The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 24, 1898, Image 8

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    . . . ' I "
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TECRSPAY. 2i tti, 1S9S.
fo. D. Lnf. JMitor niul Proji.
F. E. 51. T U. It. llllif tatde.
Going West. Going East.
4to. t, mli(il,.rX: I No. 6, mixed JJ:
F. E. 1L V. It R. is the l?t
to and from the
A map of tiie
United States.
r.rtrUrfctoti lioute Is three feet
by four Ions; ii printed
in seven eolora; is uionntetl on
idlers; tbim every state,
CeJntv, town and
tlriUlroad In tbe 1'nion, and
ortnt a very desirable and
iffi adjunct to any bouse
hold or business establishment.
l'urc!;iiseii la liw iiunnti-
V ties, t'.ie mnps cott Uurlington
Ilouto more tlmn fifteen cents
each, but on receipt of tliat
iiiiioiint in stHiupa tbe under
signed will be pleuued U aeuil
you ou.
Write immediately, as tie
supply tx limited.
J. FRANCIS, Gen'l l'uss'r Agent, Omaha, Neb
11(M A. lloleomb ...Governor
Jamei! K. IJarrU Lieutenant Goveruoi
W. r. Porter .-iecretarjr.of Mate
John K. Cornell Auditor
J. R. Ifeserve Treasurer
C J. Stnytli Attorney General
J. V. Wolfe Lund CoinmUsiuuei
W. B. Jackson Supt. Public Instrvielion
(John M. nmrston. I". S. Senator, Omaha
'Wm. V. Allen 1'. S. f-eniilor, Mwdlson
J. li. Strode, Congiceimiu. 1st Iint., Lincoln
1). II. Mercer,
.Samuel Maxwell,
W. L. Stark,
K. D. Sutherland,
W. f.. lireeu.
J. J. SUivan Chief Justice, Columbus
.T. O. C. IlarrtMOU Aa'to Jad jfe, ( ;rnd Island
T. I,. Norval Aoc!u,' Judjfe, So ward
). A. Campbell Clerk and Eeporter, Lincoln
M. P. Kinkaia Judge, O'Neill
W. II. Wentover . " KuaUv;ilt
11. J. Blewett Clerk, Harriton
DUtrict Court, At Ilarnaon, comuieuces
Spring term Ala' St!i,
yll " get 10th ' Jury jntli.
;ounty Court, kt Ilurrlson, commences
,llrt Monday of each mouth.
ptto MntzSenator, Diat. No. H, Springvlew
A. E. Sheidop . Itiat. No. 62, Chadron
Robert Wilson County Judge
M. J. Blewett Clerk
idiaa. Biehle Tre'isurer
'.luie Merriam .8upt. Public Instruction
Tbo Holly Sheriff
J. E. Phlnney Coroner
B. F. Thoniae Surveyor
M. J. Blewett Clerk of District Court
.Grunt Gutiirie County Attorney
enn C. Meng lat Dlalrlct
Andrew Prceunler 2d "
Juckon Meilleu(Chairniao) 3d "
E. F. rontius (chairmau) Trustee
jjohn Davis "
D. II. Grlawod "
W. B. Marsteller -r. "
jK. Robwer , "
W. II. Dftvl Clerk
Gerlacb Treaaurer
Bfert Bohwer Director
B, L. Smnck . . Moderator
J.ewi Gerlach Treasurer
,?ethod!et Snnday School tneeta erery San
Jay niornjnir at 10:00
W. II. Davis, Mim B ktbll,
. fjipcrintcndent. Secretary
Regular busme.n meeting Brat Tuesday
evening In eaaU month.
l). KriTDAI.L, President.
Teotlonal meeting every Sunday evening
lit H:A. JIB. KlUDALt, Leader.
MetM ach Sunday aijtruon at 2 :H0.
MM. MliaLL.,feupt.
,fcKUT Bt'SK POST, So. fi. A. U.
M'i aecond Monday Inpuch month in
, :ia curt bouae at Harrison.
