna aaaa tav. LArsaass. aia
K M. U. NO. 464-13. YORK, NEB,
jyijni WBinwa to yff.'-?
a. WwiaktoMlaUS4Wsaew-
fit. Uhi adlib. Ifc
1 Mlslsalsaa-aiaT fall II III lill M.
3JSt I"? " J) aua potAtoa f acta J
r" OUH bsr.ATCATAlAit'S B1A1H ?
i jli sssa ca.. u "" J!'JL--l
About ten nilllloii cattle are now to
ba found la the argentine. Republic
1'bey are said to ba all deacendanta of
eight cows and one bull, which were
brought to Brazil In the middle of the
sixteenth century.
An Iowa ii.i-r claims that a case of
empty beer Ixiitlea recently found In
that .State was thrown overboard from
ou air hoJu. It lit ae to bet that Che
a'r kJ"p wiik thrown overboard from
Hie beer U'U'es.
Sadie Gibbous, a New York brid of
three weeks, nibitook a burglar for her
husband, for whom she bad been sit
ting up until long after mlduight, and
thrashed the intruder into Insensibility
before she discovered her mistake. It
Is better to be born lucky than to be
born rich.
An euthusUuitlc Georgia editor Is cer
tain that prosperity U coming right
along, lie can even smell it lu the air.
Any one, he says, going out on the
streets of his town before breakfast
these pleasant spring mornings will
have his nostrils permeated with the
fragrance of frying liaiu meat, some
thing that 1ms not occurred iM-fure iu
that village, according to the oldest lit
li;iliUntit. ilnce before th" u-rir.
are unublo to lift ordinary burdens, and
- down sen.satiou helps to make you
You have backache anil pains low down
the side, pain in tot) of head, later ou
base of the brain.
Btich a condition points unerringly to
serious uterine trouble.
If you had written to Mm. I'inkham
when you first experienced impaired
vitality, yon would have been
spared these hours of
t awful sulferintr.
Happiness w iil be pone
out of your life forever, my
unless you act promptly. Procure
B. 'iukliams Vegetable OoiriHund
once, and bcm its use, then write to
I'inkham, at Lynn, Mi., if there is
anything about your case, you do not
You need not be afnrid to tell her the
things you could not explain to the doc
tor, your letter is wen only by women
and 5s absolutely confidential. Mrs.
I'iukham's vast experience with such
troubles enables her to tell you just
what is best for you, anil she, will
charge you nothing fur hor advice.
Mks. Jr.nsxK, Yonngdale,
Pa., writes :
fisa BR
Tha Batt
SaUIa Uiat.
Ktept both tilrrand stdMlr pvr
fectly dry in the (urdrst itorm.
Suhtitut, will JlMppolnt. Ask for
fit,? Huh Kfjind I'fwnme-I Slkkfr
It i nnreiv new. If not tin mIc in
your town, writ for to
A.J. TOVkfP. Norton. Mast.
Life! Life! Life!
ratler'al aruolala of Imllna l'n lel Inhaler.
UuarantMNl W rurr r ATA Kit II Arm ilronrliitl.
All ilruf nu 8 niAll l.iiu Aili)rM4
W. U. a all Til lO t-raiNk. HaflTaJa, M.I.
Tha beat Red ttope Hoonnirfor
lc. -r aq, It., capi and naila
ucluilrt rJabAltlum (or flaA-
trr. SamplrA free. M r. IAI MAMLLA
BtOOtllaU CO., laiuaea, M. J.
at Yaar PsatlM
TrtUflat07AlllLk rAlnAtTaAUtMa, I.C
, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Byannis, MataaehtMetta,
mat the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the tame
that hat boms and does now Jr J"" " 4Wer
bear Hie facsimile si gnat tire of (Ji4tJjff4c&&U wrapper.
This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which hat been
aged in Oie homes of tlui mothers of America for over thirty
yeart. LOOK CAREFULLY at th& wrapper and see that it is
the kind you have alwais bought Sj? Sfa 7"" on tne
and hat the ' tignature iflafv&tc&tt wrap
per. Jfo one Iuls authority from me. to use my name except
The Centaur Company of which Chas. 27. Fletcher is
FreMarch 8, 1897: Q$
Do Not Be Deceived.
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute
which tome druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies
ou it), the ingredients of which etcn he docs not know.
"The Kind You Have Always Bought"
Insist on
A special (llbpau-n trow Altii(iuerju
says that the entire Button gang of
desperadoea I under arrest. We Infer
that the prisoners have been distribut
ing Button holes too promiscuously In
that section.
