The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 31, 1898, Image 1
:,V The Sioux County VOL. ZX. BIA-EISOIsr, ITEBBASKA, THTJBSDAY MABCH 31, 1898. into. 36. Journal; The Sioux County Journal.!"; ftiWAitijaiED 1 .h.3. o Subscription Price, J 1.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF 6IOUX COUNT . . . lioo. It. ("anou. Kill-, or. Hut.irwt t(. the Hunison post ollico as second e Ih- muvvcr. 11 - - - The record in tlie .supreme court is us The .lot un-al HtmvU fairluMh":- , j ,7 . IVtitim iii error was filed in the sn- and uqu arch on the Cmcvgo ,,r,.Ilu, C)lllt Jline s,.nlwil;ls bUs. platform, but trill not hesitate ! pend "d and hail 11 x.-il at ?1"-J5.()(i(). ' to Kuhriort and work for Me 15,11 or fcxc-T't-'on Wed September flection of candidates for the variou ojfice to be voted for thi fall no matter, whether, 4 l - 1 4.. '.V - ., . ,i ,Or jl'Ce VlVCr J.CjmbllCailS, if i .endorsed, Inj all the reform ar-' tie. Conditional, hou cver, ihat advocate bi-mclalin the incemie tax law, opposition tow,. national b(Ull of iwie, are nnr.n.l in ll,, ..-., ,.,, . freenbac. x and treasury note, favor government control of railroad, iilcgrajdh and tele phone l,ine and the edahlhli merit of pouted sarin; bank Jna fistem, and (dm are on- prnedto the U;u2in; of nation - . ' I 4(1 OOrid m time of K.ace. v?7 'V .! 1. VtVh it'n the matter with Ilannn The prospects lor war seems to be tbtf wane. No taU in the Union is doing more to relieve tlio suffering oppresse;) Cubans tl:u Nebraska. Populists, Iti-e silver Republicans and J k-niocrat of Val, i)ton. hava tuiited on a slate and conu'tes-ional ticliet to I .voted, on at next (ail's biemal election. The $.,0,0()0,ii(Ji), appropriated hy con gress for coast ili.feiicts wil,1 help give home of the lioys a good job any way evep if Uncle Sam wont light. tianiia, the middle man lictween Wall Street and the president knew litt ho yan talking nbout when ho said there would lie no war between the Upited States and Spain. Spain has a lew suinpathizers in Sioux .county, and we doubt if it has not in th f tate, from the way thu jieoplo are con tributing to the C'uhau relief fund, now dicing conducted by thu World Herald inaha, relief liureau. All those fullowH who have hid out in Jlhe woods for fear o( having to light thu bloody iipaniard.s, need not bo afraid to show themselves, for the cruel war is Xver. I Cine out and beat your ,aworus into plowshares and priming crooks. Hon. Thos. Watson of Georgia, who was nominated for governor of that stato two weeks ago, by the middle- of-the-road populists, has absolutely declin ed to make the race. It seems to be a clear case of the office seeking the man instead of tlie mno seeking tho oflico. THE BOODLER'S STORY. A (liaructcrlsllf I'alhfliood Wli Ich It Told About JuIk' 8u1Uvhii. THE BATLEY CASE IN COURT A lt -ifcnrlnsc on tho Motion for a New Trial bun boon ordered, Tl) old 8Utte Booller, the other day without provocation published ouo of its c.iaracteristic falsehoods, which was impjodialely Ulegraplied to every part of Uie iiUte and within two days every republican rabscallion in tho state was peddling it from door to door. . What is Strang about it iv that after having de claimed for ten years against the lying of the fltate Journal and after tl.iiiouni:- a that rtf))HT fronj overy platform in n-. ' i. " . r1r ::v.