C. E. Uvwrafore, Com.
f.VH-ou Camp, No. Kt, meets on al
- a Wlorfy ovenJng .
Dati, J. A.IUksow,
Clrk. , , ton. Cora.
mb altfrMU MtmnUy evaaln;
Ts w'yor J. w ,switb, V. c.
grant r.uTiirji:,
Prompt attention given to all legni
mutters in Justice, County and District
Court, and before the United States
Land Office.
Fire Iasurauce written in reliable
CF"Lecal papers carefully drawn.
Harrison. - Nebraska.
i. E. FKINNEY. M. D.
1'hjiscian aii(l .fixnjoon.
All culU given piompt attention.
Office in lirug Store.
Omce: tlifc kichsteln IJliUi.iK,
HARKI30N, - - - NEB.
Home made Bread, Pies
aud Cake kept con-
ftantly on Land.
Luncli Counter
Brovru Bread
served every Saturday.
Prices to suit every body.
Mrs. A. E. FRANCiS.
Firt Daar Sjuth from the llarriaon House
JOB WORK Stationary.
The rules of the lor-nl land office have
recently lieen amended so that m ttleix
to wake final proof hhall settle with tlie
publisher before sending in their Applica
tion. All parties desinrit? to niiiko final
proof cau have their papers made out at
The Journal oflice, free of i haixe, and
promptly transmitted to the land ol'ice
so that no tune will be tet.
Trees utid Plants,
(icncrul .Vssortnictit cfNnrsnry Ibtock.
Ites' TariftieH fur Xtbrsska.
Millions of Strawberry and Raspberry
Plants at wholesale and retail. Our
planLshave been irrigated when needing
it therefor very thrifty and deep rooted.
Buy the best near home preventing loss
bv delay and saving exlia freight or ex
press from eastern poiuta.
Write for price h.-t to
North Betid. Jodgu Co., Nbb.
Special Locals.
Anybody wishing good
need corn(King of the Black
Hillpican pee a sample at Eg
gert Iiohwer's harness shop.
This corn was raised on the
devide north of Crawford.
For sale Salzer marvel
spring wheat G. W. Ilenter.
A bowl of ho up Eli EE
at Mrs. A. E. Francis' Lunch
Counter Saturday noon.
Ladies and Men'a mack
intoshes cheaper than ever at
The shoes console the
feet but the prices console
your purse at Bartell's-
A great crop of bargains,
come and reap the harvest at
One neyr Disk IJaTrow
for sale at cost at Baktell'h.
Two more new Breakers
left. Come quick if you
want a bargain, at Barters
320 acres G miles north
w'stfrom Harrison, running
vyater on the place all fenced,
a good frame house, for sale
cheap. Enquire at this office
for particulars.
Supt. Merriam, who was taken quite
sick Sunday niht is much better today
It was thought by the Doctor, who was
called to treat her complaint that she
might have a siege of lur.g fever; but
ba will be all right in a day or two.
Mrs. Cggert Rohwer accompanied by
master Edward, went to Andrews last
Wednesday evening, tliey will return on
FriJay, the Misses Elsie an d Edmi will
accompany them, meantime friend Eg
gert ill try batchelorhood.
There will be Mass at the pourt
house in Harrison on the 20 of March at
ten o'clock sharp. As there is to bo a
special meeting held immediately lifter
mass; all the members interested in the
bu.lding Jasua should eoJeavor to attend.
0 0
count v dav
Uzirards evidently.
R :rt Itaw is assisting in tlie county
clerks oUUe this week.
Wanted Five hundred readers to sub-!
ienbe for the Journal one year at or.e
dollar ptr year.
Olney Kendall is a,ritin in the
po-,to!"je during the distribution of
We are pleaded to know our liDmfc
b.ikery is doinj a flourishing busi
Shi-rilT llully ti.indayeil out at I!
d,irc, where In! went on olHcial buiineHL
Me u :is :i tnii-st at Jiihu Srres an
. 1
friend of Tom s !