Greece wants to buy 2,000 American
horses for military purposes, and she
will probably have no trouble lu get
ting them. And while Greece Is timing
Iter buying she should not overlook
our flue line of bicycles.
The FnlliifHS Tlir-or.
Amid the discomforts of life flnd
tlie fullnoss thereof, reiichlns; (o every
fnmily, there i; thnt which can so easily
mltijfiite or entirely I'tirp, the wonder
Ih why we endure and minVr bo inue!i.
From Mr pains to little adieu, which
are the. wear and tear of the physical
struct tire of man, there are always rem
edies :ood, I tetter and best. The choice
should he always for Ue-d as the surest
and the chetipcst. In chronic or acme
sulTcrltiK with rheumatism, neuralgia,
sciatica or lumbago, or with the minor
ailments of sprains and bruises, or o
soreness and stllTni'SH. the efficacy of
Jacobs Oil and the fullness thereof iu so
many complete and perfect cures make
it stand out as the best remedy for pain.
Why, then, should we stand on tiicor
der of going for It., and not go at once'i
In numberless cases the aggravations
of discomforts and pains are from de
lay. Why should we suffer?
Kona TJica for Honey.
For human consumption no artlck
an le found more delicious than hon
ey, and none more beneficial to health.
The following are s few of the many
giMd things that may be made with
honey as an iiiKredlent:
Honey Fruit Cake Four eg)?, firs
cupfuls of llour, two cupfuls of honey,
one cupful of butter, one cupful of
sweet milk, two teasiwotifuis of cream
of tartar, one teuspoonful of soda, one
ixmnd of raisins, oik- pound of currants,
half a pound of citron; one teaspoonful
each of cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg.
Bake In a slow ovu. This rake will
keep a long time.
Honey Cookies. One quart of houey
mixed with half a pound of white su
gar, half a pound of butter and the
Juice of two lemons. Stir lhl mixture
very hard, then mix In gradually flour
.nough to make a stiff paste. Cut Into
round cakes and bake In buttered pans.
Honey Ginger Hnsps. One pint of
honey, three-nuarters of a isiund of
butter, two teaspoonf ills of ginger. Boil
together for a few minutes and wher,
nearly cold stir In flour until it Is stiff
nough to roll. Cnt In small cakes and
bake quickly.
Honey Sponge Cake. One cupful of
honey, one cupful of flour, Ave egjrs.
Beat tht yelks and honey together;
!eat the white to a froth: mix sll to
gether, stirring as little as possible;
ftnror with lemon and bake quickly.
Honey Te Cske. One cupful of hon
y. half a cupful of sour cream, two
ggs. half a cupful of butter, two cup
ful of flour, scant half teaapoonful of
oda. one teaapoonful of cream of tar
tar. Flavor to taste.
Honey Popcorn Balls. On pint of
honey. Tut lu a frying pan and boil
until very thick, theu silr In freshly
parched corn, and mold Into bulla when
nearly cold. Lndlew' Home Journal.
The ballot is eaiil to have been invent
ed by the dnchets of Maine in I'aris.
No form of care will pay better than
that given the work teams.
Ask for Allen's I 'ool-Kaae,
A jiowdsr to shake Into your shoes. It
cures Corns and Bunions, Chilblains,
Swollen, Nervous, Damp, Hweating,
Kiuarting, Hot and Callous FeeU At
all druggists' and shoe stores, 2oc. ASIC
TODAY. Sample KHEK. Address
Allen S. Oluiated, Lclloy, N. Y.
When a milk cow is pinched (or food
die will not give a profitable quantity oi
Piao'i ("ire for Consnmplion Da been A
family mr-dicinn with as since IstiA. J. H.
Madison, JM) l-ii Ave., Chicago, IIL
In dressing a mutton be careful that
the woolly coat is not Allowed to touch
'.he flesh.
Mrs. WlnAio -a Soothiaio fcusor lor child
ren teething, Mnrt the KUm, rHuera Inftam
mstlou, sllsya )aiu, eurca wind culio. f bolUs
Io attempting to raise calves by jand
e careful not to give them too rich
H a vine
The following is a characteristic Hood's
Sariprillii testimonial. Ktcts like
rbese have made Hood's Srirsuparilla.
America's OreatPt MedHne and cn
diarfd it to thousands erf iiorueis scat
tered all over thin broad laud.
"We like to tell what Hood's Sarsipa
rillii has done for us. Our four children
Imil iliuhtlK'ria. From the very firet our
little boy Halph, then aeven years old, was
ood s
Is Ainerira'B (ireatest Melie.ine,
Sold by all druggists. $1.(X), six for
fcnjrJjMh I'llllti I'orfdiliK.
