The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 31, 1898, Image 5
, . " " --"-" -WW " - J-iEW TAIjLOR GOWNS. THE LATEST AND SWELLEST ARE SEVERELY PLAIN. KkirpCktoit from Ibc l'rofuke Klah- bratioa Nun tioned in Recent Seasons -Braid Trimming Htlll Frrmisalhle -Tailor Skirts with Shirt Waisla. Garbnf tbrTailor-Ma.le Girl. York correnpoiirlenpe ' KK V new deipar ture lu tailor gow ns for the past two year baa Jbn'ii lowardgreat- r elaltoratiou, but this Spring will s-e a sharp turn toward first prin ciples. There an two reason for 1 bin. One is tljiit lallor trimming ' has Increast-d un til il can hwixlly go fan her with out a ruinous loss of tailor charac terisllcs; arid the other that cloth dresses in tho new fitrtrclowed that the fashions are ho tailor if!rl la driven to make a stand for alrsolute severity. This chant,". la Mt iult as much In the materials as in tut and finish. The clot lift deemed ad mistslblo are series, camel's ha!r, wool cheviots, broadcloth of the heavier kind, covert doth, kerslcs, Scotch tnlitunm and men- suitings, anil novel ties are absolutely forbhlden. Braid trimming Ik mIU permissible, and l employed recklessly by some makers. Judiciously used, very harul eoni rigs result, but the first warm days of spring promise to And out right severity at a premium that will in crease a the season advances. The limit of ornanieulution Is shown by ihe T1IKEK NEW TYPES trimmed uiooVIs of the acconvjanylus? akelche. In 111 the now modeU miiK from blous looseiK-f of the sort that haa held all winter, to the newer rid ing JiaWt lit. The iirt umall jilcture )rn.U a cut of lod!ce tluit will bi? a.pproveiI by litany admirers of the Moiwe, but mii h will not be kuIuith by adht-rtn;; to the pacing moilo unlesti their ftirurt are not adiiptexl to the new cut. ThU dresa wan IlavaJia brown Herce, the Bktrt aUsoluu-ly plain, and the bodice braided as Indicated. A newer departure from tight fit wai the bodice In the center of the Illustra tion. .Thin wa a bolero of blouse out lines ornamented with tucking. Thin la to be worn over a shirt waist, with bodice belt of either black or white tAVOItBU fOH WAhl'-I.IKK KIODKRK attn. Womeu hare very giuerally worn their Uttlor nklrts with ahlrt raUta, and thla year'a Htylcn made au thorlUtlve coucmmIou to thl Id a JoUi aklrt of a ttoL'd i-oJor llnod with a UrlKlit wllk worn with a wal4 of flan ael (o harmonlM elthnr with th aklrt or Its lining. The coat or jacket la lined with silk to match Itttelf. taltor aklrta are abtwlnidy a tad k ovrr aJim and down il l V. VuBmi front and aides. A lot of pleat are bi Id right In lb middle of th lark, spreading to allow generous width fur ther clown. Another way of gaining tb! spread li by Spanish flounce Marting from the knew, and of tliift i method each of these three models wan lllus.rative. Maroon kersey wai j the fabric of the left-hand model, nod mode cloih u used 'or tin" right hand one. Black braid trimmed eacn. ano stitching marked the Inclining of the DiHIiNCTI.Y TWO-P1KCJC RIGS. I flounces. Braiding Is little used Dow ; on tailor skirls, and Is rare in the en ' ctrclliiK ways recently no commonly seen, Braid like this on the right-hand suit is siylish, ami any echo about the hips of the patterns upon the ltodice la acceirtable. I'erhniih t.lie of the riding habit bodices Is the sort of which the third picture presents an example. This tyK- doscK from waist to throat, fastening generally at one Ile, and much affected by women with extreme ly slender wnlstx. Then; 'a no ques tion but that it sola out tha-t feature OK TAILOIt ODWNH. of a woukiu's figure most conKplcuoua ly. This dres wa gray clhevlot, trkn riied with folds, stitching and a few pearl button. Of the lallor get upH that consist of absolutely plain isklrts and ornamen tal IkmUci'x. two contrasted nort are pul In the fourth sketch. Such rigs are well suited to the t:iIlor-k1rt-and.thirt-waist combiiuiluon, and so are extreme ly sea-, let-able, but they lack siuue of the e?e!LtlalIy tnvaggcr chnrater!tlc of the tailor gowns in which bodice and skirls tine trimmed to mnttih. He shleH the conluiHt of fit bi-tweejl tlM two, there la tills outright iKfferenoe: The left hand model Included a Jacket to be worn over a shirt waist, and the other must give away cntlrdy when the shirt waist Is donned. The Jacket wnu gray broadcloth, with tight back and shield front. Bins folds trimmed It. The other wfia dark gray covert tlotu, trimmed showily with gilt and blai'U braid. In encb ease thcKklrt