Eit au-,-d-iy niorninij was aWjut
the coldt t tnortiin of the season, the
uiurcurv refristered 10 below
zero at f
o'clock a. in.
AKfcnt I'ontius, who his In'en at C'av
per Wyo., for a month, came home last
Monday hu hnt: slightly indisposed. He
i-i all right how.
Tiie Mi.-scs Elsie and Flna Rohwer
sjvnt a few days at Andrews vixitinjr
Or-indm i an 1 auntie and cousin Clara
they rejirt a tU time.
II. lK.-(errin, returned for his
overland trip, which was in the vicinity
of t asp -r on last Stturdiy. Mr. Do.
again left on Wednesday of this week.
The annual election for electing five
village trustees will occur at the court
house April .Mb lSU-i. Every voter
should turu out and register his vote on
that day.
Mrs. Lotis of Daidwood S. Oak.,
came in on the west bound train from
Chadron last Monday noon and will 1
domiciled at the Harrison house for a
coupl! of weeks.
Notice I tan cattle hides and all kind
of skins with hair for rok-s, or without
orb-alhr. Ku tample and prices in
J. 1.1. Iiartell's store.
II. OLDP.nrr. Olta. Neb.
Five of the V.'asserbuiger hoys and
Dan Jordon were in town on last Monday
to i-'ive testimony in the Bowen affair.
T, B. Iirailley of Bixiarc is contesting the
cas as of Mr. Bo wen.
John L. Kay of Warbonnet. on last
Friday received of C II. Einiondorf, of
TurlinKtnn, Neb. a younjj hereford ani
mal for stock raising purposes, which
co-it liim Jl lO.OOcash. The animal it ten
months old.
Thos. Dunn nnd Iin Rlattery of
Warbonnet, who went to tiering a!oiit
a vvecli ai;o in sesirch of work, returned
minus the labor on last Sunday. Mr.
Dunn intends to leave for Russell Wyo.,
in about a week.
On lat Friday evening a genuine
surprise was tendered to the Misses Hat
tie and Georgia Bherill of the North
western hotel. A most enjoyable time
was spent by ail. The Hisses Sherril! are
among the most charming young ladies
of our town.
Mrs. J. W. Earnest of Running Wat
er, who has been visiting among frieuds
sitti old acipnuntinces in the vicinity of
Seward, Neb. , during the past four weeks
re' l reed t i Uv home te lattr part of
ia-t week.
-Mrs. Thos. Holly enlsrUiuel It r
sister of Crawford on last Friday. We
understand the lady is an excellent ar-
tist an 1 would like very much to form a
class in this city and of course the Jocit
I'AL welcomes business in art as in all
other lines.
Lutheran services were held at the
court house on last sahliath after-noon.
It was rather an unpleasant day conse
quently the number in attendance were
not as large as usual. Services will ba
held here on the 17th of April next and
out at Highland on the l"th.
V. A. Hestor left last Saturday
evening, for the north-eastern part of the
state on a stock buying expedition, Mr.
II. just recently disposed of 111 head
of yearling' stock purchased in Johnson
county, and he expoets to pick up as
many if not more in that neighborhood
OQ his present trip,
F. D. Moouey of Crawford was a
victor in this city on last Saturday, and
while here we added his name to our list
of readers, as he dropped a "cheap dol
lar" into the palm of the Journal scribe.
to haye that pajicr sent to him for one
year. Mr. M. is thinking of, and may
e'ere many moons become a resident of
Parties who have little feeling for
dumb animals, should read the monthly
paper published in Boston, Mass., entitl
ed Our Dumb animals. Anybody, who
will abuse horses, cattle, cats, dogs &.c
will certainly not lie held guiltless of sin
by our heavenly Father in that day when
He makes up his "jewels" if Ood creat
ed all things We do not doubt it in the
least then dumb animals which were
created for our use and to be our ser
vants, weie also created with feelings in
like man nor us human beings.