Three cupftilrt of flour, one cupful of
bread crumbs, two and oiie-lmlf cup
fuls of beef suet, chopped very flue,
four cupfuls of raisins, stoned iumI
chopped, four cupfuls of currants, pick
ed, washed and dried, two cupfuls of
sugar, two ounces of citron, chopped
flue, the juice of one lemon and four
leaten eggs. Dredge a pudding clotb
with flour, put lu tbo pudding tie Iooho
ly, plunge hi boiling water and boil for
eight hours.
li.MM 22 I'OI Ms I.V 5 WEEKS.
From Hi liu-tUaitUer. Macomb, ..
Alderman Louis W. Cum. lnt a."toiiib
fi his friends by a rein:irk:ib!e iim in
weight, having gniue(l 2- pounds m live
"1 waa broken down in health." said Mr.
I 'amp to our reporter, "and was so badly
ulllicted witlh a form of stomach Uoiible
that life wsa a veritxible niglilmare.
"1 Lried various remedies ihiring tli' aii
ti!.r,.'hs of my irkuei. but obtained no
"Abfiut 1wo years ao 1 v,x nlriseil
to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pule
People. 1 purchased one box ami rei-eir-cd
so much beuetit tliat I ued five more
InUrvtf'ciif Ike A'd'rman.
anil was entirely cured, i gained twenty
two pounds in live weeks. Since 1 stopped
inking the pills I have scarcely had an
ache or pain. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
roMtored tne to health aud 1 most heartily
recommend thin."
I j. W. (.amp on oath aays that the fore
going statement is true.
W. W. .M KIOAN, Notary Public.
Following is the physician's cef l.ificate
as to Mr. (Jamp's present condition:
I ani a regularly liitfiscd physician of
Mai'omb, McDonougb fJounty, 111. 1 have
very recently examined Mr. L. W. Camp
as fo his geueral physical condition, and
find the same to he all that could be do
siri'd, appetite and digestion good, slei-ps
well, and has all the evidences of beiuf
in a good physical condition.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
30th day of September, 1S!7.
W. W. ME I A) AN, Notary Public.
Never keep tlie carriage where th
ammonia from h tables will reach the
The Kalr,er Seed Co. want nuitable
najnea for their 17-iuch long corn and
White Oat prodia-y. You can win this
(400 easily. Catalogue tells all about It.
Seed potatoes only 1.50 a barrel.
Hend Thia Notice and lOCts. in Stamp
to John A. Siilzer Seed Co., LaCrosse,
Wis., and get. free their great seed cata
logue and eleven uevv farm seed uui
pies. Including- abuve corn and oala,
positively worth $10, to get a start, cn.
Sheep need plenty ol time to drink
If they do not go to the tank as soon as
turned out, let them stray out awhile.
How's This.
We ofTer One Hundred Dollars reward
for any cat of catarrh that can not l
cored by llall'sCatarrh Cure.
K. J. ll KN KY & CO.. Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned have known K. J.
(' 1ft years, arid believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
trntinsctlorii sad financially able to carry
out an vobliKKtioin made by their firm,
vt iwt A 'Iki X, Wholesale druggists.
Toledo, 0., WALDinn, Kinnaw St Mahvin,
W holesnledniKKists, Toledo. O.
Hall's I'ntarrh Cnre i taken internally,
acting directly upon the blo'id and mucous
nrlscea ot tlie syslrm. 'Jeiitimonials sent
free. Price Ho. per bottle, bold by ad
Druggist t
Kock salt where stock can lick it at
pleasure is better than an occasional
leed of line salt.
Mother Oray'a atweet Powdera for
Successfully used by MotherOray, nurse
In the Children's Jlom in New York,
jnrer'everiRhiie-HK, Hud Stomach, Teclli
ln Disorders, move and regulate the
towels and deHlroy Worms. Over 10,000
testlsionials. 7V(c nevtr fail. At all
(lru(?'iHtfl,2.ric. Snmple KJIKK. Address
Allen S. Olmsted, Le Hoy, N. Y,
Shert tails and a short check rein in
dies U s short supply of common sense.