was of the snme Muff as the liodlce. The bolero coat and the eton Jacket are again In full foite. and an; the prettiest K'.vle that can 1m selected for slender and really young folk. CopyrlKht, ISIiH. A Sell' Siippoi tliiK Faruinr. i Ireeiivi.le Courtly has one fur mot 'and doiib;h'--s many more) who liua never l-ought Western flour and Wit ern wheal. There Is lillje that this farmer ami his family consume ihat li lioi raised at borne. Not even dis:s bin table rice conic from Georgetown or Beaufort It Is a GiiftiMlle County product and il Is said the low country rk" la not superior to It. This geullo ninn timkea his own sirup, lie makca his own on I a and barley mid he pro duce a large number of bales of cot ton. The horses and mules that he works are native to Ills farm. He has been known to tw t'mls-r from bis own fore-sit nntl send It to a factory, get ting a jxirl of It back In the form of fur nMure. This farmer is not a great pol itician, lie reads the newspaper coro fully. lie Is uot oor. He ! not de pendent. But he la a ?ery busy man, lie Is no pisir tluut he rarely had a day to spend away from Ida own large plantation or plantations. U Is on his farm with the regularity that a cashier la at Ida desk In a bunk atid aj many dnye In the year and as many hoiira In the day. There are farmer who are able to indulfe in more leisure tlhan la thla Greenville farmer, but In (Alter re aueou Uiey are jwarer thaa h to The Need I Kelt. The growing sentiment in favor of good roaib for Saginaw County, Michi gan, asserted ltnett at a recent ses!on of tike Board of Supervisors. Huperv1or (Jerler, a good roads enthusiast, pre entfd a resolution providing for the adoitlon of the county good roads .yn lem ;ts proK-.ed by the Slate Good Roads League The measure, which was finally laid upon the table, evoked a Krcat amount of discussion, which nhowed conclusively that a majority of the supervisors are In favor of uiacnd niiil'.lng the principal roads emanating from Saginaw an soon as the county la able to meet filch an expense. The good effect of stone roads Is be ing unfavorably fell by Saginaw mer chant.. Since Hay (flinty constructed something like twenty mik of s-tone roud m-ar the border of Saginaw Coun ty Into Bay City farmers In the north ern towiifibips have abandoned the Saginaw market anil are hauling all their produce Into Bay City. The mads enable the farmers to market their goods regardless of the wet seasons. Win. L. Webber and "Zed" Kust, two of the wealthiest men In the valley, art earnest supporters of county road Im provement, ami offer to donate thou sands of tons of chip stone for the work in tht county. Aji effort will be made to adjust the present road tax so that Instead of being worked by each farmer an equivalent In cash can be placed lu a township fund to build tone roads. Wby Itroud Tired Wheels I'ny. A wagon going up hill requires more force to draw it than when it Is moved on a level. When a wheel Rinks in soft soil there Is an elevation of the ground In froivt of It equal to the depth of the sinking. When a narrow wheel sinks three or four luche In the ground the effect is precisely the same as If the wagon was going up the same Incline w hen the broad wheel Ls used, but If It does not sink in the ground this obsta cle dot's not exist. The surface of the wheel does not interfere In the least with the druft of a wagon even on solid, hard ground, and It must be evident that the broad wheel will not cut Into a road as a narrow one will, and thus on soft roads must be easier draft. By the use of a broad-tlced wagon when a new road Is being laid out, It will soon be rolled hard and solid, so that even a aarrowtlred wagon will not cut In, but attempt to make a road during the average harvest, winter or ftprlng season with narrow-tired wagons and the job will usually prove a failure. Itov Stone. Gootl Rondel Wanted. There has been Introduced in the New York Senate a good roads bill which provides for the construction through each of the counties of the State a macadam highway that shall follow Ihe leading market and travel routes. The entire expense of the con til ruction of sucti roads Is to be liorne by the Suite and the work is to be done under tlu dlrecilon of the State en gineer. The only e.xMtLse to the coun ties Lb the preparation of u detailed uur vey of the highways selected. Hnil Kond a Continuous Tax. Favorable results are rcKrted from all the States that have systematically taken up the work of road Improve