-.if . . -ft; I be state a whole lot of i ons nml d rno- r rats :it nn accented tins stateumnl. w: bout an y iiiiiiiry, as true, ami l-i , trail to bowl wor -e than a band of coy-i would won) tbnt Ibe people after a .vlu would l:irn tltat iT tliev see it in the State Journal that it is good c-vi.J, in.,, that it is not I true. The story wai to the effect that the supreme court bad ordered a new trial in (he Jlar'.J -y rax. anil th. t it was done ' at the reouct of Judc Sullivan. No j now trial has been ordeted and Judk'e j . Sullivan nt ver made any such request. ,,,,. , . I-nef iileil by Iiartlcy w counsel Octo- usrsi. ,!ri,-'f of lt! "tate 20. filed I-'ecember ( ase submitted lJt-ccniber 2?. -Judgment and sentence. 0r tlio lower court .January ... a re-hearinj,' (ilwl February Motion for a re-hearing allowed Marcl To allow a re-hearing of the motion I '"r " "HW ,ri;i1 ' rlot '"' '"'i'-r for a new trial at a vV'hii h of the iinlires voted for a new re-hearing is not a matter of record and no one knows. I'.ut it is per fectly sale I.) say that it na not Jml'o Sullivan. The order for a re-hearing will hold the case in the supreme court for two or three months longer. In tie) meantime Hartley will remain '"'ZTVl TT'T a hond for i.iiD.i, w Inch he has so far bee,, unable to d.i. This correction is not written c.i the hope that the ignorant ai.d prejudiced ! p-aJets of republican papers w ill ja-t the ! fai ls. They will continue to rejoice in ttie belief that their bite treasurer has tieen p-iven a new t rial and that there is' 'ood ,,r hd,, u t 1 1 m. t repubb-1 I cm courts will see to it 1h.U Hartley I vvll n..v-,.. ii t.. tli.. . ... t .... ; T. Ji. Tibbies. THE NEW YORK WORLD, THRICE-A-WEEK-EDITION. IS I'Mres Week Papers a Vcar For One Dollar. I'lililislii'il every Altcrnale liny cxc-pi Snuiiay j tl'he Thrice-a-Week-World Ivliticn of , Th:: NEW YOtiK WoUU is thst, anion- al! the "weekly" papers in sit, fre- quelicy of piihhcalion and the freslmess. , , ., , . . I accuracv and vanetv ot its con enfji. It i has all the nierritsof a, Krt'rtffidolbvdai-1 ly, the price of a dollar weekly, lis po- j lineal news is prompt, complete, ae-air-1 . .i,,., ,i 1 ate and impartial ns a its readers wil. ' j testify. It is against the monopolies j and for the people. I It prints the news of all the world, . . . , , , ,, having special correspond, noe from all important news pointson the globe. H. has brilliant illustrations, htories l,y 1 icrea I ' ' , . , , , ., , ! pieie mai-Kets, ueparimenrs lor trie imuse , hold and women's work and other special departments of unusual interest. j Wo oiler this lineipialcd newspaper j and TlIK Sim X ( iiI NTY JochxaL togeth- er one vear for f 1,70 ,r, , ... ,,. - The regular sncscnption price of tho two papers is $ZM0 j MIIOIIOtOll 5 tn, H. E--tfNi I "THE STYLISH PATTERN." Ar tistic Fashionable. Ordinal. Perfect- ritting. h'rivej 1 U aisu JfifentH. T None higher. Nonr bttler at any price. M c .e.ii . . o .i i f ounic rcu4uic mcrciiaiii cu inem u T nearly every city or town. A..k for T I them, or they an be hd by m?il from J J m la either New York or Chicago. " i Stamps taken. Latest Faihion Sheet Y tent upon receipt ol one ceut to fay Q postage. I Erlfhtcst ladiej' tnjj?ajne ptifclisfied. 