rery git k and for several days it aeemed
if he would Devcr be any better. After a
while he began to imnrove and in a few
werkw was able to go out, although weaU
and miserable. Then, gradually
All Strength in His Limbs
gave out. The (jhysiciac told us it was
imrsilyis, whieb sometimes follows an at
i.ii k of (iiilitht-ria. We did everything
for him. but be grew worse uutil he wan in
a pitiful condition. He suffered terribly
at ui;ht and cumulaiaed eontinually of
his bead, and in little sleep be was
able to get, moaned unceasingly. He lust
all control of the muscles of his body aud
limbs. He had no appetite aud complain
ed of feeling sick at his stomach all the
time. After we had tried many different
remedies and had about given up all hope
we commenced giving him Hood's Sarsa
parilla. In a short time he ceased to com
plain, bis appetite improved mid at the
end of three months he was able to attend
school a part of the time. Now he is well
and quite a strong and rugged boy. You
are at liberty to use this testimonial if you it accomplishes wonderful
85.00. l'tcpured only by C. 1. Hood
Although every housewife knows te
her cost how proinpily milk can curdle
and thicken when one least expect It
to do so, this never seems to happen
when sour milk is required, but only
at the most Inconvenient times! It Is,
however, possible to thicken milk "to
order," as it were, and that at twenty
four hours' norlce. Add to the remains
of the milk of the day before a small
quamity of fresh milk and lu the afore
mentioned time It will have thickened
siifOcleutly for every practical purpose.
When the tiiscovery was made that
ertaJn bacteria found ou the rootx of
iegmninoiM plain are the njfetit.s by
which the nitrogen of the atmosphere
,s traivst'oniietl into plant food, the way
vs opened for experiment to produce
"of et purpose-' Home organ iwn that
should "fix" the nitrogen of the air In
l man nr to nmke if contribute dirwrtly
to fertilization it! the anil. Prof. oS,
f Saxotiy, cltiiin.s that be ha prodii'-ed,
"on a -o umercia I s-ale. pure euliun i;
;f the different bacteria which are etli
letif In afflxiug the nltpeu of l lie air
in a form available for pliint food, and
'i has them for sale lu small glawi bot
il. (t la chiitned that soli can tie In
K iilared with thene organiwrns for tlie
modest auui f one dollar and t.wenty
dve cein per acre." Tbl; is pndtuble,
tad alivady baa been made th ubje:t
f several paipem read oeore the Royal
Agricultural Society of England.
It U not at all remarkable that "wa
ter to. still rising In Kentucky." Water
never goes down In that State.
The scientist who claims that in
sanity can be cured by music" appar
ently Ih a homoeopath 1st who has been
Btudyinr the hand-organ problem.
Belgium has adopted the system of
nnmbering hours from one to twenty-)
rour, but this doesn t worry the boys a
bit; they stay until the clock strikes
two dozen now. that's sll.
Rheumatism, La Grippe.
lo Better Health Than for the Past
Fifty Years.
Itium hmU
Rwauaoa Rhituraitlis Cure Go., Chl'-Afo. Dear Bin: It Is jutt about ona yar ago whaa I aajs'
eaaoeDaed nstag your "ft DfiOPS" (or Nervous llheumatiiira, Catarrh ia th head a ad Bronohltta. I
waa so bad tbat I eould sot eat at all. In bed or anywbera else; my aerres wen all la a qalvar, at atp
Liver and Kidneya wen all out of order; in fast, t was so bad that I Dad to rain ap la bed from
to twelre tlmea la oae nlgbt to get my breath and to keep from choking, bat to-day I sal hearts
er aad la batter health than I have been for the paat fifty yeara. Others an astaat
it ben with wenderful ruulu and stul more nalUnK for It.
Youn truly. GKOKG8 YEAQKR. PorUaad. tad., raa. It, IMS.
"-TSt,-.J'? .?.; ?t-. naatlammi-T rantnd the aHar all riant, far whJeh I aaaA
AajaUII IaAIb. taa t)ROPS," aa4 u mini-,, arary Sar-aaTat Mt aa well fcr taa TaaaaTT
5 - T, Tr i mmwm mmvmr any laiaa taat aaa aaaa raeai waat "a mmwrw aaa,
" 3P.rt' bf.'t' maHifineto ma from shAron. And hAhrinaa It. Tarr eararallr, for be talaaa lamfc
aa aaadlalBa eei earta I
aad It baa Sana wnnd.Fi
H. i . a.ln. it
11 bm daa,won4an far him Ha oooa't harnrwi
h has eteaat J all tna paU la hie Uatln.
. . T riltOM- imraa Rhraiatl.m, arlaHea. Nearalala. nraaraala, ttaal
Sfanrva. BlrxplfaAa a, Winuim Nervaaa and Nearataiti Headaakaj
Weakaaaa. Cma, SwaUlaa, 1 ilrlaaa. MalaHa. t'recalu Xaavkaaaa.