ment. The subject Is one that will make Its way If earnestly considered. No one can say exac'Iy what a good road is worth, but all who uw roads know that a bad one is a heavy continuous tax. St. 1ouls Globe-Iemorrat. Indluna Activity. The commissioners of Lawrence County hare awarded the contract for fourteen miles of gravel roads to Amos Mnsselnmn & Co., of Anderson, at S."2, 5r. When completed Lawrence Coun ty will have almut one hundred miles of first-class gravel roads. Indianap olis Journal Furmera Aelt ite for Good Knndn. Lajieer ('ounly, Michigan, farmers are strongly in favor of the L. A. W. movement for good roads. They are agitating n plan for State aid, to lie pre sented to tin next legislature. An L. A. W. liook Is being mailed to each farmer. SELLING HIS MEMOIRS. A Trumii's Itrillliuit Mciihn of Kuiainu the I'rlec of a Men I. The audacity and wit of the A inert cun tramp are proverbial and undoubt edly they often save him from harsher treatment than his mt rlts or demerits entitle him to. A country lionise near Buffalo recently received a call from one of the specie. The man was dirty, unkempt ami uiunlstakably a tramp. He also Isire the signs of addiction to strong diiuk and general worthlehs-nis-s. The humorous touch that finish ed Ihe picture, as he came up with a .jci'ia: smile and n good deal of man ner, w as a round and fresh clerical col lar, which hud evidently been lifted very recently from the premises of the neighboring college. "Maibuti," he an Id, "I am a mission ary but lately relumed from long veam of service lu China and oilier hiMithen InniU. For the aake of health and relaxation 1 a in rent-wing my ac quaintance with nature and my native land In this unconventional manner, To help pay niy way 1 am aelllrrg for the merely nominal price of lifteen ecttn this record of my missionary ex perloncee." The fellow made hla atieeoh with a look In hla rea that abowed hla enjoy of tM gantav The rolame waa a dirty caaiaway, reamed frm aa aat) Uarrel. but t!ll 'The Life of th Bt. So-and-Ho, Many Year MUslooary la the Far East." "Uear, dear" said one of the ladles. "Haven't you a clean copy?" 'Madam, there are others, but they are with my baggage. And they art twenty-five cents a copy," he added; 'this is the popular edition I" One of tlie company, charmed with the Bt.yle and Impudne of the scalar wag, went in to get the change. While the waji gone the missionary and lover of nature leaned against the veranda post, wiped his brow with a snlnlnf coaAlail and cheerfully remarked I "Ladies, the Lord is giving us delight ful weather. Is lie not?' Then he took ids money, waved his dismantled derby ,'illably. and went on along the high way. The Incident was happily clofid by the purchaser of the "Life" of the departed brother reading aloud, when she could catch her breath, these open ing lines of the preciutis narrative: "I was boru of humble parentage In the town of Glastonbury, Conn!, March IS, 17!)2."-Buffalo Commercial. l-'ruil of die Grape, We learn from liiny that there waa In existence a famous wine made 200 years Is-fore. It was so thick that it had to be dug out with a spoon and dis solved iu water. Scarcely a nation on the face of th globe has not used ah-ohol In some form or other. There seems to be an lnnarta craving in mankind for Intoxh-atlDg llijuors. The Greeks alone Becmcd able to use the beverages and keep sober. The strongest drink was natural wine, containing no uiore alcohol than our claret, yet they always added water to It. The wildest diners never drank wine that was not a third water, for they drank for exhilaration, not intoxi cation. The Macedonians, however, over threw Greek temperance. They were heavy drinkers and were led by the king himself. Once when a suit waa being tried one of the contestanti shouted: "I appeal." "To wham?'' asked liiilip, contemptuously. "I am the king." "I appeal," said the man, "from liiilip drunk to Philip sober." The suit was retired tlie next day and decided to the man's satisfaction. The later Romans cared more for their wine tlian for any other product. There were 125 varieties In use, eighty of fine quality. Common wine was very chiiip, and It was u Joke that it was lesa expensive than water. It was common to mix honey and various spices with the wine; a more surprising admixture was that of salt, which was supposed to Improve the flavor. Another, and to us barbarous, habit was that of add ing resin or turpentine. This is done In Greece tip to the present day. Among the