7 Invaluable for the home. Fashions of A the day, Home Literature, Houvholi j. Hint?, Fancy Work, Current Topics, J Fiction, a!l for only 50 centt a year, In- A cludira i rets ra Iter a, your own tc-lcc- lion any lime. Jend two 2-ccr.t Unip T for umple copy. Address Q THH T.lcCALL CONTAfrV, t t I42-J46 West Mlh Street, New Yur i JS9 Fifth Avenue, Chicago. Z PAT HHlue.l I to Vt pounn, p.r kiQ-IM. No llnr-lflf, nn Inoenvanlcnr,, no l..rl r.mlti, mi n.o..'il drvff.. 'I nwrl-llf h,rila Mid tltirllf ri.nH' dtnliAL U.i.rtl.w III '.ill ii. h.stli irw. Cillnrwrlle. till. 11. L. lHll"l,llai'.hlil,6l U.u..,il. 1 ssrx v. I ?nrr?f Din in Pnrts. t nx'K i:i:am. . ! . - ... w w 4 . w-t-' i t :i k na t i m h i kj m mt mm -. Grave errors, iniuntice, wroncs of i greater or less degree, arise from lack ! f knowledge cf the truth, and nore frequently frjrn deception. The most infamous cape on record cf deception and injustice is the at tempt to demonetize silver c - a money of final redemption in the Uniled. States. There is no learned iude. -.killed lawyer, or court of justice that is capable of reconciling the effort v;ith;L ftj1 f " thl 1 i - iiiu tt.ii:iiiaai'iiUi iav,n iiiii -Vv;ui tiic issue of mercy in this country. The people have been deceived, officials in j ovver, chosen to adminis ter justice under the lavs, have ignored the'r sworn duty, and (jiven aid to the scheme that has paralyzed : inrlii .trv rcilurcfl nrnnerlv vniiips , j , . 1 . WJ j one-half, and beggared millions. There is no authority of law, either ..pecific or by inference, by which gold alone is made the only money with which to discharge debts, cither public or private. The effort to mahe it so is unconstitutional and a national calamity. Plain and ample infermation, facts, and truth, concerning this almost suc cessful scheme to corner the wealth cf the people, is now being printed in the Cincinnati Erquirer, a news paper which the coriibined power of money has failed to muzzle or buy. The Weekly Enquirer is only 75c. a year. The address is Enquirer Company, Cincinnati, O. CO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. riniy tw fcriain our npihion Ireo wriHhw an Irtrotl.iii in prohnbly natontHhl-. fonintitiilnv. ionn(rl);ilyrititi!cntfnl. 1 Inii'f hvk on Pnttiuta pTlf froo. Ulftt mrenry for nt curing pat fiitn. ValPtitH tnkfn tliruujh Mutm & Cu. reteivo 'ptrini nitixe wiih'mt cbrtrve, ii tlirt Scientific Jftrserican. A hnnfl-nnifily Hlunlralnrl wnrkty. T,firtrf.t clr--u hit ton at any fK-KMtt itin lounmi. Tmi, :i a voir: frmr month, fl. Kolil hyaH newHiiniliTx. fif.NSCo."'a-" New York liiuiicli OlDco, ia r .St.. WiishlliKton, D. c. ,S'h'rin"s S"lc ,. , , , , , , , lly virlue of an order of sale Issued bv the clerk ol the Histi-lct Court of the comity of Kloux, and l,nte of Nebra:-ka, iipnn n dcci-cu """'I,'r'"1 ''' H:M Court til favor ol Jane K. Homlruir pliintiir, and John Meinhurl, , . , , ,, , ,, (""inline Mcinliiui, l.cwls l!uItln(C, Mrs. r.