A very serious and what might
have been a fatal run-a-wnj-, occured
in our city, on last Saturday evening
about six o'clock, w hen Mr. Lacy Sr. and
Mr. Johnson, started homeward, a team
owned and d.jven by the former named
gentlemen, in some way liecamo unman
agable and dashed from the control of
Mr. L-icy throwing both the occupant
of the vehicle out n main St. after
which the horses ran in the direction
of the section house, w hen in some way
they been mo freed from the wagon, and
in a few moments after they were cap
tured. Fortunately neither of the men
were hurt wrinusly, though both got a
thorough shak o? up.
M iiiday is Sioux
Jerry Will took a trip to Gordon
on busiiies last Friday. He will r.-turn
tod iv or tomorrow,
NOTICE Any body wishing to buy
metrtll w heels will ilit vell to c:ilf on or
.ui.n,i-,..,(i r( s. huts. Harrison. N'eh.
Agent I'ontiug was busy yesterday
clearing up the telegraph batteries in his
ollice. !
Mrs. E. F. Fpntius informed the!
Journal scribe yesterday that she had
tight little chickens which were hatched
on St. Patrick iUy. Well tl.r-y will
make a nice fry Uong about June 1st.
Mrs. Rich. Duta of (liithrie Wyo.,
who has spent several weeks at the home
, of her parents Mr. j.nd Mrs. Sherrill, ex
pects to leave for her home on next
Monday eveuing.
The Misses Neece got up a n:ce4ittle
surprise party on Miss hllie u right
j Tuesday evening which was attended by
about 2"i of Mis E'fies young friends in
the village. A deliglful time is reported
and every !ody enjoyed themselves.
Mr. E. F. I'ontius who has l-en in
charge of the .station at Casper Wyo.,
during the past few jveeks, returntd to
Harrison on lust Montay evening. Mrs.
Pont, us who went we.,t on last Saturday
to sptnd the t'ahhalli with her husband
returned ith him.
We are in receipt cf a copy of t lie
Wheatiand (Wyo.) World, edited and
published by I. O. Middaugh. The World
is newsy und shows the handy-work of a
through newspaper man. We are glad
to make your acquaintance Shake
brother MiddauglC',-.
George Wedge of Omalia a friend of
Mr. Thomas Snow, who resides on Raw
hide creek near Pitrick Wyo., arrived in
Harrison over fhe North-western Rail
road last Tuesday morning'. He will
stop with Mr. Snow nnd family nuring
! 'be mimmer.
Mr. Wedge conns out
west in the interest of his health. We
trust that western Nebraska and Wyom
ing pure air will accomplish the desirtd
The city council are now seriously
thinking of putting up a windmill for
pumping the water for our town, instead
of using the steam engine as has been
done in the fast. ,!. W. Hester h: s
made a proposition to put in a 10 foot
mill and do the pumping for the (own
until the mill is paid f.r, at a certain
price, after which the wind mill will tie
turned over to the city us their property.
Good scheme.
Hon. Frank Tinkuap and "Jack"
Krisler, his better half, who have been
out in the Eiramie mouintains mining
for th past six months returned home
last Monday evening for a ret and vaca
tion. The hoys have not. been working
their own claim to amount to much
since thry wtie here the last tune,
choosing rather to let the conipn' who
owns and is opperating a mine close toj
theirs develop the district which willj
be pretty certain to indicate the value
of theirs. They report the prospect in
that country good for their mining inter
ests and believe they made no mistake in
locating a claim "up there every body
was 'lud to -p tl-e lrivs, rnd the b'ys
we.e g , l' -rv i v o.;.y i"un ier;
rruuiiana Jaa.U tia r .ii.uu 1,1 ,veiux
j cour., y fuf llv(, or ,hrPe we(,ks.
! x. .;.... "
Services at the M. E. church next sab
bath, morning and evening. Evening
services to be conducted by the junior
League and its superintendent.
While this is not an Etster service it
is intend,! to fill its place and a collec
tion will be taken as an offering from the
juniors to the venerable of the church.
T. L. Kendall Pastob,
Lumps From Sugar I,ouf.
The most severe blizzard of the season
passed through this neck of the wxods
last Monday
The Grey wolves are still prospecting
aound in this vicinity doing damage to
some one every few days.
