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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1898)
HORRIBLE ACCIDENT. STRUCK BY A SQUALL. tat Tbe Leas or Forty Lives. The Bark Helen W. Almy I, Ay Bottom up, and Badly Wracked. 8ax Facisco, March 23. Upon tht Arrival of the Pacific Coast Steamship eaaupany' steauier Santa Kose, from Bu Diego today, the new received at another horrible accident, indirectly attributed to the Alaska gold excite eat, which is believed to have coat the Irveaof forty passengers and sailors. Captain Alexander of the Santa Rosa reports that early this morning, while nine mile off Point Konitta, at the Golden Gate, he sighted a derelict, bottom up. The tug Sea Witch was J 3 mediately dispatched to the point Indicated and found the derelict to be the bark Helen W. Altuy, Captain Began, which sailed hence for Copper fiver point with twenty-seven paten ters and a crew of thirteen on Sunday Che lay upon her side with her stern tow in the water. Her deck was badly wrecked and several planks of her hull were wafhed louse by the seas which broke over her. W hile there were no signs of boats among the wreckage, it is wot belied that her passengers and crew escaped by putting off fioni the vetsel on them, as there has fcxeu a very heavy sea for several days past. Furth ermore, no word has been received from the survivorg, if any exist, ; ltboinh the derelict wass'gbted within ten miles of the shore and only fotty-eight hours hare passed since the wreck occurred. According to tne tugboat men, there was a pretty stiff breeze when the Almy nailed out of Golden Gate on Sunday last, and by noon it was blowinz a gale. Kne left here under the topsails, and ben last seen was standing out for an offing. There was a heavy sea running and it is supposed that some time dur ing the night she was struck by a squall and turned turtle. The vessel was in good condition for an old vessel and perfectly seaworthy. Pbe was on the dry docks some days be fore being put on the berth and her owners spent $.'1,000 in renairing ber. When the Almy left port she had twenty-five tons of ballast in her be tides the provisions of tbepasfengerand tsjeir outfits. She was a vessel of only 2oO tuns and was therefore ballasted vmfficient' v to make her stiff. The Naval Appropriation Bill. ' Washington, March 23. The nava appropriation bill as reported to tht ti .use rries a total cf t35,fi83,056, an v.u Tt- over last year of $3,704 43., and vet the current estimates of 2,01-i.K-4. I ot the increase of the navy the bid aU lrws to lie cons r -ted by contract tliiee ingoing coast line battleships desizned carry the heaviest armor and ruo-t jfiwerful ordnance, displacem- ut 11,000 '. rs, with the highet practicable spee 1 W f heir class, to cost exclusive y of .firmament not exceeding $3,000,000 tuch. ooe to be named the Maine; six i'-rpmlo boats and bix torpedo boat dee. )tnyere,to cost not exceeding $2,340,(00, and one gunboat to take the place of the T'.S. 8. Michigan, to cost exclusive of srmument not over $.'6t),000, to be built n the ureal lakes. One of these ships W to be built on the Pacific coast. The . i.tractf for the construction of all these sertsle arc! to be made within sixty days I the enactment of the t ill. ' Toward the construction ot four tim ber dry docks $200,000 each is allowed, each to he not lees than 00 feet long and sufficient to meet pro ab.e future require of the largest vessels. They are to bu located at Portsmouth, ;K. Boston, Long I-land and Mare Island, Cal., the total coat when com pleted not to i SS'.ObO each. At Algiers, Da., a dry dock is to be built, but is to I e of a douole sided stee! float ing t v;' known as the combined float ing an i -self docking d. ck, caal)le of liftii g a v esel of 15,000 tons displace ment and twenty-seven ftet dmfi of water, to cort, including moo ings and $S50,f 00 of woicn $200,0.10 is ap