-.vis llnilinK, itc of i.ewis ltuftiin.', whose One cbri.iiau uame is unknown, anil W.J. l!"w'1'',., I will oa tliciMhday "r April. A. Ii. J ..H, nt the Hour or 2 o'clock .. , , . . p. in.ol said day, ut the. east Iront door oi tho court lion In Harrison, In stud county, ofur and fell Die lollowln;? described real U' wit: K' s''ttl" K.Town- ihi. XI, Hani. ,!, in siouv county, Nohruska, llt ,, ucti to the highest bidder U,r cash, to .atl-fy said order f sale, in tho um of .... willi Interest th"rs.n t tlie ""' " l"" ",T l"'r "', iron, the y liceciiibcr, 1SD7, and costs und m.t.,.ulllB ,.,,ts. Tm, N ,.,.,-, Mierlll' or naid County. N.icriir.s Siili". !y virtue of mi order of sale Issued by the Clerk of he I oniric t ( ourt of the county of niouv, niei mile oi ro-orai-Ka, upon a ib-cree -,.,,, y (,,llrt , 11V(jr(j r. htanton, JdaintilT, Lorenzo I). Harmon, A. L. Orinsliv. trustee. trunk lialh-v Isaac A. Pratt and Francis K. Prat t, dclcrid. ants, I will on the nth day of April, A. It. Ih'.is, at the hour of ',' ,.1'clock p. ni., or suld day at I lie east I I'm.', door of the court house in Harrison, in nald county, oiler unit sell the fol!owinit described real estate to wit: ill'' HIV1, of section 6, Township M, KariK'n A:l, in Sioux county, Nebraska, at public auction to the highest bidder for cnsli, to satisfy said, order of sale In the sum of t:il.ati, with Interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from the ('.Lit day of December, Is'.iT, nml costs and uccriiltig costs. Thomas lloi.i.r, .sheriff of hiii County Ill The County Court ot Kintu Comity, Sr. Iiraskti. 1- THE MATTFH of THE KKTATB ( OKjollS II. IIKoWN, IjIX'KAHKIi. j m- OIIOEII J oR IlKAHlNll OF Fl MAC ACCOUNT. ryiwonthc sthdHV of March, s:is, cume rt. s.r, oioiit.s, llll) Aillllllllslriltlix ol said l-.stale, mid prnyn (or leave to render a timil iiccount lis such Hdinliilstratrlx. II i therefore ordered I hat Mm Ith tiny ot April Ih'.is, at one o'clock p. , t my olllce, In Harrison, Nebraska, hn fixed us the time and place for etatnlnluK and allowing hiicIi Hccount. And Hie heirs of said ilecea.ed all persons Interestud n mild Kstute are reipilred to at the lime and place so designated ami show cause such exists, hy said nccuiint should tu'il be nllowed. It is further videred Hint I he -aid ANSI K, lllUUVN, Adnilnlslratrix, Klve nollcn to all persons In said hs tale by chusIuk a copy ol this order n. b published In Tiikmoi x Cot't v Joliimi a leual newspaper printed uiul In if nil cir 'U icUon In said county, for lour week, prior to the day set lor salt) lioarluif, listed nmrcli Kh, Jn'.n). A truii copy. ItollKliT Wil.sos-, (skaT.) 1:13 :"'J '"unty Ju.Iku. Hlpans Tabules pure constljiatlou. I Hi: .orifMi. u ;n ...... : ... 'ri HUS 2 ft X K'B W9 n BT H W V KT1 i. . '-..imj vni rr r; II . kp " ' '"IKoniie. lor , ,. v,.r .,-h ,l. I "luoiiiil i.raii.l rem.. nil- r ,.r VT, 1 ; ""' Tinels la Tin: .Joi n km. I the i,,e.m of llViK ,llt.v tor vou H'.ANK NCTTO. On left si le or cattle on left . Iiunl'lcr or liorscs. l.'iuiKMOii Antelo)o creek 1'. ., (.Inii-iin-t, Sioux Co.. Neb. h ai:i.i:s .,ikiij.i- i !., ' lef t or lllp ol cuttle, ( ; '- " M' iii.ier f j lien'! ul Wjn-foonmH 'it A'l'lre-s Harrison, Sioux Co. Net). i ' v- s W ! i; I V y.?jft,TjOii left sliouliler ol flit Ho uiul lir ''l tufeiASMil. iiitf"!! I.lltle Cottoiuvooil. I'd. ., t iawlonl Nelir. JTiial Proof Notices. AM ri.rmns hnvlnff Until priwif notices In this p:ip r will receive n inurkeil copy ol tlie ,iipe-HU'l lint requested to exiunil'ie uiul it nny r rroi s exist report the l.auie to this olllce at oliuf. .NOTICE KOI! lTliLlCATIOX. I'. S. J.iuid (iflicn Allinm-e, Xetj. ( Feliriiiiry is'.s. j