Romans for a few hun dred yetiiu people were temperate, wine w as scarce and poor and was reserved exclusively for the men over tarty years of age. Women were forbidden to use It, under pain of death, for the alleged reason that It was an Incentive to high living. Women were obliged to greet all their male relatives with a kiss on the mouth, so that. It could be told If they had lioen to the wine cellar. I'liny quotes tlie case of one who cudg eled his wife to death for having sam plisl his wine a,nd was pardontMl by Romulus. Four hundred years later a Roman dame was slnrved to death by her relatives for a similar offense Chicago News. Sparrow l) ncllrd by Sw allow s. A successful lynching took place on a farm In Michigan, the other day. In the barn a swallow's nest wm seen clinging to the side of a beam, from which was suspondtd an English spar row, hung by the neck with a hair from n horse's tall. While two men were sitting in the barn they noticed a sparrow go Into the swallow's nest, from -which he began pitching: the young birds. Three swallows, at tracted by their outcry, Immediately pounced upon the Intruder. After con fining him to the nest for a few min utes, they threw him out. lie dropped about a foot, there was a Jerk, and Mr. Sparrow was hanged as nicely ns though an expert hangman had been In charge. The hair was wound around his neck several times, and, after a few Ineffectual struggles, he kicked his last Grand P.aplds Herald. Tunnel I'niler the Duniibe. The Itaniibe, like the Thames in En gland and the Hudson In New York, is to have a tunnel beneath Its bed. The Hungarian Govt rumcnl has just completed the necessary arrangements lor the const ruction without deltiy of a subway beneath the river at Buda-lY-ili on the same principle as Unit of the new Black well tunnel under the Thames In London. There Is to be a footpath for passengers and an electiio railroad. The upper way will be re ftenetl exclusively for vehicle traffic, and ventilation Is to be provided by electricity. Had an Answer itendy. By his ready wit under adverse t lr ctiinslanccs a Western Senator recent ly proved himself a modern Chester field. Although ho rides n wheel, he Is uot yet an expert. Recently he was wheeling In Washington through tint agricultural grounds, when he met a man and two women whom he knew, yulle, the Senator raised one hand from his wheel to lift his hut, and the next minute ha had tumbled into a lied of tlowers. "You did Unit Tery graci-rul, Senator," waa the comment of tho trio of blcycleru. "I always dis mount In the presence of ladles," In trtaitly replied the ftcnator. Theater Chut, lie In China a play la elx nionttthe lmi. 8e Dear met What a lot of good ahot leather you aave In not belnc ttbere to 9 out betwaea the acta, Ietrow rra PmTS AGRICULTURAL NEWS THINGS PERTAINING TO THE FARM AND HOME. After Prelim Inn Fine Fruit, Iearn How to Sell it for the Mont Money I'lyniuuth Hot k llcna Have Mao; Point of Kicellence- Hritf Notes. Frnit Growlnn- An apple tree will nearly care for Itself, but the man who wants good trees In the future will thin his frutr. If a tree bore one hundred apples I should remove fifty. If the next year It bore two hundred I should leave one hundred to ripen, and the next, If it had a thousand 1 should leave six hundred. This will get the tree into the habit of bearing. A peach tree that will set a thousand peaches needs to nave six or seven hutched thinned off. Thus you will get more bushebs to the tree. The more you throw away the more you will have, and you will practically gel $4 for $1. After producing fine fruit learn how to sell It for the most money. The fruit which brings most is that which is neatest, fullest and most honestly packed. lick your fruit carefully and In the cool of the day. Tack in a. cool place and In tight packages, for the less air that reaches the fruit the better. Then put the crates In a cool place. In packing grade your fruit; the finest first, then medium, etc. The three or four grades should be uniform through out. Ask your dealers what kind of packages sell best. Next get a good dealer and tell him you have a good thing. Have your commission man go and see your place. The business side of fruit growing means belief In your self anil then making those with whom you trude believe In you. Finally, do not go into the business until you have thought it out and made up your mind that you will suceed. G range Homes. Profitable Hen In my operations iu the ioultry line 1 have never