propria ed thin jear. Ti.e bill directs the appointment o' a board of naval officers to detcrmii e the desirability of locating and constructing a dry dock in the hai bor of Galveston, Tex., aud to report to congress at the next session. Will Hold Her Own. Nxw Yohk. Marcti 23. Tho Herald's ttrrepn it nt in Ixtrnion int rvieweJ ir Ctiai Uiike as l the relations be tween tlie United States and Suain. He thought that there was no doubt that if iar came the United SUtea would more hii t.o d its own. He did not think it 'p-'snihle pain would attempt to block i.orU. A8kei as to tun alu (tule of other ciui.trit s in cae of war, u- ir es caid : 1 "Jai an is n-rhatis the only nation in'irlit be temuted f interfere. It !hh not found tne ooitortun.iy for ex- .aii.iii in Uiii:,a that it expected, and an lietween the United B'R'es and Kmin mielit temDt it to urab the Jr'nilipriines, I regard it s improbable that Enidaad wotild in any way take nartinsnena war officially, but the jaympatl'ie of Kndsnd ou d he with lite United State." hi rrlaoaen In Charge. Waoovci, I.T., March 23 Unitet Mate Marshall Bennett arrived in town in charge ol fix prlrot ers c h t. rgel with sarderia? negro named Chandler end white womb with whom be wi lit imf Mtortay n;gbt Tbe parties arrett ed prominent nt Ginoe station. W. a Ismn. rebnnt ; Ed Burns, aeeiton I mmT, m 0. W. Gains, M. K. 4 X. leatkMi acfM tbe Ms to ta vmXU lUmMm tbe gnatf aW ... a NEWS FROM HAVANA CLARA BARTON MAKES A PROPO SITION. BevUInc the LUt of Bodies Taken From the Wreck of the Maine Keeounoleeaee of the t aba Coaat. Ilivm, March 21. One lix-inch gun and valuable cable were recov ered today from the wreck of the Maine. The bodies of two of the Maine victims were sent to Key West this afternoon on the steamer Olivett. Chaplain Cbad- ich is revising the list of the bodies thus far taken from the wreck. He in clines to the belief that a larger number has been recovered than has been stated but will know positively aa to thii in few daya. The few Americana who arrived by steamer expressed surprise at the tran quil prevadmg the city. St. Joseph's day, waa generally observed as a holi day. All the basinets booses were dosed. Tickets for the evening's performance t the Tacon theatre, costing $400, were riv n by the navy committee this after noon to the commander of the Austrian warship Diuna, now here as the repre sentative of a great and friendly nation tnd with the admiration and love of the nout virtuous queen-regent, who is ierself of Austrian origin. Troops left Maranns city to make a reconnoisance of the Cuban coast to the astern extremity of tbe island. Miss Clara Barton, after calling upon Dap ain-General Bianco, at his rugksee .ion v sited the heads of the colonial tovernment. The autonomists treated ler with such distinguished coorteey Jiat she broached to them the subject f the allotment o lands to poor Cubans, engaging to furnish their houses tram America and also to superintend any iilooies thus formed. Miss Barton was .old that the matter would be carefully ns dered. After she had left the otfi rial taid : "We are Spanish ; does she think she an make Yankees of us? Her desire nust be to Americanise the Creoles." The board to solicit funds in aid ot the Spanish navy met at the palace this iflernoon. General Blanco was elected r eh em and promised to use all his nfluence to induce the officials, civil tnd military, to contribute. The (unc io,i given this evening at the Tacon iheatre for this purpS"is expected to ealize $100 COO for tbe naval fund. One Spanish cigarmaker ja d $1,200 for a leat in the balcony and the lowest price or general admission waa $10 in gold. At the Torpedo Station. Nrwpobt, R. I., March 21. Great ac ivity i? displayed at the torpedo station ere, d ie to an order from the navy de jartuient to get in readiness for slap nent of shells for tbe dynamite cruiser Vesuvius and to fill at once