Notice Is licrcby piven tlmi tlie following JiMiiicil h'-ltier Las llleil notice of his inten tion i ii he tiinil proof ii. siippurt of his chiiin, ami Ihal, sail proof ivlll he nnnte be fore M. .1. lilcwett, Clerk IHsirict nt llarrl.on, Nch., on April at i.. Is'.., viz: Wil li nn uk of Ihirrison, Nch.. ho iioulc II. I:. NO. '.i.M, for tlie S-W i., s-K'i, S',, s-W , Sue. lion 4 ami S K1., ,S K.'i, -cctlo.i ft, 'l'ownsln p in N Ifan.c Tiii v. lie tiMincs tlio followlni,' witnesses to prove bis continuous resilience upon nml cultiva tion of mh ll land, vi.: W. 11. ICurtiest, Wil liam lloil'li nml W illinm lionrett, ol liar rtson. Neb., mill Henry liriimlic, of den, .N ib. V. J. W'fciiN Ju, UeiHter. KOTIC'K KOH PI'IH-ICATIUN. I.'. . I.timl Oftlcc Aiiiance, Neb. .ebiiHrv l, t'.is. j Notice is licr by given that the following imineil settle" has flieii notice ot his inten tion to make final prool in support of ills claim, loci Ihal said proof will be nifule be 1 ore M. J. lilcwett, Clerk District (,'niirt at Harrison, Nch., on April, ml, 1'JS, viz: Henry l.lnileuiail, of Il.irrist.n, Nch., who uiaile II. K. No. wins for the KCj s-Wi nml V, S t'.ij, Section !, Tounship No. 38 N li. ne :Vi W. He names Iho toilowiniy v.-'. tnesses to prove bin continuous residence upon and cultivation of said hind, v iz: I wis Oer Inch, Charles Hielile, John. Pliiukct. and Jinnies K, shilt, nil of Harrison, Nebraska. J. W. W KHN Jit, lieKistur. T'MIIKU CCLTt'UE. FINAL 1 K'iOF.-.NO- TU.'i; FUK I'UBI.ICATIOS. I- - - L". S, Land Office AJlmnefl, Neb. v. Febuiiry 21, 1, ( Notice is hereby Ktven that Herbert S. Woodruff, ol l.iv.'.nla, V. y., lias tiled notice !f tntentloii to make (liiiil proof hetor M. J. lilcwett, Clerk Distriet tJoiirl. tit his nlllc e 'n Harrison, Neb., on the "'nd davof April, im timber culture application No. I.W4, for t lie s.ICi of section No. I, in 'lownsliip No. J. ( N lianj;'. No. . W. He nancsas witnesses: .fohn W. Ilix.on, John W. Tidd, William V. Ill .von ami Henry C. Hunter, all of A'lelt.t, Nebraska. J. W. WI'.iin J , lii'Kistcr. TIXV.EU. Cl l.TI KK, FINAL I'UOOF,-NO-T1CK Knit ITIil.IC'ATHlN. 1.'. S. Land Oli; , Alliance, Neb. Febunry 1, is'.is. 1 Novice ik liercby Kiveti that ..lagiu Wun tor of Adclia, Neb., filed notice of inten tlon to nmkii II mil proor before M. J. Illew ctL, Clerk District Court, at his office in Harrison, Neb., on tlie Kml, day of April ls'JS, on limber culture application No. I .TO, for tlie N V'4 cf Section No. 1, lit Township No. .: N RaiiKi- No. M W. Siie as witnesses: John Serres, Paul Series, John F. Meyer and Anton Me t'em, nil of Montrose, Nebraska. Also, that Andreas Wander, of Adelia, Neb., has hied notice of Intention to milk. final proof nt tlie same time and place, on timber culture application No. 101,1, for tli S Y. of Section No. 3, in Township No. S3 N l.'aiiKe No. M W. I.'e mimes ns wltni'sses: John Serres, I'atil '.