found any breed to pos sess so uuiny points of excellence, with I lie ordinary treatment of the average farmer, as the Plymouth Rocks. They pay me. I have had a flock of forty Plymouth Rock hens average me $1.45 per hen for the year, with a country market for poultry and eggs. They had the run of the farm taul barn, with an abundance of 'sour milk and such grains a.s the farm produced. This f-eemed to furnish all they ik-slred, ex cept grit, which was supplied in plas ter scraped from the walls of an old house. Now, with a larger flock, I am feeding buckwheat mostly, raking It deep lido chaff and straw, with bone and meat scraps obtained from butch its. The hens have plenty of warm water to drink, and they take lots of it, too. My hens are kept In what was once a hay bay, now fitted with win dows and devoted to poultry. It Is light, warm and roomy. Joins the main barn floor by a sliding door, and the hens are let out a w hile each day and given the run of the entire bam, both for exercise and to save scattered grain. It works as well as a more cost ly arrangement and keeps the fowls in splendid vigor. Last spring there was scarcely an Infertile egg iu all my hatch. Maine Bulletin. Straw Stuck Stuhlca. Wherever grain Is largely grown the straw left after threshing will make a cheap anil warm stable for stm-k the ensuing winter. All that is needed Is to set posts In the ground close enough together so that they will form a good support for a tlat roof, ami pile the straw over it and on at least three sides. The side not built up against may be used wholly as a door for stoek to run In and out, or It may be boarded up, and one or two board doors made. Sometimes this straw stable Is made against the side of a stack, and the ani mals are allowed to eat iulo It. This, however, Is a dangerous practice, for late in winter stock may eat fur enough so as to disturb the balance of the stack, bringing it over on I hem, and sniot lifting them. Whore the stack is built over a stout shed there is no such danger, it can Ik- easily madeas warm as any basement barn, and without miivh cost except of the straw. Ameri can Cultivator. Sowing (truss Heed. One of the questions being at the farmers' institutes is whether the old-time custom of sowing grass seeii on grain is as beiieici;i of good i t" oils as sowing the mms! alone. It Is I. lie that the grain shades the grow ing grass, but the stronger root growth of the grain crop must to n certain e)i tctit affect the young grass. Then there Is the advantage, when grass seed Is sown without using grain land, of ('"rough preparation of the soil for the grass crop, which Is not Hie case when grain is seeded in the fall and grass In the spring. It Is possible that if grass seed Is sown on land lii.ii is line and ready for Ihe seed it will make much greater growth than when Kown on grain and llius escape (he effects of Ihe dry season, which usually comes In summer. On sandy soil clover and the various grasses may be seeded down In August, but on clay soil the frost may throw the plants out during the wlnler. It Is a mistake, however, to Kiipose that a grass crop can not be grown from spring seeding without the old of a grain crop. Golden Hod. This native plant deserves n place In all gardens, and enpeclally In those Mining n collection of Amerlcn.ii plants. It Is so hardy, so showy, and so easily fiioii that It deacrven more attention than It often gets. Each little shoot broken away from the old plant In the Miring nd planted In almost any way or place will become quite a plant by fall. A cluuip ef It llgbAa up the corner in which U grows like a bonali-. Oats of tlie chief merits of the plane Is it 'ate flowering quality. By its neve we prolong the season greatly. Witt It should always be grown a Tarlety or two of our late native asters. The two plants are boon coropa-nions, and on setjiiis lonely without the other. Cer 'ainly the yellow glory of the goldeta rod Is greatly heightened by the purple haze of the less iwy but equally beautiful flowers, and between these there Is a contrast that is full of moat harmonious effects. tsiiilina Ifarn Doora. There should be no toleration of that old-fashioned swinging barn doom, which winds will soon break from their hinges, making it Inqiossjble to operate them except by lifting the door and carrying it arouud. The sliding doors on iron rollers are easily kept in order, and are worked so easily thai a little) child has power enough to operate on of them. They iiave also