tbe war leads of all torpedoes on ttie island, and ( those that would be shipped to the itation daily until the outfits lor all truiters and battleships would be com ;leted. In addition to the torpedo out its tbe men at the torpedo station are no king on a death-dealing et gine in .he stiape of a buoyant mine, whose die sharge is equal to four service torpedoes f sufficient power to blow out of tbe wati r the largest battle-snip. As toon is tbe rush torpedo orders aie completed the whole force at tbe station will be ut n the mines. The entrances to Narraganeelt bay, both east and west, lave been plane 1 for mines. There haa ust arrived at Ft Adams tor th.s pur pose 3,i KX) pounds of miokele powder, 5,XX) pounds of ordinary powder and 3, J00 poundd of prismatic powder. K lis sonneclin cabla have also arrived and work will begin to make entrance tc iiariagan'elt bay impossible. The big guns are expected daily at th fort and will be mounted at once. Inty Impoaed ou tippllea. Wauioto, M ireh 21. Tue depart- aieni oi 8. ate is ii. formed by the United titaies consul-general at Ottawa, Out., that the Sdine duties are imp' s. d on oods ueBtined lor the h-lonaike reg'ou as aie imiot.d on goods impoitcd iuto any other part if Canada. '1 tie instruc tions to the Canadian euntoiii cllicers or- derin.' tt:is matter are as follows: Wi aring apparel, articles of personal ornainent, toilet artii 1 s and nun ar per soual etlects ot persons arrived in Cana da may be ( a-ed free, without entry at cutt'iiuB, as travellers' baggage, uu itr the prv. visions of the custom twriff, but thia provision B .ail only inc.ude such articles an actually itucoiiijany nd are ta the uee o( anil are in o 6hary aud ap for the wtar and om of such (ercons for the iu.meJiate purpObes of the j.ur'iey and prereiit comlurt and o -nveinence and bliall not be held to ap ply to uit rchaudiise or intended fjr other piri-om or fur sale," A Uelier Fund. Kansas Cur, March 21. A relief fund oi $a,033 and tent)-one carloads of provision-) and codin g collected in Miofcour:, Kausjs and Uaialiuma, for the itarving Cubaiis ot Matanzai were for warded south today. Tuese reliei meas-nrt-s are being carried out under ti.e management of tbe Kansas City Star. Tellow Jaek Abroad. Niw York, Marcn 21. The ateamer Sirabo, which arrived here to lay from Rio Janeiro, lost one of ber crew from yellow lever daring the voyage to tula port. VV hen the Strabo reached port today tbe beailb officer ordered ft strict quar antine of tbaveseeL bbe wUI be de- tevoed for n tborooah ditinlectioa, tht few's quarter .will be lumlflaWd nod jl rti T and m1 tbe efiecU ftaW bedding will fe dfeviaiseted. GcOG- POvVcLL HAIHIOI. crept the I hallrnar Ilitemlml fur Heaa tor Maaiin - A Good hhut. Winona, Mink.. March 22. In re fponse to the chal enge of Bjron t'arlo, maiquisof Alti villa of Madrid S;.ain, to fight a duel with trenata Ma-on of Illino'S for the latter's utter inces in the Unitexl States senate, Dr George Powell of LaCrosne has cable( t ie 'olio wing acceptance of the chsl le'ige in Mason's stead: "To baron elCardo, Madrid : Througl the press dispatcher I am informed thai yu have challenged Senator Mas n U mortal combat for words spoken in de fense of his position the chfltnpi n o! tbe patriotism and principles of his country and its people in tbe 1'nited 8tatp, with usual hpani-h generosity selecting your own weapons. ' Now, as Senator Mason has spent s hf time in the pursuit of a more humane calling, and in the walks of a civilization whxh has but poorly fitted him to meet a bully at arms, as oi who has admired and now enuorses the object onable words and patriot! m of Senator Mison, I, a plaiuman, a west erner, one of irlui known as typical American, typical becaiine it holds p iniiple, as pa riotieui, alove pritie because i; believes that murder in tbe first degree cannot be paid for with gold, hereby accept your challenge