FOR THIRTY DAYS LflN fiF R f" """W -1 ira iirw'M" u a trui. win aaa
I . . T UUWCnaAni.lAbottl.prapaiJbra.Ail.lrnU. A sample bnttle atS
nnlnainn. tin, lanre bnttli isoil doi si uojb-tlaa tor JJ0. Nut auld bf drugslate. anil ar naaad an
at wa. Aft-nla wanted, In naar tarritory. 'Write oa to-day.
lienHmonkev with polities and neelectthe farm. Alons with your other crops this Rprtng. mow
mom wtl avlnrted Mas Seed on your new ground. Nothing wfll pay so well. The arreaare la
going t.. tie lijht, anil the price ought lo be hhrli. There will be a better market at Tiwlr dw
tbau ever liefi.ra. Uivemlly your cropn, aad have more than one airing to your bow.
For sowing piinrnses, will br oB'ered by us as long as the supply lasts. Our mill will nsnais
overs half mil Ion l.nehela In 1SH. Wrlle lor prices and how to sow It.
tk..V'k .'i!!.'-,':? Uro,'n(1 Linseed ;ke. lor atock, always on hand. Ws alsa aunnxaetur
the celebrated Woodman Unseed Od, 1'olled and Raw. "aa
iCeUbllehed 187. WOOUMAM LIN8KKO OIL WORKS, Omnaha, Mak.
ant ban aaM tin, u tha eee
aaaar far lit rraia at whola-
aaii prma, aatiai
aAjr a proaia. Ship AAy
whan for eiami&Atloa.
r.nrjuiiaf VArranlAd.
lllltjlMof Vhlcl.
M ilTlaa ef Haraini
Ton fl!llM. S1A ta A7A
'ft, I'hmuiBl. 'IrAMA.
ctt, HurliiA-rUtAA aad
limT ani . Prlt, f
oA ior lArfta.
mb w'rm mm win f tm.
- i if
J.Hm9 Jmmm1JZ
"Use the Means and Heaven Will Give
You the Blessing." Never Neglect
A Useful Article Like
desire, as we feel we cannot say too niue
in praise of Hood's Sarsaparilla is a bloust
purifier and building up medicine." Ml i.
K. E. ANDERSON, Cumberland, Maine.
Economy la also a character! stie tf
Hood's Karsnparilla. Every bottU
contains UK) Moses, and hence thr
Is a "solid fact concisely stated in
familiar line, 100 Doses One Dollar.
cures when all other medicines fa.
& Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, M&m
The F.cooomtat.
Film I nee where Boston la going u
upend over $1,000,000 on thee puetv
matlc tubes.
Flam That's a lot of money to Wo
i. Kotiton Post
One ten Ui of the millionth part of a -second
can now be exactly recorded bf
photography. The stroke of at bn
filer, supposed to be bistitntaneoaa,
takes a long time In this aieasDremMM,
and a flash of lightning dawdles aioaa
as If it had the spring feror.
For all points
in Colorado,
The train of trains is the Burling
ton's I enver Limited. Nearly two
hours faster than any other. Make
only 11 stops in 538 miles. Runs on
time over a superb track.
Leaves Omaha. . . . 4 :35 p. m.
Arrives Denver. . .7 :15 a. m.
Stepping, chair hnoklng and main- (
cars. Tickets al ofnee ol connecting lloaa.
i. I rauciA, General I'mxsenger Agent,
Omaha, Neb.
Ve flir 4 for nnsalMsl
"to 1 ( 4r
iir.hrii, iiflaVniOitiMk
imlaviiuot or ulcrtw5
of mueooi ntmbruM
I Ml u Uiire.
ImEVARSCHCUICUCO. !tor poiaunutu,
rauuiK, ftnd sot (
0. B. a. 7. lPr n lin wrtn
Pf iprf.n, prepaid.
Uirctilavr icut as i
f. M I. l. kl. - - I. A "
kl harm wlthont aittiu dowa a naabar at tlmea. aad
unu u. uowkuu straaar, venaaat, res. a ana.
ikaaba. aaaban. Bar Tmrmr.
Aib the
ma p. mn,t.
At;lM. ., ...
W. a. tlUTT, ianV,
1Mb I
r '
PH .HAiinil
The Kind That Never Failed YouC
' atfai. ti ktsajijtaaa. Mai aaaa am. .
Tat ! Br a gmnina Tawau AU
I j n imu w cat, ana