Iist week most every body was sow
ing w heat or preparing to now, but at
the present writing they are shoveling
This ha been a very good winter on
stock so far and most all the cuttle in
this vicinity are looking well considering
tho short fee l.
The party of w'olf nunters that went
out last week had poor success, they
found the wolves, but did not succeed in
getticg any. CoijNn.
Montrose Clippings.
The weather has been rather unplea
sant for the last week, the wind has been
blowing from a dilferent direction every
Grey wolves are getting numerous
in this section of the country II. Kon
ralh lost several head during the pist
week and II. Piekenbroch lost one and
others around have lost cattle by the
wol ves.
Two hunters from Crawford with ten
grey hounds, and alj the youn men
from this heighVirliood turn'id out to
day on a wolf hunt, we did not hear the
T. Piekenbrock left for Alliance to
work for the B. & M. R. R.
W. M. Oayhart ha como from Edge
moot last week he is going to move to
Sioux Co. in the near future.
Mr. and Mrs Dan Jordon und Mr. nnl
Mrs. II. Waxsei burger were pleasant visi
tors at J. J. Wasserburgers Sunday.
Most every body are busy working
darns they are putting in damn In creeks
ana large ravines, Bloux Co. is commmg
to the frout slow but, sure. Sags.
Here We Are Again.
500 pairs of shoes
The above is an addition
onii, etu ttnelr nf liuntd
" "
Tsorth-W est eltraska, and as to prices we i;r,r i
Conipetion and are sure to svat all who ccm
Marjstoller Erother.
. )'
-t -
T"'c." wr!t5 us for Description
il-W- .1. v boon tolling our
Tuition Seventy five Outs per Week.
j No extra char
for examination or
' cer.'.iiic .ie.
',, i i.iir..e of s -h! ; u'm! include, on v tho-
hniuch-s required by law fur a first
Lndi: ccrtlfkale.
A gr ide i. f V'l per cent in each of the
thud grade biau w ill bi required for
a third grade certificate.
A grade of S I -r cent in each of the
second grade blanches, imd including tho
third gradrt 1 ran lies. Will be required
for a second grade Certificate.
A grade of i0 per cent will b? required
in e.u h of the lir-"t grade branches, nnd
including second and third grade branch
es, for a liirst g nnle ( ertilicato.
No one will receive a marking of 100
per cent in any If. inch of hludy. Only
a specialist In a r.glit to so high a
J. W. SMITH. Drawing.
Phof. Jons It. GitAY Botany, Ilook-kw-ping
Anthimt.c, Physic, Algebra,
Si it. kijkik Mi:mtUM. Elements of
EdiiCitiou, History and Rhetoric, Or
thography nud Reading, Grammar, Civil
Gov., Physiology, aul Hygiene, Geo
graphy. LE .TURFS.
Elements of Education, written by
J. F. Sivlar. to be read June 11.
Book-keeping written by Hairy E.
Wilson, to e rend June 21.
Botany, written by Prof Bessey, to 1
read July 1.
Paer, Subject selected, A. J. Babeock
to lsj read July K.
Our country's Hox;, Prof John R.
Grav July 15,
There will be a teachers social July 62.
Teachers are requested to come prewir
ed to give a htterary programe Aug 5.
Examination Aug 5 nnd 0.
I hop') everyone, residing in Sionx
county, will manifest their interests in
the cause of education, by their atten
dance at this Iustitute, or by visiting
at least orm day. A special invitation
is extended to memliers of a school Injurd
to come and visit us, nnd encourage the
tea hers to greater efforts than rfver tie
fore, by showing an appreciation of Ibeir
efforts in giving them their hearty sup
port. It is only right and just, t.,at fh
tea hers, who f.pend their lime nr.d
money each year that thv may l let
ter prepared themselves for their work
in tiic school -room, shnu'd have a first
choice In our putdic school..
However the sole aim nnd rr.'l of right
education it not just to tench school.