and name the army pistol, the old forty-four, the organ of cizilization, the instrument uh whicn the American pioneer measured justice to as afii.e. BUSDKKI.K OF OTHUlii lln VDV. "And while irnestly aMtU'ing you and all ycur kind that thou-an Is of men ul my type stand r. aJy to step in my tracks and pick up my p'.atol if it should tail, I sincerely tbank the representa tive of a ti.oueanil years of barbarism for the opportunity to fira the shot in revenge for the Yankee cail jre, who fed the shark in the bottom of Havana bay. (Signed.) GEOB'iii K. Poh ei.l, LaCrone, Wis." Th; alxive cable waa eent March 17. out has not been made public until to lay. Dr. George 1'owell is a noted west 'rn plainsman an 1 Indian fighter, wbo iollowed t ie fortnn-s of the army lor iinrty years in the capacity of scout and ;uid in the numerous Indian wars, serv rig with distinction under every geue al i the army weat of ti.e Mistifetiiiipi iver during that time of 8o almble to the army were the services endered by him that he has been the recipient of many mementoes from his icnianderi, among them being a mag- nficent silver-mounted revolver costing 1150 and presented by the late (ien. ieore A. Custer. Dr. Powell is about Ifty years of age, and a well known hysician of La Crosse. He is of a n dest and retiring deposition, but rhen once arouitfl becomes a perfect ion in battle. Dr. Powell is a boon lompauion ol such lronttersmen as i .ff. lo Bid, Wild Bill, Texas Jack at d Hners of eqiul rote. liuuiuuu from Vrlluw Kever. Chicaoo, March 22. Uncle Kam has inly to issue an order to his troops to 'cook your food aud boil your drinking vaier" to render the whole American iruiy mmiine trom yellow lrver, accord- ng to Prof, td win Kleeks of Hush medi al college, an accouht ot whose dis ve y of yel'ow fever germs waa pub- i hod a fortnight ago. Tne t-pamsh toluiers io Cuba, among wuoin the noraiity fr m yellow fever ha been (real, have eaten and drunk cooked and inuooked tood and water indiccrimi lately. Professor Kleek'a theory is that if the ii in pie precaution of boiling and cook ing had been followed the army would lave been practically immune from tbe iisease. In the eventofwar with' Spain, the American troops sent ta Cuba would be force 1 to depend lar.ely on food canned In the United States which woald les sen the danger entirely. It is Prof. tCleek's belief that if the familiar in j inctiun of the Chicago healtn depart-an-nt to "boil the water" is followed it wonld complete the safety ot the trocpi from the direata, tne ravages are more to be drea ied than Spanish bul ets. ToKetllc the Uehta. WuhiiiNaros, March 22. senae committee ou Pacific railways decided to report the bills for seti.ement to the Central Pacific and Sioux City & Pacific debUf. The secretary of me treisury, tbe secretary oi the interior siid attorney-general are created a com mittee to settle the debts and to make such ex eiibiona as u.ay t nccesary to iecure the governm-m's interest. In the case of the Central Pacific an amend ment was aihip ed providing that the ill amount ol the gnveirjii,ei.t's prin pat and inte rest n.n-it i e paid. No inn anon was placed on the r-mnx Caty A Patt fie and It In probable that beua- or Moritan and llnrr is wn. make a minor 'y report in favor of a euni ar re- - ric ton to tl-at placed on Ibetycnuai Pacific SCtll. mt lit. A New Name, Wahiiingtom, March 12. Kncretary ling issued an O der tliat t.'ie Amaznias, ' lie c uiwr reijenllp nure'ianej at Ne' cstle-on-Tyue from Brazilian govern ment, hi-reatter sball bear tbe name ol New Orleans. Ibsen's HevrLtleth Birthday. Chrimtiama, March 22. Tae teven tieth b rtbdav IJehrik Ibsen wa cele brated tod iy with great lestivitie. nu merous deputation including one frotn tbe etortiiing, congratulated the poet and dramatist, and King Oscar tele graphed : "I and the qu -en tend yon oar cordial congratulation on your seventieth