-ires, John F. Meyer and Anton "Icj.em, ail of Mo.Hrose, Nebraska. Also, Awlrciv Wunder, of Adelia, Neb ho uiaile II, F.. No. IL'l 17, tor the S t', a W ' ami M.l'i, N-W 'i of Seelion 1 1, Townihip :;i N Italian "si U , lie names lol lowing witnesses to prove ids continiious residence upon unit cultlva lion of Bald land, viz: John Serre., Paul Serres, John.. Meyer and Anton .McKcin, nil of Montrose, Nebraska, J. W. WEili Ju, Kcgistrr. Notice, To Noic Resilient Dcloiiilailts. In the District liurt of Sioux County, Ne braska. Tho Farmers Trust Company a corpora tion, plaltitlir, vs. David Ander.Hou and Dora Anderson, defendant. To David Anderson Knd Dora Anderson lion resident defendants; Tou are hereby notilled that on the . th day of Febunry, 'is, The Farmers Trust (nriipnny, a corporation plalntllT licrcln, filisl lis pi'tltion In the above entitled cuiiso, In the District Court of Sioux county, No hrnska, nyalnst the said ilcfenants, the ob ject and prayer of which Is to foreclose a real estate morlKufro executed on the 1st day of June, said defendants upon Hie property dlscrilicd us lollown : ThrfS K 4 of Section Win Township M N Kiiiie M wet in Hlotix county, Nebraska, to secure the pnyyient of a pronilsory notfl for Hie sum of :,l.'t, due and payable June 1st, iwi, that there Is now duo anil payable oil snlil note and inortifiiirn the mini of HO.m, with inlerest nt tlio rnto of 10 per cent, per sn aiitu from tho 7th day of Fehiiury, Mis, for which sum, Willi Interest plnlntlll pruys for a decree that ILu (iefemlants py tho same, and that In iliifniilt of sucli iinyinent miid' priunises limy bo sold to snt.lsfy the amount lound due. Von me required to nnswer said petition 0:1 or before the 4th day ol April, Ism. TlIK Fti'MK ST i 'TCii., liniiilin'. ByW.W.VVom, AtUrO 'Vforplaiiitiir. 14 1 mt 'r .1 n jun. n i . n n b rn m h frE If ILL DC WAIf If you don't believe what he says go to the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE and take a look at those 500 pairs of Boots & Shoes just arrived last Tuesday, and you will see he is warring with every store in the north-west. font-Wfiar nf him . wv. v. mau.. vviiooti bJ-XCCXJ. CI o cLiiy other store in Harrison. Fresh Garden Seeds plon Tfeid-quartersfor HARD-WARE, TIN-WARE, I.RY-GOOL'S ani dlOO, (JROCERIE,., FLOUR and FEED and everylhiu- needful & useful. LEWIS GERLACH, Prop. THE- COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1888. Harrison, Nebraska. B. E. Boiewstls, IYusidont. D. H. GRISWOLD, Gashi.r. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50000. Transacts a General CORRESPONDENTS! -I A.iniBKAJ 'ExcHAJfene ViiomfiAtit?$f Oxaha National I.ANK,. Omaha, First National Bank, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. tSTDEAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. HARNESSES SOLI) AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, I ALSO HANDLE Flour and Feed of all kinds at my harness shop. Third Building West of J. II. Kartell 's Grocery Store. KCGERT R0IIWER, Proprietor. The best of Wines, Brandies, Whiskey and Beer kept constantly on hand. I handle the THE NEW TIM u i nr. uiicjii ncruKM MAGAZINE ii, I, .jf tv Mir km -it a s i "'.' " Let me take those loadsfrom 4k . . I THE NEW TIME, 56 I. GERL.C?! Says its sa You can bu XT J Tidot.qt . lion -,. for Sale, C. F. Cofpb, Vica-Preiidioi. Banking Busine -iO. Omaha Beer. MICHAEL BRUCK, Proprietor. ?VA FRANK, FEARLESS FORCEFUL UNCOMPROMISING ; OPPONEKT 0? PLUTOCRACY editors it B. 0. Tloiv.' ', Montltly, too targe pnes, lllmtrated, not a dull line in It. It is huhtinit yinir fif,-t; ' it dewrves your mipport, yZZbacis" .Wffl - lor fix cents. Fifth Ave., CHICAGO .: h - 1 --s r r, c . t ... 10 r .. . ; Mr ..M,l.tiV