the advan tage that the door may be slightly open ed and kept In that position, which, would be difficult to do with a door swinging on hinges. The sliding door came into use when basement baraa were constructed. Ill such case tlie doors on the lower side, where they w ere 10 to 12 feet above the basement, had to lie put on rollers. The conveni ence of the sliding door now makes it more lesirable on barns, however they may be constructed. Sowiiiic Grans Seed. Clover seed on grain Is sown as early as it can le done. It will be an advan tage to go over the grain field with a smoothing harrow, which will not only bene tit the grain but prepare the ground somewhat for the seed. Do not try to seed by u&iiiig the hand, but soar, with a seed sower, a wheelbarrow seed sower being excellent. If the wheat plants have been loosened by frost sow ihe clover seed and run the roller over the laud. The weather condition must, of course, influence the matter. Many farmers sow clover seed on the snow, allowing the rains and melting snow to carry the seed down; buit there will occur a large loss of seed, which will Ik1 eaten by birds, some will freeee and become worthless, jiortioue win not be covered by earth and the "catch" will largely depend on s-pring coiulitionf. Potatoes After Corn. It is possible to grow a good potato crop after corn if the latter has been planted on an old sod heavily manured. In such case a good deal of the virtu of the Bod was not secured by the corn crop, and there Is besides a dressing of well-rotted manure to be turned up by the spring plowing. It is much bet ter to plant early potatoes on such land, and to plant them as early as a good seed bed can be had. Without a freeth. sod to decay and furnish plant food and moisture in midsummer, the re sult with late potatoes would be that they dry up just at the critical time for making a crop. Varieties of Peac hes. It Is believed that failures with peaches In many sections are partially due to the proper varieties for each section of the country uot being select ed. To learn more on the subject ton work of testing the varieties has been submitted to twenty-four experiment stations, and it Is believed that the re sults will be very beneficial. One of the great difficulties in the way Is that of procuring varieties true to name. It is seldom that a peach grower succeeds lu procuring the exact varieties order ed unless he knows from whom to buy or has evidence that no mistake will be made. The Itest TnrkeyH for Breeding. It Is not surprising that turkey should soon run out and become infer ior in every way, when we remember how so many fanners choose their breeding slock. All the late birds stunted by corn feeding while young are saved, while those that are large ami fine are sent to market. The idea is that the small bird will be fully grown, and as large as the largest by spring. But It never is. Saving the best birds for breeders insures earlier laying of eggs, and an early crop of turkeys next year. Profits in Ithickbcrries. Perhaps it is safe In asserting that in proior!Ion to labor and capital Invest ed no crop pays as large a profit as blackberries. Growers who complain that black Ih nics do not pay should first estimate the expense. There are blackberry fields that have lkirne crops for tin years, which have never re ceived a pound of fcrtlllwr or manure, nnd, outside of culling awoy the old canes, with rough cultivation in the spring, have received no lalKir. What blackls-iTics would do for the grower If treated like si raw I terries Is et to be demonstrated by some. Stock tlint Giiiiis in Ynliic. One of Ihe besl rules for profit able farming Is to always keep ns much young growing slin k as possible, and to discard eaiiy that which been use of age Is declining In value. Food that makes growth Is always much more pi-'Hlucllve than Ihat given the fully grown animal which only requires to be fattened. In n hog the first 100 xnitids cost less than the second hun dred. A fier a hog gel to be 1100 weight most of Its food goes to maintain its present condition, nnd there Is very little profit lo Ihe reoder. nine of the Cow Pen, Analyses made at tlie Colorado Kx perimeiiit Sijitlon show llit pea vine hay Is richer In protein than either clo ver or alfalfa. The pea vines contain materially more nitrogen than alfalfu, and are valuable for green niamiting. There Is a considerable amount of pea vine huy made In Colorado Th vari ety grown tw that pur-pone la know a a the Mexican pea.