birthday. Your day of hoo or it likewise n day of honor for theWor w gian people," I been r-wirad hnn- dred M other teUgnun doriaff tho dr A SAVAGE FIKE. MUCH COOLNESS AND BRAVERY SHOWN. any People Met Death In the Plant A Brave t.lrl Helpa Other Keeape and Loee Her Own Life. Chicago, March 17. It required juFt tventy minutes for one of the most sav age flies Chicago has seen since tbe fa mous cold storage warehouse on the world's fair grounds in 1893, to take anywhere from five to fifteen lives, maim thirty people and reduce a six brick buildings to a pile of blazing tim bers, redhot bri -ks and twiMed iron. The number of dead is still in doubt, nd probably will not be definitely known until the debris of the building is sufficiently cooled to admit of a search being made for the bodies of those who are undoubtedly in tho ruins. This will lie two days hence at the least. Three men are know n to be desi. The building wax six stories high,bnd a frontage of fifty eight feet on Wabash avenue and extended hi ck 160 feet to an alley. It was of what is known as mill construction, had two elevator shafte, one in front, one m the rcr and reach in fr in the third et ry to the roof war a lijjht shaft, which nave the flames every chance and it win beciuHe of this shaft tt. at the fire epical with such awful rapidity. FLAMUS HAD Fl I.!, BtVtSO. The building wns occupied by a nnin b r of concernr,, some of them employ ing largu numbers of people. It is ppti nuted that 4')0 M-ruons were at work in the building when the fire was discov ered. The origin of the fire i in dispute. By e me it is said to have teen caused by an explosion of coll niion in the wa 1 paper wareroom of Alfred Peats, on the third floor, and by others to have been the result of an explosion among some photographic chemicals in the photo graphic supply house of Sweet, Wallace 4 Co., on the eix h floor. Employes ol bcth ooncernh deny that there was any explosion in their vicinity. The weight of evidence seem1) to be, however, that the explosion was in the lower part of the budding, for tne flames si t up the I g .t shaft at cm e. There was no eat ing da n. INHATBS TUROWX I A PAHtC. The sound of the explosion threw tht inmates of the building into a pauic, and on several flours a wild stampede began for the stairway and elevators. To add to the panic the men iu etiarge ot tue elevators ran their car up to the top ot the building stouting "fire" at very floor. When they readied tne top both elevators took on a load of frighten ed women and started for the bottom. Trie front elevator was in charge ol Harry ileason, a boy, and the rear one waa bandied by William St. John, a young man. Both of them kepi their heads, showing much coolnee and bravery, and were instrumental in t-av i jg many lives. The elevator in tha front of the build ing wa a deliberate affair, in good or der, but not calculated to produce much speed in such aa emergency as confront ed it today. Uleason made one trip to tbe seventh floor, carrying down a load of women, and although the smoke was rolling through the building in den- clouds, he starxd up again. At tbe fourtb floor he ' stopped to take on a Crowd of girls fri m the rooms of lbs National Music company, being assisted in l.u work by Mies Katuerine Carney, the forewoman. A man tried to forec his way int i the elevator, but Gleason shoved him back into the hall, so thai the women might have tbe first chance. Ttie man never came out, and with brave Catherine Carney, wbo stiowe 1 a b ave and more unselfish spirit prob ably met his death in the flimes. MISS CARNaY A' UKOBIMB Wh-n it wa- first learned the build ing was on fire the forty or more girls employed by the Natiinol Muiic com pany rnrhed to the el-vat ir and fair ways. Miss Carney tried to stop tb rush but Wot uiiabld to cope with tau panicstricken girls, and while some rua fd down the stairways a large num ber