The true n!m. of riht pouoation is to
assist in the development of li the men
tnl and phvsic'nt power. frj f
ri'jht education l tho complete d" veop.
merit of those powers. I hope to rit-et
many others ut this Jr.gtitu;'! l-onioes
those ho expect to tench schcV.
Visitors will receive a hearty wel
come. EuuMkiwa
ypcjfrr v;rpiisjfy t.
Just received oveip
of the latest styles.
to our already large and
nti( inf'S HOW Oil IiailU.
HmtMit ever kIiowii in
. t i rr
Vc pay the irclUt
Ncbraslta and Vystcrn Iowa.
You Get $95 Organ for $83,.
dowp and J'.O) j or lUJiit.,
Fully Guaranteed for K years.
and (-'ataloguo. We jv
tell ycu
friends alxnit this jiovv 'St year
.Vihlltloiial Local-..
Virgil Hester w ill arrive tomorrow
with tw,o car-loads of young cattle from
Sioux Oily, where he went last Satur
day to buy them.
BORN'-To Mr' nr.d Mrs. Will Wright
today a hoy , weight - lbs. Mother and
little one are doing nicely, We cant
speak for the father as he is not here,
but supKw he will be abot taller, when
be read-, this little squib alxjut the uew
arrival at les homy
E. A. Waterman, who has !en eov
ployed out en the ranch by Charles Cof
fee for the past year invaded this sanc
tum yesterday and ordered tlie Jo'.'RNAL
sent to his addiess at Bodare for the next
six months at least. We bupe, ho will
get the worth of Wa money and believe
he will.
- J. J. Rodgers of Soldier creek, one
of S onx county's pioneers was a pleas
a:.l i aller at this of'ice yesterday after
noon and droped a .Vic dollar on ye edi.
tors round table to renew his devotion
to llm JouhnaL, como again friend Ro
gers; we are glad to have company any
time. Iiney Sutton informed the JoCKNAL
reporter that his motht?rs house nnd
every it contained was consumed
by fire Tuesday night at Pleasant R dg
He Kiyt the house t&ok flre'about 10
o'clock at night, and they do not know
jnst how the fire started. The house
wasHx :50. tory and half high and
with its contents cost JsOO.O1). Mrs Sut
ton and her son, who lives with her only
escaped with their lives. We understand
his siother did not have any insurance
on the property, hence it will be a tola)
One of Two WaYs.
The bladder was created f()r one pur
pose, namely, a receptacle for the urine,
and as such it is not liable to any form
of disease except by one of two ways.
The first way is from imperfect action of
the kidneys. Tlie second way is fiou
careless local treatment of other
Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidr
neys is tho chief cause of bladder troub.
les. So tlie womb, like the bladder, was
created for one purpos. and if not doctorr
ed too much is not liable to weakness or
disease, except in rare cases. It is situa
ted back of and very close to the bladdej
therefore any pain, diseasa or inconveni
ence manifested in the kidntys. ha,,
bladder or urinary pas-age i often, by
mistake, nttributpd to female weaknew
or womb trouble of some s-irt. The error
is easily made and my h easily void
ed. To find o it correctly, set your uriBe
tide for twenty four hours: a" mH.-.,.
or setthng indic.i'et kidney or bladder
trouble. The mil I and tho extraordinary
elfer:!, of Dr. Kilmer's fUanip-Ront,, the
Kr-MiT. KMiney, ami i,i;w!, remedy Is soon
realised. If yo.i need a ruslu l... ......
should i.ave 't bust. At druggi.U fifty
cents and on. dollar. Yju hiay ,ave ',t
SliMlilu bo'Cu acd uamriiil.,1 .
umu. Uxm receipt, of tliree iwo
cer.t sttwnps to ixiver cost of fmsUge on
the botiie. Mention the Hl'iux CsiTr
J'irrNAl. and send your sddress to Dr
Kilmer A C.),, Bingiiumton j. y 'j,'
pro(iriloM of Ibis paper gurantee tlM
gorjuineiicus of Ibis ojl'ef.
- ' - . 5 v..