biat at the elevator cae and screamed for help. The elevator vm a ice nd ug and the conductor stopped it the fourth floor. Iu an instant it was fidml with the frighten girls. M s Carney remained on ttie floor to m that all ttie girls efcaed aud as the asl one entered the car Miss Carney sUrted to fo 1 w. There was such a crowd io tli d'-vator tbat Miss Carney c tild not get in aud the elevator dejeud-d with oiit her. It is thought she was too latt to ercap", and overcome by ttie smoke wbich was p'lUnni; into the place fed to the floor arid was burns j to di a h. Aft r reichirg the bottom with hit load o' girls, (i't a-on ws about to start npaya'.n when the support of the fie. T.itor m ichinery at the top of tbe c baft c-ugtit Oiean I see n tbat they wonld give way heiors his olow elevan r coaid make another trip bless m gave it up. At ti e St. John did eq'ially ko id work, but was not abln to make more than one trip, as Hi - fire pwent through that portion of the bud ling first. la Open Itebelllon. Haw York, Marco 17. A dispatch ta the Herald irom Maullla on March 10, for Bolina with troop and artilkn v. European caUe operation are saf. The provtncee oi iariae, rangaainin and Z mbale are in open rebellh n and it la feared othart will follow th-dr leader II i reirtel that Aganaldo and othet he tile leadtrs have been held from Hoag Kng, 0,00 ' troop. Artillery baa beer tmt horn tbe province within the War ferwderl Vtw traopi ar Mb .VAulbK ro.MiX MAWKiE.0. A I'erllonlea llride A Quirt Weddiaa;. Xlll tTota Madrid. Sax Fbancihco, March 18. Walter Sanger Pullman, one of the twin sons ol tbe late George M. Pullman, the palace car magnate, was married yesterday to Miss Louise Lander West of this c ty. ! ho unexpected wedding took place at the home of the Kev. John Bikewell, n-ctor of Trinity church, on Telegraph avenue, Oakland. Late yesterday afternoon Mr. Pull man, unaccompanied, made his apear ance at the county clerk's ofhee in the Alameda county court house, lie made application ol Deputy County Cierk Mason for a license to marry. He gave his full name as Walter Sanger Pullman, a native of Illinois!-, aged twenty-three, and at present a resident of the city and ounty of San Francisco. The name cf his intended bride ho gave as Louis Lander West, a native of Californ , aged twenty-four, and a resident oi tb. city anil county of San Francisco. The icense was made out in 'ut) form an I Mr. Pullman joined Miss Weft. Tak i ig a carriage they drove to the home of the clergyman, who performed tin- e e iiooy in the parlors of his turn , t ie clergyman's wife and a Miss Kob bins, a friend of Mr. P.'ackwell, acting a-t witiiefSitf. After the ceremony the cjupl- went awav a" quietly as they had come, without making explanation or leaving auy address, and the clergyman a ignorant of the identity of the co i pie he hud iimrrie'!. The acquaintance of the young people h at m 4t of a few w eeks' standing. Mrd. Pullman, who resided at the Pal ace with her sister, M s. Hugh Mc Donnell, is a daughter ut the late Ches ter ti. West, who was a pioneer of 1M!I, Mving made the trip around the Horn with the earliest go.dwekers. He be ciine a banker in this city and whs at n time very wealth'. He left Int utile pro icrty and his daugh'e a uid their own way in the world, leaching ing the public schools. Hugh McDonnell, who i now young Pullman's brother-in-law, is a wealthy mine owner of New York city. The at (ien. Frederick fjtnler was an un cle of th! Missea Wen ami they are the ncces of Judge Edward I.ander of Washington, D. C. Mrs. Pullman, the bride, is of medium height She is a diamine, with a profusion of reddish hair, ste-d blue eyes, long eyelashes and an attractive face. Threat Made. Larido, Tex., March 18. On severs! sccasiong since the blow ing up of the Maine in Havana harlior annonymon letters have been addressed to M O Christian of this city warning htm ol plot outlined by bpanitdi residents here snd at Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, to olow tip this city with dynamite should ho tilitie arise between the United State and Spain. Little heed was pud to ' 1.0 warning), but another letter, containu violent threat, has just been recer-ed and ha lau-cd considerable comment nd the mayor hai "rdered the arrest of a 1 suspicious cnaracters. Nxw Yost, March 18. A detachment f thirty-three marines were hurriedly s nt away early today from the marine barracks at the New York navy yard. They will join the cruiser Newark at League island navy yard. A detail of tenty-3ve blue jackets for tbe Rich mond, also at League island, wa taken to Jersey City on a tug. It waa an nounced at the marine barracks today tbat an order for the immediate enlist ment of 473 men had been re-eived from Washington. Galveston, Tex., March 10. The tiulf, Colorado k Santa Fe has re ceived a request from connections to bid wiih them on the irau"portation of United Stales troops from Pert 8am Houston to Galveston. The Santa Fe has received a request to bid on the transportation of a lare quantity of coal to Galveston for tbe use of tbe navy. The New I., ti. WarhiM. Lomstik, March 18. The warship Am Kia built for Brazil, hut purchased by the United States, will he formally transferred to the Unned States govern ment tomorrow at Gravesend. Lieutenant-Commander Colwell, the Unitea Mates naval attache he-e, will receive the sh p from its Biaz lliau co i minder. A crew from the San Francisco w ill then be marched on board, the lir. zillian flag will be hauldid down and the B a an sad .rs will b landed. The exe cutive ofheer ol the San Franciaco a ill probably lake command of ttie Area &oi.HH, aud it w ill sail for the United htc'es as speedily is jOrsible under eled orders It is snppoi-ed it is going to the North Arner can station when its crew can ho reinfoiced. The Aumzmas has jtiHtbeen provisioned and coa'ed lr its trip to B'il. The United States governtricn'. purchased all the sjppliet. Commander WilLrd II. Brownson, the agent of the United Btnt navy de p rtmont, who a rived her jeterday, has been besieged by newspap'T men nd ri portets. lle saystlie n-iort of !lw otijt-cl of his mis-ion are incorrect md tbat his errand is one winch he iinnot sp-ak about. Apparently Com mander Brownson is acting as adviser li Lieutenant Commander OolwelL AM to It ret Interest. LoaDoa, March la It ta offioially an nounced today that the f pnl coupon on Spaniah government 4 per cent will be laid. W. G. Whit. Care ago, March 18-W. 0. White, traffic aunaffxr of the Atchison, Topeka A 8aaU Ft railroad, I dead at bit home here. He waa onaol tbe oldest railroad men la th country, and bad been with tna 8eta Ta la different oapaetUee far ta-oatyiva yaan. THE FORCE OF SPAIN EFFECTIVE FOR MILITARY DUTY Srtrm; Tlii.iwand Men Killed. Woande anil Disabled Durina " fdhnn Wnr -The Military Mlref.gth uf hpaln. Washington, March 19. Seventy thouMAm I men is the number of Spantoh soldier who have been killed, wounded and otherwise incpicad for duty der ing the present var in Cuba. These figure have been received in thi city reiently from reliable ource and are said to be as nearly auth ntic a it ie poiaible to obtain them without re course to the records kept by the Span ish government. From the same source considerable other information bearing, on the military strength of Spain and h -r dependencies is given. The pres ent force of Spain in Cuba is a follow: Kegulars 135,000 men. Of this num ber it Is estimated that 80,000 of them are tffectivo for military purpose. There areabut 30,000 member in what is known as the volunteer army. These are mostly in the province of Havana and are largely in the nature of home guards, correspi' ding to our state militia. There are "i5,000 men who are not effective for military duty from various causes. The strength of the Spanish army at home an I including her nearby posses sions is 100,000 men, which in times nf denand for additional soldiers may lie increased as follow : Firit reserve, 50.0X); s-cjnd reserve, .60,000 men, all of whom are instructed in mil.tary tactics and a second re Frve which are not Instructed id 30,000 men, making in dl a grend total of .'10. 00'.) men. Since the 'e Inures f"s r.-ce'ved here recent dralts of J5 men to gtreni;tlien ttie army in Cuba leaves only k'i.OOO men of Spain' regu lar army now in the peninsula, the Bileric islands, the Spanish poss'S'iom in north Africa and the Canary islands. In the Philippine islan 's Spain ha aa army of 32 000 men, which include abo it 15,000 native troop. Tbe latter in time of war, it ia said, i of very little use to tbe Spanish government. In Porto Rico there are 5,0 0 Spani'h Wops, which, in tbe event of hostilities r. mid be supple nentel by 4,00!) volun teers. t bound Float tbe Mam and Strip. Iindon, March 19. The government of Great Britain is surprised at tbe re port of the senate committee on foreign relations wbich, after presenting a joint resolution for the annexation of Hawaii, set forth that Uieat Britain was plotting f r the absorption of Hawaii, A high official of the British foreign offioe said today: "It is unfortunate that tbe committee has such an erroneous impression. I cannot imagine upon what npnord facts they base their report. It eeeiua imp o iable that the senators would is sue official stitements on no other bis than rumors aud suspicions. As a mat ter of fact n thing is further from Great Britain's intentions than to interfere in any way with the existing reeirne in Hawaii. No steps in direction were ever contemplated. On the contrary, her majesty' government ha recog n zd that the United States ha th formost interests in Hawaii and' that it is nataral and inevitable that Hawaii should be under American influence," Corn meal aeut to Cube. Havana, March 10 C Miliars hav been sent to the a hades of about 20 t wns m Cuba notifying them ol the new method of relief and alto setting forth that cornmel amounting to ens pound per day per capita will lie the nrst supply sent. Continuing, the cir cular arks that alcaide personally or in conjunction with the proper officers or consuls see that the relief is properly d.stributcd. Further supplies for re mote places are made contingent for the present upon prompt results of the authorities as to the distribution, the number of peopla fed etc. Vsitors to the cemetary find the graves of the dead of the Maine dec" ted with many flowers, while from the Central place of repulchre waves a long s'reamer of red and yellow with an in scription showing tliat the derorat'otl a id flowers weru pla.-ed hre by tho sailors f the Austrian warship D. nan "In memory of our unrortinate fellow sailorg of the Uniteil States ship Maine." Rerelvliiit l.arice Onlrr. Santa Cr.. Cid., Mnh 10. The Clifornia ow h r works tt c '.vi-d otder from the navy department Wid etday (or 3,000,000 pounds of brown prii-n.afe powder. Yesierdty th pame concern r -ceivi-d an order for ;0,0t;0 pounds of thn until) kind of powder for immediate de iv ry. These together make the l.f'ir Ht single order ev -r given hy the Uni ed Sla es government on this c ast. About six month will be required to fi I tlie.e ord-rs, even with the addi. tional machinery now in course of con ruction by the coin, any. Previous, otdrt' for emokeles powder will teen the works runnLg at their fu'l capacitr for a year. ' One More I tod round. Chicago, March 19 One mora ndtlie knee Jont of another were found in the ruins of the Ay ers rmlldlnr t-Jay. Tne body ha Wen poiU'velr Identififd as that of Willi, m J, Wiler, who waa cretsry and treasurer of the W. A. OlmsteadSdenUBcrompaii- U wa 1 nnOMihl to Identify tha oaUJl of tbe limb. The Iream wortlaWe. - - -- w wmw maw DB ffaMB anvf body which hu already baaa Jm2